Smart Waste Management System Using Sensor Technology

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International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management (IJMREM) ||Volume|| 2 ||Issue|| 8 ||Pages|| 19-25 || August 2019 || ISSN: 2581-4540

Smart Waste Management System Using Sensor Technology 1,

Pervez Ahmed Jamali, 2,Hima Zafar, 3,Dr. Faisal karim Shaikh 1,3,

Department of Telecommunication Engineering, Mehran UET Jamshoro 2, Department of Electronics Engineering, Mehran UET Jamshoro

----------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT-----------------------------------------------------In this paper, we present the smartbin that transform the waste management system taking a step towards clean public places. The mechanism developed comprises of Arduino Microcontroller used to interface with the three ultrasonic sensors that help to detect waste in the bins with more accuracy. Further, it is connected through the Wi-Fi installed with GSM and GPS module. In the next phase, we visualized and analyze bins data using ThingSpeak platform. The data collected from this platform help the authorities to decide from where to collect waste instead of going to every bin in different areas by indicating the location of every bin. An android application and SMS notification are also used in this system showing the current status of the bins. The data collected from the reports comprise based on waste collection from different areas can be used for management purposes. This innovation for waste management is cost-effective, energy-efficient requiring fewer human resources.

KEYWORDS: Waste management, Arduino, Thing Speak, Wi-Fi, GSM, GPS, Android, Garbage collection. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date of Submission: Date, 23 August 2019 Date of Publication: 05 September 2019 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I. INTRODUCTION Solid waste management [1] has been a bigger concern to the world environment as it impacts the health and environment of our society. For waste management, the problem begins with the detection and monitoring of waste until it gets disposed. The ancient way of collecting and monitoring the waste physically from the waste bins is a burdensome procedure and for that reason, it requires more human power to get the job done, it also cost us time and money. For that, we have our research which can reduce human effort, saves time and money too. This is our IoT based system for Garbage Monitoring [2], an effort that will help us to keep our areas clean. In this paper, we will propose a framework for the quick cleaning of the dustbins. The dustbin is considered as an essential need to keep up the dimension of neatness in the city, so it is vital to clean every one of the dustbins when they get filled. We will utilize a sensor array for this framework.[3] The sensor array will be set over the container which will help in sending the data to the workplace that the dimension of trash has achieved its most extreme level. If we see the current age, we have seen that there is unparalleled development in the number of devices that are being connected with the Internet in the last few years. This is the age of the internet of things (IoT), we have seen many of the devices share data through internet examples are a refrigerator, Air conditioner, etc. Now coming on to the IOT’s structure it consists of some electronic circuitry, some sensors and obviously software which help the device to receive and share data among them. This is the reason why it is useful to use such an already existing infrastructure for designing the proposed waste management system. The disadvantages of the existing system are that the workers must go and check the bins daily whether they are filled or not, it results in a high cost if the bins don’t get disposed on time, nature ends up unhygienic and disease could be spread. The proposed framework will help in evacuating every one of these disservices. The continuous data can be picked up with respect to the dimension of the dustbin filled on the framework itself. It will likewise help in diminishing the expense as the representatives should go just at when the bin is full. This will likewise help in asset enhancement and on the off chance that the bins will be purged at the time; the earth will stay protected and free from a wide range of sicknesses. The urban communities will turn out to be cleaner and the scents of the waste will be considerably less. In my opinion our system, an idea or a method in which waste management is all automated. This is our IoT Garbage Monitoring system, an innovative way that will help to keep the cities clean and healthy.


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Smart Waste Management System Using Sensor Technology II. RELATED WORK Lots of related work has been done in the past couple of years for monitoring and collecting bins smartly throughout the world. In [4] presented a smart dustbin which detects the level of waste in the bins. The designed system collects and delivers data through two gateway nodes using low power radio (2.4 GHz band); employing duty cycle technique to reduce power consumption and operational time. In [5] a smart bin connected with a sonar sensor and a GSM device. The ultrasonic sensor or sonar was connected at the upper roof or lid of the bin. An inception equivalent was set as ten centimeters. The sensor triggers or sent a signal to the GSM device that sends data to the controlling person until the garbage is needed to be empty when the garbage level reaches the inception point. The present status of the container has been viewed on versatile founded internet browser having a page by utilizing an internet connection. At last, the sensor would just identify kilograms of the garbage that is in the bin and not a percentage of garbage. In [6]a system consists of a load sensor which checks the weight and level using the ultrasonic sensor. Further system text SMS to authorities through GSM technology. It is only finding the garbage level no cloud-based information provided by the system. The authors [7] provided a method for waste collection in residential as well as commercial area in the city. In the proposed method, a sonar sensor is used to find out the level of waste in the dustbin and send the collected information to responsible authorities by using a GSM device. A GUI has been created to verify the data identified with the waste for various areas; GUI depended on MATLAB, so it was unique. Another author [8] used RFID, GPS, GPRS, GIS, and camera technology by providing a theoretical framework to develop bin and truck intelligent monitoring system for solid waste.

III. METHODOLOGY The system under discussion consists of a smartbin which detect the waste and sends the information to the concern authorities. Fig. 1 shows the architecture of the proposed system, in which smartbin equipped with the three ultrasonic sensors, Wi-Fi, GSM, and GPS modules. Ultrasonic sensors value of the waste level update on the cloud through the Wi-Fi microcontroller. It also sends SMS notification and bin location to the truck driver and authorities by using GSM and GPS module. The proposed system basically hybrid of two systems, one is to monitor waste using IoT platform and second is to monitor waste using the GSM platform. Both the systems are synchronized with each other to form a better system which is more efficient in monitoring the waste level of the dustbins. GPS module is also connected to give the real-time location of the garbage bin making it easy to locate the garbage bin very easily.

Fig 1. The Proposed System for Monitoring and Collection


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Smart Waste Management System Using Sensor Technology Hardware Implementation: The system contains HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors that detect the level of garbage and sends the data to the Node-MCU (ESP8266) Wi-Fi module using Arduino-Nano microcontroller which is an open-source IoT platform. Both the microcontrollers analyze and process the data according to the programming.

Fig 2. Pin diagram of the overall system

Fig 3. Image of prototype

After analyzing the data, the microcontrollers arrange the data for Low Medium and High levels of garbage. The Node-MCU microcontroller updates the data on ThingSpeak cloud-based platform and on an Android application; once the garbage level detects the Arduino microcontroller sends a signal to the GSM module generating an SMS on the provided phone number. In addition to this, both the microcontrollers are also connected with the NEO-6M GPS module that gives the real-time location of the garbage bin. Table 1: Hardware Specifications



Ultrasonic sensor



Arduino Nano

Wi-Fi module

Node-MCU (ESP8266)

GSM module


GPS module


We are using Decreasing Time Algorithm (DTA) for the employees who are going to clean the bins. When the garbage level is at the threshold level, the smart bin will send the data to the cloud and then based on waste


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Smart Waste Management System Using Sensor Technology amount; the algorithm creates a priority list according to the fullness of the waste bin, such that the more filled would be treated first. So, we have the task list in decreasing order.

Fig 4. Optimize Route using DTA Algorithm Here, the highest amount of waste collection by an employee is also considered and if the amount is more than what an employee can carry, the algorithm will not count the priority table as ‘done’ and will assign another employee there. An advantage of using this algorithm is that the route becomes optimize for the truck driver and will require less fuel with the most imperative less time. Also, we have a lot of data that can be used to determine the garbage cleaning like the highest amount of waste that an employee can collect per day and these results can be used for waste management.

Fig 5. Flow chart of Decreasing time algorithm


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Smart Waste Management System Using Sensor Technology Software and Analysis: The open-source Arduino Software (IDE) is used for the proposed system and uploads programs to Arduino compatible boards.

IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In the first phase, the results are taken on the Arduino serial monitor. It is done by just connecting every module and sensor to Arduino and after uploading the code the serial monitor shows the result.

Fig 6. Arduino Serial Monitor shows Garbage level On smart phones results of the system can be seen in two ways, SMS on phone and android application. Whenever the Arduino microcontroller reads the bin state from the ultrasonic sensor data, it sends a signal to the GSM module that sends an SMS on the desired number. Another way of monitoring the bin status and bin location is the custom-built android application for this particular purpose. The application was built on MIT app inventor. The base of the application is Google firebase platform. The android application for this system receives data from the firebase platform and updates it on the phone in real-time.

Fig 7. SMS and App on Android Phone


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Smart Waste Management System Using Sensor Technology ThingSpeak is an IoT platform that allows you to visualize and analyze your data streams in the cloud. ThingSpeak provides visualization of your data that comes from your device. It executes codes and you can process and analyze as data comes. It is also used for proof of IoT system that requires analytics. Following are the results on the ThingSpeak platform where data can be saved in the form of graph and can be fetched whenever required.

Fig 8. Level of garbage with bin ID.

Fig 9. Garbage level in terms of Percentage Finally, we tested the level of garbage by using the ultrasonic HCSR04 sensor at particular conditions. This means the level of waste in the bins depends on the distance between the sensor and the objects of the waste. If the distance is closer, the bin almost full and bin status shows level high.

Fig 10. The graph shows the level of bin depends on the garbage distance


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Smart Waste Management System Using Sensor Technology The results have been validated by comparing the actual ultrasonic sensors measurements with one and three ultrasonic sensors. Sensors values are approximate accurate with the use of three ultrasonic sensors at the same time comparative to one sensor readings.

Fig 11. Comparison of distance values obtained from one and three sensors with on-site real values of Smartbin

V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK In this research, a system is proposed for smart garbage monitoring system using sensor technology. By monitoring the garbage levels of dustbins on the roads or parks, it becomes easier to manage it. This system will help the garbage collecting teams in collecting garbage more efficiently and in much lesser time as well as the fuel will also be saved because the garbage collection truck will not go to every dustbin for checking if it is full or not. The truck will only go to the bins that are full. In this way, a lot of time, energy, manpower, and fuel will be saved. This also helps us in getting a better environment because the garbage will be cleaned regularly, and the truck will move less so less amount of CO2 will be emitted in the environment. Some of the enhancements can be made to this system for maximum efficiency, like reducing circuitry and making it more power-efficient, introducing garbage compression system in the bin so that it will compress garbage with pressure making room for more garbage in the bin, using renewable energy to provide power for the bin circuitry and introducing a system that can differentiate between plastic, metal and paper garbage for more effective management.


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