20 Walla Walla Union-Bulletin Wednesday, January 21. 1970
Students Explore Wierd World' of Men on Island ByJOMORELAND
"That's the one thing about this state that bugs me. Seems like you can commit almost any other crime, but God! don't take their money!" The speaker had the inside track on his subject — he is a prisoner at the state penitentiary. He was one of seven minimum security inmates involved in a discussion with 20 Whitman College students participating in a weeklong interim study of the state's adult correctional system as it is applied at the prison. The program was a unique peek behind the prison walls granted by the institution's administration as a public service. It consisted of a variety of daily two-hour sessions ranging from a tour of the penitentiary complex to uncensored discussions with inmates. "Bricks and brains," a behindbars "real estate operation" and "$40, a horse and a saddle" were part of the "wierd world" explored by the young men and women as they sought to separate fact from fantasy during the experience For about a t'lird of the group, aged 18-21, the program
began at a Sunday orientation period conducted by Whitman instructor Lee Bowker, who also teaches night college classes at the prison. An Island
"I feel from living in Walla Walla, it's just so closed out there (the prison)", he told the students. "It's like an island . . . but it wants to be, and I think the people want it to be." He described the penology system as a "power game," comparable to a rectangle, composed of the prisoners, the penitentiary administration, an authoritarian but apathetic public which felt that prisoners should be punished, and vested interests which keep pressure on the state to prevent change in the system. Although he warned the group they would see things that would upset them, Bowker also explained, "I've seen situations where the administration had to do things that were nasty because of things the prisoners were doing to each other." The amount of time and money the prison was spending on the interim program was also pointed out to the students, with the instructor's comment at one point that "guys who are
France Guards Jets The planes are well guarded in an immense hangar near the CHATEAUDUN, France (AP) southeast corner of the air base — Georges Provot, the freight just outside town. From a agent, came out of the Cafe le plowed cornfield at Boirville Commerce after breakfast to you can make out two jeeps, give his horse Button the piece each mounted with a machine gun, patrolling beside the closed of croissant he hadn't eaten Suddenly the sound of jets hangar But you can't see the planes. ripped overhead across the You have to take the word of murky sky. The horse shud- the townspeople and Israeli dered" and snorted, his breath sources in Pans that they're unfurling in two smoky ribbons there The only jets in sight are "There they go—there they a couple of trainers practicing go," said Provot with a chuckle. landings and takeoffs But he was wrong: the planes Mayor Paul Gauchery looks weren't Mirage fighters on their like one of the taciturn men you way to Israel in defiance of the see through the steamy cafe government's ban on arms to windows playing cards with their caps on Short and thick, the Israelis he wears a striped wool tie, a Israel paid for 50 Mirages be- dark flannel shirt and fore the 1967 Middle East war. jacket plaid and pants that don't then was denied them by Presi- match. dent Charles de Gaulle's ban on "The embargo is unpopular arms to "active belligerents" in here," Gauchery. "Ninetythe Arab-Israeli conflict. The five persaid cent of our people are jets used to be kept at Istres, a for Israel. They're base northwest of Marseille ple, the Israelis " a brave peonear the Mediterranean coast man who has spent all of An edgy French government hisA life farming, Gauchery says moved them 375 miles inland to the government's policy is bad Chateaudun, 85 miles southwest business ("the Israelis for of Paris, after the Israelis the planes") and bad paid morals slipped five embargoed gun- ("you don't drop a friend like boats out of Cherbourg harbor that"). on Christmas Eve. Israeli mechanics and technicians used to be trained at the air base When the townspeople were asked to choose some foreign *V WHICH IS place to be "twinned" with, as VT> CORRECT? Los Angeles and Paris are *?s?f •'twinned," they chose Upper YOUR DOLLAR Galilee Because of this commitGOES FARTHER ment and their memories of Isat PAYLESS! raelis stationed at the local base _OI — earlier, there was special interYOUR DOLLAR GOES est in the Cherbourg affair. FURTHER at PAY LESS! "If they can do it in Cherbourg, maybe they can do it SEEPAGE here," said a merchant. "We AND GET SMART! know how to keep our mouths closed " By STEPHENS BROENING Associated Press Writer
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The "proficiency of the keyholders" left another vivid i m p r e s s i o n as did an "unpleasant odor" they noticed inside the buildings Were the young people able to actually look at the prisoners' faces? Yes, at first, they said, out of sheer curiosity. But when they saw the cells with the little domestic touches the prisoners use to make each tiny "house" more homelike, the attitude changed. "I got kind of a guilty feeling," a youth acknowledged. "Like they (the convicts) were animals in a zoo," a girl quickly confirmed. "I was afraid then to actually look into the cell because a man might be looking back at me through the bars," the boy continued. At the end of the tour during an informal but fairly thorough interrogation, the students questioned the correctional
officer in charge of their tour. For nearly an hour they probed for additional information about the prison and his personal ideas about it. It was obvious there was frequently a clash of concepts but the atmosphere remained one of polite skepticism. "I really enjoyed talking with these young people," the guard commented later. It was the administration's turn the next day as the students learned more about what happens on an "island." AN AGE-OLD WOE DENVER (AP) - A 19-yearold Denver youth told police that the reason he was found lying on the sidewalk in front of a downtown department store was tnat ne tell asleep wnue waiting for his wife to finish shopping. He was fined $15 for blocking the sidewalk
Air Strikes at Cairo's Doorstep One Step Closer to All-Out War TEL AVIV (AP) — Israeli air strikes at Cairo's doorstep have dramatically pushed the battle of Egypt into a new and dangerous phase. "It is just one more step on the road that is slowly but inexorably leading to another all-out war in the Middle East," says one Western military expert here The escalation occurred when Israeli planes, which had been bombing and strafing the Egyptian side of the Suez Canal for months, began hitting military targets in the Nile Delta this month Once the planes reportedly hit within six miles of Cairo's northeast suburb Prime Minister Golda Meir told an interviewer Friday that the raids were designed to limit Gamal Abdel Nasser's freedom of action, to force the Egyptian president to ease what she called aggressive pressure against the Israeli held-Smai and to prevent him from planing new war aims There have been suspicions that the strikes hitting so close to Cairo with little or no opposition might be designed to topple the Nasser government. Not so. Mrs Meir said, adding: "If as a side effect there is a change in the Egyptian regime I won't cry about it " Later she said the raids were meant more to cut Nasser "down to size " Cairo holds the view the air strikes prove that Israel is getting nervous and tense Said Cairo's chief s p o k e s m a n , Ahmed Esmat Abdel Meguid "It is obvious that Israel's aim is that this escalation would have political and psychological effects But once more, the Israelis are mistaken in their estimation..." Both sides have taken heavy casualties in cross-Suez firefights, commando raids, aerial clashes and bombardment. The Israelis claim they are winning. "We are taking fewer casualties than ever before," said one Israeli military informant. "There is still a lot of firing going on along the Suez, but it is primarily limited to small arms, sniping and mortar fire." Defense Minister Moshe Dayan says he believes Egypt has suffered about 1,000 dead since last April, compared with the Israeli death toll of 131 in Sinai fighting. Since the 1967 Middle East war, the Israelis claim, they have knocked down 64 Egyptian jet aircraft. 50 of them since
last March 8 The Egyptians say they have shot down 128 Israeli warplanes That would be nearly half Israel's entire fighter force, according to the Londonbased Institute of Strategic Studies. Israel says it lost only nine planes to the Egyptians since 1967. Israeli pilots say they rule the Egyptian skies "It doesn't matter to me which side of the Suez Canal I am flying these days," one pilot was reported saying. "It's all the same " If what the Israelis say is true —and the evidence seems in their favor—how did it come about in the face of Egypt's massive supplies of Soviet Aircraft, missiles, antiaircraft weapons and radar nets9 One has to dip into some recent military7 history for the answers The battle of Egypt actually was sparked by an artillery duel on Oct. 26, 1968. Until then, the blocked waterway separating the two armies had been relatively quiet, except for a spate of violence in the hot summer following the six-day war. The Israelis claimed the Egyptian cannon caught their troops in the open, killing 15 They immediately made plans to build what has become known as the Bar-Lev line, a system of heavily fortified bunkers and trenches bordering the canal's eastern bank It wasn't until February that the Egyptians really understood the Israelis were digging in to stay By March, the entire 103mile long front was ablaze and the Egyptian chief of staff, Gen. Abdel Moneim Riad, was killed by Israeli fire on a frontline visit Nasser ordered "We demand of every soldier at the front to account for his actions if he sees the enemy and does not fire at him." By April most of the inhabitants of Port Said, Suez and Ismailia had been evacuated The Egyptians launched their first commando raid against the Israelis in Sinai. The same month, the Israelis began the first step in destruction of the Arab air defense: The Early warning radar net and radar-controlled surface to air missile—SAM—sites, the key to control of the Egyptian skies Israeli airplanes knocked out two Egyptian radar stations in southern Jordan, part of a system that tracked Israeli planes on take off from as far away as Tel Aviv. On June 21, Israeli commandos made their third strike into
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put there are actually lucky because most prisons in the United States are much worse than this one." At this early stage the students displayed mainly curiosity. It was the next day as they were taken through the maze of the various prison buildings that reality began to confront fiction As inmates walked past them with frequent quick looks, the group visited hospital operating rooms and the vast kitchen and mess halls, peered into small schoolrooms, watched men in the recreation rooms and viewed the cannery, clothing shops and vocational school Reactions Vary Their reactions during the tour, although varying slightly in degrees, were almost entirely the same. "I just felt — trapped," a boy said, describing the moments after the first iron door clanged shut behind them
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Students get a convict's view
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Egypt, this time taking out another radar station—a British Decca type—just south of Suez Fighting increased, and on Sept. 9, Israel launched ib> most ambitious ground operation against Egypt since the 1967 war An amphibious force, using tanks and supported by aerial cover, landed on the Egyptianheld west coast of the Suez Gulf and for 10 hours rolled over army camps, guard posts—and radar stations. Now the Egyptian air defense could not tell where or when the Israeli fighter-bombers would strike. But strike they did—day after day on the canal and the Suez coast By November, a member of the Israeli general staff would say that Israel's planes had knocked out all the Soviet-supplied SAM 2 sites along the canal All Egyptian radar sites had been destroyed or damaged, he added. There were eight SAM sites on the canal and the Egyptians hurried about replacing some of them—apparently stripping equipment from emplacements near Cairo, reliable informants believe. The Israeli jets went back to work and by last Christmas the replacements also had been reported knocked out The sky road was open to Cairo and on Jan. 7 the Israelis struck Inshas, Tel el Kabir and Dahshur, bracketing the Egyptian capital. The planes were back over the Nile Delta Jan. 13, hitting an air force depot at El Khanka and Tel el Kabir, reportedly Egypt's largest military installation. Three days later, the planes ranged along the gulf and canal and 45 miles inland toward Cairo, hitting at military camps, motor pools and another radar station. For the first time since the inland strikes started, the Israelis said, an Israeli airplane was knocked down by a antiaircraft fire.
Airlines Net Income More File Than Paycheck Agreement flation NEW YORK (AP) - With in- The study documents what wearing holes in the fab- many Americans have long WASHINGTON (AP)- Northwest Airlines, one of the nation's most prosperous air carriers, and Northeast Airlines, chronically unprofitable, filed a merger agreement with the Civil Aeronautics Board Tuesday. They asked the CAB to approve an exchange of five shares of Northeast stock for each share of Northwest. The plant provides for repayment by Northwest-in cash or in dividend-paying common stock-of some $10 million owed by Northeast to Storer Broadcasting Co Northwest, based at Minneapolis-St. Paul, led all the U.S. airlines in net earnings in 1968 —the most recent year for which full data are available— although it ranked only seventh in revenue, at some $416 million. Its net earnings in 1968 exceeded $50 million. Headed by Donald W. Nyrop, a former chairman of the CAB, the airline operates routes from Minnesota through Chicago and Atlanta to Miami, and through Detroit and Cleveland to Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Washington Northwest's system also extends Westward to Seattle and Portland, Ore.. Anchorage, Alaska, San Francisco and Los Angeles, and to Hawaii; and on to Japan, Korea, Okinawa, Taiwan, Manila and Hong Kong. Many of its routes are highly profitable because of their extreme length and relatively light competition. Boston-based Northeast, in the red for 13 of the last 14 years, suffered a $2 4 million net loss in the first nine months of 1969 Storer Broadcasting Co., of Miami, owner of 15 radio and television stations in 10 cities, holds 86 per cent of the airline's stock
Tenure Plan Approved PAbCU — A provision for faculty tenure was passed by the Columbia Basin College board of trustees Friday. Terms approved applied to faculty members only It gives tenure to 82 of the 87 faculty members The five who do not have tenure were hired since Aug. 10 Granting of tenure is to be the responsibility of a review board ot live persons, included three tenured faculty members and two probationary faculty members. If tenure has not been granted by the b o a r d a f t e r a probationary instructor has been employed full-time for three consecutive sctiool years, tenure becomes automatic The tenure clause stipulates that tenured teachers may be retired only with "sufficient cause," which includes budgetary reasons, change of instructional program or lack of students participating in class Dismissal of any non-student personnel may be for any of the following reasons: any unlawful act of violence; any unlawful act resulting in destruction of community college property; interruption of orderly conduct of educational process; incompetency, failure to perform a professional assignment; and other acts determined "unprofessional" by the review committee and college president. Retirement age for all college personnel was set at 65. An opendoor clause allows reappointment of the retiree of "recognized ability" in one-year contract renewals
ric of the pocketbook, it's nice known, that enterprising low into know that your net income is come families tend to spread really the equivalent of much their income more effectively more than is indicated by your when pressed to make ends paycheck. Fifty per cent, in meet. Ask any farm family. "For example," the report some instances. The "equivalent" comes to states, "for families earning unyou in goods and services pro- der $1,000 a year, nonmarket invided by your own unpaid activ- come shows an increase of 284 ities, such as painting and re- per cent over money income, pairs you do around the house whereas with families earning instead of paying outside help to over $15,000 the increase is only 13 per cent." do the job. Such activities, for reasons Sirageldin concludes that unknown, have never been tak- "people faced with constraints en into account when assessing in their market activities strive a family's economic condition. to improve their standards of But, any way you look at it, living, or to maintain a decent they constitute productive goods life, by increasing their nonmarand services. ket productive activities." A pioneer study released by And what are these? Seregelthe Institute for Social Research din puts them into several maat Ann Arbor, Mich , estimates jor groups, including regular that the average value of unpaid housework, painting and reproductivity is nearly $4,000, or pairs, growing own food and roughly 50 per cent of the aver- canning and freezing, and sewage family's disposable income. ing and mending "This changes the average Using a complex formula, family income from just over $8,000 to just over $12,000," the Seregeldin estimated that the Institute reports "About 90 per 1964 value of an hour spent housework was $1.31, cent of this increase," it adds, doing painting repairs $2 44, sew"is attributable to work done in ing and and mending $1.79 and the home." food or canning and The study, by Ismail Abdel- growing freezing $1.08. Hamid Sirageldin, and carrying The relatively well-to-do tend the equally formidable title of "Non-Market Components of to purchase such goods and National Income," took years of services; the less well off tend research, so the income figures to use their own services, thus used are for 1964. Since then saving their money and making money has been inflated by their small income relatively about 20 per cent. much larger
Pasadena Schools Must Desegregate LOS ANGELES (AP) - The sedate city of Pasadena, site of the annual Rose Bowl football game, has been placed under court order to submit a plan by Feb 16 for complete racial desegregation of its schools. Furthermore. U.S District Court Judge Manuel L. Real directed Tuesday that the plan must be in full effect by the start of the next school year in September The court's verbal ruling before a packed audience climaxed two weeks of testimony in the Justice Department's first school discrimination trial on the West Coast. Pasadena, which lies directly northeast of downtown Los Angeles, has a population of approximately 126.000 A key provision of Real's order is that desegregation must result in no single school having a majority of students who are members of a minority group. Another is that the desegregation plan must cover racial teaching assignments, hiring policies and guidelines for teacher promotions School officials have said that 30 per cent of the Pasadena district's enrollment is black, 58 per cent white and the remaining 12 per cent comprised of
Mexican-Americans, Orientals and members of other racial minorities The case was one of seven which have been brought by the Justice Department against schools outside Deep South. LOSING CONCESSION
FORT COLLINS, Colo. (AP) — A number of students at Colorado State University staged a demonstration in 1968 demanding that 32 per cent beer be sold at the Student Center. University officials agreed After 53 days of operations, an official of the center said beer sales show a loss of $402
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