CHILDREN - The promise of a better Future (Appeal)

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PROTECTING AND HEALING UKRAINE’S CHILDREN At ACN backed summer camps, the children pray, play, learn and share

SUMMER CAMPS OPPORTUNITIES FOR HOPE AND HEALING Thanks to the support of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), thousands of children from crisis-torn regions such as Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine and Israel are able to take part in summer camps every year.

For Iraq and Syria, these summer camps are extremely important as the local Christian Churches are working hard to revitalise the children and young people who have suffered so much. In Egypt, another country where Christians have suffered bitterly from Islamic fundamentalism, the Coptic Catholic patriarch would like to repeat the wonderful experience of the previous year and organise summer camps for the spiritual welfare of 70 children with special needs from parishes in Cairo, Delta and Alexandria. These are children who are frequently discriminated against or

Aid to the Church in Need

abandoned by society, and sometimes Children e even by their own families.” ng summer ca aging in creative act mp suppo iv For many children in Kazakhstan, rted by AC ities at a N Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia “these summer camps are the best thing that happens to a resounding success. ACN wants to them during a year, and in some cases in finance again these camps that take place their whole lives,” says Sister Arousiag, a between July and August 2022. Through religious Sister in Armenia. social and religious activities (Mass, Over 18,000 children, some orphans, prayer, recreational activities, teamwork other children from the poorest families or and skills development), more than those facing all kinds of social problems, 1,000 boys and girls will live a few days have taken part in these camps from many of fellowship with other children, and different regions of Armenia. hopefully return to their homes renewed. “In summertime, when schools They will also receive psychosocial close, it is the time when children from support, which is so necessary for them to orphanages and also children from overcome the extreme situations in which poorest families or those with serious they are growing up. social problems, are most likely to be With your support, ACN will be able to found wandering in the streets,” Sister cover the costs of transportation, meals, Arousiag explains. lodging, and other essentials for summer Last year’s summer camps were camp activities.

Aid to the Church in Need (Malta), 35, Mdina Road, Attard, ATD 9038 Aid to the Church in Need is a Pontifical Foundation of the Catholic Church and registered in Malta Reg. No. LPF-212, as a Foundation regulated by the second schedule of the Civil Code Chapter (16) of the Laws of Malta. VO/2227

The ongoing war in Ukraine has taken a terrible toll on families, especially children. Over two million children are displaced and separated from their loved ones as they flee the war in Ukraine. Since the beginning of the war, the Archdiocese of IvanoFrankivsk, in Western Ukraine, has been welcoming women and children refugees. Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) supports the Archdiocese in this effort.

A priest giving a food package to grandmother Tetiana and her grandchild Vasilisa

Ulyana showing her painting of the Ukrainian flag

Vasilisa and Ulyana are among the hundreds of displaced children who have found refuge in Saint Basil school, one of the shelters operated by the Greek Catholic Archdiocese which has been hosting internally displaced persons (IDPs). The classrooms in this school have been converted into dormitories which can take up to 100 people. Both persons have been living there for several days and one of the things they are most grateful for is not having to be afraid of falling asleep. “My parents stayed back, but now they don’t need to worry about us anymore, because here in the school it is peaceful, and we are well. They give us three meals a day and we go to music and art classes,

If you wish to receive this leaflet by post please send us your contact details via SMS on 7999 9969

where we sing and draw. Yesterday, we played in the school grounds, and we had to look for the snowman from the ‘Frozen’ cartoon. It was fun,” Vasilisa and Ulyana explain. Yulya, a displaced mother who has also taken refuge in one of the diocesan refugee centres with her children told ACN: “Since we arrived here, the children can sleep on beds and under a roof, free from the sounds of gunshots and explosions. The Priests give us all that we need; hot food, a place to stay, beds and even school material so that the children can continue to follow their classes online. We are grateful, from the bottom of our hearts, to all the benefactors, who allow our children to go on living with dignity.”


n now ndchildre monthly ra g r e h ACN e and Georgett d packages from o fo e iv rece

A record 12.4 million Syrians – 60 per cent of the population – do not have enough food every day. These include 500,000 young boys and girls who are at the risk of malnutrition.

Many families are struggling to feed themselves because of lack of food. Food shortages in Syria are in crisis mode and they need our help now. The suffering is widespread and severe. It has been reported that women and children are opening garbage bins to find food something to eat and stay alive. ACN’s dedicated project partner in Syria, Sr. Annie Demerjian told us: “The explosion of poverty is now worse than in the time of war. People are surviving on one small meal a day or less…many people are close to starving. Only the other day, I saw children scavenging for food in rubbish bins. “What we are facing today is worse than even the darkest days of the war. At least back then, we could find something to eat. Now, every day people are asking themselves: ‘How will I feed my children?’, ‘How can we find the money to send them to school?’”

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What do they want to be when they grow up? Abanoub and Andrian want to be engineers, Little Mekel dreams of being a doctor and Rozalina wants to become a religious sister (scan the QR code on the left to listen to the children express their dreams).

Grandmother Georgette with her grandson Charbel

The United Nations reports that Syria’s economic crisis has “continued to deteriorate sharply” and that people are “increasingly resorting to harmful coping mechanisms” like child labour, child marriage and the sale of basic household items. The children of Syria do not know where their next meal is coming from – or if a meal is coming at all. But they do know that they have only you to count on in this dire time of need. Can we count on your help, today? Your donation will help Sister Annie distribute food packages to help the most desperate families feed their children. The situation is urgent. Please do what you can to feed hungry children in Syria today.


In Lebanon, a similar reality is playing out. A grandmother of three who lives in Beirut gives us a clear picture. When her kitchen cabinets became almost empty and food was quickly running out, Georgette searched frantically for help to feed her three grandchildren. “But where do you go for help, in a country where everyone is passing through hard times? Where food is a


scarcity you can only hope to afford?” she asks. “I live in the poor quarter of the city and our situation is very bad, especially after the explosion in Beirut,” she says. “My three grandchildren and I are all alone in that house. I am responsible for them, as I don’t have anybody to help me, except for God, and the benefactors of ACN who come to our aid,” said Georgette. Georgette is a recipient of food packages made possible through the kindness of ACN donors, and they arrived just at the right time for her. These packages contain basic provisions which Georgette gratefully accepts. “I was so delighted to receive this help, because it means I can now feed my grandchildren for a month,” she explained. This is just one example - one woman, one grandmother - desperately trying to keep her family safe and healthy. Lebanon is filled with many persons like Georgette, all consumed with fear and heartbreak that their children will go to bed hungry. Please donate so that ACN can continue providing these food packages to families like Georgette’s to help them feed their children daily.

Aid to the Church in Need Malta

another.” The Nursery was destroyed by rebels of the Islamic State (IS) when they seized control of the town from 2014-2016 - defaced walls, furniture and fittings ripped out and stolen, roofs smashed, ceilings torn down and electric

children are back. The centre is crucial to the community, to the children and to the families as well. Sabrin Thamer, one of the mothers from the Nursery said, “I’m very happy that I have come back to Baghdeda and that our children can now attend the Nursery again. We are grateful to all those who will contribute to its reconstruction. In doing so, they will be helping to give All children have dreams our children the possibility of what they want to become of getting an education when they grow up. But these again.” children, unlike most, were Today, the children have born refugees, homeless smiles on their faces; they and displaced - with an are laughing; they play and unknown future and dreams interact the way children unimagined. Their lives, should do – all this despite however, were changed by the cruel world so many the Holy Family Nursery, and were born into. by the Sisters who care for Thank you for your them. Iraqi children in the kindergarten playing on the swing donation today which will Sister Mariam Yako runs keep this beautiful Nursery the nursery, together with a wiring stripped out. The childlike murals of dreams going strong. Please give team of six. “We are grateful to ACN for that the children happily gazed upon so that these children can be supplied your support and contributions to the each day of Mickey Mouse, the Smurfs with the support they need to diminish Holy Family Nursery here in Baghdeda and Disney were hatefully covered and their traumas, and grow up healthy and in Qaraqosh, and to everyone who has ruined with spray paint by the terrorists. happy. given money to help this centre. In a Not even the innocence of children could region of conflicts, the Nursery is vital escape this evil. The Sisters are still in the to the children so that they can develop process of repairing the Nursery, but the by interacting and working with one


ACN CHILD’S BIBLE - ALWAYS A TREASURE FOR THE CHILDREN With more than 51 million copies distributed in over 191 languages, Aid to the Church in Need’s Child’s Bible is a worldwide phenomenon.

This little illustrated bible not only teaches children key stories from the Old and New testaments - it also helps them learn to read, as it is often the only book they will own. The Child’s Bible is often the first and only illustrated picture book that a child in a poorer country will receive in their own language, and then cherish for the rest of their lives. For many adults,

too, the Child’s Bible is their first introduction to the Scriptures. The Child’s Bible was first published in 1979 – the United Nations Year of the Child – in response to a call by Pope John Paul II to bring the Word of God to the weakest in our world – children “so poor that they cannot afford any book”. Each year, ACN offices receive requests for as many as one million Child’s Bibles. Your kind donation can help us to meet this demand. Each Child’s Bible you donate, enables us to send three more to poor Christian children around the world.

The ACN Child’s Bible is a life-transforming book for children

You may wish to offer a donation by visiting or through APS Bank IBAN: MT72 APSB 7705 7008 5772 2000 1771 733


n now ndchildre monthly ra g r e h ACN e and Georgett d packages from o fo e iv rece

A record 12.4 million Syrians – 60 per cent of the population – do not have enough food every day. These include 500,000 young boys and girls who are at the risk of malnutrition.

Many families are struggling to feed themselves because of lack of food. Food shortages in Syria are in crisis mode and they need our help now. The suffering is widespread and severe. It has been reported that women and children are opening garbage bins to find food something to eat and stay alive. ACN’s dedicated project partner in Syria, Sr. Annie Demerjian told us: “The explosion of poverty is now worse than in the time of war. People are surviving on one small meal a day or less…many people are close to starving. Only the other day, I saw children scavenging for food in rubbish bins. “What we are facing today is worse than even the darkest days of the war. At least back then, we could find something to eat. Now, every day people are asking themselves: ‘How will I feed my children?’, ‘How can we find the money to send them to school?’”

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What do they want to be when they grow up? Abanoub and Andrian want to be engineers, Little Mekel dreams of being a doctor and Rozalina wants to become a religious sister (scan the QR code on the left to listen to the children express their dreams).

Grandmother Georgette with her grandson Charbel

The United Nations reports that Syria’s economic crisis has “continued to deteriorate sharply” and that people are “increasingly resorting to harmful coping mechanisms” like child labour, child marriage and the sale of basic household items. The children of Syria do not know where their next meal is coming from – or if a meal is coming at all. But they do know that they have only you to count on in this dire time of need. Can we count on your help, today? Your donation will help Sister Annie distribute food packages to help the most desperate families feed their children. The situation is urgent. Please do what you can to feed hungry children in Syria today.


In Lebanon, a similar reality is playing out. A grandmother of three who lives in Beirut gives us a clear picture. When her kitchen cabinets became almost empty and food was quickly running out, Georgette searched frantically for help to feed her three grandchildren. “But where do you go for help, in a country where everyone is passing through hard times? Where food is a


scarcity you can only hope to afford?” she asks. “I live in the poor quarter of the city and our situation is very bad, especially after the explosion in Beirut,” she says. “My three grandchildren and I are all alone in that house. I am responsible for them, as I don’t have anybody to help me, except for God, and the benefactors of ACN who come to our aid,” said Georgette. Georgette is a recipient of food packages made possible through the kindness of ACN donors, and they arrived just at the right time for her. These packages contain basic provisions which Georgette gratefully accepts. “I was so delighted to receive this help, because it means I can now feed my grandchildren for a month,” she explained. This is just one example - one woman, one grandmother - desperately trying to keep her family safe and healthy. Lebanon is filled with many persons like Georgette, all consumed with fear and heartbreak that their children will go to bed hungry. Please donate so that ACN can continue providing these food packages to families like Georgette’s to help them feed their children daily.

Aid to the Church in Need Malta

another.” The Nursery was destroyed by rebels of the Islamic State (IS) when they seized control of the town from 2014-2016 - defaced walls, furniture and fittings ripped out and stolen, roofs smashed, ceilings torn down and electric

children are back. The centre is crucial to the community, to the children and to the families as well. Sabrin Thamer, one of the mothers from the Nursery said, “I’m very happy that I have come back to Baghdeda and that our children can now attend the Nursery again. We are grateful to all those who will contribute to its reconstruction. In doing so, they will be helping to give All children have dreams our children the possibility of what they want to become of getting an education when they grow up. But these again.” children, unlike most, were Today, the children have born refugees, homeless smiles on their faces; they and displaced - with an are laughing; they play and unknown future and dreams interact the way children unimagined. Their lives, should do – all this despite however, were changed by the cruel world so many the Holy Family Nursery, and were born into. by the Sisters who care for Thank you for your them. Iraqi children in the kindergarten playing on the swing donation today which will Sister Mariam Yako runs keep this beautiful Nursery the nursery, together with a wiring stripped out. The childlike murals of dreams going strong. Please give team of six. “We are grateful to ACN for that the children happily gazed upon so that these children can be supplied your support and contributions to the each day of Mickey Mouse, the Smurfs with the support they need to diminish Holy Family Nursery here in Baghdeda and Disney were hatefully covered and their traumas, and grow up healthy and in Qaraqosh, and to everyone who has ruined with spray paint by the terrorists. happy. given money to help this centre. In a Not even the innocence of children could region of conflicts, the Nursery is vital escape this evil. The Sisters are still in the to the children so that they can develop process of repairing the Nursery, but the by interacting and working with one


ACN CHILD’S BIBLE - ALWAYS A TREASURE FOR THE CHILDREN With more than 51 million copies distributed in over 191 languages, Aid to the Church in Need’s Child’s Bible is a worldwide phenomenon.

This little illustrated bible not only teaches children key stories from the Old and New testaments - it also helps them learn to read, as it is often the only book they will own. The Child’s Bible is often the first and only illustrated picture book that a child in a poorer country will receive in their own language, and then cherish for the rest of their lives. For many adults,

too, the Child’s Bible is their first introduction to the Scriptures. The Child’s Bible was first published in 1979 – the United Nations Year of the Child – in response to a call by Pope John Paul II to bring the Word of God to the weakest in our world – children “so poor that they cannot afford any book”. Each year, ACN offices receive requests for as many as one million Child’s Bibles. Your kind donation can help us to meet this demand. Each Child’s Bible you donate, enables us to send three more to poor Christian children around the world.

The ACN Child’s Bible is a life-transforming book for children

You may wish to offer a donation by visiting or through APS Bank IBAN: MT72 APSB 7705 7008 5772 2000 1771 733


PROTECTING AND HEALING UKRAINE’S CHILDREN At ACN backed summer camps, the children pray, play, learn and share

SUMMER CAMPS OPPORTUNITIES FOR HOPE AND HEALING Thanks to the support of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), thousands of children from crisis-torn regions such as Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine and Israel are able to take part in summer camps every year.

For Iraq and Syria, these summer camps are extremely important as the local Christian Churches are working hard to revitalise the children and young people who have suffered so much. In Egypt, another country where Christians have suffered bitterly from Islamic fundamentalism, the Coptic Catholic patriarch would like to repeat the wonderful experience of the previous year and organise summer camps for the spiritual welfare of 70 children with special needs from parishes in Cairo, Delta and Alexandria. These are children who are frequently discriminated against or

Aid to the Church in Need

abandoned by society, and sometimes Children e even by their own families.” ng summer ca aging in creative act mp suppo iv For many children in Kazakhstan, rted by AC ities at a N Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia “these summer camps are the best thing that happens to a resounding success. ACN wants to them during a year, and in some cases in finance again these camps that take place their whole lives,” says Sister Arousiag, a between July and August 2022. Through religious Sister in Armenia. social and religious activities (Mass, Over 18,000 children, some orphans, prayer, recreational activities, teamwork other children from the poorest families or and skills development), more than those facing all kinds of social problems, 1,000 boys and girls will live a few days have taken part in these camps from many of fellowship with other children, and different regions of Armenia. hopefully return to their homes renewed. “In summertime, when schools They will also receive psychosocial close, it is the time when children from support, which is so necessary for them to orphanages and also children from overcome the extreme situations in which poorest families or those with serious they are growing up. social problems, are most likely to be With your support, ACN will be able to found wandering in the streets,” Sister cover the costs of transportation, meals, Arousiag explains. lodging, and other essentials for summer Last year’s summer camps were camp activities.

Aid to the Church in Need (Malta), 35, Mdina Road, Attard, ATD 9038 Aid to the Church in Need is a Pontifical Foundation of the Catholic Church and registered in Malta Reg. No. LPF-212, as a Foundation regulated by the second schedule of the Civil Code Chapter (16) of the Laws of Malta. VO/2227

The ongoing war in Ukraine has taken a terrible toll on families, especially children. Over two million children are displaced and separated from their loved ones as they flee the war in Ukraine. Since the beginning of the war, the Archdiocese of IvanoFrankivsk, in Western Ukraine, has been welcoming women and children refugees. Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) supports the Archdiocese in this effort.

A priest giving a food package to grandmother Tetiana and her grandchild Vasilisa

Ulyana showing her painting of the Ukrainian flag

Vasilisa and Ulyana are among the hundreds of displaced children who have found refuge in Saint Basil school, one of the shelters operated by the Greek Catholic Archdiocese which has been hosting internally displaced persons (IDPs). The classrooms in this school have been converted into dormitories which can take up to 100 people. Both persons have been living there for several days and one of the things they are most grateful for is not having to be afraid of falling asleep. “My parents stayed back, but now they don’t need to worry about us anymore, because here in the school it is peaceful, and we are well. They give us three meals a day and we go to music and art classes,

If you wish to receive this leaflet by post please send us your contact details via SMS on 7999 9969

where we sing and draw. Yesterday, we played in the school grounds, and we had to look for the snowman from the ‘Frozen’ cartoon. It was fun,” Vasilisa and Ulyana explain. Yulya, a displaced mother who has also taken refuge in one of the diocesan refugee centres with her children told ACN: “Since we arrived here, the children can sleep on beds and under a roof, free from the sounds of gunshots and explosions. The Priests give us all that we need; hot food, a place to stay, beds and even school material so that the children can continue to follow their classes online. We are grateful, from the bottom of our hearts, to all the benefactors, who allow our children to go on living with dignity.”

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