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Walla Walla Union-Bulletin Tuesdav AorillS 1977

Trails' to open cast search Actors, singers, dancers and musicians who would like to be in "Trails West" are invited to audition for parts Saturday at Harper Joy Theatre, Whitman College. John Raymond Freimann, who has been named director of the Outdoor Drama Inc. production, will conduct the auditions beginning at 9 a.m. Auditions for paid positions and for unpaid positions will be considered, according to Terry McConn, "Trails West" office manager. "We are looking for all types of people — all ages and races," McConn said. The play will require a cast of 70 to 80 persons, he said. The production will open July 7 at

Eleven persons cast in leading roles, dancers and musicians will be paid for their summer's work, McConn said. JOHN The average salary will run from FREIMANN $75 to $100 a week — less during rehearsal periods. . director Unpaid cast members will have the advantage of receiving eight weeks of looking for free professional theater training, he all types said. Outdoor Drama Inc. is still investigating the possibility of obthe amphitheater at Fort Walla Walla taining college credit for parPark and continue through Sept. 10. ticipants. Last year, Indians appearing in the Performances will be given every cast were paid under a federal grant. night except Mondays. Rehearsals are scheduled to begin The grant isn't available this year, "but we certainly want them (InJune 6.

VA begins alcoholism program Thirty days of intensive inpatient counseling, therapy and physical rehabilitation could make a difference to veterans trying to overcome problems with alcohol. Such a program is offered at the Walla Walla Veterans Administration Hospital under the direction of Dr. Joseph F. Grismer. chief of the recently developed Mental Health Services section. "The primary goal of the program is to return the patient to the community where he can continue his long-term treatment through the community agencies by whom he was referred," said Robert E. Brunk, hospital director.

"A major component of the program is a complete medical evaluation provided by the hosoital's physicians," Brunk said. "Acceptance for inpatient care is dependent upon a detoxified patient's ability to participate both physically and mentally in the intensive program. "It is voluntary and designed to serve all male and female veterans eligible for care at a Veterans Administration Hospital." During the 30 days the patient is at the hospital, the program will focus on alcohol education, individual counseling, group therapy, physical rehabilitation and after-care plan-

ning. Gilbert Banks, medical social worker, is coordinator of the program. The staff includes a mental health associate, two rehabilitation technicians, a nursing coordinator, a psychology consultant and support staff from all hospital service sections. The Mental Health Services section and the staff of the hospital's Alcoholism Treatment Unit also provide outpatient consultation, group and individual sessions and antabuse services. In the past year, the Alcoholism Treatment Unit has treated 204 inoatients. Brunk said.

Woman wins $92,207 traffic accident suit A Walla Walla woman has won a $92,207 jury verdict in a lawsuit about injuries suffered in a traffic accident. The judgment in favor of Evelyn G. Berg, 1252 Francis St., was returned in Walla Walla County Superior Court. Gerald A. Evenson of Lapwai, Idaho, and the Bearing and Rim Supply Co. of Spokane were the defendants in the case. Judge James B. Mitchell presided during the week-long trial.

court reply. Their answer said any injuries to Mrs. Berg were the result of negligence by a third party. The amount requested by Mrs. Berg was $450,207 for general damages, medical expenses, loss of earnings and other expenses. Mrs. Berg was represented by lawyers L. Neil Axtell of Spokane and Albert J. Golden of Walla Walla. Atty. Richard F. Monahan of Walla Evenson and the company denied the allegations of negligence in a Walla represented the defendants.

The suit said Mrs. Berg was a passenger in a car Sept. 20, 1972, on U.S. Highway 12, two miles east of Walla Walla, when it was negligently struck in the rear by the defendants' truck. According to the suit, Mrs. Berg was severely and permanently injured, requiring surgery several times.

dians) to try out," McConn said. Payment will be made to persons involved in technical positions, such as lighting, and for backstage help, he said. Persons planning to audition for paid positions Saturday should prepare a two-minute monologue from a modern play and a short song from a musical score or a modern piece of their choice, McConn said. "For nonpaying parts, it would be advisable to do those things, but not essential. They probably will be asked to sing a scale for their vocal range." Musicians will not be required to audition Saturday, but may pick up application forms.

WWC names vice president of school financial affairs COLLEGE PLACE — A 1967 graduate of Walla Walla College has been chosen as that school's vice president of financial affairs. The selection of Richard Beck for the vice presidential post was announced Monday by WWC President Clifford Sorensen following action by the college's board of directors. Beck, the current WWC director of financial aids, will replace Vernon Siver, who has accepted a similar post with Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Mich. The transfer of responsibilities for financial affairs will take place this summer. Beck graduated in 1967 from WWC with a degree in business ad-

religious beliefs prevented her from joining the union. A union official said the suit stems from a complaint filed nearly two years ago by a former College Place resident, Joyce Wilson. General Foods and the Teamsters have an agency-shop agreement that requires most categories c f employes to join the union after 30 days. The commission seeks a preliminary injunction prohibiting the firm and the union from engaging

emergency Eeruices report Traffic accidents From 8 a.m. Monday to 8 a.m. today WALLA WALLA POLICE 9:45 a.m. Monday — Isaacs Avenue and Division Street. Drivers: Helen M. Britscfagi, 31, Route 5, Walla Walla; Albert D. Blackman, 43, 129 SE Third St, College Place. No injuries 5:36 p.m. Monday — Isaacs Avenue near Pizza Hut. Drivers: William Richard Dttus, DO age given, Prescott; Victoria Patterson, no age given, 1110LambSt.,MUtoo-Freewater No injuries. 2:15 ».m- Tuesday — Fancy Dan's Restaurant. Drivers: Ray Gene Walker, no age given, 1MO Bonnie Brae St.; Richardo Reyes, no age given, Moses Lake. No injuries.

Taken: Two car wheels and tires. Value: 1250. Home of Terry Hargett, 1416 Ruth Ave., Monday. Taken: Guitar. Value: C50-275. COLLEGE PLACE POLICE Home of David C. Witdier, 105 SW Eighth St., Monday. Taken- Conversion kit for car. ValueOver 1100.

Fires, ambulance runs From 8 a.m. Monday to 8 a.m. today WALLA WALLA AMBULANCE 9:11 a-m. Monday — 726 N. Ninth Ave. to St Mary Community Hospital, one person, home accident transfer. In service 1? minutes.

in religious discrimination. The court has also been asked to order the company and union to start affirmative-action programs and issue back pay with interest to persons affected by previous allegedly discriminatory practices. However, the case will probably not come before the district court until two unrelated cases involving religious rights, now before the U.S. Supreme Court and the Ninth District U.S. Court of Appeals, are settled. WALLA WALLA FIRE DEPARTMENT 3:25 p.m. Monday—925 N. Fourth Ave., car fire. Responded: One unit, four men In service 2 hours 21 minutes. 4:01 p.m Monday — Lions' Park in Eastgate, brush fire. Responded: One unit, three men. In service 10 minutes. 9:22 p.m. Monday — Ankeny Avenue and Pleasant Street, false alarm. Responded: Five units. 15 men. In service nine minutes. 9:51 p.m. Monday—Wilbur Avenue and Dakota Street, false alarm. Responded: Two units, five men. In service 45 minutes. WALLA WALLA FIRE DISTRICT FOUR 6:52 p.m. Monday — Two miles up Blue Creek Road, house fire. Damages: $6,600 to contents, structure damage not known. Responded: Four urals. 25 men. In service 3 hours 20 minutes.

Arrests WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF Lowell George Burres, 70, Prescott. Monday. Charge: First degree assault.

1967 graduate of CP college

ministration and began work for the college that year as director of student finance. In 1975 he assumed his present post when a separate office for student financial aids was established.

Boosters Fund starts for guard The blast remains under inA Walla Walla skydiving group has want castoffs donated $1,000 to a Washington State vestigation by the Walla Walla Penitentiary guard injured in a May 5 County sheriff's office and U.S. for sale bomb explosion. Department of the Treasury. Walla Walla's Big Blue Booster Club wants your outgrown clothing, castoff pots and pans, old china and just about anything else that might be thrown out in the spring cleaning. The items will be offered for sale April 30 and May 1 in the Wa-Hi gymnasium on Reser Road. The sale will be the first of two fundraising projects for the Boosters this spring. A flea market is planned May 7 and 8. Pick-up of items donated for the sale can be arranged by calling the high school administration office, or donations may be taken to the gymnasium April 29 after 3 p.m. Del Kennedy, Route 3, is in charge of the sale. Antiques and collectables will be sold at the flea market. One hundred dealer tables will be available in the gymnasium for $10 for two days. Twenty-five tables in the Commons may be rented for $7.50. Reservations for tables may be sent with a full deposit to the Big Blue Booster Club in care of the high school. Additional information may be obtained by calling Don or Jackie Klicker,Route4.

The money was placed in trust in the Seattle First National Bank for correctional officer James Hartford by the Walla Walla Skydivers Inc. Hartford, 23, was discharged Thursday from St. Mary Community Hospital. He lost three fingers when a boobytrapped cigarette lighter exploded in his right hand while he was guarding inmates during an assault trial at the Walla Walla County Courthouse.

Barbara Guske, wife of club President Terrill Guske, said the public is invited to contribute to the fund. Hartford has been a member of the skydiving club for five years and is credited with about 300 jumps, "The reason we are doing this, it's going to take a long tune to process the finsurance) claim. He's had a lot of damage done to him and it's going to take a lot of time to rehabilitate."

Only Seville. Only Seville in its class has received such remarkable acceptance in so short a period of

Firm, union sued over woman's firing A conflict between a person's religious beliefs and a local unioncompany contract has resulted in a lawsuit. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed suit Monday in Spokane's U.S. District Court against General Foods Inc., 1164 Dell Ave., and the Teamsters Warehousemen and Cannery Workers Local 556. The EEOC claims the union forced the firm to fire a woman because her


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ISOO Isaacs-


In Walla Walla's Eastgate



Thefts, burglaries WALLA WALLA POLICE Home of Betty Bradley, 6U White St. Monday.


nems of record Marriage licenses Lonnj J. Earles. IS. 410 Chase Ave.. and Tom Y Logsdon. 26.343 S. Fourth Ave. Richard R. Miracle, 20. of Medford. Ore., and Esther M. Hellish, 21, Route 2. MUton-Freewattr Delfino K. Quetada. 25. and Deborho L. Chaboude. 21. both of PencOeton Michael L. Curry. 24.525 S. College Ave . College Place, and Susan E. Curry. 25.37« Chase Ave David W. Pattee. 20. and Julie E. Bedortha. 18. both of 12 SW Davis St. College Place. Frank M. Swayze, legal age. 1801 Sturm Ave.. and Dorothy A. McCune. legal a«e. 3M Catherine St Hatxb F. Rubeiz, 20. and Sundi C. Bonnet. 18. both of IMS Wilbur Ave Harry E. Woods. 22. of Riverside. Calif., and LocindaG House.22.1115W PineSL



Annulment granted . NancyJ andCiroG Perez



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