Solving Power Crisis of Bangladesh by Utilizing Renewable Energy

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International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management (IJMREM) ||Volume|| 1||Issue|| 6 ||Pages|| 20-28 || June 2018|| ISSN: 2581-4540

Solving Power Crisis of Bangladesh by Utilizing Renewable Energy 1, 1,2,3

Afshana Morshed, 2, Farzad Hossain, 3, Rifat Sultana Setu

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Military Institute of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh

-------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT--------------------------------------------------------Bangladesh is a developing country and crisis of power is one of the acute quandaries in any developing country like Bangladesh. Power is the most paramount factor and the demand of power is incrementing rapidly in the country. There are several reasons behind the power failure like lack of commitment of ascendancy, system loss, circumscription of resources, high demand, corruption in potency, low generation capacity etc. To overcome the problem of power crisis, renewable energy can be a great source. Bangladesh has huge untapped renewable energy resources which can be utilized to solve and aid the power crisis. In this paper we described about different forms of renewable energy that can be acclimated to meet the power demand by proper utilization at low cost and less risk. We also discussed about several sectors of renewable energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, bio energy, hydro power, geothermal, ocean wave energy and energy from Bay-of-Bengal. Skilled manpower and new technology are required for taking initiative steps for power sectors utilizing renewable energy.

KEYWORDS: Power crisis, Paramount factor, Lack of commitment, Renewable energy, Implementation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Date of Submission: Date, 06 June 2018 Date of Publication: 11 June 2018 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------



Power is the key and main requisite for running different sectors like agricultural, industrial, conveyance and the sectors which we face in our circadian activities. Electricity is the main source of energy. In the modern age, the world’s whole development and most of the economical activities depend on the electric power. People of the whole world cannot cerebrate a moment without electric power. Day by day the authoritative ordinance of electric power and energy is incremented but the engenderment and source of electric power are circumscribed. The main reason of this lack of electric power is due to the energy crisis throughout the world. The term energy crisis is any significant bottleneck in the supply of energy resources to an economy [1]. However, it often refers to one of the energy sources utilized at a particular time and place that can supply national electricity grid. Like other developing countries, Bangladesh is also an energy hungry country. The energy crisis is one of the major quandaries for people and economical activities of this country. Power infrastructure of Bangladesh remains same but the demand is rapidly incrementing. The per capita power consumption in Bangladesh is about 407KWH [2], which is one of the lowest in the world but for huge population density our power section is under enormous pressure. In Bangladesh at 2016, the total number of consumers connected to the grid is 21.8 million of the population [3] and the access to electricity is 76% of total population until June, 2016 [3]. So, 24% of the population still does not have direct access to electricity and those who get the electricity are additionally suffering astronomically immense for load shedding. In order to achieve the growth rate; availability of a reasonably priced and reliable source of electricity is a prerequisite [3]. The present condition of electricity cannot meet consumers growing demand. So, it is not possible to fulfill constant supply of electric power to all consumers throughout the country. Gradually the demand for electric power is increasing rapidly, so it is compulsory to take salutary steps to solve this power crisis. It is necessary to increase production of electricity and we need to concentrate on utilizing renewable energy like solar, wind, geothermal, tidal energy etc to produce adequate amount of electricity. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) ranked Bangladesh as the sixth largest renewable energy related work force in the world with 114,000 jobs in 2013 [4]. So, Bangladesh has enough possibility to utilize this renewable energy satisfactorily for installing sufficient electric power and setting power stations.


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Solving Power Crisis of Bangladesh by Utilizing... II.


To solve the power crisis at first, it is necessary to focus on the present situation of Bangladesh power sector and production capacity. Bangladesh government electric sectors management control structure at a glance [3]:

Figure 1: Present Structure of Power Sector Table 1 shows the manufacturing condition of Bangladesh at 2016 and 2017 [5]. Table 1: Manufacturing condition of Bangladesh at 2016 and 2017 Subject Unit Production capability MW Grid Sub-station Power MVA Number of village with Number electricity Production from renewable MW sources Allotment for annual Crore development program System loss Percentage

2016 14,565 26,690 58,500

2017 15,755 30,993 66,900







From table 1, it is clear that with the increasing of manufacturing, system loss has been decreased to 12.19% in the year 2017. Moreover, within a year, we can see increment in the production capability, grid sub-station power, production from renewable sources, number of village with electricity, and allotment for annual development program. Table 2 and 3 shows present installed generation capacity (MW) in public and private sectors respectively as on January 5, 2018 [6] Table 2: Present Installed Generation Capacity (MW) in public sectors as on June 5, 2018 Public Sector BPDB APSCL EGCB NWPGCL RPCL BPDB-RPCL JV Subtotal

Installed Generation Capacity (MW) 5266 1444 839 1070 77 149 8845 (57%)


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Solving Power Crisis of Bangladesh by Utilizing... Table 3: Present Installed Generation Capacity (MW) in private sectors as on June 5, 2018 Private Sector IPPs SIPPs (BPDB) SIPPs (REB) 15 YR. Rental 3/5 YR. Rental Power Import Subtotal

Installed Generation Capacity (MW) 3953 99 251 169 1576 660 6708 (43%)

From the table 2 and 3, it is seen that total amount of 15,553 has been generated from the public and private sectors as on June 5, 2018. If we include captive power then the power installed capacity becomes (15,553 + 2800 = 18,353 MW). Installed Capacity as on May, 2018 (By Plant Type) is shown in the pie chart (Fig. 2) and installed capacity as on May, 2018 (By Fuel Type) is shown in another pie chart (Fig. 3).

Installed Capacity as on May, 2018 (By Plant Type) 2% 4% Combined Cycle 15%

Reciprocating Engine


Gas Turbine


Steam Turbine Hydro 33%


Figure 2: Installed Capacity as on May, 2018 (By Plant Type)

Installed Capacity as on May, 2018 (By Fuel Type) 3% 2%

4% Natural Gas


Furnace Oil Diesel




Hydro Others

Figure 3: Installed Capacity as on May, 2018 (By Fuel Type)


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Solving Power Crisis of Bangladesh by Utilizing... The figures 2 and 3 show the total installed generation capacity of Bangladesh on May, 2018. The percentage of Natural gas, Furnace oil, Coal, Diesel, Hydro, Steam turbine, Gas turbine, Combined cycle, Reciprocating engine of the year 2018 is represented in the pie charts. Different type of power stations can be seen in Bangladesh. Maximum power stations of Bangladesh use natural gas as their fuel. They are summarized below in a tabular form [7]. Table 4: Types of Power Station in Bangladesh Type of Power Station Coal fired Oil and Gas fired Thermal Oil and Gas fired Thermal Oil and Gas fired Thermal Oil and Gas fired Thermal Gas turbines Gas turbines Gas turbines Gas turbines Gas turbines Gas turbines Gas engines Gas engines Gas engines Gas engines Gas engines Gas engines Gas engines Gas engines Hydroelectric


Power Station Barapukuria Ashuganj Ghorashal Siddhirganj Shikalbaha Haripur Ashuganj Raozan Gopalganj Meghnaghat Golpara Barge Gazipur Siddhirganj Mymensingh Maona Fenchuganj Dhaka Ghorasal Regent Baghabari Karnafuli

Capacity 250 638 950 260 60 360 146 240 100 450 56 53 240 216 35 51 7 108 50 230

Fuel Type Coal Oil & natural gas Oil & natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Hydroelectricity


Renewable energy is a kind of energy which can be obtained from innate processes and can be replenished constantly. Solar, wind, wave, hydro-power, geothermal, biomass etc. are considered renewable sources of energy which are environmentally safe and naturally replenished. Solar Energy: The amount of solar energy which is incident on the earth every year is identically equivalent to 160 times the energy stores in the world’s proven reserves of fossil fuels and equipollent to more than 15000 times the world’s annual utilization of fossil & nuclear fuels and hydro power [8]. However, among the total solar incoming radiation: 30% is reflected back to space, 47% is utilized to warm the earth’s surface and 23% is absorbed by evaporation of water [8]. Moreover, relatively small portions are habituated to drive the winds & waves and are absorbed by plants in photosynthesis [8]. Wind Energy: Wind energy has the facility to engender adequate amount of electricity without engendering any environmental quandaries. Sundry amounts of wind turbines are utilized all over the world for electricity engendering and water pumping purposes. Since the wind will perpetuate to be utilized for this purport, it is the utilization of wind energy as a pollution-free designates of engendering electricity on a potentially paramount scale that has the ability to magnetize most current interest. Wave Energy: A variety of designs for contrivances for extracting energy from waves has been proposed [9]. Experimental versions of several have already been tried, but the technology has not yet reached the commercial stage [9]. Several countries, including the UK have a paramount potential for utilizing wave energy [9]. Hydro-power: Hydro electricity is well established as one of the principle energy engendering technologies around the world providing 20 percent of the world’s electricity and in the developing countries, the proportion rises to around forty percent [9]. However, the capacity of the large hydroelectric schemes can be several times that of a usual power station and they are highly reliable, efficient and durable [9]. Moreover, the dams and


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Solving Power Crisis of Bangladesh by Utilizing... lakes of large schemes also have environmental and gregarious impacts. There are additionally numerous devices for extracting energy from small and medium sized rivers and streams, with and without dams. Geothermal Energy: The interior of the earth is very much warmer than its surface, with estimated temperatures of several thousand degrees Celsius [9]. There are various places where the hot rock is very near or genuinely on the earth’s surface and heats water in underground aquifers [9]. However, hot water or steam has been provided by such places for centuries [9]. Moreover, many countries are utilizing geothermal steam because of electricity engendering and water heating purposes. Biomass: Biomass plant is one of the major world fuel resources especially in the third world where it provides forty percent of requisites [9]. It is also important in some of the forest-rich parts of the industrial nations (14% in Canada, 8% in Sweden) [9]. Though wood is the essential fuel, but animal dung and straw are widely utilized. Wood fuel can be called a renewable resource if its consuming rate is no more dominant than renewing rate. Moreover, Gas and liquid fuels can additionally be found from biological sources.



Solar Energy: The most important renewable energy is solar energy. Utilizing solar energy can solve most of the power crisis by producing electricity. Already solar energy is being used in different places of Bangladesh. But the usage is not widely done in Bangladesh. Most of the countries in the world utilize solar energy to solve their power demand. By following and applying their technologies and processes, Bangladesh can also utilize renewable energy to solve power crisis problem through different power plants for producing electricity. There are some methods of converting photons into electricity. Solar Dynamic (SD) Technology: Solar dynamic utilizes a heat engine to drive a turbine or a piston which connects to a generator [10]. Photovoltaic (PV) Technology: Photovoltaic uses semiconductor cells to directly convert sunlight photons into voltage via a quantum mechanical mechanism [10]. They are not subjected to the thermodynamic circumscriptions of thermal engines such as those utilized in 50 accumulation system. Already Bangladesh is utilizing this technology in rural areas and Saint Martin Island. It is additionally utilized on road to run the road lights. However, if we utilize it in all road lights of Bangladesh, we can preserve some power for household and industrial needs. Concentrating Photovoltaic Technology: It is possible to utilize the concentrating photovoltaic system. It is like solar dynamic which is a form of subsisting terrestrial concentrating. Solar energy approaches which converts concentrated light into electricity by photovoltaic. To solve power crisis in sea side like Saint Martin island or Cox’s bazaar, Bangladesh can follow the solar oases produce renewable energy by utilizing alternative energy sources and desalinated brine for supplying the population in arid regions with aliment, energy, water and to establish fundamentals for development. Biomass: Another paramount and subsidiary renewable energy is biomass. The biomass utilized for electricity engenderment ranges by region forest by products, such as wood residues are popular in the United States [11]. Agriculture waste is prevalent in Southeast Asia (rice husks) and Mauritius (sugar cane residue) [11]. Animal husbandry residues such as, poultry litter is popular in the UK [11]. In Brazil, sugar or ethanol plants engender electricity in need from and residuals from sugar cane are left over by the milling process and it sells the surplus electricity to the public grid [12].The sucrose accounts for minor more than 30% is the chemical energy stored in the matured plant, 35% is in the leaves and stem tips, which are left in the fields during harvest, and 35% are in the fibrous material left over from pressing [13].The production process of sugar and ethanol in Brazil thoroughly capitalizes on the energy stored in sugar cane and they engender 600 MW of current for self-use and 100 MW for sale [14]. In Bangladesh, there is one sugar mill present. If government wants, a sugar and ethanol power plant can be placed as like Brazil, to engender electricity by utilizing the sugar cane residue to solve the power crisis around the mill. Wind Energy: Wind power is a great source of renewable energy which can convert the kinetic energy of wind to engender electricity or mechanical power. This is done by utilizing a huge wind turbine usually consisting of propellers which is connected to an engenderer to produce electricity. Though it is not widely utilized in Bangladesh, many countries have already utilized it in a large scale. Many developed countries have already installed a lot of large and small wind turbines and can be able to solve their power crisis. Small wind turbines are concretely agreed for self-sufficient power generation or local electricity producing in off-grid areas [15].


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Solving Power Crisis of Bangladesh by Utilizing... Moreover, small wind turbines require a maximum rotor area of 200 m², which is equal to a maximum nominal power of 50 kW for an electrical voltage of below 1500 V DC or 1000 V AC [15]. Onshore wind turbines are also utilized in the developing countries which require low investment cost. Moreover, electricity engenderment can be possible with less investment and less transmission losses. On the other hand, offshore wind turbines are utilized in the developed countries in order to replace conventional power stations in the long term due to higher wind speeds at sea and can be possible to utilize 100% of the energy. However, wind energy can be one of the effective solutions to solve power crisis of Bangladesh. Small Wind Turbine (SWT) is considered the most opportune option for Bangladesh to solve power crisis which can be conveyed and installed with minimum land and infrastructure requisite. Moreover, wind turbines may be established in the coastal and higher altitude areas which can be very much subsidiary for engendering of electricity in the coastal region of Bangladesh. So, Bangladesh Government and other private organizations must be conscientious of establishing more wind power plants in order to solve the power crisis. Hydro-electricity: Engendering electricity by utilizing hydropower is known as hydroelectricity which is very much effective for solving power crisis. Many countries of the world have already utilized it in a huge amount. At the end of 2015, the leading hydropower engendering countries were Canada, the US, Brazil, Russia, China and India. However, three types of hydropower stations can be found in the world: ‘pumped storage’, where stored water is recycled by pumping it back up to a higher reservoir in order to be relinquished again; ‘reservoir’, where power is engendered through the relinquishment of stored water; ‘run of river’, where the electricity is engendered through the flow of a river’ [16]. At present, Bangladesh has only hydro power station at Kaptai. Although, the scope of engendering hydropower is very limited in Bangladesh due to its plain lands except in some hilly region in the southeast & northeast parts of the country, but there are lot of canals, branch of major river like Shangu, Karnafuli, Matamuhuri as well as small waterfalls which have good potentials for establishing micro and mini hydropower unit in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) region [17]. Bangladesh Regime and other private organizations must be conscientious of establishing hydro power plants in order to solve the power crisis. Geothermal Energy: Geothermal energy is the renewable energy source which has the ability to solve power crisis. Developed countries have already established enough geo- thermal power plants in order to engender electricity. Three types of geothermal power plants are generally found in these countries, such as flash steam, dry steam and binary cycle [18]. Flash steam power plant can move high-pressure geothermal water into lowpressure tanks for engendering a flash of steam to spin a turbine and after the utilizing of the steam, it is cooled and condensed back into the water and finally injected back down to the reservoir [18]. The dry steam power plant can directly utilize steam in order to spin a turbine and can throw up the hazardous substances into the atmosphere. Since these systems utilize a very small amount of water, hence the denomination 'dry' [18]. Dry steam plants can be found in USA, Italy. On the other hand, binary cycle plant utilizes geothermal water in order to heat a secondary fluid that spins a turbine and the plant relies on the cycling of two fluids - the hot water and a secondary fluid [18]. The northern parts of Bangladesh can be very much efficacious for establishing geothermal power plants. However, the essentiality of electricity is incrementing in the country, but our engendering of electricity is not incrementing. So, there is a huge necessity of electricity in the rural area which can be covered by the engendering of electricity through geothermal energy. Wave Energy: Wave energy is engendered straight away from the ocean waves. It is another special kind of renewable energy which is utilized in many places of the world in order to decrement the harmful emissions of greenhouse gasses associated with the power engendering purport. It can be a huge source of electricity for Bangladesh. The Oscillating Water Column method is technically feasible and becoming economically impressive for this purport [19]. This type of wave energy harnessing technique is being accepted by several countries such as Ireland (3.5 MW), the United Kingdom (500 kW), India (150 kW), Norway (100 kW) etc. [20]. Bangladesh has the ability for harnessing ocean wave energy from the BAY OF BENGAL [20]. So, the Government must take compulsory steps in an early possible time in order to harness ocean energy which can be a great solution to our power crisis. By utilizing renewable energy, Bangladesh can solve power crisis. Taking some steps like all the industries that run by electric power can utilize solar energy to engender electricity for running lights and fans of their industries by setting short or large solar plants and by doing this, they can preserve some power from the national grid. The industries that situated in village side can also set biogas plant to run lights and fans of their industries. In the big city of Bangladesh, the owners of the big building can set solar energy collectors on their building's roof and by this collector if they run only one light or fan of every floor then they can preserve a good part of electricity from national grid and our regime can utilize that electricity in other sectors. On the other


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Solving Power Crisis of Bangladesh by Utilizing... hand, farmers of Bangladesh can set biogas or solar plant for their irrigation system because at summer season Bangladesh regime can't supply total farmer's requisite electricity to run their pump for irrigation and so they face load shedding. Even Bangladesh can utilize other renewable energy like wind, wave, hydroelectricity and geothermal energy to engender electricity that described above. As some renewable energy used plants are very costly, so Bangladesh regime can set more and more solar, biogas or other renewable energy used plant or can help general and village people financially to set this type of plants. However, good news is that Bangladesh regime has taken action to set renewable energy used power plants to solve power crisis and that will start very soon.



The Power Station Master Plan 2016, sponsored by Japan International Corporation Agency, aims at assisting Bangladesh in formulating an extensive energy and power development plan up to the year 2041, covering energy balance, power balance [21]. Bangladesh has an aspiration to become a high-income country by 2041. The new Power Station Master Plan study covers all the aforementioned challenges comprehensively and come up with feasible proposals and action plans for Bangladesh to implement [21]. 5.1 Vision 2041 Power system master plan 2016 [21] 5.1.1 Value-up Plan 1 Robust infrastructure for Primary Energy Import 5.1.2 Value-up Plan 2 Domestic Energy Resource Development and Efficient Use 5.1.3 Value-up Plan 3 High Quality and Robust Power System Development 5.1.4 Value-up Plan 4 Advanced Development of Green Energy 5.1.5 Value-up Plan 5 Policy and Human Capital Development for Stable Energy Supply 5.2 Aim Aims of these value-up plans in Bangladesh following the achievements of High-Income Country are given below: 5.2.1 Value-up Plan 1 & Value-up Plan 2 Primary Energy Demand: Energy intensity [3.42~2.56 toe/million BDT] Gas/LNG: Domestic gas [2,500~2,000 mmcfd incl.YTF] Imported LNG [0~4,000 mmcfd] Coal: Domestic coal [0.7~11 million tons/year] Imported coal [0~60 million tons/year] Oil: Imported oil [5~30 million tons/year] 5.2.2 Value-up Plan 3 Power Generation: Complete phase-out of rental power [3,000 MW~0 MW] Electricity for all [250~1,500 kWh/person/year] Power Quality: No power shortage [500 MW~0MW] Fluctuation of world top quality [Âą1.5 Hz~Âą0.2 Hz] Operations and Maintenance: High thermal efficiency [30%~50%] Power Import/Nuclear Power: Import [500~9,000 MW]/Nuclear [0~7,200 MW] 5.2.3 Value-up Plan 4 Renewable Energy: Maximizing RE generation potential under limited land Bio-gas [4~62 mmcfd] 5.2.4 Value-up Plan 5 Energy Tariff Policy: No gap between tariff and supply costs [Power: 2.6%/year until 2031 and 1.5%/year afterwards] [Gas: 10-20%/year increase until 2031 and 1.5% year afterwards] Human Capital Development: Training centers Internationally recognized qualifications Professional engineers


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Solving Power Crisis of Bangladesh by Utilizing... Short-term and medium-term power development plans are to be formulated after verifying the appropriateness of matters with a little short-term uncertainty in the formulation of a long-term power development plan. The optimum power source composition is to be determined in the preparation of the future vision of the power source composition by conducting a quantitative evaluation of the economic, environmental and energy security values of scenarios with different composition ratios for the gas and coal power generation. Power plants with a total output capacity of approximately 14,000 MW are to be constructed in the next ten years. The current status of each thermal power development plan was confirmed based on the discussion with related companies, such as BPDB, BIFPCL, CPGCBL, NWPGCL, Orion Group, etc. Guarantee of the long-term stability of the fuel supply is a very important factor in the formulation of a power development plan. The existence of a port infrastructure required for the importing of fuels including gas and coal during operation has to be a precondition for the decision on the CODs of new power plants. Bangladesh is in a good position to utilize the sufficient regional renewable energy potential and import it through the cross-border transmission network. Targets that Bangladesh wants to achieve by 2041 [21]: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Domestic renewable energy power generation: 2,470MW (by 2021), and 3,864MW (by 2041). Domestic biogas production: 790,000m3/day, including additional 600,000m3/day by 2031, 3 millions m3/day. Cross-border energy import rules and regulations’ set-up, associated with capacity building. Cross-border Energy Imports: 3,500~8,500MW (by 2031), 9,000MW (by 2041).



Electricity is one of the blessings which science has given to us. Since, it has already become a component of our daily life, so we cannot even imagine a single day without electricity. But the problem is that power crisis has become a major issue in Bangladesh. Immediate steps must be taken otherwise it can go beyond control. Renewable energy can play a vital role in solving the disgusting power crisis of Bangladesh. However, it is the proper time to look forward and make necessary plans for utilizing renewable energy to engender electricity in lieu of avoiding dependence on the conventional method. Biomass based power plant has the ability to create electricity at a low cost. So, the country can establish it to meet the future power demand. Since Bangladesh has a plenty of rivers and has the facility to utilize the energy of Bay of Bengal, small power plants should be established utilizing wave and hydro energy. Moreover, wind power plants must be established in the coastal areas, like Sandip. Since solar energy is very powerful & efficacious, Bangladesh can additionally utilize it. Moreover, the Government and various organizations must come forward to establish renewable energy based power plants in order to solve this disturbing power crisis.


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Afshana Morshed Tithi, et al. “Solving Power Crisis of Bangladesh by Utilizing Renewable Energy.” International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management (IJMREM), vol. 1, no. 6, 18 June 2018, pp. 20–28.,


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