Finances Associated with Implementation of Condition Monitoring System and Its Payback Duration

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International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management (IJMREM) ||Volume|| 2 ||Issue|| 4 ||Pages|| 13-18 || April 2019 || ISSN: 2581-4540

Finances Associated with Implementation of Condition Monitoring System and Its Payback Duration 1,

Engr. Daniyal Nisar Khan, 2, Prof. Dr. Rizwan Ahmed Memon, 3, Dr. Shakeel Shaikh

ˡ (Student of Mechanical Engineering Department, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan) ², ³ (Faculty Members of Mechanical Engineering Department² & Industrial Engineering Department³, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan)

----------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT-----------------------------------------------------Most manufacturers are facing a push on cost due to few factors. These tough times on our economy plus global recession has cornered the manufacturers in either reducing the quality of product or in some cases reduction in some services. The impact of this is highly observed in markets like ours where we already have to face cost deviations and sudden cost jumps in industrial utilities such as, (gas, electricity, oil) and even the availability at times is hard to maintain which increases cycle time, down time thus inducing extra labor cost and co-related increases, so in order to compete internationally we need to use advanced systems which reduces costs rather than cutting back on things. Condition based monitoring have achieved greater acceptance over the years but the actual returns and payback is not understood clearly which puts the idea and adoptability at doubts this research work has marked the importance of understanding need, benefits and payback of the implementation cost of condition-based monitoring system including buying the equipment Vibxpert 2. This work is based in manufacturing organization and after calculating all the costs which were incurred in implementing conditionbased monitoring. It was found that in 5 years and 2 months the cost of implementing condition-based monitoring will be paid off.

KEYWORDS: Condition monitoring, Payback, Vibexpert2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date of Submission: Date, 14 March 2019 Date of publication: 15. April 2019 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------



Condition based monitoring is the method of monitoring mechanical health condition in machinery mainly through vibrations monitoring generally to identify any unusual change which indicates potential of fault and failure. It is an important factor of predictive or prevention maintenance. Condition based monitoring can also be understood as the method of identifying condition of a machine while in operation. Machineries are subjected to develop faults with usage and age. Improper planning for preventive or predictive maintenance can cause increased breakdowns and affects the safety of machinery simultaneously a well-executed planned preventive and predictive maintenance program can increase the safety of machines and reduce costly breakdowns. Applying preventive and predictive maintenance method without considering criticality of the equipment is ineffective. Pakistani manufacturers are already working in uncertain economical era where there is a rapid decline in the value of rupees with respect to dollar which is constantly is observed. Our exports have declined due to high production cost and high raw material cost (due to price rise) due to which our products do not compete in international markets. Global recession has played its part too, due to which the reduction in the amount of capital available for Pakistani firms in order to upgrade or update the equipment is cut down. Under these circumstances the most pressure is observed on maintenance side of industries. At the same time with rapid increase and up gradation of technology by already developed countries like china is outsourcing both manufacturing and services while enjoying low wages and abundant resources. China has become a tough competitor capturing major export markets So for Pakistani manufacturers the only way to service is to get technological advancement with smart engineering and cut back on traditional ways. Current Machine Maintenance System in Practice Mostly all local manufactures observe those two-maintenance system. • Run till failure • Using the machine or equipment until it gives ups or shutdown with fault or error


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Finances Associated with Implementation of Condition… •

Maintain within planned break

This is preplanned break in a year where they shut down the plant and maintain it regardless of the equipment or machine actually having any fault.

Repucation Of Both These Systems • • • • • • • • •

Run till failure. Sudden shutdown Unexpected loss in production Downtown increase Cycle time increase Waste of cost (wages, other day to day costs) No backup plan due to un acceptance Disrupted schedule Revenue loss

Maintain under planned break • Unnecessary plant shutdown • Maintain the equipment which sometime doesn’t need it. • Stop in production • Loss cost • Fault untimely discovered Both these systems do not match the new advance technologies to monitor the equipment while in operation and maintain it only when needed which majorly reduces unexpected shutdown, increase production and most of all gives a grip to the production, system and machinery.

II. AIM OF THIS PAPER Condition based monitoring for maintenance is the most popular and modern maintenance technique. The terms "condition monitoring" and "predictive maintenance" are often used interchangeably. It is the procedure for determining the state of a machine. We strive to make this distinction because many facilities have adopted condition monitoring technologies but have failed to rewrite their preventive maintenance action to account for new technology. One person collects and analyzes the vibration data, but another person replaces the bearings because the preventive action has been scheduled and asked them to do so. Otherwise, the analyst knows that a critical machine is about to fail, but a large series is planned without a planned break, because the people who plan the production do not know the state of the critical machine. There is no reporting infrastructure in place. Rotating machines explain their mechanical state in different ways and, in most cases, machines develop problems, gradually wear out and warn us before they fail. How do they tell us what's wrong with them? They heat, vibrate, make noise, spread particles in their lubricating oil, emit high frequency sounds and react differently to the electric currents that pass through them. Fortunately, there are technologies available that can objectively measure all these quantities to help us diagnose the mechanical state of our machines. Conditional maintenance is used by industry to actively manage the health status of assets. This paper will identify not just the need of condition-based monitoring but will also tell the payback back period of the equipment used and other cost incurred in implementation. III. METHODS AND MATERIALS METHOD MY OBJECTIVES WERE To determine vibratory defects in rotating machines using vibxpert 2. To judge the impact of vibratory defects on production process. To suggest remedy measures (vibxpert 2, labor) required to introduce CBM. To analyze payback period/cost saving and impact on production with the use of condition-based monitoring system

Methodology: This study has followed specific pattern of research which consisted of visiting site, interviews, questioners and use of vibxpert2 for vibration readings. Industrial visit was carried out to determine the area of work, number of rotating machines in selected area and type of rotating machines. Used vibxpert2 error/defects


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Finances Associated with Implementation of Condition‌ in selected type of rotating machines were determined. Maintenance shop was also visited to determine previously defected machines with the same error. Also determine the time taken to repair these defects. Previous data of vibratory damages and subsequent repair was used to ascertain financial losses. Payback period was estimated from the cost savings. The number and cost of vibxpert2, appointing and training labor is calculated as cost incurred on implementation of CBM. The cost of avoiding defects and production loss was determined. The incurred cost is subtracted from potential savings to calculate payback period. Material: Device: Vibxpert 2: Vibexpert 2 Proved to Be an Excellent and Handy Device to Collect the Vibration Reading and Was Very Easy to Work on And Store Collected Data, Mostly Error Vibrations on Rotating Machines Are Caused by Balance Faults, Alignment Faults, Bearings Defects or Damaged Gear. These Faults Mostly Cause Vibration.

IV. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS The Manufacturing Industry in Which This Work Was Carried Out Consisted of Operation Section and Pumping Station This Research Work Focused on Pumping Station. The Plant’s Pumping Station Was the Integral Part of The Plant. It Pumps the Liquid Material To The Main Processing Unit. It Comprises Of 11 Pumps Out of Which 5 Were End Suction Pumps And 6 Were Vertically Inclined Along With That The Station Had 15 Motors And 6 Exhaust Fans. All machines in the pumping station where from machine class 1, 11 Machine type class 1: motors of up to 15kW. SVL


Up to 1.8mm/sec.


1.8 to 4.5mm/sec.


Above 4.5mm/sec


Table # 1: In this table standard vibration level and machine condition are mentioned according to vibration level for machine class 1 of vibration severity table by (Jean-Baptiste Lebegue, 2015) Machine type class 2: Medium size machines, (typically electrical motors with 15 to 75kW ). SVL Up to 2.8mm/sec. 2.8 to 7.1mm/sec. Above 7.1mm/sec


Table #2 In this table standard vibration level and machine condition are mentioned according to vibration level for machine class 2 of vibration severity table by (Jean-Baptiste Lebegue, 2015 I have classified the machine vibration condition in into three zones according to their vibration reading measured with vibxpert2 Severity Zones : Machines which are working on satisfactory levels according to vibration severity index are indicated in green color and categorize in Zone A. machines which are acceptable according to vibration severity index are indicated with yellow color and categorize in Zone B and machines which are in dangerous running condition according to vibration severity are indicated with red color and categorized in Zone C. Severity type

Severity level

Zone A


Zone B


Zone C


Colour indicator

Table #3: In this table severity types and severity level with color indication is mentioned.


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Finances Associated with Implementation of Condition‌

Selected Machines : This research work has focused on 11 pumps out of which 5 were end suction pumps and 6 were vertically inclined pumps both these type of pumps were machine class 2 with vibration range 2.8mm/sec7.1mm/sec according to pump size, 15 motors these motors were machine class1 with vibration range 1.8mm/sec4.5mm/sec according to motor size and 6 fans these fans were machine class1 with vibration range 1.8mm/sec4.5mm/sec according to motor size. Number of pumps

Type of machines

Size of machine

Vibration range

Machine type


End suction pumps




Vertically inclined pump




Electric motor




Exhaust fans



Class 2 Class 2 Class 1 Class 1 This research work found out the that according to vibration reading out 32 machines 17 machine were Zone A machine 8 were Zone B machines and 7 were Zone C machine.









3 5 9






1 3 2


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Finances Associated with Implementation of Condition… This graph below show the condition of machines observed according to vibration readings

10 8 ZONE A












Benefits of CBM (condition-based monitoring) observed Total: no: of machines: 32 Fault discovered = Total faulty machines x 100 Total machines 15 x 100 = 46.875% 32 Fault rectified = No of machines rectified x 100 Total number of machines 31 x 100 = 96.87 % 32

V. CONCLUSION Implementation Cost TOTAL NUMBER OF MACHINES Number of vibxpert 2 required Cost of vibxpert 2 Vibration (analyst) engineer required Cost of vibration analyst training to engineer Number of Engineer required

32 1 Rs.82,0000/1 Rs.10,0000/Nill.

TOTAL IMPLEMENTATION COST=Rs.920000/Maintenance Cost Per Year This is the maintenance cost which could be eliminated with the use CBM system. NUMBER OF MACHINES 11


COST Rs.120450/-











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Finances Associated with Implementation of Condition‌ Maintenance Cost Per Year= Rs.176450/Bar graph showing implementation expenditure plus maintaince cost per year

1000000 900000 800000 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000

maintenance cost per year Implementation expenditure



Calculating Payback PAYBACK PERIOD= IMPLEMENTATION COST MAINTENACE COST PER YEAR =920000 176450 PAYBACK PERIOD =5.2 YEARS: This work found out after calculating all the cost which incurred in implementing condition-based monitoring that in 5 years and 2 months the cost of implementing condition-based monitoring will be paid off.

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