Analysis of Groundwater Quality Parameter of Hand-Dug Well and Their Health Risk Assessment of Study

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International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management (IJMREM) ||Volume|| 2 ||Issue|| 5 ||Pages|| 41-48 || May 2019 || ISSN: 2581-4540

Analysis of Groundwater Quality Parameter of Hand-Dug Well and Their Health Risk Assessment of Study Area Tharpakar 1,

Love Kumar Maheshwari, 2,Sheraz Ahmed Memon 3,Engr. Imran Aziz Tunio, 4, Muhammad Irfan Rajput, 5,Sohail Ali Naqvi, 6,Komal Naeem 7, Engr. Junaid ur Rahman Memon 1,,2, 7,

(Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan) 3, (Hydrology/GIS PMO –SBIP Sindh Irrigation Department Hyderabad Sindh) 4, (Department of Environmental Engineering, Dawood University of engineering and technology Karachi) 5,6 (WWF-Pakistan)

-------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT -------------------------------------------------Water is the important factor among the basic needs of the life, whether it’s human and animal or plants life. The quality of water is the main measuring tool to assess the risk of health. Where water is considered as a life driven tool, there it threatens the life too if the physical and chemical parameters of water exceed the permissible limits. The study has been carried out to measure the quality of ground water in hand-dug wells in Islamkot Tharparkar. These wells are only the source of water for the households fifteen wells were selected for the laboratory tests to measure the quality of water. The report indicates the high vulnerability of the residents to expose with the diseases due to high exceeding values of chemical and physical parameters of the water.

KEYWORDS: Water quality, waterborne diseases, water contamination ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date of Submission: Date, 06 May 2019 Date of Publication: 17. May 2019 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I. INTRODUCTION Water under the earth is considered generally free of waterborne pathogens, is a standout amongst the most significant freshwater sources are being utilized for the drinking purposes globally. The quality of water is distinguished with its physical, chemical, and biological parameters [1]. The groundwater contamination is of serious concern [2]. In developing nations, the absence of the potable water is antagonistically influencing the general wellbeing and future of a populace [3]. The utilization of groundwater rather than surface water for drinking in South and Southeast Asia brought about a lessening of waterborne diseases, however, it has brought about an expansion ceaseless introduction to happening inorganic poisonous substances [4]. Groundwater quality relies on upon the nature of inland surface water, healthy water, climatic precipitation, and subsurface geochemical forms. Transient changes in the starting point and constitution of the healthy water, hydrologic and human elements may bring about occasional changes in groundwater standard. Water contamination influences water quality tend to danger human wellbeing, financial advancement and social success [5]. Waterway bowls are exceedingly vulnerable to contamination because of retention and transportation of household, industrial and rural wastewater; hence, it is critical to control water contamination and screen water quality [6]. Different geo-measurable ideas are utilized for the understanding of complex informational collections of parameters [7]. Risk evaluation includes recognizing the danger related to a specific incident, activity or condition and assurance the likelihood for the impact of such risks [8]. Thus, assessment of groundwater amount and quality and building up information base are vital for the advancement of further human progress and for future water assets improvement systems. Abundance measure of physicochemical parameters cause specific natural and physical issues to human. A chloride show in abundance imports the salty taste to water and individuals who are not acclimated to high chlorides are subjected to diuretic impact, because of chloride present in overabundance sum the saltiness of water additionally increments. Turbidity is a measure of shadiness in water, when water is exceedingly turbid, which can lessen development rate and habitation of sickness. The nearness of nitrate in water has been related to methemoglobinemia and furthermore certain sickness in the creature [9]. The nearness of high measure of nitrate and phosphate brought about eutrophication in water. Water with high TDS has a salty taste and its effects on water radiators and cooking apparatuses. It was destructive for water system because of some availability of carbonates as it expanded saltiness of soil [9].


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Analysis of Groundwater Quality Parameter of Hand‌ Disintegrated oxygen in drinking water is a profoundly fluctuating component. The physicochemical properties of ground water obviously clarify its geographical profile, contamination states and living being medical issues. A huge number of persons in all states of Pakistan are influenced by waterborne diseases and an extensive number of them are in devastating stage and driving vegetative life. As indicated by the Joint Monitoring Program by World Health Organization and UNICEF, around 50 percent of the populace in Pakistan still defecate in the open consequently cleanliness and sanitation need greater need, especially in rural zones and endeavors to control the propensity for open defecate. Groundwater quality is the term used to depict the physical Chemical and natural attributes of water, and a way to outline a lot of water quality information into straightforward terms for answering to administration and the general population in a predictable way. The upsides of a record incorporate its capacity to speak to estimations of a variety of factors in a solitary number. The present study depended on the examination of drinking water tests gathered from the various open well for drinking and residential utilize. Thus, an attempt was made to analyze the groundwater quality of villages that are strong dependent on wells around by Islamkot Taluka, Tharparkar.



Study Area: The district Tharparkar is also known as Thar. Tharparkar is located at the southeast corner of the Sindh province and it is one of the poorest and under-developing districts of Sindh province. Thar district has an area of 19637 so km. The Islamkot is one of the taluka of district Tharparkar as shown in figure 2.1 and it is a rural area with difficult to access safe water.

Figure 1 Study area Map

Samples Collection: Fifteen numbers of dug wells were randomly selected from 15 core villages of Islamkot Tharparkar as shown in figure 2, the selection criteria of the wells were based primarily on most users and secondary on construction patterns. the initial survey was conducted to examine the practices of the nearby population in regard to water management and together with the data on health and environmental aspects. Water samples from selected dug wells were collected with WHO standard procedures for lab analysis and the bottles were immediately labeled on the field using appropriate dug well identification codes. Experimental Work: The principle physical-chemical parameters were measured straightforwardly in the field by the turbidity meter and pH meter. Turbidity, conductivity, and temperature were measured using Conductivity meter. While the other parameters were analyzed in the laboratory according to WHO standards for the physical and chemical parameters such as phosphates, chlorides, nitrates, sulfates, TDS, Calcium, total hardness, and magnesium. Chloride was performed by the titration method. Nitrates, phosphates, and sulfate were analyzed using Ultra Violet visible spectrophotometer. For Total Dissolve Solid, the conductivity meter was used, whereas the total hardness, Calcium, and magnesium were analyzed through titration method.

Figure 2 Location of the target wells


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Analysis of Groundwater Quality Parameter of Hand… Table 1 Below matrix shows the statistics of the possible diseases with exceeding chemical and physical properties of water

Physical Parameters Color Odor/Smell

Health risks

Chemical Parameters TDS (mg/l) Hard Water (WHO, 2011), (Sengupta, 2013)

1. Calcium (mg/l) Magnesium (mg/l) 2. Calcium Carbonate(mg/l) 3. Bicarbonate (mg/l) 4. Bicarbonate (mg/l) 5. Sulfate (mg/l) 6. Nitrate (mg/l)

Turbidity (NTU)

Sodium (mg/l) (WHO, 2003)

Temperature oC

Potassium (mg/l) (Globalrick, 2013)

pH Redox Potential (mv) Conductivity (µS/cm) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l)

Chloride (mg/l) (Center)

Health risks ▪ Aesthetic problems ▪ Cardiovascular disease ▪ Cancer ▪ Cerebrovascular mortality ▪ Malformations of central nervous system ▪ Alzheimer's disease ▪ Diabetes ▪ Kidney stones ▪ Reproductive health ▪ Digestive health and constipation ▪ Bone mineral density ▪ Effects the respiratory tract and in the brains ▪ Lung embolism ▪ Bronchitis ▪ Hypertension ▪ Coronary heart disease ▪ Genetically susceptible differences ▪ Interferes with nerve impulses, mainly improper functioning of the heart. ▪ stomach problems and Nausea ▪ in the case of potassium nitrate, it may cause intoxication ▪ Cellular barriers surrounding the lungs ▪ Asthmatic attacks in children ▪ Cancer ▪ Heart disease

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The physical, chemical parameters of groundwater were compared with World health organisation (WHO 2008) for the drinking water quality standard. The most desirable value for pH by WHO is 6.5–8.5 for drinking water. The results in table 3.1 indicate that 6% samples are acidic and the well W9 is more basic. The Electrical conductivity of groundwater of selected area given in the table and found that 99% samples are greater than 3000 so the location of that samples can be classified as the hazardous according to the World Health Organization. The 99% samples of the study area had clear in colour and 1% found turbid water.


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Analysis of Groundwater Quality Parameter of Hand‌ Table 2 Colour, pH and EC results of Study area Well ID.



W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 `W14 W15

Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Turbid Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear

7.6 7.9 7.2 7.1 7.3 6.9 7.1 7.9 4.5 7.4 6.7 6.8 7.2 7.8 6.8

Conductivity (ÂľS/cm) 9390 4810 6690 10940 7560 16601 4550 25500 675 22800 5250 14340 8650 5780 12990

Total Dissolve Solids: To make certain appropriateness of groundwater of any purposes, it is important to classify the dependency of hydrochemical properties based on their TDS values of groundwater (Davis SN, 1966) and (Freeze RA, 1977). The 99% samples of selected wells are exceeding the TDS limits as shown in figure 3 and the water of that location is not suitable for drinking purposes.

Figure 3 Concentration of Total Dissolve Solid Chloride: Chloride is essentially acquired from the disintegration of salts of hydrochloric corrosive as table salt (NaCl), NaCO2 and included through industrial waste, sewage, ocean water and etc. Surface water bodies frequently have low concentration of chlorides as compare with groundwater. It has key significance for digestion movement in the human body and other primary physiological procedures. High chloride focus harms metallic pipes and structure. As per WHO standards the concentration of chloride ought not to surpass 250 mg/l. In the study area, the 14 samples of groundwater exceed the WHO limits and the well W9 have a lower concentration of chloride (figure 4).

Figure 4 Concentration Chloride


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Analysis of Groundwater Quality Parameter of Hand‌ Potassium: Potassium is the silver-white soluble base which is exceptionally receptive with water. Potassium is vital for living organism working consequently found in all human and animal tissues especially in plants cells. The aggregate potassium sum in human body lies between 110 to 140 g. It is crucial for human body capacities like heart security, the direction of circulatory strain, protein disintegration, muscle compression, nerve stimulus and etc. Potassium is insufficient in uncommon yet may prompt sadness, muscle shortcoming, heart mood issue and so on. As per WHO standards the allowable limit of potassium is 12 mg/l. figure 5 shows that the concentration of potassium in all samples of study area cross the WHO limits.

Figure 5 Concentration of Potassium Bicarbonates (Hco3): Bicarbonates concentration in water depends on pH and is typically under 500 mg/l in groundwater. It is the standard soluble constituent discovered all surface and groundwater bodies and along these lines influences alkalinity and hardness of water. The weathering of rocks includes bicarbonate content in water. For the most part, bicarbonates are dissolvable in water i.e. bicarbonate of magnesium and calcium and so forth is the fundamental driver of the hardness of water. The hard water is not good for drinking reason and causes the gastro illnesses. The estimation of bicarbonates is not suggested by WHO anyway it is thought to be not more than 500 mg/l. Current study figure 6 shows that the concentration of Bicarbonate in all samples is greater than 200 mg/l.

Figure 6 Concentration of Bicarbonate Calcium: Calcium is a fifth most rich component on the earth surface and is critical for human cell physiology and bones. Around 95% calcium in the human body put away in bones and teeth. The high insufficiency of calcium in people may create rickets, poor blood thickening, bones break and so on and the surpassing furthest reaches of calcium delivered cardiovascular infections. As indicated by WHO (1996) norms its allowable range in drinking water is 75 mg/l while PSQCA (2002) built up the point of confinement of 200 mg/l. In any case, a grown-up requires 1,000 mg/day to work legitimately. In spite of others, the models set by WHO were kept in thought. In the Study area, the result as in figure 7 indicates that 66% of the samples exceeds the WHO limits.


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Analysis of Groundwater Quality Parameter of Hand‌

Figure 7 Concentration of Calcium Nitrate (No3): Nitrate a standout amongst the most critical infections bringing on parameters of water quality especially blue child disorder in newborn children. The wellsprings of nitrate are nitrogen cycle, industrial waste, nitrogenous composts and so on. The WHO permits most extreme passable utmost of nitrate in drinking water is 10 mg/l. As figure 8 shows that the all the point are below the limits.

Figure 8 Concentration of Nitrate Sulfate (So4): The WHO standards for Sulfate in drinking water is 250 mg/l. In the study area, the 8 dug wells water samples crosses the WHO limits as shown in figure 9 and remain 7 are within the World health organization limits.

Figure 9 Concentration of Sulfate


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Analysis of Groundwater Quality Parameter of Hand‌ Magnesium (Mg): Magnesium is the eighth most plenteous component on earth and common component of water. The human body contains around 25g of magnesium (60% in bones and 40% in muscles and tissues). As indicated by WHO limits the admissible scope of magnesium in water ought to be 150 mg/l. In study regions, magnesium was high in 8 samples as shown in figure 10.

Figure 10 Concentration of Magnesium Sodium (Na): Sodium is a silver-white metallic component and found in less amount in water. The legitimate amount of sodium in human body counteracts numerous lethal maladies like kidney harms, hypertension, and headache etc. In the majority of the nations, the larger part of water supply bears under 20 mg/l while in a few nations the sodium amount in water surpassed from 250 mg/l (WHO, 1984). As per WHO gauges, a grouping of sodium in drinking water is 200 mg/1. In the study area, the figure 11 shows that 99% samples of groundwater are exceeding the WHO limits.

Figure 11 Concentration of Sodium

IV. CONCLUSION In Islamkot region of the Tharparkar district, Sindh Province there is no public water supply system and the population in this town relies on upon groundwater for their needs. In the study area, the groundwater collected from 15 wells were analyzed the physical and chemical concentration. The expository consequences of physical and chemical parameters of groundwater were compared with the standard guideline’s values prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2008) for drinking purposes. 1. 2.


The Study area groundwater assessment from 15 wells indicate that the groundwater is unfit for drinking purposes. The soluble base and solid acids command Hydrochemistry of the area of study range. According to correlation with WHO and National standards, 65% of groundwater in study region is appropriate for local and drinking reason with a couple of variations from the norm. Higher TDS and EC qualities were found in major samples the water of that area are not suitable for drinking purposes it may cause Asthmatic attacks in children, Cancer, Heart disease and etc. the necessary


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Analysis of Groundwater Quality Parameter of Hand‌

4. 5. 6.

treatment is required to bring the chemical and physical parameters of water to meet the WHO and National standards. SO4, Ca, Cl and NO3 were found higher than the admissible point of confinement. Subsequently, the Hardness of the water found extreme from one well to another. Some other parameters of study area reflect important variations to standards of WHO due to this poor quality of groundwater the waterborne diseases like typhoid, diarrhea, cholera etc. are common in the study area.

Therefore, keeping in mind the end goal to save valuable human lives from the water-related illnesses current study and suggests consistent monitoring of groundwater quality ought to be rehearsed District government ought to introduce more water filtration plants to give safe drinking water and Sanitary conditions should be improved on the rural basis

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My self Engr. Love Kumar, this is my research work for the partial fulfilment of my Master of Engineering degree requirement. We the authors would like to acknowledge, Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management Mehran University of Engineering and Technology for its moral and technical support for carrying out this study.


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