Colorinsider brochure ipad

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For improved colour performance and hair condition.

tecHNoLoGY wHAt Is coLorINsIder?

COlOrinSiDEr is a true breakthrough in the Matrix hair colour category. it is our first 100% ammonia-free odourless permanent colourant with a unique and patented Oil Delivery System2 technology (ODS2). The colour result is delivered in high-resolution with true, sharp and saturated results. hair is left luxuriously soft and shiny.

LUXUrY AMMoNIA-Free, odoUrLess perMANeNt coLoUr. trUe, sHArp, sAtUrAted coLoUr.

until now, ammonia was the ingredient of choice for permanent colour results. now, Matrix uses an oil based technology to achieve the same performance and results as ammonia based products. The technology, known as ODS2 Oil Delivery System2, is a breakthrough oil base that drives the colourant into the heart of the hair fibre without the need for ammonia and provides outstanding hair protection*. it is designed to help provide both scalp comfort and protect hair quality from root to tip.

Breakthrough Colour Injection Technology:

oIL powered tecHNoLoGY For IMproVed coLoUr perForMANce ANd HAIr coNdItIoN. High-resolution colour • Full-power, sharp focus reflects. • Deeply saturated, even finish from root to tip with 100% grey coverage. • 65 intermixable shades including Clear. 19 tonal families.

Our Colour injection Oil Delivery System propels colour actives directly to the hair’s core. Maximises colour impact with minimum levels of alkaline agent.

Perfectly-polished finish • Helps preserve the hair fibre integrity for an even, reflective finish. Precision-calibrated palette • Optimum balance of base + reflect. • Predicable, true-to-tone shades. no ammonia, no odour • Pleasant application, exceptional client comfort. Minimum stress on the cuticle surface. Outstanding hair protection.* * COlOrinSiDEr respects the essential amino acids and lipid balance of natural hair.

coLoUr INjectIoN


deLIVerY sYsteM

coLoUr portFoLIo featuring a portfolio of hues with the ability to lighten and darken up to 3 levels and cover 100% white hair, COlOrinSiDEr allows you to create a bespoke look for each of your clients – whether it is a radiant copper, a rich brown or a luminous blonde. NATURAL LEVEL

AA .11

A .1

V .2

M .8

N .0


10a 10.1

10V 10.2

10m 10.8

10n 10.0


9V 9.2


8a 8

8a 8.1


6aa 6.11

6a 6.1


5a 5.1



4aa 4.11

3V 3.2



2aa 2.11


BC .54

BR .56

GV .32

G .3

GC .34

9G 9.3

9Gc 9.34

C .4

CC+ .44+

8c 8.4

8cc+ 8.44

RC .64

R .6

RR+ .66+

6R 6.6

6RR+ 6.66+

5R 5.6

5RR+ 5.66+

RV .62

VR .26

5RV 5.62

5VR 5.26

10GV 10.32

9nW 9.03

8n 8.0

8nW 8.03

7n 7.0

7nW 7.03

6m 6.8

6n 6.0

6nW 6.03

5m 5.8

5n 5.0

5nW 5.03

5Wm 5.38

4m 4.8

4n 4.0

4nW 4.03

4Wm 4.38

3n 3.0

3nW 3.03

8m 8.8

5V 5.2

WM .38

9n 9.0

7V 7.2


NW .03

8GV 8.32

7Wm 7.38

7Bc 7.54

7G 7.3

6BR 6.56

5Bc 5.54

6GV 6.32

7Gc 7.34

7c 7.4

7Rc 7.64

6cc+ 6.44

5G 5.3

5Rc 5.64

4BR 4.56

4RV 4.62

3G 3.3

3VR 3.26

2n 2.0

1n 1.0


65 sHAdes


3 oIL-creAM deVeLopers: 10 Vol, 20 Vol & 30 Vol




ALpHA-NUMerIc sYsteM coloRinSideR uses an alpha-numeric system to describe each shade. This ensures that whatever hair colour system you are familiar with you can easily predict the result of each shade. ReadinG the laBel TM/MC

level major tone minor tone level 1 Blue Black

2 Black

3 dark Brown

4 medium Brown

5 light Brown

6 dark Blonde

7 medium Blonde

8 light Blonde

9 Very light Blonde

10 extra light Blonde

tone neUtRal

aSH/ BlUe


Gold/ WaRm


BRoWn/ maHoGanY


GReen/ matte











indicates shade-specific technology for increased vibrancy and exceptional colour clarity.


• Use alone to provide lift on natural hair without depositing tone.

• Use with other shades to reduce tonal deposit.

top tIps For sUccess 01 for a perfect 1:1 mixing ratio use the dedicated developer measurer

04 Apply only to dry hair 05 Take fine sub-sections

02 use only the COlOrinSiDEr dedicated developer 03 use bowl and brush application for optimal results

06 Apply to the top and bottom of each section for full saturation

08 Work colour through mid-lengths and ends with hands, as opposed to a comb 09 Do not use heat 10 Process for a total of 35 minutes

07 Cross check from the mid-shaft, not in the scalp area

11 Shampoo thoroughly with a Matrix colour shampoo


total Cost






X 60 shades (any)

New User

Welcome Kit

Get a FRee tRolleY WHen YoU PURcHaSe tHiS Kit WitH a Welcome Kit

Colorinsider Shades

ReCeive FRee*:

Professional safety

for you and your client’s safety, carefully read these instructions before aPPlying colouration

allergy alert test must be done how to carry out an allergy alert test

an allergy alert test must be done 48 hours before each application of the colourant, as an allergy can develop suddenly, even though you have previously applied the colourant or another colourant on your client.

the protocol follows a 3-step consultation with your colour client, to accompany the application of a matrix colourant:

matrix and the l’oreal professional product division has designed a protocol which will enable you to manage your clients’ colour experience and determine the need to carry out an allergy alert test.

step 2: how to carry out an allergy alert test.

step 1: professional consultation.

step 3: how to carry out a colour application refer to your professional safety booKlet for more information.

1. first, remove earrings. 2. then, behind the ear and using a cotton-bud, apply a little of the unmixed product sufficient to cover an area of 1 to 2cm (eg. the size of a small coin) 3. re-apply 2 or 3 times allowing it to dry between each application.


if during the course of this period you or your client notice any abnormal reactions such as intense reddening, itching or swelling in or around the test area, do not apply the colourant and recommend that your client seeK medical advice before any further colour applications are made.

use exclusively with the recommended oxydants.

do not use if:

• your client has a rash on their face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp. • your client has ever experienced any reaction after colouring their hair.

• RECORD THE allergy alert test information on your client record card.

read the Product’s leaflet & follow the instructions

wear suitable disposable gloves during the preparation, application and rinsing of the product.

black henna tattoos: checK with your client. if your client has ever had, even once, a blacK henna tattoo, your client may have become allergic without Knowing it. do not use the product, unless you have done the allergy alert test 48hrs before use.

• your client is under 16 years of age.

4. leave for 48 hours without washing, covering or touching.

use the proportions indicated.

respect the development time.

Professional safety rinse hair well after application.

in case of a reaction in case of a reaction during the application such as an intense stinging, irritation, rash or burning sensation on the scalp, rinse immediately and discontinue use. in case of shortness of breath, seeK immediate medical attention. before colouring the hair again, recommend that your client consults a doctor.

sPecial Precautions

avoid contact of the product with sKin and eyes. do not use to colour eyelashes or eyebrows. to do so may cause blindness. rinse eyes immediately if product comes into contact with them. if contact lenses are worn, they should be removed before rinsing the eyes thoroughly with water.

prepare and apply the mixture preferably in a wellventilated place.

Health and Safety leaflet Nov 2013 v2.indd 1

Keep out of the reach of children. not suitable for use on clients under 16 years of age.

when a shaKer is used, open immediately after mixing to avoid the shaKer bursting and damage from the product overflowing.

do not use if hair has been coloured with henna or with a progressive colour.

for all Questions concerning the personal sensitivity of your client, recommend consultation with a doctor.

do not use on a beard or moustache or for any other purpose than colouring the hair.

13/11/2013 11:51

do not inhale or ingest.


wait at least 2 weeKs after perming, relaxing or straightening the hair before applying the hair colourant.

Health and safety poster Nov 2013 Border v2.indd 1


12/11/2013 17:02

Health and safety Card Nov 2013 v1.indd 1

6 x COlOrinSiDEr Oil-Cream Developers (Any)

1 x COlOrinSiDEr Deluxe Shade Chart

4 x COlOrinSiDEr A2 posters

1 x COlOrinSiDEr Quick reference Guide

1 x Door Sticker

Hero prodUct

1 x Matrix Education Poster

1 x Matrix Window 1 x Education Sticker Stylist handbook

2 x bowls

2 x brushes

2 x Measuring cups

2 x Whisks

2 x Gowns

12/11/2013 17:08

1 x Matrix Colour health & Safety Kit

Hero prodUct

Hero prodUct

1 x Design Pulse 1 x Exquisite Oil 1 x So Silver Mega Dust (7g) Strengthening Shampoo (300ml) Treatment (92ml)

Unlimited FRee edUcation. TAlK TO yOur MATrix SAlES COnSulTAnT AbOuT Our WiDE rAnGE Of TEll ME COlOur COurSES, WOrTh £35/E50 – FRee TO MATrix uSErS/STOCKiSTS! *Welcome Kit cost, support value, savings, dependant on individual distributor pricing. All prices are Ex. VAT. Subject to availability. Ask your Sales Consultant for more information. Designs are for illustration purposes and are subject to change. Please note: pack shots are not to scale.


total Cost






X 20 shades (any)

New User

Starter Kit Colorinsider Shades

ReCeive FRee*:

Professional safety

for you and your client’s safety, carefully read these instructions before aPPlying colouration

allergy alert test must be done how to carry out an allergy alert test

an allergy alert test must be done 48 hours before each application of the colourant, as an allergy can develop suddenly, even though you have previously applied the colourant or another colourant on your client. matrix and the l’oreal professional product division has designed a protocol which will enable you to manage your clients’ colour experience and determine the need to carry out an allergy alert test.

the protocol follows a 3-step consultation with your colour client, to accompany the application of a matrix colourant: step 1: professional consultation. step 2: how to carry out an allergy alert test. step 3: how to carry out a colour application refer to your professional safety booKlet for more information.

1. first, remove earrings. 2. then, behind the ear and using a cotton-bud, apply a little of the unmixed product sufficient to cover an area of 1 to 2cm (eg. the size of a small coin) 3. re-apply 2 or 3 times allowing it to dry between each application.


if during the course of this period you or your client notice any abnormal reactions such as intense reddening, itching or swelling in or around the test area, do not apply the colourant and recommend that your client seeK medical advice before any further colour applications are made.

use exclusively with the recommended oxydants.

do not use if:

• your client has a rash on their face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp. • your client has ever experienced any reaction after colouring their hair.

• RECORD THE allergy alert test information on your client record card.

read the Product’s leaflet & follow the instructions

wear suitable disposable gloves during the preparation, application and rinsing of the product.

black henna tattoos: checK with your client. if your client has ever had, even once, a blacK henna tattoo, your client may have become allergic without Knowing it. do not use the product, unless you have done the allergy alert test 48hrs before use.

• your client is under 16 years of age.

4. leave for 48 hours without washing, covering or touching.

use the proportions indicated.

respect the development time.

Professional safety rinse hair well after application.

in case of a reaction in case of a reaction during the application such as an intense stinging, irritation, rash or burning sensation on the scalp, rinse immediately and discontinue use. in case of shortness of breath, seeK immediate medical attention. before colouring the hair again, recommend that your client consults a doctor.

sPecial Precautions

avoid contact of the product with sKin and eyes. do not use to colour eyelashes or eyebrows. to do so may cause blindness. rinse eyes immediately if product comes into contact with them. if contact lenses are worn, they should be removed before rinsing the eyes thoroughly with water.

prepare and apply the mixture preferably in a wellventilated place. when a shaKer is used, open immediately after mixing to avoid the shaKer bursting and damage from the product overflowing. for all Questions concerning the personal sensitivity of your client, recommend consultation with a doctor.

Health and Safety leaflet Nov 2013 v2.indd 1

Keep out of the reach of children. not suitable for use on clients under 16 years of age. do not use if hair has been coloured with henna or with a progressive colour.

13/11/2013 11:51

do not inhale or ingest.


wait at least 2 weeKs after perming, relaxing or straightening the hair before applying the hair colourant.


do not use on a beard or moustache or for any other purpose than colouring the hair.

Health and safety poster Nov 2013 Border v2.indd 1

12/11/2013 17:02

Health and safety Card Nov 2013 v1.indd 1

2 x COlOrinSiDEr Oil-Cream Developers

1 x Matrix Education Poster

1 x COlOrinSiDEr Standard shade chart

1 x Education Stylist handbook

1 x Matrix Window Sticker

4 x COlOrinSiDEr A2 posters

1 x bowl

1 x brush

1 x COlOrinSiDEr Quick reference Guide

1 x Measuring cup

1 x Door Sticker

12/11/2013 17:08

1 x Matrix Colour health & Safety Kit

1 x Whisk

Unlimited FRee edUcation. TAlK TO yOur MATrix SAlES COnSulTAnT AbOuT Our WiDE rAnGE Of TEll ME COlOur COurSES, WOrTh £35/E50 – FRee TO MATrix uSErS/STOCKiSTS! *Starter Kit cost, support value, savings, dependant on individual distributor pricing. All prices are Ex. VAT. Subject to availability. Ask your Sales Consultant for more information. Designs are for illustration purposes and are subject to change. Please note: pack shots are not to scale.

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