Analysis and Implementation of Solid-State Relays in Industrial application For Instantaneous Curren

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International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management (IJMREM) ||Volume|| 2||Issue|| 2 ||Pages|| 6-11 || February 2019 || ISSN: 2581-4540

Analysis and Implementation of Solid-State Relays in Industrial application For Instantaneous Current Supply 1,

Fawad M.Memon 2, Engr.Noor Nabi Shaikh, 3, Engr. Nizamuddin Channa Engr. Shafqat Hussain Memon


1, Student ME (Electrical Power) IICT, Mehran UET Jamshoro; Assistant Prof. Electrical Engg. Department Mehran UET Jamshoro; 3, Technologist Electrical Engg. Department Mehran UET Jamshoro; 4, Lab Engr. Electrical Engg. Department Mehran SZAB Campus Khairpur 2,

--------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT-------------------------------------------------------There are many applications and circumstances where switching devices are required for proper operation, controlling and isolating the high power and low power systems. The most widely used switching devices are electromechanical relays and solid state relays. In this work, analysis and implementation of solid state relays over electromechanical relays with respect to instantaneous current supply inindustrial application is conducted and compared. For this purpose, an experimental setup is arranged for switching operation of electromechanical relays and solid-state relays.The results of voltage and the current transients are analyzed and compared. It was observed that there are no transients occurred during switching of solid state relays where as during switching of electromechanical relay transients observed in volatge and current waveforms. So, it is advisable to use the solid state relays over electromagnetic relay for safe and smooth operation of the system.

KEY WORDS: Electromagnetic relay , solid state relay, instantaneous current, transients. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------Date of Submission: Date, 30 January 2019 Date of Accepted: 03. February 2019 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------1. INTRODUCTION In the context of switching small power circuits, different components exist such as solid state and electromechanical switches [1]. The electromechanical relays or contactors are widely utilized in different applications in industrial, commercial and residential level. Even the concept of electromechanical is not new one it is from nineteenth century, despite this it still provides many advantages over semiconductors-based switching devices such as: Less energy losses, ability to block current, to withstand voltage stresses in both directions, less costly and absence of drivers to be activated. Due to these characteristics these are mostly utilized in products involving electric and electronic regulation. In spite of all above features, electromechanical devices offer some drawbacks due to their mode of operation comparative to solid-state switches such as these have slower response, presence of moving parts, mechanical failure, more chances of wear and tear and less life [2]. Besides this, when the movable parts strikes the fixed part strong bounces are produced in each switching hence that results in production of additional wearing and a noise which causes problems in many applications. As a result, solid-state switches are preferred than the electromechanical devices. [3] Protective Relay: It is known that Relay is one of the best protective devices and it is used for detection purpose whenever the circuit breaker is used for interruption purpose. A relay is basically act as a switch and based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. The switching between 0 and 1 is basically done with the help of electromagnetic induction; hence it shows an automatic system. The basic fundamental requirements of relay are selectivity, sensitivity, speed, reliability, simplicity & economy. The selectivity is basically used to select the zones of protection. The relay requirements play an important role when there is the requirement to control large amount of current, voltage & speed. The relays are also used for controlling and regulating power distribution & generation. [4] Types of Relays: Basically, there are two basic categories of relay which are based on its construction named as; electromechanical andstatic relays; Electromagnetic relays: When the electromagnetic gets energized the current is flowing and hence the two contacts are being twisted together. The integration between the controlling circuits and power circuits can be done easily by using electromechanical relays.


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Analysis and Implementation of Solid-State Relays‌ The superior merits of electromechanical relays are that there is no need of heat sink, there is low cost, there is availability of many poles and there is easy on and off control either in AC or DC [6]. Solid state relays: In solid state relays, the measurement of electrical quantities is done by static circuit which gives output signal for the circuit breaker tripping is known as static as there is no moving part in solid state relay. In solid state relay, there is use of an analog electronic device instead of using magnetic coil in order to create the characteristics of relay and the voltage and current waveforms are being monitored by using analog circuits. In these relays, there is no any effect of jerk or gravity. Solid state relays are also used in order to control the electrical noises and hence it has high reliability and longer life. It has fast response as compare to other relays [6].

II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS The hardware prototype model is developed for comparative analysis of electromechanical and solid-state relays with respect voltage and current transients for the industrial applications. The following are the block diagrams to represent the prototype models developed for electromagnetic and solid state relays are shown in figures 1 and 2 respectively.

Fig. 1 Block diagram representation for switching of electromagnetic relay

Fig. 2 Block diagram representation for switching of solid state relay Experimentalsetup with electromagnetic relay : The experimental setup developed for electromagnetic relays is shown in following figure 3. It consists of following hardware components as briefly described below.


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Analysis and Implementation of Solid-State Relays…

Fig.3Experimental setup due to switching of electromagnetic relay System Description :System developed for testing of solid state and electromagnetic relays in this research work comprises of main components described below. • Power Supply : In this circuit power supply works as an electric power converter. It receives Ac power from Source than convert it into dc. • Voltage divider circuit : This simple circuitryis used in this prototype model to turn large voltage into smaller one. • Digital Timer Module : It switches the relay with different time interval of time. It is a LED display module through the time is adjusted at different intervals. • Oscilloscope : It used to display and analyze the waveforms of voltage and currents transients. • Ammeter: It is a measuring instrument which is used to measure current in the circuit. • Inductive Load :It is used for testing of the both relays at different instants. Electromagnetic Relay LS18A (MC-18b) : The electromagnetic relay (i.e. LS18A (MC-18b) is prefered to use in this work because of its various features such as compact size, simplicity, high efficiency and reliability. Follwings table represents the specifications and ratings of electromagnetic relay (i.e. LS18A (MC-18b) used in this work. Table. No. 1 Specifications and Ratings of Electromagnetic Relay (LS18A (MC-18b) Model #


Coil Voltage


Amp Rating Frame Size Auxilary Contacts Terminal Type Weight (lbs.)

18A 22AF 1NO 1NC Screw type terminal 2

Prototype setup with solid state relay : The experimental setup developed for electromagnetic relays is shown in following figure 4.

Fig.4 Experimental setup due to switching of solid state relay


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Analysis and Implementation of Solid-State Relays… 3.2.1Solid State Relay FOTEK (SSR-40DA): The single phase arduino based driven solid-state relay (i.e. LS18A (MC-18b) is preffered to use in this prototype model because of its various features such as high ultra insulation resistance (50MΩ/500V) , high dielectric (2.5kV), high suge current and surge volatge duration by snubber circuit. Table. No. 2 Specifications and Ratings ofSolid State Relay FOTEK (SSR-40DA) Model #


Control Mode


Load Voltage


Load Current


Control Voltage


Control Current


Working voltage

On voltage ≤1V

On voltage One-off Time


Off leakage Current


Installation Method

Bolt Fixed

Working Indication


III. RESULTS &DISCUSSIONS Switching with Electromagnetic Relays: The electromagnetic relay is switched at different instants to analyse the transient behaviour. After switching of electromagnetic relay the voltage trasient and current transient are observed. Voltage trasients due to the electromechanical relays :These are the results of the voltage transients due to switching of electromagnetic relay as shwon in figure 5.It is clearly seen that the trasient voltages are more than the peak voltages.The value of peak votages in these pictures are 200v and transient voltages are more than the 400 v. i.e almost double than the paek voltages.In our industries when trasients occurred the motor runs at high temprature.due to these transients the normal timing of motor intrupted

(a) (b) Fig.5 Voltage trasients due to the switiching of electromechanical relay


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Analysis and Implementation of Solid-State Relays… Current trasients due to the switiching electromechanical relays : It is clearly observed from follwing results (a and b ) shown in the figure 6 that there are current trasients due to the switichingelectromechanical relays.

(a) (b) Fig.6 Current trasients due to the switiching of electromechanical relay Switching of Solid State Relay : The solid state relay is switched at different instants to analyse the transient behaviour. It is clearly seen from followong results (a and b) shown in figure 7 that due to the switching of solid state relay there is no transient in volatge and currents waveforms.

(a) Fig.7 No trasients due to the switiching of solid state relay


IV. CONCLUSION Solid state and electromagnetic relays are widely used for power system protection. Operation of these relays are associated to abnormal conditions. In this work, hardware prototype setup is developed for testing both types of relays to analyse transient response. After switching of electromagnetic relays at different instants it was observed that the transients were generated in the electromagnetic relays. These transients were many times than the peak voltage which cause the damage of electronic devices and control equipment whereas it was observed from the result of switching of solid state relays that there are no transients occurred. So, it is advisable to use the solid state relays over electromagnetic relay for safe and smooth operation of the system.



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