13 minute read
Women’s Members’ Report
All activities for 2021- 2022 are detailed in the Women’s Annual Report.
Women’s Committee for 2021 - 2022
President: Judy Trickett Captain: Annie Eldridge Secretary: Janet Shand Competition Manager: Sally Gooley / Nicki Howlett / Karen Patterson General Committee: Susie Wales Lynne Bastock Lilly Moore Simone Lester
We continue to live through unprecedented times, with the continued impact of the Covid pandemic and now record-breaking weather, specifically rainfall, which has denied us all our usual levels of access to the great past-time which we enjoy. Thankfully, the oversight and management by the Club Board and Club administrative personnel has enabled PHGC to largely maintain normal operations and continue to provide access to the course, Pro-Shop and café.
Our thanks are extended to the Board and all those in the Club’s administrative areas for their diligence, support and timely actions, which have ensured continuation of the Club to which we are fortunate to belong. Although the government imposed Covid restrictions altered how we conducted some activities during the latter half of 2021, during 2022 it has been the incessant and record-breaking rains which have impacted the course, and members’ access to it.
Through a great effort by the Women's Captain and a good deal of rescheduling and extending the 2021 season, we were able to ensure most of our major trophies were played.
The Women’s Championship Finals Day, the premier day in our golfing calendar, was held on the 2nd of December. We welcomed Bev Archer, a former Captain with multiple golfing accomplishments, to the role of official starter for 2021. We would like to sincerely thank our referees: Sue Fabian, Chris Allen, Peter Abraham, Jeanette Wright and Joan Eyles, for giving up their time to officiate on this special day. The players were well supported by a large convoy of spectators and at the conclusion of the matches, we all enjoyed a (late), afternoon high-tea on the terrace to celebrate our champions.
The Pennant Hills Cup and Bronze Salver were not held in 2021 due to Covid restrictions. Our Club, Bronze I and Bronze II Foursomes events were rescheduled from August to November 2021.
This year our Golf NSW 2022 Women’s Grade team consisted of: Desi Herden, Monique Herman de Groot, Anne Eldridge, Susie Wales, Leonie Shaw, Nicki Howlett, Mary-Jo Usher, Amanda Tucker and Cheryl Jones. After a promising start to the season, our introduction to Division 2 was hampered by extreme weather conditions and we were only able to play 3 games this season. Due to the heavy and persistent rainfall, and course closures the Grade season was abandoned.
In the Northern District Pennant Competition, we competed in the following pennants: Silver Salver, Silver II Salver, Bronze I Pennant, Bronze II Shield and Bronze III Salver. Sadly, the Silver Salver, Silver II Salver and Bronze II Shield were all impacted by bad weather with the result being their seasons were abandoned. Many thanks to Mary-Jo Usher, Simone Lester and Bev Nettle for taking on the role of Field Captain in the “abandoned” pennant seasons. Our Bronze I team consisting of: Margie Dearlove, Field Captain, Lynne Bastock, Ann de Carvalho, Stephanie Flynn, Jenny Harvey, Robin Hosking, De Howarth and Marcia Suviste, finished in a very commendable 3rd place. Congratulations to our Bronze III team who retained the Salver that we won in 2021. Our 2022 Bronze III Salver team was led by Field Captain, Sally Gooley and Vice-Captain, Joy Bull. The rest of the champion team were Jan Barber, Ann Elsley, Belinda Milroy, Maggie Rowe and Dianne Simpson.
Our Sunday Women’s Pennant team are midway through their season at the time of this report. Many thanks to Tanya Whitmarsh, Field Captain, for her assistance and dedication to this team.
The ever-popular Interclub competitions with Avondale, Oatlands and Castle Hill are always a fierce contest. Our Interclub with Avondale in 2021 was cancelled due to COVID19, and both 2022 interclub matches against Oatlands and Castle Hill have been postponed to later in the year, due to weather-related course closures.
The Golf NSW Ambrose Event in 2022 was won by Clare Fraser and Cheryl Jones. This team will progress to the regional finals with Naseem Chopra and Anne Eldridge, our 2021 champions (the 2021 regional final was postponed).
Sadly 2021 saw the end of the Lexus of Parramatta Cup. The final contest for 2021 was played at Riverside Oaks in January 2022, with teams from Pennant Hills, Oatlands and Castle Hill competing for the coveted trophy. The top 15 qualifiers from Pennant Hills competed and were successful in winning the trophy.
Pictured: Jill Goodall, Simone Lester, Belinda Milroy, Susie Wales
As well as the major golfing trophy events which are held each year, the Women’s Committee run a number of competitions to encourage participation and enjoyment, inclusive of all membership categories. These include the High Tee Classic, Mystery Day, St Patricks Day, Beanie Day, Visitors Day, our Annual Fundraising Day and the Christmas 3 Ball. Without exception these days are well supported and highly anticipated by the membership. Unfortunately, some of these events were unable to be held in 2021, due to the governmentimposed restrictions. In 2022 the Women's Committee have conducted the High Tee, St Patrick’s Day, and Blue Scarf Day (fundraising for Beyond Blue); and the ‘Non-Mystery’ Day to Elanora Golf Club.
The High Tee continues to grow. The mix of golf, a delicious high tea and the fun fashion parade ensures this popular event ids well supported by both our own members and regular visitors from both city and regional golf clubs.
Sadly, due to Covid lockdown continuations, we were unable to hold our two-day Greens Renovation trip in 2021. Our 2022 Greens Renovations Day-trip, scheduled for March was postponed to June. A big thank you to committee member Susie Wales for her work in organising and rescheduling this very successful day. All 68 participants enjoyed the beautiful Elanora golf course on a very chilly winter day, and the delicious lunch which followed was also well appreciated, with a lot of positive feedback received by the committee.
The generosity of the PHGC women is always on display on our fundraising days. In 2022 our Blue Scarf Day was in support of Beyond Blue. A total of just over $1600 was raised on this day, and Beyond Blue have sent a letter of appreciation to all women members who contributed. A blue survivor ball was in play on this day. The reward for returning the blue ball to the bar was a glass of champagne for each team member.
At Pennant Hills we are so fortunate to have quality coaching services available at our club. Many thanks to our teaching professionals: Neil Rolfe, Rachel Bailey and Liam Shiels. We wish Liam good luck in his move to another club. We welcome Assistant Professional Jessica Noh to Pennant Hills, and had the opportunity to introduce Jessica to the Women members at the recent Visitors Day luncheon.

Pictured (L to R): Marg Myles, Chrissie Grier, Lyn Mooney,
To the pro shop team, led by Neil Rolfe, many thanks for continually supporting the women’s program. Thank you also to Jared Dries and good luck with your move into a different field.
Neil Rolfe has again been overseeing the Get Started, Get Started Plus and Get Golfing programs to attract new members to our club. These programs have all been impacted by Covid in 2021 and the unprecedented weather patterns of 2022. Neil Rolfe maintains his enthusiasm for these programs, and is supported by the women’s committee and other women member volunteers in providing the program participants with additional on-course time. This ‘value-add service’ is an opportunity to welcome and support these new members through walking 9 holes with them, providing golf etiquette and tips, and promoting the many ‘extras’ the club has on offer.
During the report timeframe we have had three women join our club as six day or full playing members, eight flexible members, six under 21yrs and five house memberships have been signed up.
Major Trophy Winners for 2021-22
Club Champion 2021: Monique Herman de Groot Bronze I Champion 2021: Robin Hosking Bronze II Champion 2021: Rosie Artlett Pennant Hills Cup 2021: Not played Pennant Hills Bronze Salver 2021: Not played Foursomes Championship 2021: Monique Herman de Groot & Carole Whitehouse Bronze I Foursomes 2021: Robin Hosking & Coral Lawrence Bronze II Foursomes 2021: Sue McMurchie & Susan Nicholas Four Ball Knockout 2022: Ann Elsley and Janet Shand Singles Knockout 2022: Maggie Rowe President’s Cup 2022: Lyn Toohey Captain’s Cup 2022: Rescheduled due to weather events
The club’s social events during these challenging times have been very ably coordinated by Kristen Ramirez. Although on-course access and events have been limited due to the weather, we’ve enjoyed

The Women’s Annual Christmas Dinner is always a great evening which showcases the close friendships and camaraderie which exist amongst the women members of Pennant Hills. In 2021, with Covid restrictions in place throughout long periods of the year, a real challenge was presented regarding the entertainment options for our annual dinner. Rosemary Artlett rose to the challenge and did a fabulous job of providing all in attendance with an opportunity to relax, let off some steam and express themselves via song -through her organisation of a very successful Karaoke night. Who knew we had so many talented vocalists amongst our membership and staff?
In 2022 the Annual Dinner will again take place in November, with a much-anticipated return to our traditional Concert based entertainment format, which this year is being organised by Marg Miles, Chrissie Greer and Lyn Mooney. I know these ladies have already put in a lot of time planning the event, and I’m certain it is truly appreciated by all our members.
Pictured (L to R): Kerrie Workman, Chrissie Grier, Glenn Workman, Margaret Rich
Bridge is an important social activity for many of our members particularly those who are no longer out on the course. The ladies have been very patient with regard to lengthy suspension of their competition for much of last year, but they are now back with a vengeance. Organisers of the Tuesday Ladies Bridge Group -Sue Rogge and Carolyn Brereton – perform a greatly appreciated service, and report larger participant numbers than ever before. Thank you also to Sally Tribe and Marian Kench, who organise the monthly Friday Bridge gatherings. Kay Brunner does a great job of organising the bridge Interclub competition, which involves liaison with other clubs and formation of teams from Pennant Hills, never an easy task.
Thank you to the Women's Committee and all of the ladies who give of their time and skills to beautify our locker room area with flowers. These talented women provide lovely floral arrangements for those special club days when it is so important for our club to look its best.
Adrienne Gorme continues to do a wonderful job maintaining our library in the women’s locker room, which has now been expanded to include jigsaw puzzles.
Our thanks to Joan Eyles and Lyn Stanton for looking after the weekly Pilates session at the club. It is a popular activity on Tuesday mornings.
The archive/history team of Ann Crisp and John Wall have continued their important work in recording and curating the critical records relating to the events and people of Pennant Hills Golf Club. Ann and John have been joined in 2022 by Joan Eyles, who will continue to assist in this work group. The historical information which this team has gathered and maintained - regarding the last ninety-nine years - is greatly valued and will prove an important resource for the Club’s Centenary celebrations. Thank you also to Bruce Jones for digitising all of the history group records for posterity.
The Women's Veterans Delegates - Anne Hellman and Joan Tooke - are very capably managing our Veteran members and their associated competitions. The women veterans appreciate their regular entertaining communication regarding the leaderboard and events. Thank you to both Anne and Joan for your work on behalf of the women veteran members.
In what have been particularly trying times due to the weather, our new Course Superintendent, Liam Ash, and all the horticultural and greens staff have done an outstanding job with the ongoing care of the course and gardens. In the recent past, Board member Lesley Roberts has organised a team of women volunteers to assist the course staff with the upkeep of the gardens. The weekly efforts of the Friday morning gardening

On behalf of the women members, I would like to thank all members of the club’s board for their hard work over the past twelve months. We certainly appreciate the commitment of the board members to ensuring we have a prosperous and vibrant club.
The club’s General Manager, Barnaby Sumner, has continued to oversee the smooth operations of the club. We thank him for his work and the enthusiasm he brings to all matters related to the ‘bottom line’. We would also like to thank Craig Usher, Kim Truijens and Jodi Sparks for their work. Many members would be unaware of the amount of support the administration personnel provide to the women’s committee, and how much this enhances our club experience. The Food and Beverage staff, led by Peter Barter have continued to surpass expectations with both their product and service, which have been appreciated by the many members who have attended events. Additionally, Peter and his staff continue to provide us all with much needed and exceptional value ‘take-home’ meal options which have proven very popular. Kristen Ramirez, Hospitality Manager, has continued to offer valuable assistance to the Women's Committee in planning menus and coordinating scheduled events. Kristen makes our life much easier as a result of her ‘can-do’ attitude and willingness to help.
An enormous thank you to the Women’s Committee for all of your work throughout the year, and the ongoing support you provide to the female members of our wonderful club. Despite the many challenges imposed by the Covid pandemic and the diabolical weather in 2022, the committee have continued to organise - and repeatedly re-organise - the quality events and competitions our members look forward to and expect. Our Captain, Anne Eldridge, dedicates an enormous amount of time to the organisation of timesheets and competitions, and always endeavours to accommodate all member requests. In addition, Anne acted as the Grade team manager this year. Janet Shand, our very competent and diligent secretary, has continued to monitor the many details which are required in the organisation of the multitude of events organised by the committee, and ensures all important tasks are undertaken in a timely manner. Sally Gooley has worked tirelessly to train her replacement, Nicki Howlett, to ensure there was a seamless transition in the management of the Women's competitions and results when she stepped down from her committee role during the year, after 5.5 years of dedicated service. Sally’s vast knowledge of club culture and procedures, along with her willingness to lend a hand will be greatly missed by those of us who remain on committee. Karen Patterson and Susie Wales have done a wonderful job in helping out wherever and whenever assistance is needed, recording all important occasions and posting these on the website for everyone to enjoy. Sally Gooley, Nicki Howlett, Karen Patterson, Susie Wales and Lilly Moore have put in a great effort in organising our very successful Pennants Teams in 2021 and offering general support in committee work. Due to unexpected health and family issues during 2022, Lilly Moore and Nicki Howlett have also taken temporary ‘leave of absence’ from their committee work. Lynne Bastock and more recently Simone Lester have very kindly stepped in to assist the Women's Committee with ongoing workloads, and for this I truly thank them.
Finally, a massive thank you to all of the Pennant Hills women members for the support they have given their committee throughout (another) challenging year.