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Kendal Binns Junior Fund Report
The Kendal Binns Junior Fund wishes to salute Kendal who will be 100 in March next year. Kendal continues to attend our functions and bring smiles to the faces of all who attend.
The KBJF continues its work developing lifelong members of Pennant Hills by supporting individual young members who show both the ability to be good golfers and good people.
Our efforts are based on 2 premises:
1. You have to play well enough that you chose golf over the many sports available 2. You must have enough friends that you decide to use sport time with them playing golf.
We haven’t got there with girls yet, but we are trying. In 2013 there were 11 girls in the junior program and none had a handicap. Today there are 31 in the program and 8 of those have handicaps and are on a scholarship from the KBJF.
Is it working? In 2020 seven of our young golfers won the Metropolitan of Sydney Encourage Shield and in the state competition finished 3rd. They are all still members of Pennant Hills being:
Riley Lam James Dailly Alfred Wang Agatha Hui Wenxin Wang Matthew Nathan Brian Wu
At the elite level Andy Richards, a scholarship holder since 2016, has recently turned professional and Olivia Kerr along with Hamish Murray have just finished their first years at Universities in the U.S. on golf Scholarships.
At the beginning of the financial, we hold a dinner to welcome new scholarship players and review the achievements of our ongoing players. This year it was attended by 75 members.
Our major fund raising takes place on a weekend in September and the highlight is an Ambrose golf event on Sunday. Many of the scholarship players are involved and the emphasis is on fun. There is a dinner after the game where prizes are given out and the winners of the raffle are announced.
At the end of the Club’s financial year the KBJF had $27.1k in the bank and the Fund has budgeted approx. $21.0k for ongoing support for our young players. There are currently 24 on scholarship and with the continued good work of Rachel and the teaching team, we are hoping to reach 50.
Finally, the Fund would like to thank Graeme Martin, Rhonda Parkinson, Hugh Gerdes, Rob Cornish Rachel Bailey, Neil Rolfe, Barnaby Sumner, Craig Usher, Kim Trujian and Jodie Sparks along with all the donors past and present.
Ed Truscott