Women's Voice - Vol 17 EN

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kate rhéaume

naturopathic doctor


HORMONES & Insulin



The Tipping Point

for Climate



DIANA REEVES Founder & Director of





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Founder and Director of GMO Free USA



The Tipping Point for CLIMATE CHANGE

Photo: Caitlin Reeves



Quercetin Emerging New Supplement

Hello, Mood? Meet 5-HTP

– by Stephanie Rubino, ND


– by Kate Rhéaume, ND


Brain, Hair, and Skin Thrive with Sea-licious® Omega-3 – by Karlene Karst, BSc Nutrition


Understanding Expiration Dates – by Karlene Karst, BSc Nutrition


Thyroid Disorders Affect Almost Every System in the Body! – by Karen Jensen, ND


Say Goodbye to Tummy Troubles – by Stephanie Rubino, ND

Milieu Medicine’s Forgotten Concept


– by Karen Jensen, ND Julie Reil, MD, Stephanie Rubino, ND, and Kate Rhéaume, ND

Sustainable & Planet-Friendly Feast – by Karlene Karst, BSc Nutrition


Women Who Inspire Us

Hunger Hormones & Insulin – by Kate Rhéaume, ND



Meet Holly Capelle


Spring Detox Guide

A Five-Percent Weight Loss Has Significant Health Benefits!

– by Marita Schauch, ND

– by Julia Solnier, PhD


Activate Your Natural Killer Cells – by Stephanie Rubino, ND


Covid-19 Fatigue and Mental Health – by Karen Jensen, ND



MEDICAL & SCIENCE EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE At Women’s Voice®, we are committed to providing our readers with real health solutions from real physicians. To ensure our editorial excellence, we have assembled medical professionals who are dedicated experts and leaders in natural health to serve on Women’s Voice Medical & Science Editorial Advisory Committee.



Dr. Kate Rhéaume graduated from McMaster University and completed her professional training at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, class of 2002. She followed with a two-year residency during which she taught classes and supervised at various teaching clinics.

Dr. Stephanie Rubino is a licensed naturopathic doctor who completed her professional training at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. In addition to her clinical practice, she educates the public and other health professionals about a range of health and wellness topics, and the safe use of natural health products.

KAREN JENSEN, ND Dr. Karen Jensen was in clinical practice for 25 years and although she is retired, she continues to write books and educate on the naturopathic approach to wellness. She is the author or co-author of seven books; her most recent is Women’s Health Matters: The Influence of Gender on Disease.




Karlene Karst holds a BSc in Nutrition and is the founder of the Sea-licious® line of products. She is a mom of three active kids, an avid food and recipe creator, and an author. In her latest cookbook, This Kitchen Is for Dancing, Karlene shares 100 delectable, health-conscious recipes. Follow Karlene on Instagram @karlenekarst

Dr. Gaetano Morello is a published author and licensed naturopathic physician. Recently he has been appointed as a Clinician at the newly created Complex Chronic Disease Program located at BC Women’s Hospital in Vancouver. He is the first naturopathic doctor to hold such a position at a major North American hospital.



Dr. Julie Reil is an internationally recognized physician, health and nutrition advocate, speaker, and Women’s Voice author. She developed the Genityte® urinary incontinence procedure and the Triple Tone Treatment®. Dr. Reil founded Shiloh Medical Clinic in Billings, Montana.

Dr. Michael Lyon is a UBC faculty member and is a published researcher in the fields of nutrition, appetite regulation, dietary fibre, and blood sugar regulation. He is Board Certified in Obesity Medicine through the American Board of Obesity Medicine and he completed a three-year family practice residency in 1988.



Dr. Marita Schauch is the author of two books, Making Sense of Women’s Health and Collagen Myths & Misconceptions. She also co-authored The Adrenal Stress Connection. In addition to her clinical practice, she lectures across North America, educating people on positive lifestyle choices.

Dr. Arya Sharma, FRCPC, is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Alberta, where he holds the Alberta Health Services Chair in Obesity Research and Management. He founded and is currently Scientific Director of the Canadian Obesity Network, and was past President of the Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons.

Editor: Nancy Frances Cheeseman Deputy Editor: Brinda Navjee Editorial Assistant: Heba Sourour Art Direction: Stephen Rank, Beata Stolarska Graphic Designers: Rut Shapira, Celia Bowes, Jasper Van Meurs, and Mark Cawker PUBLISHED BY Women’s Voice Magazine 104–3686 Bonneville Place Burnaby, BC V3N 4T6 For general inquiries, please email us at info@womensvoice.com Subscribe to our newsletter and be the first to know about women’s health shows and lectures.



Dr. Jennifer Brix is a licensed naturopathic doctor. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology with distinction from the University of Victoria and completed her professional training at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in New Westminster, BC.

ADVERTISING POLICY Only products exclusively distributed to natural health stores will be advertised in this magazine.

EDITORIAL NOTE The information in this magazine is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed health professional. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, sold, or distributed without prior authorization. All article references can be found at womensvoicemagazine.com Women’s Voice® is a registered magazine in Canada and the United States. Canada: 1811559 / USA: 87249676 Real Solutions by Real Physicians for Real Women’s Needs®

Cover Photo: Amer Nabulsi

TO OUR READERS, “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” − Audrey Hepburn We’ve dedicated Volume 17 to our planet and to organizations taking action to support a healthier Earth. Our message to you is, don’t wait for others to make the planet safer and more habitable. Small daily choices reap big rewards for the world. Inspiring the next generation is our job; we want to continue supporting this beautiful planet for generations to come.


Our thanks to naturopathic doctor Kate Rhéaume for demystifying hunger hormones and insulin, helping us understand that managing our metabolism is largely governed by what we eat. Special thanks go to our guest contributor, Diana Reeves, founder and director of GMO Free USA, for using independent science to educate consumers on the hazards of toxins, GMOs, and synthetic pesticides, and for pushing legislative change for a clean, healthy food supply. Also, in this volume, learn how to protect yourself by activating your natural killer cells and Dr. Marita’s brilliant spring detox to increase energy and get you ready for fun in the sun this summer. Thank you to everyone on the Women’s Voice team who works passionately to bring content to our readers related to health, wellness, and our planet.

Printed on FSC® Mix paper using recycled inks.

In Health – WV magazine

About WV

Natural Health Retailers

We are building a global community of women of all ages, shapes, sizes, and backgrounds who care deeply about each other, natural health, and our planet’s delicate ecosystem. Our team comprises doctors, nutritionists, holistic professionals, and a village of passionate health advocates to be a source of inspiration and positive change in your life and for the health of our planet.

WV magazine is distributed exclusively in natural health stores and online. At WV, we are firm supporters of our retail partners across North America who have worked tirelessly over the past 80 years to support small, humane farms that promote food security, elevate the benefits of organic products, and strengthen local economies. These stores work hard to bring health and wellness to every city, large or small, and make daily decisions to help reduce the planet’s carbon footprint.

At WV magazine, our commitment to Planet Earth is strong and getting stronger! The print you’re reading today consists of recycled inks, and every page is now being made from FSC® Mix paper. FSC® Mix paper is a combination of FSC® virgin fiber, and recycled materials. The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) employs independent third-party auditors to monitor the supply chain, ensuring that FSC® Mix paper maintains forest health and protects fish and wildlife habitats. Women’s Voice sees the move to FSC® paper as a step toward long-term, environmentally conscious sustainability. OO MM EE NN SS VV OO I CI C EE MM AA GG AA ZZ I NI N EE . C. C OO MM S P R I N G 2 0 2 1 |WW




benefits than quercetin. EMIQ is approved as a safe food additive and antioxidant. Recent research on EMIQ has shown its antioxidant effects and ability to increase muscle mass among American football players when used in a protein powder supplement. Plus, it has been shown to improve endothelial function in individuals at risk for cardiovascular disease.

Naturally found in plants, fruits, and seeds, bioflavonoids are important phytochemicals that promote health. Since they’re such a large family of compounds, bioflavonoids are categorized into different groups based on their structure, including isoflavones, anthocyanins, and flavonols. The most well-known flavonol is quercetin. First discovered by Nobel Prize recipient Albert Szent-Györgyi, quercetin can be found in a variety of foods such as apples, grapes, berries, onions, buckwheat, tomatoes, capers, red wine, citrus fruits, and black tea. While there’s no shortage of foods that provide benefits, additional health gains can be reached with the use of quercetin supplements to obtain therapeutic amounts of this valuable nutrient. In fact, supplemental quercetin is often sourced from the Sophora japonica tree flower bud, which has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to address high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, headaches, and more. Quercetin is a well-known antioxidant, helping to protect us against oxidative stress due to factors such as unhealthy lifestyles and environmental toxins. It is an even more powerful antioxidant when compared with vitamins C and E. Quercetin has been identified as a blood vessel protectant and recognized for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities. Therefore, quercetin may help support concerns related to allergies, heart disease, bone health, and immunity. Quercetin’s efficacy is limited by its low solubility and absorption. In foods, quercetin is naturally bound to sugar molecules to form quercetin glycoside. When extracted for supplements, these sugar molecules are removed, producing quercetin aglycone, a form that is difficult 6


Sophora japonica to absorb. In addition, quercetin is soluble in fat, but not water. Why is this important? Not all quercetin supplements are created equal, and it’s important to look for ones that use methods to improve quercetin’s bioavailability. Making quercetin water-soluble and using other delivery systems such as liposomes and micelles can enhance its solubility and absorption, compared to standard quercetin supplements.

ENZYMATICALLY MODIFIED ISOQUERCITRIN Enzymatically modified isoquercitrin, or EMIQ, is a water-soluble, highly bioavailable form of quercetin. This form of quercetin has a higher bioavailability than quercetin aglycone and provides greater health


The Quercetin LipoMicel formulation provides an innovative delivery system to enhance quercetin’s absorption. LipoMicel uses a unique patent-pending technology that disperses quercetin into tiny microdroplets. “Micelle” is the name given to these micro-droplets that are a few microns or smaller in size. This type of quercetin has been shown to lead to up to 10 times higher absorption than standard forms of quercetin.

Final comments

Quercetin is typically recommended at a dose of 500–1000 mg per day and appears to be safe and without any significant adverse effects when used as an oral supplement at this dose for three months. Quercetin appears to work synergistically with vitamin C and there is benefit in using these two nutrients together. Vitamin C’s ability to recycle oxidized quercetin, and the antioxidant and antiviral properties of both nutrients, make them an effective team for immune health.

Brain, hair, and skin thrive with Sea-licious® Omega-3 BY KARLENE KARST, BSc NUTRITION and Founder of Sea-licious

Did you know that every part of the body requires omega-3s for optimal function? Omega-3s are necessary for healthy, glowing skin, hair, and nails, as well as joint, hormone, heart, and brain health. Omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential nutrients, but your body does not make them. You must get them from your food.

Plant foods, such as nuts, seeds, and leafy green vegetables, as well as fatty fish like sardines, anchovies, mackerel, and salmon are rich in omega-3s. Every time you eat a meal, try to include a source of these beautiful fats. Adding a scoop of seeds, like chia, hemp, or flaxseeds, to your morning cereal or smoothie is an easy way to get some in. Another way to include more omega-3s is to enjoy a serving of wildcaught salmon at least two times per week. Our bodies, however, require even more omega-3s than what we can get from our diet. This is why I developed a high-quality omega-3 supplement called Sea-licious. Sea-licious is naturally fruit flavoured, provides your daily omega-3 requirements, and contains astaxanthin – one of nature’s most potent antioxidants – coupled with vitamin D3 to give your body exactly what it needs. Just one teaspoon per day will deliver at least 1500 mg of powerful omega-3s eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). With research sharing all the tremendous benefits of omega-3s, it’s nearly impossible to choose only one reason I love Sea-licious. But as of late, the benefits for my skin and brain health have become of great importance to me.

Skin and hair Our skin is the largest organ in the body. It is important to remember that what we place on it topically will get absorbed into our bodies. Similarly, what we feed ourselves impacts our health and the look of our skin. Omega-3s are essential for moisturizing the skin, preventing aging, and decreasing wrinkles and inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Overall, omega-3s will help lock in moisture and improve the skin’s barrier function. They are also a powerful natural skin solution for blemishes and acne. During the summer months, when ultraviolet (UV) rays are at their peak, the combination of omega-3 and the antioxidant astaxanthin in Sea-licious will help provide UV protection and decrease the risk of sunburn. Omega-3 fatty acids are also beneficial for hair health as they lock moisture in the scalp, prevent dandruff, and support hair follicles, resulting in thick, shiny, luxurious hair.

Mind your omega-3s

The brain requires more omega-3s than any other organ in the body. With sufficient omega-3s, the brain’s membranes perform at their peak levels, which is essential for regulating mood and emotions as well as staving off depression. Research has shown that low blood levels of omega-3s increase anxiety and stress. With all the environmental and other external factors currently contributing to stress and anxiety, supporting my family and my mental health with Sea-licious is a top priority.



You can’t outrun

your fork A must-hear interview with


world expert on how easy it is to trim down for life… MICHAEL LYON, MD is the Medical Director at the Obesity Medicine and Diabetes Institute, a UBC faculty member with over 30 years of practice, and a published researcher in the fields of nutrition, appetite, and blood sugar regulation. He is Board Certified in Obesity Medicine through the American Board of Obesity Medicine.

Watch the full interview live at

l.ead.me/realeasy.com Dr. Lyon highlights People can grow up in environments that are very harsh. Maybe they have medical issues that have led to weight problems, or they’re on drugs that lead to weight gain. The simplest and healthiest way to lose weight is to follow a partial meal replacement diet. There are hundreds of research projects looking at this

approach. Very simple, very healthy. I use meal replacements myself, and I’ve discovered that’s the only way to lose weight realistically for me now.

Losing weight is real easy JULIA SOLNIER, PhD reports on the results of the latest completed study using RealEasy™ Meal Replacement with PGX®, where participants took part in a 12-week weight-loss program. Participants could choose to use either a whey or vegan protein-based meal replacement. All participants who completed the 12-week program achieved excellent results with an AVERAGE WEIGHT LOSS OF 7%. One critical aspect for successful weight loss is to maintain satiety, while following a low-calorie diet. In this study, 98% of participants reported a greater feeling of satiety, including reduced appetite/hunger and food cravings, after

It’s real easy to control your fork!

drinking RealEasy shakes. Besides that, 81% of study participants observed positive effects on their gut health, such as improved digestion and stool frequency; with more than 85% of participants reporting positive side effects on sleep quality and duration, mental health, including higher energy levels, and improved skin health. When study participants were asked for their experiences with RealEasy, they described the meal replacements as an easy solution to lose weight and maintain the weight loss, and as a convenient program to continue. Having two meals per day of RealEasy with PGX can provide satiety, control hunger, while replacing unhealthy heavy carb-laden foods. Various ideas and tips have been shared as to how to customize the shakes and give them an extra special flavour. Among the favourite ingredients, which were added for variety, are fruits such as berries or bananas, as well as coffee.

Reduce just 5% of your body weight and get huge health benefits for life.

Study participants who tried many different (unsuccessful) diets over the years, called the RealEasy program, a transition from “Diet” to “Life” resulting in a big change of eating habits. The RealEasy meal replacements are filled with optimal amounts of macro- and micronutrients, and provide a high-quality protein source, such as whey concentrate and isolate. Whey protein is quickly absorbed by the body and contains a higher range of the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) leucine, isoleucine, and valine, which are particularly helpful for weight loss without losing muscle mass.

Whey protein, especially whey isolate, offers significant benefits even for individuals with lactose intolerance or lactose sensitivity. Another main component in the RealEasy shakes is PGX. PGX is not only a promising candidate for weight management/loss, but also for reducing obesityassociated risk factors, such as diabetes and high cholesterol, as shown in many studies.

VEGAN Vanilla and Chocolate flavours

WHEY Vanilla, Chocolate, and Strawberry flavours






Worldwide, we throw away

1.5 billion tons of food every year,

and experts estimate that about

30–40% of our entire food supply ends up in the garbage. Broken down, that’s 219 lb for every person, or about

650 edible apples tossed away every year.

After an expiration date has passed, many people think those food items need to be put in the trash.

The food-waste issue is relevant because this problem is for the most part preventable. With a bit of knowledge, we can save a lot of money, enjoy delicious food, and save the planet – a total win-win-win all around. First, it’s essential to understand what expiration dates mean. You may have noticed that there are a couple of different dates: sell-by dates and bestbefore dates. Is it safe to consume foods past these dates? The purpose of sell-by dates is to assist grocery store staff in managing inventory. The dates alert them to when it’s time to remove these products from the shelves. We often

find them on refrigerated items, such as eggs, milk, yogurt, and salad mixes. So, if they are simply there to help grocery stores manage their inventory, how much should we pay attention to them? Sell-by dates inform us how fresh an item is, but they do not show whether or not the item should be consumed. Here, a little knowledge can help. Eggs are good for 3–5 weeks beyond their sell-by date, while we can consume dairy for up to 1–2 weeks after. If you suspect eggs have passed their prime, crack one egg at a time into a separate bowl before adding it to a recipe. You will know instantly from the smell whether you’ve hit a rotten one. Cartons of soup stock and plant milk are often suitable for weeks past their expiration dates. When opening them, write the date on the box, and consume within two weeks. However, if that time has passed, you can pour a small amount into a bowl, and if the texture, smell, and taste all appear normal, it is perfect to use. Best-before dates denote when the food will taste best. The food is not necessarily spoiled after this date; however, the flavour and texture may not be optimum. It is possible to extend the flavour and texture of food long after the best-before date with proper storage and handling. Pantry staples like lentils, beans, oats, nuts/seeds, and flours can last a long time depending on how they are processed. If they have been milled or rolled, the oils have been exposed to air and can become rancid. When purchasing these items, do pay

attention to the expiration dates as the further away the date is, the fresher the product will be. Once at home, set aside about 7–10 days’ worth and store the rest in a cool, dark place. The freezer works very well. While these items won’t necessarily make you sick if consumed past their expiration dates, they may take longer to cook, not cook as evenly, and may not taste good, potentially ruining a recipe. Rancid oils should not be consumed as they cause unnecessary inflammation in the body. Oils can be stored in sealed cans for years; however, once opened they can spoil quite quickly. Regardless of the date printed on the bottle, use your sense of smell to determine whether an oil is still good to consume. Dispose of any oils that smell metallic, soapy, or fishy as this indicates that they have gone rancid. Rather than simply relying on dates, it is important to arm ourselves with knowledge and use some commonsense guidelines. By heightening our ability to spot food that has actually gone bad, we will be able to identify food that is still perfectly good to eat. Spoiled food will usually look different in texture and colour, and it may smell unpleasant and taste bad before it becomes unsafe to eat. If you’re willing to let sight and smell be your true guides, you will be able to extend the life of your food, putting more on your plate and less in the trash bin.



100% Premium Organic Coconut Oil! Alpha® MCT and DME® oils are organic and sustainably sourced, and provide the highest quality and freshest coconut oils. Keto- and paleo-friendly brain and body fuel, Organic MCT Oil provides energy for workouts and weight loss, and support for agerelated cognitive decline. Perfect in smoothies or your morning coffee! DME Organic Virgin Coconut Oil is certified fair trade and is hand pressed directly from fresh coconuts on family-owned farms in 90 minutes. Delicious and safe for cooking and baking!





Plant a Seed L VES Planet Earth

~ Naturally!


WHY? Because Plant a Seed’s vision is to create opportunities for children to explore the breathtaking wonders of the natural world. We achieve this through educational programs that create moments of inspiration for children in classrooms, school gardens, farm visits, and other outdoor activities. These first-hand planet-friendly experiences raise awareness and create a healthier generation of children who learn to become good stewards of the earth.

Seeds of Inspiration for the classroom

At-Home Activities for parents and children

Plant a Seed provides a range of free-of-charge educational resources and materials for preschoolers and primary grade students, as well as virtual events and online resources. Our school and library programs feature colourful children’s storybooks by Roland Gahler. These stories describe the seed-to-table cycle and encourage the value of self-esteem while caring for each other and planet Earth. All resources are available in French and English. Our Seeds of Inspiration educational program includes story books, curriculum-based workbooks, and organic, non-GMO seeds for the class to plant.

Plant a Seed also developed a series of At-Home Activities. These feature downloadable activity sheets for families and teachers to keep youngsters engaged while learning, especially during lockdowns and COVID restrictions.

Teachers can order Seeds of Inspiration educational resources online at seewhatgrows.org/seeds-of-inspiration/

Plant a Seed – Read for libraries and preschools Our Plant a Seed – Read! storytime program includes free-of-charge storybooks, colouring books and crayons, and a seed pack for a planting activity. All materials are available in English and French. Librarians and preschool educators can order our Plant a Seed – Read! activities at seewhatgrows.org/plantaseed-read/

At-Home Activities can be downloaded from our Kids Corner at seewhatgrows.org/kids-corner/

significantly through your support of Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation. How? Become a Friend of the Foundation at seewhatgrows.org/ friends/ or encourage your child’s school to get in touch with us and order our educational resources. Our goal is to reach 200,000 students by the end of 2022. With your help, we can keep growing our programs. Donate today at seewhatgrows.org

Earth Day 2022: “Invest in our planet.” Plant a Seed celebrated Earth Day 2022 on April 22nd with virtual events. Mark Cullen and Brian Minter, two of Canada’s preeminent gardeners who are also Order of Canada recipients, shared storytelling and planting activities. Plant a Seed offered these online events free of charge to elementary schools and their students, as well as libraries across Canada!

155,000+ children experienced a Plant a Seed educational program 31school and community-garden projects were funded

2,300+ schools received Seeds of Inspiration resource kits

Check out seewhatgrows.org to view recordings of these kid-friendly Earth Day 2022 virtual events!

10,600+ participants enjoyed Plant a Seed – Read! storytime activities at their local library

Support Plant a Seed, and we will grow!

seewhatgrows.org 1-855-440-7333 (SEED) info@seewhatgrows.org

“Life without a cause is a life without effect.” – PAULO COELHO The good we do to people within our sphere of influence adds meaning to our lives. Your sphere of influence can broaden

@SeeWhatGrows @seewhatgrows @SeeWhatGrows



The Tipping Point for

CLIMATE CHANGE By Diana Reeves Founder and Director of GMO Free USA I guess you can say that the tipping point in my life came when I was spraying weeds in the yard with Roundup® while pregnant with my first child. As a mother-to-be, I carefully read the label stating that it was biodegradable and non-toxic. But then the nozzle clogged, and as I tried to unclog it, the weedkiller ultimately sprayed all over my skin. Of course, we have since learned that the chemical glyphosate, along with undisclosed adjuvants, increases absorption and magnifies the sprayer’s toxicity.



Photo credit Caitlin Reeves

When Robby was born, everything seemed normal, but intuition gradually told me that something was wrong. While I was pregnant with my second child, Robby was diagnosed with a rare brain cancer. Two years later, after many surgeries and many rounds of radiation and chemotherapy, Robby passed away. Losing my child changed everything. I gave up my career in accounting and became a stay-at-home mom. In the mid-1990s, Roundup popped back into my radar. Common sense told me that creating food sprayed with Roundup was a bad idea despite the safety claims. I called the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and asked how much Roundup residue was in GMO corn. I got the runaround but eventually learned that the government wasn’t testing or monitoring GMO crops for Roundup residue. To this day, the U.S. government does not include glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in agriculture, in their annual fruit, vegetable, and grain pesticideresidue testing program for GMO crops or any other food crops. Meanwhile, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said there was “nothing to worry about,” and


is what we define as “the critical point in a situation, process, or system beyond which a significant and often unstoppable effect takes place.”

Monsanto claimed that Roundup was “as safe as table salt.” After three of us were diagnosed with celiac disease, and the world watched what seemed to be a growing autoimmune epidemic, I wondered if there could be a connection.

While GMO foods were being introduced in North America, the European Union (EU) commissioned a scientist who supported genetic engineering to study their safety. When Árpád Pusztai published the study on a GMO potato created with the same built-in insecticide as GMO Bt-corn, the EU press courageously covered the story. The GMO potato caused significant health problems in rats. Europeans wisely decided they didn’t want GMO foods and were vocal about it, which led to strict, on-package GMO labelling. To this day, GMOs have been kept out of human food in the EU because of consumer rejection. In the U.S., the study received no press coverage. Before we knew it, 80% of our packaged foods were made, in part, with genetic engineering. There were no GMO labels and no transparency.

So in 2012, I joined a local group working to get mandatory GMO labelling passed in Connecticut. We got so close, but the bill ultimately died. We learned Monsanto had threatened to sue Vermont if the state passed similar legislation. The day after the bill failed, I was ready to try a different approach. If we couldn’t get food labelled, we’d work to eliminate GMOs. Shortly after that, GMO Free USA was born as a Facebook group. I started a petition against Kellogg’s®, asking them to remove GMOs, and started a consumer boycott as well. By the end of the summer, we had over 5,000 members on Facebook, so we threw our support behind California’s Right-to-Know citizen ballot initiative to label GMOs. But in November, the measure was narrowly defeated after Monsanto, and other agrichemical and big food companies, such as Kellogg’s, spent over $45 million to trick Californians into voting against their own best interests. In the spring of 2013, I flew to Battle Creek, Michigan, to deliver the petition to Kellogg’s with over 25,000 signatures and a pile of worrying, peer-reviewed studies. Every quarter following, we watched Kellogg’s sales decrease as our social media presence grew, reaching up to 12 million people weekly. We learned that public education is critical, and consumers who stop purchasing GMO foods ignite the most significant change. The following year, as destiny would have it, I met a molecular geneticist at a conference and learned about a rat study linking Roundup weedkiller to Robby’s cancer. He told me that in his opinion, the adjuvants in the Roundup formula forced the weedkiller into my body and magnified its toxicity causing my son’s cancer. I was heartbroken. In 2015, we accepted an invitation from musician Neil Young to join his tour for the Monsanto Years album. We jumped at the opportunity and spent months on the road, educating thousands across the country about clean and healthy food and agriculture. We heard heartbreaking stories from farmers forced to grow GMO corn because pollen drift from nearby GMO farms would contaminate non-GMO corn.

Others told us about family members with cancer. In Ohio, we met a couple who lived near GMO fields and were both battling cancer. We’ve come a long way since those early days. Unfortunately, both U.S. political parties have contributed to the problems with our food system along the way, like overturning mandatory, on-package GMO labelling, supporting agriculture dependent on large amounts of toxic chemicals, and passing policies and laws that allow food companies to buy cheap GMO ingredients and avoid transparency. To make matters worse, the federal GMO labelling law that took effect on January 1, 2022, does not require an on-package label, so GMOs are now called “Bioengineered” or “B.E.” foods, creating even more confusion in the marketplace. HERE ARE THE FACTS: As long as GMO crops receive massive government subsidies that aren’t available to organic farmers and the public is kept in the dark, cheap GMO foods will remain on the market despite declining sales. To this day, Kellogg’s doesn’t offer a single non-GMO or organic option for children. They sell premium foods in Europe and give North American children chemical-laden cereals. Meanwhile, they acquire independent organic food companies, such as Kashi®, to hedge losses against future obsolescence. The profits from those brands prop up the shrinking profits from the GMO junk!

Despite all the corporate efforts to control the food system, we the consumers have the power! There are signs of hope.

Over 80% of American households now purchase some ORGANIC FOOD. During the five-year period ending in 2019, ORGANIC FARMLAND ACREAGE increased by 50%. Meanwhile, ORGANIC FOOD SALES climbed steadily, reaching a whopping $56.4 billion in 2020.

But less than 1% of total farm acreage in the U.S. is currently dedicated to organic farming. At the current pace, the majority of agriculture is not only making us sick, but is also contributing to planetary warming. We’re just not moving fast enough. Agriculture contributes 31% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gasses (GHGs) according to the United Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). This contribution to climate disruption comes from conventional agriculture, not regenerative organic farming, which reduces GHG emissions. To mitigate the most severe effects of climate change, we must make regenerative organic agriculture the norm. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), there are 900 million acres of farmland in the U.S. Over 99% of that is conventional agriculture, of which 20% is GMO commodity crops. Approximately 40% is used for conventional livestock production (meat, dairy, and eggs), and 99% of the livestock is raised in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). CAFO cows are fed a grainbased diet (typically GMO corn and GMO soy) causing them to expel massive amounts of methane, a potent GHG. CAFOs also cause ground-level pollution of the soil, water, and air, threatening public health and all living things.

Chemical-dependent industrial agriculture is killing the planet and making us sick. On so many levels, our conventional, GMO food system has driven us to a tipping point for climate change. Every food dollar we spend is a vote for the kind of world we want to live in. Just imagine if millions of disgruntled consumers stopped buying Kellogg’s chemical-laden cereals and, instead, emailed to demand that they stop selling GMO products and shift to organic. GMO Free USA makes it easy; with the emails we send out and on our social media, you are a few clicks away from making your voice heard. Join us on Instagram @gmofreeusa_official and at fb.com/gmofreeusa on Facebook. Chronic disease and premature death because of our broken food system are preventable. We can educate ourselves and our children to make better food choices. We can grow food, support local organic farmers who help regenerate the soil, reduce meat consumption, and buy only pasture-raised organic meats – all of which will help reduce global warming.

We are the voice



Every single purchase matters. We have become a society with a problem of overconsumption. Stop buying plastics and singleuse items. Read labels and support the companies that care about the food you feed your family and are good stewards of the Earth.

Everyone is busy, but science tells us we are at the tipping point. If we do nothing, we will forever ruin the Earth. For your health, the health of your children, our planet, and future generations, we must act now. As we’ve seen many times in history, when enough people speak out to hold governments and corporations accountable, change happens. Together, we are stronger. For more information or to get involved, visit gmofreeusa.org


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NEW Bi-Layer Melatonin is a dual-action, timed-release, bi-layer tablet that quickly releases 5 mg of melatonin to help you fall asleep faster, and then steadily releases the remaining 5 mg to help you sleep through the night.



disorders affect almost every system in the body! BY KAREN JENSEN, ND

It is estimated that one in

5–10 people have thyroid disease and that 50–60% of people affected are not aware of their condition.

Thyroid disease is one of the most underdiagnosed health conditions in the world. It is estimated that one in 5–10 people have thyroid disease and that 50–60% of people affected are not aware of their condition. Hypothyroidism, also called underactive thyroid disease, occurs when the thyroid gland does not make sufficient thyroid hormone (TH). The most common form of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) causing inflammation of the thyroid. Early diagnosis is essential to improve quality of life. Undiagnosed thyroid disease has critical health consequences because THs affect almost every organ system in the body. Most people are aware of the importance of healthy thyroid function for metabolism – its effects on lipids (cholesterol levels), energy, and weight. A growing number of physicians are also becoming aware of the neurological effects, such as cognitive problems and dementia. As well, the connection between hypothyroidism and depression has long been recognized. However, thyroid disorders are more far-reaching as they also affect the heart, kidneys, fetal brain development, central and peripheral nervous systems, as well as the skeletal, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and endocrine systems.



Thyroid hormone (TH) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) Hypothyroidism is one of the most important contributors of CVD. The most common cardiovascular signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism include blood pressure changes, alterations in lipid metabolism, decreased cardiac output and contractibility, accelerated atherosclerosis, and an increased risk of stroke. Even very small modifications in TH levels, as those observed in subclinical hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, may adversely affect the cardiovascular system. Inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein, a risk factor for heart disease, are also commonly increased in subclinical hypothyroidism. In addition, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and myocardial infarction risk are increased in women with subclinical hypothyroidism.

Children and teens Thyroid disorders do not just affect adults. In children and teens, THs act synergistically with the growth hormone to stimulate bone growth and help with brain maturation as well as formation of the myelin sheath. Hypothyroidism adversely affects growth and development during puberty, a crucial period of hormonal interaction. Hypothyroid conditions also alter brain chemistry contributing to attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other learning disorders. Diet, in addition to undiagnosed and untreated hypothyroidism, contributes to the worldwide epidemic of childhood and adolescent obesity. Doctors rarely routinely test thyroid function in adults and seldom in children and teens despite the far-reaching effects. It is essential to request periodic thyroid testing for those experiencing symptoms. For people over 60 years of age, thyroid testing should be done at least once a year.

Some causes of thyroid disorders include:

Supplement support for hypothyroidism

• Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) – many toxic chemicals in our environment affect the endocrine system, including the thyroid. Environmental factors also contribute to approximately 20% of AITDs.

• Probiotics help maintain a healthy gut microbiome, which in turn helps prevent thyroid disorders.

• Times of rapid hormone shifts, such as pregnancy, menopause, and childbirth, can affect thyroid function. Untreated hypothyroidism increases the risk of miscarriage, premature delivery, and preeclampsia.

• WomenSense® ThyroSense® contains the main supplements shown to support thyroid function, including ashwagandha, tyrosine, selenium, copper, pantothenic acid, and manganese. WomenSense AdrenaSense® contains adaptogens, a category of herbs that help regulate and balance stress hormones. Chronic stress negatively affects both adrenal and thyroid function.

• Estrogen dominance, often caused by EDCs, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), or birth control pills, adversely affects thyroid function by blocking TH receptors. • Gluten – celiac and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. • Impaired gut microbiome – when the intestinal barrier becomes permeable (leaky gut), large protein molecules escape into the bloodstream, triggering an immune response. The immune response plays a role in the development of autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Converting T4 into the active form of TH, i.e., T3, requires healthy gut bacteria. • Stress hormones and adrenal fatigue • Certain viruses and medications

• Vitamin D is a cofactor in the synthesis of THs.

Note: ThyroSense does not replace prescription medication, and it can be taken safely with thyroid medication. ThyroSense can be used for subclinical hypothyroidism, and based on symptom and lab improvement, it may be all that is required.

For more information on symptoms, causes, and treatments for thyroid disorders, please refer to the Women’s Health Matters book written by Karen Jensen, ND. WOMENSVOICEMAGAZINE.COM


Feel the DIFFERENCE! You’ll love the flavour and how you’ll feel using this 100% FERMENTED, ORGANIC PRODUCT. FERMENTED PROTEIN & GREENS

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is the ONLY 100% fermented and 100% organic greens formula. Our new enzymized greens is non-GMO and vegan friendly, providing 6 g of quality fermented plant protein in every serving. This exceptional formula also includes fermented grasses, fruits, vegetables, and micronized medicinal mushrooms. Available in Organic Chocolate, Organic Tropical, and Unflavoured.

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BONE STRUCTURE Multivitamin & Mineral

Select wholefood ingredients from our organic farms Supports healthy digestion and reduces the frequency of gastrointestinal disturbances, such as constipation, irregularity, gas, and bloating

Build and strengthen bones with this calcium-rich wholefood formula with active vitamin and mineral complexes for maximum absorption. Made with farm-fresh, organic, and sustainably grown non-GMO ingredients. Suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

With added scFOS prebiotic to promote the growth and activity of the specific strains in this formula


Fermented prebiotic matrix – broccoli, carrot, kale, parsley, and spinach serve as the perfect nourishing culture medium to ensure the survival of the strongest bacteria





From gas and bloating after a heavy meal to heartburn causing a poor night’s sleep, tummy troubles are no stranger to many. The digestive system helps us break down food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate waste products. Beyond these essential functions, this vital system is also inhabited by our gut microbiota and supports inflammatory processes. Researchers continue to unravel the importance of our gut health, and how it is linked to conditions such as diabetes, obesity, depression, and anxiety. Before you reach for the next over-the-counter antacid, let’s explore why digestive problems occur and how you can get back on track to enjoying the foods you love. 22


Why is your tummy in trouble? Heartburn, gas, bloating, constipation… these symptoms don’t happen unless there is a reason. Your age, stress level, sleep quality, and various other causes can lead to poor digestion. Here are a few important triggers of tummy troubles. UNHEALTHY FOOD CHOICES. It’s not surprising that your food choices and eating habits shape your digestion. Regular consumption of highly processed foods and food additives, along with low fibre intake, can negatively impact the gut microbiota, leading to inflammation. Eating foods you may be sensitive to, such as gluten and dairy; eating too fast; and consuming heavy meals are practices known to trigger gas, bloating, and heartburn.

IT’S LOW STOMACH ACID, NOT HIGH. Contrary to popular belief, symptoms of heartburn are often associated with low, not high, hydrochloric acid (HCl) in our stomachs. Stomach acid is needed to break down proteins, kill harmful pathogens, and properly absorb nutrients such as vitamin B12, calcium, and zinc. However, stress, aging, and long-term use of antacids and protonpump inhibitors (PPIs) can create a situation of hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid), negatively impacting these actions. Although short-term

use of PPIs may be helpful for some individuals, research has shown that long-term use is not only associated with hypochlorhydria, but also with increased fracture risk, dementia, myocardial infarction, and death. The betaine HCl challenge is a test that helps determine your stomach acid status. Speak to your naturopathic doctor to determine if this test is suitable for you. IMBALANCED GUT BACTERIA. The gastrointestinal tract is home to several microorganisms, including

Healing your tummy troubles with the 4 Rs Whether you suffer from occasional stomach upset or full-blown discomfort after every meal, here are four key steps you can follow to start healing your gut. STEP 1:


Your digestive system will begin its road to recovery if you remove harmful triggers such as stress, food sensitivities, high-FODMAP foods, and pathogens like yeast and parasites. Eating plans such as the Mediterranean diet and the low-FODMAP diet have been shown to support our good bacteria, reduce gas and bloating symptoms, and regulate bowel movements. Enjoy a variety of gut-healing foods such as plant-based proteins, fruits and vegetables, omega-3 fatty acids, and bone broth.



Low levels of stomach acid and digestive enzymes need to be replaced to aid digestion, promote absorption, and prevent digestive upset. Stomach acid levels can be supported with betaine hydrochloride supplements and/or the use of bitter herbs such as gentian. Furthermore, using supplemental digestive enzymes can help with the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. This is also a good time to ensure any nutrient deficiencies – typically low levels of vitamin B12, folic acid, and iron – are corrected with the use of high-quality foods and/or supplements.


good bacteria, establishing the gut microbiota. The microbiota is key to strengthening the gut barrier, protecting us against different pathogens, and regulating immunity. Any imbalance in the community of the gut’s microbes, often triggered by what we eat, toxin exposure, and stress, can lead to dysbiosis. In turn, dysbiosis can result in increased inflammation and leaky gut, linked to intestinal conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), allergies, asthma, and obesity.


To overcome concerns of dysbiosis, it’s essential to reinoculate the gut with good bacteria. Prebiotics, fermented foods, and probiotics can help support the microbiota. Prebiotics, naturally found in many plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, and grains, can stimulate the growth and activity of our good bacteria. In contrast, fermented foods and probiotic supplements provide live microorganisms that promote gastrointestinal balance. Using probiotics during dysbiosis can help stimulate the growth of beneficial gut microbes and improve overall digestive symptoms.



An unhealthy gut lining can develop small holes and tears that can become larger over time, known as leaky gut. Under such circumstances, partially digested foods, bacteria, and harmful toxins can pass into the bloodstream, travelling throughout the body where they cause inflammation and other health concerns. The gut lining can be repaired with nutrients such as L-glutamine and curcumin. Of course, following the suggestions outlined in steps 1–3 can also promote a healthy gut lining for proper food breakdown and absorption through the digestive tract. Resolving your tummy troubles can help you get back to living the life you enjoy. Taking small steps is the best way to tackle digestive concerns and say goodbye to tummy troubles. OO MM EE NN SS VO I CI C EM AG A ZA IZNI N E .EC. C OO MM S P R I N G 2 0 2 1 |WW VO EM AG

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Quercetin is poorly absorbed – why? Because the molecular composition of quercetin affects its ability to enter the blood stream, then your cells. This may sound complicated, however, after two years of development and human clinical studies in Canada, Quercetin LipoMicel Matrix was developed. LipoMicel is the ideal carrier to deliver quercetin to your cells. Study after study shows up to 10 times higher absorption. Compared to other quercetin products, only LipoMicel Quercetin has shown to provide the highest absorption of quercetin in clinical trials conducted in Canada.

One Quercetin LipoMicel Matrix softgel is equivalent to 2500 mg of standard quercetin.

Why blood vessel protection is more important than ever Emerging research suggests that some viruses may cause blood vessel damage, often in response to the body’s inflammatory response. This causes a great deal of stress to the immune system. The unique antioxidant effect of quercetin supports healthy blood vessels by reducing the oxidative damage to vessel walls. Such protection even extends to the capillaries, which supply nutrients and oxygen to every cell in the body.

Quercetin LipoMicel Matrix— a novel delivery system to enhance bioavailability of quercetin Based on study results published in a peerreviewed Canadian journal*, the LipoMicel formulation achieves significantly higher blood concentrations of quercetin and provides up to 10 times higher absorption than regular quercetin. Quercetin LipoMicel represents an efficient delivery system for enhancing the absorption of quercetin in the body, and thus promotes its wide-ranging health benefits. To date, the low-absorption rate of quercetin in the body has been one of the greatest challenges to overcome. For this reason, Quercetin LipoMicel, has been designed to improve the uptake of quercetin and boost its therapeutic potential. *Journal of Natural Health Product Research 2021, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 1–8.


The system of blood vessels in the human body measures over 96,000 km! They are responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to every cell and can be found in every square inch of the body.

Available exclusively in natural supplement stores. naturalfactors.com

Family gatherings, celebrations, and meals shared around the table are some of my greatest joys. For those of us who are the cooks in the family, this can mean a lot of time spent preparing in the kitchen. The good news is that with a bit of planning and some menu tweaking, you can prepare many items ahead, while also keeping your feast sustainable and planet friendly.


The recipes below are some of my favourites to serve at family celebrations, but they also make fantastic meals any day of the week. They are packed with nutrients, have a smaller impact on the planet, and are quick and easy to make.


Main Dishes Pasta is always a crowd pleaser. I like to make a selection of pasta from traditional wheat to chickpea and beyond; there are many great pasta options to please kids and adults alike. Two of my favourite planet-friendly sauces are sunflower seed Alfredo sauce and marinara with vegan meatballs. I substitute the dairy in the Alfredo sauce with creamy blended sunflower seeds and make my “meatballs” using lentils and chickpeas. I often wait until my family tells me they love the dishes before revealing any healthy changes that I’ve made. Both of these tasty sauces can be prepared the day before and refrigerated. When you are ready to serve your meal, simply boil the pasta, toss, and enjoy!

Vegan Marinara Meatballs 26


Sunflower Seed Alfredo Sauce with Pasta

Salads I love serving a variety of delicious salads. My Hearty Rainbow Salad looks pretty and inviting, and the Creamy Vegan Caesar Salad is the perfect pasta pairing. Both are packed with many nutritious ingredients and can be made the day before. Prepare all the ingredients, including the dressings, but keep them separate from the salad. Place the veggies in a large covered bowl in the fridge overnight. When you are ready to eat, drizzle with the dressing and serve.

Hearty Rainbow Salad

Veggies Green beans are some of my favourite go-to veggies. Their flavour is mild enough that they’re always a hit, and their versatility means they complement almost any meal. My Sweet Spicy Green Beans recipe is an exciting addition to any meal. I recommend preparing the ingredients for this recipe beforehand but cooking them on the same day. Green beans are a fragile vegetable, and they can quickly become soggy and limp if prepared too far in advance. Sweet Spicy Green Beans

Desserts Desserts are often the crown jewel of any gathering. After a beautiful meal, desserts allow us the time to unwind and sit together over a cup of coffee or tea and a delicious slice of something that’s almost as sweet as each other’s company. We can bake desserts the day before to allow the flavours to settle into each other and eliminate more work before dinner. I make the doughnut frosting with cashews, which are planet friendly, and they add a delicious, creamy texture and balance the sweetness with heart-healthy fats. Prepare the frosting separately and assemble the doughnuts a few hours before serving. Chocolate Iced Vanilla Doughnuts

Making a few simple changes to traditional recipes is easy. With this menu, you’ll be able to feel good about the food you serve your loved ones, as well as reduce your impact on the planet. Planning and preparing in the days leading up to your feast will mean you can spend a wonderful day enjoying the company of your family and friends. For recipes, or to buy Karlene’s cookbook This Kitchen Is for Dancing, go to karlenekarst.com WOMENSVOICEMAGAZINE.COM



Hormones & Insulin


Hormones are chemical messengers that influence every aspect of our physiology. They are secreted most in response to triggers beyond our control, such as daily rhythms, monthly cycles, and once-in-a-lifetime events like puberty and menopause. When people say, “it’s your hormones,” the implication is that there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s easy to get the impression that we are at the mercy of our hormones, that they are in the driver’s seat, and we are just along for the ride. However, one of the primary hormones that govern our metabolism is almost entirely within our dominion.

Insulin is released from the pancreas in small amounts throughout the day and larger amounts after eating. Insulin tells fat cells to store fat and prevent stockpiled fat from being burned for energy. How much insulin is secreted after meals depends on what we eat, and that means you can control your major fat-storage hormone with savvy food choices.

To carb or not to carb Since carbohydrates famously spike insulin secretion, the simplest solution might seem to ditch carbs altogether. A low-carb diet will indeed cause insulin levels to drop, which partly reinforces the current popularity of virtually carb-less ketogenic diets. However, forgoing carbs entirely is not sustainable for most individuals. Going on and off keto or having “cheat days” can cause more harm than good and sabotage your efforts. Certainly, cutting way back on the carbs that are most likely to jack up your blood sugar is a no-brainer. Common culprits include white


flour, refined sugar, highly processed grains, and high fructose corn syrup. But what about potatoes, fruit, and high-glycemic-index vegetables like carrots? The body’s insulin output responds to the totality of a meal, not its components. Instead of vilifying a single macronutrient, consider balancing each meal and snack to minimize insulin-provoking potential. Protein, fat, and fibre all buffer the effect of carbohydrates. Craving a banana? Pick a small one – or half of a large one – and enjoy it with some nut butter to balance out the natural sugars. Want an apple? Have a piece of cheese to complete the protein, fat, and fibre trifecta. Feel like your meal isn’t complete without a starchy side dish? Swap white rice for brown, and throw in some sautéed veggies, a little feta, and a drizzle of olive oil to achieve postprandial hormone harmony. This kind of macronutrient stacking quickly becomes second nature with a bit of practice.


A little help from mineral friends Magnesium deficiency is one easily remedied contributor to dysfunctional insulin. A littleknown pro tip is that increasing magnesium intake improves insulin efficiency, even in people with normal magnesium levels. Magnesium-rich sources include green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes. The recommended daily intake is a hefty 420 mg for males and 320 mg for females. If you aren’t getting close to that, consider topping up with a magnesium supplement to get your insulin onside again. Chromium is a trace mineral that plays a beneficial role in optimizing insulin use. You’ll find chromium in tiny amounts in brewer’s yeast and in beef. Look for a highchromium multivitamin to help you get the upper hand over fat-storage hormones. With a few strategic nutrition changes and the addition of key nutrients, you can control insulin rather than let it control you.

IS GOOD! When it comes to preventing the worst outcomes of a COVID-19 infection, there’s more and more evidence now that scoring a D – a daily dose of vitamin D – is the performance level you want to achieve. An Israeli study, published in early 2022, is the latest in a vast series of COVID-19 studies to find that individuals with INSUFFICIENT VITAMIN D levels seem to GET SICKER than those with HIGHER BLOOD LEVELS OF THE VITAMIN. In published results labelled as “striking,” half of the patients with low baseline vitamin D levels went on to become seriously ill. Meanwhile, less than 10% of those with higher pre-existing vitamin D levels got sick. Previous studies have noted the connection between vitamin D levels and the course that COVID-19 takes among its patients. Still, researchers couldn’t be sure whether the D levels were low to begin with, or dropped during COVID-19 treatment. This latest study is the first to look at people’s vitamin D levels before the onset of the illness. These newest results need confirmation in larger study samples. Because the Israeli study was conducted before the emergence of the Omicron variant, updated research would also reveal whether these results hold with

the more infectious variant. But at least one scientist involved in the Israeli study is confident the results will hold up. Dr. Amiel Dror of Galilee Medical Center, the home of the research, points to vitamin D’s already proven ability to bolster the immune system against attacks on the respiratory system. “This is equally relevant for Omicron as it was for previous variants,” he told Business Insider. The Israeli researchers say that ensuring we get adequate vitamin D from sunlight or supplements appears to be a factor in how we’ll cope with an eventual COVID-19 infection. Others await upcoming research, warning that correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation. But the consensus is that vitamin D alone is not protective against COVID-19, and it is not a substitute for getting vaccinated and boosted. The scientific community also reminds us that underlying health conditions play a role in how sick we get from COVID-19. The Israeli team responsible for the latest published results concluded that vitamin D levels pre-illness are essential indicators. But vitamin D

levels remain “one piece of the complex puzzle” we’re still putting together regarding COVID-19 and its variants.



Redefining beauty is accomplished from the inside out Think COLLAGEN – our experts do! “As a 30-something-year-old woman and nutritionist (who’s not getting any younger), collagen has been one unique product that I had my eye on. Why collagen? Unfortunately as we age, collagen density and dermal thickness decrease, and this lack of collagen cues the all-too-familiar signs of skin aging. No wonder we’re obsessed with trying to get more of it. What some critics say are concerns: Admittedly, collagen has been a hot topic and for good reason. We all want to look younger, so a product that touts any sort of beauty benefits will no doubt come under a lot of scrutiny. In recent years there has been a growing body of evidence and even larger review studies that collectively point to the same conclusion – collagen supplements promote healthier looking skin, and decrease

visible signs of aging, without any adverse side effects. Another concern that has been shared is that there may be a risk of contaminants and heavy metals in NATASHA collagen. Although there is merit PAROUTIS, to this, the truth is that not all Nutritionist collagen supplements are created equally. When choosing a collagen supplement that is bovine (cattle) sourced, it’s best to look for a product that is pasture raised, grass fed, and steroidal-hormoneand antibiotic-free. When choosing a marinebased collagen supplement, always look for one that is extracted from wild-caught and sustainably sourced fish, like whitefish.”

Why Total Body Collagen? Revitalize, restore, and protect your skin from within. Support your muscles, joints, and ligaments.




The ISURA seal is your assurance that the product is independently verified as clean and safe, and has been tested for up to 800 possible contaminants. ISURA’s rigorous testing includes hundreds of quality procedures using state-of-the-art technology. It provides you with the confidence that the product is ISURA verified clean, one of the highest testing standards in the world.


Why we all need collagen – MICHAEL R. LYON, MD

Total Body Collagen for muscles, ligaments, beautiful hair, skin, and nails.

“Collagen is one of the most amazing biological molecules. Collagen makes up 25–30% of the total protein in the human body, and every organ depends on collagen for structure and function. Collagen fibres are woven through every cell and organ forming a flexible and strong internal skeleton. Collagen is constantly being broken down by the microscopic trauma that occurs with movement and exercise and it has to be constantly repaired and replenished. Supplementing the diet with collagen has been shown to improve skin youthfulness, restore suppleness, reduce pain from aging muscles and joints, strengthen heart function, enhance bone strength, and improve wound healing.”





The power of collagen to revitalize, restore, and protect our total body GAETANO MORELLO, ND – “It has been my clinical observation with thousands of patients that taking protein and collagen in the morning consistently creates positive outcomes in energy levels, cognitive and immune function, and overall general feeling of well-being. The last two pandemic years have been filled with added complications as both external and internal stressors reached peak levels. This is where nutrition becomes even more important and utilizing collagen as a protein source a great path forward. Clinical data has shown the importance of collagen in maintaining healthy skin and joints. As we age our bodies produce less collagen, correlating with the increase in fine lines, wrinkles, and joint pain. Clinical

studies show that increase in stress levels (and we are all stressed) stimulates elevation in cortisol, which degrades collagen. A consequence of this degradation is a reduction in the firmness of the skin (leading to an increase in fine lines and wrinkles) and a possible stiffening of joints. It would be logical to assume that a fortified collagen supplement (collagen lacks tryptophan, thus adding tryptophan creates a fortified collagen or a complete protein) would be a great nutritional answer to these issues that many of us face.”



“Regularly add collagen to your diet.” Why? – JULIE REIL, MD and Beauty Expert

“When it comes to feeling good and looking good, I am going to share my secret weapon… it is called Total Body Collagen™. I take it with a vitamin C supplement in the morning for my hair, skin, nails, and bones, and it couldn’t be easier. With Total Body Collagen, my hair is thicker and healthier and I lose less hair in the shower and in my brush. Fine lines and wrinkles on my face are getting better as I age and my skin looks and feels more hydrated. My nails are stronger with fewer ridges and grow much faster. As an added bonus, Total Body Collagen supports my bone matrix for healthy teeth and bone density.”

Is collagen good for men? Absolutely. Does it help reduce the signs of aging?

Yes, collagen hydrates our skin, reducing wrinkles and giving us that plump youthful glow, healthy hair, and skin.


WEIGHT LOSS has significant health benefits! BY JULIA SOLNIER, PhD

BEING OVERWEIGHT CAUSES MANY HEALTH PROBLEMS, AND CAN LEAD TO CHRONIC DISEASES. The overconsumption of highly processed foods, especially rapidly digestible and high-calorie foods, is likely associated with the high number of people suffering or dying from diet-related chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. On top of that, the global COVID-19 pandemic and its imposed restrictions have exacerbated these conditions with social distancing, lockdowns, quarantining, etc., which have caused further shifts in the food industry


and dietary practices. However, early research shows that losing just 5% of body weight will significantly lower the risk for cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome – a group of risk factors that include high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and high triglycerides – and can improve HDL (good cholesterol). Losing 5% of body weight may even help prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes. Excessive body fat stores large amounts of harmful chemicals, causing inflammation and making the body more vulnerable to diseases such as arthritis, heart disease, and viral infections, including COVID-19 or the influenza virus. In fact, adipose tissue (body fat) seems to provide a perfect reservoir for various pathogens, where they can live and trigger destructive immune responses. Fat tissue is composed of fat cells (adipocytes), and it contains pre-adipocytes that mature into fat cells and diverse immune cells – including adipose tissue macrophages – contributing to the inflammatory response. Early research shows that COVID-19 infects fat cells and specific immune cells within body fat, explaining why overweight or obese individuals face higher risks for severe illness and death from COVID-19. Therefore, malnutrition is considered


a critically important piece of the COVID-19 puzzle when looking at disease progression. Meal replacements, such as RealEasy™ with PGX®, present an ideal and healthy alternative food source that is filled with optimal amounts of macro- and micronutrients and is high in protein – a combination that diminishes appetite while providing fewer calories than other regular meals. Replacing meals is particularly helpful in weight loss without losing muscle mass. In a 12-week observational study, supplementation with a whey-based protein meal replacement (RealEasy with PGX) led to significant reductions in average body weight (-7.7 kg) and an 8.4% loss of initial body weight. And other numerous studies show that the use of meal replacements proves to be an effective short-term solution for weight management/loss by reducing food cravings and providing a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Moreover, meal replacements, especially those containing high-quality plant protein, may reduce the ecological fingerprint and enhance sustainable healthy food systems as compared to ultra-processed foods causing harmful effects to human and planetary health. RealEasy™ with PGX® Meal Replacement is your best choice to losing weight without dieting, keeping off the weight, and working toward a healthier lifestyle.

For Our Youth,

“Climate Anxiety”

is Real


IMMUNE SUPPORT with just 1–2 softgels per day

Words are not enough. Youth ages 16–25 want immediate action on the climate crisis, and as the developed world drags its feet, researchers say the ongoing mental health of this younger generation is at stake. According to a study published in Lancet Planetary Health, the youth of the 10 countries sampled are feeling anxiety and “widespread psychological distress” that they attribute to governmental inaction on the climate crisis:

75% 64% 61% 58% 45%

say they find the future frightening say governments are not doing enough to avoid climate catastrophe say governments are not protecting them, the planet, or future generations say governments are “betraying” them say their concerns regarding climate change affect their daily life

“Climate change has significant implications for the health and futures of children and young people,” the researchers conclude, “yet they have little power to limit its harm, making them vulnerable to increased climate anxiety.” Researchers who surveyed 10,000 young people shared that our youth feel a sense of futility because nothing they do or say regarding the environment seems to make a difference with the powers that be. “Climate change has significant implications for the health and futures of children and young people,” the researchers conclude, “yet they have little power to limit its harm, making them vulnerable to increased climate anxiety.” Study co-author Lise Van Susteren, a psychiatrist, points out that these findings don’t just measure the climate anxiety of our youth. They also measure the climate denial of the adults who are supposed to be doing something about it.

Black Elderberry

Fast-acting support for immune and respiratory health • Helps relieve fever associated with the common cold and flu • Relieves symptoms of colds and flus such as cough, sore throat, and mucous buildup • Promotes detoxification of the kidneys, skin, and mucous membranes


“Kids are very savvy. They know full well that the government is the one that can unleash the power.” – Lise Van Susteren, Forensic Psychologist







Like an athlete who prepares their mind and body for peak performance, we must also finetune parts of our immune system that work on our behalf every day to protect us against these invaders.

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Vital to our protection and survival, our immune system defends against foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses from entering our body and causing harm. With the help of barriers and immune cells, this essential system strives to keep us healthy. Like an athlete who prepares their mind and body for peak performance, we must also fine-tune parts of our immune system that work on our behalf every day to protect us against these invaders.

NATURAL KILLER CELLS 101 There’s no shortage of information on ways to support our immune function. So, let’s draw our attention to how we can support one specific type of immune cell – natural killer (NK) cells. NK cells are a type of lymphocyte, or white blood cell, produced in areas such as the bone marrow, tonsils, and spleen. NK cells are primarily active against stressed cells, such as cancer and virus-infected cells, eliminating these by secreting cytokines, exhibiting direct cytotoxic effects, and regulating other immune cells. Factors such as genetics, age, nutrition, and even physical activity can impact the function of NK cells. Any abnormalities of NK cells can lead to an increased risk of cancer development and infection. For example, deficiencies of specific micronutrients due to reduced energy intake, malabsorption, or drug-nutrient interactions as we age can lead to reduced immune responses. The good news is we can optimize NK cell function with nutrient and lifestyle changes.


SUPPORT YOUR NK CELLS WITH KEY NUTRIENTS AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Probiotics Our microbiota, simply known as our good bacteria, provides numerous health benefits including immune support. Although diet, age, medications, illness, and stress can greatly influence the composition of these microorganisms, probiotics are commonly recommended to support the microbiota and improve immune responses. In fact, NK cell activity may be improved by certain strains of probiotics, especially lactobacilli and bifidobacteria strains. Shortterm probiotic supplementation has been shown to improve NK cell function in healthy elderly individuals. With several choices for probiotic supplements, be sure to select one that provides a broad spectrum of probiotic strains and has a guaranteed potency until the product’s expiry date. Fermented foods and high fibre intake also help promote a healthy microbiota.

Vitamin D Widely known for promoting bone health, vitamin D can also impact immunity by influencing various immune cells. Vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency, as evaluated by a simple blood test, are associated with increased risk of infection and development of autoimmune diseases. Although vitamin D’s influence on NK cells is not completely understood, one study has suggested that maintaining serum levels of 30–40 ng/mL may be optimal for NK activity. Although sun exposure can help with vitamin D production, supplementation with vitamin D3 is often an appropriate strategy to support immune health and reduce the risk of acute respiratory tract infections. Adults can often supplement with 1000–2000 IU per day; however, dosage recommendations should

and innate immune cell functions. Decreased NK cell activity may occur with zinc deficiency. Zinc impacts the functions of multiple enzymes found in lymphocytes. Support your selenium levels with foods such as Brazil nuts, fish, and whole grains, plus your zinc levels with pumpkin seeds, spinach, and animal proteins.

Physical activity be based on your current vitamin D status. Speak to your health care practitioner about assessing your vitamin D levels to establish a more accurate daily vitamin D3 dose.

Vitamin C The antioxidant vitamin C can support immune defences by influencing the development, production, and function of lymphocytes and the integrity of the immune system’s physical barriers. Under the influence of vitamin C, NK cells may regenerate faster, and normal function of impaired NK cells may be restored. More research is needed in this area, but consuming foods rich in vitamin C, such as berries, oranges, and green leafy vegetables, along with supplementation, may be beneficial for NK cell function.

Selenium and zinc Additional nutrients such as selenium and zinc have also been shown to support NK cell activity. Optimal selenium status can enhance T-cell proliferation, NK cell activity,

Along with appropriate nutrient intake, physical activity is known to augment immune function. In one study, lack of physical exercise was associated with a risk of very low NK cell activity, yet increased exercise provided immune benefits especially for women. Regular physical activity goes a long way in reducing community infection

and mortality. Adults should engage in a variety of aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and balance activities to promote health. NK cells are critical to the immune system, and require a balanced approach of healthy eating, nutrient supplementation, stress management, and regular movement to support their function. Always strive to finetune components of your immune system to support its optimum performance.




Everyone on our planet has now lived through over two years of pandemic life, and millions have endured prolonged stress on many different levels.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often conjures images of shell-shocked veterans returning from war, someone witnessing a violent crime, or other life-threatening events. Emerging evidence shows that COVID-19 is associated with PTSD symptomology even though it does not fit neatly within prevailing PTSD diagnostic criteria. PTSD is a condition that can develop after experiencing psychological trauma. When the condition persists, it can cause substantial distress and disruption in a person’s life. Some symptoms include: • Having memories or concerns about the trauma that interrupt emotional well-being • Avoiding people, places, or things • Reacting negatively to life or not reacting at all • Experiencing difficulty sleeping, irritability, and difficulty concentrating Even though many people may not fit into the official diagnosis of PTSD, if someone feels bad and it affects their day-to-day life, it’s a mental health concern, and it doesn’t matter what official label you want to give it.

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Trauma has now become a part of many people’s lives for various reasons. This can include burnout and mental exhaustion felt by front-line workers; having or being hospitalized with COVID-19; suffering the loss of a loved one; or experiencing lockdowns, losing jobs, and being separated from friends and family for long periods. As a result, the trauma can wreak havoc on mental health. Everyone on our planet has now lived through over two years of pandemic life, and millions have endured prolonged stress on many different levels. Children and adults experience grief, anxiety, isolation, depression, substance abuse disorders, fatigue, or economic hardships due to the constant media-driven fear as well as ongoing and ever-changing uncertainty about the future. Prior to COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that about one in four people worldwide would suffer from mental health concerns. They now estimate that 40–48% are struggling with mental health, and these numbers increase as the pandemic continues.

We will continue to see the mental health repercussions of this worldwide health crisis, even long after the world returns to some form of “normal.” One of the main reasons for this fragile psychological state is that humans of all ages are hard-wired to soothe stress by being around other people – working, playing, attending school, living with others, etc. We all need a connection to other humans. During the pandemic, nearly everyone had less social support, with people living alone or those who had recently retired or lost their jobs being the most severely impacted.

A NATURAL APPROACH to balancing blood sugar

Any trauma we experience is not necessarily proportional to an event’s intensity. Some people will process what has happened better than others. Simply having a negative experience does not automatically lead to negative psychological effects. Some people have incredible resilience to stressful events, often due to individual perceptions of stress and attitude toward it. Chronic stress becomes harmful when the physiological response called “fight or flight,” meant to get us through a dangerous moment, doesn’t turn off. When the threat continues, or we perceive that it does, and our mental resilience – the machine that keeps us moving during stress – is depleted, the resulting symptoms can severely disrupt our lives.

Nutritional support to keep the mental/ emotional body strong during times of prolonged stress: Stress: ADRENASENSE® contains adaptogens that have been studied extensively and proven very effective in supporting the body during times of increased demands and stress. Mood and anxiety: Studies show that saffron effectively treats mild-to-moderate depression and improves mood. GABA and L-THEANINE support and calm the nervous system in individuals who experience moderate anxiety. Probiotics: PROBIOTICS have both anti-inflammatory and serotonin capacity, as well as some overall effects similar to antidepressants without side effects. Insomnia – MELATONIN, VALERIAN, and combination herbal formulas such as RESTFUL SLEEP® are effective for many people with insomnia.

Lifestyle Tips and Techniques GET TOGETHER with others. EXERCISE, as it is the key to eliminating the stresses trapped in the body. Return to HEALTHY NUTRITIONAL BASICS emphasizing vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy oils. SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP – treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) are especially valuable for trauma. REFLECTION and taking time to be still are potent tools for trauma recovery. Do all you can to keep carrying on!


BERBERINE The unique way berberine acts on the body makes it a useful natural option for supporting blood sugar balance. Modern evidence shows berberine plays a role in blood sugar metabolism, and supports cardiovascular health by maintaining healthy blood lipid levels.







Are you feeling low? Carrying a few extra pounds? Not sleeping well? These are some of the complaints that have become more common over the past two years. There is still

a lot of individual and collective fallout from the pandemic, and as a result, it’s taking some of us longer than others to feel well again. Take heart, there is nutritional help to right your ship. 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) has documented positive effects on emotional well-being, sleep, appetite, and even pain. Here’s what you need to know about it. 5-HTP is an amino acid that our body uses to make serotonin. It occurs naturally in small amounts in the body, and it can also be taken in supplement form. Despite being naturally occurring, 5-HTP is not found in the foods we eat. 5-HTP supplements are made from the seeds of a plant called Griffonia simplicifolia, which is native to West and Central Africa.

Mood management Available over the counter as a dietary supplement in North America and the UK, 5-HTP is sold as a prescription medicine for depression in many European countries. Being a precursor to our major feel-good neurotransmitter serotonin, 5-HTP can help lift a low mood. A 2020 meta-analysis of 13 published clinical trials concluded that supplemental 5-HTP helps life seem brighter for trial participants experiencing sadness.

Sleep support The body uses serotonin to make melatonin, which is one reason mood and sleep are so intimately connected. 5-HTP has been shown to promote peaceful slumber. In people with poor sleep quality, 5-HTP helps lengthen the duration of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the period of sleep in which we dream. REM is important because it engages the areas of the brain that help with learning and memory. We tend to experience less REM sleep as we age. Safety and side effects 5-HTP is generally safe and well tolerated with few side effects. Some people experience stomach upset, which may be minimized by taking it with food. Vivid dreams are another occasionally reported reaction. 5-HTP shouldn’t be taken with other medications or supplements that can also raise serotonin, such as antidepressants, St. John’s wort, over-the-counter cold and cough medication containing dextromethorphan (DM), and others. If you’re not sure, ask your health care practitioner or pharmacist. 5-HTP may make you drowsy, so try it initially in the evening or on a day when you can stay near home in case you feel tired.



Less discomfort When we are low on happy hormones, things hurt more. In other words, serotonin influences pain tolerance. Chronic pain conditions, such as fibromyalgia, are often associated with serotonin imbalances. In studies lasting up to one year, supplementing with 300–400 mg of 5-HTP per day improved symptoms such as musculoskeletal pain, tenderness, and morning stiffness in fibromyalgia.

Conquering cravings Everyone craves comfort food sometimes, but you might be trying to feed an emotional hunger if you find that you self-soothe with food regularly. Normal serotonin levels allow the brain to recognize feelings of satiety (fullness and satisfaction) after eating. Restoring serotonin may help control appetite and carbohydrate cravings. In one placebo-controlled study, obese women took 5-HTP daily for five weeks. Even without having prescribed dietary restrictions, the women taking 5-HTP ate less and lost weight during the study. We all need help sometimes to regain our equilibrium, and for some of us, 5-HTP may provide enough support to do just that. Shopping tips When choosing 5-HTP supplements, look for a time-released or enteric-coated formula. This will deliver the nutrient steadily over a few hours, avoiding uneven serotonin levels and gastrointestinal side effects that may occur with a standard-release product. Typical amounts used in clinical trials range between 150 mg and 400 mg per day, usually divided into three doses. Check the product you are purchasing for the correct dose for the desired benefit.

ALPHA® ORGANIC HEMP SEED OIL is made from organic Canadian hemp seeds and is loaded with healthy omega essential fatty acids, minerals, and antioxidants.

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QUICK-RELEASE MELATONIN REGENERLIFE™ is a nutritional blend designed to fuel mitochondria (tiny powerhouse batteries within our cells), the primary producers of energy, to maintain healthy cardiovascular, brain, and muscle function.


is a bilayer tablet that mimics natural melatonin production to re-establish a normal circadian sleep rhythm, helping you fall asleep and stay asleep, and keeping you from waking up too early.



TOTAL BODY COLLAGEN™ MEAL REPLACEMENT contains PGX® and collagen. Clinically proven PGX reduces cravings and assists in weight management by slowing the absorption of carbs. Plus, you get the added benefit of collagen to reduce fine lines and eye wrinkles, and increase skin elasticity.

GLUTATHIONE LIPOMICEL MATRIX offers enhanced-absorption glutathione in a reduced form for potent antioxidant protection. This formula supports immune health, and provides free radical defence and liver protection.

From a simple seed, planted in the ground with a little water, nutrients from the soil, and a whole lot of energy from the sun, comes the

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Medicine’s Forgotten Concept

Claude Bernard was a 19th-century French physiologist whom Harvard historian Bernard Cohen called “one of the greatest of all men of science.” Bernard was the first to define the internal milieu. He discovered that our internal milieu comprises the blood and fluids that bathe each cell in the body to ensure the protective stability of tissue and organs, a process called homeostasis. Think of the body’s internal milieu as soil. When soil is fertile and healthy, the tissue will thrive, but when toxic, cells decay.

When first discovered, internal milieu played an essential role in theories of pathology. But when Pasteur’s germ theory was introduced, the role that the body plays in disease faded into unfortunate obscurity. So far, we’ve focused mainly on the internal milieu.

Still, it is vital to share that both the EXTERNAL (environmental conditions) and INTERNAL milieus are inextricably linked to our physical and mental health. 44


As a result of chemicals that cause everything from nutrientdeficient soils to pollution in our air and water, the toxic state of the earth’s external milieu makes it increasingly difficult for our internal milieu to maintain balance. When the external influence becomes very challenging, the internal milieu can no longer adapt, our bodies become weaker, and the consequences to our health are vast. These consequences can include immune compromise, hormone imbalance,

neurological concerns, and mental health disorders that affect our relationships with ourselves and others, and we lose our connection to nature. We are all part of the whole, and we’re influenced by it. We need to do our part individually and collectively to contribute to a healthy and dynamic synergistic relationship between the environment and our external and internal milieus. So, what can we do? This article features the perspectives of four health care practitioners on the milieu of the brain, our hormones, digestion, and relationships.

THE BRAIN’S INTERNAL MILIEU By Karen Jensen, ND The milieu of the brain is determined by the behaviours are shaped by a personal cells, cerebrospinal fluid, and blood-brain connection with others. barrier. Environmental toxins, head injuries, Unpredictable events, as well as the and anesthetics are some factors that disrupt many other stresses in our lives that this vulnerable milieu and protective flood our barrier. Social contact Chronic stress is contributing bodies and is a very important to an explosion in mental health brains with part of the regulation disorders that will be with us for stress hormones, have of the milieu. years to come. Insomnia, anxiety, interrupted these

and depression are increasing The COVID-19 essential connections. pandemic is causing exponentially in people of all ages, A healthy diet, with teens and young adults being exercise, rest, and unprecedented changes in all aspects the most dramatically affected. personal stressof our lives. People reduction activities, such as replacing have had restrictions imposed on them screen time with “green time,” help the that limit or prohibit social interactions on brain’s milieu. Also, consider taking an many different levels. In the African Bantu adaptogen – a herbal stress-support language, the word “ubuntu” means that supplement – such as WomenSense® a person becomes a person only through AdrenaSense® – and a probiotic to support other people. Our brains, minds, and the gut-brain connection. Chronic stress

leads to inflammation, which we now know is the leading cause of chronic disease and mental health disorders. 3 Brains® Brain Defence is my favourite supplement for overall brain support, and Theracurmin® is very effective for supporting healthy inflammatory responses in the brain and body. Our mental and physical resilience depends entirely on the state of our internal milieu, which is codependent on a healthy external environment and our personal connection to others. “Ubuntu” – I am here because of you.

HORMONES AND THE BODY’S MILIEU By Julie Reil, MD It’s important to remember that one of the keys to a healthy brain is also healthy hormones. Balancing the body’s internal milieu with important nutrients and eliminating toxins from our external environment that block hormones is the key to hormone balance. Here is what gets my patients off the hormone roller coaster. For women who take prescription hormones, beginning a daily routine by taking key foundational supplements can significantly lower the dose of prescription hormones (lowest effective dose = lower risks). Sometimes patients can taper off prescription medication completely when they take these essential nutrients consistently. The key nutrients for balancing hormones and the internal milieu are vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D. These nutrients optimize cellular communication between the organs involved in hormone

regulation. Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D can lower the required dose of hormone replacement by 50% or greater, and foundational supplements can help with premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and during prenatal, postnatal, premenopausal, and postmenopausal times. In my women’s health practice, where underactive thyroid is extremely common, I recommend ThyroSense®. It contains nutrients that help convert the inactivated thyroid hormone (T4) to the activated thyroid hormone (T3). ThyroSense is very helpful for hormone balance and can be taken by women on prescription thyroid medication.

The external milieu Various toxins, such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers found in our food and water, block healthy hormone function and are known

as xenoestrogens. Minimizing exposure is very important for hormone balance and overall health. Eat organic foods whenever possible Choose glass containers over plastic Filter your water Exercise or walk daily; this helps support the elimination of toxins through sweating and optimizes liver function In addition to foundational support with vitamin D, omega-3s, and multivitamins, WomenSense EstroSense® is an important supplement that supports the liver and the body’s natural detoxification processes, which can further support hormonal balance.



EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL MILIEU: THE IMPACT ON DIGESTIVE HEALTH By Stephanie Rubino, ND It all comes back to the gut; digestive health is essential for optimal hormone balance. When the integrity of our external and internal milieus is disrupted, we are often left to deal with an unhappy gut. Although many of us identify the digestive system as key to food breakdown and nutrient absorption, its functions go beyond this. Most importantly, the gastrointestinal tract inhabits a dynamic population of microorganisms known as the microbiota. The activities and benefits of the microbiota are tremendous, including nutrient metabolism, protection against different pathogens, immune regulation, xenobiotic and drug metabolism, and strengthening of the gut barrier.

Our diet, age, genetics, and use of medication are commonly known to influence the composition of the microbiota.

However, research continues to identify other factors found in our external milieu, such as environmental toxins and climate change, that impact microbial balance. Increasing evidence suggests that bisphenols, phthalates,

persistent organic pollutants, heavy metals, and pesticides, along with air pollution and increasing climate temperatures, negatively impact microbial balance. Loss of beneficial bacteria and reduced microbial diversity lead to dysbiosis, a condition that is

associated with increased inflammation and health concerns such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), allergies, asthma, and obesity. We can overcome microbial imbalance with simple solutions. The daily inclusion of fermented foods, prebiotics, and/or probiotic supplements can help re-establish a balanced community of microorganisms in the gut. Fermented foods, such as yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and kombucha, can provide your body with a healthy dose of good bacteria, while prebiotic foods, such as apples, garlic, bananas, and asparagus, help the gut’s microbiota flourish. Probiotic supplements supply live microorganisms that promote gastrointestinal balance and are designed to provide specific probiotic strains that support various health needs. Focusing on a natural, wholefood diet with minimally processed food can also go a long way to fostering a happy gut.

RELATIONSHIPS: OUR SOCIAL MILLIEU By Kate Rhéaume, ND Connecting with others is another vital aspect that can influence our internal and external milieus. Nothing can make – or break – a good day like our interactions with the people around us. Whether it’s our spouse, kids, other family members, coworkers, or neighbours, our relationships can fill our cups – or drain our energy – with a single conversation. Believe it or not, this can have a meaningful impact on health. Positive interactions increase the level of our feel-good hormones, such as endorphins and oxytocin. Negative exchanges do the opposite, even triggering inflammation in the same way a pulledback or infected wound does. Our interconnectedness shapes our internal milieu in powerful ways in the long term. For example, the quality of our relationships is a major predictor of healthy aging. Conflicts and weak social support contribute to emotional stress, low mood, and detrimental behaviours. Positive relationships enhance resilience to stress and bolster immune function. 46


After a few years of being told to keep our distance from others, there may be no better way to recover from the pandemic than by taking steps to broaden our network of positive connections.



COULD SEVEN TINY CROCUS FLOWERS HOLD THE POWER TO SAVE YOUR EYESIGHT IN OLD AGE? These cheery autumn-blooming surprises, usually purple or white, produce three long, red stamens. We call the stamens saffron, the world’s most expensive spice when dried. Recent studies in Australia and Italy have shown that adding about 20 strands of saffron to your recipes, or about seven flowers’ worth, can help prevent sightstealing macular degeneration. To be clear, we’re talking about the crocus species, not the similar fall-bloomer colchicum, which is different and poisonous.

HOW DOES SAFFRON COMBAT EYE DISEASE? GreenMedInfo.com reports that the antioxidant qualities of saffron seem to counteract the effects of aging, illness, and intense light exposure on our central vision. By increasing oxygen availability in eye cells, saffron appears to fight or forestall the death of photoreceptors, keeping vision clear for reading, driving, recognizing faces, and seeing colours accurately.

To get the best from saffron in your kitchen, soak a pinch of threads in hot water before adding them to dishes such as risottos, seafood soups, or beef stews. They add colour, flavour, and tremendous health benefits. Of course, cooking with saffron does require a significant investment, especially if you’re buying the best form for vision preservation, the threads themselves. A small box of highest-quality threads can cost over $80 an ounce, but it can last years if stored away from light. Of course, you can always try growing and drying your own saffron! Be sure you’re buying Crocus sativus bulbs, and plant lots of them. You need 50 bulbs to make a teaspoon of saffron, but give them time; they’ll multiply in your garden. Use tweezers to harvest the red threads of each flower. Dry them on paper towels in a warm, sunny spot for a few days, then store in an airtight container in your cupboard or pantry. Or better yet, start supplementing with saffron; it’s also great for mood and depression.

Increases resistance to stress and anxiety

Stress-Relax® ASHWAGANDHA Stress-Relax Ashwagandha features clinically studied organic KSM-66 Ashwagandha™ extract to help increase resistance to stress and anxiety in people with a history of chronic stress, thereby improving their quality of life. Ashwagandha is a well-recognized Ayurvedic herb that is traditionally used as a sleep aid and nerve tonic, and also provides athletic support..






WOMEN who inspire us

e l l e p a C y l l o Meet H Born and raised in Oregon, I am a mother of six, married to my high school sweetheart Kevin. We’re entering our 31st year of playing house together. For the last 20 years, I’ve had the privilege of working full-time in radio advertising from home while raising my babies at the same time. This meant a lot of time spent at home, allowing us to build our backyard homestead, including different gardens and a flock of five chickens.

Organic food is expensive, so feeding a large family on a tight budget didn’t allow us to buy the healthier options. That’s when my love of gardening turned into my mission. I was on a quest to grow as many organic fruits and vegetables as possible to provide for my family. Our garden started as two raised beds in the corner of our yard. Today, we have over 16 raised beds and several trellises for vertical growing in every part of our 10,000+ sq ft lot. This includes our front yard, too! Over the years, we’ve incorporated as much edible landscape as possible. Our urban homestead continues to be a work in progress as we are self-taught gardeners, making plenty of mistakes along the way. But mistakes have taught us the most significant lessons. We’ve become quite successful at growing, maintaining, harvesting, and preserving our food through trial and error. We sow our seeds, dry all our herbs and edible flowers, and dehydrate


and freeze the harvests. We save everything, and very little gets wasted. I love to grow anything and everything! Our favourite garden produce are tomatoes, peppers, artichokes, zucchini, herbs, and lots of edible flowers. We also enjoy growing strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, elderberries, hawthorn berries, and grapes. In the last few years, we’ve even produced our fall decorations, such as pumpkins, sunflowers, ornamental corn, and cornstalks. For us, gardening has become a way of life. We are incorporating as many things as we can into our sustainable urban garden, and I’m making culinary delights, wildcraft projects, and even homemade beauty products. Our garden is a treasured family project and a love story that gives back tenfold to the health and wellness of my family and the planet.

My advice for anyone who wants to give gardening a try? Go for it, and don’t overthink it. Believe it or not, nature does all the heavy lifting. Start small and grow what you love. When things get challenging, don’t give up. Every season is a brand new one, and no two seasons are ever alike. Remember, gardening is not a competition. It’s your connection to the planet. So, dig in and happy gardening!


The following are a few successful tips to start your own organic garden. Add flowers! Flowers are beautiful in the garden, but some can provide a line of defence against insects. Think companion planting (plant friends)! You will find that some plants do better together, and some shouldn’t be planted near each other. For example, marigolds are a valuable companion plant in the garden. They attract ladybugs, which feast on aphids. Planting marigolds next to broccoli, cabbage, beets, beans, tomatoes, carrots, and radishes, to name a few, will aid in insect control. Not to mention, they’re both beautiful and edible! Win, win, win! Do your research on plant friends before filling your beds. This will help you be successful. Farmersalmanac.com is a great resource to consult. Good soil is the absolute key to a successful garden. Adding quality organic soil to your garden beds each season will give your plants the greatest advantage. In closing, my family had the privilege of being included in a recently published book called Urban Homesteads: How to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle, written by Rebecca Gross (available on amazon.com). Follow me





Who’s ready to shake off winter?! I know I am.


As we begin the shift into spring and warmer weather, this is the perfect time to start fresh and kick off the season with a spring detox. But first, let’s start by squashing a couple of detox myths.

WHAT TO AVOID: The foods to avoid are mainly inflammatory foods, which inhibit our body’s capacity to properly detox on its own, and common food sources of toxins, such as alcohol, caffeine, refined sugar, grains, dairy, and trans fats or industrial oils (vegetable, soybean, sunflower, etc.).

A detox isn’t a weight-loss tool. While weight loss may be a side effect of cleaning up the body’s systems and cultivating healthy habits during the detox, detoxing is not in itself an effective weight-loss tool. Many products have been marketed that way, but they can promote unhealthy weight-loss mechanisms that could do more damage than good to your health. A detox isn’t a “quick fix” or a magic pill. Detoxing can go a long way in improving the functions and health of your body, but should be seen as a supplement to a healthy lifestyle.

Why detoxing is important Our modern lifestyle, especially our diets, is filled with more toxins than ever before. With continued exposure, chemical additives, pharmaceutical products, and toxins in our personal-care and cleaning products accumulate within our bodies. Our body is equipped with a powerful built-in detoxifying system, but the system can get overrun with the constant exposure to toxins combined with the stress of modern living. This combination can lead to a system that eventually stops functioning correctly. Choosing to consciously detox and reduce exposure to toxins gives the body a chance to reset and move back into balance. Many of us, myself included, could use this reset after the holidays.

How I like to detox While many people like to turn to fasting as a method of detoxing, I find this unattainable with a busy lifestyle. This is what discourages many people – the need to disrupt their lives to take on a detox. I like to take a more holistic approach; I place my focus on clean eating and clean living to cultivate this reset.

WHAT TO EAT: Focus on drinking plenty of water and herbal teas to keep well hydrated and help flush out your system. Eat lots of organic vegetables. If buying organic isn’t feasible for you, make sure to at least avoid the “Dirty Dozen™” vegetables and fruits that contain the highest levels of pesticides. Eat plenty of nuts and seeds for healthy fats. To avoid heavy-metal content, eat lean, organic or grass-fed, hormone- and antibiotic-free protein, avoiding larger fish, such as tuna and halibut. Eating fruit is okay, but stick to fruits with a low glycemic load, such as berries, apples, and pears, and have no more than two servings a day. Choose detox-supportive supplements Certain supplements can support your detox, such as milk thistle, dandelion, turmeric, probiotics, adequate fibre, B vitamins, and vitamin C. Take plenty of rest It’s not uncommon to feel a bit weary while detoxing, so I recommend taking it easy and getting plenty of sleep. Keep moving It’s also essential to keep up physical movement to help stimulate your body and maintain its good health. Walking and yoga are excellent options to keep active if you’re feeling exhausted from the detox. Detox your life Cleaning up your act when it comes to personal-care and cleaning products will help your body detox better and reduce your toxic load in the long term. Visit ewg.org to find out more about the toxins in products you use. My absolute favourite thing about detoxing in this way is that it leads to long-term healthy habits. The more toxin-free we can live, the less need we have to detox, and the better our bodies can function at all times! Happy spring detox!




THE CHALLENGE FOR CONSUMERS Some contaminants, unacceptable adulterants, or inaccurate labelling of products may occur because of ignorance or by accident. Still, the financial stakes are high in food production, and unquestionably there are some companies that peddle fraudulent and lesser-quality products for profit. Therefore, the core issue for consumers is INTEGRITY in the food and dietary supplement industries. In this situation, the dictum applies: Trust, but verify.

TESTING THE “TRUST, BUT VERIFY” SOLUTION Regardless of the reason for contaminated, adulterated, or mislabelled food products, the solution is always the same: testing, testing, testing.


Rigorous testing throughout the entire process of field-to-table food and nutritional supplements production protects consumers. Testing is critical at every juncture in the supply chain as there could be as many as three or more different companies that process a single product from field to shelf.

Recently in January 2022, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) recalled a cake product because of an undisclosed milk ingredient. The CFIA warned that for people with an allergy to milk, eating the product could cause a severe or lifethreatening reaction. The same week, the CFIA also recalled a smoothie because of consumer-reported illnesses associated with it. The CFIA pointed out that the smoothie contained raw elderberries that, when ingested in large amounts, could cause cyanide poisoning.

Leading-edge certifying organizations like ISURA® use a combination of stateof-the-art laboratory equipment, such as mass spectrometry, which can detect up to 800 known pesticides, solvents, and heavy metal contaminants at the level of parts per billion (ppb). This same technology can confirm the product’s authenticity, and identify unwanted adulterants and undisclosed ingredients, ensuring that the label is accurate and the ingredients are actually in the product or bottle. Products certified and tested by ISURA meet or exceed international standards set by organizations such as: ■ Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) ■ World Health Organization (WHO) ■ Health Canada: NNHPD (HC) ■ United States Pharmacopeia (USP) ■ Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) ■ American Botanical Council (ABC) ■ United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ■ European Union (EU) ■ Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia


Testing protects the consumer, the integrity of the industry, and trust in companies and their hardworking employees.


Testing also exposes inferior, fraudulent, and contaminated products.



The development of testing technology has made outstanding strides in its application to the food and supplement industry, and companies that are serious about the quality and safety of their products have adopted it.



CERTIFYING ORGANIZATIONS NEED AUDITS, TOO! What about the integrity of the testing and certifying organizations? They, too, should be regularly audited for ISO 9001 quality management systems, and their laboratories should be ISO 17025 accredited for specific laboratory methods. Testing organizations that are regularly audited will post this information on their websites.

THE CONSUMER SOLUTION – TRUST, BUT VERIFY! As consumers, we deserve clean wholefood and dietary supplements free from contaminants for ourselves and our families. We can actively advocate for safer food and vitamins at both the macro and micro levels by voting with our wallets. How? When buying food, choose reputable local farms, and organic, non-GMO produce. When looking for vitamins and dietary supplements, choose products with the ISURA seal. If a retail store does not carry products with the ISURA certification, urge them to do so or find a retailer that does. The safety, quality, and integrity of our food and dietary supplements are paramount to a healthy planet and ultimately to each of us. When joined, consumers can significantly impact companies for good. Let’s use our influence to ensure the integrity of both the food and supplement industry.


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• N








• C




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