1 minute read
from MAPPING PATHWAYS: Towards a Holistic Model for Inclusive and Resilient Linear Infrastructure
by WWF-Myanmar
The environmental management plan (EMP) should be clear, concise, and address all relevant conditions of consent and any related legislative and compliance requirements, including commitments or conditions attached to the environmental permit or approval, as well as all relevant environmental and social management issues. Separate EMPs should be developed for both the construction and operation phases of a linear infrastructure project to reflect the different impacts.
An Initial Checklist For A Construction Emp Of A Linear Infrastructure Project
A construction environmental management plan (CEMP) should be prepared to deal with the environmental and social impacts of the project. The CEMP and sub-plans shall address the relevant management issues and monitoring. The EMP can be incorporated into a company-wide environmental management system (EMS).
The EMP shall include but not necessarily be limited to:
• identification of all statutory and other obligations that the Proponent is required to fulfil in relation to the operation of the development, including all consents, licenses, approvals and consultations;
• a management organizational chart identifying the roles and responsibilities for all relevant employees involved in the operation of the project;
• overall environmental policies to be applied to the operation of the project;
• standards and performance measures to be applied to the project and means by which environmental performance can be periodically monitored, reviewed and improved, (where appropriate) and what actions would be taken in the case that non-compliance with the requirements of this approval are identified. In particular the following environmental performance issues shall be addressed:
- wildfire hazard, flood management and disaster risk management;
- management and maintenance of any biodiversity offsets;
- management measures for easement areas, including management of vegetation, soil erosion, weed control and landholder liaison.
• the environmental monitoring requirements outlined under the ECC; and
• management policies to ensure that environmental performance goals are met and comply with the conditions of this approval.
• energy usage
• fuel usage and emission source together with existing mitigation measures
• water usage and supply system
• wastewater emission and existing mitigation measures
• raw material usage and storage system
• use of chemicals and chemical storage and disposal measures
• source of odor emission and existing mitigation measures
The following checklists identify significant matters that should be addressed in any EMP:
These are relevant to IFC Performance Standard 2, World Bank Environment and Social Standard 2, ADB Social Protection Strategy 2001 and Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), andJapan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations.
Occupational Health and Safety Management Plan
Has a worker been seriously injured at the facility?
Monitoring plan for biodiversity protection
Does the facility carry workers compensation insurance?
Is there a worker complaints mechanism?