Analysis of eggshell powder as a partial replacing material in concrete

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International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management (IJMREM) ||Volume|| 2 ||Issue|| 9 ||Pages|| 22-31 || September 2019 || ISSN: 2581-4540

Analysis of eggshell powder as a partial replacing material in concrete 1,

Nisar Ahmed Gabol, 1,Fareed Ahmed Memon, 2,Mian Jawaduddin , 3,Zaheer H Zardari 1,

Department of Civil Engineering Mehran University of engineering and technology Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. 2, Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. 3, Department of Petroleum and Natural gas Engineering Mehran University of engineering and Technology SZAB

--------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT-------------------------------------------------In this research, eggshell powder (ESP) was used as a partial substitute for cement in concrete to decrease the usage of cement in concrete production. The main objective of the study was to determine the workability and reinforcing properties including compression, tensile and flexural strength of concrete using various percentages (0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 & 10) of ESP by weight instead of cement. A total of 120 concrete samples were cast (60 cubic meters, 30 cylinders and 30 prisms) with a target strength of 28 N/mm 2. The compressive strength of a cube sample (100 × 100 × 100 mm) was tested after 3, 7, and 28 days, while tensile strength were also measured for 3 days, 7 days and 28 days using a cylindrical specimen (200 × 100 mm). The bending strength of the specimen (100 x 100 x 500 mm), cast during 3, 7, and 28 days of curing. The test results showed that during the. With ESP 7.5%, tensile strength increased by 9.6%, and a maximum strength of 8% was obtained using ESP 7.5% during 28-day cure. As the percentage of ESP increases, the workability of fresh concrete decreases. ESP is used in concrete to enhance the power of a concert.

KEYWORDS: Eggshell Powder, Replacing material, Cement, Concerte ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------Date of Submission: Date, 11 August 2019 Date of Publication: 26 September 2019 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------



The development of a country or a country depends not only on technology, but also on infrastructure. Concrete is called the pillar of infrastructure. Concrete is a mixture of materials such as cement, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates and water. Concrete is widely used throughout the world. Cement production ranges from 8% to 10% of the world's total carbon dioxide [1]. Consequently, cement production is not environmentally friendly, and cement is the most expensive material in the composition of concrete and, therefore, uneconomical. Therefore, it is necessary to find alternative materials to make the construction industry environmentally friendly and sustainable [2]. As a result, the construction industry is currently looking for suitable waste that will significantly reduce cement use and ultimately reduce construction costs [3]. Waste from industrial and agricultural fields, such as copper, slag, quarry dust, rice husk ash, fly ash and eggshell, are a cause of recycling and environmental hazards [4]. Calcium-enriched eggshells are poultry waste with almost the same chemical composition as limestone. Using eggshell waste instead of natural lime instead of cement in concrete can bring many benefits, such as minimizing the use of cement, protecting natural lime and using waste [5]. Eggshell is a good accelerator for cement binders [6]. The eggshell and lime stone are almost same in chemical nature [7]. To this end, we can minimize the use of cement and waste disposal. Various researchers [8] use eggshell powder as a substitute for cement. Present research analyzed the fresh and hardened characteristics of concrete comprising of ESP.



This experimental procedure covers all preliminary tests, including analysis of aggregates, specific gravity and water absorption of the cement to ensure the quality of the material and its limitations within the technical specifications. Cement :Cement is a powdery substance consisting of limestone and clay, it is mixed with water, sand and large stones to produce concrete. Cement is a binder that hardens and hardens, and can also bind other substances into aggregates. Cement acquires strength through a chemical reaction with water. This process is called hydration


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Analysis of eggshell powder as a partial replacing‌ [9]. As a rule, cement loses 10% of its strength within one month from the date of manufacture. The fineness of cement was measured through standard determination of fineness of cement (IS: 4031 - Part - 3) method [10]. Coarse aggregate : Collected coarse aggregates from local stores. It was produced in a place near Noriabad, which has a good reputation when it comes to rough aggregates of the Pakistani construction industry. The sample of a 20 mm size coarse aggregate were analyzed for various tests including specific gravity, water absorption and fineness modulus. Table 1. Properties of Coarse Aggregates Specific gravity Fineness modulus Water absorption

2.53 3.164 1.98%

Mass retained

Sive Analysis of Coarse Aggregate 4000 2000 0 1









% of passing

Mass retain

Cumulative Percentage passing

Figure 1. Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregates Fine aggregates : The fine aggregate is called the material that will pass through the No. 4 sieve and will remain on the No. 200 sieve. The main purpose of the fine aggregate is to ensure that the concrete works, so it must have a round shape. Another goal is to fill the voids caused by a large population. Although all small aggregates have similar sizes, they differ in many ways. Small units come from local stores. It is derived under the name Bolari sand, which is commonly used in local buildings. This quarry is considered the best in Sindi career. Many experiments have been conducted to detect the various properties of small aggregates, such as specific gravity, modulus of fineness and water absorption. The list of values is as follows. Table 2. Properties of Fine Aggregates Specific gravity 2.63 Fineness modulus 2.98 Water absorption 1.24%

Sieve analysis of fine aggregate 2000 1000 0 1








-1000 Mass retained

Percentage passing

Figure 2. Sieve analysis of fine aggregates


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Analysis of eggshell powder as a partial replacing‌ Eggshell : The eggshell is the hard outer shell of the egg. It mainly consists of calcium carbonate, normal calcium. The rest is made up of proteins and other minerals. Calcium is an essential mineral and is found in many foods, including dairy products. Egg shell chopper is used to process egg shell into egg shell powder. As for the production of egg shell powder, this process: washing egg eggshell, drying egg shells and grinding egg shells. Eggshell before chopping is broken into small pieces. Throughout the process, three machines are required: a dryer for eggshell, a mill for eggshell, and a sieve for eggshell. For eggshell washing machines, it can be customized to suit your needs [11].

Figure 3. Eggshell waste and its grinding into powder form through a grinding machine Development of control mix : We began our experimental work by selecting a specific proportion of specific constituent materials, namely (1: 1.52: 2.63 at 0.52 wt. / C), in which the density of concrete was 2320 kg / m3, fine-grained aggregate was 625 kg / m, and coarse aggregate was 1080 kg. We use eggshell powder as a partial cement substitute for 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% and water for 230 kg / min. The types of materials used in our experimental work, namely, happy cement, fine aggregate (<4.75 mm), coarse-grained (<19.5 mm) water, have the following properties [12]. Cube, cylinder and plate samples were prepared for a mixture of HPC and RCC, and a standard cube 150 x 150 x 150 mm for compressive strength was obtained. Standard cylinder with a diameter of 150 mm and a height of 300 mm for cylindrical compression and tensile strength. In accordance with the standard minimum distance of 456, a square sheet measuring 1100 x 1100 x 50 mm is the minimum distance standard with a transparent cover of 10 mm and 12 steel rods with a diameter of 6 mm evenly distributed from center to center 100 mm Cubes and cylinders are cast using standard cubic and cylindrical dies. The decline was measured during the pouring of the cube and is given in table 3.11. Samples of the cube and cylinder were demolished after 24 hours. And cure in 28 days. Manufactured steel molds were used to cast slabs of the required size. Two L-shaped corner frames with a depth of 50 mm are attached to the plate with bolts and nuts at the bottom. The transverse stiffeners are located below to prevent deflection when casting slab specimens. Use wax and cardboard to seal the gap to prevent leakage. Slab samples were cast and cured in a tank for curing for 28 days. After removing the slab samples from the pond, apply white paint to clearly see the cracks during the test [13]. Table 3. Detail of Different mixes S. No. 1 2 3 4 5

Mix. ID CM E2.5 E5 E7.5 E10

Cement (%) 100 97.5 95 92.5 90

ESP (%) 00 2.5 5 7.5 10

Table 4. Different properties of materials Material Cement Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate

Property Fineness Water absorption Water absorption Specific gravity Specific gravity


Value 6% 0.7% 0.45% 2.63 2.75

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Analysis of eggshell powder as a partial replacing‌

Figure 4. Control mixing of concentrate in a mixing machine including the casting of cubes, cylinders, and prisms Analysis of cubes, cylinder, and prisms : After casting cubes, cylinders, and prisms, we analyzed these cubic cylinders and prisms to determine compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength. We determine the compressive strength through the cube, determine the tensile strength through the cylinder, and determine the flexural strength using a prism. To understand the manufacturability of new concrete, it is necessary to check the machinability as described by A.M. Neville, which is a useful interior work necessary for full compaction, in order to understand the characteristics of fresh concrete with eggshell powder, differences in slums. A nature test was performed. The slum test was performed using a standard cone function, 305 mm (12 inches) high, 203 mm (8 inches) lower diameter, and 102 (4 inches) upper diameter as the prescription test procedure for ASTMC 14305. Compressive strength is a mechanical assessment to analyze the compressive load of a material can bear before failure. Samples for testing, usually in the form of cubes, are compressed between the pressure plates of the device for compression testing by gradually applied [14]. Tensile strength of cylindrical concrete samples. Due to its fragility, the tension of the concrete is very weak. Therefore, it should not withstand direct stress. Therefore, concrete will crack when the tensile strength exceeds its tensile strength [15]. The test of standard cylinders (height 12 "and diameter 6") is carried out in accordance with the test procedure ASTMC 496-90. In the splitting test, the cylinder axis was positioned horizontally between the pressure plates of the universal testing machine (UTM) until it failed due to splitting in a plane containing the vertical diameter of the sample. Bending strength of a material is defined as its ability to resist deformation under load. For materials that are significantly deformed, but not broken, the yield strength, usually measured at 5% deformation / deformation of the outer surface, is indicated as bending strength or yield strength during bending. In other words, a bend test is used to determine the bending or bending properties of a material. It is sometimes called a beam test, which involves placing a sample between two points or supports and using a third or two points (called a 3-point bend and 4-point bending test, respectively) to initiate the load. Maximum stress and strain are calculated based on the applied additional load. Typical materials tested include plastics, composites, metals, ceramics and wood [16].

Figure 5. Workability, Compressive Strength, Splitting Tensile Strength, and Flexural Strength of Concrete


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Analysis of eggshell powder as a partial replacing‌ III.


Slum cone Test: The table below displays the results of workability of fresh concrete using slum cone method. The number of test carried out on each mixing ratio and at each proportion of ESP, three times workability is checked and finally average of three results are taken as slump loss at a particular percentage of ESP. Workability of fresh concrete at 1:1.52:2.63 mix ratio with W/C=0.50 was 4 inch (100 mm). By replacing 2.5 percentage of cement by eggshell powder the workability was checked by slum cone test results was taken 3.8inch (95 mm).and further by replacing of 5 percentage eggshell powder the slum results were taken 3.55 inch (88.75). and further 7.5% and 10% of eggshell powder as a cement replacing material the slum test was taken 3 inches (75mm) and 2 inches (50mm) respectively. As recorded by [17] the concrete mixtures have been balanced to have several ratios of cement replacement with sawdust ash (SDA) reaching from 0% to 30% by mass. Performance of the ash– Portland cement mixture has been evaluated with respect to setting time, workability and compressive strength. From the results achieved, 10% replacement of cement with SDA shows good performance giving the preferred workability and strength. Table 5. Workability of Fresh Concrete S. No 1 2 3 4 5

Percentages of ESP 0% 2.5% 5% 7.5% 10%

Slump Result 88 mm 76 mm 65 mm 54 mm 45 mm

Slump Result (mm) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1





Figure 6. Slump loos of fresh concrete at 1:1.5:2.6 mix ratio with W/C=0.50 Average compressive strength of cubes on 3, 7 and 28 days : The compressive strength gained by concrete after 3 days with respect to the grade of concrete. The normal concrete got 17.82 MPa compressive strength in 3 days. While using the 2.5 percentage of eggshell as a binder material the average compressive strength was 18.89 MPa. Furthermore, at the 5 percentage of eggshell, the improvement result for compressive strength was 19.38 MPa. Similarly, the improvement analyzed in the compressive strength at the mixing of 7.5% and 10% of eggshell powder was 20.70 MPa and 19.60 MPa respectively. The overall results of compressive strength during three days curing with mixed of various percentages of the eggshell powder showed the continuous improvement as the quantity of binder was exceed compressive strength was increasing up to 7.5 percentage of eggshell but at 10 percent eggshell, its result decreases. As recorded by [5] different ESP concretes were developed by replacing 515% of ESP for cement. The results indicated that ESP can successfully be used as partial replacement of cement in concrete production. The data presented cover strength development and transport properties. With respect to the results, at 5% ESP replacement the strengths were higher than control concrete and indicate that 5% ESP is an optimum content for maximum strength. The compressive strength of normal concrete after 7 days curing was 23.73 MPa. And by adding 2.5% eggshell powder in concrete its compressive strength increased 24.22MPa and at 5% eggshell compressive strength increased up to 25.75MPa. The results were showing that compressive strength was improved as adding eggshell powder. And further adding 7.5%and 10% eggshell powder in concrete its compressive strength increased 26.35MPa and 25.95MPa with respectively. The compressive strength of concrete was increased up to 7.5% by increasing the percentage of eggshell powder because eggshell powder but at 10% eggshell powder its compressive strength decreased. In this research paper and silica NS content (2%) is then added to the high volume fly ash ( HVFA) mortars and concretes and the results show that the addition of


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Analysis of eggshell powder as a partial replacing‌ 2% NS improved the early age (7 days) compressive strength of mortars containing 40% and 50% fly ash by 5% and 7%, respectively [18]. The result of compressive strength generally increased with increasing of eggshell powder but after 10% eggshell powder its compressive strength decreased. The compressive strength gained by concrete after 28 days with respect to the grade of concrete. The normal concrete got 28.37 MPa compressive strength after 28 days. While using t 2.5% of eggshell as a binder material the average compressive strength was 29.14MPa. Furthermore, by adding 5% and 7.5% of eggshell the compressive strength was increased up to 30.1MPa and 30.93MPa. And by adding 10% eggshell powder its compressive strength decreased 30.13 MPa. In this [19] experimental results show the compressive strength of concrete was determined on 28 days of curing for various replacement level of cement. That using a definite amount of marble powder replacement of cement content increase the workability & compressive strength. Table 6. Average Compressive Strengths of Cubs on 3, 7 & 28 Days S. No

% of Egg Shell Powder 0

Average Compressive strength (N/mm2) on 3 days 17.82

Average Compressive strength (N/mm2) on 7 days 23.73

Average Compressive strength (N/mm2) on 28 days 28.37

1 2 3

2.5 5

18.89 19.38

24.22 25.75

29.14 30.1











Average Compressive Strength (N/mm2) 40 20 0 -20






% of Egg Shell Powder Average Compressive strength (N/mm2) on 3 days Average Compressive strength (N/mm2) on 7 days Average Compressive strength (N/mm2) on 28 days Figure 7. Average Compressive Strengths of Cubs on 3, 7 & 28 Days Average split tensile strength on 3, 7 and 28 days: After the curing of 3 days normal concrete and mixes of different percentage of eggshell powder were tested .in below the table show that the normal concrete cylinder tensile strength is 2.20 MPa. And by adding 2.5% of eggshell powder in concrete its average split tensile strength was 2.30 MPa. And further by adding 5%, 7.5% and 10% of eggshell powder its tensile strength of concrete was increasing, 2.40 MPa, 2.52 MPa, and 2.45 MPa with respectively. The results show that by adding a various percentage of eggshell powder in concrete the split tensile strength was improving up to 7.5% but at 10% eggshell powder its tensile strength decreases. In this [20] research paper cement was replaced with RHA at 0%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5% and 15% by weight of the binder to produce RHA-Concrete. Strength and durability tests were conducted on the RHA-Concrete. Results from the tests show that replacing conventional cement with the RHA increased both the compressive and split-tensile strength of the resulting concrete. The tensile strength of normal concrete was 2.56 MPa after the curing of 7 days. And by 2.5% adding the eggshell powder in concrete, its tensile strength increased to 2.77 MPa and further by adding 5 percentage of eggshell powder in concrete its tensile was also improved, at 2.80 MPa and further added 7.5% and 10% of eggshell powder in concrete its tensile strengths increased 2.88 MPa and 2.85 MPa withe respectively. The result show that its tensile strength decreased at 10% eggshell powder. In this [21] paper reported that quarry dust is a byproduct of the crushing process during quarrying activities. The Quarry dust is one of the best alternative materials for the replacement of cement to


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Analysis of eggshell powder as a partial replacing‌ produce Environmental Friendly Green Concrete. The split tensile strength of M30 concrete has been tested for 7 and 28 days curing. The tensile strength of concrete increased. The tensile strength of normal concrete after the 28 curing was 2.75MPa. And by adding the 2.5 percentage of eggshell powder in concrete it's average tensile strength was 3.03MPa.And by adding 5 percentage of eggshell powder its tensile strength improved to 3.08MPa.and further adding 7.5% and 10% of eggshell powder in concretes these tensile strength improved 3.15 MPa and 3.10 MPa respectively. During continues adding of various percentage of eggshell powder the average split tensile strength was improving but it decreased at 10% eggshell powder. [22] Reported in this study, the effects of bagasse ash (BA) are used as pozzolanic materials for the development of blended cement. Bagasse ash was used as partial replacement of cement. The test results indicate that the tensile strength of concrete improved. Table 7. Average Split Tensile Strength of Cylinder on 3, 7 and 28 Days Curing S. No

% of Egg Shell

0 2.5 5

Average Split Tensile Strength (N/mm2) on 3 Days 2.20 2.30 2.40

Average Split Tensile Strength (N/mm2) on 7 Days 2.56 2.77 2.80

Average Split Tensile Strength (N/mm2) on 28 Days 2.75 3.03 3.08

1 2 3 4 5

7.5 10

2.52 2.45

2.88 2.85

3.15 3.10

Average Split Tensile Strength (N/mm2) 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5






Average Split Tensile Strength (N/mm2) on 28 Days Average Split Tensile Strength (N/mm2) on 7 Days Average Split Tensile Strength (N/mm2) on 3 Days % of Egg Shell

Figure 8. Average Split Tensile Strength of Cylinder on 3, 7 and 28 Days Curing Average flexural strength on 3, 7 and 28 days curing : The flexural strength at different percentage of eggshell powder shows a mixed trend. Flexural strength of prism, when tested there is an increase in results. The flexural strength at normal concrete is 3.50MPa.After the curing of 3 days. when 2.5% of eggshell powder is used its flexural strength increased up to 3.65MPa.further 5%,7.5%, and 10% eggshell powder was added in concrete it's flexural strength 3.80MPa,4MPa and 3.88MPa respectively. Flexural strength starts decreasing at 10% eggshell powder. In this paper [23] reported the ground cockle seashell was used as a partial cement replacement. Based on the trial mixes using the ground seashell with a proportion of 2, 4, 6 and 8% by weight of cement. It is noted that the tensile strength and flexural strength were higher than those of the OPC concrete, which is advantageous to increase concrete tension properties. The flexural strength of normal concrete is 4.50 MPa after the curing of 7 days. Following table 4.5.2 shows the results of average flexural strength of various mixes that the flexural strength increases as increasing the percentage of eggshell powder. by adding 2.5 percentage of eggshell powder in concrete the flexural strength increased to 4.65 MPa and by adding 5 percentage of ESP the flexural strength improved to 5.78MPa.further by adding 7.5% and 10% of ESP the flexural strength improved 4.96 and 4.86MPa respectively. At 10% adding ESP its flexural strength decreasing. In a previous study [24] reported the measure of flexural and compressive strength of a concrete by using alkali-activated fly ash as a replacing material. The curing medium used in this study was heat, while optimal results for flexural and compressive strength were achieved. After the curing of 28 days the flexural strength of normal concrete was 5.55 MPa, by adding 2.5


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Analysis of eggshell powder as a partial replacing… percentage of ESP in concrete the flexural strength increased to 5.65MPa and by adding 5 percentage of ESP the flexural strength improved to 5.80MPa. Further by adding 7.5% and 10% of ESP the flexural strength improved 6.10 MPa and 5.90 MPa respectively. While at the 10% addition ESP, its flexural strength decreases. [25] reported that a proportion of 30% and 0% RHA FA blend into the concrete by replacing the cement proportion taken last FA 15% and 15% RHA, with a gradual increase of the ORS 2.5 % and a gradual simultaneous reduction of 2.5% FA and improve the resistance of concrete steel fibers were added and the fiber volume fraction is 0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1.0% by volume in the proportion of 10% and 20% RHA FA. The purpose of this research is to study the effects of steel fibers on the handling, compression strength, bending tensile strength, tensile splitting strength, and acid resistance test, study the durability of fly ash of the rice hull ash in the concrete. Table 8. Average flexural Strength of beam on 3, 7- and 28-Days Curing S. No

% of Egg Shell


Average Flexural Tensile Strength (N/mm2) on 3 Days 3.50

Average Flexural Tensile Strength (N/mm2) on 7 Days 4.50

Average Flexural Tensile Strength (N/mm2) on 28 Days 5.55

1 2 3 4 5

2.5 5 7.5 10

3.65 3.80 4.00 3.88

4.65 4.78 4.96 4.86

5.65 5.80 6.10 5.90

Flexural Strength (N/mm2) 30 20 10 0 1





-10 Average Flexural Tensile Strength (N/mm2) on 28 Days Average Flexural Tensile Strength (N/mm2) on 7 Days Average Flexural Tensile Strength (N/mm2) on 3 Days % of Egg Shell

Figure 9. Average flexural Strength of prism on 3, 7- and 28-Days Curing



A number of experiments were conducted to determine the use of egg-shell powder as a cement substitute material by making concrete cubes, cylinders and prisms. Based on the results of experimental work, we can draw the following conclusions. • The compressive strength of concrete using eggshell powder as a substitute for cement is reduced by 10%. • The tensile strength of concrete from eggshells decreases with the addition of egg shells powder. This can be added if concrete is used with steel rods. • The flexural strength of an egg-shell mixture increases with an increase in the amount of eggshell egg powder added by 7.5%. • The eggshell powder surrounding the surface of the mixture can increase the carbonization process and can reduce permeability over a long period of time. Therefore, a detailed study of the carbonization process in the mixture is required.


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Analysis of eggshell powder as a partial replacing… V.


I am grateful to all of those with whom I have had the pleasure to work during this. Each of the members of my Dissertation Committee has provided me extensive personal and professional guidance and taught me a great deal about both scientific research and life in general. I would especially like to thank Dr. Fareed Ahmed Memon, as my teacher and mentor, he has taught me more than I could ever give him credit for here. He has shown me, by his example, what a good scientist (and person) should be. Funding : No funding was received by any one, the whole research work is self-based master’s thesis

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