our publication stud ents get
communications depanmenr at
t.he next edition of IYeJ/WiJlcl ready
\\/\\/U. \X 'e knmv thar solid com
for press,
thoughts turn ro the
grmvrh and change thar i~ taking
munication skills, analytical think ing and adaptability arc the new
placc in our indus[n·. The commu
kevs ro success in a world that is
nicatio ns field is e\"()l\-ing, and so
changing at an unbelieva ble speed.
aJ·e the offeriugs of the communi cations deparr.mem ar \X'alla \X';tlla nin:rsi t\".
./\ s faculty, we see students enter
our program using new media t echnolngies
sLich as texting,
\Ve hal"(;: updated and exp;l!1ckd
blogging and social networking,
our traditional concentrat.ions of
and it is our mandate (and chal
meJia, journalism, public relations
lenge) to give ou.r stLIdems the
and speech COmmul1lcarions to
most up-to-date training possible.
include photojournalism, which
\'(!e balance: the()[etical instJuc ~U1ds -()n
emphasizes photog raphr as d1e
tion with
primary medium ro tell a story.
\X 'c educatc in the classroom and
\\"c arc also proud that our depart
in thc field. \Ve :mi,'e to help our
ment has the on ly bona fide speech
students dcvelop their talents as
communications major ll1 the de
articulatc, Christian communica
nomination. t\nd o ur very-popul;u·
tors who are \vell-equipped to be
drama program, which includes a
sLiccessful in careers that arrract
drama minor, continucs to provide
the most competitive people from
students and audiences \\-ith life
around [he world.
changing performances.
Students with talent and passion come seeking a degree from d1e
7/;5emCht4< Nancy Semotiuk, department chair
7 •
J jlldIe), SlejlbmJOI/
\\ 'a lla \'(ialla UniversilY has a ne\\'
opportunit\, to be full y im
Cra\\-ford says. lIe was also in "Pi
drama director, Da\'id Cr,\\\-forcl.
mersed. During productions he
rare> of Pe.:llzance," a musical, even
I-I<: n:placc:; l\Jaril)'nn Loveless
spends his l.ime direcring and
though singi ng was not his f(me.
who has accepred a drama teach
producing- a rime-consuming
ing position ar La Sierra U ni\'er
job that im'o!\-es ser design,
Though he hasn't worked on
sity. Her final curtain call came
costullles, cast.ing and hours of
many film s, Crawford has done
at the close of the 2007 spring
rehearsa ls. Through his dedica
some commercial work. Befo re
production season. Before she
tion, Crawford hopes to bring
accepting his current position,
left the drama d e partment, 1,00'e
life.: to \V\\'U drama productions
he \,,·as involved in numerous
less recommended Cnl\\'fnrd, a
and make them something rhat
other producti o lls and forms of
former student acro r.
the students wam to wa tch.
drama. He comp1ete.:d his student teaching with rhe drama class
Crawford \\'as in Seattle \\'hen
"Success ful acting and theater life
at Walla \\'alla II igh School and
Nanc), SCIllOtiU k, chair of the
come from dedication to rh e craft
organi zed a (Lrama club while
communication s de partment,
ami to God," says C rawford. By
he was a student missionar y in
called him about the position.
u>ing students who are dedicated
Pohnpei. Cra wfo rd loves travel
TIc was working as a subsrimte
reacher an d doing comm ercials.
strengths and using th em in
the product.ions, findin g their
iog, writing plays and poem'.
They set up a meeting which \\'as
that build on those st.rengths,
Crawford is building a new web
followed by a series o f imer
Crawford hopes to make produc
site so that people can be better
\'ie\\'s, and soon after, Cra\\'ford
tions a showcase of what Wf\vL
informed about e\'ents in the
accepted the position.
stUd ents can do.
drama department. I Ie is updat
Crawford lewes the stage, and
"} was in 'The Diary of 1\nne
so tha t e\Tryolle can hm'C easy
Frank' whell I ,vas here as a
access to current information.
ing the material and tools Llsed his new position gives him the CraujrJrtl /(Hlk.r ort,- /be H ripl
(l Ive {(/JlJPUJ p rodll(+
li M 0/ 'TIl(' ROlllal/em', .. liisfiHi pl(~l' a / IVlr"r "
student. J loved it because it had so much historical significance,"
AT WWU AdriellJJe
"l\ lake the pictures tell the story."
Rittenbach is considering several
Thar \Vas [he advice Greg Lehman
job options din:cth' related to the
this <:vcr-changing field.
Alex Rittenbach, a photog
that direcrly appl)" to
practical experiences he received
raph:' student and rec ent \X 'alla
from his l)hotojournali sm classes.
The faculty train and teach their
\\falla University g raduate. "The
"The photojournalism curricu
students the dual arts of journal
"\.vhole key to photojournalism is
lum really prepares yo u wei\."
ism and photography, and hdp them (·i nd the balance necessary
faces. Don't be afraid
to be an effective
u f people." Ritrenbach pur that counsel to practice b\·
communicaror. " [ ;irst
we must understand
Pho(ojoLirnali:-;.rn is rhe \'isual side of jOllrn:llisnl. It conn~y:-:. a story primarily thr()L1~h
of pictures, or
that photography and
:::.implr pur-pholographic storytelling.
photojournalism are
Ph( )[ojournalism rransccnJs culture and Ianguag<.:.
different," says Nancy
working as a SOTllt: rules of rhll1nb for;l pho(ojOllrn;.llisr arC:
staff photog
• l : sc inlagl!S rhat presCllr an insranr.1~' recognizable s tory.
rapher for the
• Arrrac( the: inrcrcsi of rhe average "jcwer.
the communica
• Show good rt.'chni(luc:.
111'0//0 UYol/o
Semotiuk, chair of tions department. "A
• Be flir :lnd gi\'e an accurate pO[{rily.lI of l::\'cnr~.
journalist tells stories.
1\ photographer takes
He was able to get an insider's view of the WaIJa
Knowing that incoming uni
pictures of nouns (people, places
\Valla communit)" during his
versity stud ents are becoming
and things). i\ photojournalist
practicum experience with tbe
more visual in how they receive
takes the best of both and locks
local newspaper. "The coolest
and communicate info rmation,
it into the most powerful medium
thing about photojournalism is
\XI\VU added a photojournalism
available-a single frozen image."
that yo u ge t a chance to go be
emphasis to the mass com
hind closed doors and see things
munication curriculum in 2004.
For Liz \\illite, a 2005 communi
that, as a general member of [he
Photojourna]jsm srud<:nts have
cations graduate who taught the
public, you don't get to see."
a chance
Jearn practical and
Photojournalism course
4) and C;r~g FOllg (prig" 5) p/)oto·
gmpl, the 2006 ,1//ldbollJljorAHVIVC, p"blicrltiollJ of Th~ Coll egian ,wd;\1t. J\ sh, IIIhere photo/ullmal· iillJ is JbowCtlJtdjiJr Ihe ",/;ok stJldellt bod) .
in 2007, the nine-month practicum
clari ty and understanding into
she spent working for rhe U"iol1
"vodd events and local is sues.
HI/I/eli" helped her to find her foot ing as a photographer. "What really
A mass eoml11uniearjolls degree
solidified photojournalism for me
from \'VWU is a significant first
and helped me to become a better
step towards a career in meclia,
photojournalist was the practicum
publi c relati o ns and journali sm .
experience." This practical work
Not only Joes a studcnt gradu
opportuniry cllmplemented the
atc with an undcrstalltling of
theories she learned in class.
communicati on techniques, but
Journalism has been used in many
of how to effectively convey
different outlets over the years:
a message through multiple
print, radio, television, J nternet and
medium s. A \'V\Xi U photojour
also wit.h an intricare knowledge
photography. Though print media
nalism g rad uate can appil' the
is still the bread and butter of most
essential principles of journalism
journalists, photojournalism has
to artic ulate a silent narrative
become a cornerstone of modern
through t.a rgeted and thoughtful
stllrytelling and news broadca st
ing. Ph otojournalists visit the same commurutjes and count.ries as regular reporters, but the timely nature of their work rt:ljuitTs thnl1 to
intimately confront prof() und
and sometimes dangerous realities. Today's photojournalists are uniquel y eCluipped to pr(l\' id c
Diana Martinez
Bachelor of Science mass communications
Photojournalism concentration and minor
The Bachelor of Science in
Photojournalism is o ffered
mass communication pro
both as a mass communica
vides a flexible but focused
tion concentration and a
immersion in an area of
minor. Courses include:
student interest, allowing for
• Magazine article writing
specialization in such areas as:
• Photojournalism
• Audio production
• Advanced photojournalism
• Digi tal anima tion
Bachelor of Arts mass communications
• Advanced video production
This area of study gives
• Film studies and production
studenrs a solid base in both photography and print jour
The Bachelor of Science,
The Bachelor of Arts in ma.'lfi communication integrates a strong core of communication study with areas of specializa tion, a minor in an IU'C:ll of the: studc:nI'S choosing Rnd foreign language study to provide a bn:atlth of experience in communicatillO nod reJarc:d
while nor requiring foreign
well for a career in the news
language study, provides
opportunities for students to choose from department offerings, as well as related courses from other majors on campus, and to create an professional portfolio.
dents for opportunities in busi ness, education, govermnent,
public relations, advertising and
- Photojournalism
-Jolmllllism and public rclations The communications depart
The Bachelor of Arts gradu ale will possc:ss the potential for advancement to media managerial positions and will be prepared for funhet gradu are study.
bO/(Y ONrJh/II.f111
SbarrJn Pml!JMIlIJ.
The Bachelor of Arts in speech communications prepares stu
available in:
C /frrt..' 111 p
Bachelor of Arts speech communication
extensive and competitive
disciplines. Concentrations arc
(lil t!
nalism which will serve them
JI/ldtll!J~ Hrill{//~)'
r ri(:itad
ment offers minors in: • Drama •Journalism • Photojournalism • Communications • Speech communication
more. Courses include: • Interpersonal and nonverbal communication • Argumentation • Persuasive speaking \X'\X'U is the only Seventh-day Adventist university that offers this degree.
KancI- Semoriuk, deparrment chair, has been wriring film She is abo
editOr of a vegetarian cookbook soon
wirh her eluest son, r':li, L)e released,
Dal'id Bullock sl~el~t time in 2006 worki~g as, communication director for Peter Cold mark's campaign for U.S, Congress
[ast.ern \Vashmgron,
Jerr y Hartman is working on his Master of Fine
concentrating in digiral cinema, and is preparing to make a documentary in Suriname, a small country in South l\merica,
Deborah Silva recendl' defended her dissertatio n and now has more free rime to get involved in the community and take a long-awaited family I'acation to rhe San Juan Islands,
S is,newh-, l11arr~ed
Dal'id Crawford is the mosr recent addition to the communications uepartmenr facultv, Dayid
and has been keeping bus\' scriptwriting and acting since graduating from \\'alla \'(,alla Unlyers!t\',
Tyler Ray
Walla Walla University Communications Department 204 S. College Ave . College Place, WA 99324
u.s. POST,\ (; E
Per mit No. 11
College Place. W i\