Is your eCommerce Business missing out on these 5 services?

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Is your eCommerce Business missing out on these 5 services? Don’t you sometimes feel that there could have been something more to make the experience a little better? When it comes to owning an eCommerce store, you would know there can be some other changes that can be made or some things that can be added which have been missing to date. So, if you are thinking that your eCommerce services are missing out on things, find them below.

Live Chat When a visitor comes online for the first time, he/she would want to consult some assistant that can help them around. After all, no customer would click on the CTA button without having proper knowledge about the store and its products. Having that little chatbot placed in the corner where the visitors would be able to see and have access to any kind of help from the customer care department would be a service that would be missing but is surely a trend in Social Media Optimization in the year 2018. Have chatbots is what will be the service your customer looking out for.

Abandoned cart recovery We’ve all been there and done that - liked something on a store,

added the same to the cart and finally pulled back by not buying it. There are numerous reasons because of which we are not able to complete our transaction. Whether it was because we ran out of time or the unavailability of the payment method that you wanted to choose, but the bottom line is - you did not convert. Now, you have the availability of options where you can recover the information and remind the customer that you left the transaction halfway. Moreover, they would let you choose the easier option where you left.

Referral programs You know how important the word of the mouth is. In today’s time, people would believe what their friends have to say rather what your eCommerce store tells. Hence, referral programs work really well. When you give a discount to the shopper who spreads the word and also who downloads the apps or subscribes your newsletter or anything else. This is one service that is slowly growing in the eCommerce industry but your store might be missing but you should invest in this service to take your SEO services up a level.

Social media customer service You know that your business is benefiting from all the SEO tricks and tactics that you have been applying. But, as you are growing, it gets difficult for you to manage all the account activities, post statuses and also reply to customer’s queries that the thread has. However, it seems like an easy task but it isn’t that you reply to all the queries of the customers the very moment they come for help. Hence, you should hire a social media customer service person who can handle your different social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and also Snapchat. After all, you would want to make your brand credible and that’s going to happen when you have a successful interaction with your customers.

Suggestive products or post Sometimes, you want your visitor/customer to linger on the blog section or product pages longer. That’s where you add in suggestive posts in the beginning, middle or at the end of the blogs. Moreover, while a customer is looking for products, you can offer them suggestive products too in order to increase your sales. Something like “customers bought these together”, or “you can also view this product” and more. Likewise, offer them suggestions for the next time when they come to shop at your store.

Ask for reviews Last, but definitely worth being on the list, you MUST have a review section that lets you get honest feedback from your shoppers. It is the reviews that build credibility among other customers through the feedback posted by the existing ones. You know that you’re business is going great and you’re doing everything to provide them with the benefits. What do your customers think about it? Reviews, on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Conclusion If these services are missing out in your eCommerce business, you should buckle up and get down to incorporate them now. The year 2018 is here and you should do everything to make it well for your online business.

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