An Evaluation of The Influence of Corn Cob Ash (CCA) on The Strength Parameters of Bentonite Clay

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International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management (IJMREM) ||Volume|| 2 ||Issue|| 4 ||Pages|| 33-38 || April 2019 || ISSN: 2581-4540

An Evaluation of The Influence of Corn Cob Ash (CCA) on The Strength Parameters of Bentonite Clay 1,

Umair Hussain Memon, 2,Aneel Kumar Hindu, 3,Zaheer Almani, 4,Nazim Nisar Memon, 5, Ammaar Noor Memon 1,2,3,4,5,

Department of Civil Engineering, Mehran UET Jamshoro Sindh Pakistan

-----------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT--------------------------------------------------It is of major reflection to with clear geotechnical investigation results. There are many methods for improvement of soil which include a variety of procedures like excavation and refilling of grouting, nailing etc. These procedures are valuable within their limits but require a certain amount of mechanical and chemical work to be used which in terms harms the environment or is not usable for a variety of soils. If the soil on which structure is going to be constructed is not having considerable bearing capacity, soil stabilization techniques are to be applied. So, we must look towards the techniques which are environment friendly to progress forward in the field and have a wide range of application. Among them one is our topic “An evaluation of the influence of CCA on the strength parameters of Bentonite Clay”. We will use CCA as improvement method on Bentonite Clay which as problem of water absorption and swelling. CCA will be mixed with Bentonite Clay at varying percentages of 0.5%, 1% and 2% of the dry weight of the soil. Soil-CCA composite samples now will be subjected to Modified Proctor Compaction tests and CBR (Soaked and Un-Soaked). From the results we came to know that as we add CCA in bentonite its strength becomes better.

KEYWORDS: Bentonite, CBR, CCA, Environment, Modified Proctor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date of Submission: Date, 09 April 2019 Date of Publication: 18. April 2019 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. INTRODUCTION A difficult problem in Civil Engineering works occurs when the sub-grade of any structure turns out to be expensive clay. Soils composed of high content tend to swell up when their moisture content increases. This moisture may come from rains, floods or leaking water from sewer lines or from the reduction of surface evaporation area when they are covered by a building or pavement. Frequently, these clayey soils cause the cracking and breaking up of many civil structures which include pavements, railways and reservoir linings. When engineers of geotechnical are faced with this problem, improvements done in the engineering properties of the soil are justified. We see that the biomass is adding in the number of materials categorized as pozzolans. These include Rice Husk Ash [1], Bamboo Leaf Ash [2], Locust Bean Pod Ash [3], Coconut Shell Ash [4], Stone Dust Ash [5], Snail Shell Ash [6] and Cement-Cassava Peel Ash [7]. These waste materials reduce the greenhouse effect and environment pollution. Pakistan being a primarily agricultural country is home to various types of plantations and corn is one of them. We will use Corn Cob Ash to stabilize the bentonite.

II. LITERATURE REVIEW Several studies have been done on soil stabilization by using numerous ash’s using distinct laboratory tests including Modified Proctor Tests and California Bearing Ratio tests. All the tests which we have done in this research work is discussed below in detail. Ranjith and Ravichandran (2018) studied the improvement on strength characteristics of fine-grained soil using Areca Nut Husk Ash (ANA) as an additive to reduce the cost and solve the disposal problem of the agricultural husk waste. The fine-grained soil is treated with 0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, 12% and 15% of ANA by weight of soil. After addition of ANA in varying percentages it was observed that maximum dry density decreases (MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC) increases. California bearing ratio (CBR) value increases up to 3% of ANA and further addition shows decrease in trend but this value is higher than untreated soil. From the experimental study, it was observed that expansive soil treated with the agricultural waste materials of ANA is more cost effective in pavement construction. [8]


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An Evaluation of The Influence of Corn Cob Ash (CCA) on the‌ Nnochiri and Ogundipe (2016) focused on lateritic soil stabilized with Ground Nut Husk Ash (GHA). GHA was added in different percentages of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10% by weight of soil, showed a lot of improvement in the properties of soil. At 10% GHA by weight of soil, it was observed that maximum dry density (MDD) decreases from 1960 kg/m3 to 1760 kg/m3 and optimum moisture content (OMC) increases from 12.70% to 14.95%. Also, with this an increase in un-soaked CBR were also seen from 24.42% to 72.82%. From the experimental study, it was concluded that stabilized lateritic soil treated with GHA is more cost effective especially for subgrade and sub base purposes in road construction. [9] Chakraborty, Borah and Sharmah (2016) investigated on expansive soil by using Sugarcane Straw Ash (SCSA). They did stabilization of soil at different percentages and at different curing periods. SCSA was mixed at 5, 10 and 15 percentages at 3, 5 and 7 days. It was found that at 10% increase in the SCSA percentages increases value of CBR with increasing curing periods. [10] Segun and Oluyemisi (2017) used Coconut Shell Ash (CSA) for lime stabilization of lateritic soil by mixing in proportions of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10%. It was observed that optimum value is 6% because at this value low plasticity index was observed. 6% lime was taken as standard and control, thereafter, CSA was mixed in proportions of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10% with the lime-stabilized soil. After adding CSA in various percentages, it was observed that maximum dry density decreases from 1342 kg/m3 at 0% to 1255 kg/m3 at 10% CSA and with this optimum moisture content (OMC) increases from 21.44% at 0% to 26.10% at 10% CSA. With this it was also observed an increase in California bearing ratio (CBR) at 0% CSA from 53.6% to 66.4% at 6% CSA. So, it can be decided that CSA is good material which can be used for stabilization purpose in the lateritic soil. [11] Kumar, Singh and Garg (2018) studied the properties of soil by using Chicken Bone Ash (CBA), which were parched in an open area for period of 2days and were burnt in open air at uncontrolled temperature. The CBA was allowed to cool and sieved with sieve of aperture 425 micron to obtain CBA. CBA were added in proportions of 2, 4, 6 and 8% by weight of sample to the soils. The results obtained showed that on addition of CBA there is a decrease in maximum dry density (MDD) and with this there is increase in optimum moisture content (OMC). Also, with this it was observed that California bearing ratio (CBR) increased in percentage this is because the CBA is having the ability of conducting with the fine particles of soil to aid stabilization due to calcium which is present in CBA. [12]

III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Base Soil The soil which we have used is Bentonite clay. Bentonite which is factory made clay possess homogenous chemical and physical properties. Overall production of bentonite is shown in figure 1.

Figure 1. Overall Production of Bentonite The choice of selecting this soil is that it will help us make same samples which will give us good comparison. Some of basic geotechnical properties of bentonite are determined using standard tests and results which are shown in Table 1.


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An Evaluation of The Influence of Corn Cob Ash (CCA) on the… Table 1. Basic Geotechnical Properties of Bentonite Property Natural Water Content Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index Maximum Dry Density Optimum Moisture Content Swelling Potential

Value 8.27% 244% 49% 195% 1.58 gm/cm3 23.50% 7.14%

Testing Programme The soil is mixed with 3 different proportions of CCA i.e. 0.5%, 1% and 2%. Each of the sample is tested for moisture-density relation and California bearing ratio test. Moisture-density relationship is calculated with the help of modified proctor test according to ASTM D1556 – 12 ε1. First the untreated soil is compacted on modified compacting effort then the specified proportions of CCA is mixed and the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content is obtained. California bearing ratio (CBR) of the bentonite have been done by using standard CBR test procedure under un-soaked and soaked conditions. For each of the sample, total three samples of different compacting energy (65 blows, 30 blows and 10 blows) and all have same W.C which is known from OMC of moisture-density relationship of that particular type of sample. As all the three moulds have been made now these three moulds are placed on CBR test machine for checking. Incase of un-soaked condition, all the three moulds are placed one by one on CBR test machine instantly after the preparation and from the values of load and penetration are obtained. Incase of soaked condition, the three moulds made are dumped in a tub containing water for about 96 Hours, inorder to know the swelling, at the top of all three moulds dail gauges are placed. After soaking, the dail gauges which we have placed on the top of every CBR mould will give us the swelling readings. After that as incase of un-soaked, all three moulds are placed on CBR test machine to know the value of Load and Penetration. All the tests have been conducted as per ASTM D1883-07.

Figure 2. CBR Test Machine Recorder

IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Moisture Density Relationship Moisture-density relationship on each sample is calculated in order to know the effect of Corn Cob Ash (CCA) on the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content. Compaction curve for each sample is shown in figure 3.


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An Evaluation of The Influence of Corn Cob Ash (CCA) on the‌

Figure 3. Compaction Curves From figure 3. it is found that as the proportion of CCA increases as a result of this there is increase in maximum dry density and decrease in optimum moisture content. California Bearing Ratio CBR tests in un-soaked and soaked condition is concluded in Figure 4. and Figure 5. respectively. The addition of CCA increases the CBR value in both conditions. It is found that the sample with 0.5% of CCA gives higher value of CBR in both soaked and un-soaked.

Figure 4. Un-soaked CBR v/s Dry Density


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An Evaluation of The Influence of Corn Cob Ash (CCA) on the‌

Figure 5. Soaked CBR v/s Dry Density Swelling Potential in CBR test is also calculated for each of the sample as shown in Figure 6. and it is found that swelling potential changes with almost same rate in all samples.

Figure 6. Swelling Potential

V. CONCLUSION From the research following conclusions are made. 1. From Moisture-Density Relationship of all the samples it is found that as content of CCA increase the optimum moisture content decreases and dry density increases. 2. From the test results of CBR un-soaked and soaked, it is found that the sample with 0.5% of CCA gives higher value of CBR in both soaked and un-soaked conditions. 3. From the swelling potential data, it is concluded that on the addition of CCA the swelling potential has slightly increased. However, sample containing 2% of CCA has higher swelling potential comparing with others. VI. RECOMMENDATIONS Following are the points recommended for future work: 1. It is suggested for people who will work in future that to extend the share of CCA to induce the optimum CCA (as during this study it showed an eternal increase in strength). 2. Also, CCA should be mixed with different soils to know behaviour. 3. It is also, suggested that the bentonite can also get strength by using distinct reinforcing agents i.e. wheat husk etc. Also, it is suggested that comparison should also been done to know authentic and better ways to reinforce the bentonite.


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An Evaluation of The Influence of Corn Cob Ash (CCA) on the‌ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Almighty Allah who blessed me to complete this research work successfully. Secondly, I would like to express sincere and heartfelt gratitude towards Prof. Dr. Aneel Kumar Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan and I am deeply indebted to Him for valuable and remarkable supports during conducting and preparing this research paper.

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