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5.2 Technical constraints
from Revitalizing Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration in Myanmar (Study-based report for WWF-Myanmar)
by WWF-Myanmar
Fire presents another challenge for FMNR. Bushfires in the CDZ are very common, especially in the dry season. Fires are usually started by humans, both intentionally and unintentionally. In most cases, fires are started by cigarette butts dropped by smokers. Another cause of fire is hunters who use fire to flush animals out of bushes. Piles of pruned branches from FMNR trees can act as fuel for fires in the dry season. Although fire is recognized as a problem by communities, they have become normal and people think they do not have the power to stop it.
(c) Charcoal production
Production of charcoal used to be very common in the region. Charcoal makers sometimes remove living tree stumps and roots for charcoal production. Although charcoal production is now less when compared to the previous decade, it still remains an income source for local people.
(d) Labour shortages
Outward migration is common in Myanmar’s CDZ for economic reasons, particularly for employment in non-agricultural sectors such as road construction. Most of the migration is internal migration to another region or state in Myanmar. Younger adults tend to migrate from rural areas for work, while parents and older persons remain in the households. Some of the farmers have to hire labour for crop production because household members have left. As a result, most of the respondents mentioned that labour scarcity is a key obstacle to practising FMNR.
Sources of learning FMNR practices
35% 2%
Traini ng from experts L earn from other farmers Other
Figure 10. FMNR learning sources