Paper Materials for Furniture: A Design Review

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International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management (IJMREM) ||Volume|| 1||Issue|| 6 ||Pages|| 68- 81 || June 2018|| ISSN: 2581-4540

 Paper Materials for Furniture: A Design Review 1

Wan Nurazri Wan Bukhari , 2Mohd Hisham Omar

Faculty of Innovative Design and Technology, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kampus Gong Badak, 21300 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia Faculty of Innovative Design and Technology, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kampus Gong Badak, 21300 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia -------------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT----------------------------------------------------------This paper discusses the paper waste can be the alternative materials for furniture to replace the wood and metal materials. Furniture is an important product that occupies indoor and outdoor spaces that used for sitting, lying, storing, eating, sleeping and working. Paper waste in landfills has the higher amount of waste compared to other waste such as plastics, glass, metals and food waste. Besides, the recycling process is the best way to overcome the major environmental issues such as the pollution, deforestation, pervasive logging, landfill waste, dangerous greenhouse gases and global warming. So, the human must play their roles in recycling activities, process, and campaign. The advantages of the paper materials for furniture such as easy to handle, cost saving, lightweight, strong, and stiff. The waste materials had been applied in construction activities already been proven so that it can be the alternative materials to reduce the cost and usage of raw materials. The futuristic design of paper materials furniture is the best approach to satisfy the customer’s requirements and the new successor in furniture industries by using Product Development Process (PDP). The paper waste materials into furniture products is a part of the innovation and Green Technology approach.

Keywords - Design and shape, Furniture, Futuristic, Green Technology, Paper materials, Problem-solving method. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date of Submission: Date, 08 June 2018 Date of Publication: 06 July 2018 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



The furniture is a group of products that provide many types of furniture such as tables, sofas, chairs, stools, cupboards, cabinets, wardrobes, panels, shelves, desks and beds that were used for outdoor and indoor surroundings environment and usable for storage, work, eating, and sitting, sleeping and relaxing and it can be individually, sets or suites form of furniture [1], [2]. There is two group of furniture characteristics such as the indoor furniture and outdoor furniture. The indoor furniture is mainly used inside the building while the outdoor furniture or known as the patio furniture that mainly used outside the building which does not have the similar function with the indoor furniture [1]. The main purpose of furniture as the communication tools for the people‟s connection as well as bring peace, welcome, complete and live comfortably in their own homes that enhancing the human‟s daily life [3], [4], [5], [94]. Secondly, the furniture serves as the functional figure but it also provides and creates a better connection and link with each other in the particular surrounding spaces and adding the experience of the aesthetical value for enhancing and improving human‟s daily lives [5]. In the year of 2000, the furniture industries had been rose as the largest sector of low-tech manufacturing that concluded the huge success and prospects of developing the economics that encourages to increase furniture sectors [6]. There are different furniture types such as type–furniture, type–needs and human–limb objects which are for the quest of the ideal and accomplish the form of furniture that been indicated the aspect of shapes is the crucial and essential part on designing the furniture product [7].

II. PAPER MATERIALS Paper materials were used daily in human activities for writing, drawing, printing and wrapping paper for a gift which is manufactured from wood pulp into a sheet of paper and also can be recycled into the new bundle of paper [8], [46]. The human is the most responsible people to manage and participating the recycling process [9]. Then, it is the best ways to recycle makes the resources go further to use for next generation, reduce concerning environmental problems and then avoid the waste to be ended up in the landfill sites [9], [10], [14]. Plus, these paper materials can be as the new alternative of materials for furniture industries and companies to replace the wood material in order to save the forest from pervasive logging that can cause deforestation, soil degradation and damage of animal‟s habitat, waste in the landfills, global warming and changes of climate which is the major environmental problem to the earth‟s environment.


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Paper Materials for Furniture: A Design Review Figure 1 shows the percentages of different materials that were used in the furniture production in the Europe nation that clearly shows that the wood materials has the higher value of percentage which is the most common materials used for furniture sectors [1]. So, it was stated that the wood materials are the most used and common materials that were usually used for furniture manufacturing in furniture industries and companies along with neither traditional nor modern concept as the common design concept [1]. Therefore, the waste paper materials such as cardboard, papers, and newspapers can be the new materials for furniture as the alternatives materials to replace the wood materials in order to save the major environmental issues such as pollution, dangerous greenhouse gases, deforestation, global warming, unorganized waste in the landfills and pervasive logging. In addition, the waste materials recycle into the new products is a part of the Green Technology approach. Besides that, the recycling process also can give the enormous chances for people to seek for the jobs and then also create better soft skills among the human [11], [12].

Figure 1: The percentages of materials used in furniture production in Europe nation [1]. Figure 2 shows the pie chart of the percentages of the waste materials in the landfills in the United States [10]. It had been concluded that the paper and paperboard waste has the higher number of percentages compared with other waste materials which it can be recycled to form a product as well as to produce a new paper. Equally important, the recycling process of waste paper materials was using about 60% less energy than the new paper that had been manufactured from the virgin timber [14]. Therefore, the human is the most responsible person to conduct the recycling process because it is the best way to reduce and minimize the major environmental issue as well as to avoid nature pollution [9], [10]. The leftover paper waste in the landfill will create methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and fluorocarbons are the major production of the dangerous greenhouse gas with global warming that more powerful than carbon dioxide and bad cause which is the increasing heat temperature that harms the earth, humans and animals [14], [10], [9], [46]. That is why the paper waste materials as raw materials can be transformed and formed into the newer furniture product is a part of the recycling and innovation process towards the reduction of waste disposal, dangerous gases in the landfills and then saving and preserve the forest from excessive deforestation which is the major problem for global warming, climate changes, soil degradation and damage of animalâ€&#x;s habitat [9], [10]. But, remember that not all types of papers in the landfills can be recycled into new products of paper. For example, used boxes of pizzas and paper plates that still contain the food waste cannot be clean-out properly during recycling processing are not eligible and compatible to make into the new production of paper products [10]. So, recycling paper waste materials into the furniture are the best and new alternatives to replace the wood and metal materials, thus the furniture industry also can form a new product with environmentally-friendly and Green Technology of the furniture products. The usage of material with the waste material can help to cut the cost of finding the material that is similar to the selected materials. Furthermore, the development of furniture that made of all of the waste paper materials will help in terms of sustainable recycling which is quicker and effective technologies rather than sustainable forestry that takes a long period of time to wait for the reforestation in the next new production of papers [8]. The production of the environmentally-friendly products is very important because it had already been proven that increasing demand of raw materials because the resources are very limited but endlessness, infinite and uncounted of human needs [15]. There are several communities such as knowledgeable and higher educational individual that really willing to buy on the greenery and eco-friendly products but still, the females had more feeling concerned on being a responsible and alert person on the environmental problems than the males [12]. Further, the „Reduce, Reuse and Recycleâ€&#x; is the most common slogan that been applied occasionally in the recycling campaign around the world [9]. Therefore, the paper waste materials can be the new raw materials that can replace the raw natural materials in furniture manufacturing.


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Paper Materials for Furniture: A Design Review

Figure 2: The pie chart of waste materials in the US landfill sites [10]. Figure 3 shows another percentage of recyclable waste composition that clearly shown that the percentages of paper and corrugated cardboard with 17.5 % percent comes in second place after the food scraps majority takes the first place with 54.59 % percent [16]. But surprisingly, the waste of the foods and green leaves is much quicker materials that had been degraded in the landfills sites [9]. Then, the paper and corrugated cardboard are classified as important waste materials that suitable and essential for recycling process that can solve the excessive waste in the landfills. In addition, the recycling approach would be beneficial for extending the life of the landfills and greatly contributed to reduce and minimize the volume of waste and pollution [16]. Similarly, the materials that can be classified as the recyclable organic waste such as the cardboard, paperboard, and paper [16]. In terms of saving the natural materials and solve problems of environmental issues, the production of cardboard and paperboard as a good example of recycling process that can be followed where it is commonly used waste paper, cardboard and also waste wood that can be the best advantages for the future generations [17].

Figure 3: Percentage of recyclable waste composition [16]. Based on Figure 2 and 3 as shown above, the material of waste paper that been thrown away or left out to the landfill sites can be prevented by the two best methods that can solve the environmental problems by recycling again and again into the bundle of new paper or recycling into something useful and innovative things such as customs furniture by using paper waste materials. Therefore, the waste paper materials can be the new materials in furniture manufacturing that can solve the major environmental issues such as the pollution, deforestation, pervasive logging, landfill waste, dangerous greenhouse gases and global warming. In addition, the paper materials as the alternative materials to replace the wood and metal materials that already so common materials for the furniture manufacturing and then design into the newer, modern, simple and futuristic design to satisfy the consumer‟s needs and requirements by using the Product Development Process (PDP) of the engineering design process. So, the newer, minimalist and futuristic design by using paper materials can be done as to achieve the customer‟s satisfaction in the market by saving the earth‟s environment from major environmental issues as well as to recreate and redesign the existing design into modern and futuristic furniture design. The towering demands and expectations from the consumers had needed to fulfill the high satisfaction in the variety of furniture design in terms of innovation approach, latest and newer design of furniture [86], [89]. In addition, the new technologies had helped the furniture designers to think further to the future as to satisfy the customer‟s needs and requirements. The customs furniture is more encourages as to be more innovative and newer design to compare to existing product furniture. In addition, furniture industries and companies must grab this opportunity


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Paper Materials for Furniture: A Design Review to put the main priority by using environmentally friendly materials to replace common materials of furniture such as wood and metal materials. Therefore, the recyclable materials that can be recycled can be used again and again and then been selected as the main materials for furniture designing and manufacturing which can avoid and minimize harm to the earthâ€&#x;s nature and humanâ€&#x;s health. Thus, lessen the impact of the environmental issues if the usage of the waste materials increased [90]. Figure 4 below shows the design of the chair furniture by using the magazine and newspaper of waste paper materials respectively which were commonly rare in the market. From Figure 2. (a), a Frenchman designer, Oscar Lhermitte had designed the chair which was made from the waste bundle of newspapers that been discarded, unused, and leftover papers with the purpose to create furniture without using other materials to stick and combine together such as glue adhesives, nails or screws [18]. Figure 2 (b) shows the bundles of the newspapers that had been tightly rolled and then tied together to form a rounded-shaped chair of the furniture that had been designed by David Stovell [19]. The newspapers that been left outside and then produced the newspapers stool that shows an outstanding sustainable and durable seating feature. Therefore, Figure 2 (a) and (b) are the chair furniture that was made from the paper materials that had been left out or never been used to read again that ready to be recycled but form into usable, unique and durable furniture products that can be used again as creative and innovative ideas. Based on Figure 4, there is no nailing or screwing required on both furniture products which is a good advantage for furniture designing by using the waste paper materials [20]. Based on Figure 4, it can be concluded that that the paper materials are suitable and capable to make furniture products which is very eco-friendly approach and it also has the same functionality to the present wood-based furniture in the market plus with good strength, stability and durability.

(a) (b) Figure 4. (a) The newspaper of paper materials were made into chair of the paper furniture [18] (b) The newspaper of paper materials was made into the stool of paper furniture [19]. Figure 5 below shows another example product which was made from the paper materials that transformed into functional and valuable furniture was designed by Jens Praet, a Belgian designer where the shredded furniture was made by using shredded pieces of unused documents, used full-scrap A4 paper and leftover magazines [21]. It is such an innovative and creative ideas by the use of waste materials in furniture design and industries. Basically, the pieces of the shredded paper were found in the office or indoor buildings that have the shredding machine [21]. The adhesives that were used for shredded furniture manufacturing as shown in Figure 4 above is fiberglass resin adhesives. Besides, the advantages of the fiberglass resin that were used for shredded furniture in Figure 4 are low cost, strong, durable, water-resistant, light and suitable usage for outdoor furniture that can be placed outdoors in all conditions of weather [22]. But, there are some disadvantages which are the usage of resin can cause the furniture a bit heavy since the fiberglass resin have a lightweight characteristic. Besides, the huge amounts of waste paper that were produced in the office can transform and recycle into the new forms of objects and then return back to living or working surrounding area as good functional items [21]. Both Figure 2 and 3 respectively had shown that the paper waste materials are very suitable to use as the new materials to design and produce the eco-friendly furniture product for the sake of earthâ€&#x;s environment and nature and solve the environmental problems. In the same way, environmentally-friendly materials are also can be preferred as the eco-friendly materials [13]. Secondly, the waste that been used again can be known as the eco-materials that can contribute to help to minimize and reduce the environmental problems and issues, burden and impacts along with enhancing the competence of the energy and materials used as well as the recycling activities [13]. The material selection for the future ahead such as the full-scrap A4 paper that basically been used in the offices or schools, cardboard boxes in shops or supermarkets store and newspapers that had been read and no longer been used is now ready to be combined as the new combination of materials that also can be classified as the compound-like materials and then it can form the good strength and durability paper-based furniture products.


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Paper Materials for Furniture: A Design Review In term of recycling process for environmentally friendly products, many studies had concluded that the recyclable materials or renewable resources may even cost a bit high than the raw and natural resources materials, but still the customers can feel appreciate and grateful for the recycling process and willing to buy a products that are environmentally friendly with the purpose to protect and preserve the nature and environments of the earth [12].

Figure 5: The bench of shredded furniture [21]. Figure 6 below shows the example of the shapes and design that can be produced, recreate and redesign by using paper materials respectively. Figure 4. (a) was implied that the design with the combination of retro and futuristic style [23]. These combinations of table and chair set in Figure 4. (b) were clearly such a very state-ofart futuristic design with smooth forms have the functional moves that be unseen from sight. In term of structure, the rounded, curved and reinforced surface forms are definitely strong and flexible enough to provide more comfortability [24]. Therefore, it is a unique and vintage inspiration that basically transform into the futuristic design that definitely satisfies the customerâ€&#x;s expectations, needs, and requirements in the market along with the proper engineering design approach. But there are the differences between present and futuristic design which is the present furniture neither in wood or paper materials has a large number of components and parts while the futuristic furniture is already solved the current design problem by minimizing the joints as well as the components and parts which is simplified the design of the current furniture these days by using the engineering design process of Product Development Process (PDP). In the futuristic and modern design, the color plays a good role on the attractiveness on the customerâ€&#x;s expectations and desires to have a newer design of futuristic furniture to replace the present product of furniture in an indoor neither outdoor environment [25].

(a) (b) Figure 6. (a) Table of the Retro Futuristic Furniture [23] (b) The Futuristic Furniture: Ultramodern Desk & Chair Design Set [24].



Table 1 below shows the types of paper materials that were usually can be found anywhere and anytime such as the industries sources, supermarkets, stores, recycling waste center, offices, and households. In addition, this three paper materials will be the new materials combine together in the sandwich arrangement as the alternatives materials for furniture designing and manufacturing.


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Paper Materials for Furniture: A Design Review Table 1. The types of paper materials Types of papers Cardboard boxes



Low cost

[17], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [20], [32], [33], [34], [35], [36].


[37], [26], [38], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [39], [20], [33], [34], [35], [40].


[26], [27], [39], [33], [41].


[17], [37], [38], [27], [28], [29], [31], [20], [36].

Stiff and strong

[37], [38], [31], [20], [34], [36], [41].

Good product protection

[26], [38], [27], [33].

Can be customized and easy to be handle or assemble without heavy machine

[37], [20], [33].

Flexible in designing process


New and trendy furniture can be made by these materials


Sensitive to moisture and atmospheric conditions Paper(Fullscrap)


[37], [42], [28], [32], [43], [33], [44], [45].

Used for drawing, printing, writing, wrapping decorating and packaging.

[46], [34].

Low cost

[32], [47], [36], [48].


[49], [36].


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Paper Materials for Furniture: A Design Review



[49], [50], [36].


[51], [47], [48].

Sensitive to moisture and atmospheric conditions

[28], [32], [33], [45], [46].




[52], [91], [92]


[52], [93]




[52] Sensitive to moisture and atmospheric conditions

[28], [33], [46].



Skipping page of newspaper during reading that wasting the materials


Cause negative effect on human in terms of bad weather


Still, there are 3 major areas that needed to be considered in term of recyclable materials such as compatibility and capability with other materials, economic aspects and material properties [56]. Based on Table 1, the strongest paper materials that were usually used for furniture designing nowadays are cardboard and paperboard because it can gain more potential and favored with the more environmentally-friendly approach [20]. Generally, the double layer cardboard had the highest values of strength and toughness compared to the single layer cardboard [57]. Therefore, the double layer cardboard is highly recommended for furniture designing and manufacturing. The major advantages of paper materials in term of designing and manufacturing which is so easy to form to the proposed design and flexible to design and create in any variety of shapes, sizes and design but sometimes the paper materials do not need for screwing and nailing with the tools to join the parts or assembly parts of the furniture but needed for metal and wood furniture [58], [20]. Furthermore, there is no need to hire the trained and professional workers to assemble the furniture and it also can be assembled by any person in anywhere and anytime. In addition, the cardboard of the paper materials can be better and enhanced materials than the simple thick paper layer that was usually used for making packaging or boxes with the help of the advanced technology [58]. But, there is a weakness of paper materials where the paper had displayed the irregular properties in both below and then beyond the limit of the elastic properties and lastly end up to the failure state in terms of mechanical tensile [59]. To overcome the disadvantages of these paper materials as shown in Table 1, the plastic materials are the suitable materials that have the water-resistant properties.


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Paper Materials for Furniture: A Design Review The plastic materials that can help to contribute further the value of the waste plastic which is very eco-friendly materials [60]. Besides, the plastic materials will remain in the land in many several years because the waste that never can be degraded and it is non-biodegradable in earth‟s nature [61], [62], [11]. The plastic materials are significantly cheap and lighter in weight [63], [60]. The economic alternatives of plastic materials are can be used as the furniture coatings all over the furniture surfaces that can prevent from getting wet and acts as the water-resistant product for designing the new recyclable paper furniture. By these alternatives, the paper materials can enhance its negativity and disadvantages into advantages characteristic of paper materials combine with plastic materials. The plastic materials as the economic materials because of its long-lasting, durable, versatile, and low maintenance characteristic [11], [63]. The selection for the furniture material in term of designing, manufacturing and producing the furniture products also is a very important aspect because the selected material that had been chosen is a must and can be classified as the non-harm material for the environment and human [15]. The contribution of the paper materials into the new furniture products can open a new breakthrough and opportunities as well as enhances the chances for sustainable development in term of economic growth and society in the several countries [13]. By these contributions, it also benefits human on saving and preserving the earth‟s natural environment and also can solve the environmental problems. The mixture of paper materials such as new paper, paper waste, cardboard box as well as junk material with additional adhesives of glue solution will help to strengthen the whole combination to turn the mixture like Paper-Mache solution form that can transform into the desired shapes solid paper as tough, strong and durable to make the mixture into the construction material of the futuristic furniture. In addition, these mixtures of the combination will definitely strengthen the structure and properties of the furniture product. The advantages of PVA glue adhesives such as versatile glue adhesive and dries very clear after drying process completed [64]. One study had found out that the woodworkers that specialize in wood carpentry industries and manufacturing seem very relieved that the Polyvinyl Acetate (PVA) glue adhesives were performed in carpentry work very competently [65]. Therefore, these PVA glue adhesives are considered as the best value of the glue adhesives that been proven by the woodworkers. The PVA glue adhesives also very easy to handle because it was classified as the cold adhesives and it also can be dissolved in water or liquid to form the water-based glue adhesives solution [66]. In addition, the general purpose of the PVA glue adhesives is for the bonding of assembly work and joining where it is a very good strength of bonding and shorter time to clamp together [67]. Furthermore, there is a glue adhesive that similar to the PVA glue adhesives which are the cornstarch glue adhesives. The low cost, non-toxic, pure resources, and biodegradable are several advantages of cornstarch glue adhesives [68]. In the construction activities, the studies had shown that the waste materials are very suitable and it can be also carried out various construction works in the construction of roads, bridges, buildings and engineering works of civil as the alternative materials for construction of buildings [69], [56]. The recycling of waste materials into the construction materials will enhancing the accomplishment and success on recycling approach that been established by law and principle that produces a positive outcome and then it will significantly reduce the amount of disposal in landfills, environmental pollution and dangerous greenhouse gases [70], [69], [11]. And then, the buildings that mainly used the „green‟ or environmentally friendly materials nowadays are genuinely more popular and widely used in the construction industries and then these materials were non-toxic, safe to use or reuse and made from the recyclable or renewable resources that are proven capable for construction industries as our communities and societies were aware of the future consequences [71]. By these methods, it is more efficient use to solve major environmental issues for construction activities. Moreover, the Paper-Mache technique or „Papier-Mache‟ in the French language was the common technique that been used to the threedimension objects or 3D-objects which have the basic core of paper materials for designing the paper furniture in the past time [72]. These alternatives of these paper materials into new furniture products can also be classified as the part of the Green Technology approach. The Green Technology is the best way to preserve and protect the environment earth from the human‟s greediness as the solution to avoid forest‟s damage and pollution [73]. The Green technology also provides variety aspects of technology which help to reduce and minimize the human impact in the environment and create several ways of sustainable development that also had similar purpose along with recycling process. In addition, it will develop better greener scenery and sustainability of green life for our future generations [74]. An effort had been made to do a futuristic furniture by using the waste materials such as paper, paper cardboard and paperboard waste to form into the furniture is the best method and approach in furniture industries and companies. Furthermore, sustainable and recycling products will definitely provide the alternatives to the Green Technology products that ensure the longer life cycle of the material and the environmental. The first strategies are trying to aim at saving the cost and improve the design and quality


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Paper Materials for Furniture: A Design Review characteristic in term of the ability to create and develop new design products. In addition, the Green Technology is the best way towards preserving and protecting nature environment [75]. One of the main factors for environmental issue pollution was the unorganized waste disposal, hence the answer to solve these problems is Green Technology adoption where the human go beyond to „green‟ activities and not harm the planet earth environmental [75]. The product from the Green Technology approach had its advantages where it can be expected to attract consumers to see eco-friendly products in their house [75]. For further information, it is the best way for the paper waste that ready to recycle but it had the enormous chances as the raw materials that ready to be used in the technology development of the compound or composite materials approach [47]. “Going green” is another way which is the best way for the business entrepreneur on helping to reduce and minimize the waste in order to preserve and protect the environment of planet earth [73], [76]. For instance, the IKEA companies were been attracted with the Brazilian consumers that demanding with the eco-friendly products trend [77]. Therefore, these Green Technology approach will lead to less usage of raw natural resources as well minimizing the environmental problems [73]. The furniture designers must study, understand, discuss, learn and observe the past, present, and future as to determine the best design to replace the existing design of the furniture [78], [7]. So, knowledge is needed to design the new designs and shapes of the furniture products. The customer‟s expectation needed to be considered and more alert in the modern world nowadays as well as the furniture designers must have a high imagination in order to create the new design of furniture. Therefore, the design of a product must achieve the market trend in term of the time moving ahead to move further the progress of the advanced technology process [79]. The awareness and encouragement from the designers and consumers that brought the changes in the design world as the requirements and expectation of the new design and shape are in a needed situation in order to achieve the advanced world. Product development process is a part of the innovation process [80]. The innovation can be defined as to develop and bring the different and newer products and use of new materials or components in manufacturing process to the consumer that want the changes from the previous products which is something new to the market business and counted as a product which is „first of its kind‟ [81]. Newer and latest product produced from possibilities of new technologies and materials that are currently increasing in production lines in the furniture industries. In order to solve economic, social, and concerning environmental problems, the introduction of technology is the solution to solve in all life aspects [79]. Futuristic is indeed an innovation and design movement that must be designed with time ahead with advanced technology and then come up with the better quality and design of the furniture products. Interior design particularly had already changed for the time to time for one simple reason thus the life is changing rapidly, requirements and needs also had changed and lastly, development and optimizations are in a continuous form [82]. Hence the furniture designers must have the environmentally-friendly thinking to explore and produce the new materials in designing work and process [58]. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a systematic and development activities approach that applied to satisfy and improve the customer‟s requirements and needs that will be transformed into House of Quality (HOQ) method [83]. In term of shape, pattern, color, functionality and materials used, the House of Quality (HOQ) is the key part of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) that used to enhance the profit and success with customer‟s satisfaction and produce new products [84], [85]. It helps to help go through the design process flow by focusing on the customer‟s voice which is the main priority. The customers can describe in words on what the product or service will be prepared by identifying the customer needs for their own benefits [84]. The approach of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and House of Quality (HOQ) had concluded that the huge impact of increasing satisfaction of customer requirement between existing and newer design [85]. Hundreds of companies in the US were already assigned to these process development techniques that helped in engineering design process flow [84]. The survey questionnaire, research reading, observations, previous studies or designs, customer-based techniques, creativity techniques and unrecognized projects is the first medium to start with several originality ideas from the designers in the product development process of engineering design development [86]. But there are the differences between present and futuristic design which is the present furniture neither in wood or paper materials has a large number of components and parts while the futuristic furniture is already solved the current design problem by minimizing the joints as well as the components and parts which is simplified the design of the current furniture these days with the engineering process of Product Development Process (PDP). The concern of the consumers is the main priority of the product innovations that can be achieved through the consumer‟s view. Approach to the problem solving is very important to identify the current problems of environmental issues in order to redesign into the new futuristic and modern design of furniture by using waste materials with full satisfaction of consumers. So, the Product Development Process (PDP) is the best problem-solving approach on engineering design aspects to recreate and redesign the existing furniture into the futuristic design with the additional potential materials of paper waste materials to replace the


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Paper Materials for Furniture: A Design Review wood materials. The House of Quality (HOQ) and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) technique as one important design process to achieve and provide the customer‟s satisfaction by producing the new product using the product development process activities [85]. Plus, both House of Quality (HOQ) and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) had helped to provide the engineering process flow by designing according to consumer‟s voice and improve further the quality of design. Human‟s needs are the main key needed to be achieved and fulfill because of the best the environment of the classroom, offices or home residential, the more comfortable in improving the productivity and performances of the works and activities. In term of the new design of the futuristic design, it is a must in order to satisfy the consumers as to improve the surroundings of the indoor and outdoor environment that can help to motivate the human to achieve a new lifestyle [87]. The studies had shown that productivity and attitude had been improved due to the better work environment and improved arrangement of office design that boosted the worker‟s performances [87], [88]. The employees had motivated with improving their performances and productivity by the comfort and ergonomic features of furniture [87]. The futuristic design will encourage human to be more productive, comfortable and positive attitude. Besides, modern furniture nowadays is totally focusing on targeting the person or individuals that who are very interested in a newer, simplicity, minimalist, innovative design along with advanced technologies to enhance and create a peaceful, comfortable, better and modern environment atmosphere [89]. Still, the newer and futuristic design needed with the proper design guidelines in term of engineering design process that to ensure and enhance the possibility and advantages on producing the lighter and cheaper than the wood-based furniture where the materials used such as the paper waste materials are easy to be collected anywhere and anytime. The color can provide as the communication tools to the consumers as to link people through the packages, products, brochures, advertisements and environmental of the store as well as the variety and forms of the marketing process [25]. Color is definitely the main attractiveness and attention to the consumer as to appear more attractive, appealing and interesting to view the furniture products. The various colors in the furniture to make it more active, lively and appealing design and improve quality of the furniture products.



The paper waste materials are very capable of furniture making because it can solve the major environmental issues such as the pollution, deforestation, pervasive logging, landfill waste, dangerous greenhouse gases and global warming. The waste paper had the highest amount of the waste in the landfills. Therefore the best way to overcome the environmental problem by recycling into the new production of paper and used for making furniture that is environmentally-friendly and part of the Green Technology approach. Besides, the paper waste materials have a great potential to succeed in the future with adapting the materials that can have a long-term usage. It is very beneficial for the waste to be reused as the alternative materials for paper materials to turn into usable and eco-friendly furniture that can solve the environmental problem in the landfills. And then, the waste paper materials which is the recyclable paper to furniture products can be the new innovation process. These alternatives of waste paper materials into furniture that have newer, simple and modern design can ensure that the consumer will definitely like these innovative, sustainable, and eco-friendly ideas that can help the raw materials can be kept longer in the period of times. In terms of design and shapes, these paper materials also can produce the newer, modern, simple and futuristic design and shape because of its advantages such as flexible to design in any variety shapes and design form, lightweight, inexpensive materials and very durable. Therefore, the new design of the furniture definitely will lead the consumer to achieve the consumer‟s needs and requirements for the lifestyle of their own houses.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my colleagues, lecturers and supervisor, Dr Mohd. Hisham Omar in UniSZA for his support and guidance on the publication on this paper.

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