Assessing the Energy & Environmental Benefits and Socio-Economic Impacts of Solar Microgrid in Rural

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International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management (IJMREM) ||Volume|| 2 ||Issue|| 5 ||Pages|| 13-29 || May 2019 || ISSN: 2581-4540

Assessing the Energy & Environmental Benefits and SocioEconomic Impacts of Solar Microgrid in Rural Areas in Sindh 1,

Rehan Aslam, 2, Abdul Razzaque Sahito, 3, Manoj Kumar Maheshwari, 4,Agha Shafi Muhammad, 5,Allah Dino Amur, 1,


ME Student, Institute of Environmental Engineering, MUET Jamshoro Pakistan, Associate Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering, MUET Jamshoro Pakistan 3, ME Scholar, Marshall University USA. 4, Lecturer Department of Mining Engineering, MUET Jamshoro, Pakistan 5, ME Scholar, Department of Mining Engineering, MUET Jamshoro, Pakistan

-----------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT-----------------------------------------------------In terms of energy, one of the challenges nowadays is to provide to electricity in rural areas. Provision of the electricity through the grids is costly in rural community. On the other hand, electricity produced from the conventional energy sources include oil, gas and coal is not only costly but also generated the environmental pollutions. Among the non-conventional energy resources, solar photovoltaic energy is one of the promising energy sources for rural electrification. In the present work, an energy audit was conducted, followed by designing of the solar micro-grid for a village at district Thatta. It involves the estimation of the power required, cost of the system, per unit cost of electricity, and payback period. Moreover, three villages were compared for socioeconomic impact and empowerment of the woman based on solar electrification. Production of electricity through the solar micro-grid was also compared with fossil fuels. The load demand of the village was estimated as 15 kW, which cost Rs. 2 million rupees. It will generate 21900 units of electricity per years. The payback period was estimated as 6 years. A significant reduction of emissions was also observed from the solar electrification. The solar micro-grid empowers the communities especially to the woman and uplift of the socioeconomic of rural areas by creating new jobs and improving the quality of life.

KEYWORDS: Renewable Energy, Rural Electrification, Emissions Factors, Social Impacts, Economic benefits, Environmental Consequences. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------Date of Submission: Date, 03 May 2019 Date of Publication: 13. May 2019 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------



In developing countries both scales of conventional and non-conventional resources play a very vital role today. The predictable role is to produce investment expenses, failure and unseen aids on challenging fuel bases and electricity are abolished. Certainly, in developing countries, many opportunities to jump the developing nations quite because mostly energy generation growth and demand investment in future in world [1]. Non-renewable energy sources which is basically are coal, natural gas and crude oil, gas is destructive the financial development, human life as well as special environment of the world. The old-style fossil fuels-based energy sources are facing growing pressure on facing environmental problems, may be the use of coal in the future created most thoughtful challenges the Kyoto protocol to reduce the greenhouse gases. Nowadays the world’s total energy demand is currently supplying through renewable energy sources which is 15% to 20%. New non-conventional energy resources are (wind energy and solar energy, small hydropower, geothermal energy) are recently contributing about 2%. In many researches explore prospective offering of non-conventional energy resources for overall world supplies, accordingly in 21st century benefaction energy, increasing from current situation 20% to 50% by Appling the right energy policies of regarding renewable energy resources in developing countries [2]. In developing countries, the investigation of energy demand and structure of consumption is applied by analytical tool to energy supply and demand structure at local areas, regional and country level, discussing in the form of technological and economical parameters. The modeling analysis, which is based on top-down and bottom-up modeling techniques. It also includes carbon emissions, which released from energy utilization likewise Climate changes, air pollution, harmful emissions and policies of government, example environment audit & taxes [3]. Economics is the main factor of any boost. After half-decay many scientists and engineers are focused on research on renewable energy resources for the main purpose of this researched only for environmental issues. Nonconventional energy resources are main two advantages.


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Assessing the Energy & Environmental Benefits… Utilization of energy generation is clean, and no harmful gas emissions are saying green energy. The second advantages of our limited the used of primary energy utilizing which is now inexhaustibly now [4]. In the last 30 years the increasing in renewable energy resources like wind and solar energy and revolution in non-conventional energy resources continue, also fluctuate and continue to decline the prices of oil and gas. Both, the conventional and non- conventional resources are varying their prices, socioeconomic and environmental costs are captioned reverse commands [5]. A small power networking of micro grid is composed of distribution of loads and energy for future electricity power supply. Micro grid is neat, consistent and environmentally friendly power network. Due to small grids provided cheaper energy to local industry and consumers from social impacts point view. By distribution energy resources in the local areas of where electricity is not reached by electricity power companies a small micro grid is best for electricity, this is very use full for developing countries which are less in fossil fuel resources [6].Energy is important for any communities for survival of life and it increased the health, education, quality of life-productivity, clean water and services of communication. Due to using of fossil fuels and kerosene oil its fumes to affect the health problems like eye, skin and breathing problems. The kerosene creating long term health effects on the body and accessing of energy through do not increasing economic and not uplift from poverty. However, availability of energy to ensure the upgrade of living standards. By sunset to providing affordable, clean energy for cooking, education for children, childcare and lighting for industrial to making different products [7]. In urban environment solar energy is wide sustainable and readily available resources of energy. Due to increasing of population and need of electricity day by day in urban increasing in air pollution and greenhouse gases emissions to contribute the global warming. It results need urgent to explore the solar energy in urban areas to reduces the impacts of fossil fuels consumption and improving the living standards of urban peoples [8].Microgrid and off-grid of solar PV technology suitable applications of low to medium power in coastal and local rural areas due to reliability, stability and ease way of installation. Non-conventional and workable energy resources to meet country demand and improving or controlling the climate changes and removing fossil fuels [9]. Solar energy is multipurpose technology and it can be happening in any location where sunshine present. Solar PV energy is clean energy and technology does not require any grid connection. The drawback of sun energy is only available in day time and it required storage devices for night usage. The storage devices and batteries required maintained and replacement routinely due to this it’s so much expensive. Due to this in rural development projects which required maintenance fund which is important challenges of economic [10]. Solar energy systems are the future of Pakistan and its geographical distributions over the country, to estimate the significance of the solar solution of each remote area [11]. Solar radiation receiving Pakistan with an average 3000 h per year, which ranks Pakistan on top of global insulation [12]. Due to luxury scaling and reliability to input sources for the use of solar PV technology, mostly benefits of micro grid and off grid bids of low to average areas and seaside areas which are not comes in national grids [13]. In remote areas, mostly using solar energy for solar home-based system and solar lamps and standalone PV schemes for small houses and structures without the grid-connected. By minor structures are not rare in where nearby some economical, formal, market-related, political and mechanical trials that must be distributed by type of knowledge broadly spread and deliver favorite advantages. The issues related with solar home systems are dealing with financing, maintenance, repairing, marketing, socioeconomic effects on the local public or societies of remote areas, convenience, affordability and welfares for individuals, distribution of the electricity for typical opportunities and barrier’s and implementation strategies [14]. In this paper the main purpose of the research is design a 15kW solar powered micro grid for rural communities, and to calculate load calculation of individual households. The comparison of solar micro grid and fossil fuel energy and impacts of socioeconomic of remote areas by using solar energy has been carried out.



Energy Audit: An inspection survey analysis of energy flows, for energy conservation in houses or buildings, process to decrease the energy input amount into the system without any affecting negatively output is known an energy audit. By through competent authority to conduct a detailed list energy performance of any house or building carried by an auditor. A detailed assessment demand of energy and insufficiency for building is necessary and must be carried out by an energy auditor [15]. The energy audit was calculated by multiplying numbers of electric appliances with power of equipment to calculate the total power of appliances, the total power is multiplied with working hours in the day and night to calculate the total electric energy is used by appliances in a day. Design Solar Microgrid System: The Solar microgrid system is small scale power grid, which operates autonomously and control capability, which is not connected to the national grid and independently operated. Its collections of different equipment’s like batteries, solar panels and generators which provide electricity to houses.


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Assessing the Energy & Environmental Benefits‌ A small version of providing electric power grid is called microgrid. This limited system provides energy to small communities. It’s the best alternative to providing electricity in remote areas of different regions. The data collection system Solar PV micro-grids is controlling device which controls or manage the important parameters like ambient temperature, solar irradiation, module temperature, PV inverter, battery input/output load and circuits, breakers and wiring [16].According to survey data to design a proper and economical solar PV system designing on basis of quantity, sizing of different items used in solar micro grid designing and to find the best economical items in used for solar PV system. The solar power required was calculated by through total array watt panel, using Eq. 1: Solar PV. 1.3 Ă—đ?‘™đ?‘œđ?‘Žđ?‘‘ (đ?‘˜đ?‘Š.â„Ž) đ?‘Šđ?‘ƒ = (1) đ?‘ƒđ??şđ??š

Where WP is Total array watt panel (W), 1.3 is the load loss allowance factor (dimensionless) and PGF is the Panel generation factor. The value of PGF lines between 3 and 4[22].In the present research work the PGF was considered as 4, based on the highest generation factor, the total solar photovoltaic (PV) was calculated by using Eq. 2: đ?‘‡đ??ż đ?‘†đ?‘ƒđ?‘‰ = (2) đ?‘ƒđ?‘…

Where SPV is Solar Photovoltaic, TL is total load of appliances used in daily and PR is panel ratting means efficiency of the solar plates (W) [22]. The designing of solar micro grid to calculate the cost of solar PV module was calculated by using Eq.3. CPVa = BIPVm Ă— PEm (3) Where CPVa is the cost of photovoltaics array is the complete unit of power generation or PV modules, BIPV is building integrated photovoltaics materials and PEm is the cost of each single panel of solar [23]. The cost of battery backup for the system was calculated by Eq. 4. CBB = NB Ă— PEB


Where CBB is the cost of total battery bank used in micro grid system, NB is the quantity of batteries used in system and PEB is the amount of each battery individual [23]. The survey of the site was conducted for measuring the area of installation place and individual load of households was calculated. Furthermore, the load of whole village based on individual. By collecting information, data and site survey the model of 15kW energy micro grid calculation is designed. Solar Energy and Fossil Fuels Comparison : The comparison study between solar micro grids and fossil fuel energy (coal) was carried out based on the cost analysis, emission factor and payback period. Cost Analysis: The study between solar micro grid and coal how much total energy per unit cost. The cost of solar PV per unit price is calculated through Eq 5, 6 and 7. And the cost of coal per unit cost was calculate by Eq. UEM Unit of electricity per month= UD Ă— TM UEY Unit of electricity per year= TM Ă— TY đ?‘ƒđ??ś UEF Unit of electricity for 15 year= (7)

(5) (6)


Where UD is the units generating per day through system, TM is the duration of time in month, TY is the time duration in year unit generating, PC is the total cost of development of project and UTY is the duration of units in 15 years. The coal of cost has been calculated through literature review from generation cost of per unit of coal for 500 MW system in Eq. 8: Cost of Coal. đ??şđ??ś = (đ?‘‡đ??šđ??ś) + (đ?‘‡đ?‘‰đ??ś) (8) Where GC is the cost of generation of per unit cost, TFC is the total fixed cost which is not be increasing or decreasing in form of services and TVC is the total variable cost is changing on production volume [24]. Carbon Emission Factors: The driving force behind climate changes is greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon dioxide is least and most common efficient greenhouse gas[17]. For the comparison of the emissions from the solar PV power, the emission factors of the coal power plant were considered. Through literature review the carbon emission factors of solar energy and coal were calculated.


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Assessing the Energy & Environmental Benefits‌ The emission factors are given the Table 1. Table 1. Life Cycle Emission Factors of Coal and Solar PV Power Plants [2] S. No. 01 02

Type of power plant Solar Photovoltaic Coal

CO2 98-167 955

Emission Factor (g/kWh) SO2 0.2-0.34 11.8

NOx 0.18-0.30 4.3

Payback Period :The initial investment recovered in time required the cost of the project known as payback period. According to payback method the project initial cost is return to back in how many years. The payback period means the time required to recover the cost of the project.The length of time required for an investment to recover its initial outlay in terms of profits or saving. The payback period is calculated by counting the number of years it takes to recover the cash invested in a project [18]. The payback period is calculated by Eq. 9: đ??śđ??ź đ?‘ƒđ?‘ƒ = (9) đ??´đ?‘ƒ

Where PP is the Payback period means duration of recovering the project cost, CI is the capital investment to funds investment by firm to project and AP is the annual payback means the positive cash flow in per year [18]. Socioeconomic impacts on Communities: The socioeconomic impacts mean after the solar micro grid project is installed in the villages what outcomes occurred. How much their livelihoods are changed due to rural electrification and how they are improving their living standard. In the present piece of work, the socioeconomic impacts on Communities were assessed based on Social factors, Economic factors and empowerment of women. Social Factors :The social indicators are health, education, water, sanitation and living standard. After solar rural electrification how, they are feeling and improving these indicators, and which is effectively working in remote areas. A social factor included the health, education, sanitation, water a household. It’s totally depended on after utilization of solar energy what outcomes on their living standards and overall human health [19]. Economic Factors: The economic factors mean by utilization of solar energy how much income is increasing and creating new jobs. The saving of money and investing on their livelihood. The economic indicators are Livelihood, income, saving and expenditure. An economic factor included the job creation, livelihood assets, material and products sell. The rural electrification provides benefits to communities, their income [20]. Empowerment of Women : A process which women’s increase power and controlling own living standard and get to ability to plan choices. Women’s has five components of empowerment like women’s self-respect, must protect their rights and control her choices, has right to admission to opportunities and incomes, also control their own lives, both living in and outside home, and their skills to control the social changes to create must nationally and internationally social and economic order.The institutions and structures support and continue gender discrimination and variation are important tools for women and empowering girls to claim their rights. They provided education, trainings, build self- confidence, awareness rising and to explore choices. Women’s take responsible their financial loans, and to make their own decision without any interruption of any others. Women’s also run their own business/employment and improving their own economic status and to enhance their own living standards and livelihoods. Also play a part in politics and impact of decision making around gender relations involved in community socially [21]. Collection of data from the study area by through setting up a questionnaire for getting information related to health, education, income, professions & economic. & also related to women empowerment of local community. impacts etc.



The Fig. 1, shows that solar irradiation and temperature of Ibrahim Panhwer village in the whole year by month wise according to position sun the irradiation and temperature is changing by using PV sol-online software. During month of May has high solar irradiation 192 kWh/m2 and the temperature is 30 0C.


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30 30












Solar Irradiation kWh/m2

30 26







Temperature in °C

Fig. 1. Yearly Solar Irradiation and Temperature Data Of Village Ibrahim Panhwer According to survey the Fig.2, the graph shows that power using in different hours and up and down of energy requirement required in a whole day of the village. In day time at 1 p.m. time load is maximum 3.5 kW and minimum load is 1 kW at 12 a.m. in the night. Peak Load, 13:00 PST, 3.5 kW

4.00 3.50

Load (kW)

3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50


























Time in a day FIG. 2. daily load curve The results of the survey of Ibrahim Panhwar village are given in the Table2. It shows that the different appliance’s and its quantity and power of different equipment’s and using these in different time’s in day and night. The total load shows of all equipment in per kilowatt hour and on these calculations to design a system. The system is working 27 hours’ in a day and 36 hours’ in the night. The total energy per day is required 52122 kWh. Table 2. Energy audit of village Ibrahim Panhwer S.No

Electric Appliances

Quantity (No.)


Total Power (TW)

Working Hours(hr.) Night

Total Electric Per Day(kWh)

1512 800

Working Hours (hr.) Day 00 04

01 02

Power Sever Fan

84 10

18 80

06 02

9072 4800


Cloth Iron















05 06








Mobile Charger








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Assessing the Energy & Environmental Benefits‌ 07

Street Lights












As shown in Fig.3, the results of solar PV and coal generating 3,657 kg/y and 20,915 kg/y CO2 respectively, due to installation of solar PV in per year 83 % of Carbon dioxide emissions is reduced from coal. While according to Abrar-ul-haq et al. [25] studies shows that CO2reduced in per year is 7,712 kg/y by installation of 5kW system. As on comparison Abrar-ul-haq achieved 1543 kg/y/kW of CO2 emissions, where as in present study the CO2 emissions factors were nearly same as 1528 kg/y/kW.

Coal, 20915

CO2 Emissions (kg/y)


83 %



70 60


50 40


30 20

Solar PV, 3657


Reduction in Emissions (%)


10 0

0 Coal

Solar PV Energy for Electrification % reduction

CO2 (kg/y)

fig 3. co2 reduction ratio between coal and solar energy As shown in Fig.4, the results of SO2 coal and solar energy is 194 kg/y and 6 kg/y. The reduction ration of Sulfur Dioxide will be reduced 98% from solar PV to fossil fuel (coal).The estimation of SO2of the present study is 38% higher than the reported in the literature [26].



97.11 %

Coal, 194

100 80

150 60 100 40 50


Reduction in Emissions (%)

SO2 Emissions (kg/y)


Solar PV, 6 0

0 Coal

Solar PV Energy for Electrification % reduction

SO2 (kg/y)

fig 4. so2 reduction ratio between coal and solar energy As shown in Fig.5, the results of Nitrogen oxides are solar PV and coal is 7 kg/y and 94 kg/y. The reducing of emissions reduction ration is 93% from solar PV of fossil fuel (coal).The estimation of NOx of the present study is 30% higher than estimated by haq et al. [25].


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Coal, 94

93 %

NOx Emissions (kg/y)


100 90















Solar PV, 7


Reduction in Emissions (%)




0 Coal

Solar PV Energy for Electrification % reduction

NOx (kg/y)

fig 5. nox reduction ratio between coal and solar energy According to survey the Table.3, shows that all three villages have electricity facilities, katcha house in all 3 villages are 189 and pacca houses are 91, has all of them katcha road and water is available, but using unauthorized way and no gas facilities, not enough, but in some home has facilities of pit latrine and most of them facilities of mobile phone and few of having tv and radio available in village. Mostly around 25% has facilities of cycle and motorcycle and has no facilities of hospital and post office available in the villages. These results are resembling with study conducted by Wanget al. [27]. Table 3. Basic Infrastructure Facilities All Three Villages S.No


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

Katcha house Pacca house Katcha Road Packa Road Electricity Water Supply Gas Supply Sanitation Phone Tv Radio Cycle/Motor Hospital Post Office

Village Ishqaue Jakhio 53 45 33 00 33 33 00 05 26 03 04 12 00 00

Village Bachu Koli 81 07 33 00 33 33 00 02 22 02 03 07 00 00

Village Jaffar Jakhio 55 39 33 00 33 33 00 06 29 04 05 18 00 00

According to the survey in all 3 villages the Fig.6, shows the income and profession of villagers. Mostly the people belong to different professions like32% people belongs to labor and they are earning less than 10 thousand in a month, while 28 % are belong to fishing and earning 10-12 thousands and 19 % are doing business and earning 20-50 thousands per month while 13 % people engaged with Government job and earning 10-20 thousands and only 8% peoples are belongs to private job and monthly earning 10-15 thousand. The results are resembling with study conducted by Schmidt et al.[28].


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13% 8% 28%

Business 20-50 thousand

Govt:Job 10-20 thousand

Fishing 10-12 thousand

Labor less than 10 thousand

Private Job 10-15 thousand

fig 6. Profession and income survey all three villages The survey results of all three villages in Fig.7, shows that’s income is saved in forms of utility bills or other expenditures mostly 44 % peoples are saving 1-3 thousand per month, 23%, saving 3-5 thousand and 21% saving 7-10 thousand and only 12% people saving 5-7 thousand per month. The results are approximating with study conducted by Komatsu et al. [29].

21% 44%

12% 23%

1 thousand-3 thousand

3 thousand-5 thousand

5 thousand-7 thousand

7 thousand -10 thousand

fig 7. saving income by using solar energy survey three villages According to survey of all three villages the Fig.8, shows the other activities in household by women busy for earning money. The mostly women busy in free time in houses to made different handmade clothes and to stitching the dresses by percent both almost 87%. The other remaining women busy in agriculture. The results of present study are in agreement with study conducted by IRENA[30].

13% 36% 51%


Handy Craft


fig 8. women’s other activities for earning all three villages survey


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Assessing the Energy & Environmental Benefits‌ According to survey of all three villages the Fig.9, shows the results of different diseases in village. The mostly people are involving in heart disease and asthma in percent are 39% and 38%. The other people are sick due to malaria and only 3% villagers are HIV patients in villages. The no any health facilities available in all three villages. The results of the present study are in agreement with study conducted by Niu et al. [31].

3% 39%



Heart Disease




fig 9. Disease in all three village survey According to survey of all three villages the Fig.10, shows that by utilization of solar energy the overall environment of home is improved. The results show that almost 90% are agree with by solar energy the home environment is improving. The only 10% people are not satisfied with improving home environment statement. Due to removing of kerosene oil for lighting to using solar lights for lighting and home inside environment is better. Rural electrification increasing the house inner environment as also reported by Zhouet al. [32].

9% 8% 12% 30%



V Good




fig 10. improvement in home environment using solar energy According to a survey in all the three villages as shown in the Fig.11, that all the villages have an individual primary school but have a common middle school. The total number of boy students in primary school was 110 and only 10 students in middle school. A similar trend was also observed for the girls that 80 students in primary school and only 9 students in the middle school. The total male teachers were five and total female teachers were four. Moreover, in other facilities water was available in adequate quantity, but the sanitation and hygienic kit was not available in the schools Mondale et al. [33].


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Assessing the Energy & Environmental Benefits… 120




80 60











0 No.of School

Total no of Girls

Total no of Boys


Male Teacher

Female Teacher


fig 11. education facilities available in three villages survey According to survey of all three villages the survey’s results of solar energy impact on children’s education is shown in Fig. 12. The results show the positive impact of solar energy on pupils’ education. As per the results the overall impacts of solar energy play vital role in children’s education. In detail, 32% shows v. good and 27% good and 17% fair and 14% shows excellent and only 8 % shows poor impacts on the education of children Wamukonya et al. [34].

10% 14% 17%

32% 27%


V Good




fig 12. solar energy impact on children’s education all three villages survey The survey illustrates the percentage of study in night hours in three villages as shown in Fig.13, it is recorded that the most pupils’ studies 34 percent two hours which is the most recorded percentage among others. However, the least percentage of studies hours are noticeable- 13 percent children’s studies approximately more than 3 hours. In addition to, 26 percent of learners consumed three hours on study daily, similarly, the only 27 percent pupils 1 hour. The rural electrification increased the education standard as also reported by Wamukonya et al. [34].


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26% 34%

1 Hour

2 Hours

3 Hours

More Than 3 Hours

fig 13. solar energy in night hour’s study three villages As specified by the survey, the Fig.14 shows the establishment of women from installation of green energy. The majority of females agree with access of solar energy. Moreover, we can get the more production and quality work from solar energy than electric power because in several countries where there are electric issues. However, we need not to worry about load shedding in solar system. The results of present study are in agreement with study carried out by UNDP-UNEP [35].

45% 55%

S Agree


fig 14. women empowerment installation of solar pv According to a survey in 3 villages the Fig.15, shows the role of women in decision making in energy committee. The fluctuation seems throughout the survey. By the renewable advancement of energy lead to become women self-dependent and respect their opinions. According to locals’ survey, around 70% agreeand30 disagree with the role of women in decision making. The same results occur from previous research which is done by MRFCJ, [36].


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17% 51%

S Agree


S Diagree


fig 15. women’s role in decision making all three villages survey The impact of economic empowerment of women by utilizing of solar energy as shown in Fig.16. there are two parameters of taking the views of civilians-strongly agree and agrees. It seems clearly,90 percent’s women are in the favor of utilizing of solar energy. women play a vital role in boost up the economy. women have introduced their self-pity business at home which become the cause of economy empowerment. The results of present study are in agreement with study conducted by Pachauriet al. [37].

36% 64%

S Agree


fig 16. women economic empowerment survey three villages According to a survey in three villages the Fig.17, shows the creating opportunities and entrepreneurship of women’s by using of solar micro grids. Through the access of energy led to generate the new jobs, new business ideas and equal opportunities for gender based. In country side areas the part time job of handy craft is getting viral due to establishment of rural electrification. Approximately the survey results show that 59 percent are agree with electrification in remote areas where as 41 percent were strongly agreed with entrepreneurship and employment. The same results are recorded in previous study was conducted by MRFCJ[36].


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41% 59%

S Agree


fig 17. women’s entrepreneurship and employment opportunities survey three villages According to the Fig.18, shown survey data of three villages of women’s access by using of solar energy. The results show that 74% are agree with that through solar energy women are using mobile phone and television. The other women are disagreeing with this statement to justification of benefits of solar energy. The rural electrification to promote the access women’s to forcing to using technology as reported by Cecelski et al. [38].





S Agree


S Disagree


fig 18. women’s technology access using solar energy The survey report describes the living standard of women after innovation of solar energy as shown in Fig.19. The extended in income is cause of doing extra working hours in night due to availability of solar lights in remote areas. The more women spend their hours of doing work the more productivity increases. The statics shows that almost 80 percent people agree with used of solar energy impacts of changing in livelihood. On the other hand, 20 percent disagree with it. Rural electrification increases the standards of livelihood as reported by Gobede et al. [39].


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fig 19. women’s livelihood changes using solar energy all three villages survey According to three villages survey the Fig.20, shows that impacts of manipulate the solar energy in reduction of poverty. Part time job is cause of reduction in poverty which are mostly done by females in homes- handy craft, sewing, stitching and designing cloths. Women’s get the more working hours than past decades because availability of energy from solar. This is sole solution in declining the poverty in remote areas of any country where electricity has not yet provided Sapkota et al. [40].





fig 20. poverty reduction ratio using solar energy survey three villages According to the survey of all three villages The Fig.21, shown that by utilization of solar energy women relate to world. The results show that almost 70% women are answering Yes that they relate to world by through phones, and only 30% are not satisfy, saying No. The previous studies show that by rural electrification is positive impacts on remote women to connected with world is proposed by Arunachalam et al. [41s]


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fig 21. women connected with world using solar energy survey three villages



The present study concludes that the solar micro-grid is highly beneficial to the rural community. It not only provides the electricity but, also contributes in the socioeconomic benefits. The proposed micro-grid has high initial cost but, the payback period is only six years. Such a system can be installed with the help of Provincial or Federal Government subsidies. The installation of solar system leads to the reduction of the CO 2, NOx and SO2 emissions and has positive impact on human health. On comparing, the solar electrified village has improved home environment. It helps children to study and woman to make handicraft in evening timings. Solar electrification empowers the community and increases the job opportunities.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Authors would like to thank all supervisors and reviewers for their continuous support and constructive critique during research. The Authors would also like to thank their institute of Environmental Engineering and Management, Mehran University Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.

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