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Wednesday, January 7, 1970 Walla Walla Union-Bulletin

George Martin, Life Resident Here, Dies George T. Martin, a lifelong resident of Walla Walla and a former long-time farmer, died Wednesday morning at a local hospital at age 75. He had been hospitalized since suffering a heart attack at his home two weeks ago. Death came a day after a Seattle daughter had flown here to be at his bedside, the seventh of his eight children to be with him during his final illness. Martin was born in Walla Walla July 3, 1894, the son of John and Sarah Martin. He attended the old LaSalle Grade School and then Gonzaga in Spokane before staring farming in the Spring Valley area. ' He and Anna Mae McGrath of George Martin Pomeroy were married at Pomeroy Dec. 28, 1920. Mrs.family residence for the births Martin, who was Washington of all the children. Martin State "mother of the year" in retired from farming in 1942. He started work as a proof1957, died several months ago. The Martin home at 366 reader at the Union-Bulletin in Chase was one they built during 1952 and had continued recently their farming years and was the on a part-time basis. He was at his working desk the day before his heart attack. He had moved Obituary Notices recently to a smaller home on Catherine Street. DEAN — Jan. 6, 1970 at Washington, Martin was the father of five D.C. Stuart J. (Pete) Dean of Washington, D C., aged 77 years sons in the professions — an Survived by his widow, Evelyn, at the engineer, a Justice Court judge, home; a daughter, Mrs. Irwin (Mary Evelyn) Mininberg of Washington, D C ; a physician and two dental a brother, E. G. Dean of Walla Walla: a specialists. sister, Mrs. Val (Mildred) Jensen Sr. of He was a member of St. Portland and numerous nieces and Patrick's Catholic Church, Elks nephews. Born July 23, 1892 in Walla Walla. Member of the Episcopal Church, Lodge 287 and World War I Blue Mt. Masonic Lodge and BPOE of Veterans Barracks 135. Walla Walla. Groseclose Garden Chapel, A requiem high mass will be funeral directors, in charge of the at 10 a.m. Saturday at St arrangements. (Paid notice). Patrick's Church, with Father STAGGS — Jan. 7. 1970 at a Walla Walla hospital Jesse W Staggs of 622 S. Bernard Schiller as celebrant. Main. Milton-Freewater aged 69 years. Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Survived bv two daughters. Mrs Thomas Friday in the Marshall-Herring (Sara Leigh) Spence of Cleveland and chapel. Interment will be in Mrs. Ron (Mary Etna) Garrison of MiltonFreewater. a brother Ira Staggs of Baker. Elks Rest at Mountain View Ore.: and a sister Mrs Vida Christiansen Cemetery. of Eugene, Ore. Born Sept 5, 1900 in He is survived by three Peck. Idaho Member of St James daughters, five sons, four Episcopal Church. Milton Lodge No 96. AF&AM. Pendleton Command No 7 sisters, 24 grandchildren and Knights Templar. Umatilla Council No numerous nieces and nephews. h. Royal and Select Masons. Pendleton The daughters are Mrs. Robert Chapter No. 3 Royal Arch Masons. Milton-Freewater Shfme Club, Al Kader E. (Sarah Jane) Burrows and Keith (Marianne) Shrine Club ol Portland, the Milton- Mrs. Freewater Rotary Club. Campfire Cochran of Walla Walla and Council and the Druggist Association Mrs. Wilfred (Charlotte) Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home in Milton-Freewater in charge of the Schlicker of Seattle The sons are Robert Martin of Eugene, arrangements (Paid notice! MARTIN — Jan 7. 1970 at a local Ore.; Justice of the Peace hospital George T Martin of Catherine Howard Martin and Dr. Eugene St.. formerly of 366 Chase aged 75 years Martin of Walla Walla; Dr R Survived by three daughters, Mrs Robert E iSarah Jane) Burrows of Walla Walla. G. "Pat" Martin of Salem. Ore., Mrs. Keith (Marianne) Cochran of Walla and Dr. Donald Martin of Walla and Mrs. Wilfred (Charlotte) Canaan, Conn. Schlicker of Seattle; five .sons, Robert His surviving sisters are Martin of Eugene, Ore . Howard Martin of Walla Walla, Dr. R. G (Pat) Martin of Misses Agnes and Theresa Salem, Ore , Dr Eugene Martin of Walla Martin and Mrs. Grace Skrondal Walla and Dr. Donald Martin of Canaan, of Walla Walla and Mrs. Conn , and four sisters. Miss Agnes Martin of Walla Walla, Miss Theresa Margaret Davies of Tacoma. Martin of Walla Walla. Mrs Grace Skrondal of Walla Walla and Mrs Margaret Davies of Tacoma Also survived by 24 grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews Born Julv 3, 1894 in Walla Walla. Member of St. Patrick Catholic Church, BPOE 287 of Walla Walla and World War I Veterans. Barracks 135 Arrangements have been entrusted to the care of Marshall-Herring Funeral Home Norman S Herring. funeral director (Paid notice).

Funeral Notices LAWRENCE — Funeral services for the late Francis (Buzz) Lawrence of Sitka. Alaska, will be 10 00 a m Monday. Jan 12th at St Patrick Catholic Church with Father Charles Eis as celebrant Concluding services and interment in the Catholic Cemetery The Rosary will be recited at 8'00 p m Sunday in the Chapel of the Marshall-Herring Funeral Home Norman S Herring Funeral Director i Paid notice). STAGGS — Funeral services for the late Jesse W. Staggs of 622 S Mam. Milton-Freewater will be at 11 a m Friday, Jan 9. 1970 at the MunselleRhodes Funeral Home Chapel in MiltonFreewater with Rev Loren Bush officiating. Vault interment will follow in the Milton-Freewater Cemetery Friends wishing to pay their respects may call at the funeral home until 10 a m Friday. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society or the Shrine Hospital through the Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home in Milton-Freewater in charge of the arrangements. (Paid Notice) FULLERTON — Funeral services for the late Mrs Belle Marie Fullerton of 212 S 2nd. Dayton, will be at 2 p m Thursday, Jan 8, 1970 at the Dayton Methodist Church with Rev. D. W. Blomgren of the Dayton Baptist Church ,md Rev. James Taylor officiating Interment will follow in the Dayton City Cemetery. Cardio Fund memorials may be sent to Mrs Ray Seaman Mrs Fullerton will lie in state at the Dayton Methodist Church from noon to 1.30 p m Thursday, Hubbaid-Rogg Funeral Home in Dayton in charge of the arrangements. •Paid notice)

Cards-of-Thanks WE WISH TO EXPRESS OUR SINCERE thanks and appreciation to our relatives and many friends who were so kind to us d u r i n g our recent bereavement, and also for the beautiful floral offerings. DEE GOODWIN & WILLIS WE WISH TO E X T E N D OUR HEARTFELT thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from our many friends in our .sad bereavement at the loss of our beloved sister. Sylvia Haffner We especially wish to thank Elder E. S Humann'and Elder D R Schierman for the beautiful service.

Prisoners Charged in Escape The County Prosecutor's office has filed charges against two penitentiary escapees who were captured Saturday after 24 hours of alleged thefts and burglaries. William R. Laine, 29, and Robert A. Franich, 31. have each been charged in Superior Court with escape as a prisoner while under sentence of a felony, robbery with a deadly weapon and taking a motor vehicle without the owner's permission. The pair walked away from minimum security custody at the prison last Friday and burglarized two homes, robbed electrical contractor Don Robbins of Route 2 at gunpoint, and stole three cars before their apprehension Saturday in Moses L a k e , a c c o r d i n g to law enforcement officials. Most of the stolen items, including a $1,000 diamond bracelet and $700 wristwatch taken from the Eugene Soper residence, Route 2, have been recovered, the sheriff's office reported. Both inmates were due to be paroled this year. Franich was serving a 10-year sentence for a 1966 auto theft conviction in King County; Laine, a 15-year term for a 1966 grand larceny charge in Spokane County.

M -F Man Held For Burglary

MILTON-FREEWATER — City police arrested a man on burglary charges about four hours after the burglary was reported. Being held in the Umatilla County Jail Tuesday was Gary LOUISE EHRLICH E. Thompson, 1113V2 S. Main CARLHAFFNER St. Thompson, 22, is charges ANNA WENDT with the burglary of the Isabelle GOLDIE SCOTT DR W. H HAFFNER Russell residence, 1113 S. Main THE FAMILY OF THE LATE St. DELJV1AR EARL LAWRENCE, 1316 Mrs. Russell told police she Modoc St.. Walla Walla. Wash wish to had been away from home since extend a most grateful thanks to the many, many friends, neighbors and co- Dec. 23 and had returned home 2. She reported the workers for their comfort and special Jan. thoughts and prayers, their flowers, burglary about 2 p.m. New delicious food gifts and numerous cards. Year's Day. Police arrested It has been of great strength in this time Thompson about 6 p.m. the of deep sorrow same day. MRS. LUCILLE E. LAWRENCE RICHARD LA WHENCE MRS.DAVIDiLuraiRATTS DAVID LAWRENCE BARY A. ODOM

Lodge Notice WALLA WALLA LODGE NO 7. F & A M STATF.I) COMMUNICATION Monday. .Ian 12.7 3 0 p m Vi Ho.! l)mwr •/•y'.iWc with dessert ,



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ALocal News in Brief

GLASSES IMPORTANT The glate of bright sunlight on fresh snow can be a dangerous driving hazard, warns Chief of Police A. L. Watts. A good pair of sun glasses can be even more important in winter driving than in summer, he advises. TO COMPETE

Craig Bond. Walla Walla Figure Skating Club, will be competing in the Intermediate Men Figures and Freestyle Division of the 1970 Pacific Coast F i g u r e S k a t i n g championships. The event is to be held at the St. Moritz Figure Skating Club in Berkeley. Calif. Jan. 8-10. WINDOW SHOT

Police reported a large double strength window was shot with a BB gun at Sharpstein School, 410 Howard St. HUBCAPS STOLEN

Dale Davidson, 413 W. Broadway, complained to police two hubcaps valued at $24.50 each were stolen from his car while it was parked in a parking lot on S. 2nd St. FIRE STARTED

A child playing with an electric heater started a mattress fire Tuesday evening at the C. R. Nelson home, 724 Clark, according to fire department officials. Minor damage was reported in the 5:30 p.m. blaze. Assistant Chief Warren Buehler said. Firemen also responded to a 9:43 p.m. alarm at the Charles Beck home, 116 Merriam. when a chimney burned out.

Jesse Staggs

Jesse Staggs Dies at 69 MILTON-FREEWATER (Special) — Jesse W. Staggs. 69, of 622 S. Main, active in many phases of the community, died Wednesday morning in a Walla Walla hospital. Staggs was born Sept. 5, 1900 at Peck. Idaho, of pioneer parents from Idaho. He graduated from Lewis and Clark High School in Spokane and then graduated from Washington State University in 1924. At college, he was a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity and of Kappa Psi honor society. He was married in MiltonFreewater Sept. 19, 1925 to Faye Price and was associated from 1925 to 1941 in the Milton Drug Co., Freewater Drug Co. and the Green and Jackson Drug Co. of Walla Walla. In 1941. Staggs moved from Walla Walla to Milton-Freewater to assume ownership of the Milton Drug Co. and the Freewater Drug Co. His wife died Dec. 31, 1965 and. in 1966, he retired and sold his drug interests. Staggs won the 1963 MiltonFreewater Chamber of Commerce Senior Citizen Award. Besides this honor, he was active in many organizations of the area including Milton Lodge No. 96 AF&AM, Pendleton Commandry No. 7 Knights Templar, Umatilla Council No. 6, Royal and Select Masons. Pendleton Chapter No. 3 Royal Arch Masons, Milton-Freewater Shrine Club. Al Kader Shrine Club of Portland, the MiltonFreewater Rotary Club and the Camp Fire Council. He was also a member of the Episcopal Church, past member of the Union High School Board of Directors, for three years, and a long-time member of the Druggist Association. Staggs is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Thomas (Sara Leigh) Spence of Cleveland and Mrs. Ron (Mary Elna) Garrison of Milton-Freewater; a brother, Ira Staggs of Baker, Ore.; and a sister, Mrs. Vida Christiansen of Eugene, Ore. He is also survived by four grandchildren. Services will be 11 a.m. Friday at the Munselle-Rhodes chapel with Rev. Loren Bush officiating. Vault interment will follow in the Milton-Freewater Cemetery. Friends wishing to pay their respects may call at the funeral home until 10 a.m. Friday.

Bob Lee

Lee Named BPA Area Engineer The appointment of Bob Lee as Walla Walla area engineer for the Bonneville Power Administration has been announced by Harold M. Cantrell, BPA manager here. Lee will be responsible for all area engineering activities including coordination of facility changes between BPA's design branch, operating units and BPA customers He fills the position vacated by F. J. Cunningham, who recently resigned because of illness. After receiving his degree from Washington State University, Lee was employed by Washington Water Power five years before joining BPA in 1941* With the exception of three years spent in the U.S. Navy during World War II. Lee has been c o n t i n u o u s l y employed by BPA. His most recent assignment, prior to making his home in Walla Walla, was as area manager at Idaho Falls. Lee and his wife, Dorothy, have purchased a home at 1131 Meadowbrook Drive and are looking forward to active participation in local community activities The Lees have two sons, each of whom follows in the footsteps of his father. The eldest, Steven, has completed his Navy service and is presently working toward a degree in electrical engineering at Oregon State University in Corvallis. David, who has completed his second year at Idaho State, recently finished boot camp at San Diego, and is heading for Treasure Island Naval Base to attend a 16-week course in radar training. He expects to return to college following Navy service.

Public Record

B> THE ASSOCIATED PRESS High Low Prc. Albany 27 7 Albuquerque 31 11 Atlanta 29 18 17 Bismarck 4 -5 T Boston 31 20 02 Buffalo 21 10 Chicago 7 -12 Cincinnati 30 -1 T Cleveland 24 11 04 Demver 22 -1 Des Moines 1 -12 Detroit 19 11 T Foil Worth 29 14 Helena 2 -16 OB Honolulu 81 66 .93 Indianapolis 11 -17 Jacksonville K7 24 10 Kansas Citv 20 T Lov Angeles 69 52 Louisulle 35 -1 20 Memphis 41 9 13




Mpls-St Paul -1 -14 New Orleans 51 24 \ew York 35 23 Oklahoma City 29 13 Omaha ' 9 - 1 1 Philadelphia 36 24 Phoenix 59 33 Pittsburgh 30 15 Portland. Me 29 15 Rapid ClU 14 -1 Richmond 37 30 St Louis 13 0 Salt Lake City 26 6 San Diego ' 70 40 San Francisco 51 47 Tampa 6b ^3 Washington 38 M Winnipeg 0 -15 M—Missing. T—Trace PACIFIC NORTHWEST 24 hours to 4 a.m. Wednesdax Bellmgham 38 21~ Snow 2 inches Boise 23 10 Hoquiam 44 36 OKmpia 38 22 Omak 27 6 Poitland 39 35 Seattle 44 38 Spokane 22 06 Vancouver B C 42 2" Walla Walla 28 19 Wenatchee 27 11 Snow 2 inches Vakima 30 14

10 22 09 41

1 22 20 01

Snow 2 inches

National extremes excluding \laska in 24 houisto 4 J m High 78 at Ke\ West Low minus 24at Havte Mont ALASKA \nchorage 08 -5 Fan banks 0 -Ib Juneau 29 24 10 REGIONAL REPORTS Citv-County Airport 28 19 Whitman Mission 30 18 Meacham 23 12 12 inches snow Hermiston 30 11 1 inch snow Pend Br Exp Station 22 6 2 inches snow Pendleton Airport 21 12 2 inches snow Lewi&ton 32 16 1 inch snow Enterprise 24 -5 1 inch snow Baker 26 0 1 inch snow Union 26 15 I inch snow Ukiah 17 -8 7 inches snow Bates 21 -4 I1 inches snow Ice Harbor Dam 34 21 Lower Monumental 33 19 Little Goose Dam 26 18 Lower Granite Dam 33 15 McNary Dam 32 17 John Day Dam 31 23 Hanford' 32 14 Tri-Cities 32 14


Sunrise Wednesday 4 25 p m Sunrise Thursday 7'35 a m Temperatures Max Temp Tuesday 28 Mm Temp Wednesday 17 Temp 11 30 a m 20 Highest Temp this date 67 in 1902 Lowest -4 in 1890 Precipitation Last 24 hours to 10 a m 0 Precip total since first of month 07 Normal for month to date 45 Total Precip since Jan 1 07 Normal 45 Since Mar 1.10 16 Normal 12 54 Since Sept 1 4 68 Normal 6 33

SUPERIOR COURT Inland Telephone Co. was awarded a $1,298.70 judgment against Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wagoner in a case heard in Judge Albert Bradford's court. The suit was filed for collection of a promissory note. Wanda Vilhauer filed for separate maintenance from Kenneth Vilhauer. DIVORCES FILED Donald R. Knudson vs. Linda Knudson Edwin F. Payne III vs. Rosalie Payne Alice Kaiser vs. Johnny An Antelope, Ore., woman Kaiser. was hospitalized in Walla Walla DIVORCE GRANTED Tuesday after her car collided with another at llth and Alder. Paul B. Dague from Luzia Mrs. William Venter was Dague. reported "doing well" at Walla POLICE Walla G e n e r a l H o s p i t a l Traffic Court — (forfeitures Wednesday morning. Police unless noted) Micheal J. said Mrs. Venter's car was Gilcher, 2815 E. Melrose, struck as it was crossing Alder speeding, $40: Thomas A. St. at 3:18 p m. Her vehicle Taylor, 32 E. Walnut, speeding, pulled in front of one eastbound failure to display a valid driver's on Alder operated by Gerald W. license, $195, $50 suspended: Mosman, 2075 E. Alder, Richard L. Jones, College according to officers. Place, speeding, $25; Marsha Mrs. Venter's car was Saxe, 1322 Dakota, negligent knocked onto a lawn and struck driving, fined $25. a tree in front of the Salvation Army office, the department BIRTHS said. Damage was estimated at M r . a n d M r s . D a v i d $600 to her vehicle, $1500 to Thompson, Walla Walla, boy, Mosman's. Jan. 6, 1970, (Walla Walla No injuries were reported in a two-car accident earlier in the General). Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. afternoon at Division and Alder Goranson, 2714 Barleen Drive, when cars operated by Clarence boy, Jan. 6, 1970, (Walla Walla W. Gilbertson. 1328 Bonsella, General). and Phyllis J. Knight, 215 Cascade, collided, officers said. Gilbertson halted for a stop sign at the intersection, then pulled in front of the Knight vehicle, police stated. Total damage was estimated at $650.

Woman Hurt In Accident

School Aid Bill Drawn By Hubbard

State Rep. Vaughn Hubbard of District 11-A said Wednesday he has pre-filed a bill concerning the financing of small schools. The bill, to be acted upon during the 1970 special legislative session, which begins Monday 12, is designed to continue the present funding of small schools and to eliminate the "remote and necessary" ruling which has affected many small schools in Eastern Washington. Hubbard said: "I feel that the state constitution requires equal education and that a recent interpretation by the State School Board which gave an Snake River at Garkston: u n b a l a n c e d f i n a n c i a l aid Tuesday at 2 p.m. 13.6, 8 p.m. between large and small schools 11.6, Wednesday at 2 a.m. 12.5,7 in this state is in error, and this a.m. 12.8. Normal for Jan. 8 is legislation will be needed to 13.2. correct this inequity." ARMY ORIENTED Mill Creek: 17 cfs. Hubbard said that he has FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) - polled the members of the State Walla Walla at Touchet: 3.9. One of every six counties in Legislature and has generated a Umatilla at Pendleton: 4.5. Grande Ronde at LaGrande, Kentucky was named after an great deal of support for his Army colonel. 1.4, Troy reading missing. position on small schools.

River Level

Dedication of Cen. Christian Organ Sunday

The Weather

Walla Walla Union-Bulletin-

ACTION LINE -We try to helpACTION LINE: To whom should one apply for a job as a helper in this vear's upcoming U.S. census? Mrs. B.D. According to an official of the Washington State Employment Service, no official announcement has yet been made by the federal government regarding census job applications He stated that applications would probably be taken either through his agency or directly with the federal government, perhaps at the Post Office He assured Action Line that when the announcement is made the public will be duly notified through the media

Jonas Nordwall

Central Christian Church has replaced the pipe organ that has served there since 1905 when the present sanctuary was built. A dedication concert of the new organ is planned at 7 p.m. Sunday with Jonas Nordwall of Portland invited as guest organist. The public is invited. The special organ committee is composed of Mrs. John Lewis, chairman: Mr. and Mrs. Gene Olsen, Mrs. George Beito. Mrs. Gerald Bruce. Monte Wilson and the Rev. and Mrs. Jasper Havens. Seven years ago the church accepted professional advice the origianl organ was not worth any great investment ofr repairs. An organ fund was announced, first gifts coming in 1965. Since then some large and many small gifts have been ghen which now total $28.288 Cost of the new Rodgers organ will be $28,500. Some $600 will be needed for remodeling and installation of the organ. The custom organ which has been secured boasts of 61 chosen and independent "voices" or "stops," the console employing the most modern engineering in mechanism yet holding the traditional arrangement for its three manual and full pedal keyboards. The same advance techniques produce the sound from its 65 speakers, ranging from small tweeters to the great 36-inch diaphram. The Rodgers organ was conceived by Rodgers W. Jenkins while serving as research engineer for Tektronix. Inc., Beaverton, Ore Since 1955 Jenkins, as president of the Rodgers Organ Co.. now located in Hillsboro. Ore., has been building organs chiefly for churches. Nordwall, the guest organist, is a senior music major in Portland University He is rated as an exceptional young musician


(Continued irom Page 1)

state for the same period has been 325.46 mills. In other action the Board of Education — Accepted resignations from two elementary school teachers and approved the hiring of six others to fill vacancies which will exist second semester. — Authorized a bid call for sewer line and pump station construction for the new Prospect Point Elementary School. — Heard a committee report on possibilities of giving 45 minutes of free preparation and evaluation time per day to the district's elementary school teachers The committee's proposals would necessitate the hiring of eleven new staff members to teach library, music and physical education at the elementary level. — Agreed to meet with the Public School Employes for 1970-71 contract negotiations. Dr. Peterson. Board member Mrs. George Gau and Business Manager Charles Clizer were authorized to meet with the PSE, while Dr. Peterson. Board member John Yenney and Asst. Supt. Reynolds were authorized to meet for negotiations with the Walla Walla Educational Association. — Approved an architect's change-order for spreading foundation footings at the newProspect Point School. The change-order will necessitate an additional $10,633 in costs on the school construction. The change was made because of newly discovered information about the soil conditions at the school site.


Speaker Provides New Insight on Problems William McClendon, director of the Reed College Black Studies Department, has been offering Whitman students participating in the Interim program a new insight on the "black American existence." His concern, he said, is in dispelling the false stereotypes which shroud the black and are seldom overcome because of lack of e x p e r i e n c e and knowledge of the extensive history of the black in America. McClendon said he believes the history of the United States is racist; he does not pin the racist label on all white American individuals, but believes that American society, consciously or unconsciously, still associates the black with slavery and inferiority, no matter what education or profession he has achieved. McClendon reviewed black history, from the first slave imports in 1619, as a struggle for "freedom, e q u a l i t y , and justice." Black mihtance was defined by the speaker as the lealization of suppression and organization of programs to resist it. Such mihtance. he explained, is not to be equated with violence or disregard for

law and order and has, according to the professor, existed more strongly in other periods of history than in the present. McClendon cited examples of this militancy in the 19th century, including the independent black establishment of libraries and forums and the attempts of blacks to influence legislation concerning their own futures. McClendon distinguished between integration and the i n c l u s i o n of blacks in institutions such as schools. Integration, infeis logistical equality which is. according to the speaker, impossible due to the fact that there are 180 million whites in the United States as compared to 25 million blacks. McClendon prefers to use the inclusion of blacks in institutions as a realistic goal. H e also d i s t i n g u i s h e d between the terms "negro" and "black." The former, he says, implies impassivity and accommodation to existing injustices. The latter term implies militancy as defined by McClendon, and the feeling of dignity as individuals and as a race Freedom, according to the piofessor. cannot be given but must be realized by individuals involved in a process of selfrealization, and by the definition of values within one's own tradition and culture Admitted to St Mary Tuesday M c C l e n d o n s a i d m a n y were Mrs. David Thompson."integration" efforts have been P.O Box H9. Mrs Anna L attempts to "enwhiten" blacks Wieland, 808 S. Palouse: rather than allowing them to Clarence E. Killion. 170 Bryant. develop pride in themselves and Mrs Douglas L Miller. 1846their own culture. Evergreen; Gerald E. Pearce, McClendon viid he believes 140 Elliott, Harold W Dutton, that the piophesy of W E B Route 2: Mrs. Robert R. DuBois. black leader from Goranson, 2714 Barleen Drive. about 1910-1949, that the color Hilda M. Zulauf and David W. line would be the greatest Cornell. Milton-Freewater. problem of the 20th century, has Mrs Otto Scheider, College been realized Whethet this Place: Mrs. Loren F. Dumas, pioblem is headed towards Waitsburg, and Clifford P solution or further intensity Hillman, Wallowa. d e p e n d s , a c c o r d i n g to Discharged were C l y d e McClendon. kirgeh on the McFadden. 813 W. Poplar: Mrs. extent to which blacks become Merl Peisley. 29 N Clinton, ••self-determining" — actively Denis W. Vogt. 229 Eagan: Mrs dneeting then own h\e-. and Darcy Wood. 148 Bethel; Mrs futures in a societal context of John Zuege, 312 N. Palouse: equality and freedom. and Roger Quinn, Pilot Rock. Admitted to Walla Walla General Tuesday were Mrs. Halverson Sams, 1232 Isaacs, Laurie Pinkney, 209 Bennett; Voiture 271 Forty and Eight E d w a r d K e n n e d y , 1 2 2 4 Society will hold "its January Portland; Mrs W D Harsch promenade Thursday. 8 p.m. in and Mrs. Perry Brown, Milton- the banquet room of the Freewater; Mrs. Robert Terry, Pastime Cafe. A 7 p.m. dinner Albert Hendrickson, Mrs. will be served. Evelyn Harbison and Mrs Dixie Grange 1072 will meet Hazel Peterson, College Place: Saturday starting with a 6:30 Clifton Amos. La Grande; Mrs. p.m. potluck dinner. A special William Venter, Antelope, Ore. program is planned. and George Vick, Portland. Grange Masters and Wives Discharged were Jesse Council of Walla Walla and Salazar, 1140 N. 12th; Mrs. Babe Columbia counties will meet at Lake, Route 2; Rosealee the Waitsburg Grange Hall at 7 Anderson, 1531 Olive; and Dick p.m. Jan 12. Please bring Waterland, Pendleton. cookies.

At Hospitals


Arlo A. James, Sec.-Treas., General Manager

A TRIBUTE TO OUR TOWN Sometimes there are "Acres of Diamonds" on our very doorstep. That is how we feel about OUR TOWN. Wonderful people, Fine Stores and services. Grand Organizations and clubs for men, Women and children. Healthy, happy. Secure youngsters going to good Schools. Yes, We have everything in OUR TOWN for which to give thanks. This marks the beginning of A Tribute to Our Town, and for what it stands. We hope you will single these out ... joining with us in paying tribute and respect to a fine, typically American community... OUR TOWN.

The only Crematorium in S.E. Washington Waitsburg Funeral Home, Dial 337-6411



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