Groundwater Study using Application of a Resistivity Survey of Typical Mine Site of Thario-Halepoto

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International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management (IJMREM) ||Volume|| 2 ||Issue|| 5 ||Pages|| 30-40 || May 2019 || ISSN: 2581-4540

Groundwater Study using Application of a Resistivity Survey of Typical Mine Site of Thario-Halepoto Village of Thar Desert 1,

Engr. Junaid ur Rahman Memon, 2, Dr. Sheeraz Ahmed Memon, 3,Engr. Imran Aziz Tunio, 4,Engr. Love Kumar, 5,Engr. Kundan Kumar. 1,2,4,5

(Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management, Mehran UET, Jamshoro) 3 (Hydrology/GIS PMO –SBIP Sindh Irrigation Department Hyderabad Sindh)

------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT--------------------------------------------------This study is based on analysis and assessment for convenience of groundwater to village Thario-Halepoto of Tharparakar, to shows groundwater availability. The groundwater of Thario-Halepoto is roughly categorized into different type of classes on the bases of its hydro geomorphological and analysis condition of study area. In this study a detail electrical survey is carried out of Thario-Halepoto and three surrounded villages for preparing various thematic maps viz. Electrical resistivity, physical and chemical parameter of water were analyzed. Thario-Halepoto is mining area where various constructive and destructive activities are carried out, which may deteriorate quality of groundwater and soil fertility due to construction of big dam surrounding to Thario-Halepoto for storage of groundwater extracted from coal mining pit, which may also diminish dug well groundwater surrounding mining pit. Geoelectrical resistivity survey technique was used to study the availability of water layer currently. The resistivity meter (PASI Model 16GL-N) was used to collect the vertical electrical sounding (VES) resistivity data at different sites, followed by Schlumberger electrode configuration, the collected data were interpreted in terms of resistivity and the outputs were observed by dug well groundwater. The combination of VES data with dug well groundwater data provided useful information on subsurface hydrogeologic conditions by observed that geoelectrical resistivity of the layers containing groundwater ranged between 50 to 500 Ωm resistivity and VES criteria of fit groundwater quality for aquifer resistivity values of 300 to 350 Ωm was valid for the sites. The results indicate that VES survey has the potential to identify the layer containing water and groundwater depth

KEYWORDS: Earth Electrical Resistivity, Dug well Groundwater, Mine area, subsurface. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date of Submission: Date, 29 April 2019 Date of Publication: 17. May 2019 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I. INTRODUCTION Diseases and shortage of food is mostly related with shortage of water or non/low supply of palatable water. Desert encroachment is result of climate change and become tough to control through afforestation due to low/non-accessibility water sources. Most of the societies mainly in rural areas depend on local water source, which is a generally potential source of diseases because of impurities, and deficiency of systematic prospecting, exploration & development of deep/shallow resources of groundwater, almost entire Tharparkar facing food, water shortage and diseases. This piece of work has focused on Analysis of groundwater potential zones and contamination using Electrical Resistivity, RS & GIS techniques in a typical mine area of Tharparkar.

II. LOCATION OF THE STUDY AREA There are four different location are selected for earth resistivity data collection from district Tharparkar, as shown in Tharparkar District shown in Fig: 1. First earth resistivity data taken from village Sami Ji Dhani denoted by (P1), located at northing 24.757260, easting 70.369260, the second earth resistivity data taken from village Thario-Halepoto (P2) located at northing 24.732697, easting 70.353265, the third earth resistivity data taken from village Sehri Dars (P3) located at northing 24.757735, easting 70.384927, and the forth earth resistivity data taken from village New Village (P4) located at northing 24.723435, easting 70.3275525. these survey points are within and surrounded to coal mining Blocks numbers shown in figure as I, II, IIIB, IV, VI and VIII. Tharparkar is extreme southeastern part of Sindh Pakistan, and world’s most thickly populated deserts, residents of Tharparkar are primarily rely on limited agricultural products and by raising cattle, goats, camels, sheep and their flora and fauna are primarily at the mercy of rainwater (average 200 mm annual) [1], temperature


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Groundwater Study using Application of a Resistivity… over 45oC throughout the months of April [02], May and June, and has no any surface water present in the Tharparkar, whole Thar based on dug wells which covering approximately 8500 square km, having water-table depth varies from 5 m to 45 m and deeper in west of Chachro. Overall, in this region groundwater quality ranges from brackish to saline, having an electrical conductivity (EC) significance going from 2000 to >10,000 μS/cm [3]. Thus, the water having Electrical Conductivity about 5,000μS/cm is acceptable for drinking under duress or under pressure for the arid region [04]. but under normal condition/standard, such water quality is unfit, unhealthy, undesirable for human consumption, as such, in that area about 48 % dug well water considered acceptable for human consumption, at places, VES has indicated/mention good prospects for best groundwater quality related to the basement at deeper depths all over the Tharparkar area [05].

FIGURE 01: LOCATION OF THE STUDY AREA Therefore, traditional approaches and procedures of exploration of groundwater needs an integrated effort and studies of hydrology, geology, hydrogeology besides that investigation of geophysical site, these taken more time and consume money [6]. On the other hand, Earth Electrical Resistivity, Geographic Information System (GIS), and Remote Sensing (RS) tools may be used for groundwater prospection with great potential zones, however GIS and Earth Electrical Resistivity provide most outstanding means of manipulating, interpreting, and storage of data [07], RS with its benefits of 3D spatial/three-dimensional spectral and time-based accessibility of data taking and remote zones within short time period becomes a best convenient device in accessing, monitoring, and preserving resources of groundwater [8]. The key benefits of using GIS, Earth Electrical Resistivity and RS methods for exploration of groundwater are the saving of time and cost needed for quick accessibility of data, statistics and all information on the groundwater occurrence and the selection of appropriated and promising zones for additional exploration of groundwater [09]. III. METHODOLOGY Earth Electrical resistivity method surveys to analysis the best possible locations for bore hole drilling for withdrawal of ground water by employed Schlumberger array as shown in Fig: 02, mentioning resistivity values (ρ), self-Potential and Voltage will be measured. The procedure is based on measuring and collect the electrical resistivity or conductivity of the medium. The analysis is carried on based of evaluation of protentional voltage of electrical field Hence, from this project work boreholes, depth, location, amount of contamination and groundwater potential zones will be recommended. GIS is being used to map the arrangement of classes of groundwater quality [10], based on comparing the values of TDS with some aquifer characteristics analysis is VES 2000 and Logplot7. GIS is applied to trace the quality zones of groundwater, suitable for different usages such as domestic and irrigation.


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FIGURE 02: ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY SURVEYS (SCHLUMBERGER ARRAY) The main objective of this present study is to determine and analysis the groundwater zones and contamination by using Earth Resistivity meter 16GL-N Brand PASI and VES method and the Schlumberger array-on the desert area of Tharparkar, Sindh, Thus, total 04 four electrical soundings were taken from study area. along with dug well water sample collection, two feet stainless steel electrodes were got inserted into the surface soil at each end (A & B, both stainless steel electrodes are then linked to the current sender device ports, located at the center, by 02 (two) wire of sixteen-gauge cable. The electrodes (made of copper) M & N are also inserted into the surface soil and linked to the voltage receiver, at the center, the distance MN was kept equal to or less than 0.5 AB. Schlumberger Electrode Configuration [11]. Groundwater samples were gathered separately from open dug wells into acid cleaned 1 litter linear polyethylene sampling bottles with all sampling protocols. At each point, two samples were collected. The pH, Temperature, Electrical conductivity and turbidity were conducted using the portable meter. All the equipment was calibrated before analysis. The collected samples were refrigerated in ice box and ice cooler in the field until samples are transported to Laboratory for further analysis. Analysis of samples were done immediately upon reaching to Lab. All the field notes, village profile filled form and the samples were saved in separate data diary. Climate conditions were variable between each of the sampling rounds [12].

IV. DATA PROCESSING AND INTERPRETATION The field data including Voltage, Current, Self-potential and Resistance, Small potentials source of the order of a few m volt (millivolts) are generated by 02 (two) differing concentrations of electrolytic solutions which are in direct contact, and by the flow of groundwater by streaming potential (porous materials) [13]. The apparent resistivity values, calculated from field data which not signify the true earth resistivity data values, so to obtain the true subsurface layers resistivity values with their respective thickness, the VES collected survey data analysis by using software VES 2000. It gives the output results in term of graphs, data and synthetic generated layered smooth model. Field data (Voltage, Current, Self-potential and Resistance) is input value for VES 2000 Vertical electrical Sounding. Based on the apparent resistivity and field curves have been analyzed qualitatively by the empirical method to determine the possible number of subsurface lithological/geo-electrical layers, their tentative depth and the ranges of their approximate resistivity values [14], the number of subsurface lithological layers, their apparent resistivity values and thickness have been computed through modeling process for field resistivity curve. Based on the essential principles, practices and methodologies of the geophysical survey (earth electrical Survey), the filed data collected are interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively [15]. The VES 2000 software was used for processing and interpretation of field data through inversion process. The apparent electrical resistivity and subsoil layer thicknesses were transformed into valuable geological sense using lithological logs.

Log-Plot 7 Software Processing and Interpretation : Log-Plot 7 Software Used to draw vertical column, ERS data is directly entered in the software to create the lithological column of the study area, Log-Plot 7’s used create a lithology column to display lithology, interpreted stratigraphy. The apparent resistivity in ohmm is plotted against electrode spacing (AB) on logarithmic scale. X-axis of the graph is chosen for electrode spacing


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Groundwater Study using Application of a Resistivity… (AB) and Y-axis form apparent resistivity. The depth reference of lithological contacts interpreted form geoelectrical layers is taken form surface [16]. Vertical columns displaying the inferred lithology, with coordinate at the top of each figure.

V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The VES 2000 software was used for processing and interpretation of field data through inversion process. The apparent electrical resistivity and subsoil layer thicknesses were transformed into valuable geological sense using lithological logs. Vertical Electrical Soundings- Data Elaboration Chart Of Same Ji Dhani : The Trend of a VES (Vertical Electrical Sounding) pattern curve subjected to the earth layer apparent resistivity data value and layer thickness and number of layers in the subsoil surface, the geo-electric layer is inferred at P-1 from the field resistance curve, namely: loose sand, semi-consolidated sand, consolidated sand and silt and clay. The VES for Same Ji Dhani were interpreted in the VES 2000, which results in apparent resistivity and then Log-Plot 7 Software was used to draw vertical column. ERS data is directly entered in the software to create the lithological column of the study area Point P-1 as shown in Fig: 03 and 04, whose first geo-electric layer of 3.67m (12.03ft) thickness corresponds to the loose sand (topsoil) with resistivity value 3201Ωm. The second geo-electric layer 3.56 m (11.67ft) thick interpreted as semi-consolidated sand. The resistivity of this layer is 1076Ωm. The third layer which is 49.38 m (161.96ft) thick comprising mostly consolidated sand has resistivity 680Ωm. The resistivity from second geo-electrical layer represents a moist layer. The fourth layer which comprises silt and clay with resistivity 19Ωm extends down to the depth of investigation (100m/328ft). Water quality of is considered as a fair water as compared to other location of study area.



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FIGURE Error! No text of specified style in document.4: VERTICAL COLUMN SHOWING THE INFERRED SUBSURFACE LITHOLOGY OF VES POINT-1 SAME JI DANI Vertical Electrical Soundings- Data Elaboration Chart Of Thario-Halepoto: After the interpretation of primary data in the VES 2000, secondary data (Apparent Resistivity) got, based on apparent resistivity LogPlot 7 Software used to draw vertical column, ERS data is directly entered in the software to create the lithological column of the study area Point P-2 shown in Fig: 05 and 06. water quality of is considered as a poor highly Brackish water. First geoelectric layer of 3.45m (11.31ft) thickness corresponds to the loose sand (topsoil) with resistivity value 2076Ωm. The second geoelectric layer 7.78 m (25.51ft) thick interpreted as semi-consolidated sand. The resistivity of this layer is 1723Ωm. The third layer which is 30.00 m (98.40ft) thick comprising mostly consolidated sand has resistivity of 721Ωm. The resistivity from second geoelectrical layer represents a moist layer. The fourth layer which comprises silt and clay with resistivity 39Ωm extends down to the depth of investigation (100m/328ft).



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FIGURE Error! No text of specified style in document.6: VERTICAL COLUMN SHOWING THE INFERRED SUBSURFACE LITHOLOGY OF VES POINT-2 THARIO-HALEPOTO. Vertical Electrical Soundings- Data Elaboration Chart of Sahri Dars : Primary data interpreted in VES 2000 which results secondary data (Apparent Resistivity), secondary data directly entered in the LogPlot 7 Software to create the lithological vertical column of the study area Point P-3 shown in Fig: 07 and 08, whose first geoelectric layer of 7.95m (26.07ft) thickness corresponds to the loose sand (topsoil) with resistivity value 2307Ωm.The second geoelectric layer 5.58m (18.30ft) thick interpreted as semi-consolidated sand. The resistivity of this layer is 1634Ωm. The third layer which is 33.83 m (110.96ft) thick comprising mostly consolidated sand has resistivity 832Ωm. The resistivity from second geoelectrical layer represents a moist layer. water quality of is considered as a poor Brackish water, the fourth layer which comprises silt and clay with resistivity 69Ωm extends down to the depth of investigation (100m/328ft).



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FIGURE Error! No text of specified style in document.8: VERTICAL COLUMN SHOWING THE INFERRED SUBSURFACE LITHOLOGY OF VES POINT-3 SEHRI DARS Vertical Electrical Soundings- Data Elaboration Chart of New Model Village: This village is in compensation constructed by Engro Powergen Thar ltd (CMEC) for the local villager, whose house are in Thar coal mining area block-II. Observe results are discussed as, first geo-electric layer of 2.98m (9.77ft) thickness corresponds to the loose sand (topsoil) with resistivity value 3872Ωm.The second geo-electric layer 4.77m (15.64ft) thick interpreted as semi-consolidated sand. The resistivity of this layer is 2635Ωm. The third layer which is 40.12 m (131.59ft) thick comprising mostly consolidated sand has resistivity 973Ωm. water quality of is considered as a poor Brackish water, the resistivity from second geo-electrical layer represents a moist layer. The fourth layer which comprises silt and clay with resistivity 84Ωm extends down to the depth of investigation (100m/328ft) shown in Fig: 09 and 10.



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FIGURE 10: VERTICAL COLUMN SHOWING THE INFERRED SUBSURFACE LITHOLOGY OF VES POINT-4 NEW MODEL VILLAGE Groundwater Sample Handling and Testing: Dug well water samples were collected from surrounding where from ERS data is collected and their physical and chemical parameters were tested in laboratory of Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management, MUET Jamshoro Sindh as shown Table No 01. Parameters under observations were Color, Odor/Smell, Turbidity (NTU), Temperature, pH, Conductivity, Dissolve Oxygen, TDS, Salinity, Calcium, Sodium, Cl test, Carbonate, Hardness and Alkalinity, as shown in Table: 01. TABLE 01: WATER QUALITY PARAMETER ANALYSIS OF STUDY AREA Sumaji Dani Thario Halepoto Sehri Dars New Village Village Name P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 1-A 1-B 2-A 2-B 3-A 3-B 4-A 4-B Sample No 32.5 31.6 35 29.2 33.3 37.2 28.1 30 Temprature °C 8.43 8.35 8.9 8.1 8.6 8.24 8.24 8.36 pH 4810 4667 10343 9564 9390 9457 7012 6690 Conductivity µS/cm 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.4 4.2 4.5 4.5 4.6 Dissolve Oxygen mg/L 3584 3976 6354 6245 6026 5667 4385 4175 TDS mg/L 4 3.6 6.7 6.8 4.8 4.7 3.5 4.1 Salanity ppm 90 106 40 35 43 55 120 135 Calcium mg/L 730 786 2012 2192 1894 1744 970 1065 Sodium mg/L 797 743 1343 1356 1278 1134 688 673 Cl test mg/L 903 934 1233 1287 1124 1076 843 893 Hardness mg/L 1014 1144 1183 1143 1035 1011 783 634 Alkalinity mg/L Clear Color Un-Objectionable Odor/Smell <5 Turbidity (NTU) Iso-Apparent Resistivity Depth Maps: The Iso-apparent resistivity data maps which replicate lateral variation of earth apparent resistivity at a certain depth. Thematic maps for apparent resistivity was integrated utilizing the ArcGIS programming. We generate a final groundwater quality drinking water GIS map by overlapping these topical site maps. The spatial reconciliation for result groundwater quality area GIS map were got done by using application Spatial Analyst extension of ArcGIS. These geophysical maps show distribution of earth apparent resistivity in the study area against distance of stain less steel current electrodes "A &B". The maximum depth of penetration of current in the AMNB method is one third (1/3) of the maximum distance of stainless-steel current electrodes. In present study, the iso-apparent electric resistivity maps were constructed at AB= 04m (13.12ft), 100m (328.0ft) and 180m (585.80t). These maps reflect the lateral variations of the electric resistivity of earth at a depth of about 18m (59.04ft), 36m (118.08ft), 48M (157.44ft) and 60m (196ft), respectively.


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Groundwater Study using Application of a Resistivity… The Iso-Apparent Resistivity Depth Map for Ab= 04, 100 And 180m : The qualitative interpretation of apparent resistivity as shown in Fig: 11, 12 & 13, shows the presence of groundwater, at the depth of 20m (65.6ft). The data were acquired and plotted at constant electrode spacing 60m (196.8ft). The Blue color (contour 1.2-150 ohm-m) shows the low apparent resistivity in the study area which indicates the saline water aquifer. The green color (contour 150- 2500m) shows the high resistivity value which indicates the presence of brackish ground water aquifer. The (contour >2500m) shows very high apparent indicating dry unconsolidated layer.




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FIGURE 13 SHOWS THE APPARENT RESISTIVITY CONTOUR MAP OF AB 180M. From this study, several conclusions can be made. Perhaps the most important conclusion is that vertical electrical resistivity soundings (VES) do provide adequate and inexpensive means of studying the subsurface in the desert region, interpretation of VES data leads to the knowledge of the maximum depth below which it would be unlikely for groundwater aquifers to occur. This is because the resistivity of water-bearing sands depends mainly on the salinity of the water, the degree of saturation, and the presence of clays and silts. The resistivity of clean and pure sands and gravel in subsurface saturated with good quality fresh water ranges varies between 250 - 350 Ωm. While there very much lower resistivity or brackish water of the same sample of sand containing clay, silt. It is thus established that fresh groundwater is certainly to be get produce from prospects of resistivity less than 500 ohm-meter and greater than 250.

VI. CONCLUSION The result of ER surveys presented in this report shows the variation in the dune sand thickness, which generally ranges from 12m to 93m with general variation in resistivity from 0.2 ohm-m to 4702 ohm-m indicating the variation in the salinity and texture of the dune sand. Present study has been helpful to reveal the groundwater prospective zones. An analysis of 01 discrete locations (out of 04) show that the thickness of dunes and their resistivity is not consistent indicate the variations is the characteristics of aquifer of limited dimensions. The fresh water aquifer is not encountered in the area. The upper most and second layer (Thickness: 0.18 to 14 m) is mostly dry due to long drought period by many years and have better quality of water at place where resistivity values range from 250 to 350 Ωm. The thickness of consolidated sand layer varies from 3.66 to 77.66. The resistivity range 150 to 250 ohm-m indicate brackish water aquifer whereas resistivity less than 150 ohm-m indicates saline aquifers and fresh water ranges between 250 and 350 ohm-meter and greater than 450 Ωm indicates the dry layer. These ranges of resistivity indicating the quality of water are established for the entire study area. The bottom layer which extends down to a depth of investigation (AB/2=250m) is comprised of finer material, which may also hold saline water with limited yield. It should be noted that the quality of water in study area is generally influenced by the thickness of the dunes sand and length of drought period due to intrinsic behavior of unconfined aquifers.




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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My self Engr. Junaid Ur Rahman Memon, this is my research work for the partial fulfilment of my Master of Engineering degree requirement. We the authors would like to acknowledge, Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management Mehran University of Engineering and Technology for its moral and technical support for carrying out this study.


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