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Walla Walla Union-Bulletin

Sunday, May 8,1977

Lawmakers see ways legislature can help prison By JANET BRIGHAM Ol tt>e Union BullMin

Two state legislators from Walla Walla say there are things the legislature can do to help conditions at the Washington State Penitentiary. But they're not sure they will be done. Reps. Jeannette Hayner and Gene Struthers, both Republicans from Walla Walla, met Saturday with counselors, correctional officers, employes and state and prison officials to discuss problems at the penitentiary. Officials they met with included Adult Corrections Director Harold Bradley, Penitentiary Warden B.J.

Rhay and Dr. Harlan McNutt, head of the Washington Department of Social and Health Services. Struthers and Hayner said Saturday following the meeting that the two areas the legislature could improve are insurance coverage for prison employes and the removal of the Department of Corrections from DSHS. Hayner said that improved insurance coverage is feasible. "I think there's ample justification for distinction in this case, and I think we could sell that to the legislature." The justification for amplified coverage comes from the potentially violent nature of the job. she said.

Struthers and Hayner pinpointed two areas for legislative action: Insurance coverage for prison employes and the removal of the Department of Corrections from DSHS

Workers are covered by Work- line officers," she said. "And in spite of that, the request man's Compensation and Blue Cross, but until two years ago they weren't has never been granted, even though covered for injuries received as the they're aware of it and they said that they agreed." result of a violent act. "They" refers to the Department of She said that even if the problem could not be approached legislatively, Corrections and the penitentiary the legislators from this area can use administration. "Somebody didn't follow through, their influence. and there was a lack of comHayner and Struthers expressed concern over the continued need for munication apparently," Hayner security and safety equipment that said. I think it's just a part of providing could be purchased for $6,700. tools for your trade." "As early as October 1975, the adequate One area where Struthers said he Department of Facilities Operation and Mrs. Hayner disagreed with was notified that the equipment was was on the separation of the deficient, and that there was not McNutt Department of Corrections and sufficient protection for some of the DSHS.

Hayner said she was disappointed that McNutt said he would not recommend separating the two. "We could as a legislative body do that anyway, but just remember that the governor is the same party as the majority in the legislature." She said the question of whether the Department of Corrections could be financed is not at issue. The department already is funded with line items separate from DSHS. "That was the point Bradley was making," she said. "He said there was flexibility in moving the money. "But if that's true, where is the $6,700?"

M-F council faces decision on water meters MILTON-FREEWATER - Should all households in Milton-Freewater have water meters? The Milton-Freewater City Council should answer that question Monday during its regular council meeting. It is expected then to make a decision on a proposal by City Manager Steve Loveland to place water meters on 886 residences in the city.

Although there hasn't been overwhelming oppostion to the all-meter system, some residents have said they would like the city to hold an election on the matter. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. in council chambers of city hall. Those houses which are not on meters represent two thirds of the city's residential-water users. Loveland says all houses should be metered so the city can account for where its water is going. He also says people will be better able to conserve water if each household is metered. In addition, the current system is not equitable because some people can use, or waste, as much water as they want without paying for it, according to the city manager. Two public hearings have been held on the proposal since Loveland introduced it to the council in March.

Although there hasn't been overwhelming opposition to the all-meter system, some residents have said they would like the city to hold an election on the matter. Users who are affected by the proposal would pay $75 to have the city install the meters, according to Loveland. That amount would cover labor costs of installing the meters. The city would pay the cost of purchasing the meters. The whole project, if it is approved by the city council, would cost about $78,000, Loveland says. But water rates for average users probably would not be affected if meters are installed at their homes, the city manager says. Currently, those who are not metered pay a flat $5- -per-month rate Jor water. In addition, during the five -"wflrnlest months, they pay $1.35 extra per 100 square yards of watering space for sprinkling. If the all-meter proposal is approved, those people would pay $2.50 per month for the first 6,000 gallons of water — the same as the current meter charge — and $2.50 per month for 30 months to pay for installation of the meters. Rates per 1,000 gallons over 6,000 gallons would remain at 17 cents, Ix>veland says. However, there would be an added charge of 23 cents per 1,000 gallons for any water used over 15,000 gallons. Loveland says a nonmetered customer would have to be using 59,000 gallons of water each month in order for it to cost more with a meter. The city manager says that since he first proposed the all-meter system, 30 households have requested that meters be installed.

calendar Today's events

Umapine School. Waitsburg Historical Society, 8 p.m., Bruce Memorial Museum, WaitsburKWalla Walla City Planning Commission, 7:30 p.m . city hall. Third Avenue and Rose Street.

'American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). 2 p.m., Jefferson Park Fieldhouse; Ella Meyer, Medicare manager of Walla Walla Valley Medicare Corporation to speak. Whitman College student artists' Walla Walla County Farm Bureau, exhibit. 2 to 5 p.m., Olin Gallery, board, 8 p.m., Farmers Co-Op Bldg.; Whitman College campus. agenda: discussion of highway crossings. Monday's events Walla Walla County Salon. Eight & El Trucco. 1 p.m. no-host luncheon. Forty. 7:30 p m. with Margaret Steak-out Restaurant. Johnston. 411 NE Eighth St.. MiltonEmmanuel Lutheran Church Freewater: business: dessert: call Dorcas Circle. 1:45 p.m.. church Grace Reynolds for transportation. fireside room: Kathy Parks, Bible Walla Walla High School Class of study: Rose Wicssner and Mary 1957 20th reunion meeting, 7:30 p.m.. Sherwood, hosts Blue Mountain Tavern. TOPS WA 540, G-30 p.m.. St. Walla Walla lA>dge 7. F&AM. 7:30 Francis Catholic Church. p.m.. Masonic Temple. 607 E. Mam Walla Walla-Columnia Unit, St.: special communications: work in Retired Teachers Association, 12:30 First Degree. p.m.. First Congregational Church. Palouse and Alder streets. Tuesday's events Walla Walla County ComCurrent Event Club, noon luncheon. missioners. 9 a.m. to 5 p m.. commissioners' chambers. Walla Walla Elks Club. 351 E. Rose St.: Anne Penncll and Ruth Retzer to hostCounty Courthouse. paper by Ethel Willis Athena Citj Council. 7 ,>fl p m.. E\iTgreen Homemakers. 1:30 p.m. Athena City Hall with Perma Cattanack. 501 E. Alder College Place City Council. 7:30 St . program. "Parenting" by Gene p.m.. College Place Ot> Hall. 317 S. Schmid: white elephant sale College Avc Garden Improvement Club. 12-30 College Place School Board, 8 p m , p m . Pioneer Park Garden Center, Davis School \uditonum. 31 SK Ash topic flower arranging St. Ixiwden Homemakers. 1 p.m.. CouDixie Grade School Board. ?• p m , ntr\ Kitchen, open meeting: officers Dixie School. to host Milton-Frccwatcr Cit> Council. 7 30 Mill Creek Homemakers. 12 30 p m . Milton-Km-watcr CiU Hall. 722 p m pntluck picnic with Irene Davis. S Main SI Route 4. officer installakon Milton-Frerwater Elementary TOPS WA 411.1 p m . St Patrick's School District .11. S p m . Central School AY Room • upstairs i School 1ibrar>. Aiillnn Free-water Walla Walla City Council & Walla fhereater}. Anommous. 7 p m . Walla Count) Commission, fi 30 p.m . Christ Lutheran Church. 1420 S Cit>-County Airport Terminal Second Avc Walla Walla fount} ComPreparation for Childbirth. 7 to ." missioner*. 9 a m to 5 pm , comp m.. Walla Walla Gemr.il Hospital missioners' chambers. Walla Walla conference room, sponsored b> the Counts Courthouse Walla Walla Health I'duration Walla Walla Organic Growerv. fi 30 Center, free flashes p m potlurk dinner with Slanlc\ and Prescoti Cit> Council, 8 p m . Rella Tucker. Route 3. Box f£. Present: Citj Hall Wmcsap Koad. Milton-FreewaUr. Sweet Adelines, 7 30 p m . Pioneer program Health Hints h> Hilda United Mclh<xiis1 Church Thicssen Talh Ho Club. 7 30 p m. Pcgg> Walla Walla Woman's Reading Blackfaw. 7fif) Village Way. potluck Huh. 2 p m with M\rtlc Cla>son, 325 dinner postponed to Ma> 23 K Maple St.: Frrnc \ace\ to give Vmapinc School Board. 8 p m , book review EWSPAPERl

Mutts have their day

U-B photos by Ron Carlson

Candy, a 7-month old coyote-doberman mix, left, won the most unusual mutt award Saturday in the Blue Mountain Humane Society's Mutt Show at the Eastgate Mall. Candy is owned by Kim Buckley, 17. Kristin Anderson, 12, shows off Toby, above, her 2-year-old golden retriever which finished first in the best purebred dog class. Kim is the daughter of Winford and Dorla Buckley, 226 Willard St., while Kristin's parents are John and Carol Anderson, 619 Clay St.

Clydesdale horses to clomp into town There'll be a really big show Wednesday at the Eastgate Mall. Eight tons of it. The Budweiser Company's team of champion Clydesdale horses will perform in the mall parking lot Wednesday from noon to 6 p.m., according to Richard Barter, mall manager. But Wednesday's event is only a small part of the activities planned during the mall's fourth anniversary

98-year-old mother due for honor A frail, 98-year-old woman who has raised 10 children is in for a special treat today. Elizabeth Potter, formerly of Milton-Freewater, will be the guest of honor at a Mother's Day program at Whitman Manor nursing home. Although Mrs. Potter's memory for names and faces is growing dim, her smile isn't, says a member of the nursing home staff. Mrs. Potter's husband, Charles, died two years ago. and Mrs. Potter moved into the nursing home about a year later. Until the last few years, she kept active. Her hobby was making crocheted plastic rugs which she gave as gifts to friends. Born Jan. 27, 1879, in Casper County, Neb.. Mrs. Potter moved to Milton-Freewater in 1940. During the years she was raising her children, she was employed at Stadelman's fruit warehouse. Six of her 10 children — Glenn. Floyd, Orval and Willard Potter, Pearl Rhoads and Luella Artz — still live in Milton-Freewater. Daughter Edna Stevens resides in Walla Walla. Roy Potter and Mable Potter Combe live in Haxtun. Colo., son, Clarence, in Gilrov. Calif. There are 38 grandchildren. 98 great grandchildren and 15 great, great grandchildren. Mrs. Potter, other residents of the nursing home and staff members working today will receive corsages.

A-W students snap up awards

celebration this week. There will also be twirling teams performing, bands playing, a magician, a carnival, a barbecued chicken sale and a coloring contest for kids. Cake will be given away all day Friday and the Walla Walla 59ers will hold their annual Cowboy Breakfast at the mall from 6 to 11 a.m. Saturday.

Members of the Walla Walla Elks Thunderbirds Twirlers will perform at 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Musical groups appearing in the mall at 7:30 p.m. will be the Walla Walla High School Stage Band, Monday; Walla Walla Valley Academy Band and Choir, Tuesday; Garrison Junior High School Band, Thursday; and the Prospect Point School Band, Friday. Terry "Ernie McMall" Carlson will

present his feats of prestidigitation at 4, and 6 p.m. nightly and immediately following the band concerts. Youngsters are invited to clip the coloring contest picture from Tuesday's Union-Bulletin. The completed pictures should be placed in a collection box at Hatfield's Gallery by Saturday evening. Throughout the week, mall visitors may have their handwriting analyzed or portraits drawn by a computer.

Sun should shine for moms Go ahead and clean off the barbecue grill, plan a picnic or go to a concert in the park. It looks like Mother's Day won't be too soggy. Following several days of clouds and rain, including a trace Friday night, the weather is supposed to clear somewhat today. The National Weather Service predicts periods of sunshine and wanner temperatures. The chance of rain today is 10 per cent. That ought to be good news to the planners and performers who are staging a free rock concert today from 1 to 4 p.m. at Pioneer Park. Two bands, Tucannon and Buster Crabbe, will perform. Temperatures at Walla Walla have been some five to 10 degrees below normal but are expected to catch up to normal during the first part of the week.

shopping center if rezoning is approved. There is a question of access to the property, according to Tom Mark of the Walla Walla Regional Planning Department. In other business, the commission will hear a development request by Joseph Hardy, 2144 S. Third Ave. Hardy wants to build duplexes on 14 lots west of Third Avenue and north of Whitney Road. Trico Enterprises of Walla Walla has asked for a rezoning on the southeast corner of Roosevelt and Hobson streets to build a five-unit apartment building.

Inmate escapes from prison

Summer youth program backed

An inmate who walked away from the Washington State Penitentiary minimum-security facility Friday was still reported missing Saturday. Alva Gaybrook McDugald, 39, failed to report for the 8:30 p.m. count at the facilities. He checked, out into the yard at 5:04 p.m. McDugald was serving a term for auto theft. A Walla Walla Police report said that McDugald is of medium build and medium complexion, with scars on his right shoulder, upper back and right upper leg.

Additional summer-recreation opportunities may be available for low-income youths in the Walla Walla area. The Walla Walla Regional Planning Commission has recommended approval of a $3,360 federal grant application submitted by the Blue Mountain Action Council. State officials also review the application. The grant would provide a summer program for young persons aged 8 to 13.

A-W to mul levy loss WESTON — Why did voters in the Athena-Weston School District reject a levy proposal at an election April 19? The answer to that question should be known Monday when the district's budget committee meets to discuss results of a community-wide poll of voters in the district. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. at the Weston-McEwen High School library. The district's board of directors decided last month to circulate a questionaire asking all registered voters in the district why they voted for or against the proposed $692.172 special-tax levyVoters turned down the levy 321 to 224. The levy was needed to balance a proposed $1.3-million budget for next year. Some citizens say the levy was defeated because of a dispute over the firing of Weston-McEwen High School Principal John Bieber. As a result of that firing, petitions asking for the recall of the five board members who voted to fire Bieber are being circulated in the Athena-Weston area. School officials nave said they are not certain that is the reason the levy was turned down. The budget committee is expected to decide Monday whelher it will make any cuts in the proposed budget. Because a 35-day notice is required to hold an election, the first opportunity for another election will be June 28.

ATHENA — Award-winning Weston-McEwen High School photographers have won some more awards. Students from the high school's photography department won 13 nbbons recenth at the seven-county Mid Columbia Eastern Oregon Career Education Skills Contest. The contest was held at Blue Planners to consider motel A proposed 99-unit motel near the Plaza Shopping Mountain Communit> College in Center is up for consideration again. Pendleton The possibility will be discussed by the Walla Walla City Each student look a comprehensive written examination, exposed and Planning Commission at its 7:30 p.m. meeting Monday at developed film, then produced a city hall. Third Avenue and Rose Street. Developer Richard Blacklaw, 765 Village Way. asked contest print Can- Rahn won a nbbon for highest for a postponement of the matter at the commission's overall score, and Ed Delph got the Apnl meeting The motel womid be built west and adjacent to the best score for his pnnt

blue mountoin briefing

M-F to air school plan MILTON-FREEWATER — What is the status of the Milton-Freewater Elementary School District's building program? The district's board of directors will discuss the building program at a regular school board meeting Monday. The meeting begins at 8 p.m. in the Central School library. In other business, directors will discuss grievance procedures for classified help and there will be a report on the district's buses.

CP counci to meet COLLEGE PLACE - The College Place City Council will discuss a resolution for a hearing on a six-vear street plan Monday. The council's weekly meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. at Citv Hall. 317 S. College Ave. Other agenda items include the opening of bids for water-system materials, an ordinance on a hearing for Paietta annexation and an ordinance to chance the name of part of Highland Park Drive.

Play to run extra night There'll be one more opportunity to see the Walla Walla Little Theatre production of "The Remarkable Mr Pennypacker." The family comedy has been held over for one performance at 8:20 p.m. Friday at the theater 1330 E Sumach St. Reservations for seating may be made by calling the theater box office weekday afternoons.

GH Scouts sel more cookies Girl Scout cookie sales increased by 62 boxes over last years sales in Walla Walla. «*•««» Brownie and Girl Scouts sold 5.720 boxes of cookies this yean according to Judy Reybum. adult leader in charge 5 of the sale. Profits are SK6. Each troop receives 15 cents per box sold for their treasury.

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