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Walla Walla Union-Bulletin

Thursday, May 13,1976

Council approves application for bicycle path By JO MORELAND Of the Union-Bulletin

Bicyclists in the Walla Walla area may be able to take the scenic route all the way soon. The Walla Walla City Council voted 6-1 Wednesday to submit a joint application to the Washington Highway Department for a $200,000 bike path. City residents, College Place and Walla Walla' County will have to pay $40,000 of that amount, if the joint grant's approved Federal Highway Administration money will pay the rest. The Bikeway Demonstration Project

would take bicyclists from the Whitman National Monument to Rooks Park. "I think it'll be one of the most interesting bike trails in the country," said Councilman Harry Drake. "Beside that, it has a wonderful grade You can just put the old folks on the upper end of it and they can practically coast the whole way." "I think there's more pressing things to spend $200,000 for," Councilman Ron Sullivan said in explaining his dissenting ballot. In other action, the council • — Turned down a rezonmg request for 63 more units at the Rancho Villa Mobile

Home Park, 1250 Dalles Military Road. The denial came after lengthy discussion hinging on a sewer problem in the park's area and objections made on behalf of residents in the area. — Accepted a final report from the mayor's core-area task force for downtown improvement. The task force plans a presentation at the May 26 council meeting. — Agreed to help provide trees at the new St. Mary Community Hospital site, at a city cost of about $500 plus four to 12 days of city work force. — Voted to confine such landscaping aid to nonprofit institutions, with

conditions for the area assisted. — Heard the first reading of an ordinance change which will give the council final plat approval of subdivisions. — Adopted a city policy governing water-line extensions to new areas. — Rejected all bids for Minute Place reconstruction and decided to have the city do the work, with negotiations for asphalt, because the bids submitted were too high. — Awarded Jones-Scott Co. of Walla Walla a $5,135 bid for surface work at the Menlo Park tennis courts. — Approved a $2,500 trust-fund

allocation for an architectural fee for the Carnegie Center's future development. — Started the process for turning the Carnegie Center trust fund over to center staff for administration there, rather than by the city. — Shut off 75 feet of parking on the Crescent Street curve so Walla Walla school buses can be parked more easily in the school district's garage there. — Had the first reading of a supplemental-budget ordinance providing for payment of $31,700 in federal revenue-sharing money, — Passed a Bicentennial resolution observing May 24 to 30 as "Spirit of 76

Week" to highlight Rendezvous Northwest in Walla Walla. The resolution also calls for American flag display, particularly from June 14 to July 4, and participation by local churches and others in the July 4 national bell-ringing. — Approved the sale of poppies May 21 and 22 by the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion. — Granted a fireworks-stand permit for the Eastgate Lions Club. — Denied an air-rifle demonstration request from Payless Drug Store, Eastgate Mall, because it violates a city ordinance.

Council approves trash plan

calendar Tonight's events Baha'i Faith firesides: 8 p.m. with Mike Elwell, 376 NW "D" St., College Place: with Rhett Diessner, 108 N. Bellevue Ave. Funzapoppin', Rendezvous Northwest '76, 7 p.m.. Legion Hall. HOW. Alder St. La Leche League, 8 p.m. with Lou Sample, 124 NE "A" St., College Place. Lecture: "Is Love Enough?" 7:30 p.m. by Walla Walla College professor Malcolm Maxwell. Crossroads Lecture Series. Fine Arts Auditorium. Free. Order of the Amaranth, Golden Sheaf Court 60, 8 p.m., Masonic Temple. 607 E. Main St. Prescott School Board, 7 p.m.. Prescott School conference room. Prospect Point Grange, 8 p rn.. Grange Hall. S. Howard St. Pythian Sisters, Mistletoe Temple 23, 8 p.m.. Pioneer Park Garden Center. Touche; School Board, 8 p.m., Touchet High School home economics room. Walla Walla Regional Planning Commission, 7:30 p.m.. City Hall. Third Avenue and Rose Street. Woman, '76, 7'30 to 9:30 p.m., Continuing Education Department. Walla Walla Community College, 500 Tausick Way.

Memorial Golf Club. Golden Agers dance, 8 p.m., Washington Community Bldg.. 334 N. Ninth Ave. Lady Elks, 1 p.m.. Elks Club, 351 E. Rose St. PEG, AD Chapter, 10:30 a.m. brunch with Mrs. Eugene Valaer, Route 4. PEO, BI Chapter, 12:30 p.m. with Mrs. Donald Sherwood. 1107 Alvarado Terrace. PEO, a Chapter, 12:30 p m. with Mrs. James Hodgen. 14 Edwards Drive. Retired Teachers Association, Walla Walla-Columbia Counties unit, 12:30 p m. lunch. Central Christian Church, Alder and Palouse streets. Russell Creek Homemakers, noon potluck with Mrs. John Ralston. Route 4. Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary and Grant Fanner Post 992, 7 p.m.. Post Home. Rose and Colville streets: installation of officers.

"It's unbelievable what one man can do under this type of system." Under the new arrangement, the city will begin providing special 90- and 300-gallon. plastic containers to city residents without charge.

Saturday's events

The commercial-district businesses will buy their own containers.

Walla Wallans can get rid of their trash cans within the next year under a new trashcollection system adopted Wednesday. The Walla Walla City Council unanimously decided to convert the current pickup methods to one involving a mechanical lift which uses plastic containers. "It's a fantastic system as far as I'm concerned." Verne Tompkins. the city's generalservices supervisor, told the council.

Lecture-travelogue: "Ireland;" 8 p.m. by Chris Borden, Walla Walla College Lyceum Series. Columbia Auditorium. PEO, Chapter CM, 1 p.m. with Mrs. Les Ritchie. "1867 Brevor Drive. Walla Walla County Pomona 27, 6:30 p.m. potluck. Prospect Point Grange Hall, S. Howard Street: judging of contest articles at 3 p.m. Friday's events Walla Walla County Grange Degree Team, 7:30 p.m.. Blue Mountain Shrine Club, Burbank Grange Hall: Fifth ladies' night dinner. 7 p.m.. Degree to be exemplified.

hospitals patients (Wednesday) St. Mary Community Hospital Admitted Rena K Jenkins. Myrtle L Gamer. Sean R HendncksorT. .Mrs Theodore Koehler Jennifer Ann Wylie. all of Walla Walla- Allen M Alexander. Merrill A Buroker. Veston Prock. all of Milton-Freewater: Rubin R. Graves. Waitsburg- Mrs John L Hunt. Dayton. Gretchen D Fluharty. Prescott: George C McDonald. Weston. Susan M Monahan Athena Discharged Floyd W Bunt Jr , Mrs LcRoy Hanscn. Kenneth Hobson. Owen E. Kmter George H Turner. Mrs Glenn VonGunten and Mrs A Dale Whitenack, all of Walla Walla Adam J Roska. College Place. Gordon W Larsen. Starbuck. Edson R McCanse. La Grande

Walla Walla General Hospital Admitted Joanne Turner Walla Walla. Carolynn Garza. Mehm Smith. Bette J Eller. all of College Place. Lucile H Williams Myrtle Bennett, both of Milton Freewater. Roger A Thomas. Pendleton Discharcni Jack F Chandler. Eula D Pike, both of Walla Walla. Adrian L Brcm-n. LaVonne B Lee. both of Collece Place

Dayton General Hospital Admitted Debara Martin. Maria Lara.


It will mean a reduction of up to eight sanitation employes, according to City Manager Larry Smith.

Circus enchantment


Walla Walla youngsters (top) gaze in awe, concern and disbelief at the sawdust magic of the American Continental Bicentennial Circus at the Southeastern Washington Fairgounds. The threering show Wednesday of 110 performers featured the hair-raising high jinks of Miss Myoshy Amoto, billed as "The Pearl of the Orient", and the stupendous sword-balancing of The Amazing Alain.

Garfield County Memorial Discharged Howard Jackson. Pomero}

births St. Mary Community Hospital

To Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schultz, 445 S. Eighth Ave.. a boy. Nathan Allen. 7 pounds 12 ounces. May 11. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry. Rt. 2. a boy. Joseph Lewis. 6 pounds 81 z ounces. May 10. To Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Remillard. 534 S. Ninth Ave.. a girl. Aaron Ettja. 6 pounds. 10'2 ounces. May 11. Walla Walla General Hospital

To Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Turner. 1913 Celestia Drive, a boy. Paul Aaron. 7 pounds. 1'z ounces. May 12. To Mr. and Mrs, Alfonso Garza. 222 SE llth St.. College Place, a boy. Alfonso Hall Jr.. 7 pounds. 3 ounces. May 12. Thursday's events. See today's calendar for Friday's events.

Because of incorrect information provided to the Union-Bulletin, the address of Mrs. Carrie Dodge Holady was in error in her obituary Wednesday. Because of a reporting error, The correct address is 1308 Friday's events in Wednesday's SW McKinney St. College calendar were included with Place.

State official to visit penitentiary on Friday

The department recently stripped Rhay of his authority 1o transfer .lolent inmates into minimum security Several inmates in minimum security had escaped just before the f hanc'e w a>. announced Morrt. c.ouldn ) be reached in Ohmpid to determine if that -Ai'll be discussed His office said be also plans 1o meet with other prison officials -vt-heTi he visits thepenitsntiar,


both of Dayton Discharged- Elvin Hixson Leonor Villareal. Albert Jackson, all of DaUon. Dovie Miller. Starbuck

The 'A alia \\aila t'nion 35ullcJin Incs to V rfcrurjte in e^cr, Mor> it prints When -AC do «rr we -*ant In cnrrvct :hc m:!-taX? If iou find an <rror. please call "be pew? d'-parlmcnl during regular

The d i r e c t o r of the Washington Department of Sofia] and Health Services -will visit the Washington State Penitentiary on Friday 's Morris will meet with Pemt<Titiary Supt B J Rhay following his fl 35 a in arrival at the airport

U-B photos by Ron Carlson

Meetings with at lea^t two other local officials have been arranged. At 2-30 p m Moms will meet with Walla Walla County Commissioner James Stonenpher at the county courthouse. Stoneciphcr said no topic was suggested by the state leader, but he intended to explore alternative approaches on use of a state grant for work-release facilities The $236.566 expires m November and is part of a city-county publie-safetybuildmg bond issue proposed for tbe fall ballot After 3 p m . Morns will nT-rt with staff members of the local social- and health-services office, according to Rirnaid Clodius. aclme administrator

Only one man, instead of three, is required to handle one of the hydraulically operated trucks in the new Rapid Rail

Suspect in car death makes plea

Fort Walla Walla Park will smell not so swell with corral addition

The manpower reduction is so great it will pay for the new trash containers and keep trashcollection rates at the same level for residents, he said. Smith said the 1976 budget provides $90.000 for two new trash trucks, which will cover the cost of two pickup units under the new system. "However, we're going to have to amortize the expenditure for the containers. $20,000 per year over the next 10 years," he said. The city manager said the new system will result in a cleaner city, because all trash must be in the plastic container so the truck's mechanical arm can dump it. "What we're doing is increasing the efficiency of the operation and we probably are decreasing our long-range personnel costs." he said. Present collection equipment won't have to be junked, because it will still be of some value to other communities, the city manager said. Tompkins said the commercial district and the residential area north of Rose Street will be the first sections to get the new containers, within about 90 days. The council voted to take bids and implement the system as rapidly as possible.

Walla Walla-area residents may get a of 20 Indians in the cast was turned Trails West site as too high. A man charged with negligent- faint whiff of the Trails West cast this down. homicide in the traffic accident summer An engineering estimate had placed at Fort Walla Walla Park. The request violates a seven-day death of a Walla Walla man the cost at about S50.925 — within The Walla Walla City Council voted overnight-camping restriction and could budget. pleaded innocent Wednesday. Wednesday to allow 25 animals being cause loss of some of the park to use byMichael C. McGee. 22' of At the suggestion of City Manager used in the Bicentennial theatrical city residents, the council learned. Seattle, entered his plea in Larry Smith, the council agreed to have "We might have the cowboys trying to Walla Walla County Superior production to be kept near the the Trails West construction crew do the protect the Pioneer Village (in the park) Court before Judge James B. production site. work so the buildings will be ready for "You'll get a little of the atmosphere and we'd have a real hassle. I'm afraid." Mitchell. the July 1 opening. the Old West in there." quipped Walla Councilman Arlo James wryly observed. No trial date has been set for of Gradwohl was authorized to sign a Walla Mayor Harold "Nig" Gradwohl. The council also rejected "an §83.958 bid the charge concession agreement for the A request for a five-tepee encampment for construction of four buildings at the production. McGee's accused of causing the death of Melvm Ord. 64. 824 Wauna Vista Drive. Ord died April 27. almost a month after suffering injuries when a stolen car dn\en by McGee crashed into an auto Ord was in on U.S. Highway 12 The accident happened during a high-speed pursuit by Walla"Walla>olice. A game of rugby, an old- The City of Walla Walla's appointment in a closed session city attorney. Ord was one of six persons in fashioned pioneer dance and an legal problems will now be is permissible under the state's deputy He was born and raised in a car drnen by Dr .lames Dart, art show with talent from all handled by the former deputy- open meetings law. according to Walla Walla, the son of Dr. and 730 nay St Washington assistant Any. Gen. Mrs. Francis Baffney. 834 over the Northwest are city attorney. All were injured when the ingredients of the 3S76 Kahlotus After a 25-mmute closed Donald Foss. Wauna Vista Drive. crash happened near the Day affair to be staged June 5 at session Wednesday during its E i g h t persons were The new city attorney is a freeway "s Pine Street exit regular meeting." tbe Walla interviewed earlier for the post 1965 graduate of DeSales High Kahlotus A June 5 and 2 trial date has Kahlolus. 63 miles north of WalJa City Council appointed before Mitchells replacement School, a 3969 graduate of been set for McGee for Superior Walla Walla, is tbe first town Thomas K. Baffney as the new was selected. Gonzaga University of Spokane Court charges in the incident of a f t e r crossing Lower city attorney. Mitchell became a Walla and a 1974 graduate of first-degree assault with a Monumental Dam. Baffncy. 29, replaces James Walla County Superior Court Gonzaga "s School of Law. deadly weapon, grand larceny The rugby game, between a B. Mitchell of the Walla Walla judge in May. He passed the bar THOMASBAFFNEY and marijuana possession British Columbia team and a law firm of John M. Reese and Baffney has been with the examination in 1974. After pleading guilty in Walla Lind-Ritrvillc group, will follow Mitchell. firm since 1974. first as a legal . . . new city attorney Baffney resides at 3320 Isaacs Walla Municipal Court to the 2 p m . parade. A -discussion of such an intern, then as a lawyer and Ave. recWess driving, hit-and-run of The dance will start at fl p m. an occupied vehicle, failure to at tbe Grange Hall display a lalid driver's license The art show will be staged at and driving while his license the part on Main Street and is was suspended, he was expected to include artists from sentenced lo three 90-day jail all over the Northwest. A choice between salary payment or lo due legal process. Superior Court Judge Fred Staples terms A new museum has also been farther faculty review is now up lo It denies 52 million m damages affirms a memorandum decision Staples' assembled in a building on Main Whitman College in the case of a issued in March. Lehmann sought. Local woman gets Street. It is expected to be open dismissed professor. But Staples ruled the trustees' decision Staples ruled then that Lehmann was June -5 Judgment was entered Wednesday in to attach a year's severance salary to degree from BYU This year's event is being tbe Walla Walla County Superior Court entitled to the bulk of a year's salary, about $15,000. certain conditions wasn't consistent with Annette James, daughter of sponsored by the Kahlotus Lake case started by the fired faculty member, the academic council's recommendations Or the college's board of trustees must Arlo James. 19 E Birch St. am Navy, a newly organized biology professor Donald Lehmann. and faculty guidelines. refer the entire proceedings back to Joleen James, 1337 Tillamool marching and "<razy band" Lehmann filed suit against the college The judgment orders the board to pay Whitman's academic council for further St. has received a bachelryi o. group making its debut with the last year, maintaining he was dismissed the rest of the year's salary or submit the consideration, the judge decided. arts degree m spring graduatio parade It is expected lo in violation of faculty guidelines after a issue again to the academic council. Staples" judgment says Lehmann's at Engharn Young University. participate in other parades of sexual-misconduct inquiry. dismissal as a tenured member of the College officials couldn't be reached Provo, Utah the area, a spokesman said The judgment filed by Franklin County for comment about Whitman's decision. college faculty was proper and according

Kahlotus sets plans for day of celebration

Council promotes assistant to hold city attorney's post

Whitman has choice in firing case

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