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Early Spring Ride

Early Spring Ride

the entire plan of the pushers of the ism’s. They need more people dependent upon the government for the plan to work, because if you can’t stand on your own two feet, if you are not responsible for your own prosperity, in the pursuit of getting a little more from the government, you will start to let them do whatever they want. And they know this. They are counting on it.

Recently, while wasting my brain cells on social media, I came across an old animation. I actually remember seeing it as a child, but back then I didn’t understand or even care about the message it was trying to convey. Today, I understand it all too well.


Make Mine Freedom was produced in 1948 as “one of a series of films by the Extension Department of Harding College to create a deeper understanding of what has made America the finest place in the world to live,” according to the first few seconds of the video. Seventy-five years later and Dr. Utopia has sold too many of you on the “ISM” potion. Once you see the video, you’ll understand that reference. Visit my Not So Useless Ramblings Facebook page (link at the bottom of this article and a QR code) and you’ll find the link to the video.

The pushers of the ism’s have been able to indoctrinate, to dumb down, a good portion of the population. They’ve been able to turn the education system into a factory that produces low information lemmings, educated just enough to keep them paying their taxes and keeping their mouths shut. The lemmings were never taught the true history of our nation. They don’t know what has happened around the world under the various regimes that have kept the citizens of other countries in poverty and servitude; slaves to their governments. Sadly, that is what is being pushed for here on American soil.

We’ve allowed our currency to be completely destroyed. The dollar is getting to the point where it is almost as useless as a Venezuelan bolivar. We’ll be just like the citizens of Venezuela hauling a wheelbarrow full of cash to the store to purchase a single loaf of bread, IF there is actually a loaf available, if we aren’t careful.

Massive corporations, many of them foreign owned entities, have taken over the market and have forced all the Mom & Pop shops to close their doors thanks to the idiotic push with the “Fight for $15.” All of those employees end up losing their jobs and a good portion of them end up on, or on more, government assistance so they can survive. This is

The real bitch of this is that the government raises the minimum wage to $15 an hour, the companies that can’t afford to pay their employees this wage either fire half of their staff or completely fold, then the government gets to demonize those companies, “Look at these evil companies firing their people rather than losing money on their business!” We’ve already seen it happen all across the nation.

I believe this is a very strong argument for why we need actual business people to enter into politics and our government rather than career politicians. The businessmen are geared toward prosperity and building up everything where the career politicians are only geared toward their own bank accounts and their own power.

Speaking of foreign infiltration of US soil, I’ve read articles about how China has been purchasing very large portions of US farmland, aside from owning many of the US based food production companies. Hell, they own the Smithfield Foods in my hometown. There were also recent reports of the Chinese operating a “secret police station” in Manhattan’s Chinatown neighborhood. There were at least 34 “officers” operating out of that one station. If there is one, I’m sure there are more. Then if you switch to the “left coast” of the US, you’ll find recent news that the city of San Francisco is in dire need of new police officers, but they can’t seem to find anyone willing to do the job. I can’t imagine why. (insert sarcasm emoji here) Due to the lack of new recruits, they are now proposing that they drop the US citizenship requirement to become a police officer. What?

Since California has become a sanctuary for hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of illegal aliens, what are the chances that the south of the border cartels will take full advantage of this and infiltrate the police departments? Who wants to bet against me?

Another push from the Dr. Utopia’s ism addicted morons is getting more and more people out of the country and rural areas and into bigger and bigger cities. They understand that people in large groups, concentrated populations, have a tendency to all begin to think alike. If vast population centers all think alike, it’s easier to get any outliers to begin to change to fit in. Thus creates the “hive mind” effect.

This will help usher in the idea of the “15 Minute City” or “Smart Cities” across the nation. I do believe that the city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada has been registered as the first 15-minute city in North America. A 15-minute city is one where you will be able to walk or bike to anything you need within 15 minutes. Groceries, doctor’s office, work, etc. all within 15 minutes from your door. Sounds convenient, right? But we all should know that convenience comes at a cost; this is at the cost of your freedoms.

When these cities are implemented with all the SMART (Surveillance Monitoring Analysis Reporting Technology) technology you are now in a concentration camp. Your every move is monitored. Your digital ID and the digital dollar will track every movement, every cent you were allowed to spend, and even your carbon footprint. The World Economic Forum has already implemented this in 32 cities across 22 countries worldwide.

Well now I suppose you’re saying that you just won’t move to one of these mass population centers; you’ll just stay out in the rural areas or in your small town USA. Sounds like a great plan. I’m with you. However, that’s where Agenda 2030 (formerly Agenda 2021 pushed by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum) comes in. There are parts of Agenda 2030, if it actually becomes law, that state that if the government deems the land and water around you to be polluted, they can force you off of your land and into these cities. You can either comply with government edict or be jailed, or they might even just Ruby Ridge your ass.

Conspiracy theories galore, right? But just look around at the news in this country. When you consider that China has bought up massive amounts of US farmland and many food processing plants, many other food processing plants have suffered massive fires or catastrophic accidents, there have been huge fires that killed very large numbers of beef & dairy cattle, there were massive bird flu outbreaks in chicken hatcheries where millions of birds were euthanized, an increase in train derailments where toxic chemicals were spilled polluting land, groundwater and rivers, and other ecological disasters.

Are they truly conspiracy theories if these things are actually happening? Anyway, I’m off to the store; I need to buy some more tin foil to make a new hat.


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