Matrix Tonal Control Shade Chart & Info

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11 10 9 ' ABit Blushed l0PR Iced /l�¥), Taupe Out fl, I◄ ,J On Top 9V Ii f 8VG Silver Standout 9AA Bronde Bailer 9NGA Strawberry Stunna 9RG Neutral +Chill .,, 7NA Miss Mocha 7GM Ash Greige If Getter 6A 4AA Bronde Bronde Baby Bestie I 6NGA SNGA Jammin Jade SNJ Gold Standard SNW Totally Transparent

Acidictechnologyprovidingnobaseshiftand perfectfordamageconsciousclients

Gel consistencyto providethe stylist withmore controlforaneasyapplication

Noammonia,vegancolourformulawith optimized PH, minimizingswellingofthecuticle

Pre-bonded withourexclusive Bond-Protecting Concentratehelpsprotecttheinnerhairstructure

Realtime visible oxidation and colour-coded formulasthatgivethe stylisttherequiredconfidence forprocessing

BetterValue = 2xapplicationspertube

Long Lasting Multi-Dimensional Results lastingforupto6weeks/24washes

What makes Tonal Control betterto use on blondesvs. SoColor SyncAcidic today?

There isnoclaimthatsaysTonalControlisbetterthanSoColor SyncAcidic. Insteadofcomparingonevs.theother, focus on theuniquebenefits ofTonal Control.These were developedto be used exclusively on pre-lightened hair.

DoTonal Control shades have background tone?

SomeTonalControlshadeswillhavemorebackground wheremoredepthornatural resultsare desired, andsome willhave lesswhere lessdepthorneutralization isrequired. Forexample, SNWGold Standardwillhave more background than9V Iced Out.

Howisthe Tonal Control colour result different from Syncespecially forshades that existedpreviously in SoColor Sync Acidic and now will be in Tonal Control?

TonalControlshadeswerespecificallydesigned tobeused followingalightener.The colour result istherefore based on howitwill performon pre-lightened hair anditsnatural underlying pigment.

SomeoftheAcidicTonershadeshave been updatedforTonal Controlbasedonfeedback. The l0PRismore .6thanitsAcidic Tonercounterpart, the6and9 NGAsarealittlecoolerforbetter neutralization ofcopper undertones.

HowistheTonal Control colour result different from competitor brands?

TonalControl isdifferent from competitor brandsinthatit'sgot a gel-cream consistencyvs. liquid andcan be appliedtodamp ordryhair.TonalControlwillnot oxidise asquicklyandwillbe less likelytobe pre-maturelyrinsed.

TonalControl isdifferentfrom competitor brandsinthatitdoes notrequire dedicated developersforuse andfeatures bulk coloursto helpvisuallyguide the stylist through more intricate toningtechniques.

TonalControlresultsaremoresaturatedthancompetitor brands. There aremore optionswithTonal Control inrespect tosaturation, because there isthe benefitofClearformore formula options.

How does hair porosity affect the end colour result ofTonal Control? Do we have to mixwith a Clear formula or apply differently in this case?

Porosityissomethingthatshouldbeassessedbefore any colourservice, regardless ofthebrandbeingused.Tonal Controlwastestedandvalidatedforuse onbleached hair, which inmostcases, isporoustooverlyporous.

TonalControl Pre-Bonded features the Bond Protecting Concentrate withtaurine and cationic polymerstoreinforce and repairweakened bonds, soissafetouse onthishairtype.

Ifover-depositisa concern, the stylistcan mixwith Clear and/orspraytheendswith lnstacure. Reduced timingisnot recommended.

HowisTonalControl Real-Time Oxidation different from real-time oxidation on SoColor SyncAlkaline and SoColor Acidic today? In other words, what makes the oxidation be more controlled onTonal Control? The control referstoa couple ofthings:

•Thevisual cuesthatthe stylistgets whenmixing/placingthe shade. Thiscan be especially useful when doingcreative techniques orplacements with multiple tones.


DoestheTonal Control formula contain oxidative dyes and directdyes?

TonalControl Pre-Bonded shadesdonotcontaindirect dyes. Thecolourthatthe shade isasitcomes out ofthetube isits bulkcolour. Bulkcolourispurelyaesthetic anddoesnothave anyeffect onthe shade's performance orresult.

Howarethedyes different from SyncAcidicdyes?

Theyarenotdifferent. TonalControlisanacidicdemithatuses oxidativedyes.What'sdifferentisthe bulkcolour. Some shades taken fromtheAcidic Tonershavebeenmodified basedon marketfeedback.

Can astylist use fasttoners 1st andthen applyTonal Control?

Tonal Control hasnotbeenvalidatedtobeusedinthisway. However, there istechnicallynoreasonwhythey could not. Asalways, astrandtest isrecommended toensurethe result isasdesired.

CanTonal Control be used with other volume developers other than al0V?

TonalControlhasbeenvalidated forusewithequalpartslOV MatrixCream Developer. Usinganyothervolume ofdeveloper hasneither been approved fromaperformancenorsafety perspective. Usingwithanyothervolume ofdeveloper is therefore notrecommended.

WillTonal Control coverwhite/grey hairs?

While certain shades mighthave aneffect ongrayhair depending onlevelandtone, abetter option forgrayblending is SoColor Sync Alkaline Pre-Bonded.

Whatisthe PHofTonal Control and Sync?

ThemixpH ofTonal Control is6.4-6.8. That is the same as the Colour SyncAcidic Toners.TheColour SyncAlkaline systemis inthe pH 9-10 range.

Level Undertone Toning Challenge (/ ,.. #r Liglit Blo11cles 11 PY+ 10 PY 9 y Brightnessofreflect + noover-toning •••• Visibilityofreflect + no under-toning

Real-TimeVisible Oxidation

Colour-Coded Control


Multi-Dimensional Results

Pre-Bonded Pre-Bonded Colour-Locking

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