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City tries to get land near DeSales A 42-avrc LI..I .'ilandi tract ' of .1 ..state . liighway near DeSales High School still hasn't been deeded to the city for construction of the Veterans Memorial Park arid Athletic Complex, according to Sam Maxson, city recreation supervisor. City Ally. James Mitchell is continuing efforts to obtain title to the former borrow pit • before Jan. 1 when the city will request matching funds from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, O l y m p i a , to b u i l d a proposed $300,000 athletic complex there.

lnc> The iiileraiMJncv interagcncy committee rejected a plea for 75 |><-'r cent funding for the project in early October because clear title to the land hadn't been obtained. Chances are good the title will be turned over to the city before the Jan. 1 deadline, Maxson said. The highway department agreed to deed the tract to the city with $159,000 for improvements after freeway construction of the U.S. Highway 12 bypass cut off a portion of a city recreation field west of Borleske Stadium.

Thu T h e ic-iht vy''ss KS lt ua Hd i u m C o rn p 1 e x Co rn m i 11 e e recently ruled that development of the area should start by next spring, whether or not matching funds are available, he said. Founded to plan the complex, that committee has 25 members. According to highway department stipulations, the site must be developed within two years if the city is to save it, Maxson said. W i t h o u t interagency funding "the end result will be a usable field, but one with considerably less development and possibly of

a lesser lesser aualitv." quality," according according to Maxson. Planned for the first stage are two illuminated Softball fields, rcstrooms, bleachers, dugouts, a paved parking lot, lighted tennis courts and a practice field for soccer and football. But if interagency funds are not forthcoming, only a single softball field, with lights of a lesser quality, and a graveled parking lot will be b u i l t , and the construrtion of tennis courts will be delayed," Maxson said. Proceeding w i t h o u t

intenii'encv interagency monies monies would mean construction must be accomplished with $153,000 remaining of the state highway grant, Maxson .said. About $6,000 of those funds h a v e been spent for planning and engineering, he said. The city may request 50 per cent funding from the interagency committee, rather than the 75 per cent asked last fall, because there are many applications for each a v a i l a b l e g r a n t , Maxson said. No final decision has been made, he said.

Walla Union Sunday, December 16,1973

County finally completes totals in 1974 budget- a week late The blanks in the 1974 Walla Walla County budget resolution were filled in Friday afternoon by County Auditor Ted Bjerke. The C o u n t y B o a r d of Commissioners approved the final budget resolution Dec 7 in order to comply with state law, however the amount of money budgeted was left blank because the figures had not been compiled The Walla Walla County 1974 current expense fund totals $1,791,103, which is only a slight change from the total in the preliminary budget of $1,793,706. The 1974 final county budget requires a $54.186 transfer from the county reserve fund in order to bring revenue up to budgeted expenditures The preliminary budget would have

required a $70,673 transfer from the reserve fund Only a few minor changes were made in budgets of sell-supporting county departments or agencies that are financed by the county in conjunction with other governmental entities. These agencies expect to spend roughly $3.5 million in 1974. The Walla Walla Rural County Library District's proposed 1974 expenditure of $65,000 was mistakenly included in the preliminary budget total. The library district's budget was removed in the final budget for a net reduction of $65,000. Another major cut in final budget expenditures is a reduction of $12,700 from the current expense fund to pay the Fire District 5 (Burbank) and cities .of Walla Walla, Waitsburg

and College Place for ambulance service to county residents The county commissioners decided to pay the four entities for ambulance service with federal revenue sharing money in 1974. They budgeted $15,000 of the federal money for that purpose The County Horticulturists budget was also cut from $13.074 in the preliminary budget to a final total of $8.140 The horticulturist's office is reducing services and has eliminated a clerk-typists position in the office Reductions from the preliminary budget were offset by several increases, notably an increase in the sheriff's department budget from $224.688 to $268,174. The county paid the salaries of

two deputies and a clerk-jailer with federal revenue sharing money in 1973, but the County Board of Commissioners decided to pay their salaries from the current expense fund in 1974. The final 1974 current expense fund budget was also increased by $15,475 so the juvenile department could apply for state money to offer a foster care program The commissioner's budget was increased by a $15,000 contingency fund to help pay unanticipated costs in 1974. The commissioners' final 1974 budget totals $77,325 A $4,000 expenditure was added to the Walla Walla Justice Court budget to pay for court-appointed attorneys

Prisoners file suit claiming their rights have been denied A show cause hearing has been set for 9:30 a.m. tomorrow in a suit filed by five Washington State Penitentiary inmates protesting maximum security confinement procedures. Prisoners Kenneth Agtuca, Ronald Hart, Henry Rush, Raymond Jamison and Marvin Bonga have filed their complaint for a declaratory judgment, injunction and writ of habeas corpus in Walla Walla County Superior Court. Listed as defendants are

Penitentiary Supt. B. J. Rhay, acting secretary of the state's Department of Social and Health Services Milton W. Burdman and the penitentiary's associate superintendent of treatment, Robert A. Freeman. Alleging denial of their rights under the Constitution's 14th Amendment and the Washington Administrative Code, the five prisoners maintain they have been denied due legal process because no evidence or testimony was introduced at penitentiary

hearings leading to their incarceration in the prison's tightest custody unit. The suit seeks an order d e c l a r i n g v i o l a t i o n of constitutional rights and a preliminary and permanent injunction against their further maximum custody confinement without a hearing. It also requests the mens' immediate release from tight c u s t o d y and an o r d e r restraining prohibiting acts of punishment or reprisal against them.

reformatory operation is eventually phased out, as reported earlier this week. However, no reformatory shutdown notice or phaseout timetable has been received from Olympia officials, Rhay said. "They will undoubtedly transfer the dynamiters down here," he said. Rhay was referring to any Monroe prisoners who might be implicated in the hiding of 45

sticks of dynamite at the reformatory. That cache was discovered Monday. If the Monroe institution should be shut down, the penitentiary will probably receive some of the prisoners, said the superintendent. The penitentiary population has been about 1.000 men during the past year. It has been a low count compared with earlier times when up to 1,800 men were at the institution.

MONROE. Wash (AP) - A thorough search of the State Reformatory was completed Friday mghl and turned up no explosives. Prison authorities sav the schedule has returned

was discovered just outside the prison walls late Monday. Over 500 inmates were confined to their cells, and recreation was curtailed during the search of housing units and other facilities. Elmore said. Prison Supt Roger Maxwell said two family Christmas programs scheduled for Dec. 16 and 23 were canceled because the search made it impossible to make arrangements for the parties. Elmore said visiting privileges would be reinslituted SatDennis, 20, 11 No. Roosevelt at urday the intersection of Blue and Isaacs, officers said. Paulson was taken by City-County Ambulance to Walla Walla General Hospital, where he is now reported to be in good condition to normal Associate Seupt. Richard Elmore said some contraband, including a few homemade knives, was found. The four-day search began after dvnamite

Man cut, breaks leg in auto accident A Walla Walla man Differed multiple lacerations and abrasions and a broken right leg nn an accident Friday night, according to Walla Walla police Merle Paulson. 59, 1523 Portland SI , was struck by a vehicle driven by Mirhacl Lee

A youn man was arrested Friday morning on charges of negligent driving and failure Jo produce an operating license, diwdcrly condiul, and consuming liquor iinrik-r age, according Jo Walla Walla police

speeds on Main Street between Second and Ninth Streets. OHicers took him to the station and made the charge for disorderly conduct after Davis fried to pick a fight with them, acceding to the report

Officers said Hogei Davis 19, 61? Cardinal, observed making fasl changes and reaching

Davis was booked on the charges at the city jail, officers said.


')aj(1 was lane high

Stocking stuffer The Blue Mountain Humane Society says a kitten is a purr-feet Christmas present. The humane society said a number of cats and dogs are looking for homes this Christmas. Prospective pet owners can complete Christmas gift lists by checking with the Associated Veterinary Clinics. (U-B photo)

Two persons required medical care for injuries suffered early yesterday morning in an accident 19 miles northwest of Dayton. The driver, Zachery Z. Zink. 23, of Starbuck was taken to Dayton General Hospital for treatment of lacerations on the head and numerous bruises, according to the Washington State Patrol The passenger. Michael Kiersey, 20. of Travis Air Force Base. Calif., had numerous cuts and bruises He was also taken to the Dayton hospital, troopers


Man arrested for traffic, conduct charges

Walla Walla's school buses could be used for public transportation, if a pilot study proposed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) proves feasible "There's a lot of problems to be worked out and information (to be) gathered about the ramifications of local transit authority operating the school buses," William Daley, SPI legislative liaison said The pilot study which would take place in the AberdeenHoquiam and Longview-Kelso areas, will be proposed to the Legislature at its special next session.

The city of Walla Walla's interest in 7.7 acres of land at the City-County Airport has been legally declared surplus. Under a ruling Friday by Walla Walla County Superior Court Judge Albert N. Bradford, the city can now sell its interest in the property for $7,500 to the Walla Walla "Port District. The district will then sell the property to Commonwealth Electric Co., for use as a

2 hospitalized after rollover near Dayton

No explosives found in search

State to study public use of school buses Letters urging the use of buses for other than schoolrelated purposed were sent to the SPI office from the Walla Walla School District. Supt. Franklin "Pete" Hanson said, however, he opposed the idea of a pilot study. "You want a local school bus to be used by adults, you can cooperate with the local government and local (transit) business to provide it," Hanson said. "I honestly think the state is past the pilot stage in the energy crisis.'' Local attorney John Reese, who suggested the schools send

a letter to the SPI office, said the change in state law to allow adults to ride the school buses should be a "blanket" change. "The change should say the adults can ride school buses and leave it up to local governments to say when," he said The date of the next special session of the legislature has not been set.

City land interest declared surplus

Supt. Rhay denies Monroe is sending inmates here Rumors that prisoners from Monroe Reformatory are now being transferred to Walla Walla have been discounted by Washington State Penitentiary Supt. B. J. Rhay. "There's that and a lot of other rumors circulating," Rhay said Friday when asked about the possibility of inmate transfers. The warden said prison officials here have discussed what might happen if the

Hospital decorations

Since Christmas is most important for young children, nurses at St. Mary Community Hospital are making sure the first Christmas for babies born there is a merry one. Alice Anderson, left, and Debbie Moore, both obstetric nurses at St. Mary, string lights in preparation for holiday births. (U-B photo)





According to the report, the vehicle was northbound on Kellogg Hollow Rd. when it went off the right side of the road and rolled over twice after swinging back across the left side of the road Damage to the vehicle was said to be high.

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division office and major repair shop for c o n s t r u c t i o n equipment in the Northwest. The property had to be legally declared excess land before the sale could be completed Similar legal action has been taken by the county, which is a co-owner of the land. The property will be sold to Commonwealth for S15.000. the total price for both the city and countv interests.


Stereo,j hav ~r stolen Stereo equipment and hay are missing in thefts reported to local law enforcement officials Daniel Evans. Whitman College, told Walla Walla Police $800 worth of stereo equipment was stolen from his room in Lyman Hall. A tape deck and six tapes valued at $140 were taken from the car of Eddie Barclay. 34 Eagan. police said, and $80 in coins from the home of Miles Roudebush, 519 N 10th. Walla Walla County sheriffs deputies said 19 bales of hay

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were taken from the Reuben Cummins ranch. Touchet. A peace sign was formed in road gravel near the diminished hay stack, they said. Gasoline thefts have been reported in both the city and countv.



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