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43. The project proponent shall monitor the project for compliance with this project approval.

44. The project proponent shall notify and identify in writing to the government any breaches of its obligations or other performance failures or violations of the project approval or EMPs as soon as reasonably possible and not later than 24 hours in respect to any breach which would have a serious impact or where the urgent attention of the government may be required. In all cases, the project proponent shall notify government within seven days of becoming aware of such incident.


45. Possible breaches of the project approval and EMPs that should be reported to the government without delay include: a. Any malfunction, breakdown, or failure of equipment or techniques; b. Any accident, or emission of a substance not controlled by an emission limit that hs caused, is causing, or may cause significant pollution; c. The breach of a limit as specified in this project approval; d. Any significant adverse environmental and health effects. The notification shall contain a description of the mitigation measures already undertaken and proposed changes to project operations.

Monitoring Reports

46. The project proponent shall submit semi-annual environmental monitoring reports to the government within 30 days of the end of the reporting period. The monitoring reports shall include: a. Documentation of compliance with all conditions of this project approval; b. Progress made to date on the implementation of EMPs against the submitted implementation schedule; c. Difficulties encountered in implementing EMPs and recommendations for remedying difficulties and steps to prevent or avoid similar future difficulties; d. Number and type of non-compliances with EMPs and proposed remedial measures and timelines for completion of remediation; e. Summary of site inspections by the Project Environmental Safety Office; f. Summary of self-monitoring reports including explanatory remarks; g. Summary of accidents or incidents relating to occupational and community health and safety; h. Summary of complaints and grievances; i. Community relations; j. Monitoring data for environmental parameters and conditions as committed in EMPs or otherwise required.

47. Within ten days of completing a monitoring report, the project proponent shall make such report available on their website or the project website, at public meeting places (e.g., libraries, community halls) and at the project offices. Any organization or person may request a digital copy of a monitoring report and the project proponent shall, within ten days of receiving such request, submit a digital copy via email or as may otherwise be agreed upon with the requestor.

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