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Early Spring Ride

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The Colorado Grill

The Colorado Grill

Craig Kooyman


It was the first day of Spring, March 20th in Central Iowa. I was finally loaded. The bike and some tools in the converted stock trailer (now my motorcycle hauler) clothes and other items on the back seat of the extended cab truck, and the road atlas at easy reach in the passenger seat. I was ready to start a trip like I had never done before, but had wanted to do for some time. I had originally planned on going in January, but as it turned out it was for the better, I was delayed.

My first stop was to see family in the St. Louis area and after two nights I continued towards Greenville, Mississippi. I chose this as the next stop because it was an easy drive and knowing what riding in Iowa along the Mighty Mississippi is like I thought it might be a similar experience. (But I did not consider it as being part of the Delta Region at the time.)

I had not made advanced hotel reservations for the trip just in case I had trouble along the way or something else came up. The hotel where I stayed the first night was the worst experience that I had ever had traveling. The next morning was a little cool but it was going to be a very good riding temperature by afternoon. I had checked out of the disastrous place and found another option for the night close by. It was a much nicer establishment at a better price, and they even let me check-in that morning.

Now it was time to go riding. I had discovered when looking at my atlas there was a town named Indianola about a half an hour east of where I was. I had to go and check it out. I discovered it was the home town of BB King. His museum is there and a park dedicated in his name. I didn’t take the time to tour the museum because there was more riding I wanted to get in. It was the first time I had ridden for the year and I wanted to see things around the Greenville area also, and since I had not planned on moving to a different hotel I didn’t have as much flex as I had originally figured.

I didn’t stay any longer in that area because there was a major storm heading that way and it was supposed to arrive on Friday, so I packed up and headed for Baton

Rouge, Louisiana. While in route I stopped in Vicksburg, Mississippi. It is a small town along the Mississippi River with a lot of history and many old buildings that have been revitalized. A Civil War Battle was fought there that is considered a decisive victory for the Union. Along the road on the north side of town there are many grave stones marking the places where soldiers lost their lives.

It was lunch time and I had talked to a local while fueling up and he suggested a place to eat named Rusty’s. The Mississippi River is just across the street from it along with the first diesel tow boat that is now part of a museum. I had a Shrimp Po’boy with onion rings and caramel pecan cheesecake for dessert. I suggest if you are in the area to stop there for good food and nice atmosphere. This town is a place I would consider returning to when I can spend more time.

I arrived in Baton Rouge and went straight to the Harley dealer. I wanted to verify the location, because the next day they were having their spring opener. I also wanted get information on local places to stay and eat in the city while I was there. No national chains, I wanted to eat local dishes. That Friday night the tornadoes rolled through Mississippi and caused extensive damage and killed some people not far from where I had been.

Saturday morning, I went by a place named Frank’s. Many cars were in the parking area so I decided to turn around and stop for breakfast. I had an alligator sausage omelet with hash browns and toast. It is interesting how some foods are called by the same name, but look different in other parts of the country. I asked my waitress for suggestions for places to ride in the area and I took her up on them. One was along the Mississippi River with very flat farm land and many good county roads.

Early Sunday morning it had rained and there were still chances of rain throughout the day. Since I was relatively close to New Orleans and I had never been there I wanted to make the trip. I am a fair-weather rider and don’t have rain gear so I usually don’t ride if it looks like it will rain. I considered taking the truck because it was also about eighty miles from the motel but thought I probably would not be able to see as much and parking could be an issue. I decided to take the chance and make the ride. I wanted to see Bourbon Street and after cruising the town for several hours I went down it twice. It is not very wide and there were hundreds of people walking around and music coming from the different establishments. It was a slow first gear only experience with some stopping and I am very glad I did it. I returned to the motel around dark a little damp but not wet.

On Monday the twenty-seventh I departed to Natchitoches, Louisiana based on a recommendation from a local guy I sat next to one morning while having breakfast at Frank’s. It is a historic river town in the northwest part of the state and has a very old cemetery that was established in 1737. It is not far from the eastern Texas border. It is a town I recommend visiting. It is the home of the meat pies which are a local favorite. You may even see a stuffed alligator and gar hanging from the ceiling in one of the businesses.

The weather was fantastic for the next few days and I could not wait to get going. I headed west and found myself crossing the Toledo Bend Reservoir and went into Newton, Texas. Texas seems to be very proud of its past, because there were several historical markers along the road in this area which listed the reasons those places were significant.

Wednesday the twentyninth was a day to move to a new area and I thought I was going to stay in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. When I arrived there for the night all the motels in town were full. I found a place about twenty-five miles east in Stuttgart, Arkansas. This area is known for its hunting and it is the first time I had to initial on a motel contract stating that I would not be cleaning any game in the room and it let me know the consequences if I did.

Thursday was another great weather day for riding. I unloaded the bike and was ready for the experience but had no idea what was to come. As I started the bike, I heard a grinding sound but it did start and then sounded normal. My first stop was for fuel. When I went to start it after fueling up, what I heard was not good. There was a pop and a zinging sound when the starter engaged. It sounded like it might have broken a tooth on the ring gear, or the starter, or both. I tried again but only heard the zinging sound. I tried rolling it ahead on the flat ground in gear with the clutch disengaged and then let it out when I had some momentum in hopes I could get the engine to move enough the starter would find another place to grab the ring gear or maybe start. After a couple attempts and no luck, a couple of truckers who were there watching me offered to give me a push. They did, it started, I thanked them, and I was off to somewhere knowing I had better not stall it or shut it off

A relatively short time later I came to another town that shared a name with a place close to home. This one was Carlisle, Arkansas. It was a railroad town back in the day. I wanted a picture of me and the bike with the old depot in the background, but I didn’t want to take the chance of the motorcycle dying, so, I stopped just long enough to snap a quick picture of the old depot with the town name on it for a souvenir. After one hundred and sixty-five miles and five hours, I had explored as much of the surrounding area as a tank of fuel would allow. I made it back without any other issues and after getting the bike loaded into the trailer it was ready for delivery to my local dealer for the repairs needed. I then had a comfortable feeling come over me. I knew that on this day I had a higher probability of being stranded along the side of the road with the bike, but I had made the day’s ride without further incident. My motorcycle riding on this trip was over, even though my scheduled return date was still a few days away…I was not going to go back early. I decided to disconnect the trailer and continue to explore and drift in this beautiful country that is full of wonderful things to see and do.

The next morning, I was on my way to Mountain Home, Arkansas. I was not far east of Little Rock when I received a text message warning me of a tornado in the area and to seek shelter. With very few options I kept pressing on while closely watching the sky. After arriving in Mountain Home and getting into my room I turned on the television and saw pictures of the destruction the tornado had caused in Little Rock. I was fortunate to have missed not just one, but two serious storms during my trip.

Mountain Home is a place I want to return to for riding. It has a lake, hills, and winding roads. There are good places to eat, comfortable amenities, and the weather was good for riding early in the year. It may be my next year destination before the Iowa riding season kicks off.

I arrived home after being gone for two weeks, a little over seventeen hundred miles on the truck and eight hundred twenty-nine miles on the bike and I still was not ready to stop exploring and drifting. I encourage you to do some adventuring, maybe even going a little or a lot out of your comfort zone. Ride, explore, drift, and experience life in some new ways. And always do what you can to stay safe.

I know it’s been brought up but it still doesn’t seem possible that the National Motorcycle Museum in Anamosa will be closing after the Labor Day Holiday. The reasons don’t need to be discussed and many have already heard and like everything else, just because WE know something it’s important to NOT overlook that others might not have the information that we have. The best way to find out is an old fashioned conversation. Not in a dickhead move “WHAT YOU DIDN’T KNOW THIS BIT OF INFO??? For SHAME.” But in a way you’d like to be talked to when you didn’t know a particular piece of information. Trust me; there are plenty of items that I don’t know about.

You might be wondering to yourself “This Crash guy seems pretty plugged in, been in media over 35 years, user of social media, he’s got to know a little about a lot” Nothing could be further from the truth because I am a legit cultural infidel and it’s not so much as a sense of pride, a badge of honor or the like, but just a fact of my life. I didn’t seek to be this unplugged, it just sort of happened. What do I mean about being a cultural infidel? Okay, it’s kind of a slope I guess. I just don’t care what goes on too much anymore. I don’t have the bandwidth to process what I should or should not be consuming perhaps. I have sheltered myself in order to maintain a better state of mind, I don’t watch cable news, I don’t even watch local news, and I haven’t read a local paper for years. Hell, I haven’t watched over the air TV (sans football) in so long I can’t even remember the channels. I talk about this a lot but it’s really improved my life…learning that I don’t need to know everything that is going on in the world. Sorry, it’s not that I am unfeeling; it’s just that I am uncaring. I feel bad, but I just don’t care.

Recent conversations have led me to think I really need to tell as many of my rider peeps about the closing of the museum at the end of the summer. For a couple of reasons. I am a bit sad that it is going away, I took it for granted that it would always be there for me to make a trip, spend a few hours checking out the displays, seeing shit I have never seen, reminiscing about bikes I own, rode, or dreamed about over the path of my life. I just feel a weird connection to the place and it will be a void to me when it’s gone. But that is only one part of the pizza pie. I love the Harley’s, the Ducatis, Triumphs, Honda’s, Indian’s and more. The collection of memorabilia, old posts, advertisements, parts, accessories and the stories you can read. It takes me back to a much simpler time in my life when the riding was just easier to me or maybe I dreamed at the time that it was easier. Anamosa brings me back to that way of thinking,

Visiting the museum is the small part of the adventure but it does provide me an excuse to get over to Eastern Iowa. You see, I live on the West Coast of the state. Rather close to the Missouri River and while we have amazing roads, vistas, and great places to ride, there is something about riding Eastern Iowa that I have mentioned many times that just hits different, there is a welcoming feeling to riders by so many establishments and businesses that pulls me back so many times. Even the hotels around the area offer special bike parking only and complimentary towels to wipe down your ride in the morning. Oh, you will need to, like any roads in Iowa over the summer you will collect as many bugs as miles and to have a hotel offer help is so refreshing.

The riding around Stone City, the quarries, the Old Creamery, the river valleys and more with so many views and twisty roads inspire me to want to ride them more and that is not even mentioning my favorite Iowa road, the Old River

Road, I am a firm believer that every rider in the Hawkeye state must at least ride it once. Sure it’s cool to sneak across at Sabula, our Island town and slip down to Poopy’s for a burger in Savanna and pop back over. You will find riders from all over up and down that familiar path and loving it.

I recently learned a fun little tidbit of intel and this was completely by accident. Isn’t that how much of our learning that sticks really comes to us, by accident? I was messing with an AI program recently and it kicked out that for $2 American you can download a map at the Anamosa Convention and Visitors Bureau that gives you a map of 27 looped routes to navigate your journey around the area. TWO BUCKS I have done a lot dumber shit for two bucks I can promise you that.

I think I have told this story before, but one night over cocktails in our hotel room in Anamosa, my buddy who I will call Van Rock, since that is his nickname, wondered if there was a list of the top roadside attractions in the state of Iowa and how that would be a cool riding goal to see how many we could knock off

Well, there is, he found it in less than a minute and we knocked a huge chunk off that list already. Plow in the Oak Park, the Largest Frying pan, the river locks, The Grotto stuff like that. I can’t recall if the General Store Pub was on that list or not but if you pull up a list and it’s not, add it and go there when you hit that ride. ;

Located near the Wapsipinicon River the General Store Pub dates back to 1897 and was immortalized in a Grant Wood painting, Not only is the ride there fun, it’s usually packed with bikers for a good reason, the food is out of this world good. A quaint, fun joint that you go to get away from it all and take it all in. Go there, trust me on this.

I am not sure how many bikers are going to ride out with me for my farewell to the museum, but I will not let that closing stop me from riding back out to Eastern Iowa in the future, the people, the roads, the sights, the foods and the memories are just too enjoyable to pass up.

Get your summer rides planned. Don’t sit back this winter with regret, we already have enough of that in our lives.

Todd “Crash” Davis

Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa Iowa Bike Nights and Dinner Rides


Back Forty Bike Night at the Barn Des Moines (2nd Wed May-Sep)

Bea’s Place Baxter

Cruise Night Britt (3rd Wed Jul-Sep)

Pete & Shorty’s Clarksville

Supper Rides Harley-Davidson of Carroll (5-10, 6-14, 7-19,8-16,9-13)

Dinner Rides Zylstra HD Ames


Edwards Bikes on the Hundred Block Council Bluffs (3rd Thursday)

Roar Into Harlan (3rd Thursdays)

Stumpy’s Bar & Grill Duncombe

Metro HD Cedar Rapids (2nd Thursday May-Sep)

East of Omaha Bike Night Griswold (1st Thurs MaySep)

VFW Post 9662 Des Moines (Every Thursday AprOct)

Screamin’ Eagle Waterloo (Jun-Aug)

Chommy’s Bar/Grill Eldon (3rd Thursday)

Thunder N2 Atlantic Bike Night Atlantic (2nd Thurs Jun-Oct)

Tip Top Lounge Ames (start Jun 1)

McGrath Powersports Cedar Rapids (Last Thurs MayAug)


Bondurant Bike Night at the Rails (4th Friday AprSep)

American Legion Post 232 Polk City (2nd Friday MaySep)

Thunder Nites Newton (2nd Friday Jun-Aug)

Off Point Pub Davenport (Every Friday)

Burt’s Dog House Boxholm (Every Other Friday)

Mean Machine Grub Run Elkhart (1st Fri-May - Sep)


Dirty Biker Design Winterset (May 13, Jun 10, Jul 15, Aug 12, Sep 9)

I-29 Dragway with LHHD Pacific Junction (Apr 29, Jun 10, Aug 26, Oct 14)

Happening’s Bar Steamboat Rock (3rd Sat May-Sep)

Kilroy’s Redfield (2nd Sat May-Sep)

Carlisle Bike Night (3rd Saturday)

Ambro’s Roadhouse DeSoto (1st Sat – Oct)


Just 1 More Jamaica (Starting in May)

This list is what we have found and what has been submitted. Before heading to any event, please check weather and make sure the event is not cancelled. Not responsible for misprints and typos. If you have any other events to list, please email vernon@ thunderroadsiowa.com

May 25-28

Redneck Revival Conesville

May 26-29 Midway Tavern’s 25th Annual Veterans Memorial

BBQ, Poker Run, & Band Soldier

May 27-28 Thunder on the Missouri Sioux City

May 27 CVMA 39-2 10th Annual Patriot Ride Metro HD

Cedar Rapids

May 29 The Price of Freedom, Presentation by Chopper Gilmore Sioux Rapids

Jun 3 D18 Memorial Ride Keokuk

Jun 3 11th Annual Chasin’Tails Fun Run Cambridge

Jun 3 Terry Stubbs Memorial Ride American Legion


Jun 3 Support the Badge Ride & Raffle McCann’s Tap

Des Moines

Jun 3 Veterans Benefit Ride Shellsburg ALR Post 166

Jun 3 Ironworkers M.C. Spring Run Omaha, NE

Jun 4 Motorcycle Hill Climb Anamosa

Jun 4 ALR Iowa Chapter Hampton Post 183 Poker Ride


Jun 10 Rock N Ride HD of Carroll

Jun 10 Sarak Mok Memorial Ride Carlisle

Jun 10 Patti’s Riders 4 Thrivers Council Bluffs

Jun 10 Roar Into Harlan Fun Run Harlan

Jun 10 2nd Annual Bike Wash Chosen Few Clubhouse

Cedar Rapids

Jun 10-11 Spring Open House Big Barn HD Des Moines

Jun 11 Rollin for the Colon Benefit Poker Run Templeton

Jun 14-18 Romper Room Earlville

Jun 17 BBQ Open House RT 65 HD Indianola

Jun 17 Hope City Church Car, Truck, Motorcycle Show


Jun 17 39th Annual Baldy Memorial Ride Fremont

Jun 17 38th Annual D14 Anniversary Party What Cheer

Jun 17-18 Baxter Cycle Four States Ride Marne

Jun 23 The Final Salute-Unclaimed Veteran Escort

Jun 24

Jun 24

Jun 24

Jun 24


Teufelhund Veterans Group Veterans Support Ride


Summer Kickoff Party Zylstra HD Ames

Veterans Memorial Park Fundraiser Poker Run Vail

Running Over Lupus Ride Jewell

Jun 24 Chains Interrupted Ride Metro HD Cedar Rapids

Jun 24 Vets 22/ALR Blackjack Run Council Bluffs

Jun 29-Jul 1 ABATE of Iowa Freedom Rally

Jun 30-Jul 2 Iowa Hog Drags and Nostalgia Reunion Humboldt

Jul 4 Bikini Bike Wash Dirty Biker Design Winterset

Jul 7-8 10th Annual Combat Vets Chapter 39-3

Benefit Ride Elkport

Jul 8 16th Annual Freeman Ride Avoca

Jul 8 Chrome For Kids Ride Metro HD Cedar Rapids

Jul 8 Rally Ready Rendezvous Zylstra HD Ames

Jul 8 17th Annual Angel Ride to Save the TaTas

Fort Dodge

Jul 14 2nd Annual ALR Golf Scramble Council Bluffs

Jul 15 BBQ Open House RT 65 HD Indianola

Jul 15 D18 Hospice Ride Burlington

Jul 15 10th Annual Ride 4 Time Annual Poker Run Baxter

Jul 15 Bikers for Backpacks Carroll

Jul 16 Rumble to Recovery Ride Metro HD Cedar Rapids

Jul 21-23 British Biker Cooperative 42nd Rally & Show Blue River, WI

Jul 22 6th Annual Cruizin for Cure Cystic Fibrosis Benefit Ride Metro HD Cedar Rapids

Jul 22 Solid Ones MC Annual Car Wash Des Moines

Jul 29 Solidarity Ride Metro HD Cedar Rapids

Jul 29 Christmas in July Scavenger Hunt Walford

Jul 29 5th Annual Pine Lake Festival Motorcycle Show Eldora

Aug 4-13 Black Hills Motorcycle Rally South Dakota

Aug 12 LT Ride for Babies Metro HD Cedar Rapids

Aug 12 AtlanticFest Bike Show Atlantic

Aug 13 5th Annual Cancer Sucks Car, Truck, and Bike Show Council Bluffs

Aug 13 5th Annual Benefit the Vets Worthington

Aug 18-20 19th Annual BTW Trike In Kellogg

Aug 19 BBQ Open House RT 65 HD Indianola

Aug 19 2nd Annual Support Our Veterans Ride Livermore

Aug 19-20 Baxter Cycle 4th Annual 40th Annual Open House Marne

Aug 20 D18 Quad Picnic Blakesburg

Aug 26 2nd Annual Support our Veterans Ride Livermore Legion

Aug 26 Kyle’s Mile 9 Ride Metro HD Cedar Rapids

Aug 26 7th Annual Shayla Bee Fund Black Tie Black

Leather Affair West Okoboji

Aug 31-Sep 2 52nd Annual Motorcycle Swap Meet Davenport

Aug 31-Sep 3 Redneck Revival Conesville

Sep 9 Fall Hog Roast Zylstra HD Ames Sep 10

Motorcycle Hill Climb Anamosa

Sep 16 BBQ Open House RT 65 HD Indianola

Sep 23 D18 Toys for Tots Ride Burlington

Sep 1-4 Midway Tavern’s 25th Annual Soldier Valley Poker Run, BBQ/Dance/Concert Soldier

Sep 16 Mean Machine “Smalltown Throwdown” Burnout Contest & Stereo Battle Elkhart

Sep 17 17th Annual World-Famous Butterfield’s M-C Parts Hot Dog Daze Omaha, NE

Sep 17 Concours de’ Cornfield Earlham

Sep 23 22 Veteran Suicide Awareness Association Poker Run Pacific Junction

Oct 1 Toy Run HD of Carroll

Oct 28 Screamin Saturday Chili Cookoff and Halloween

Event Zylstra HD Ames

Nov 4 Pancakes for Patriots Zylstra HD Ames

Nov 4 Solid Ones MC Clubhouse Day of The Dead Party


Nov 10-12 Iowa Steam Waterloo

Dec 9 Brrrrunch Party and Santa Stop Zylstra HD Ames

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