Sunday, June 24,1973
Motorist Hurts Elbow A fractured elbow was suffered by a motorist in one of four accidents reported Friday be the Washington State Patrol. Troopers said Greta J. Damm, 24, Route 1, was taken by a private party to St. Mary Hospital. Mrs. Damm was eastbound about a mile and a half south of Walla Walla on the old Milton Highway when her station wagon crossed the road and struck a utility pole, according to patrolmen. Vehicle damage was estimated at $325. Elinor F. Skeate, 36, Route 3, complained of a stiff neck after her car and one driven by Denice L. Duff, 18, 1458 Circle Dr., collided just south of Walla Walla on Bryant Street, troopers said. They said both autos were westbound when Mrs. Skeate's vehicle slowed to avoid a dog and her car was struck by Ms. Duff's. About $400 damage occurred. Robert L. Nelson Jr., 41, Portland, suffered a head bump and $300 damage happened to his pickup truck when Nelson failed to negotiate a left curve six miles north of Dayton on Route 12, patrolmen said. They said the truck drove into a ditch and rolled over once. No injuries occurred but vehicle damage was $1,000 when trucks operated by Robert L. Gano, 25, Pomeroy, and Oliver P. B o w m a n , 40, Pendleton, collided head-on three miles west of Waitsburg on Highway 124, said troopers.
Hitchhike Probe To Continue Investigation is continuing in the case "of a man who said he was assaulted by a hitchhiker. Walla Walla County sheriff's deputies said this week. Gary G. Johnson. 25. Walla Walla, had been beaten when he was left for treatment at St. Mary Hospital, according to deputies. They said Johnson told them he had picked up a hitchhiker who beat him and took his car. A set of car keys'was found in Johnson's possession, deputies reported.
Stunt Show Today Dick Ryan. Hollywood motion picture and television stunt artist, will put on a stunt show today with his horse "British Wonder" in the parking lot in front of Payless Drug Store, at the Eastgate Mall Ryan, who has been doing stunt work for 35 years, will perform at 2 p.m. today, depicting some of the stunts he has done in pictures while doubling for the stars, who included Spender Tracy and Errol Flynn. He also perfromed yesterday. The stunts include jumping over (with his horse i a table while girls are lunching. jumping over two beds while girls are lying on them and .lumping through a ring of fire. The show is sponsored by Payless. There is no admission •charge. Ryan, who has "hit the hospital about a dozen times" with injuries, including two broken backs, has also been involved with television work in the last decade, with spots in "The Virginian" and "Big Vallev."
'Gef Acquainted In Umapine The Umapine School Board will hold a "get acquainted" regular meeting Monday night at 8:30 in Umapine Scliool for board members to meet the new assistant clerk and new school superintendent William Mulendyke. The board will also interview prospective teachers for two elementary school positions. E WSP A PER fl R C H I V E ® „.
Walla Walla Union^BulIetin Prison Lockup Continues, With No End in Sight
U-B Photo by Don Cline
Cold Opening
Mitzy McCall may be shivering a bit, but she is one of the first hardy patrons as the pool in Veterans Memorial Park opened yesterday. Opening of the pool was delayed twice. And yesterday's temperatures took a sizeable drop from the day before, but Mitzy and a few others were willing to take a chance, if not undaunted altogether.
Weather, Fires Cause Power Outages A wind and lightening storm following Friday's 100-degree plus heat caused a minor electrical power outage in the Walla Walla area but hit hardest in . M i l t o n - F r e e w a t e r . completely knocking out that city's power. High winds sent a tree branch down on a 12,500-volt powerline near KUJ Radio station, west of Walla Walla on the Pasco Highway, said Wayne Goin, manager of Pacific Power and Light Co. Goin said about 20 households located along the Pasco H i g h w a y were w i t h o u t electrical power from 9 p.m. to 1:15 a.m.
Walla Walla Union -Bulletin
About 25 i n d i v i d u a l household fuses in the Walla Walla vicinity were also repaired by PP&L workers. Earlier Friday, about 6:15 p.m., Goin said a tree branch fell on a 7,200-volt power line south of Walla Walla in the Yellow Jacket Road area. Power to the 30-40 households whose service was interrupted was restored about 9:15 p.m. Another six houses in this area had power cutoff when individual fuses blew. Goin said. Other customers may have experienced dimming of lights as a result of the storm, he said. "We were very lucky as far as
n u m b e r s ( o f households affected) were concerned." the PP&L manager said. "The outages weren't in strategic locations."' Residents in the Stateline. Milton-Freewater and Mount Weston areas were not so lucky. according to Harold Cantrell, area manager for the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). Electrical service to these areas was interrupted at 5:08 p.m. Friday afternoon, he said. All Milton-Freewater and Mount Weston area outlets served by the Umatilla Electrical Coop were without power for 37 minutes. Stateline
residents, served by the Columbia Rural Electrical Service, lost power for 3 hours 39 minutes. Cause of the outage was a fire, apparently caused by lightening, which burned grass and wheat and set a pole on fire two miles south of Umapine. he said. Further trouble caused a delay in returning power when the Walla Walla-Pendleton 69.000-volt line was also burned in another lightening fire. Boardman. lone. Heppner and Lexington also had power outages, said Cantrell.
Court Order Expected in Rogers' Injunction Request A court order is expected to be entered soon involving an i n j u n c t i o n requested in connection with Rogers' Walla Walla Inc.'s labor camp. The injunction was sought by the State Human Rights Commission last week in Walla Walla County Superior Court. The commission asked that its agents be permitted unrestricted access to about 200
A total lockup of 750 prisoners inside t h e p e n i t e n t i a r y continued this weekend without any indication it would end before tomorrow. The prison's administrative assistant. Vince Lombard, said yesterday he had been told to stay by the telephone, but the lockup remained in effect. The cell confinement inside the walls was ordered Wednesday m o r n i n g by Penitentiary Supt. B. J. Rhay after a surprise work strike called by some of the prisoners. The prisoners' Resident Governmental Council (RGC) has issued a list of 11 grievances. The most urgent appears to be a demand for dismissal of the prison doctor. Dr. H. I. Stearns. Rhay could not be reached
New custody guidelines for the penitentiary's minimum security building (MSB) were announced Friday after a rash of escapes this year from the facility. J a n T o w n s e n d . press representative for the prison, said the guidelines were given to the 208 inmates at MSB Wednesday in a meeting conducted by Penitentiary Supt. B. J. Rhay. " The new rules include one stating classification counselors must prepare a comprehensive report at least two days prior to an inmate's appearance before the prison's screening committee to allow committee members more time for
Spanish-speaking workers at the permitting a commission The leader of the local Elks company's labor camp for a representative and interpreter lodge agreed this week with a study of alleged discriminatory to interview workers at the prediction that the organization camp if the laborers agreed to may drop its whites-only labor practices. membership policy. talk with the two men. A hearing was conducted at Richard L. Moore, exalted 3:30 p.m. Friday in Judge" The commmssion injunction -ruler of Walla Walla's BPOE Albert N. Bradford's Court. petition said commission agents 287. also said he intends to vote Court sources said it was had been refused unhampered against the exclusionary agreed by both Rogers and the . admission to speak with the practice at the Elks" national commission that a temporary- camp residents, who are convention in July. "We have a lot of good order would be entered. asparagus cutters. charitable and philanthropic programs that we wish to continue." Moore said. Moore expressed the policy change opinion when asked Department chose to usher Weitzer said less wind is about remarks made by the incoming head of the national motorists Saturday through the expected todav. worst spots on the roadway, The mercury, which reached organization. Robert Yothers. instead of closing it to use. 100 degrees here Friday. haJ Seattle attorney. Yothers said at the state The windstorm left power reached only 71 Saturday outages in Walla Walla Friday- afternoon. The cooling trend is convention in Pasco last week evening. The wind recorder at expected to continue Sunday, that he thought the restricted membership would be the National Weather Service with a high of 82 expected. o f f i c e here is out of Some drops of rain fell in the discontinued at the Julycommission, meterologist Tom area. Weitzer said, most convention. Weitzer reported. Winds up to immeasurable. Pendleton A similar belief has been 29 miles per hour were recorded r e c e i v e d .09 i n c h of stated by Francis Smith, at City-County Airport Friday. precipitation and Hanford .01. present grand exalted ruler from Sioux Falls. S.D. He has urged national convention delegates to vote to set and a three-foot high stuffed dog with the word "SEX" across its eyes were taken from his residence. A 16-gauge double-barreled shotgun and two cameras valued at about S38 are missing from the Ron Coursen home! 721N. Sixth, police said. Jem- Ledford. 338 S. Third, told officers $65 was stolen from his residence and Rolene Boyd. 725 N. Sixth, is missing S60. A boat burglary occurred at
August "Bud" Fix's house. 420 Grove, said police. The covering on Fix's boat was cut and a tackle box and four reels were taken. Police said a candy and cigarette machine were pried open in a recreation hall at the Melrose Arms. A S35 coat and five cartons of cigarettes were stolen from a van owned by -Jack Bush. Spokane, while the vehicle was parked downtown.
Local Pharmacist Arrested A co-owner of Central Pharmacy, located at the Big Y shopping Center on West Rose, was arrested Saturday for delivering drugs without prescriptions. Bernard Ivan Sutliff, 44. 2363 S. Wilbur, was arrested by Walla Walla County sheriff's deputies at 12:20 a.m. Saturday. He was released on his persona] recognizance by Walla Walla County Prosecutor Art Eggers. Bail was originally set at $5,000. Sutliff is charged in Walla Walla County Superior Court with one count of delivering a drug other than a controlled substance without a prescription and two counts of delivering controlled substances without a prescription. A controlled substance is defined under state law as a drug or substance which may lead to abuse or physical or
mental dependence. The first charge involved the drug Didrex and the second and third counts were both concerned with phenmetrazir.e. sold under the trade name Endurets. according to the Superior Court information filed. Didrex is listed as a mood elevator and phenmelrazine as a stimulant. "The arrest is the result of lengthy investigation by Sheriff's Deputies Ron Kespohl and Scolty Ray. in cooperation with the* Federal Bureau of N'arcostics and Dangerous Drugs, the Washington Stale Drug Control Assistance Unit, the Washington State Board of Pharmacy and the Walla Walla County Prosecuting Attorney's office.'" said Sheriff Art Klundt in a prepared statement issued Saturday. The statement said further investigation is continuing and
additional arrests will be niade. "More detail cannot be supplied because of the nature of the case and the many areas of involvement." Klundt added. The arrest was made after a prolonged search of the pharmacy which began with the store's closure by officials late Fridav afternoon.
Visitors have been prohibited for the confined maximum custody prisoners at the main prison" complex but is still permitted at the minimum secrity building (MSB). The 208 men at MSB have been u n a f f e c t e d by the disturbance inside the wallk. Routine continuer as usual at the minimum security facility. Also operating normally is The B r i d g e , a 15-man rehabilitation unit in the former women's prison. It's located a few hundred feet outside the walls.
evaluation. Major points in the report will be sentence time remaining and time already served: escape history, including juvenile record and parole board comments. A prisoner's emotional and mental stability and history, a written report on his work, conduct and attitude; his future plans and the reason he wants minimum security are also to be considered. Other f a c t o r s will be recommendations an inmate has from the Shelton Correctional and Diagnostic Center, and previous institutional adjustment in Washington's correctional
assignments from maximum or medium custody to the minimum security building. The embargo came after 23 men escaped from MSB this year.
system or those in other states as well as the federal system. A prisoner's family status. whether he has relatives living locally or elsewhere in the state, his relationship with them or his lack of family will be noted. Medical information and a counselor's recommendation will conclude the screening committee reports.
Wednesday's meeting included all employe staff with any affiliation with MSB. such as counselors, correctional officers and work supervisors.
"These criteria have been utilized in previous classification considerations but these are more explicit guidelines for the use of the counselors in preparing their referrals." said Mrs. Townsend. About three weeks ago. Warden Rhay cut off prisoner
Elks Club Leaders Here to Vote To Eliminate White-only Clause
Food, Money, Stuffed Dog Stolen Food, money and a stuffed dog are among items stolen in a series of burglaries reported to Walla Walla Police. Detectives said Friday S165 worth of food, a S200 emerald ring. S50 cash, a box of clothes and a new set of pots and pans were stolen from the apartment of Marsha Sherrick. 329 Grape. In addition, her dog and cat were turned loose, they said. Mike Palmer. 532 >J. Sixth, told police a portable television
according to Rhay. The warden has not reported any additional disturbances or difficulties since the strike began.
without benefit of wrapping, and one container of coffee." a prisoner wrote the UnionBulletin in protest against the work strike. "This culinary delight is offered twice daily. 10 in the morning and six at night." Prison e m p l o y e s h a v e described the strike and lockup as a "confusing situation," with many of the inmates uncertain about why the work stoppage was called. Rhay said the strike began after an impromptu midnight •'opinion poll" Tuesday, conducted by a member of the RGC and without the sanction of the general p r i s o n population. One man has cut his wrists since he was locked up but the injuries weren't serious.
New Guidelines Established for Minimum Security at Penitentiary
It Did Reach 100 Friday A cold front moved into the Walla Walla area Friday evening, bringing cooler temperatures, gus^y winds and dropping some rain in Northeastern Oregon. To the Tri-Cities area, its most notable contribution was in stirring up dust. Gusty winds kicked up dust east of Connell. making visibility limited, for motorists on Highway 260. T h e State H i g h w a y
Saturday for comment but the warden said late Friday no meetings with inmates were planned Saturday or Sunday. Asked if he thought there might be an end to the lockup soon, Rhay replied, "I don't look for anything over the weekend." The warden said Friday's regular weekly staff meeting was "lengthy", wh'le officials discussed procedures for handling the situation. Meanwhile, twice daily sandwich lunches are being taken by guards to the inmates in their cells. •'In place of the usual three hot meals a day. with coffee, tea or milk. I now receive two sandwiches of foul bologna smeared with greasy margarine, slapped into a brown paper bag.
change the m e m D e r s n i p restrictions. "Our licenses (liquor and food) are in jeopardy," Smith said. "We need the licenses to retain the survival of the lodges." Moore said it was the first time in his memory a grand exalted ruler had advised dropping the whites-only policy. He said he thought the ruler's advisory letter would have more bearing than anything else on such a vote at the national convention. A majority vote of the Walla Walla lodge last year favored dropping the exclusionary restriction. Moore noted. The new Elks lodge at 351 East Rose will open tomorrow.
WWCC Summer School Short
and the grand exalted ruler's letter will be read to members at a Tuesday meeting, he said. Moore said the matter could be called for a vote at that time. "But I don't see as it's necessary" because of the small number of persons who usually attend summer meetings. Moore said. Another Elks Club member. Art Schoessler. said that in the matter of national convention voting, a local exalted ruler "normally is guided by his conscience."
Students enrolled for the sixth summer session at Walla Walla Community College number 345 less than students enrolled last summer. Friday Charles Cottingham, Dean of Admissions, said the preliminary headcount was 539. The full-time equivalent students (F.T.E.'st was 231.2. compared to 363.8 in summer 1972. An F.T.E. is a unit which designates a student carrying a full-time college load of 15 credits three quarters of the vear.
ttiw HOUR THI mm so mi
GUESS WHO'S Bringing Stainless Steel Dance Fleer
Mrs. Townsend said the clampdown on movement of prisoners from inside the walls to cells at MSB will continue at least until after the present lockup (total cell confinement) of all inmates in the main prison complex.
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