Women's Voice - Vol 18 US

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brandie wilkerson Olympian

Conquers Tough Challenges




Sugar the


Truth VOLUME 18-U



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WILKERSON 14 DON’T WAIT FOR EASY ...it never comes

Photo: Michael Gomez Photography



Sugar the Unsweet Truth

Influenza: Coming Soon to a Household Near You

– by Stephanie Rubino, ND

– by Jennifer Brix, ND



Skin Aging Is Inevitable – Premature Aging Is Preventable – by Karen Jensen, ND


Supplement Support for Long COVID – by Michael Murray, ND and Gaetano Morello, ND


Dr. Stephanie’s Essential Nutrient Guide – by Stephanie Rubino, ND


Iron-Deficiency Anemia Prevalent in Kids & Teens

The Miraculous Power of Vitamin C – by Marita Schauch, ND



Superpower Snacking Secrets – by Karlene Karst, BSc Nutrition


Women Who Inspire Us Meet Jenna Fournel


8 Tips to Improve Lymphatic Health – by Marita Schauch, ND


Lockdown and Isolation Affect Immune Response – by Julia Solnier, PhD


The Wonders of Apple Cider Vinegar

Easing Back to School

– by Karen Jensen, ND

– by Karlene Karst, BSc Nutrition

– by Karen Jensen, ND


Metabolic Insight Using Personalized Data – by Kate Rhéaume, ND



MEDICAL & SCIENCE EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE At Women’s Voice®, we are committed to providing our readers with real health solutions from real physicians. To ensure our editorial excellence, we have assembled medical professionals who are dedicated experts and leaders in natural health to serve on Women’s Voice Medical & Science Editorial Advisory Committee.



Dr. Kate Rhéaume graduated from McMaster University and completed her professional training at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, class of 2002. She followed with a two-year residency during which she taught classes and supervised at various teaching clinics.

Dr. Stephanie Rubino is a licensed naturopathic doctor who completed her professional training at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. In addition to her clinical practice, she educates the public and other health professionals about a range of health and wellness topics, and the safe use of natural health products.

KAREN JENSEN, ND Dr. Karen Jensen was in clinical practice for 25 years and although she is retired, she continues to write books and educate on the naturopathic approach to wellness. She is the author or co-author of seven books; her most recent is Women’s Health Matters: The Influence of Gender on Disease.




Karlene Karst holds a BSc in Nutrition and is the founder of the Sea-licious® line of products. She is a mom of three active kids, an avid food and recipe creator, and an author. In her latest cookbook, This Kitchen Is for Dancing, Karlene shares 100 delectable, health-conscious recipes. Follow Karlene on Instagram @karlenekarst

Dr. Gaetano Morello is a published author and licensed naturopathic physician. Recently he has been appointed as a Clinician at the newly created Complex Chronic Disease Program located at BC Women’s Hospital in Vancouver. He is the first naturopathic doctor to hold such a position at a major North American hospital.



Dr. Julie Reil is an internationally recognized physician, health and nutrition advocate, speaker, and Women’s Voice author. She developed the Genityte® urinary incontinence procedure and the Triple Tone Treatment®. Dr. Reil founded Shiloh Medical Clinic in Billings, Montana.

Dr. Julia Solnier has a doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Graz, Austria. She is an expert in pharmacognosy (medicinal plant research) with lecturing experience on herbal medicine. Julia is a Research Scientist at Factors Group and ISURA®. She focuses on conducting clinical trials and developing innovative delivery solutions.



Dr. Marita Schauch is the author of two books, Making Sense of Women’s Health and Collagen Myths & Misconceptions. She also co-authored The Adrenal Stress Connection. In addition to her clinical practice, she lectures across North America, educating people on positive lifestyle choices.

Dr. Michael Lyon is a UBC faculty member and is a published researcher in the fields of nutrition, appetite regulation, dietary fiber, and blood sugar regulation. He is Board Certified in Obesity Medicine through the American Board of Obesity Medicine and he completed a three-year family practice residency in 1988.

Editor: Nancy Frances Cheeseman Deputy Editor: Brinda Navjee Editorial Assistants: Joy Yagi, Heba Sourour Art Direction: Stephen Rank, Beata Stolarska Graphic Designers: Rut Shapira, Jasper van Meurs, Mark Cawker, Jessica Ranallo-Baek, and Felicia Yee PUBLISHED BY Women’s Voice Magazine 104–3686 Bonneville Place Burnaby, BC V3N 4T6 For general inquiries, please email us at info@womensvoice.com Subscribe to our newsletter and be the first to know about women’s health shows and lectures.



Dr. Jennifer Brix is a licensed naturopathic doctor and health educator with a passion for empowering her patients to achieve optimal health. In clinical practice, she focuses on treating digestive complaints, hormone imbalances, and brain-related disorders, and has been recognized as a top naturopathic doctor in her community.

ADVERTISING POLICY Only products exclusively distributed to natural health stores will be advertised in this magazine.

EDITORIAL NOTE The information in this magazine is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed health professional. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, sold, or distributed without prior authorization. All article references can be found at womensvoicemagazine.com Women’s Voice® is a registered magazine in Canada and the United States. Canada: 1811559 / USA: 87249676 Real Solutions by Real Physicians for Real Women’s Needs®

Cover Photo: Don Liebig Photography

TO OUR READERS, WV magazine always recommends all you can do to keep you and your family safe and healthy, but it is time to live and stop isolating. Over the last two years, we’ve learned many lessons, including significant ones: health matters, and supplements like vitamin C and D, and quercetin give you an advantage by keeping your immune system strong and in peak condition. Let’s start celebrating the joys of life again. Special appreciation to Olympian Brandie Wilkerson for sharing her incredible story. Her celebrated journey to the Olympics exemplifies our ethos at WV: the path to health, fitness, and wellness is a lifestyle, and it requires a marathon, not a sprint.


Volume 18 article highlights include “Sugar the Unsweet Truth,” and “The Miraculous Power of Vitamin C,” plus, naturopathic doctor Stephanie Rubino shares her “Essential Nutrient Guide.” Learn how “Superpower Snacking Secrets” can help you lose weight and discover “8 Tips to Improve Lymphatic Health.” WV welcomes research scientist Julia Solnier to the editorial board. Julia brings our readers a wealth of knowledge and content to inspire and educate. Thank you to everyone on the Women’s Voice team who works passionately to bring content to our readers related to health, wellness, and our planet.

Printed on FSC® Mix paper using recycled inks.

In Health – WV magazine

About WV

Natural Health Retailers

We are building a global community of women of all ages, shapes, sizes, and backgrounds who care deeply about each other, natural health, and our planet’s delicate ecosystem. Our team comprises doctors, nutritionists, holistic professionals, and a village of passionate health advocates to be a source of inspiration and positive change in your life and for the health of our planet.

WV magazine is distributed exclusively in natural health stores and online. At WV, we are firm supporters of our retail partners across North America who have worked tirelessly over the past 80 years to support small, humane farms that promote food security, elevate the benefits of organic products, and strengthen local economies. These stores work hard to bring health and wellness to every city, large or small, and make daily decisions to help reduce the planet’s carbon footprint.

At WV magazine, our commitment to Planet Earth is strong and getting stronger! The print you’re reading today consists of recycled inks, and every page is now being made from FSC® Mix paper. FSC® Mix paper is a combination of FSC® virgin fiber, and recycled materials. The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) employs independent third-party auditors to monitor the supply chain, ensuring that FSC® Mix paper maintains forest health and protects fish and wildlife habitats. Women’s Voice sees the move to FSC® paper as a step toward long-term, environmentally conscious sustainability.






Debates about the influence of nutrition on health are ongoing. For years, researchers have considered nutrients that contribute to chronic disease and ones that promote long, healthy lives. Although current headlines highlight the ill effects of high-sugar and low-fat diets, this wasn’t always the case. In the 1950s, increased sugar consumption was identified as a contributor to chronic disease, including heart disease. But wait, haven’t we been told that fat is the main culprit? The sugar-fat debate and misconceptions about both nutrients have persisted for many years. More recent discoveries have revealed some interesting facts – not all fats are bad, low-fat diets have led to increased refined sugar consumption, and high sugar intake can cause health concerns. If it was known long ago that sugar is a factor in increasing rates of coronary heart disease and other illnesses, why wasn’t this widely shared to help prevent these harmful health conditions faced by generations? Let’s rewind to the time of John Yudkin, a British nutritionist and the founding professor of the Department of Nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College in London. Dr. Yudkin examined the relationship between health and diet, in particular the impact of sugar on health. In 1957, he stated his hypothesis that the rise in sugar consumption correlated with the rise in heart disease.



He wrote numerous publications stating his views, but he met adversity from other researchers and an expanding food industry. Around the same time, Americans were determining the cause of increased heart disease cases. In 1948, 44% of U.S. deaths were connected to cardiovascular disease, an evident increase of 20% since 1940. When President Dwight Eisenhower suffered a heart attack in 1955, his own physician began to provide advice on preventing heart disease. Part of his guidance was to focus on the reduction of fats, especially saturated fats. This direction was influenced by the diet-heart hypothesis proposed by American physiologist Ancel Keys. In comparing the health and diet of men from Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Finland, the Netherlands, Japan, and the U.S., Dr. Keys concluded that saturated fat intake increased blood cholesterol and was a risk factor for coronary heart disease.


sugar intake

can affect blood sugar and insulin levels and set the stage for the development of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and inflammatory diseases. Over the years, Keys’ methods and findings have been questioned. For example, it is said that he specifically chose countries that would correctly prove his hypothesis, and countries such as Switzerland and France, which had low rates of heart disease but consumed high amounts of animal fats, were not included. Despite these shortcomings and Yudkin’s sugar warnings, Keys and his conclusions on saturated fat gained

Steps to decrease fat intake while simultaneously increasing sugar intake have not been beneficial for cardiovascular health.

acceptance. Organizations such as the American Heart Association (AHA) recommended that people reduce the intake of total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol, and increase the intake of polyunsaturated fats, among other measures. Advice on low-fat intake was further shaped by a food industry that was using refined sugar to support an expanding market of convenience foods. Saturated fats were replaced by foods with added sugars such as sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup, and refined grains. Ultimately, steps to decrease fat intake while simultaneously increasing sugar intake have not been beneficial for cardiovascular health. You may be wondering what happened to John Yudkin. With greater support to remove saturated fats instead of refined sugars from diets, Yudkin faced criticism and hardship. Although he went on to write numerous publications, including his most notable book Pure, White, and Deadly (1972), his work was discredited and labeled as “science fiction.” Despite losing research funding and being uninvited to conferences, he continued to warn about the dangers of sugar. Interestingly, by the 1980s, studies began to emerge in support of Yudkin’s theories. Research has revealed that high sugar intake,

especially specific types of sugars such as fructose, can affect blood sugar and insulin levels and set the stage for the development of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and inflammatory diseases. It has also become clear that only certain types of fats negatively impact health, while other fats are beneficial. Would knowing Yudkin’s claims that sugar is poisonous and harmful to our health change the rising rates of chronic disease we have witnessed? Professor and neuroendocrinologist Robert Lustig said it best: “Science took a disastrous detour in ignoring Yudkin. It was to the detriment of the health of millions.” We now know that both Keys and Yudkin had legitimate points, and research continues to unravel how certain fats and sugars can contribute to heart disease and other chronic health conditions. There can only be great value in exploring and discussing ideas from visionaries such as Yudkin so we do not make the same mistakes again.




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Skin Aging Is Inevitable –

Premature Aging Is Preventable

BY KAREN JENSEN, ND Skin aging is normal and gradual, but aging can be accelerated by hormones, stress from internal and external toxins, inflammation, thyroid conditions, diet, and lifestyle choices. However, dermatologists estimate that approximately 90% of skin aging is due to sun damage (photoaging). Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) causes skin aging as it increases oxidative stress and the formation of free radicals, which results in inflammation that interferes with the signaling pathways in the skin. Frustration and discouragement can happen around mid-life when skin aging becomes apparent in the mirror and photos. We all have our tightest fitting skin from birth until the age of 25 when elastin content is optimal. After age 25, elastin gradually declines, and by age 45, we have about one-half of our elastin content compared to age 25, and by age 65, we have less than one-half (4–6%) of the elastin content we had at age 25.

Structural Proteins: Elastin, Keratin, and Collagen Our skin, connective tissue, and anchoring structures contain a secret weapon called elastin. These littletalked-about, but powerful fibers give

strength, tone, stretch, and “snap back” to your skin, connective tissue, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Collagen works with elastin to help repair damaged tissues and restore structure, providing stretch and resilience that collagen alone can’t provide. Keratin is a fibrous structural protein and is the majority of your skin’s protein. It is a protective protein that makes up hair, skin, and nails, playing an essential role in the outermost layer of human skin. It may seem like wrinkles and other signs of photoaging suddenly appear overnight, but the cellular damage takes place for years beneath the skin’s surface. Don’t wait until outer signs of photoaging appear. Antioxidants and other nutritional supplements are essential to help counteract these degenerative skin changes. Studies have shown that these antioxidants are decreased by 26–93% in all UV-exposed skin layers. Many studies have also shown that prior antioxidant treatment could prevent skin damage from UVR.

GRAPESEED EXTRACT contains several plant compounds with powerful antioxidants that protect cells from unstable molecules that damage healthy cells in the skin and body. Grapeseed has been shown to protect the skin from sun damage, bond with collagen, and promote youthful skin, healthy cells, elasticity, and flexibility. VITAMIN C supports collagen and elastin production and provides antioxidant protection against UV damage and skin aging. Normal skin contains high concentrations of vitamin C. Studies show that excessive exposure to environmental pollutants depletes vitamin C in the skin’s outer layer. Vitamin C is also a cofactor with lysine to promote collagen synthesis.

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and Weight Loss

Researchers share another reason to look forward to the summer and the bountiful harvest of colorful, dark, high-anthocyanin berries in our farmers’ markets: increased fat oxidation. In a small but randomized, controlled trial, 27 overweight or obese men saw their high-fat diet supplemented with either 600 g of blackberries or a controlled serving of gelatin for a week. Then their glucose levels were tested, and their calorie usage evaluated. The men who consumed the blackberries showed fat oxidation greater than that of the control group, and they also showed corresponding reductions in insulin sensitivity. Researchers say this is the first time insulin sensitivity reduction has occurred in human subjects (all previous studies were on rats), thanks only to a diet enhanced by blackberries.

Leafy Greens Slow Cognitive Decline Those who ate the most greens, and did so regularly, showed cognitive results equal to people 11 YEARS YOUNGER.

Further proof shows that the more color on your plate, the healthier you will be.

Just a serving of leafy greens per day, over time, takes away years of aging effects in the brain! That’s the headline news from a Rush University Medical Center study in Chicago. The researchers add that if you eat two servings per day, the benefits are even more significant, peeling off more than a decade of age-related cognitive decline. What do scientists mean when they refer to “greens”? Any of the leafy vegetables we would typically think of are of benefit – kale, collards, spinach, and lettuce, to name just a few. What is not 100% clear is the active ingredient that produces these anti-aging effects in the brain. But perhaps it’s the synergistic impact of folate, lutein, betacarotene, and vitamin K1, which are plentiful in leafy greens.

In the Rush University Medical Center research, 960 volunteers ages 58–99 participated for over four years. Regular evaluations showed an evident slowing of cognitive decline in many study participants. Those who ate the most greens, and did so regularly, showed cognitive results equal to people 11 years younger. Fresh organic greens can be added to your daily shake, or in a delicious summer salad.








When professional beach volleyball player Brandie Wilkerson was growing up in Toronto, her mother gave her some advice – don’t shy away from challenges; seek them out. The harder they are, the better. 14


Photo: Sean M. Haffey


Beach volleyball was the first sport that didn’t come naturally to Wilkerson, and when she played for the first time while still in college, she found the transition from traditional volleyball extremely difficult. It was a radically different sport. Sixperson teams were reduced to two people. The sand dampened Wilkerson’s extraordinary leaping ability. And since she was involved in every play, she was 50 percent to blame when things went wrong. “It challenged me in ways I hadn’t been challenged before,” she says. “With only two on a team, it demands a different level of accountability.” Little by little, challenge by challenge, Wilkerson became a professional player. She qualified for more events, racked up more top-ten finishes, and upped her prize money. In 2016, Bansley, a pioneer of the sport in Canada, asked Wilkerson to be a training partner for the

Photo: Sam Wasson


The challenges for Wilkerson started early. As a seven-year-old immigrant from Switzerland whose first


This philosophy has vaulted Wilkerson to the top of the beach volleyball world and made her one of the best female athletes on the planet. In 2018, only four years after she first stepped foot on a sand volleyball court, Wilkerson, 29, and fellow Canadian Heather Bansley became the top-ranked team in the world. That same year, Wilkerson was declared the World Tour’s “Best Blocker” for her ability to leap high at the net and neutralize opponents’ incoming spikes. Last year, she and Bansley represented Canada at the Tokyo Olympics, and although they finished in fifth place, they scored a satisfying upset of the gold-medalcontending U.S. team.

language wasn’t English, she mostly wanted to fit in and make friends. Engaging in sports was a good way to do this. She played soccer, basketball, rugby, and indoor volleyball. Although her parents had been elite athletes (her mother Stephanie had run for Switzerland; her father Herb had been drafted by the NBA’s Cleveland Cavaliers and played pro basketball in Europe and Asia), they didn’t push their children toward sports careers. Still, the challenge of collegiate-level volleyball intrigued Wilkerson, and she went on to an all-star career at York University in Toronto. ic h P h oto : M

Her mother, Stephanie, lived by these words. Not only were she and her husband immigrants with limited resources raising four kids in a low-income neighborhood, but she somehow made time to train and compete in three Ironman triathlons. For the uninitiated, the Ironman – a 2.4-mi swim, followed by a 112-mi bike ride, then a 26.2-mi run – is widely considered the most gruelling undertaking in sports. “She reminded me of this when I was struggling to balance school, sports, and social life – that challenges are part of life, but I was strong enough to handle them,” Wilkerson says. “So that’s what I try to do. I invite the hard things instead of resisting them.”





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Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. The following year they became full-time partners, with the 2020 Tokyo Olympics as their ultimate goal. “The Olympics were incredible in many ways,” she says. “First, I had set a goal of just making it to the Olympics, and I accomplished that.” But COVID-19 made the games even more challenging. The Tokyo Olympics were delayed for a year, and when the games finally took place, athletes’ families weren’t allowed to attend. “There was this communal feeling of gratitude to be competing, but of also wanting our families there,” she says. “It was so emotional. In the end, I was proud to give it all I had.” As it did many people, COVID-19 challenged Wilkerson in interesting new ways. “I realized after the pandemic that I had done a lot of growing,” she says. “I learned that sports are not just about the games and winning. They’re about building character, growing relationships, and being more mature. I now appreciate the process more.” The cornerstones of Wilkerson’s personal growth are her fitness routine and diet. She wakes up each morning at 7 a.m., has a pre-training breakfast of black coffee and granola with fruit and yogurt, and then works out in the sand for two hours with her partner and everything from



playing points to honing skills and running wind sprints. She then has post-training breakfast, typically two or three eggs, beet juice, a slice of bread, and some dried dates or all-natural peanut butter. After a nap, she segues into her afternoon workout, which varies depending on the time of year. Before the start of beach volleyball season, these afternoon sessions focus on building strength and endurance, mainly with heavy weightlifting – squat lifts, deadlifts, and clean lifts – and long interval training on a resistance bike or running in the sand. During the season, from March to October, her afternoon sessions shift to focus on speed, explosiveness, and retaining endurance. These can include jump squats, light lifting, throwing a medicine ball, and sprinting. Wilkerson’s diet features foods that help her retain strength and recover from physical exertion. “The most important thing is to get carbs and proteins directly after training,” she says. Her go-to favorites include eggs, Greek yogurt, protein shakes, peanut butter, beets, salted coconut water, bananas, and quinoa. After years of being a vegetarian, she recently added fish, primarily salmon, to her diet “for the omega-3s and protein benefits that are hard to find in a purely vegetarian diet.” Knowing where her food comes from and how it’s grown is as important to Wilkerson as the food itself. “Organic food is so important,” she says. “I want to know that my food is sustainably produced and that it’s as natural as possible. Is it local? How does it get to my table? Eating healthy is less about rules around your diet and more about knowing these things, farm to table.” Insisting on knowing the provenance of her meals adds yet another challenge for a globe-trotting athlete. “I find the easiest way for me to practise this while in other countries is by shopping from local farmers’ markets, which are always plenty, or reading labels at grocery stores about where the food was produced,” she says. “As for dining out, I do a lot of research about different restaurants in the area.” As glamorous as Wilkerson’s life might seem, the challenges are plenty – the constant travel, the being away from family and friends, the work required to maintain a healthy and environmentally friendly diet. Plus, working out never gets easy. But Wilkerson is built for challenges. “I don’t know how to say this, but it’s hard,” she admits. “Some days, I don’t want to work out. If you’re waiting for easy, it will never come. It’s super hard. But you do it anyway. And then you celebrate that.” 16





Whether you’re someone trying to squeeze more exercise into your busy life, or someone who’s never worked out before, Wilkerson offers this nugget: “Understand that none of this is easy or even natural. Know that exercising will come with challenges.” Here are Wilkerson’s tips for helping you stick with it, come what may.


The surest way to stop exercising is to do something you don’t like. If you’re not competitive, don’t join a tennis league. If heights frighten you, avoid climbing gyms. “Do what’s interesting, what feels good, what gives you energy,” Wilkerson says. “And make it your own. If you’re someone who likes being outdoors, do something outdoors. If you’re a nighttime yoga person, do nighttime yoga.”


Fitness-wise, few activities can rival running. But running can get lonely. It’s easier to haul yourself out of bed at 5 a.m. for a pre-work three-miler if some fellow runners join you, knowing you’ll all enjoy coffee together at the end. “A community makes it easier,” Wilkerson says. “Don’t exercise in isolation. I’ve tried being a vegan in a house of non-vegans. It’s tough!”


Try not to be influenced by external considerations. Just because everyone is joining a particular gym or hiring a particular trainer isn’t reason enough for you to do the same. “Let it come from inside you,” says Wilkerson. “Be honest about why you’re doing this. When you’re making your goals, think of the worst possible scenario. It’s snowing outside, for example. In that situation, is looking good in a bikini enough to get you to do your workout?”




“For retaining strength and recovery, I choose 1 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg (2.2 lb) of body weight to be consumed within a 20-min window post-recovery. It’s vital for me to get carbs and proteins in, directly after training.”

to supporting healthy blood sugar levels

Chocolate PB Shake Chocolate

Protein Powder Peanut Butter 1 scoop chocolate protein – vegan or whey 1 Tbsp all-natural, unsalted, crunchy peanut butter (or almond butter)


1 frozen ripe banana 1 tsp maca powder 1 tsp grounded flax seeds A pinch of cinnamon


Blueberry Shake ½ cup frozen blueberries

½ cup plain Greek yogurt ¾ cup unsweetened almond milk 3 Tbsp rolled oats 1 heaping Tbsp of all-natural, unsalted peanut butter

Greek Yogurt Rolled Oats

Blend and enjoy!

1 tsp honey ¼ vanilla extract


BERBERINE The unique way berberine acts on the body makes it a useful natural option for supporting healthy blood sugar levels already within the normal range. Modern evidence shows berberine plays a role in blood sugar metabolism and supports cardiovascular health by maintaining healthy blood lipid levels already within the normal range.

A pinch of salt A pinch of cinnamon VERIFIED



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.






Post-COVID-19 syndrome, also known as long COVID, is a condition characterized by a broad range of long-term symptoms appearing or persisting after the infection period of COVID-19.

BY MICHAEL MURRAY, ND AND GAETANO MORELLO, ND THE SYMPTOMS IMPACT DAILY FUNCTIONALITY AND CAN INCLUDE: Fatigue Post-exertion malaise Headaches Shortness of breath Loss of smell or distorted smell Muscle weakness

Low fever Cognitive dysfunction (in the form of “brain fog,” memory loss, or difficulty concentrating) Depression Anxiety

The above symptoms tend to wax and wane; however, physical, mental, or emotional stress can lead to a worsening or relapse of symptoms. Researchers from Stanford University led a global review and found that more than 70% of patients who had recovered from the initial phase of COVID-19 had these lingering symptoms. Long COVID may be a continuation of impaired immunity because of the same factors that led to increased severity in the first place, such as poor nutritional status, stress, and the presence of risk factors like obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

MANAGEMENT OF LONG COVID AS A COMPLEX CHRONIC DISEASE (CCD) Long COVID shares the same features as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and other complex chronic diseases (CCDs) such as fibromyalgia and Lyme disease. Patterns show that many CCDs follow an infectious event. When addressing long COVID, we recommend following a similar strategy to dealing with other CCDs by boosting the activity of three vital functions: 18




Energy is the currency of life. The body produces energy in small compartments known as mitochondria. When mitochondrial function is compromised, cellular energy levels are low, which creates a plethora of symptoms that include fatigue and cognitive dysfunction. The brain accounts for only about 2% of our body weight, but it consumes over 20% of the body’s energy and oxygen. The brain requires good mitochondrial energy production to function optimally. Brain fog, one of the main complaints in long COVID, may result from reduced mitochondrial function.

KEY NUTRIENTS AND SUPPLEMENTS TO IMPROVE MITOCHONDRIAL FUNCTION: PROTEIN (Whey or vegan protein powder, eggs, chicken, beans, fish, oatmeal, etc.) 25 g in the morning • Helps improve overall energy • The majority of patients feel positive outcomes within 3–7 days HIGH-POTENCY MULTIVITAMIN AND MINERAL FORMULAS 100% Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI) levels for all essential nutrients • All essential nutrients are involved in mitochondrial function, especially the B vitamins MAGNESIUM 300 mg in the morning and 300 mg at bedtime • Relaxes muscles and may help improve sleep • An essential mineral involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions • The majority of patients find it very helpful UBIQUINOL 300 mg in the morning • The active form of CoQ10, with greater bioavailability • Important in mitochondrial energy production ACETYL-L-CARNITINE 500 mg three times per day • Important for transporting essential fats into the mitochondria for energy production N-ACETYL-L-CYSTEINE 500–600 mg twice daily • Important in supporting glutathione levels, a major player in mitochondrial health





The gastrointestinal tract (gut) is where digestion, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of wastes take place. It also holds 70% of our immune system, manufactures neurotransmitters, and is home to over 100 trillion bacteria that play a significant role in systemic health. In CCDs, digestive symptoms such as gas/bloating, diarrhea/constipation, and acid reflux are common and can interfere with nutrient absorption.

One aspect of CCDs and long COVID possibly resulting from mitochondrial dysfunction is called “centralization,” referred to as nociplastic pain. This condition disrupts nerve signals, resulting in systemic pain, sensitivity to light and sounds, and low mood. The following protocol has been beneficial in helping with nociplastic pain and its associated symptoms.



ENTERIC-COATED PEPPERMINT OIL (ECPO) 1–3 capsules 20 minutes before meals • Reduces gas and bloating • Supports proper peristalsis and the movement of food through the digestive process N-ACETYL-L-CYSTEINE 500–600 mg twice daily • NAC is important to enhance gut barrier function and improve leaky gut – a goal in fighting CCDs HIGH-ABORPTION QUERCETIN 500 mg daily • Exerts anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects PHARMA GABA® 200 mg in the evening • Helps increase the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system, thus reducing the stress response and promoting feelings of calm and focus

Long COVID will change the way researchers study chronic illness!

PEA (PALMITOYLETHANOLAMIDE) 400 mg three times per day • Shown to reduce symptoms of pain associated with centralization • Also boosts mood, and supports immune function and the endocannabinoid system EPA AND DHA (OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS) 2000 mg per day • Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are important in brain function and reducing inflammation


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Feel the DIFFERENCE! You’ll love the flavor and how you’ll feel using this 100% FERMENTED, ORGANIC PRODUCT. FERMENTED PROTEIN & GREENS

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Boosters 100% Fermented • Organic

Try it for yourself and feel the difference! These unique formulas harness the power of natural fermentation to deliver a broad spectrum of highly bioavailable nutrients. Enjoy Superfood Boosters on their own, or add to your shake, smoothie, or snack.


Aids sleep by soothing digestion and supports a healthy mood.



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Helps the body adapt to stress, balance hormones, and support memory.


is a 100% fermented and 100% organic greens formula. Our enzymized greens is non-GMO and vegan-friendly, providing 6 g of quality fermented plant protein in every serving. This exceptional formula also includes fermented grasses, fruits, vegetables, and micronized medicinal mushrooms. Available in Organic Chocolate, Organic Tropical, and Unflavored.

Support your GUT and IMMUNE


with the power of fermented whole food probiotics! 10 strains – the greater the diversity of probiotics and the number of bacteria, the better the balance and development of healthy gut flora 10 billion live cells Vegan formula No refrigeration required

BONE STRUCTURE Multivitamin & Mineral Support your bones with this whole food formula with calcium and active vitamin and mineral complexes for maximum absorption. Made with farm-fresh, organic, and sustainably grown non-GMO ingredients. Suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

Select whole food ingredients from our organic farms Supports healthy digestion and reduces the frequency of occasional gastrointestinal disturbances, such as constipation, irregularity, gas, and bloating


With added scFOS prebiotic to promote the growth and activity of the specific strains in this formula Fermented prebiotic matrix – broccoli, carrot, kale, parsley, and spinach serve as the perfect nourishing culture medium to ensure the survival of the strongest bacteria

WHOLE EARTH & SEA AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL NATURAL HEALTH STORE These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Dr. Stephanie’s

Essential Nutrient



Of the many lessons learned during the pandemic, prioritizing our health has been the most vital. From wholesome nutrition to a good night’s rest, there are many influences on wellness. Indeed, maintaining optimal nutrient levels is essential to staying healthy and supporting immunity. Discover the nutrients that can turbocharge your health today and in the future.

High-potency multivitamin and mineral formulas

It’s well-known that vitamins A, C, D, and E, B vitamins, and minerals, such as iron, selenium, and zinc, are needed for immune function. However, relying on diet alone for these nutrients can be challenging – finances, busy schedules, and food availability impact our daily nutrition. Resulting nutrient deficiencies can impair immune status and increase the risk of infection. There is good news – a multivitamin and mineral supplement can help restore nutrient levels for better infection resistance and faster recovery. Look for supplements that are: 22


• Sustainably sourced, whole food formulas • Made with easily absorbed nutrients • Designed for age-specific requirements • Non-GMO and free of allergens • Third-party tested for potency and purity

Vitamin A

Once known as the “anti-infective vitamin,” vitamin A is a fat-soluble nutrient involved in functions such as vision, cell growth, and immunity. In North America, vitamin A deficiency may result from malabsorption or severely restricted diets. Regarding immune health, vitamin A maintains barriers to microorganisms, promotes white blood cell function, and has shown therapeutic benefits against different infectious diseases.

Vitamin D3

Widely recognized for its bone health benefits, research continues to unravel vitamin D’s importance during different stages of life. Vitamin D regulates inflammation and our immune responses, and

poor vitamin D status may increase the risk of viral infections, especially in the respiratory tract. Assess your vitamin D levels with a simple blood test and maintain levels with various food, some limited sun exposure, and supplements.

N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC)

Chances are you have a vitamin C supplement somewhere in your arsenal of common cold remedies. This essential antioxidant regulates the immune system and has antiviral and anti-inflammatory actions. High concentrations of vitamin C are found in white blood cells and are rapidly used during an infection. Research has shown that supplementing with vitamin C can help relieve common cold symptoms such as coughing and mucous congestion, reduce symptom duration, and improve our ability to resist harmful bacteria.

NAC is a nutritional supplement that provides a highly stable form of L-cysteine, an amino acid that acts as a precursor to the antioxidant glutathione. Low glutathione levels can impair the activity of T cells and natural killer cells. NAC also scavenges free radicals, reduces inflammation, promotes detoxification, and breaks down mucus. NAC supplementation has been shown to significantly decrease the frequency of influenza, as well as the severity and duration of most symptoms.

Zinc and selenium


Vitamin C

Zinc and selenium are important minerals and antioxidants that support immune responses. A deficiency of selenium is associated with certain viral infections, and optimal selenium levels have been found to support immune cells such as natural killer cells and T cells. Zinc may also help defend against viruses, support white blood cells, and regulate immunity in the respiratory tract. Zinc deficiency can result in impaired immune function, which can be resolved with zinc supplementation.


Quercetin is a well-known bioflavonoid naturally found in plants, fruits, and seeds. This powerful antioxidant is also known for supporting concerns such as allergies and immunity because of its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Quercetin’s efficacy is limited by its low solubility and absorption; therefore, look for quercetin supplements designed to improve its bioavailability.


Multivitamin and Mineral Formula Vitamin A


Follow a whole food diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables

Select a high-potency multivitamin and mineral formula providing at least 100% of the RDA to help fill nutritional gaps. Follow product label recommendations.

Preformed vitamin A: liver, kidney, egg yolk, whole milk, and other dairy products

Women: 750 mcg (2500 IU) per day Men: 1500 mcg (5000 IU) per day

Provitamin A: red palm oil, green leafy vegetables (spinach, broccoli), yellow vegetables (pumpkin, squash, carrot), yellow/orange non-citrus fruits (mango, apricot, papaya), red pepper, and sweet potato

Vitamin D3 Vitamin C Zinc Selenium N-acetyl-L-cysteine Quercetin

Cod liver oil, fortified milk, cheese, butter, cereals, egg yolk, and cold-water fish (salmon, mackerel)

25–125 mcg (1000–5000 IU) per day (measure blood levels to determine appropriate dose)

Indian gooseberry, citrus fruits (limes, oranges, lemons), tomato, papaya, green and red peppers, kiwi, strawberries, cantaloupe, and green leafy vegetables (kale, broccoli, Swiss chard)

500–1000 mg, 1–3 times per day

Meat, fish, poultry, oysters, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds

Women: 15–20 mg per day Men: 20–30 mg per day

Meat, seafood, grains, cereal, and Brazil nuts

100–200 mcg per day

NAC is available in supplement form. L-cysteine sources include poultry, egg, beef, and whole grains

600 mg twice per day

Apple, grapes, berries, onion, buckwheat, tomato, capers, red wine, citrus fruits, and black tea

500–1000 mg per day

Disclaimer: Speak to your health care practitioner before starting any supplement program.






Iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 42% of children under 5 years, 40% of pregnant women, and 20–25% of the world population have anemia. Children under 5 years


Pregnant women


World population


HAVE ANEMIA According to a new study in The Lancet Hematology, current test thresholds for detecting iron deficiency may be too low, as researchers found that physiological changes occur at test levels higher than the current “normal” thresholds. Under existing guidelines, current tests detect only individuals with severe forms of iron deficiency. 24


Without sufficient iron, the body can’t produce enough iron-rich protein (hemoglobin) for the red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. Iron is a vital micronutrient used by every cell and organ system and is a cofactor in many enzymatic reactions, hormone function, and DNA replication. Iron plays a key role in brain development and affects brain neurotransmitters, including dopamine, the stress hormone norepinephrine, and the serotonin system. The most clinically obvious consequence of iron deficiency is anemia; however, virtually every organ system is affected. Children and adolescents with IDA are at increased risk for mental health disorders, including depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, ADHD, and autism. IDA also has a significant influence on cognitive development, and can cause behavioral abnormalities and developmental delays. It also affects immune status and increased morbidity from infections in all age groups. Studies have demonstrated an association between iron deficiency and pediatric stroke, as children who have had a stroke were 10 times more likely to be iron deficient. Among adolescents, anemia affects present health status, but can also have negative effects in later life. Additional signs and symptoms of iron deficiency in children and adolescents include: Fatigue Pale skin

Abnormally rapid breathing and a fast heartbeat

Tiring quickly when exercising

Behavioral problems Frequent infections

Cold hands and feet

Unusual cravings for non-nutritive substances, such as ice, dirt, paint, or starch

Slowed growth and development Poor appetite

HOW TO PREVENT IRON DEFICIENCY Do not feed babies cow’s or goat’s milk before age 1 – give babies who drink formula a brand fortified with iron. After month 6, give babies iron-rich foods, including iron-fortified baby cereal, puréed meats, and puréed beans, twice daily to boost iron intake. For older children and adults, good sources of iron include red meat, chicken, fish, beans, and spinach. After year 1, ensure that children don’t drink more than 20 oz (591 mL) of milk per day. Too much milk often takes the place of other foods, including those rich in iron. Vegetarians are at particular risk for anemia because the body absorbs more iron from meat than any other

source. If you choose not to eat meat, increase your intake of iron-rich, plant-based foods (e.g., spinach and oatmeal) and consider supplementation. Ensure adequate iron intake during pregnancy. Enhance iron absorption. Probiotics and vitamin C help promote the absorption of dietary iron. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, cantaloupe, strawberries, bell peppers, tomatoes, dark green vegetables, and vitamin C supplements. If you or your child show signs of iron deficiency, have your health care practitioner run an iron profile that includes complete blood count (CBC), serum iron, and ferritin level (iron stores) tests.

SUPPORT FOR IRONDEFICIENCY ANEMIA Iron-rich foods – For individuals who may have symptoms of iron deficiency but whose lab results are still in the “normal” range, focusing on the iron-rich foods mentioned above can help build their iron stores. For those who are lab-confirmed deficient with low ferritin and/or low iron and hemoglobin, supplementation is required. Iron supplements – Chewable iron is great for younger children. For teens and adults, bioavailable iron supplements include Natural Factors Easy Iron. Vitamin C taken with iron helps absorption, and Big Friends® Chewable Vitamin C tastes great for kids or teens. Probiotics – Studies have shown that probiotics also help iron absorption. Probiotics support a healthy gut microbiome, which is the foundation of general health. People of all ages may want to consider adding probiotics to their nutrition plan on a regular basis.

Although anemia is more common than most people think, the good news is that it is easily preventable and treatable.



The World’s



Quercetin is poorly absorbed – why? Because the molecular composition of quercetin affects its ability to enter the bloodstream, then your cells. This may sound complicated, however, after two years of development and human clinical studies in Canada, Quercetin LipoMicel Matrix was developed. LipoMicel is the ideal carrier to deliver quercetin to your cells. Study after study shows up to 10 times higher absorption. Compared to other quercetin products, only Quercetin LipoMicel has shown to provide the highest absorption of quercetin in clinical trials conducted in Canada.

One Quercetin LipoMicel Matrix softgel is equivalent to 2500 mg of standard quercetin. ** Up to 10x better absorption – can vary depending on individuals

Why blood vessel support is more important than ever The unique antioxidant effect of quercetin supports healthy blood vessels by reducing the oxidative damage to vessel walls. Such support even extends to the capillaries, which supply nutrients and oxygen to every cell in the body.

Quercetin LipoMicel Matrix — a novel delivery system to enhance bioavailability of quercetin Based on study results published in a peer-reviewed Canadian journal*, the LipoMicel formulation achieves significantly higher blood concentrations of quercetin and provides up to 10 times higher absorption than regular quercetin. Quercetin LipoMicel represents an efficient delivery system for enhancing the absorption of quercetin in the body, and thus promotes its wide-ranging health benefits. To date, the low-absorption rate of quercetin in the body has been one of the greatest challenges to overcome. For this reason, Quercetin LipoMicel, has been designed to improve the uptake of quercetin and boost its therapeutic potential. *(2021). Quercetin LipoMicel—a novel delivery system to enhance bioavailability of quercetin. Journal of Natural Health Product Research, 3(2), 1-8.

jnhppublications.com The system of blood vessels in the human body measures over 60,000 miles! They are responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to every cell and can be found in every square inch of the body.

Available exclusively in natural health stores. naturalfactors.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



On a recent balmy day, I was strolling through the city with my family when my son pointed to a fit-looking, tank-top-clad woman and said, “Mom, that lady has a sticker like Amy’s.” My son recognized the roughly 2-in diameter, round “sticker” on the back of the woman’s upper arm as the sensor for a continuous glucose monitor (CGM). CGM is a technology that monitors blood sugar levels every few minutes around the clock. Amy is a girl in my son’s class who has diabetes and relies on the monitor to check her blood sugar automatically.

As the day wore on, we noticed another woman and a couple sporting CGM sensors, all similarly fit-looking 30–40-something-year-olds. Could these people all have diabetes? The sensor wearers we saw were younger and fitter than the average adult-onset diabetic. And how common were diabetic couples anyway? That’s when I smelled a trend.

CGM IS HOT – METABOLIC INSIGHT USING PERSONALIZED DATA There’s a good chance that most people we spotted that day didn’t have 28

diabetes, and it is more likely that they are part of the growing trend of taking advantage of CGM technology to hack their health. For those in the know (and those with the dough), CGM is a cutting-edge wellness trend that promises to help you crack the code and discover how your body responds to what you’re eating. Simple strategies on food pairing, or eating foods in a certain order can drastically reduce blood sugar spikes.


WHY STABILIZE BLOOD SUGAR? Maintaining stable blood sugar is vital, even for people without diabetes. When blood sugar spikes and drops rapidly, the brain sends out powerful messages to eat, which causes food cravings, drives people to overeat, leads to weight gain, and wreaks havoc on health. Plus, increased glucose instability in nondiabetics is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and heart disease. Lab-based blood sugar testing on a single morning may show

a normal result, but continuous monitoring shows the individual how their blood sugar responds to what they eat and how susceptible they are to spikes throughout the day.

You may think it’s not rocket science. Just avoid carbs and sugar… right? Recent, groundbreaking research shows that individuals respond differently to eating carbohydrates. Foods that might seem obvious blood sugar boosters, like a banana or ice cream, may spike blood sugar for one person but not for another. In other words, there isn’t one true blood-sugarbalancing diet for everybody. That’s why CGM monitoring has become so popular.

as “eye-opening,” helping them make better food choices because the monitor shows blood sugar volatility and stress-related blood sugar bumps. Plus, the positive effects of exercise would have gone unnoticed without daily monitoring.

STABILIZE BLOOD SUGAR NATURALLY Individuals who experience food cravings that drive them to overeat have options. Research-rich, patented super fibers are available in natural health stores and, when taken with meals, can slow digestion and promote healthy blood sugar levels to curb cravings all day. Users report successful weight loss and improved health using super fibers before eating meals.


WHICH FOODS ARE BLOOD SUGAR FRIENDLY FOR YOU? ENTER CGM TECHNOLOGY While the devices have been available by prescription for diabetics for years, many new companies now offer CGM without a prescription. Celebrities and athletes are wearing the sensors and extolling the benefits on social media, maybe because they are currently among the few who can afford them. Subscription costs for a year of sensors can run into the thousands, and you will need to download the app to interpret the sensor data. Fortunately, users report that wearing the sensor for as little as one or two months was enough to provide valuable health insights into their eating habits. CGM adopters share seeing their real-time blood glucose response

Improves mood and relieves stress Supports relaxation

Ultimately, if you love to track your steps, sleep, or anything else, and the cost is not an issue, then TRACKING DAILY BLOOD SUGAR might be a revelation to help you make better choices.

Suitable for adults and youth ages 12+





These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.





News outlets extol the virtues of what to eat for breakfast and dinner and why. But did you know that eating the right combination of snacks at the right time of day can be a Superpower to increase energy, reduce after-meal cravings, and stabilize blood sugar?









NUTRITIOUS SELF-LOVE Feeding yourself nutritious food is one of the best forms of self-love and care. Over the years, I’ve witnessed heated discussions on when and how much to snack, but as with most nutrition topics, the lines blur, leaving us confused about what we should and shouldn’t eat, or even if we should snack at all. But as a nutritionist, I see the power in these portable, bite-sized eats that can make all the difference in the day’s success.

HOW AND WHY WE SNACK Various reports on people’s eating habits have found that those who snack do so to satisfy cravings for sweet or salty food, prevent or relieve hunger, pass the time, deal with emotions or boredom, or replace meals. In fact, the “snackification” trend is at an all-time high, with 25% of surveyed people confessing to snacking multiple times per day, and 40% of people admitting to replacing a traditional meal with snacks. Between-meal noshing supplies nearly one-fourth of daily calories, earning snacks the status of the “fourth meal.” Understanding your own body and emotional needs will help you assess why you want to eat. When choosing the best food for your body, snacking should be a guilt-free way to increase nutrient density, energy, and happiness. Yes, food has the power to create incredible feelings of joy and happiness.

MAKE EVERY BITE COUNT Unfortunately, what people are snacking on is where we encounter potential issues. Most people report snacking on convenient, processed food high in calories, sugar, and fat. This type of food does the opposite of what a snack

is intended to do for our bodies. The garbage-in-garbage-out philosophy could never be more accurate when snacking, as this is a choice that we make each day. Say no to junk and hello to health. Let your snacks work synergistically for your body by eating the right combination at the right time of day. Snacks can be a superpower. Elite athletes snack for peak performance. You can, too! To make your snacks work for you, follow these tips to set yourself up for success.

TIPS FOR QUALITY SNACKING Choose whole, real food to reduce hunger and cravings, and boost your energy and concentration; consider foods that offer you a combination of protein, fiber, and healthy fats, such as:

Apples and nut butter

Raw vegetables or seed crackers with hummus

Avocado toast Energy bites (there are so many combinations, including oats, nut butter, honey, seeds, dried fruit, dark chocolate, etc.) Dates and peanut butter



Trail mix


Greek yogurt and granola

with just 1–2 softgels per day

Egg bites (super easy to make in a muffin tin) Dark chocolate

Hard-boiled eggs Muffins made from nourishing flours such as whole wheat, spelt, almond, or coconut Intuitive snacking – Listen to your body and pay attention to the cues it gives you, as the goal in your day is to feel like your best self. The right food can help you perform in all facets. Ideally, two small snacks in between meals are plenty. How often have you tried to ignore your hunger midafternoon, only to find yourself eating a bag of chips while you cook dinner? If you had listened to your body around 3 pm and eaten a nourishing snack (half an apple with nut butter or string cheese), your appetite would’ve been in check, and you would’ve then enjoyed dinner with your family. Plan ahead – Meal planning is a game-changer on all fronts, and the same goes for snacks. Ensure you have a well-stocked fridge and pantry filled with whole, healthy, organic food to set yourself up for snacking success. If you are juggling work, home, kids, and after-school activities, you may want to prepackage portable and healthy snacks so you can grab and go.

Black Elderberry Fast-acting support for immune and respiratory health Powerful antioxidant support European sourced, hand harvested Certified potency, non-GMO



When you listen to your body and make the right nutrition choices, you will enjoy snacking. After all, everything tastes better bite-sized.



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Redefining beauty is accomplished from the inside out Think COLLAGEN – our experts do! “As a 30-something-year-old woman and nutritionist (who’s not getting any younger), collagen has been one unique product that I had my eye on. Why collagen? Unfortunately, as we age, collagen density and dermal thickness decrease, and this lack of collagen cues the all-too-familiar signs of skin aging. No wonder we’re obsessed with trying to get more of it. What some critics say are concerns: Admittedly, collagen has been a hot topic, and for good reason. We all want to look younger, so a product that touts any sort of beauty benefits will no doubt come under a lot of scrutiny. In recent years there has been a growing body of evidence and even larger review studies that collectively point to the same conclusion – collagen supplements promote healthier looking skin and decrease

visible signs of aging without any adverse side effects. Another concern that has been shared is that there may be a risk of contaminants and heavy metals in NATASHA collagen. Although there is merit PAROUTIS, to this, the truth is that not all Nutritionist collagen supplements are created equally. When choosing a collagen supplement that is bovine (cattle) sourced, it’s best to look for a product that is pasture raised, grass fed, and steroid-, hormone-, and antibiotic-free. When choosing a marinebased collagen supplement, always look for one that is extracted from wild-caught and sustainably sourced fish, like whitefish.”

Why Total Body Collagen? Revitalize, restore, and protect your skin from within. Support your muscles, joints, and ligaments. VERIFIED



The ISURA seal is your assurance that the product is independently verified as clean and safe, and has been tested for up to 800 possible contaminants. ISURA’s rigorous testing includes hundreds of quality procedures using state-of-the-art technology. It provides you with the confidence that the product is ISURA verified clean, one of the highest testing standards in the world.


Why we all need collagen – MICHAEL R. LYON, MD

Total Body Collagen for muscles, ligaments, beautiful hair, skin, and nails.

“Collagen is one of the most amazing biological molecules. Collagen makes up 25–30% of the total protein in the human body, and every organ depends on collagen for structure and function. Collagen fibers are woven through every cell and organ, forming a flexible and strong internal skeleton. Collagen is constantly being broken down by the microscopic trauma that occurs with movement and exercise, and it has to be constantly repaired and replenished. Supplementing the diet with collagen has been shown to support skin youthfulness, help restore skin suppleness, support healthy muscles and joints, promote heart function, support bone strength, and improve wound healing.”

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The power of collagen to revitalize, restore, and protect our total body GAETANO MORELLO, ND – “It has been my clinical observation with thousands of patients that taking protein and collagen in the morning consistently creates positive outcomes in energy levels, cognitive and immune function, and an overall general feeling of well-being. The last two pandemic years have been filled with added complications as both external and internal stressors reached peak levels. This is where nutrition becomes even more important and utilizing collagen as a protein source is a great path forward. Clinical data has shown the importance of collagen in maintaining healthy skin and joints. As we age our bodies produce less collagen, correlating with the increase in fine lines, wrinkles, and

poor joint health. Clinical studies show that increase in stress levels (and we are all stressed) stimulates elevation in cortisol, which degrades collagen. A consequence of this degradation is a reduction in the firmness of the skin (leading to an increase in fine lines and wrinkles) and possibly poor joint health. It would be logical to assume that a fortified collagen supplement (collagen lacks tryptophan, thus adding tryptophan creates a fortified collagen or a complete protein) would be a great nutritional answer to these issues that many of us face.”


“Regularly add collagen to your diet.” Why? – JULIE REIL, MD and Beauty Expert

“When it comes to feeling good and looking good, I am going to share my secret weapon… it is called Total Body Collagen™. I take it with a vitamin C supplement in the morning for my hair, skin, nails, and bones, and it couldn’t be easier. With Total Body Collagen, my hair is thicker and healthier, and I lose less hair in the shower and in my brush. Fine lines and wrinkles on my face are getting better as I age, and my skin looks and feels more hydrated. My nails are stronger with fewer ridges and grow much faster. As an added bonus, Total Body Collagen supports my bone matrix for healthy teeth and bone density.”

Is collagen good for men? Absolutely. Does it help reduce the signs of aging?

Yes, collagen hydrates our skin, reducing wrinkles and giving us that plump youthful glow, healthy hair, and skin. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

WOMEN who inspire us Meet Jenna Fournel “Reciprocity among parts of the living Earth produces equilibrium, in which life as we know it can flourish. When the gift is in motion, it can last forever.” – Robin Wall Kimmerer, “Returning the Gift,” Center for Humans and Nature We moved into our home in late February 2008 when I was seven months pregnant, and my husband broke ground in a small garden shortly after our son Leal was born. Leal has never known a summer without a garden, and he and his younger brother Oliver were digging in the dirt and helping things grow as soon as they could walk. The garden became as much a play space as the swing set. My sons would pick herbs to mix into imagined concoctions and squeal loudly enough for all the neighbors to hear when the first tomato appeared. A rare bean would make it to the dinner table because they usually snacked on them right off the vine. Bent over a bed weeding, I could often smell Oli before I knew he was behind me; he was constantly chewing on mint and dropping the leaf-shorn branches in his wake. I am grateful that our garden is filled with the offspring of his leftovers. He hasn’t walked among these beds in more than two and a half years. Oli died unexpectedly of adrenal insufficiency in November 2019. He was eight years old, and we didn’t know he had this condition, which is very rare in children. His death upended the natural order of our lives.


We asked ourselves repeatedly, what would Oli want us to do? How can we carry his loving spirit forward? A few years earlier, the boys sold our cut flowers to raise money for Last Chance Animal Rescue. Remembering this, we wondered if we could give our garden’s bounty to charity. We knew we’d have to increase its size considerably to grow enough to donate.

offered it to passersby for free. At first, we didn’t talk to the visitors, this was still the beginning of COVID-19, and we were all afraid of catching it. But eventually, we met the people who came to our stand, and as we swapped recipes and extolled the virtues of garden-fresh produce, we also learned about each other’s lives. When people asked what prompted the stand, we told them about the “O” in L&O Farms, and by sharing our loss, we invited others to do the same. I learned of miscarriages, loss of parents and siblings, challenges with mental health, and heartaches of every shape and size. No loss can be filled with a vegetable garden, but the connection to the earth and each other offered a way of living through the pain.

Then COVID-19 hit. All the human physical connections that sustained us through our early grief disappeared, and the garden became a refuge. Leal and I dug bed after bed, hauling rocks and soil and planting seeds, finding an antidote to crippling sadness and a In July 2022, we will have put the farmstand out nearly every Saturday for two distraction from our loneliness in this years (in the winter, we put out baked meaningful work. Leal came up with the goods). Since we started, we have seen idea to call our garden L&O Farms, and a dozen new gardens spring up in our eventually, we were growing enough neighborhood, to share. COVID-19 “The garden has helped and many got their restrictions prevented us from taking our food regrow my trust in nature. start with seedto a shelter, so instead, I watered those plants lings from our L&O And now our we put our harvest with my tears, and they Farms. garden blooms with out on the curb and provided me with hope.” seedlings neighbors have shared with us. I learned that you could keep the spirit of those you love alive by planting the seeds of that love in your care for others. I always put bunches of mint in my flower bouquets. And neighbors have learned that if they keep the sprigs in water, they’ll root. Now Oli’s mint is springing up in other people’s gardens, and thanks to him, we are still learning and growing.



r a g e Vin



My first introduction to apple cider vinegar (ACV) was in the 1980s after reading the book Let’s Eat Right to Keep Fit by Adelle Davis. Every morning I would take two teaspoons of ACV in warm water with cayenne pepper to maintain overall health even though it did not taste great. I did this for years, but eventually got out of the routine. There are studies to confirm the health benefits that Davis discussed years ago, so I plan to restart this regimen and take fermented ACV in a capsule form. Hippocrates used vinegar to clean and disinfect wounds over 2,000 years ago, and it has been used traditionally to treat nail fungus, lice, warts, and ear infections. It is also used as a preservative, plus it can inhibit bacteria such as E. coli.

MEDICINALLY, THE BENEFITS OF ACV INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: ● Modulation of the intestinal microbiota.

Studies show that when ACV is used for 12 weeks, it can help modulate the gut microbiome and body weight in animals that were fed junk food.

● Helping to reduce belly fat and

contributing to weight loss by promoting satiety. ● Promoting healthy digestion. ● Helping people with type 2 diabetes

● Having an alkalizing effect on the

body, most diseases, illnesses, and bad bacteria thrive in an over-acidic environment. ● Helping to cleanse toxins from the body.

who may be at a higher risk of developing fungal infections, most commonly in the mouth, throat, and vagina. Candida albicans is a very common fungal infection in humans, and some research suggests that ACV may have potential as an antifungal treatment.

One example is glyphosate, which is not only a toxic chemical but is also a powerful antibiotic that causes dysregu● Lowering cholesterol and triglycerides, lation of the soil and gut microbiome reducing blood pressure, as well as in humans and animals. ACV helps lowering blood sugar and insulin levels support the microbiome while at – all risk factors for cardiovascular the same time helping to eliminate disease, including atherosclerosis. toxins. Our human microbiome and ● Having natural acidity with antimicrobial internal milieu/terrain ensure that the properties, which could help improve tissues and organs maintain stability the skin barrier and prevent infections. or homeostasis. Think of the body’s internal milieu as soil. When soil is fertile and healthy, the tissue will thrive; when it is toxic, cells decay and die.

ACV CAPSULES ACV is formed through the fermentation of apple juice. Fermented foods provide healthy bacteria in the gut and support immune health.

FERMENTED ACV WITH CHROMIUM Look for fermented apple cider vinegar (capsules or other available formats) with chromium. Suggested usage: 500 mg of ACV with 250 mcg of chromium, an essential mineral that provides additional support for blood sugar regulation. Some people like to dilute ACV in a large glass of water. Common dosages range from 1–2 teaspoons to 1–2 tablespoons per day.




THE NEWS ON MICROPLASTIC POLLUTION KEEPS GETTING WORSE. A study published in the journal Environment International tested 22 anonymous blood samples and found plastic particles in 80% of the people tested, showing that plastic may travel and lodge in organs. Women’s Voice has previously reported on the growing body of evidence that tiny bits of plastic have

been circulating in the air for several years, and no corner of the earth has escaped this kind of micro-pollution. However, we can now confirm that those tiny plastic particles circulate in our blood and accumulate in our organs. Which organs do they affect? And what sort of health damage can this foreign material cause? These are topics for future and ongoing scientific study.

No Time or Cash for Self-Care? BY MARITA SCHAUCH, ND

Here is the scenario for most of us – you would put more time and money into self-care if only you had more time and money, right? Dr. Marita has some fabulous tips for pampering yourself that are cheaper and closer to home.

FOR CALMING AND CENTERING FLOWERS – Whether they’re store-bought or gathered from the garden (which are inexpensive and easy to grow from the seed), display them where you can see them. TECH TIMEOUT – Consider stowing away your electronics because “timeout” will reduce your stress and diminish that sense of never having enough time to do anything for yourself. 38

TEA – Studies show that the ritual of heating, preparing, smelling, and savoring a cup of tea reduces tension and improves mood. BATHING AND ESSENTIAL OILS – Taking a warm bath reduces anxiety and improves sleep, while applying essential oils, such as lavender and jasmine, does wonders to calm a nervous system in overdrive. SELF-MASSAGE – Use a tennis ball on a wall to work your shoulders, or put your hands on your head, neck, and the small of your back. You’ve been missing out!


TO DISCONNECT, RECONNECT, AND REFOCUS Walking for just 20 minutes in a pleasant landscape can distract you from your frustrations and lower your blood pressure. NATURE – Unable to leave the office? No problem; pull up some nature photos and spend a few minutes enjoying the images. VOLUNTEER – Make room in your calendar to volunteer, or better yet, get together with friends and find an organization that can use your skillset to make your community better for all.

I share with my patients every day that it’s their life and their health. SELF-CARE BEGINS WITH SETTING OUR OWN PRIORITIES.



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: a z n e Influ COMING SOON to a household near you


After a couple of years of avoiding the spotlight, the flu will likely enter stage left and perform with a vengeance this year. While we remove masks, forget about the full 20 seconds of handwashing, and step a little closer to strangers in line at the grocery store, exposure to flu viruses will inevitably be on the rise this fall. And with an increase in exposure comes an increase in infection. The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and occasionally the lungs. It often causes mild illness, but in some cases can be severe and even lead to death. To avoid being bedridden this flu season, there is one way to halt the flu in its tracks and minimize symptoms that are garnering a lot of attention. Enter elderberry. A recent systematic review looking at elderberry for the treatment of upper respiratory symptoms found that elderberry could help shorten the duration of colds or influenza. Elderberry contains anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid with immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory effects. Anthocyanins can attach to, and render ineffective, viral glycoproteins that would normally allow the virus to enter host cells. This potential for inhibiting viral infections has brought elderberry to the forefront of supplements to consider when fighting a viral infection. To create an even more potent flu fighter, standardized elderberry extraction techniques allow for the concentration of its active constituents. ElderCraft® is one such extract from Austrian elderberries that undergo a gentle,

entirely mechanical, and artificialsolvent-free process. It separates and concentrates larger molecules (polyphenols and anthocyanins) from smaller ones (sugars and mineral salts), which are then combined in the final product resulting in the retention of the entire fruit matrix of the berry, and an authentic, safe, high-quality product. As an extract, elderberry has demonstrated inhibitory effects on influenza A and influenza B viruses as well as the avian coronavirus, Herpes simplex virus, and H1N1 “swine” flu virus. Based on the current evidence demonstrating elderberry’s immunomodulatory and antiviral activity, it should be considered a safe and effective treatment to assist in reducing the duration and severity of upper respiratory tract infections like the flu. With the burden we have seen on the medical system in recent years, preventing and treating flu symptoms with natural and effective approaches could potentially help ease this burden and help you stay healthy this season.

HERE’S A REFRESHER ON WHAT TO DO IN FLU SEASON: Wash your hands frequently for 20 SECONDS at a time

AVOID DIRECT CONTACT with infected people

If you’re sick, STAY HOME and get lots of rest

STAY HYDRATED with soups and warm liquids


Take ELDERBERRY extract



The Miraculous Power of


WHAT DO YOU THINK OF FIRST WHEN YOU HEAR THE WORD “VITAMIN C”? ODDS ARE YOU’RE THINKING OF ORANGES, FIGHTING OFF A COLD, OR MAYBE SAILORS GETTING SCURVY. But the power of vitamin C goes way beyond that. Research shows that getting good levels of vitamin C has a range of health applications, from skin care to heart health. But let’s look at some of the essential ways vitamin C supports our health and where to find it.

WHAT IS VITAMIN C? Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, is an essential, water-soluble vitamin. While many animals can produce their own vitamin C, humans do not have this capacity, so we must consume it daily because water-soluble vitamins do not get stored in our fat cells. Interestingly, some discoveries show that human beings did have the capacity to produce vitamin C at one point, but in our evolution, we lost this ability.

THE BENEFITS OF SUPPLEMENTING WITH VITAMIN C Heart health – Vitamin C lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. Early research suggests that it may help reduce cholesterol and strengthen arterial walls, reducing the chances of a heart attack or stroke. Skin health – Vitamin C is vital in collagen production, the protein that creates plump, healthy skin.


Vitamin C’s role in collagen synthesis is also a key player in healing wounds. Joint health – Collagen cushions all our joints, and the reduction in collagen levels creates joint problems, especially in old age. Vitamin C promotes collagen synthesis, which positively affects joint health and osteoarthritis. Eye health – Vitamin C has been shown to prevent the development of cataracts, and slow the progression of macular degeneration. Energy levels – Iron plays a crucial role in carrying oxygen through the bloodstream, and deficiency and improper iron absorption can cause low energy and fatigue. Vitamin C helps with iron absorption when consumed alongside it. Immune health – Vitamin C deficiency has been linked to increased infection levels, and maintaining proper intake can help prevent getting sick. While it certainly isn’t a miracle cure, studies show that vitamin C may help you recover more quickly if you catch a cold or flu. Brain health – Some studies have shown a link between impaired cognitive function and low vitamin C levels, suggesting that higher levels of vitamin C may improve brain function.


Mood improvement – A link has been found between low vitamin C and anxiety and

depression because of vitamin C’s role in neurotransmitter synthesis. Interestingly in some studies, patients reported an improvement in mood with increased vitamin C intake even when they did not have low levels to begin with.

SUPPLEMENTATION Many people benefit from supplementing with vitamin C as it can be difficult to get adequate levels through diet alone. Men need at least 90 mg of vitamin C per day, and women need about 75 mg, unless they are pregnant or breastfeeding, in which case they need more. Studies show that higher doses of vitamin C may have increased benefits. As vitamin C is water-soluble, any excess is excreted through the stool or urine. Vitamin C supplements can be found in many forms, such as powders, capsules, tablets, sprays, etc. Look for timed-release vitamin C, designed to be released over eight hours for optimum absorption. As always, be sure to check with your health care practitioner before adding new supplements to your diet, especially at higher doses.

THE BEST FOOD SOURCES OF VITAMIN C Vitamin C is found in fresh fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits, kiwis, strawberries, guavas, papayas, mangos, tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and potatoes. This is your friendly reminder to eat your fruits and veggies to reap the vitamin-rich rewards!

When stored properly, food lasts longer. Use this handy guide to learn when refrigeration is necessary.


No, you don’t need to spend a mint to get the latest and greatest superfoods. One of them is almost certainly in your refrigerator already, in the form of a dozen eggs. Eggs are so good for you that we often refer to them as “nature’s multivitamin.” “But wait,” you’re probably thinking, “aren’t eggs bad for me?” No. For most people who don’t have uncontrolled cholesterol levels or serious heart disease, eggs are a slam dunk nutritional win. Indeed, an egg is one of the most nutrient-dense foods in the world, containing just about every vitamin and mineral our bodies need. We’re talking protein, of course; 6 g of it. Egg yolks are a rich source of antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. Choline is scarce as nutrients go unless you eat liver or eggs! Vitamin A and many B vitamins also fit in the shell of an egg, along with cell-preserving selenium and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which aid brain function and moderate the body’s inflammatory response. Also, eggs offer low-calorie satiety that sets us up for reduced caloric intake throughout the day. Still worried eggs will negatively affect your cholesterol? Recent research shows that a reasonable intake of eggs – up to three per day – can decrease the “bad” LDL cholesterol and increase levels of “good” HDL cholesterol, improving heart health.




Apricots Blackberries Blueberries Raspberries Strawberries Cherries Figs Grapes All cut fruits

Apples Avocados Bananas Kiwi Lemons Mangos Papayas Peaches Oranges



Green Beans Carrots, Radish Cabbage Cauliflower Spinach Celery Broccoli All cut veggies

Cucumbers Eggplants Garlic Ginger Peppers Potatoes Sweet Potatoes Tomatoes Pumpkin



and reduce health risks! Choosing organic produce and products reduces pesticide use. Each year, over 5.6 billion pounds of pesticides are sprayed on crops worldwide. These toxins impair immune function, but there is also growing concern that these pesticides increase the risk of diabetes and other chronic diseases. Choose organic!




Total Body Collagen & PGX Beautiful Skin & Blood Sugar Support BY JENNIFER BRIX, ND

In the last several years, collagen has become a household word and a trusted protein that helps people achieve fewer wrinkles, stronger fingernails, and healthier hair In its hydrolyzed form, collagen’s benefits are even greater, and it is widely known as a cosmetic component with antioxidant properties. Although its actions are often synonymous with beauty, like everything else health-related, there is always more to the story. New research has provided insight into the impact blood sugar dysregulation has on our skin and connective tissue health. While we know that consuming high sugar levels can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, weight gain, fatty liver disease, and generalized inflammation, new research suggests it also damages elastin and, in turn, speeds up the aging of our skin. Collagen and elastin reside together in connective tissue, such as the skin, where collagen provides the scaffold for elastin to bind. In turn, elastin provides strength, flexibility, and elasticity to the skin, which can dramatically impact wrinkle development. When blood sugar is elevated, glycation of elastin is triggered, resulting in elastic tissue damage. This irreversible damage in elastin consequently alters mechanical function, leading to wrinkles and other forms of skin aging. When searching for skin-supportive supplements, it is therefore important to have both blood-sugarbalancing and collagen-supporting ingredients to provide a more well-rounded attack on fine 44


lines and wrinkles development. One of the most well-studied natural supplements for weight management and blood sugar control is PolyGlycopleX® or PGX®. Unlike other supplements, which promise magical changes in metabolism, PGX is backed by published, double-blind research that demonstrates its effectiveness in helping people feel full longer and hungry less often. It smoothes out the blood sugar rollercoaster, and ultimately protects elastin from glycation damage that you’ll see reflected in fewer fine lines and wrinkles. The next time you visit your local health store, look for hydrolyzed Total Body Collagen and PGX. Total Body Collagen is packed with benefits to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and eye wrinkles and increase skin elasticity. Clinically supported PGX – available in softgels, granules, and protein shakes – will help with cravings and assist in healthy weight management. It slows the absorption of carbs to keep blood sugar under control, and ultimately protects elastin from glycation damage that you’ll see reflected in fewer lines and wrinkles. Combine PGX and Total Body Collagen in your morning protein shake, or you can mix both with a cup of organic applesauce. Once you start your daily PGX with Total Body Collagen regimen, you are one step closer to having moist, glowing skin, strong fingernails, and healthy hair. At the same time, you’ll be managing blood sugar and weight, while truly being proactive in having a healthier body from the inside out!

STRESS-RELAX® PHARMA GABA® Clinical studies have shown that natural, fast-acting GABA helps increase alpha brain wave production and promotes a sense of relaxation and mental clarity without a feeling of drowsiness.

SAMBUCUS BLACK ELDERBERRY is a proprietary active blend of natural fruit anthocyanins, polysaccharides, and berry micronutrients that support the immune and respiratory systems.


VITAMIN C TIMED–RELEASE tablets are designed to gradually release vitamin C over eight hours for optimum absorption to support healthy bones, cartilage, teeth, and gums.


DELICIOUS, TOTAL BODY COLLAGEN™ combines hydrolyzed collagen with hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, biotin, L-glutamine, and L-tryptophan for radiant skin, flexible joints, and gut health.

FERMENTED APPLE CIDER VINEGAR contains the beneficial yeast and bacteria known as the “mother.” Combined with the trace mineral chromium, this formula supports healthy blood sugar levels already within the normal range and helps metabolize nutrients, such as carbohydrates and fats.



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8 Tips to Improve


The lymphatic system is a network of nodes and tubes in the body that fight infection, drain away cellular waste, and maintain fluid levels. A healthy system with functioning nodes filters and breaks down germs, toxins, and debris, which are carried away from the tissues by the lymphatic tubes and drained into the bloodstream once “cleaned.” Unfortunately, this vital system often doesn’t work optimally in many individuals because of lifestyle and nutrition habits.

Under-functioning lymph

One-third of the body’s lymph nodes are around the face, neck, and jaw area, so the first signs of an under-functioning lymphatic system can be skin issues such as acne, clogged pores, eczema, puffy eyes, and a dull-looking complexion. Some people can have additional signs, such as swollen lymph nodes, hands, or feet, frequent headaches, weight gain, brain fog, and fatigue. Before starting a lymph cleanse, it is always a good idea to check with your health care practitioner if you notice any of these symptoms to rule out anything more serious.

8 tips to improve lymphatic drainage:


STAY HYDRATED – Water is essential for the lymphatic system to flush out. Making sure to stay well


hydrated is excellent support for drainage.


LIVE AND EAT CLEAN – The fewer toxins your body has to cope with, such as pesticides, additives, and chemicals, the less the lymphatic system will have to filter out. Other toxins include cleaning products, antiperspirants, and cosmetics. Choose organic, non-toxic makeup and cleaning products.


MOVE – Exercise is one of the most significant ways to stimulate lymphatic drainage, so plan on moving your body for at least 30 minutes per day, five days per week. Find a walking buddy at work and take a walk during one of your daily breaks.


LYMPH-SUPPORTING FOODS – Include in your diet dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, chard, and beet greens; cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts; berries; garlic; nuts; and seeds.



SUPPLEMENTS AND HERBS – Vitamin supplements A and C and algae-based spirulina or chlorella powders help detox and flush to keep the lymph healthy. Herbal teas made with calendula, echinacea, goldenseal, cilantro, and parsley can benefit the lymphatic system. Consult with a health care practitioner because herbs are natural but powerful and can interact with other medications or health conditions.


HOT AND COLD THERAPY – Alternating hot and cold water, or a cold plunge with a steam or sauna, works to dilate and constrict blood vessels, creating a “pumping” action to help drain the lymphatic system.


DRY BRUSHING – Brushing the skin gently with a natural bristle brush stimulates the lymph to promote drainage and can be done before a shower for best results. Always brush toward the heart.


AVOID TIGHT-FITTING CLOTHES – Tight clothes can restrict lymphatic drainage and promote blockages. This is especially seen with tight underwire bras or waistbands. Choose comfortable, loose-fitting clothes to allow for unrestricted drainage.



“Every time we change the world, we change the microbes.” Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers are trying to sort out the dangerous effects of isolation on our immune systems after extended lockdown and seclusion periods. The immune system – similar to the brain – is constantly in the learning phase. Childbirth introduces us to the highly diverse world of microbes, including “good” and “bad” bacteria, but it takes a lifetime to build and train our immune system to fight off disease-causing agents. So, what happens to the immune system if it’s isolated from the microbial world? And what are the dangers of excessive hygiene practices such as over-sanitizing? A study published in 1989 suggests a link between the limited exposure to microbes during childhood because of hygiene measures, such as frequent handwashing or over-sanitizing, and the increase in allergic conditions (e.g., asthma, hay fever, eczema, and food allergies). This so-called “hygiene hypothesis” was first proposed by David Strachan, a Professor of Epidemiology at the University of London’s Population Health Research Institute. We should not confuse this hypothesis with good hygiene practices, essential for preventing highly contagious infectious diseases like Ebola or COVID-19. However, the

excessive use of sanitizers and disinfectants outside health care settings is problematic and can be harmful. The less exposure our bodies have to germs, especially while our immune systems are still developing, the more inappropriate or overwhelmed the immune response may become. Thus, a year of isolation might not be overly dramatic for adults and adolescents as they’ve already encountered many microbes. However, young children and infants whose immune systems are still in the learning phase are likely most affected by the long isolation periods because of the restricted access to the microbial world. There is also evidence that both loneliness and stress, such as experienced during isolation, weaken immune function and impact the mental health of people of all ages.

REBUILDING IMMUNE HEALTH The first step is to get outside and take part in moderate exercise. Eat a diet filled with vegetables, fruit, and fresh grains, and take supplements to improve your nutritional status. Dietary supplements complement the daily diet and can help prevent cardiovascular risk factors like obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes, plus they can support the gut microbiome with vital nutrients. Researchers show that a gut with a balanced, healthy microbiome creates a robust immune system, contributes to brain health, and can help reduce inflammation. Several supplements that support gut barrier function to promote immune health are N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, Quercetin LipoMicel Matrix, and protein paired with fiber. Diets high in fiber were especially found to support the growth and maintenance of beneficial microbes in the gut and therefore strengthen the immune system. Studies are underway to examine the effects of isolation on immunity (e.g., an increase in allergies), but it is a fact that good health habits, such as diet, exercise, and additional nutrition, will keep your immune system robust and your body in peak health. WOMENSVOICEMAGAZINE.COM



BY KARLENE KARST, nutritionist, business owner, and mom of three

As a business owner and working mom with three very active kids (ages 14, 12, and 8), our life is nonstop, on-the-go, fast-paced, happy, organized chaos. I’m smiling as I write this because I can’t believe how quickly time has gone by, and how hectic our lives have become. Early on, I realized my family thrived on routine to maintain a fast-paced lifestyle and everyone’s sanity. Certain things were non-negotiable, from our bedtime and morning routines (mine is as important) to our food. The desire to feed my family healthy, delicious food put my degree in nutrition into practice, and it was no small challenge. I began devoting a significant amount of my time to meal planning and kitchen organization so, with our chaotic schedules, I could create delectable meals with ease. Creating an organized kitchen freed up more time and filled me with joy and a sense of pride. I decided I wanted to share my system with other mothers, so I wrote a cookbook called This Kitchen Is for Dancing and filled it with over 100 whole food recipes that are simple, healthy, and delicious, with chapters on organization and shopping. Trust me; if you eat nutritious food, you’ll feel fantastic and have plenty of time for dancing! The fall season is busy, and after summer, we begin to re-engage with the school and other responsibilities. Planning is vital to enjoying a cozy bowl of soup, hearty chili, or warm oats, eggs, or chia pudding. Whole food can do so much good for the body and soul, and food connects 50

and reconnects us to one another. Humans thrive on routine; the rhythm of the seasons and flavors of fall signal to our body that it’s time to get back to “business.” Each family dynamic is different, but if school-aged children drive your schedule, you know how valuable a routine can be for growing a healthy family. Creating a routine for every meal takes a commitment if you want to safeguard this precious time to gather and check in with your family in today’s busy world. Here are practical tips to help you ease back into fall after the summer holidays.

SELF-CARE Wake up before the kids. My life changed when I started getting up before the kids, and it allowed me time for self-care as I divided this precious hour between prayer, planning, and movement. I am an early riser, which means I go to bed early. You can’t stay up late and get up early, at least not for long. So to greet my kids with a smile in the morning and have enough energy for the day, sticking to my early routine is essential.


ORGANIZATION For success, be ready for the day. The night before, help

the kids pick out clothes, organize backpacks, and review the next day’s activities so everyone is up to speed on what’s happening (hello, family calendar and communication). You might want to prep breakfast ahead (yes, this is the most important meal of the day, especially for focusing in school) by making overnight oats or chia pudding, or preparing smoothie ingredients so that you can add and blend. Leave as little undone as possible. The mornings are always hectic and fast-paced, so the less you need to take care of, the better.

MEAL PLAN AND PREP My favorite chapter in This Kitchen Is for Dancing is chapter 4 on meal prep. If you aren’t already doing meal prep, this will be a game-changer and will become second nature. A well-stocked fridge and pantry allow you to put together healthy, nutritious meals with ease during those busy weekday nights. As you fall back into your routine this season, remember not to sweat the small stuff (a work in progress at my house), and find the harmony and joy that healthy habits can bring to your family. You can find my book This Kitchen Is for Dancing in natural health stores and on amazon.com

Omega-3 Never Tasted So Good! SeaRich® Omega-3: Delicious, Pure & Wild SeaRich Omega-3 is made using the freshest and highest quality omega-3 fish oil. To create a truly delicious family of products, we have blended our fish oils with natural, non-GMO flavors, including monk fruit (a near-zero calorie sweetener). Available in delicious Lemon Meringue and Coconut-Lime flavors – formulas that every member of the family can enjoy!






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