Present Conventional & Non- Conventional Energy Scenario in Bangladesh and Its Future Aspects

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International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management (IJMREM) ||Volume|| 1||Issue|| 6 ||Pages|| 29-40 || June 2018|| ISSN: 2581-4540

Present Conventional & Non- Conventional Energy Scenario in Bangladesh and Its Future Aspects 1,

Md. Sourove Akther Momin , 2, Afshana Morshed, 3, Farzad Hossain , Sultana Setu




Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, Khulna, Bangladesh 2,3,4, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Military Institute of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh

-------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT--------------------------------------------------The approaching energy emergency, increased by the proceeding with the exhaustion of fossil fuels, complements the requirement for sending of Conventional & Non- Conventional energy resources in Bangladesh, now like never before some time recently. Despite the fact that hydrocarbon resources in the nation are restricted, the significant accessibility of Conventional & Non- Conventional energy sources as fossil fuels, natural gas, nuclear energy and hydroelectric energy offers chances of reasonable energy-based advancements like wave energy, energy from the Bay-of-Bengal and potential sources of geothermal energy. Insufficiency in the energy area is a noteworthy issue in Bangladesh, which obstructs the smooth financial improvement work processes. Along the lines, Bangladesh is confronting trouble to accomplish a generally maintained advance in the economy because of the absence of a sound energy security. With the goal of exploring this advance, this paper displays an exhaustive investigation of the contemporary Conventional & Non- Conventional energy situation and future prospect in Bangladesh as far as appropriation, research and infrastructural improvement in the nation. It has found the components that are valuable to diminish the current energy supply emergency and abridged the present energy situation, absence of foundation and customary energy sources to advance the Conventional & Non-Conventional energy sources to satisfy the energy request in future in Bangladesh.

KEYWORDS: Conventional energy, Non- Conventional Energy, Fossil fuels, Hydrocarbons, Nuclear Energy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------Date of Submission: Date, 06 June 2018 Date of Publication: 11 June 2018 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------I. INTRODUCTION Bangladesh is a densely populated country with a minuscule area and here many people live below the poverty line. Almost 17% of the population can be said profoundly impecunious due to the lower income [1]. We have many natural resources, some are conventional and some are non-conventional. Conventional sources of energy are commonly utilized and generally non-renewable sources of energy, which are being used since a long time and cannot be replaced due to the environmental damage, lack of sustainability. On the other hand, nonconventional sources of energy are considered renewable sources because their fuel sources can be perpetually replenished. Fossil fuels, natural gas, nuclear energy, hydraulic energy etc. are considered conventional sources of energy whereas the wind, rain, solar, tidal, geo-thermal, hydropower, biomass etc. are considered nonconventional sources of energy [2]. Energy denotes thing that is capable of doing something or having potential to make any vicissitude and which is the major substance for sustainable economic development of a country. The necessity of electricity has been on the elevate due to growing population and incrementing economic activities. Engenderment of natural gas, fuel, coal, peat and other non-renewable energies are endeavoring to consummate the authoritative ordinance. Renewable energies are withal come up to accommodate in different ways and the amount of renewable energy consumed has incremented remarkably because of the increment of population.



According to source of energy, there are two types of energy: 1. Renewable or non-conventional or renewable energy. 2. Non-renewable or conventional energy. Renewable or non-conventional energy: The energy engendered from natural resources i.e. from our nature and circumventions is called non-conventional energy. Non-conventional energy can be replenished at the same


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Present Conventional & Non- Conventional Energy‌ rate as it is utilized. Wind, rain, solar, tides, geothermal, hydro-power and several forms of biomass, these are energies which are naturally replenished and ecologically safe. Non-conventional sources of energy are Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Tidal Energy, Hydro-electric Energy, Geothermal Energy, Ocean wave Energy, Ocean thermal Energy, Biomass. Non-renewable or conventional energy: Conventional energy is energy extracted from limited resources that will eventually dwindle, becoming too sumptuous and too environmentally damaging to retrieve. This type of energy cannot be superseded once it is utilized or energy that is not being superseded as expeditious as it is being utilized. Conventional energy resources are those, which have been in utilization since a long time. Conventional sources of energy include fossil fuels, natural gas, nuclear energy and hydroelectric energy. Fossil fuels include fuels which are most commonly used such as wood, coal, peat and petroleum. Conventional sources of energy are Fossil Fuel, Nuclear Power and Crude Oil.



Bangladesh has plenty of conventional non- conventional energy resources and congruously utilizing can meet the required energy demand [3]. The conventional non- conventional energy technology is developing gradually which makes the implementation of such technology more practical, economically feasible and the regime of Bangladesh has fixated on utilizing the conventional non- conventional energy resources such as solar energy, wind energy, micro-hydro, biomass, biogas [3].

Renewable Energy Scenario Bangladesh

21% 2% 63%


Solar and Micro Hydro Wind Biogas and Biomass Others

Figure 1: Renewable energy scenario in Bangladesh Solar Energy: Since, solar power is safe, clean and Non-conventional, it is more widely utilized in recent years. Many local regimes provide incentives for the engenderment of solar technology and its installation in residences. Since, Bangladesh is a subtropical country; approximately 70% of year sunlight is dropped in Bangladesh [4]. The location of Bangladesh is between 20.30 and 26.38 degrees north latitude and 88.04 and 92.44 degrees east which is suitable for solar energy utilization [5].

Figure 2: Irrigation system using solar Energy Nowadays NGO's are working hard in order to provide solar panels to the rural people at a frugal price. Nonconventional energy goal has already been taken for rural people by the regime that includes 100% Nonconventional first-time electricity for 6 million households by 2017. Within the terminus of 2014, 3.5 million households have already reached 100% Non-conventional first-time electricity with solar and batteries that mean approximately 15 million people [6]. Moreover, power engendering of Bangladesh from renewable energy sources has become 176 MW in October 2015, of which: 150 MW was engendered from solar home system, 16 MW was emanating from rooftop solar, 1.614 and 1.562 MW was engendered from solar mini-grid and solar irrigation respectively [6]. However, there are approximately three solar irrigation projects in Rajshahi


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Present Conventional & Non- Conventional Energy… and one solar irrigation project in Naogaon [7]. Moreover, 5.16 kW photovoltaic panels are directly utilizing in order to run 5hp AC submersible pump under the Rajshahi Solar irrigation project established by KOICA and 11.2 kW photovoltaic panels are utilizing in order to run 10 hp submersible pump in Naogaon Solar irrigation project established by Grameen Shakti namely Grameen Shakti Solar Pump Pilot Project [7]. Moreover, ten solar irrigation projects have been installed by IDCOL in Jessore where 10 HP submersible pumps are run by 11.84 kW photovoltaic panels [7]. Moreover, about 5000 Km Street is lightning using solar energy and it’s also use as the easy bike energy. In the remote area of Bangladesh [8], the people use only use the energy from sun to fulfill the power demand. Fig. 3 and 4 show the highest and lowest intensity of direct radiation in W/m2 [8] and cumulative generation from solar energy [9] respectively.

Figure 3: The highest and lowest intensity of direct radiation

Figure 4: Cumulative generation from Solar Energy Wind Energy: Wind energy is pure, Non-conventional, out of danger and can be converted to utilizable power. It is a kind of kinetic energy which can turn turbines. Moreover, the power is directly dependent on the wind velocity. Sizably voluminous-scale wind farms are connected to the local power transmission network with minute turbines in order to provide electricity to isolated areas. Bangladesh has a 724 km long coast line and many diminutive islands in the Bay of Bengal, where vigorous south-westerly trade wind and sea-breeze blow in the summer months and in the winter months, there is gentle north-easterly trade wind and land breeze [5]. Moreover, the annual mean wind speed is greater than 5 m/s which is calculated at 30m height. It has been found that wind speed is above 4.5 m/s in the northeaster parts of Bangladesh but in case of other parts, it is around 3.5 m/s. However, F. Rahman took some measurements and found higher values of wind speed than the metrological department which gives a year-long systematic wind speed at a height of 25 m in 1996 -97 at seven coastal sites [4]. Recently, a 900 KW plant has been established which is Bangladesh’s first-ever electricity generation from the wind [5]. The power plant is located in the southeastern Feni district near the Muhuri Dam which has four separate wind turbine of 225 KW each [5]. It is fully prepared to generate electricity and supply to the national grid and Muhuri Irrigation Project. Eleven small wind turbines have already been installed in various coastal sites by BRAC, two wind generators of 1 KW and 300 W have been installed at Chakoria Shrimp Farm by Grameen Shakti, four small wind generators (3xl.5KW + ONE 10 KW) have been installed in Barguna district. Moreover, power cyclone shelters have been established along the coast and electricity has been provided to fish and prawn farms in Cox’s Bazar by Grameen Shakti. Moreover, 2 MW of power has been engendered from wind power till October 2015 [6].


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Figure 5: Wind mill project in southeastern Feni Table 1 shows feasibility of wind condition at different places of Bangladesh [4]. Table 1: Wind condition at different places of Bangladesh Site Cox’s Bazar Cumilla Airport Bhola Island Patenga Airport Khepupara Hatia Island Sandip Island Kutubdia Island Teknaf

Reference height (m) 10 6 7 5 10 6 5 6 5

Annual average wind speed (m/s) 2.42 2.21 2.44 2.45 2.36 2.08 2.16 2.09 2.16

Small scale hydro power energy Small scale hydropower becomes popular due to low cost, reliability and environment friendly. Table 2 shows small scale hydro power energy scenario is given below [1]. Table 2: Potential small hydro sites identified by BWDB and BPDB District Chittagong Chittagong Hill Tracts Chittagong Sylhet Rangpur



River/chara/stream Name Foy’s Lake Hinguli Chara Hoto Jumira Sealock Lungi Chara Budia Chara Ranga Pani Gung Nikhari Chara Bhuri Khora Chikli Fulkumar Dahuk Chawai Talam Tangn Pathraj Punarbhaba Bhgai-Kongsa Marisi

Potential of electrical energy in KW 4 12 15 81 10 10 626 26 32 48 24 32 24 48 32 11 69 & 48 KW for 10 & 2 month respectively 35 & 20 KW for 10 & 2 month respectively

Tidal Energy: Tidal energy is a kind of hydropower which can convert the energy of tides into electrical power. As tides are more prognosticable than wind and sunlight, tidal energy can facilely be engendered from the transmuting sea levels. Tidal rising and falling along the coastal of Bangladesh is between 2 to 5 meters. Among the 5 meter tides experienced coastal areas, Sandwip has the best prospect to engender tidal energy. Bangladesh has the ability to engender tidal power from these coastal tidal resources by applying low head tidal forms of kineticism & medium head tidal forms of kineticism. Moreover, low head tidal forms of kineticism


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Present Conventional & Non- Conventional Energy… which uses tides of height within 2m to 5m can be utilized in areas like Barisal, Khulna, Satkhira, Bagerhat, Mongla, Cox's Bazar etc. regions and the height tidal forms of kineticism which utilize more than 5m of tides can be mainly utilized in Sandwip. However, a flood control barrage subsists around the entire island which contains 28 sluice gates and the country has the ability to engender approximately 16.49 MW from Sandwip [10]. Table 3 shows summery of Sandip project [10]. Table 3: Summery of Sandwip project Parameter Tidal range No. of sluice gates No. of turbine uses Basin area Construction time Cost Output power

Value 4.86m 28 05 4*106 m2 4 years US $10.37millions 16.49 MW

Hydro-electricity: Hydroelectric energy is a term customarily reserved for astronomically immense-scale hydroelectric dams. Hydropower is engendered by damming rivers and utilizing the currents to spin turbines. Though hydro-electric power plant requires high capital cost than other types of power plants but running cost is comparatively low.

Figure 6: Kaptai Hydro-electric Dam Major rivers of Bangladesh have high water flow rate during summer season but it is reduced subsequently in winter. At present, Bangladesh has only hydro-power plant situated at Karnaphuli, Rangamati with a capacity of 230 MW which is operated by BPDB [4]. Two sites have already been culled for another two Hydro power plants at the Matamuhuri and Sangu rivers; one designated The Mata-muhuri project (140MW) and the other The Sangu Project (75MW) [5]. Moreover, a 20kW micro-hydro power plant has been designed by BPDB in collaboration with RET Screen, developed by CANMET Energy Diversification Research Laboratory of Canada (CEDRL) at Barkal waterfall [5]. Biogas Energy & Biomass: Since Bangladesh is an agricultural country, biomass is available in a colossal amount. Agricultural residue, poultry dropping, rice husk, water hyacinth, cattle dung etc. utilized for biomass power generation are available in Bangladesh. The figure shown below betokens that the amount of rice engenderment in Bangladesh has been incremented in recent years and this amount of engenderment has made us more optimistic in utilizing the rice husk as a biomass fuel which is nevertheless an impeccable source of renewable energy in the context of Bangladesh. The temperature in Bangladesh conventionally varies from 6ºC to 40ºC and withal the raw materials for biogas are facilely and frugally available everywhere in this country [5]. Since the ideal temperature for biogas is around 35ºC, Bangladesh has a sublime climate for biogas engenderment. The Regime along with several NGOs is collaborating for the development of power engenderment from Biogas. Grameen Shakti which is one of the most uttered NGO in the field of biogas has consummated 13,500 biogas plants [5]. Recently a 25 kW Biogas based Power Plant has been proposed in Rajshahi by Seed Bangla Foundation. IDCOL which is a Regime owned Investment Company fixed a target of establishing 37,669 biogas plants in Bangladesh by 2012, under its National Domestic Biogas and Manure programmers (NDBMP) [5]. Besides working in partnership with IDCOL, domestic biogas plants have been constructed by some organizations using their own funds. Grameen Shakti, BRAC and some other private organizations promote biogas plants independently. IDCOL and its partner organizations have installed 18,713


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Present Conventional & Non- Conventional Energy… biogas plants until May 2011. Moreover, 5 MW of power has been engendered from biogas and 1 MW from biomass till October 2015 [6]. Geothermal Energy: Geothermal energy is a kind of thermal energy which is engendered and stored inside the earth surface. It is very much cost efficacious and environmentally cordial. Using this technology, it is possible to utilize the steam and hot water engendered inside the earth surface to engender electricity. However, geothermal energy is engendered in the earth’s core which is about 4,000 miles below the surface [5]. Actually, this process occurs in the all rocks because of the slow decaying of the radioactive particles, engenderment of high temperature inside the earth [5]. About 10,715 megawatts (MW) of geothermal energy is engendered in 24 countries ecumenical [5]. The northern districts of Bangladesh show the prospect to explore the geothermal resources [5]. Ocean Energy: Ocean wave energy is engendered directly from oceans wave. It is another special type of renewable energy which avails to decrement the deleterious emissions of greenhouse gasses associated with the generation of power. Actually, it can be potentially a paramount source of electricity for Bangladesh. Though the main purport of ocean wave energy is electricity generation, it can additionally be utilized for the pumping of water, water desalination etc. However, the Oscillating water Column method is technically feasible and becoming captivating in this purport. This type of wave energy harnessing contrivance is being commissioned by several countries such as India [4]. Bangladesh has a possibility of harnessing ocean wave energy from the Bay of Bengal [4]. Recently, sizably voluminous ocean area has been gained by Bangladesh from two neighbor countries- India & Myanmar which is a great victory for Bangladesh and due to this great victory, it can be possible for Bangladesh to establish rights over 118,813 square kilometers or territorial sea [10]. Now, Bangladesh has a 200 nautical miles exclusive economic zone and access to open sea, thus averting it from turning into a sea-locked country [10]. However, this exclusive economic zone is a kind of sea-zone over which it has been possible for Bangladesh to establish sovereign rights for the utilization and exploration of marine resources, including oil and gas [10]. Moreover, astronomically immense potential energy is available in this sizably voluminous sea-zone which can be utilized by engendering electricity [10]. Fossil Fuel: Composition of fossil fuels occurred many years ago when animals, plants and other creatures died and buried under the earth. Their remains gradually transmuted over the years because of the pressure and heat in the earth’s crust and composed to coal, oil and gas. Coal Sector: Coal is a paramount energy now in Bangladesh. The subsistence and development of the coal industry have very paramount consequentiality to the national economic security. As tardy as 2009-10, gas sharing for the generation of electricity was 89% but coal and oil sharing were 3.5% and 5% respectively [1]. In this situation, it would be a good alternative if gas could be replaced by Coal. But it was not possible, because coal issue suffered because of earnest management crisis. Nobody in the last few decades gave coal mining a plausible thought. That left the country thoroughly extemporaneous for a crisis when gas was in short supply. 28% of our primary energy is supplied by coal [1]. Reserve of coal in five fields of Bangladesh is estimated at 3.0 billion tones equipollent to 67 tcf of gas, which can conveniently accommodate the energy desiderata of Bangladesh for 50 years [1]. Table 4: Coal deposits in Bangladesh Name of coal Year of discovery deposits Phulbaria 1997 Dighipara 1995 Jamalgonj 1962 Khalaspir 1989 Barapukuria 1985

Depth of layer (m) 4150 250 640-1158 257-451 118-506

coal Area (Km2) 24 15 11.7 5.75 6.68

Reserve (million Type of coal MT) 572 Bituminous 600 Bituminous 1053 Bituminous 400 Bituminous 390 Bituminous

Different coal-based power plants have already been planned, such as Barapukuria 3rd unit by Bangladesh Power Development Board, BPDB, Chittagong power station by Orion group, Khulna south power station by Orion group, Maowa power station by Orion group, Munshiganj power plant by Orion group, Mongla power station by Bangladesh Power Development Board, BPDB, Rampal power station by Bangladesh Power Development Board, BPDB & National Thermal Power Corporation etc. [11] [12]. Barapukuria 3rd unit is a proposed 250-megawatt continuation of the subsisting plant at Phulbari, Dinajpur which is approved by the Cabinet Purchase Committee. A report which was made in October 2015 states that construction work on the project had commenced which have a capacity to consume 600,000 tonnes of coal per year, with 75 percent


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Present Conventional & Non- Conventional Energy‌ emanating from Barapukuria Coal Mining Company [13]. A report which was made in April 2013 states that proposed 282.67-megawatt Chittagong power station has been merged with Orion's 283-megawatt Khulna power station into a single 565 MW plant at Khulna [14]. No new report was found on Orion’s website about Khulna power station & Maowa power station since 2014 [15] [16] [12]. Moreover, due to ecumenical pressure and public opposition, plans for the Khulna plant appear to be rescinded [15]. A report made on April 26, 2016, states Maowa, Chittagong, Khulna power plant as under implemented. Moreover, according to the report, a deal has been signed for 635 MW coal-based power plant in Gazaria, Munshianj which will be in operation within 45 months [17]. UNESCO has urged Bangladesh to abrogate the Rampal 1320 MW plant on October 20, 2016, verbalizing it imperils the nearby Sundarbans [18]. Crude Oil & Petroleum based products: Crude oil is a coalescence of hydrocarbons that subsists in a liquid phase in natural subterranean reservoirs and remains liquid at atmospheric pressure after passing through surface dissevering facilities. Only consequential oil reserve of Bangladesh is the Haripur oil reserve which was found in 1989 at the northwest of Sylhet district [9]. Moreover, 0.84 Mtoe reserve was supposed to be recuperated as of the year 2004 among the estimated reserve of 1.4 Mtoe but the exploitation was forsaken due to the presence of water in the oil zone and poor oil quality [9]. Bangladesh largely depends on imported crude and refined petroleum products for conveyance, industrial heating, and minuscule scale power generation. At present, 4.87 million metric tons (MT) refined oil is needed for Bangladesh with an annual magnification rate of 5%. Production pattern of Eastern Refinery in 2014-15 is shown [19]. Fig. 7 represents the production process of Eastern Refinery in 2015-16 [19].

Figure 7 Production process of Eastern Refinery in 2015-16 Natural Gas: Natural gas is one of the major sources of ore energy. The first gas field was discovered in Sylhet at 1955. A report made on 16 January 2017 has expressed the recent gas engenderment scenario of Bangladesh [20]. Fig. 8 represents gas production scenario of Bangladesh in mmcfd [20].

Figure 8: Gas production scenario of Bangladesh in mmcfd


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Present Conventional & Non- Conventional Energy‌ The fig. 8 shows a recent scenario of gas engenderment of 20 gas fields in mmcfd. Here, it can be visually perceived that Bibiyana gas field has the highest amount of engenderment whereas Begumganj has the lowest amount of engenderment. Bangladesh has 27 TCF natural gas reserves among which 18 TCF is proven reserve. About 2380 mmcfd gas is explored against the desideratum of 3800 mmcfd gas every day. Daily shortage of gas engenderment in Bangladesh was 600 mmcfd against estimated desideratum of 3300 mmcfd gas [20]. Fig. 9 represents gas distributions in different fields in the year 2017-18 [21].

Figure 9: Gas distributions in different fields in the year 2017-18



Bangladesh can dream an effulgent future, where conventional and non-conventional resources are the major contribute to our energy commix [22]. The Bangladeshi Government has set a target to have 3,168 MW of renewable energy capacity installed by 2021. The Government also aims to have a 5% share of renewable energy in electricity generation by the cessation of 2015, which is planned to increment to 10% by 2021. The Government plans to integrate 1,740 MW of solar power, 1,370 MW of wind energy capacity, 100% electricity access to rural areas by 2021, with the remaining balance to be largely composed of biomass-predicated power generation technologies. Less than 10 MW each will be integrated through biogas and mini-hydro power projects [23] [6]. Government additionally took sundry steps for non-renewable resources in different power stations. Solar Energy: Solar energy can be probably the most effective solution to our energy needs in near future. Magnification in the solar energy sector will diminish the encumbrance on gas. Moreover, electrifying computer centers and other workplaces can be possible by utilizing solar power. Since solar energy can provide innocuous perpetual energy supply, massive load shedding can be minimized by further magnification of solar system. At least half of our power crisis can be eradicated by constructing more solar panels in our rural area. Since rural people do not have congruous erudition about solar energy, proper information must be given to them in order to understand the importance of solar panels. Moreover, regime must take indispensable steps in order to keep solar panels among the buying capacity of rural people. Replacing hybrid system in place of solar irrigation system will be very much profitable for Bangladesh. Around five districts use this solar irrigation system. The demand is increasing day by day. Eco-friendly solar powered rickshaws must be introduced for solving power crisis of Bangladesh [8]. Wind Energy: Wind energy can be one of the effective solutions to solve our energy needs. Small Wind Turbine (SWT) is considered the most opportune option for Bangladesh to solve energy crisis which can be conveyed and installed with minimum land and infrastructure requisite. The advantage of installing small wind turbine is that it can engender electricity at a minimum cost only 10 to 15 taka per kW whereas if we install solar photovoltaic cell, it will take approximately 50 taka per kW. So, it will be very much economically amicable. Moreover, large wind turbines may be established in the coastal and higher altitude areas. It can be very much subsidiary for hoisting water and engendering of electricity in the coastal region of Bangladesh, which may solve energy quandaries throughout the country to some extent. Again, by utilizing wind power to


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Present Conventional & Non- Conventional Energy‌ drive water pumps, can potentially solve the watering quandary in the croplands to a great extent. However, wind plants should be propagated to the users and the owners should be inspirited to construct them with locally available materials. Tidal Energy: Maximum people living in the coastal areas have to pass their conventional financial crisis by boating, fishing and so on which is not a fixed solution. But by utilizing tidal power they can irrigate and can make their life financially well-off than before. Through establishing of a tidal power plant requires a high start up cost, but maintenance cost is very low. Moreover, running cost is very low, so establishing of a tidal power plant is very much profitable. Establishment of tidal barrages can secure a city from hazardous tide during a storm. It can be said that establishing tidal power plants in the coastal areas like Sandip will be very much auxiliary in order to solve power crisis. Spot cull can be the most consequential factor for constructing a tidal power engendering plant and availability of high tide waves which is opportune for embankment must be culled for tidal power engendering [10]. Considerable stability of culled spot such as stable tidal wave, the slightest probability of natural disaster etc. for making a tidal power engendering plant must be considered and the spot should additionally be away from the locality and have facile transformation system [10]. However, development of innovative tidal turbine system and coastal infrastructure, the popularization of tidal energy can be expected in our country which will be very much subsidiary for solving our power crisis and meeting our incrementing power demand in future [10]. Hydro-electricity: Since, hydro-electricity is a sustainable renewable energy and because of having good potential for the utilization of this energy in order to meet the daily necessities, it can bring tremendous prosperity in the energy sector in near future. Moreover, rivers of Bangladesh have a low flow rate in winter, so it will be a good conception to engender a diversion channel along the bridge, diversion structure across the river channel and the powerhouse at a congruous location in order to offer a felicitous head. Because of incrementing demand for power in the country, it is considered indispensable that hydro-power potential of the Sangu and the Matamuhari as well as the Brahmaputra River Basins, being sources of non-conventional energy, be given priority for their development. There is also sizably voluminous potential for Bangladesh to tap in to Nepal and Bhutan’s huge potential hydroelectric generation capacity [24]. However, the regime must accentuate that any hydro-power project must be subjected to exhaustive environmental and gregarious impact assessment. Biogas Energy: Biogas can be one of the effective solutions to solve our energy needs. Through high transmission and distribution costs, transmission losses, heavily subsidized pricing are great problems for supplying electricity in the rural areas, biomass fuels can be the best cost-effective solution in this regard. Biogas engenderment from biomass is a proven technology and there is no peril of failure of gas engenderment from biomasses if opportune design and supervision can be ascertained. So, priority must be taken on dissemination of biomass fuel throughout the country in order to solve energy crisis. Moreover, Bangladesh has a colossal potential in utilizing biogas technology. If proper steps can be taken, it will be possible for the country to utilize approximately 29.7 million m3 biogases from the livestock of the country which is identically tantamount to 1.5 million tons of kerosene [3]. However, all the families of Bangladesh must be associated with biogas plants in order to engender huge amounts of biogas from human wastes. Moreover, the municipal wastes can be a potential source of biogas engenderment across Bangladesh and Organic putrescent portion can be utilized for Biogas engenderment [25]. Ocean Energy: Ocean wave & ocean thermal energy can be very much auxiliary to solve our energy requisites. There is a plethora of possibilities to engender electricity from Sandwip Island, Kutubdia Island and Saint Martin Island utilizing OWC system and it will seem the most frugal source of grid quality renewable energy of our country in near future. Moreover, the increment of energy security and system stability will decrease the overall price of renewable energy. Geothermal Energy: Since geothermal power satiates the criteria for a felicitous energy system for Bangladesh and if our regime deploys this energy source, it will be a great source for solving the present energy crisis of our country. Government and private organizations must come forward in order to construct geothermal power plants in Bangladesh in an early possible time. Although establishing a geothermal power plant will require high cost because of the high cost of drilling wells, it can be reduced by utilizing the forsook on-shore dry wells which have ample high temperature gradient. Natural Gas, Coal, and Fuel: Bangladesh has experienced some quandaries due to the rigorous power crisis for proximately a decade. Cognizant reserves such as coal and natural gas of commercial primary energy sources are the only reserves in Bangladesh but they are inhibited compared to the development requisites of the


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Present Conventional & Non- Conventional Energy‌ nation. By acknowledging some initiatives of the regime and working towards them opportunely, it will be possible for Bangladesh to solve unprecedented energy demands. Since the essentiality of natural gas is incrementing perpetually, compulsory steps must be taken in order to decrement the utilization of natural gas. Moreover, shifting the indispensability of natural gas into renewable energy can be an efficacious solution. Otherwise, there will be a great shortage of natural gas in near future. Since incognizance on the coal-predicated power plant installation may make the condition worse, regime must take indispensable steps in this regard. The Power System Master Plan 2016 expects an estimated 60 million tons of coal to be imported by 2041 to ascertain a steady supply for the planned power stations in a manner that reduces both economical and gregarious cost, possibly through a separate port for coal imports [26]. If National Coal Policy work with an organized plan, it will be possible to solve energy quandary within the determined period. Nuclear Energy: Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant is a orchestrated 2.4 gigawatt nuclear power plant of Bangladesh which will be the country's first nuclear power plant and the first of two units is expected to go into operation in 2023 [27]. It will be constructed by the Russian Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation and the nuclear power plant will be built at Rooppur which is 200 km north-west of Dhaka, at Paksey union on the bank of the river Padma in the Ishwardi sub-district of Pabna district, in the northwest of the country [27]. Table 5 shows planned nuclear power reactors of Bangladesh [27]. Table 5: Planned nuclear power reactors Unit Rooppur 1 Rooppur 2

Type AES-2006/V-392M AES-2006/V-392M

Capacity 1200 MW 1200 MW

Construction start 2019 2019

Operation 2023 2024

Figure 10: Rooppur proposed nuclar power plant



In Bangladesh, energy crisis is one of the major quandaries, which can be met by utilizing the conventional & non-conventional energy in congruous way. Here, the summary of this paper exhibits that there is a considerable opportunity of Bangladesh to meet the energy crisis and economic magnification through conventional and non-conventional resource. By utilizing the resources in a balanced and felicitous way, the energy demand can have met and procure a surplus as well. Bangladesh government should come forward to take salubrious steps to reduce the energy crisis from natural resources sector from the country. Government should take immediate steps for the conservation of ecology and bio-diversity. Bangladesh is already vigorously dependent upon renewable and non-renewable energy which is utilized with the avail of technologies and eminent initiatives have been taken by different agencies and organizations. As we came to know about the alarming conditions of our energy system along with some future initiatives that is needs to be executed felicitously to reduce the crisis. The current scenario of country's renewable energy sector has been presented with compulsory data and graphs. This solution will definitely avail solving current energy crisis and at the same time will have a positive impact over gregarious and economical status of our country utilizing technologies. Finally, government has to introduce advanced technology to extract natural resources and felicitous laws should be enacted to get the best outcome from natural resources sector.


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[2] [3]

[4] [5]





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