Wednesday, April 25,1973
Walla Walla Union -Bulletin
Chamber Chiefs to Seek DDT OK Walla Walla Area Chamber of Commerce President John Reese and Manager Gary Webster are traveling to Olympia to ask for DDT to fight tussock moths at tomorrow's meeting of the Washington State Pesticide Control Board. Webster told the UnionBulletin this, morning that he, Reese, and representatives of the State Department of Natural Resources, the Oregon Forestry Department and others will testify at the meeting. DDT use on tussock moths in the Blue Mountains was rejected last week by the
federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which upheld its ban of the chemical. Webster said the Olympia meeting is a continuation of one recessed from February. The hearing on DDT use is being held despite the EPA ruling because of a special request from the Walla Walla Chamber and the D N R , according to Virgil Cunningham, administrative assistant to A g r i c u l t u r e Secretary Stewart Bledsoe. Cunningham said the meeting is for a public hearing to determine whether or not the
pesticide control board should declare DDT use in the Blue Mountains an "essential use" under state law. Bledsoe is one of the control board members. "The obvious desire is to have the state action in hand in case the EPA changes its mind," said Cunningham, "but the state by itself can't accomplish" release of the chemical. Webster said the chamber requested the hearing in case the EPA is again requested to release the chemical. He said the decision to go back to the EPA has not yet been made' "It is a gamble," said
Webster. "But to do nothing would be as unjust." Webster called the hearing one of the steps involved in the continuing struggle to secure release of DDT. He said the evidence leading to the EPA rejection should be re-examined in the month remaining before DDT could be used. Presented to the pesticide control board will be the facts that DDT is the only thing that will kill tussock moths, the virus count that might kill the moths is low and there is a dispute as to whether the infestation will subside or continue to grow, said Webster. Warren Kraft Rotary International Representative
Paul Troeh Rotary District Governor
Walla Walla Union*Bulletin Local Veterinarians Won't Provide Animal Shelter Service
Drug Seminar Slated
400 Rotarians Meet Here for Conference Approximately 400 Northwest Rotarians and Rotarian wives will begin arriving in Walla Walla tomorrow for a district conference of Rotary International. The conference is being held in Walla Walla because the district governor, Paul E. Troeh, is a member of the Walla Walla Rotary Club. Troeh is the manager and president of the Snyder-Crecilius Paper Co. here. The Rotary conference will include representation by 30 Rotary Clubs in Washington and British Columbia, Canada. Headquarters for the three-day convention will be the Marcus-Whitman Hotel. Visiting Rotarians will register tomorrow starting at 2 p.m. The first full session will be at 9:45 a.m. Friday when Warren E. Kraft, Seattle executive for Rotary International, gives the keynote address. Other conference highlights include: Friday: 12:15 p.m., lunch for conference members and their wives, 12:15 p.m.; luncheon speaker, Dr. John Burns, former Walla Walla College and Whitman College English
professor, now teaching in Pretoria, South Africa; 2:30 p.m., address by Joe Cavendar past president. Spokane North Rotary Club; 5:30 p.m.. dinners for visiting Rotanans and Walla Walla Rotarian residences; 8:30 p.m., Stan Boreson Comedy Show (open to public) Cordiner Hall. > ' Saturday: 7:30 a.m., breakfast for club presidents and secretaries: 9:30 a.m. breakfast for Rotary wives at Walla Walla Country Club; 10 a.m., address by Rex McMeekin, past president, Trail B.C. Rotary Club; 12:15 p.m., convention luncheon; 1:30" p.m.. address bv . Warren Kraft. Sunday: 9.30 a.m., intern-denominational leligious service at the hotel to be conducted by the Rev. Dr. Edward Wright, pastor. First Presbyterian Church at Walla Walla: 10:30 a.m., farewell breakfast. Co-chairman of the conference are Dr George Wood, Walla Walla dentist, and Jack Huntington, agro-chemical dealer here. R. D. "Doug" Winn. manager of the citycounty airport, is registration and arrangements chairman.
A seminar which will include as speakers nine Walla Wallans and a national expert who work By VANCE ORCHARD veterinarian and veterinary spaying of female dogs would shelter. He said such a facility at in areas of drug abuse U-B Staff Writer surgeon and that's what I prefer not work out. "You cannot spay Clarkston had "become a prevention, will be the format Walla Walla a r e a to do. We'd prefer the Humane female dogs as fast as they are t r e m e n d o u s b u r d e n " to for presentation of the Walla veterinarians yesterday told the Society handle the animal reproduced . . . that's what taxpayers there. He said he felt Walla Drug Abuse Council next Walla Walla County Board of problem as it is done elsewhere they are finding out in Los it would be better to adopt a Wednesday. Commissioners they do not in the U.S. Veterinarians Angeles where free-spaying simple plan and then add to it John Frykman, a consultant want to get into the "dog pound handling this would get blamed clinics are not working.'' "as we go along." with the Institute of Social b u s i n e s s , " i n d i c a t e d a and draw wrath from irate Commissioners said they Fulkerson said the Blue Concerns, U.S. Office of preference for a central shelter owners coming to claim their cannot legislate spaying, but Mountain Humane Society had Education, Oakland, will be the of some kind and said they felt dogs.'' have indicated a license fee scaled down their views on costs main speaker. some organization, such as the Fulkerson, a stateline area quite higher than that for of an animal shelter from A panel of local citizens Humane Society, should run it. veterinarian, said he now cares unspayed females might $80,000 to $26,000 for a f a m i l i a r with c o m m u n i t y Five area veterinarians met for dogs brought him from the encourage it. In Waitsburg the structure. Humane Society programs will assist by with county commissioners in a City of Milton-Freewater and fee is $10 for unspayed females President Ray Hawkins has said describing drug use in Walla follow-up of a previous meeting that this service has taxed his and $2 for spayed. this was possible by eliminating Walla, according to Richard at which veterinarians were facilities. Hobkirk also noted that using some features and the new Neher, president of the drug asked by commissioners to Hobkirk said his firm now f a c i l i t i e s of s e v e r a l figure did not include price of abuse council and principal of consider providing the services handles some 50-90 dogs a veterinarians would only land or cost of an incinerator. Walla Walla High School. of an animal shelter. month from the City of Walla confuse people, owners of dogs While veterinarians have The seminar is scheduled for Meeting with commissioners Walla, noting that the firm's as well as veterinarians, but said indicated unwillingness to 4-6 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. May 2 at were v e t e r i n a r i a n s Art secretary "spends a lot of her "I'm not sure it's the provide fulltime "dog business" Lacey Auditorium on the Fulkerson, Neil Follett, Dallas time on details." He also said responsibility of the county to facilities, the door was left open campus of Walla Walla Thompson, Perry Price and about 50 per cent of dogs build an animal shelter." He for possibly some sort of Community College. James Hobkirk. brought in are destroyed. agreed with Fulkerson that emergency or "fill-in" services Frykman will speak on "What Fulkerson said veterinarians Fulkerson felt it was 75 per cent veterinarians do not have the until a fulltime program could Is Being Done on the Regional think: with him and Commission facilities. be worked out. Level in Drug Prevention" from "We are not in the dog Chairman Eugene Kelly cited Commissioner James A. Veterinarians will go to the 4-4:30 p.m. and on "Parents: business. We don't want to load figures from a national Stonecipher reported the many City of Walla Walla to explain How Can They Cope with Their In two separate incidents, two Miss McPherson was released The long negotiating session up our facilities with pound publication which set it at 90 calls he had received praising their stand prior to a joint city- Problems" from 7:10-8:45. between Walla Walla County young persons were found on her own recognizance at the business or confinement of per cent. the stand of commissioners not county meeting in May where The nine panel members will Board of Commissioners and growing marijuana plants in scene, officers said. stray dogs. I consider myself a Fulkerson also noted that free to build an $80,000 animal joint action will be pondered. each present six-minute talks on Washington State Council, their apartments, Walla Walla Marijuana plants were found their areas of expertise. County and City Employes, Police said yesterday. growing under a flourescent Panel members are Joseph Local No. 1191, went into Detectives identified the light in Lyons' apartment, said individuals as David Lyons, 18, detectives. B a rnes, W a l l a W a l l a mediation this week. Escapee Community College sociologist: Commissioners yesterday re- 25 Whitman, and Debra A. A "lid" (one ounce) of Charles Austin, director of the ceived a letter from the union McPherson, 19. 511 S. Park. " marijuana Suspended in was also discovered Lyons was arrested, booked Alcohol Information Referral indicating it had rejected the there, they reported. for possession of marijuana and Center: George Herbert, commissioners' 5 per cent pay Breakage A detective observed pots and physician; Jack Engeln, raise offer and had asked for a r e l e a s e d o n h i s o w n pharmacist: Scott McPherson, mediator from the state recognizance by Wall? Walla plants in a window at Miss A penitentiary inmate who Wa-Hi student; Al Stenhoff. Department of Labor and District Court Judge Howard M c P h e r s o n ' s a p a r t m e n t . escaped early yesterday has M a r t i n , said a p o l i c e Detectives said 30 small Walla Walla County Juvenile Industries to take over. been listed as a possible suspect spokesman. There is no information on marijuana plants were then Court probation officer; Dave C o m m i s s i o n e r s h a d in a broken window at a ranch. On Judge Martin's authority, found in her quarters. w h o p e r f o r m e d m i n o r Burgess, director of the New previously rejected all proposals Walla Walla County sheriff's The so-called "minimum se- concrete slab, following official vandalism acts Saturday at Morning Guild; Bill Ruther, of the union including a 22 cents deputies said George Elmer Templeton, 40. was mentioned curity" building of the Walla word from City Hall that the Fishhook Park, according to one of six Walla Wallans who per hour raise for all road 1 _attended a San Francisco drug employes, which amounted to 6 as having possibly broken a door Walla County jail remains intact county had erected it in officials. Starts TonTgTir A spokesman for the Walla prevention clinic seminar, and per cent. Other c o u n t y window at the Dick Garver and untouched by the hand of violation of city codes. P.C. Parental Guidance man to remove it from its solid employes had received a 5 per ranch. Route 5. While city and county fathers Walla C o u n t y S h e r i f f ' s Neher. Roy Be;m at 7.00 & 10 40 Kevin Dennis, Wa-Hi student cent pay raise Jan. 1. ponder its fate, however, a wag Department said no individuals It was unknown yesterday if _ Sam at 9:10 Only body president, will moderate In his letter to commisanything was missing from the took matters into his own hands have been taken in custody in the seminar and summarize the sioners, union local president Monday by affixing a sign to the connection with the incidents. ranch building. Cornwall Street James Frazure said he had Templeton escaped from the small building (actually a tool A garden hose was cut. " afternoon session. After Frykman's evening notified James Liebold. DLI prison's minimum security Vacation Approved shed built to supplant space lost sprinkler head knocked off and building (MSB) about 4:30 a.m. by rebuilding of the old Hall of a cigarette butt container speech, John Gordon, junior mediator, of the impasse and IN THE LIFE AND TIMES OF Vacating of Cornwall Street Records into a law library). high school teacher, will speak t h a t Liebold would be yesterday after the kitchen overturned. there was opened for work, between Blocks 39 and 40 of a The sign, with words: "FOR The spokesman said the on "Where do We Go From contacting commissioners to according to Penitentiary Supt. plat filed in Dixie in 1882 was SALE . . . Inquire at City Hall" vandalism was not related to an Here," a discussion of available establish a meeting date for first approved following public was removed and brought to earlier incident in which two resources, projected programs, session in mediation of the 1973 B. J. Rhay. Templeton. a member of the hearing yesterday by resolution a t t e n t i o n of c o u n t y men and a youth were charged an information center and contract. Negotiations between the inmates' Resident Gov- of the Walla Walla County commissioners who are still with possession of alcoholic statistical analysis of local problems. commissioners and a five man ernmental Council at MSB. Board of Commissioners at the awaiting latest official word beverages underage. request of Charles N. Ayers. remained at large today. team from the local, plus a state from City Hall. union representative, has drawn an absolute blank since November with commissioners calling for a "start from scratch" approach at the fifth MCOUCLME •IS1ET (Bo»o Been) meeting. And that is where everybody is situated as a state mediator —James Bacon, enters the picture. L.A. Herald-Examiner The Walla Walla County Park and Recreation Board will meet RIVER FLOW at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow night in Mill Creek 28 cfs. the courthouse. Walla Walla at Touchet 3.4. The board will adopt by-laws, Umatilla at Pendleton 5.1; at hear a report from board Gibbon 3.2. chairman Ron Jackson on a recent meeting with Inter Agency Committee officials and Labor was to be supplied by windows covered, and the rear However, he voted with the hear reports from Norman ByJUDYPETSONK members of the Weston of City Hall used for a museum. committee on the three Lundebv, park superintendent U-B Staff Writer community. He advised against building a recommendalions, to buy a at Hood"Park. WESTON — The Citizens new City Hall. siren, spend money for an Delph told the committee Advisory Committee on Crofton, Joie Ratliff and architectural plan, and have the thai the "facilities for prisoners Revenue-Sharing voted Tuesday committee chairman George Mayor appoint a planning Weston Meeting night to recommend that were outdated in 1904." But Gottfried insisted that instead commission to oversee it committee members said thai Weston spend its $15.000 of making plans for all of the Fire Chief Delph estimated revenue sharing allotment on a in attempting to upgrade or $15.000 allotment for Ibis year. that the siren would cost $2.200. Set for Tomorrow replace the old buildings in the 121 W.MAIN new fire siren and an part of this year's money should The architectural study was WESTON - The city of architectural or city planning center of town, they needed to be used to gel an architect's "gucsslimated" at $2.000, but Weston "s budget committee will VFW study for a long-range program be guided by an expert. "I know plan for a long-range cily there was no accurate way to hold its second meeling you bale to pay $2,000 for go_od foeaulificalion project thai AUXILIARY of city beautification. find out until the council at city hall at 7:30 The recommendation will advice. Bui sometimes it's would involve all of the revenue- authorized this expenditure, he ptomorrow m cheap, cheap, cheap." declared now be presented to the City sharing funds for the next five committee member Katie years. The committee also said Council for a vote. Present were Katie Mclx;an. Neither the mayor nor any McLean. "I tried to remodel an adopted a motion by Crofton to -Jim George Gottfried. member of council appeared at old house, and it was a process recommend that the mayor Mel Crofton, Towne, Joie Ratliff, Ix>u of mistakes." the meeting, although the appoint a planning commission Carson and Bob Delph, all opening of 1he meeting was Various remodeling plans for and give it authority to citizens committee members. delayed half an hour to wait for City Hall were discussed. recommend a longrange plan them. Commillee member Jim for use of all five years of the Two projects discussed by the Crofton reported thai il would revenue-sharing funds If this story ain't true... City Council at its meeting last cost approximately $18.000 to "This way the money won'l week were rejected by the remove the upper story of the be busied up and used for litlle Parents to Mull it shoulda been. advisory committee. These building. A "ballpark estimate" projects thai should be included ....the /aMftl,/unniftl, (Itanttt were a used b a c k h o e of $9,400 was given for removal in Ihe city budget." Crofton Joint Group 'approximately $3.000) and of the back stairway, repointing said. finurt of entertainment tftrUut »ren three new valves to allow of bncks and restoration of the R a t l i f f said t h a t 2 WKSTON - Parents of extensions off the water main. rear of the building, repair of beautjficalion program could Weston and Athena will meel CORDINER HALL The advisory committee also windows and wood, building of bring in lourisl trade from jointly for the .second time in rejected several building an inside stairway, and painting Tollgate- "Spending money to the Weslon High School FRIDAY, APRIL 27,1973 projects. Among these were a of the ceiling and outside of the make money, instead of letting auditorium at 7-30 p m. small building with a bathroom building. He reported that the Ihe town go dead." Thursday, to explore the idea of and showers for firemen and building was sound, except in Carson cautioned against forming a joinl parents group TICKETS OH SAU AT BEMDIX MUSIC prisoners in the jail, and a room the rear where bncks were counting on getting revenue- from the two communities ADMISSION-$ 2.00 for drying fire hoses. Fire Chief falling off. sharing funds for Ihe next five The two school districts will Bob Delph had received an Lou Carson suggested that the years. All government funding run a combined secondary estimate of $4.500 for materials. upstairs be sealed off. the is up in the air, he said. school program next year.
Negotiations Go to Mediation
Shed Remains as Fate is Pondered
Young Horticulturists Chose Wrong Crop
No Arrests In Fishhook Vandalism
Mayor/ Council Fail to Appear
Citizens Committee Votes For Siren, Bea unification
Park Board To Meet Tomorrow