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If a pellets yet :tion states deliver 2.000 he pellets to a vithin 30 days files a $10,000 the court, re 204.6 pounds i regular la s h i p m e n t tallments due October and

November, under a contract signed last February with Universal Feeds, according to the injunction. In deciding the injunction request, Judge Bradford ruled Toshoku would s u f f e r "irreparable harm" if the injunction was not granted. The Japanese firm has inadequate legal remedy for the situation, the judge noted.

epend On -CUMMINGS Phone

525 4920 ERVICE »$$ Is OUR Business!


Inmates get drug charge

news of record

Charges of illegal amphetamine possession have been f i l e d a g a i n s t t w o Washington State Penitentiary inmates. Accused in Walla Walla County Superior Court are LeRoy Franklin Fogg. 28, Spokane, and John Edward Tomer, 25, Camas, Wash. Both men remain in custody at the prison. The inmates were found in possession of the drug Oct 14, 1973, while both were in minimum security custody.

according to Walla Walla County Prosecutor A r t h u r Eggers. He has not released additional information about the case. Fogg is serving concurrent 15 and 20-year terms for Spokane County charges of indecent liberties and grand larceny. His tentative release date is Oct. 1, 1975. A Clark County grand larceny conviction sent Tomer to the penitentiary for a term of not more than 15 years. He is scheduled for release August 17. 1975.

Vance. 1560 E. Alder; Mrs. m u n i t y H o s p i t a l w e r e Debbie Benado, College Place; Constance A. Klassen, Route 5; (Friday) Fred R. Rahn, 138 Malcolm; Admitted to Walla Walla Gen- Mrs. Steven Allen, 1341 Walla David E. Frame, Dayton; Mark Walla Aven. eral Hospital were Mrs. Discharged were Mrs. Roy A. Hybskmann, 1103 Fern; Mrs. Margaret Bachman, Pendleton; (Hilda) Dodge, 1533 Olive: Mrs. Curtis Stewart, 515 N. Blue; Mrs. Sarah T. Moser, 130 Mrs. Jessie C. Padgett, 225 Bryant; Lee Smith, 745 N. llth; Mattie Frazier, Weston; Mrs. W o o d l a n d ; M r s . M a r t h a Stephen (Loralie) Jessee, 814 Mrs. Loretta Covington, Milton- Penrose; Brady Page, Dayton; Walker, 9 N. Spokane; Paula J. Freewater; Mrs. Phyllis Ruby Yates, 818 W. Randleman, Milton-Freewater; Grimes, College Place; Dion Mrs. Garrett D. Gwinn, 713 Sprague; Willow. Laurie. Route 1; Mrs. Richard Admitted to St. Mary Com- Mrs. Roy J e n n i n g s , 328 Drumheller. Discharged were Ervin W. Biersner, 727 University: Mrs. Daniel Carlisle, Lowden; Mrs. Clara M. Dreher, 1865 E. Alder; Julie A. Hall, College Place; Mrs. Richard Henry, 1438 Tawny Lane; Aimer D. Hobson, Attempted theft of Archie Alder. 1589 E. Alder; Mrs. Harold Bunker's favorite lunch dessert The girl was released to her Myrtle, at the norne; three sons, Modine, 229 W. Chestnut; Eula lead to a shoplifting citation for mother. Ellis Siegrist of Kettle Falls, Wash., R. Smith, 318 Palouse: Eugene a 13-year-old girl. In another juvenile Ellis (Bill) Siegrist, 64, of Charles Patrick of and Fred of K. Struthers, 1833 Echo Place; Walla Walla Police Thursday shoplifting incident at the Route 3, Milton-Freewater, Altadena, Seattle Calif.; his mother, Mrs. Jimmie E. Thompson. El reported the girl tried to take market, police said a 16-year-old died yesterday at his home. Mrs. Mamie of Milton- Paso, Texas; Mrs. Cameron two packages of Twinkles, boy was charged and released He was born Oct. 27, 1909 at Freewater; Wurman Mrs. Ward, 51 Jade: Mrs. David valued at 40 cents, from Fred's after he took a 59-cent package Moscow, Idaho. He lived for Rosie Scotttwoof sisters, Watts and baby boy, WaitsBurg; Wauconda, many years in the Oroville, Wash., and Mrs. Alyce Beeman Mrs. Minnie M. Whitehead, Alder Street Market, 614 E. of cookies. Wash., area and owned and of Omak; five stepsons; five 1250 Military Road. operated sawmills. He moved to stepdaughters, and seven births Milton-Freewater from Hood grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vance, River a year ago The remains will be taken to Siegrist married Myrtle Oroville for funeral services and 1560 E. Alder St., boy, Jan. 4, T h o u s a n d s o f P a c i f i c from Jack B. Robertson, Purdey in Oroville on Feb. 17, interment by Munselle-Rhodes 1974 (General). Northwest jobs may be saved as Region 10 director. 1968. a result of a decision to place Noting that the four Region Survivors include his wife. Funeral Home. forest products industries in the 10 s t a t e s — O r e g o n , same high-priority category Washington. Idaho and Alaska Marvin Johansen with agriculture for scarce fuel — depend heavily upon forest Marvin Johansen, 64, of 1511 allocations, according to the products for employment, Walla Walla Ave., died obituary notices Federal Energy Office for Robertson said "We have y e s t e r d a y at St. M a r y Region 10 in Seattle. sought, and gained, an JOHANSEN - Jan. 5, 1974 at local Community Hospital. The decision by the FEO in assurance that diesel, propane hospital. Marvin Johansen of 1511 Walla He was born Sept. 16, 1909 in Walla Ave. aged 64 years. He is survived Snowmobilers might find Washington. D.C.. followed a and other fuels needed will be Iowa and lived in this area 17 by his wife. Florme, at the home: a son, request for the high priority provided." Donald Johansen of Spokane: three years. He was an equipment some of their favorite routes "pretty rough" because of the daughters, Mary Grant and Lorna Scott, mechanic. both Spokane, and Marvine Ross of Pilot Survivors include his wife, two-foot snowfall of last Rock: a stepson, Elton Hamper of The Florine. at the home: a son, weekend which has remained a Dalles, and eight grandchildren Born Sept. 16. 1909 in Iowa DeWITT Donald Johansen of Spokane; light-powdery mass. According to Marcel Eyraud. FUNERAL HOME in charge of three daughters, Mary Grant the weather arrangements. Funeral notice later. Walla Walla District snow and Lorna Scott, both Spokane, (Paid notice) ranger, ''the going is pretty and Marvine Ross, Pilot Rock: BYRNES - January- 4, 1974 at a local a stepson, Elton Hamper of The rough on Tiger Creek, the North hospital Joel W Byrnes of 726 Edgewood Dalles, and eight grandchildren. Fork Touchet and heavy Spokane u i REGIONAL REPORTS aged 75 years Survived by his wife. Ina drifting due to winds in the Vancouver. B C 38 20 DeWitt Funeral Home is High Low Pr. Read Byrnes, at the home: one son: Tollgate-Bald Mountain area." 23 9 City-County Airport 7 -10 T Wenatchee Kenneth Byrnes of Wa?htucna, Wash., handling the arrangements. Vakirna 20 M Snow depth 6 inches Snowmobilers are finding it three granddaughters, two greatALASKA Mission 11 -8 T extremely difficult to move in Whitman grandsons: numerous nieces, nephews Anchorage 16 5 Snow depth 5 inches and cousins. Born April 8. 1898 in the thick, powdery stuff. Pend Airport 14 0 12 3 T Fairbanks Touchet, Wash. Member of Gardena Juneau 22 7 Eyraud said. Cold weather has Snow depth 1 inch Verner McCollum Baptist Church: was director of the Lewiston 16 -4 kept the week old snowfall from Gardena Farm District many years: Verner McCollum. 80, of settling down. Snow depth 7 inches member of the Grange and the Aberdeen Baker . 5 - 1 9 T Milton-Freewater. Angus Association. Arrangements have Route 2, The snow report for today: Hanford 12 1 been entrusted to the care of the died Friday at Walla Walla Snow depth 2 inches COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME. (Paid General Hospital. TIGER CREEK ROAD notice) TEMPERATURES He was born Oct. 23, 1893 in Over two feet of new snow, Max. Temp Fnda\ 10 Mm Temp SIEGRIST — Jan 5, 1974 at home. Vancouver. Wash., and was a powdery snow on six to eight Saturday —2 Ellis (Bill) Siegrist of Route 3. Milton- mail carrier for many years in Temp" Ha.m. -f3. Freewater. aged 64 years. He is survived the Madras area before moving feet of snow in the canyon. Highest Temp this date. 64 in 1914 TOUCHET RIVER - Light, Lowest. -5 in 1890 by his wife. Myrtle, at the home: three to Milton-Freewater six years sons. Charles Siegrist of Kettle Falls. PRECIPITATION powdery snow is coupled with Last 24 hours to 10 a m 02 Wash., Patrick Siegrist of Seattle, and ago. rough road conditions to the Precip. total since first of month 02 Fred Thomas Siegrist of Altadena. Calif : He is survived by three Normal for month to date 33 his sisters, Mrs Rose Scott of Wauconda. cousins, Elmer McCollum, Mrs. Chase Mountain j u n c t i o n Total Precip. since Jan. 1 .02. Normal Wash., and Mrs. Alyce Beeman of Omak. brought on when loggers Wash.: five stepsons: five stepdaughters, Darrell (Patsy) Hoskins and plowed out the road this week .33. Since March 114 97 Normal 12 42 and seven grandchildren Born Oct 27. Mrs. Evelyn Haase, all of to bring out equipment. Since Sept. 111 91. Normal 6.21. 1909 in Moscow. Idaho. MUNSELLS- Milton-Freewater. TOLLGATE — Strong winds No. days this date with Precip since RHODES FUNERAL HOME in charge Private funeral services and 188662 of the arrangements. Funeral notice of the past week in the Bald cremation were held. later. (Paid notice) PACIFIC NORTHWEST Mountain are near here has 24 hours to 4 a.m. Saturday McCOLLUM — Jan. 4. 1974 at a Walla brought on deep drifts and bad High Low Pr. Walla hospital Verner McCollum of Rt 2. overhangs. The latter are Bellingham 39 27 Joel W. Byrnes Milton-Freewater. aged 80 years. .. 18 7 03 especially dangerous and Boise Survived by three cousins. Elmer HIGHEST QUALITY Hoquiam 38 26 McCollum. Mrs. Darrell (Patsyi Hoskins Snowmobilers are warned they Olympia Joel W. Byrnes, 75, of 726 39 29 and Mrs. Evelyn Haase. all "of Mdtoncould be buried under one or Omak REASONABLY PRICED 24 12 Freewater. Born Oct 23. 1893 in Edgewood, died yesterday at St. forced off a road into a deep Portland 33 22 Vancouver, Wash. MUNSELLE- Mary Community Hospital. 38 26 RHODES FUNERAL HOME in charge He was born April 8. 1898 at dropoff if one should give way. Seattle . . . . of arrangements. Funeral notice later There is between seven and Touchet, the son of pioneer (Paid notice) parents. John and Magara nine feet of snow at Tollgate. Rug stolen Byrnes, who homesteaded in Snowmobilers are warned to Aulis A. Petersen reported a funeral notices the Touchet area where they use extreme caution crossing the road here as visibility is house at 314 White St. his firm is lived and farmed all their lives. EVANS — Funeral services for the late limited due to 12 feet banks of attempting to sell was entered Mrs. Lucille Evans of Route 3. MiltonJoel Byrnes also lived and Second & Cemetery Freewater will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Jan. farmed most of his life at snow alongside the roadway. and a 14 x 20 foot mottled blue 525-8453 8. 1974 at Munselle-Rhodes Funeral shag rug removed. Home with Rev. Richard Davidson Touchet, except for eight years in Addy. Wash. officiating Rebekah Integrity Lodge No 175 will have charge of the ritualistic He married the former Ina Poster design services. Interment Milton-Freewater Read on Sept. 24, 1917 in Walla Cemetery. MUNSELLE-RHODES course offered FUNERAL HOME m charge of Walla and they observed their OUT WITH THE OLD A course designed for the arrangements (Paid notice) golden wedding anniversary in small businessman or anyone IN WITH THE NEW! BYRNES — Funeral services for the 1967. Survivors include his wife. interested in poster design or late Joel W. Byrnes of 726 Edgewood will This frequently heard expression can be be at 1 p.m. Monday. January 7. 1974 at Ina. at the home: a son. display advertising will be applied to more than the ringing out of 1973 by Walla Walla COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME Rev. Kenneth Byrnes of Washtucna; offered Howard E. Baker of the First Church of and the welcoming in of 1974. It can in fact be Community College beginning God officiating Private interment three granddaughters: two next Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. a brief description of many medicines we Mountain View Cemetery. Casket great-grandsons: and numerous stock in our pharmacy. For. most of the newTaught by Al Baird. former bearers will be William Heimbigner. nieces, nephews and cousins. drugs your physician is prescribing today were Carroll Barnes. Arthur and Kurt Bald. local graphics illustrator, the He was a member of the Neil Lieuallen and E. L Slater. not around a few years ago. And many drugs class will include basic lettering COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME. Bill L. Gardena Baptist Church, a so popular — just a short while ago are not a n d d e s i g n f o r poster Watson, funeral director. Funeral director of the Gardena Farm even being made anymore. parking adjacent to funeral home on west District for many years, and a advertisements. side. (Paid notice! It will meet in Room 203 of But — we do feel compelled to add that member of the Grange and the the Fine Arts Building Tuesdays not all the "old" are on the way out. We LEMKE — Funeral services for the Aberdeen Angus Association. and Thursdays for three weeks late Louis "Ted" Lemke of 1125 W. Pine still get calls to compound many medicines Funeral services will be at 1 and will be at 2 p m.. Monday. Jan. 7 in the cost S5.50 for registration and for drugs that have become old standbys. Chapel of the HERRING FUNERAL p.m. tomorrow at Colonial and S2 for special materials. HOME with Chaplain Lawrence Cousins Funeral Home with Rev. YOU OR YOtR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US officiating. Concluding services and Howard E. Baker officiating. Students may register this week when you need a delivery. We will deliver interment will follow at Mountain View and next week in the Registrar's promptly without extra charge. A great many Cemetery. NORMAN S. HERRING, Private interment will be in office. people rely on us for their health needs. We funeral "director. Dial 525-1150. 'Paid Mountain View Cemetery.



Youths take baked goods

Forest jobs saved?

Snowmobilers may have rough time

Beautiful Markers

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KREBS — Funeral services for the late Mrs. Millie 0. Krebs of 702 Pleasant will be at 1 p.m. Mon.. Jan. 7 at DeWitt Memorial Chapel with Rev Robert Walker of the Grace United Methodist Church officiating Private interment will follow at Mountain View Cemetery

DEwrrr FUNERAL HOME m charge of

arrangements Ample off-street parking available west of the chapel. Dial 5291360 (Pa.d notice i

4D SWIVEL •Of ...399.88 ...

FOX -* Funeral services for the lale Beulah Bessie "Dodd" Fox of 419 Roosevelt •will be at 11 a m. Mon Jan 7 at DeWitt Memorial Chapel with Rev, G3en Mell officiating Private interment will folio* at Mountain Vaew Cemetery Friends who wish m a « make contributions to the Heart Fund DEWTTT FUNERAL HOME m charge of the arrangements Ample off-street parking available west of the chapel Dial 529-1350 (Paid notice i


Or Olive ea 239.88



cards of thanks

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SPOT ADS ARE WELL READ! YOB Are Reading One Right Now!


WE WISH TO EXTEND OUR DEEP HEARTFELT thanks to our many friends, neighbors and relatives, business associates and tlie employes of the City of Weston. and the Stale Highway employes for flowers, contributions, food, and many other acts of kindness dunne our great loss of our beloved husband, father and crandfatber EDITH SNIDER LEONARD SNIDER. JR & FAMILY

8 E. Alder


Walla Walla Washington Prescriptions — Surgical Fi"ing; — 5ict Room Needs Free Delivery — Charge Accounts



CASEY — Funeral services for the late George A "Jem" Cas-ey of SI?. W Poplar SI will be at 11 a m . Monday Jan 7 m the chape] of the HERRING FUNERAL HOME with Rei Edwin Schultzc offinalini; Concluding «rnrc.and interment will follow al Mountain View Cem-t-er} N O R M A N S HERRING, funeral director Dial S2> 1150

1 /2 PRICE


welcome requests for delivery service and charge accounts.






Account* in»u«*d to $20,000 by FDIC MEWSPAPEJRI

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