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The Formal Years P12 Personalities
McPhedran took over the task of producing the issue. They have maintained their predecessors high standard, with Rus adding some excellent photographs. They carried on their editorial tasks until 1986 when Jack Kelso, a past vice president and Special Member of the Club accepted the duty. Our new editor is carrying on the tradition providing members with a news service that keeps them fully acquainted with the Club's activities.
Our Club over the past 65 years, has enjoyed a membership of thousands. All have contributed in some small way to the development and unique traditions which are Pennant Hills. It is fitting therefore to make mention of the names whom we believe have represented a cross section of the members over the years. Many members come to mind who could be listed among our illustrious members. Who can ever minimise the contribution of Fred Scales and Harry Gregory. In those difficult days they earned the respect and appreciation of all. Most of those mentioned are Committee men and their contributions are tangible ones and easily acknowledged, but, who can ever assess the value of such members as Mark Deveridge or a Vern Thomas or a Jack Clarke. Who can ever assess the contributions of a Greg Waterson or a Howard .Gee or the wit of Dennis Clark. We are grc1teful for the Dal Haynes and the Heffernans, the Ross Buddies, the Ian Mackies, John Bourke and so many of our unsung heroes. Their contributions have enriched the Club and the Club is richer for their membership. The Wednesday players could never forget the wit and repartee from the Austins at presentation time. The Saturday players had their day fulfilled with the tee stories from Eric ComrieThomson and Arthur Furze. Of course the Professional Ian Alexander was the first person we have all contacted over the past twenty two years to check our starting time. All these people, we believe are indicative of a cross section of the Club's membership.
E.E. (ERNIE) DORAN joined the Club in 1927 and was an
71 active member of the committee. He held the position of Club Captain from 1930 to 1933. He had over fifty years of golfing experience, having joined the Arm id ale Club in 1910. A player of exceptional ability, he won the Club Championship on two occasions. His wife and three sons were all members, Ted winning the "B" Grade Championship in 1949. A well respected member of the Club, he was elected to Life Membership in 1959. He passed away in 1961. J.C. OOHN) FERRIS joined the Club on the 27th July 1948. He represented in our Pennants Team for many years. He became a committee member in 1965 and over the years held office on the Election, Planning and Handicap Committees. He was our delegate for the N.S.W. G.A. from 1966 - 1973. He was vice captain of the Club from 1970to1974. His worth to the Club as honourary solicitor for the past eight years is of inestimable value. R.A.L. (BOB) GREEN joined the Club in 1958. He was elected to Club committee in 1967 where he served fourteen years on the Planning and Course Committee. He also served several years as secretary to the Ex-Servicemen's Section. As an architect and qualified greenkeeper he gave great assistance to the Club. Better known as a golf architect, with extensive records in course design in Australia and the South West Pacific, his studies have included the replanning of our course brought about by the proposed resumption of sections ofour course by the D.M.R. He was responsible for the up-dating and redetailing of the 27 hole layout, North Shore Golf Club, Auckland, New Zealand, our only reciprocal Club. S.]. HINES was a well respected member of the club and was Editor of the first edition of the "Hills Newsletter" published in August 1951. He was club captain from 1952 to 1958 and as a member of committee served on House and Election as as chairing Playing. He was a delegatetotheN.S.W. Golf Association from 1956 to 1959. J.E. (JACK) KELSO joined the Club on the 6th December 1960 and was elected to committee on the 10th February 1971.
He served on general committee, House and Social, Finance and was a vice president of the Club from 1977 to 1986. Upon his retirement he was granted Special Senior Membership. As chairman of the House Committee, and in association with the Associates Committee, he was responsible for the refurbishing of the clubhouse. His artistic talent is shown in the two beautiful paintings, one of the course and the other the original Clubhouse of 1923. V.M. (VIC) KENDALL joined the Club in 1948. He gave twenty one years of service to the Club, during which time he was Club handicapper for ten years, vice captain for five years and club captain for six years. Jn 1952, he and Bill Davidson, (Professional at the time) gave golf instructional classes, free of charge, on Thursdays afternoons, to thirty school boys from primary and secondary schools. Several of these lads later joined the Club. To honour his services, the Vic Kendal Tyro Trophy was instigated. It is a trophy competed for by members in "C" Grade who have never previously won a Club event. Vic passed away in 1981 sadly missed by all who knew him. CLIFFORD BROUGHTON was an early foundation member. The early minutes of the Club disclose the great work carried out by him as a member of the general committee and as chairman of the house committee. He served in these capacities for seven years. The difficulties that confronted the Club's directors can only be fully appreciated by studying the early minutes. His tact and kindness played a significant part in bringing our Club through the rough passages of the early days. Cliff possessed gracious manners and was regarded as a gentleman of the highest order. He zealously guarded the honour bestowed upon him, when on the 26th September 1955 he was elected to Life Membership of the Club. He was to grace our Club with his presence for a further twenty years, playing cards with friends or having a chat. He passed away in 1975 and the Club Jost another pioneer from the past. His membership extended over fifty years. A.G. (ARTHUR) LEES joined the Club in 1936 and became a memberof General Committee in 1946. He gave fourteen years of continuous service, performing his duties with great enthusiasm and zeal, which emphasised the devotion and loyalty he possessed for the Club. His contribution to the garden design remains relatively unaltered today. He was a vice president of the Club for twelve years and in 1961 was elected to Life Membership. Arthur Lees left a visible contribution, one that will remain for many years to come. V. (VIC) MACALLISTER made a valuable contribution to the growth of the Club. A member for thirty years, he served on committee for eighteen years. He was the Club delegate to the N.S.W. Golf Association and a vice president from 1961 to 1966. He was sadly missed when he passed away, attending the Annual Meeting on the 26th September 1966. T.W. (TREVOR) MANSER joined the Club in 1958. He served on committee for twelve years, which included a term as honourary treasurer and captain for six years. He was a popular captain, held in high esteem by the N.S.W. golfing authorities. He possesses a high degree of humour and always has a ready smile. He was appointed a Life Member on the 24th September 1984, an honour he has held with great dignity. F.L. (FRED) PAUL joined the Club in 1931 and played a very important part in the early development of the Club. He served on general committee, was Chairman of the House Committee and became a vice president. He is credited with being the instigator of many of the Clubhouse amenities we all take for granted today. He was the original donor of the Winter Cup. He was elected to Life Membership on the 26th September 1960, being only the fifth member of the Club to be honoured with this distinction. He was sadly missed by all of his friends when he passed away in 1964. H.C. (HARRY) STOYLES joined the Club in 1950. He played an active role as a junior and later in 1973 was elected to Committee.
A happy group of associates after their 1977 Christmas entation. Back row: Trish Whitton, Judy Bray, Joan Wannan, Janet Leroyd. 2nd row: Erla Nando, Yvonne Clarke, Mollie Sutherland, Dot Lawson, Joan Van den Driesch, Jean Stuart, Marg Davis and Nola Lawler. 3rd row: Margaret Cavenough, Helen Lowe, Robin Keogh, Dot Menzies, Isobel Mortlock. Front row: Win Hynes, Betty Musgrove (Producer), Di Oakley, Jean Bowrey, Marion Kench and Marcia Litchfield.
The garden at its best to celebrate our Bi-centenary . (Photo Isobel Beer)