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Sunday, January 11, 1970 /

Walla Walla Union-Bulletin



New Men Are Introduced to Prison Life After Arrival at Institution

Going 'Home'


Receiving the 'Chain'



Bound for She/fon

Pinstripes Out This Year

'Green Hornet' Brings Prisoners to Penitentiary with Few Round Trips


the rest of the trip; with the improved visibility inside the new bus there is little need for close security checks by the two sergeant guards. " "Most of the time it's pretty quiet," according to the driver. "Occasionally a prisoner becomes violent, but usually the rest of the group will help. "There's just normal complaining — a lot of them are familiar with the procedure and the new men are quiet. It's a lot. like coming to a new school. "It's their last look at the outside and they know we can see them now." It is late afternoon when the bus comes through the walls to unload-the men at a receiving room where a few guards and convicts wait to process them. A l t h o u g h ' some of the passengers' faces may be new to the institution, their names are already familiar to most of the 'population, plucked a week earlier from the prison .grapevine. Uniform Change In the receiving room the restraint equipment is removed along with the Shelton coveralls to be replaced by the blue prison uniform of shirt and jeans. Signs posted by inmates on the wall behind the stacks of clothing at one end of the heated room wryly greet the newcomers with "Home Sweet Home" and "Welcome Back, Stupid!" Art work by the residents of the prison's mental wards decorate the walls of an adjoining room where the prisoners are briefly welcomed. With its educational desk chairs and quietly swinging mobiles, the room does indeed have a Except for emergencies no "school" atmosphere.

By JO MORELAND "The Green Hornet's bringing in the chain at 4." The chain is the name for new arrivals at the penitentiary; the Hornet is the bus that takes them there. Each Thursday it rolls past a tower guard with poised rifle to deposit an average of 12 passengers at their new "home." It is a round trip for some of the men. For others it is a new experience that often becomes depressingly routine as the years pass. ,•' / They have .come from the Department''" of Institutions processing/'center at Shelton, Wash., where they were sent six week^'ago from county jails. It is at'this center a mari becomes familiar with the judicial phrase, "committed to the department of institutions for not more than..." "The shock was taken care of when he went to Shelton," a penitentiary officer explains about the transition from "civilian" to prispn life.,/' It is Shelton "that -officially claims him for the state, from fingerprinting to mugging as well as determining his future institution and orienting him for his role as a number in society. Once the official records are completed the prisoner is ready for the trip to the penitentiary. Handcuffed and chained, usually to another man, he is given a sack l u n c h of sandwiches, fruit and dessert and boards the bus for a reasonably comfortable ride. The Hornet's midsection is equipped with most of the modern transportation conveniences. Undisturbed

guard will disturb the men for

After a brief inspection by a

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he will read the little yellow rule book which is almost the penitentiary's equivalent of a Bible, for the book will show the inmate the way to civilian "salvation". It is from this book he will learn his responsibilities and the conduct expected of him, including no "horse play", offensive language, immorality, gambling, contraband, destruction of state property, pilfering and "dealing", bribery, correct attitude toward officials and visitors, proper cleanliness and care of his quarters. It will also inform him he may have visitors, correspondence, smoking and cleaning materials, pictures and decorations — under the proper restrictions. He will be advised of the prison's educational opportunities, some of the most advanced in the nation. By the following Tuesday the classification division will have decided his assignment and custody, a choice of maximum, close, medium or minimum. It will be determined by the prisoner's behavior and time but maximum custody is rarely assigned at this time. "He makes a gradual adjustment, deciding whether he will use a new set of values or maintain his old ones," an officer explained. "We can make t h e o p p o r t u n i t i e s available but he's the one who has to participate." By the end of a week he has settled in, begun his adjustments and may even be curious about the links of the During this time if he is wise, Hornet's next chain.

hospital attendant each 'man is issued blankets, a mattress, smoking tobacco and a copy of the rules and is housed in a single cell of the admissions tier. It is a form of temporary segregation but his privileges equal those of the regular population and he will eat with them that night. He is also "free" to participate in the evening's recreational activities — chess, checkers, cards, television, movies or sports — if he wishes. At 9:15 p.m. he will be returned to his cell block for his first night, "usually a quiet one", behind the prison's deadlocked bars. Within the next few days he will hear several orientation lectures and a counsellor will be' assigned to him according to the last digits in his number. He will learn about classification and parole and the rehabilitation program. Two Suits He will also be given the rest of his clothing, two of everything, including a second pair of shoes if he will be working in certain industrial areas. The prisoner is placed on call and disposes of his private property which he can send home or give away. His personal papers, driver's license, social security card and valuables will be kept in the prison's business office. He may keep his wedding ring, cheap rings with no stones and a watch, if it's valued at less than $30.


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