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Walla Walla Union-Bulletin

Tuesday. January 22,1974

MULT1LITH experience necwsvy,


City brass in prison program Two of Walla Walla s top city administrators have become involved in the Washington State Penitentiary's inmate selfgovernment program. Walla Walla Mayor Dan Swank and City Manager Larry Smith have accepted invitations to join the prison's newly-reactivated Citizen Advisory Committee ( C A C ) at the penitentiary's Minimum Security Building (MSBI. The third "free world" committee member is Dr. Hollibert Phillips. Walla Walla College professor, according to Jan Townsend. the prison's public affairs representative. Mrs. Townsend said the group's purpose is to act as advisors to the prisoners' Resident Governmental Council i R G C ) a n d m a k e reco m m e n d a t i o n s to the penitentiary administration. They will also involve the local community in decisionmaking for programs and policv. she said. As such, the CAC becomes the third part of the selfgovernment program, according to Penitentiary Supt. B. J. Rhay. Under that concept, the penitentiary administration, prisoners and CAC 'representing free citizens) all participate in the state's penology program. Rhay said there are provisions for a CAC to work with men in maximum custody, inside the walls, but that group has not yet been re-activated. The CAC concept, imported by Rhay from a Netherlands trip, was part of the state's penal reform plan started in 1970. However, it fell by the wayside in 1972 after the CAC council at that time sent an explosive report to the state about conditions within the institution. The CAC has been dormant since then. The new committee has already held its first orientation session, Rhay said. "We feel we selected the best Walla Walla has to offer for our purposes." said prisoner Buddy McFarland. president of the MSB-RGC. "We will achieve something positive this term and leave the new RGC something to live up to. rather than live down."

Racing horse owner dies PARIS. Ky. ( A P ) - Robert E Lehmann. 52. owner of 1970 Kentucky Derby winner Dust Commander, died Saturday. Lehmann retired at age 42 from a successful construction business in Fremont. Ohio. He held a number of safari records. among them killing an elephant •with a tusk weighing more than 110 pounds



We u u i k foi \"U


Getting involved

Mayor Dan Swank (left), sitting beside Dr. Hollibert Phillips, listens to his

They're r e n o v a t i n g the "houses" these days at the Washington State Penitentiary — by exchanging the old cell locks for new ones. A $160,700 electricallyoperated locking device is being

installed to replace an old. wornout, hand-operated system in the prison's Six Wing building. "There are times when we throw it (the old mechanism) to unlock the doors and it doesn't

Restaurant name restricted HILLSBORO. Ore. (AP) - A California-based restaurant chain was forbidden Monday to use the name Black Angus in Multnomah County, which includes the city of Portland. Judge Hollie Pihl of Washington County Circuit Court, a county southwest of Portland, granted a permanent injunction against Saga Enterprises. Inc.. and Stuart Anderson's Black Angus Restaurants of Oregon, which operates an outlet in Beaverton in Washington County. The owners of the Black

charges of public drunkenness and third degree assault.

Angus Steak House in southeast Portland. Marguerite and Hermann Frostig. filed suit in January 1973. seeking a statewide injunction against other uses of the name. They claimed the name Black Angus is deceptively similar to the name of their business, causing confusion, unfair competition and capitalizing on the good will of their reputation. The California-based firm is prohibited from using the name Black Angus in advertising in Multnomah County, unless the preface Stuart Anderson's is used. Also, it cannot list a restaurant under Black Angus in the Portland telephone directory. Stuart Anderson's Black Angus also has restaurants in Salem and Eugene as well as California. Washington. Idaho and Nevada.

hospitals (Monday) Admitted to Walla Walla General Hospital were Donald Turner. 700 Pleasant; Ronald Starr, Lariat Motel: Mrs. Hattie Ohashi. Route 5; Calron Jensen and Mrs. Barbara Underwood, both of College Place: and Teresa Strong, James Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Glena Brewer, all of MiltonFreewater. Discharged were Mrs. Ruth Harris. Whitman Manor: Mrs. Homer Myers. 308 N. Palouse: Mrs. Albert Torres, 25 Whitman: Mellie Diggings. Tolbert Fawcett, Ira Fisher. John Norton and Mrs. Clyde Webb, all of Milton-Freewater: Albert Harrals and Walter Wagner, both of College Place: and" Lorraine Atkins. Battle Ground. Wash. Admitted to St. Mary Community Hospital were Retha


- P u b Ev -Un 21 22 1,074'

changes of address am) report service errors Pleas-e plgce jam toil within these hours: Doily *:00 A.M. lo 730 P.M. Svnfcry 140 to 12 Noon


Erie Hoffman Phww Uft-3511 Dayton i Wv~rtsb*f§, Wcsh. Clhrt Tepptn Npfit 3374705 A copy wifl be sent to you Promptly

DeSales dinner Feb. 3 DeSales High School Home and School Association will sponsor its annual smorgasbord dinner at the school, Feb. 3 from noon to 6 p.m. The menu includes spaghetti and meatballs, fried chicken, potatoes and gravy, green beans, assorted salads, rolls, pie or cake, coffee or punch. Proceeds from the annual event make up a large portion of the §2,000 the Home and School c o n t r i b u t e s to DeSales' operating expense, according to Bill Dobner, asst. principal. The dinner is open to the public and will cost $2 for adults, $1.25 for children under 12. and $9.50 for families.

installation, being done by Universal Security Products. Hayward, Calif., is expected to be finished by mid-April. "We have completely vacated one side of the wing1' by temporarily transferring prisoners housed there to the other side of the wing, Jones said. A shift to the opposite side will follow when the first half of the changeover is completed. The business manager said Six Wing will now be in lockstep with the penitentiary's electrical systems in its other three cell wings. Part of the problem with the old system. Jones said, was that it dates back to 1933. It was rebuilt in 1955. "The company that built it has since gone out of business and there were no repair parts available," said Jones. "We could manufacture some repair parts at the prison, but we couldn't get others." Should the magic electrical wand fail in the Northwest, the prisoners will still have access through their sliding cell doors. The institution has a back-up emergency generator.

NOT1O: TO CREDITORS No. fi3M5 In the Superior Court of the Suit of W ;tUnni:t™ ID and for the oi Walla Walla

In ih' of

<7 f>f tb<- J

LTHLLKH P07TKB thai lh( •jrrJ and has. qualified hs=, ri«.ri app P'T^onjl r"r.ire>*Ti1alu '•( PCTVW hirviru; rl^irri-; az-ain-t Ibr we Tccjircd lo .«-.f ihf i-sroe fin the undCTHined ur 1br Ati'ffTifv M Tt'wd at the HWTCH vtitfd bt-lrw mdT file Ibf ^rri' -ait!-) "br DtT'i M *.hi« C'«J I lojv-tb'T -ann proof 'A «uch -•CT.K't' •snihin itiat moriih? ifteT January l.S li/4. or ih" VJTTIC will r>" fr/rrwr PAH.M POTTER Jfi PCTSA-WJ! Re jju-wrrtAi r. <: CHARLES SNY)>ER Attorney ioi EMAie 301 Bakt-r Building ,, Walla Walla, \vWiinpon /Pub Eve Jan 15.22 29.3974.

Michels, 109 S. Blue; Harold K. Jackson, 1415 Olive: Angela Yunck, 14 Cascade Drive; Mrs. Cecil Hanson, 641 Clark: Sylvia Lugo, 948 Carrie; Mrs. Walter Stevens, 818 Walla Walla: William Gabel, 617 E. Chestnut: Sean Morrison, 1904 Pleasant: Mrs. Alan Barer, 516 Palouse: Shane Squier, South Ninth Motel; Mrs. Joe Leone. 561 Pleasant: Mrs. William Schneidmiller. 1203 S. 3rd; Teresa Wold. 466 Vz School: Kendra Robanske, 1109 Frankland: Richard Free. Loren Harvey. Charles Giles and Glenn Key. all of MiltonFreewater; Mrs. Kenneth Slack and Marcus Hardin. both of College Place; Anders Jensen. Weston: Eugene Powers. Prescott: Mrs. Floyd Brooks. Stanfield: Paul Phifer. Union: and Michael Botts. Hermiston. Discharged were Mrs. Ernest Baurngardner. 1330 Callanan

Dr.; Mrs. Linn Buley. 912 Frazier Dr.: Mrs. Betty Hernandez. 406 N. 5th: Mrs. Roy Jennings, 328 Drumheller; Earl Kitchen, Blue Mountain Convalescent Home: Mrs. Frank Magnaghi, Route 2; Mrs. Harold Reed, 517 W. Birch: Mrs. Morris Swedlund. 534 Hope: Janice Tompkins. 654 N. Division; Boyd McMillan and Eldon Sherlock, both of MiltonFreewater; Mrs. John Lynn. College Place: Dennis Snider. Weston; Eugene Samplauski. Pasco: and Mrs. Robert Strutz. Hermiston.

district court

marriage license

Over legal load: Robert Hurley. Pasco. fined $99 with S64 suspended: Matthew A Hughes. Boardman. Ore., fined S115 with S80 suspended.

13 words, 8 times


1 8 words, 8 times


Kenneth N. and Linda C. Dake. Judv C and Clarence J. Pursifull

Over length load: Jack R Alderson. Pasco. forfeited $35



NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby en en that Pacific Power A, Licht Company has filed an application for a .substantial development permit for the construction or dvxclopmcnl of a 3 phase, 12.500 volt •electric distribution line to serve electric imeation jrumps located S miles west of Toucbct. south and west -of Ihc ByrncsMrDolc Knad. within Swlion 02 of (>6 N" . Range S2. E W M . in Wallrf Wjlto C«unfk. "''A;i.shing!f!i Said

Copies of the Draft Environmental Statements may be inspected prior to the meeting at cither the BPA Walla Walla \rea Office. 101 W Poplar, or at the City Library, 230 E Alder A limited number of single copies arc also available and can be obtained by writing the Area Manager. P.O Bo\ 1518. 'Walla Walla. Washington 99362. or the Environmental Manager - S.1. P O Box 3821. Portland. Oregon 97208 For additional information regarding any nf the public meetings, you are invited lo call H M Caritrcll. Walla Walla Area Manager. Tc;epbore No >"9SZVr.nW. Ext 7d1 iPub E-.c -Ian 22. K-<74i

permit for She relocation of a 3 phase. 12.500 volt electric distribution hue located on Eureka Koad. 2 miles r.orth of Toucbet. Washmgton s\ Hawley Bridge, within Section 27, of Township 07 N . Range 35. E.W M . m Walla Walla County. Washington. Said relocation crosses the Touchct River and or its associated -wetlands Any person desiring to express his views or lo be notified of the action taken on this application should notify Mr Denis \V Vocu Director of Planning. P O Box 47?,. Walla Walla. Washington. ;n < writing t>i hss interest within thirty day* ; of the last date of publication of this notice Publication dales of this notice arc Tuesday. January 22. 1S74 and Tuesday. January 29. 1974 iPub K*c -Ian 22.29.1374 >

NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC WATERS Department of Ecology State of Washington T WE NOTICE Thai RUSSELL BERGEVTN of Walla Walls. Washington on January 2. 1974 under Application No S3-22301 filed for permit to appropriate public waters, subject lo ousting rights, from R Bergevin Drainage Pitch & Old Lowdcn iWinase Ditch tributary of Walla Walla NOTICE OF PUBMC MEETING Rn er in the amount of 1 04 cubic feel per Bonni-rille Power Administralion -will second, for 1he purpose of irrigation bold a public meeting at 1 00 prn on during the irrigation ses^n The source February S. 1S74. at First Federal of the proposed appropriation is located Savme«. 'Buildmc, 1st and Mder. Walla within SW • i r>i Section SO. Township 7N . Walla. Washington to present Draft Range 34 E W M . in Walla Walla Countv KTmronrnenlal Statement i etn-crinj; its Protects or objections lo approval of General Conslruciion and Maintenance "his application most include a detailed Program and the fiscal Year IS^S statement -if the basis Jor objections, Proposed Program protests must be accompanied by a two In addition lo Bonnmllc's main- dollar >J2 00 < recording fee and filed with tenance program scheduled for FY 1S7.S. the Department of Ecology. Eastern preliminary plans fc«r conslrortjon of a Washington P.egicmal Offi«". East 103 new 500 k-. tian=TOiss)on line from Lfwer Indiana" Avenoe. Spokane. Washington Granite t>?im lo ArlingJcm. Oregon will be 35*2(17 within Ihirtv .30 day.* irom described and comments on it? Jarraar. 29.1974 <Tjv!T07)men1al impad will be rerer.ed .Pnb E-.e Jan 22 29. l."74 from "be public The February fi. 1974. rrietling is par! NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR fif a series (A public- mcMings being heM SHORELINE MANAGEMENT in the proiirmtv of !ho<* iac» that could SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT be aifwlfrd b> the FY 1975 propolis ATI PERMIT interested oanKS are c'ncoura^ed lo Notice is hereby given that Paniic attend this 'meeting Written comments will also be received during a 45 day Power i- Light Company has filed an application for a substantial development review perwxS ending March 11. 1974


In the Superior Court of the Stale of Washington for the County of Walla Walla (in Probate i In the Matter of the Estate of GEORGIA B COLVER.

NolT-o is gncTi that the undersigned ha=. been appcimted and has qualified a? fersonal TCT)*e.scTilaiive of this estate Persons h;Aing claims agamsl the defeated are required tr> vn'c the -same (July --.enfifd. MI the undiTsignerl or me. atlomtv of record at the address siatet below and <ilc tht Mine with the Clerk o this court, together with proof of swr service wiinin four monlhs ailer Januar '•',. 1974. w 1bc same will be Se;)1t)e-First N Walla Walla Branch By JAMES A P2CHE SHEP.WOOD. TU'GMAN.' Viiorooys Jw Estate PO BMC ISO Walla Walla. Wa*hmg:on W362 •Pub. Eve Jan 8 15.22, :


Work Wanted Men


Residential & commercial alterations. New home construction. LeRoy Kelly Construction. 529-4429.

6th, 7th & 8th days FREE


Walla Walla I D Walla Walla, Wash. 525-3300

First & Poplar



Help Wanted

Special Notices ALCOHOLICS A N O N Y M O U S meeting 8 p.m. Wed & Friday nights. Prescott 849-2668. Prescott. WELCOME Bible questions for Bible answers. 525-1980

in 0)


o 0>

a 0) O) O)



a o

SEARCHING for an old fashion Gospel preaching, sin hating, Bible centered Baptist Church. Contact P.O. Box 1633. Walla Walla, for more information. Permanent removal of unwanted hair. Endorsed by American Medical Association. Graduate of Kree Institute. New York City. Ila Mae Eyestone. 1763 School. 525^8037. Nostalgic collector searching for old comic books. lOc to $10. 529-3952. DONATIONS NEEDED. Furniture, clothing, appliances or anything of value St Vincent DePaul Store. 308 W. Main. 525-3903 for pickup. Lost & Found MISSING from Rt. 4. Large, black female older dog with some white markings. 525-2030. LOST: young male Siamese cat. Wed. eve. Pearson-Division Sts area. 529 3066.

Business Personals Restore Your Cherished Old Photographs by VITART permanent copies. 515 E. Main. 525-7151.


Your power mower, rotary or reel for servicing now before the spring rush. Save S2" thru March 31 St. FREE pickup &• delivery in city. JACKSON'S SPORTING GOODS Your only TORO sales & service in W.W. 16 S. Colville 525-5373 LOSE WEIGHT safely & fast with X11 Diet Plan $3 REDUCE Excess fluids with X-Pel S3. Money Back Guarantee. Book Nook Drug

Trovel - Trontportotion


FULL-time secretary. Some bookkeeping. Salary open depending on exp. Send resume to Box 837, U-B Union-Bulletin. AVLVTION MAINTENANCE. No experience or educational requirements. Will train under new 2year program Full GI benefits. Ages 17-34. Starting salary $326 a month plus many free benefits. Now interviewing Call or visit Army Opportunities, 303 E. Main St, 5252160. Cali collect. CARETAKER couple. Apartment complex. Live in. No children or pets. 529-2864 LOOKING for something to do. let a Union-Bulletin Want Ad find you a part time job. 525-3300. Part time attendant. Economy Cleaners, 2nd & Birch. AN OHIO OIL CO. offers opportunity for HIGH INCOME plus cash bonuses, fringe benefits to mature individual in Walla Walla area. Regardless of experience, airmail K. H. Read. Pres.. American Lubricants Co.. Box 696, Davton. Ohio 45401.

Personal Messages Alcoholics Anonymous & Alanon Family Group. Day-nite. 525-1122 Alcoholism Information Center. Walla Walla. 305 Denny Bldg.. 5257800. In Dayton & Columbia County, day or night. Mon & Tues. 382-2531. •Vedthru Sun. 382-4860. ALATEEN. teenagers of problem drinkers. 525-5926 or 525-7176.


Going East" Have 1968 98 Oldsmobile to be driven to Dover. Delaware byMarch 1. Will pay gas & oil. References required. Call Marty Cleveland 382-2320. Davton WANT ADS MAKE LIFE BET


Mick's general home improvements. Paint, carpentry', roofing. 529-5561 Painting, Interior-Ext., reas. Remod. Lie-Ins. 525-9324. 938-5219 M-F. Masonry work. Brick, block & stone. Fireplace-Franklin stoves. Chimney repair, etc. 558-3901. BUILDING AND REMODELING 529-4175 BOB'S PAINTING & REPAIR 529-5561


Failure lo use due care and caution: David R. Small. Lowden. fined $35.

Misrepresenting size of special motor Floyd A Ellis. 49. Walla Walla, and permit: William H. Evans. Blondina D. Cardoza. 33. Livermore. vehicle Renton. Wash., forfeited 550 Calif. Speeding: Leonard G. Watson. dissolutions Touchet. fined S50.


PERSONNEL SERVICE 207 Denny Bldg. 525-1610

6th, 7th & 8th days FREI

Improper pass: Robert F. Wallace. Pullman. Wash., forfeited S25

Dm ing while influenced by intoxicants: John S. Ehart. MiltonFreewater. fined $250. five-day jail sentence suspended, driver's license suspended 30 days.


In lieu of classification number, write in - "Miscellaneous for sale", "Autofor sale", etc.

Walla Walla. Judge Howard Martin's Court. Stale driver education fees • included in traffic dispositions.


Walla Rntr and us a'.sorialed ^•< TKT.«-on drsirinc to express his new. or to be notified <'i the action taken on this application -hrnild notih Mr IX-nit W Yoct. liim-lor of Planmne. r 0 Box 47£. Walla Walla. Wa<.hincton. in -ivntmc of hi* inVttf-1 within 1hn1y r J;ivs of the l;iM date of -public- ,i1ion of this noiice PuMtfalmn date* of this notice arc Tiif-da-;. Janunrv In. 1374 and Tue-da>. ,1anuarv 22. 1974 .'Pub Eic Jan 15.22. 1974 1


*o o>

news of record

New Subscriptions,


work," said Robert Jones, the penitentiary's business manager. "So it's become a health hazard and everything else with the old system."' Jones said the 102-cell


c o

$400 mo.

Jr.Acct $8000-11,000 yr. CPA $11-15.000 yr. Clerk/typist $2-2.50 hr. Bookkeeper $400-€00mo. Accts. payable clerk $350+ Mngmt. trainee, relocate $116 wk. Carpenter $3.00+hr.' Audit clerk, relocate . . . .$3 00+ hr. Bus. admin, relocate $18,000 yr.


duties as a new member of the prison's Citizen Advisory Council. (U-B photo)

New lock installed at prison

Phone J A 5-3300 (or Walla W«llo ft Collt^c Plwt

J :iH>ii-Bu!lc:in

LICENSED ADMINISTRATOR FOR NURSING HOME 82-bed modern convalescent home located in a smaller center in the southeast State of Washington requires an Administrator to take charge of the total operation. Excellent working conditions and competitive salaries. Experience preferred. Forward complete resume to Box 836 UB, Union-Bulletin. MILITARY POLICEMAN. Now interviewing for 16-month guaranteed duty assignments at Presidio of San Francisco, Cam. No experience or e d u c a t i o n a l requirements. Will train. Starting salary $326 a month plus many free benefits Full GI benefits. Ages 18-34. Call or visit Army Opportunities. 303 E. Mam St., 525-2160. Call collect.


Sealed bids for reser.oir scaling at acajawea State Park in Franklin County will be rerened b> the State Parks and Hecrcalion Commission until 3 00 p m . February 11.1974 This project consists of furnishing and installing one in K S cleclrv furnace and duct work in existing comfort station located at Sacajawea Slat? Part; 'Specifications Tnai be obtained 'mm the St-stf Pais^ and Reflection r-ornrnission 5*0 Norlri Main East Wenalcbcc. W^-nincton A'AM tfV-phone .T{»> 384-71 44 The Commission rasfnrs the right 1<> eject am jnd all bids No birJdn ma. wfthdtaw" hi* bid r after the bnur <-ol (07 'P"m7ic IhfH'of. ff bHfTC awarding of ff>n1r;ji1 iink".^ vjid award IN dclsnrd for

'•A ail:. \\alla


Do you nwd extra money? Sell TuppWwarefullor part toe. No investment required. 529-fl>w. HOUSEKEEPER to care for 40 yr. old bachelor & 1-2 part-time men. 5 day week In ranch home. 30 mi. from Walla Walla. Separate 2 BR quarters furnished. Ideal position for a lady desu-ing tranquil country living. Contact Orrin Anderson. 749-2258.


Prisoner files suit for freedom It wasn't what he'd done so much as what he didn't know that helped send him back to prison, according to a Washington State Penitentiary inmate. The prisoner. Floyd Cantrell, maintains in his writ of habeas corpus suit filed in Walla Walla County Superior Court that his lack of education was a factor leading to revocation of his parole. Cantrell has filed the action seeking his release from the prison against Helen B. Radcliff and the state's Board of Prison Terms and Paroles. The suit says Cantrell was denied his right to legal counsel at his Nov. 1. 1973. parole revocation hearing, conducted by Mrs. Radcliff. '"Considering the petitioner's fourth grade education, this constituted a blatant denial of due process." the action stated. Cantrell, convicted Jan. 27. 1970. of first degree robbery in Pierce County, was paroled Aug. 30.1972. " His parole was re\ iked at the November hearing : ecause of


Work Wanted Women 18 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER with a background of three years college and nine years in accounting, bookkeeping, income tax and office work. Excellent references. Call 525 2531. Schools ' Instruction 20 MARY DRAKE'S PLAYSCHOOL DAY CARE & PRESCHOOL Non-denominational 520 Lincoln—525-4321—Since 1952

RYDER Trains Truck Drivers Short home study followed by practical training at one of our giant Trg. Centers. Appr. for Vet. Ed. For local info, call RYDER TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 611 W. Columbia Pasco, Wash. (509) 547-9777

Home office: Atlanta, Ga. NOAH'S ARK DAY SCHOOL KINDER COLLEGE CLASSES AND DAY CARE. 928 Sturm. 529^000 MICHELLE'S SCHOOL OF BATON THE THUNDERBIRD TWIRLERS Washington State & N.W. Regional Champions. 529-5559.

Contracts - Mortgage*


NEED MONEY? Cash for Real Estate contracts, 1st trust deeds and equities. Must be in SECRETARY local area. Prefer short term. Quick Excellent secrpf = '> leeded service. Mr. Oliver, 529-3990. imrr-J: rtp c $U U > -* - 5 day HOMELAND PROPERTIES, INC. weel ^T i-j nrs. per week. 1010 S. 2nd. Phone: 382-2545. Dayton. Will sell contract on a Walla Walla home sold in Feb. 1972 for $12.000, contract balance $9.800. payable at S87.00 per month at 7M:7c interest, taxes and fire Cinsurance included. EmDlpyment Service. Inc. Will discount 25 V. Call collect 1-206First Bank Bldg. Rm. 106 364-9650. Ann Segale or Murdock 529-3900 MacPherson. -"Where You Have A Choice" Business Opportunities 27 Asst. mngr.. bank. relocate, fee pd $800-$1000 JANITORIAL SERVICE. Only $2400 Sales rep $525-550 mo. down. Call Walla Walla Realtv 525 Sales mngmt. trainee $550+ 4303 Tractor mechanic, exp. $2.75-3.75 hr. Carpenter/cement finisher —open Real Estate Wonted 29 Carpenters (several) $4.00+ hr. CASH buyer wants 2 bedroom house Roofers $3-5.00 hr. Laborers open (3 okay). Basement preferred. Graphic artist $4-5.00 hr. George Barclay. Meisner Realtv, 52T" 6120 ~ ^_ Bookkeeper, full charge. relocate $500+ CASH for Income Property Contact Hostess $2.00hr. Hartal C. Higginbotham. Walla Walla Telephone secretary $1.80 hr. Realty Co. 525-4303. Secretary, gen. office $350 Drive-in counter $1.80 hr. Want to buy home in Whitman College area. 529-0634. Mardice Demaray. Owner NEWCOMERS want 4 bedrooms (3 ii DIALtSFOKACnoN large), ready to act now. George Classif ied Ads 525-3300 Barclay. Meisner Realty. 529-6120. PART-time waitress. Apply in person. CANTON CAFE. 131* E. Jusiness Property Main. industrial Bldg. Located at entrance EXPERIENCED family man for to airport. Immediate access to vear round work on wheat & freeway. Concrete block 8100 sq ft. du-ersified ranch. Write Bon 838 UB. floor space. 525-2102 between 9 & 5. 525-S235after5p.m. Union-Bulletin,

Help Wanted Want job information? Dial 529-5650. WASHINGTON STATE EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT Walla Walla office


AVON CALLING NEW IN TOWN' Sellng Avon is the nicest way to become 3 pa?i o! the ••ommunily As an .V.on representative, you'll TJO! only earn money in your spare time, but you'll soon linow e^ en one on the blpcl; Call colled-W2-753S. Pullman ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST No experience or educational requiremenls Will tram under new 2year program Full GI benefits Ages 17-34 Starting salary S326 a month plus many free benefits Now interviewing Call or nst Army Opportunities. .'.03 E Main St. i25"2150 Call collect Full lime cor* -wanted

FAST dependable service on all DON JOHNSON Plumbing •electronics and appliances. Factory Heating. Dcrcwting pjidio dispatch trained technicians Call MONT- track 24 hr s«roee iZSGOMERY WARD. 525-S840

DARRELL OVENS. Tuner Well's it Sons Enterprise 525-7576 - 525-3800 - i25-;>«37 Western Farm Building Speciality — Metal machine sheds. Complete hnusc repair & remodelmr. roofing, All sidmg. painting, glass work 337-5233. BELL Heatine i, makes Prompt r«-ai 5>2T>2223 ^pply in WartsboTg. Wash'

¥E RESULTS bqual Oppwtunily t/mpioyeT MECHANIC for general shop work, musl ha-ve some aptitude for electnral WOT* Wnte Box 834 UB. Union-Bulletin

F«nwce Senke BELL Heating & Refrigeration makes Prompt, reas 525-2223



10am draft*?

KMTDSON'S P,cpasr * Refmishmg. 307N.4Ui After5pm 529-2397" Rmpbolstenng — home, business A WALT? institutional farmttrrc. 100s of labncs fTCte linkt.. A- vmyl5 to choose from. Free pidtop. mstalled Rl 2 delivery. eslrmaJes Reasonable pnrc? 'AH work is foaiaTiteed For more information, call anyljme 5294731 or 525-5121. The Bridge Rehabilitation Project

SERVICE MAN with ocpenent* on refrigeration *v air conditioning, gc-pd working conditions Steady year around worV. Loral iirm Wnte Box J8» UB. Union-Bulletin MEDICAL TECHNICIAN. No eirpcnenre necessary High school diploma WiH train c'nder nsn- 2-year program Fufl GI benefits Age 17-34 StaiJ.ns salary S326 a rnorvth ptos m a n y f r e e b e n e f i t s N o w Wesco Funwce & Air Gond. sales & lrieA^e«^ni; Cail OT VTSTI Army insiaBation Semce all makes. TAUSICK & KAtTFM-AN Opportunities. 303 E Mam St. 5259th i Main 52&-3500 2160 Call collect




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