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Walla Walla Union-Bulletin

Sunday,, August 15,1971 TWICE TOLD IN WALLA WALLA

Walla Walla Uiraion ^Bulletin

Background Tale On Miik'Heist'

AN 'NDEP6NDEWT NEWSPAPER Walla Walla, Washington W« Donald Shtrwood, r.«Wtnt and Publishtr; F. G. Mitchell, Viet Pntldtnt; Arthur A. Caray, StcrtMryTraatwrtr; Data A. Dixan, Central Manager; Jamas M. Hutchison, Editor; Jim B. Schick, Nawt Editor.

OFFICIAL CITY NEWSPAPER Published Mornings and Sunday vxcept Monday, Evening and Sunday except Saturday. Subscription rate In advisnce either morning and Sunday or evening and Sunday issues; Washington and Oregon: P«r year (mail) J27.CO; six months (mail) $14.00; three months (mail) S7.2S; Outside Washington «r.d Oregon one year (mail) $30.00; six mom;-', (mail) S1S.50; three months (mail) $1.25. Little Merchant carrier home delivery rate $2.50 monthly.

Member o5 Associated Presw Audit Bureau of Circulation Allied Daily Newspapers of Wash. The AP is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all local news printed in this newsoaoer as well as all AP news dispatches.

By KELLYSEVERNS Gummow said, th» boys came An anonymous informant to their home and told them has pointed an accusing finger about the incident before the Second Class Postage Paid at three college students, Gummows had a chance to read hinting that they perpetrated, or the story in the paper or open at Walla Walla, Washington were at least accomplices, in the informant's note. The letter is the latest the recent infamous daytime attempt to have the boys milk bottle heist in a Walla evicted from the rental home, Walla residential area. This tale is about the possible according to the couple. They motive behind the "tip-off" - have received several phone and to clear the good names of calls from unidentified sources Fifteen years ago those most concerned for doubling the size of facilities and the young trio who have demanding that the boys be apparently been the target of removed from the premises — with Walla Walla's future staked their expanding the medical staff of a major the calle'(s) voiced objections suspicious neighborly scowls. economic predictions on industrial clinic here. to the boys' life style and stated The story originally was on development. The hope has fallen short of Projected new hospital facilities will page 1 of the August 3 Union- that it wasn't "proper" to rent a full fruition. There has been considerable add to the community's stature as a Bulletin, under the headline home to single males, she said. Mr. and Mrs. Gummow took "Good Humor Thief?" industrial growth in the county — such medical treatment center. A doctor's the letter to the police in an According to the article, a Walla firms as Boise Cascade, Cudahy, discussion here the past week of the attempt to put an end to the Walla woman allegedly watched McGregor feed lot and others — but little growing importance of rehabilitation in a girl drive up in a panel truck, harassing phone calls. She said within the city. the health field points to another potential snatch a bottle of milk from her the police kept the letter, but Yet, within that 15-year period, the city for the future. Modern and attractive porch and drive away. The admitted that they "didn't have woman told police large anything to go on" to determine has had, and is having, some significant hospital facilities will make the lettering on the side of the get- the identity of the sender. changes. Much of it has come about in the community more attractive as a center for away truck was a reminder to Mrs. Gummow said she has past two years. rehabilitation programs, supported either "SMILE." talked with a couple of the boys' Five years ago anyone would have said, by government agencies or privately. It Mr. and Mrs. Chance neighbors who threatened to Gummow, 314 N. Bellevue St., circulate a petition in the without hesitation that Walla Walla's already has the advantage of a mild vacationing in Vancouver, B.C., neighborhood to force their largest payroll is directly related to climate, attractive setting and cultural at the time, returned home to departure. Those same people agriculture; the second largest the Corps attractions, away from the hectic big city find a letter (with no return "haven't been happy vith of Engineers and federal, state and local turmoil. address) containing a clipping of anyone who has rented the government agencies. Today there is not a the story and a hand-printed, house," she added. There are other progressive changes. Inunsigned note that said only: The couple agreed that the pat answer. The payroll related to less than five years, the city has fostered a "So you won't forget those nice boys were good renters — they agriculture still is first in the county but it mental health center, drug abuse center, boys on Maple Street." have paid on time and have kept has declined. So has the Corps of drop-in center, half-way house for Mr. and Mrs. Gummow the house and yard clean. The Engineers. alcoholics and others. Five years ago a lot BRUCE BIOSSAT explained that they rent a house Gummows said they have told Today the city's largest payroll is of residents were dubious about the value on Maple Street to three college the irate neighbors and the boys who own a truck that nameless callers that as long as education. Two colleges in Walla Walla of these facilities, later they became matches the description given the boys continued to be good and one in College Place, all growing, curious, now many are involved volunteer to the police. Mrs. Gummow renters they would not evict along with the public and parochial workers. said the police talked to the them. schools, contribute an estimated more People are bringing about these boys and were told that a girl The students moved into the from another city who was rental in June and have worked than $7 million annually in payroll. changes or causing them to happen and visiting them had borrowed the t h r o u g h o u t the summer Student-spending is another economic many of them are young people because truck and possibly filched the harvesting crops, but they will factor. The three colleges now have a for the first time in years the city's 20-to-40 soon be going back to school, WASHINGTON (NEA) — Too thing out in a Washington system for choosing. With its bottle of milk. combined enrollment in excess of 4,000 age group is reported growing at a more little The police and the Gummows leaving no doubt, with a fine attention has been given speech (to the National Dental substantial black population, it, Combined with the growing research rapid rate than the 60-and-over age group thus far to the mounting Association) which got sum too, might be a fertile field for are satisfied with this impression of neighborly explanation. In fact, Mrs. hospitality and environmental work of the Corps and During June and July, 38 new families prospect of a national "black notice. After proposing that black delegate hunters. new research efforts at the Veterans moved to Walla Walla and 27 of the political strategy" which could there be at least one black entry New York, though lacking a Administration Hospital, it provides a new families were in the 20 to 30 age bracket thrust one or more black in the coming primaries, presidential preference test, l e a d e r s i n t o t h e 1972 Conyers said: will be choosing all its 1972 A BASIN DILEMMA and impressive "think factory" of with small children, five were between 30 presidential primaries to gain "This would stimulate delegates in congressional significant proportions. and 40, with growing children and the rest maximum bargaining power at registration and encourage districts. The delegate canWhat else has changed, or is changing, were over 65. Ten years ago those figures the Democrats' Miami Beach black citizens to run for didates can't indicate on the convention delegate seats to the national ballot whom they favor, but within the economic pattern of the city7 might have been reversed. When New York's black Rep in larger numbers black aspirants in heavily black Surprising as it may seem, the second The younger group have jobs in the Shirley Chisholm recently said convention than ever before. areas could easily signal their largest payroll deals with the social colleges, schools and social services she might enter one such "Blacks would then be in a intended support for Shirley services. This sphere includes the State category, and the five have positions with primary, it was only the tip of position to exert maximum Chisolm or Conyers. Penitentiary with nearly 450 employes, the the Corps of Engineers and the VA the iceberg leverage in the decision-making Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Beneath the surface, things that would take place in and out West Virginia and Illinois could district office of state social services, the Hospital The other five apparently moved (The following is an willing buyers have been buying are bubbling. The staff of Rep of the conventions " provide another harvest of black editorial from the Tn-City at inflated prices district Social Security Administration here to retire John C o n y e r s , one of With America's blacks having delegates. Herald.) Some farmers would like to office, and related to this category are the There will be others moving here to Michigan's black Democrats, v o t e d o v e r w h e l m i n g l y What do the black leaders When a man who is generally see the land taxed on its three hospitals, medical facilities and retire and young people will continue to makes constant inquiries on Democratic since 1936, what want if they manage to gain new considered one of the Basin's productivity — a sort of land other services. migrate to this area, primarily because 1972 primary details at the galls today's black leaders most bargaining strength through a leading farmers can't pay his income tax However, there are D e m o c r a t i c N a t i o n a l is the idea of being taken for "black political strategy"? Walla Walla always has been an they want to get out of the cities and taxes, then it's tune to do problems Two are that it would Committee Similar checks have granted. One voiced irritation Of course, full application of important regional medical and hospital because Walla Walla has one thing many been made at least three tunes probably violate the present heatedly to a top Michigan McGovern-Fraser commission something about the system center That role promises to increase. other communities do not have — by Berkeley's militant black. Democrat: He was Franklin County state law, and it would be a sort reforms on delegate selection. Today's Union-Bulletin reports on plans "livability " Rep Ronald Dellums Another "We're not just here for the These are designed, among "conservation farmer of the of tax incentive for poor who shows interest is Rep taking " other things, to assure ample year" in 1968 and is a man who fanners While farmers and farm-lobby Louis Stokes of Ohio, brother of Review of the 1972 primary black representation at the has mixed old-fashioned knowCleveland's retiring black setup has persuaded Conyers convention from both primary how with the latest agricultural groups work on the long-range HENRY J. TAYLOR program of tax reform to technology. mayor, Carl Stokes and others that they can make a and non-primary delegates differentiate between those who But his tax bill will soar next An aide to Conyers says significant dent. (In Maryland, The blacks also figure a good memos fly back and forth at Tennessee, Florida, Indiana and show of strength will compel year, so he's put his farm up for merely live off the land and those who have to make a living steady pace among members of Wisconsin, delegates are chosen the party's 1972 nominee to sale. He is not by himself. There off it, the counties should look the House ''black caucus" and on a congressional district basis, broaden his voter appeal, other leading blacks The topic with some at-large delegates.) recruit more black staff people, are others out on the half- at what they can do, legally, to is largely unchanging — how to The presidential winner in a adopt a platform "fairer" to million-acre project who find ease the present load. There are factors which could cast the biggest possible weight given district gets those black America. Clearly, they themselves in the same squeeze. To a farmer land is worth be worked into the assessed in the 1972 presidential process delegates have the potential for a good In the opening days of WASHINGTON - With the Apollo 15 sums — $445 million directly on Apollo 15 and N o r t h C a r o l i n a has a try. Their strength of will is still only what it will produce. To value even under the present the tax collectors it's worth law For example, farmers are mission gloriously (and safely) accomplished, nearly a billion if fully totaled — for this August, Conyers laid the 'whole proportional representat<on in doubt what it's being sold for, and in not now being credited with you find it hard not to wonder why President marginal difference, risking more lives in this the Basin its productivity can't depreciation on their irrigation Nixon doesn't say. "That's all for the moon for repeated and repeated performance all the systems. Other businessmen are match its selling price a while," and strike a blow for priorities while The Basin farmer is caught in allowed depreciation. Sprinkler RAY CROMLEY Yet several other challenges are very clear It is necessary to plan for what might be a strange anomaly Some systems these days are Californians sold their farm expensive. But the assessor says possible — as we planned to put our men on the Our financial stability is threatened Anything land, being taken for urban she doesn't have the men to go moon, and put Americans there first This that adds to that threat — including moon sprawl, for residential- out "and count sprinkler country was built of dreams Moreover, when a landings at such costs — adds its weight Saving development prices. They heads " in government costs has a domino effect You great nation thinks there is no more great work We are sympathetic with her moved to the Basin, where land it should do, and that the purpose of its life is to save here because you have saved there staffing problems We are looked cheap They were willing hang on and stay put, the night has come The because you have saved somewhere else. But to pay higher prices and sympathetic with the financial the savings must start somewhere or, finally, death tick is audible in the rafters therefore pushed up the market squeeze of the c o u n t y value, the tax assessment and commissioners which makes But, clearly, there is some point of we simply cannot do the things we must. A deficit is what you have when you don't WASHINGTON ( A P ) - States, that youth do indeed adequate staffing of county diminishing returns in all these repeated moon Another apparent myth is therefore the tax bill. There are many myths about vote — at times with surprising that regardless of how many or have as much as if you had nothing. And while Now some of t h o s e offices difficult. explorations. the 18-, 19- and 20-year-old strength. But we're also sympathetic how few of the youths vote, "immigrants" find themselves Our first landing electrified the world The we spend more deficit billions on the moon voter with the plight of the farmers. being squeezed out by the high Some analysts have predicted shots and so much else, we should remember their number will be so small in gains in American prestige were tremendous. A not-yet-pubhshed book by value and taxes they helped put They're the ones who help the youth vote will be liberal. The whole free world stood in joyous acclaim, that for years on end we have already been two young politicians with no Other with equal conviction the tote?: electorate that they on the land. support the whole system w o n ' t s e r i o u s l y a f f e c t and true salute, when we planted the American spending money we haven't got It is utterly respect for traditional political have asserted that when the congressional or national The problem is the state law Cripple them, and ridiculous to deny the relationship between flag on the moon. America was the country of preconceptions, goes a long way votes are tallied, conservative elections, especially since the It demands that taxes be agriculturally dependent pioneers and, lo and behold, we had done it always spending beyond income and inflation toward toward destroying a youth voters will be found to youth vote may be divided. assessed at the property's counties such as those in the (air forced into the balloon) and bust. And if number of widely held beliefs heavily outnumber the liberal again! Fisher and Treadwell say that market value. Market value is Mid-Columbia region could see All the centuries from Galileo to Newton America goes bust who is there to pick u? the about what the new young voters expected from college because so many college youths what a buyer, willing but not the start of a down spiral of voters will do. campuses. are bunched in a handful of compelled to buy, would pay a decreasing tax income because and from Newton to our day and the industry, pieces but the Soviet? Dr. Joel Fisher is a political This is why it is so vital for President Nixon Fisher and Treadwell found towns, frequently in key states seller, willing but not compelled of inability to pay, and science, art, geography, commerce and minds scientist formerly on the White that in Germany in a recent and congressional districts, they to sell. increasing load on those able to. of the whole human race were accumulated in to establish priorities. House staff. Bill Treadwell ran election, the majority of youths can have a very important effect It could lead only to disaster. Over the past few years those We are under declared attack by a giant this American achievement. It was a hope so for Congress when he was in his apparently threw their weight i n d e e d in some close enemy. Disguised behind mostly meaningless immense, so shot through with rainbows. late 20s ind now is assistant t o w a r d " l e f t - l e a n i n g " congressional and presidential peaceful gestures that do not damage its The initial scientific gains were tremendous. military position, we see the crimson rim of the U.S. district attorney in New candidates. But in England, elections. voting for the first time in It is as impossible to overstate the first Soviet storm cloud increasingly capable of Jersey. As Fisher and Treadwell see It has been widely held thai national elections, the effect it, each candidate is going to knowledge acquired as to overstate the prestige determining the fate of the only opponent that the 18-to-20-year-olds will not was quite different. The have to find out what the new acquired. But today, on one hand the world really matters — our country. We are fighting vote in large numbers. This candidates, by and young voters in his own area interest in our moon landings has all but on the fringes of that threat in Vietnam and are assumption is based on conservative large, benefited from the new think. That thinking may vary disappeared and on the scientific side we now confronted by a ghastly defeat experience in five states which youth constituency. radically among the factory, the likewise face the diminishing returns. previously enfranchised the The Fisher-Treadwell college, the slum, the farm and One unwon war in Korea was one too many conclusion: Youths are by the suburbs. The federal government is now spending Another leaves us where on the pages of under-21s. But Fisher and Treadwell nature neither conservative nor each year more on research and development history? Deep and dark our costly, dangerous found in visits to France, West liberal. You have to ask: What than the federal government spent in the total troubles flow. "That's all for the moon for a Germany and Great Britain, in years of our history to and through World War while" is due from President Nixon. He holds spot checks in a number of the youth, when and where do they vote and what are the issues? n — a large part of it on these landings. With the initiative in few things but he does hold it in 29 other countries which allow These authors are convinced each expedition we find out something more, of this, and the opportunity it represents to 18-year-olds to vote and in youths will vote for the issues, course — but not as much more as the time educate our country regarding the importance studies on recent voting in not the party. Time cures all things, selected spots in the United before. And we spend additional incredible of priorities is too vital not to be used. There have been forecasts including an excessive attack of that young people will vote like youthfulness. their parents. This concept was advanced strongly for a period Mothers: Next time the kids by certain specialists at the complain about homework, White House. offer to trade them yours for AUGUST 15 Fisher and Treadwell have theirs. Fairgrounds where 100th anniversary nf county found that when tested on In 1858-Col. George Wright left Walla observed. Diane Kinzer of Milton-Freewater specific issues, there is a wide Walla on his northern campaign and soon was "Miss Umatilla County." Want to bet that the old lady difference between what the who In 1964—Col. Frank D. McElwee becomes in a shoe wouldn't avenged the defeat of Colonel Steptoe. average youth believes and admitlived it was two sizes too In 1873— Young Low How hanged at the new U.S. Army district engineer. what oldsters believe on a range small? In 1968—City Council announces Darlene county jail for the murder of a fellow Chinese. of crucial issues. That Glasgow appointment as official Miss Walla In 1937— P. J. Burk's cannery burns at difference extends to how Wives are great comforts Walla, city hosfess. Milton. seriously they take these issues during those trying times in voting. This doesn't mean all bachelors never experience In 1940— Pendieton Round-Up grandstand youths will vote the same way burns. AUGUST 16 on these topics or on candidates In 1953—Jasper Reynolds named state Nothing stretches more easily — but that a candidate's view or breaks more readily t&an In 1873-Fire does $10,000 damage here. commander of American Legion. on pollution, poverty or one's word. In 1888—Business portion of Summerville, In 1957 -President signs bill nuking it Vietnam may normally be more possible for Port of Walla Walla to purchase 441 Ore., bums; lost $20,000. important to the average young A sugar daddy is a fellow in In 1924—Cloudburst on Pataha near acres of McNary pool frontage. voter than to the average which the sap has risen late in "Remember when we us*/ to refute to stof mtn In 16 1? -CYowd of 2,000 at Umatilla County Pomeroy docs considerab! > damage. oldster. life.

The Changing Scene

Blacks Press for Convention 'Voice'

Farmer Caught In Tax Squeeze

Challenge of Deficit Should Outrank Challenge in Space

No Firm Patterns I m8-to-20 Voting


On This Date




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