The Human Race a narrative project
Done by Belynda Wong
About There was a quote by the character Wally Mars from the movie, The Switch which goes, “look at us. Running around, always rushed, always late. I guess that’s why they call it the human race.” That’s where I got the idea of capturing people commuting. To commute is to travel some distance between one’s home and place of work on a regular basis and with that constant travel comes rushing, crowding, waiting and even falling asleep in an attempt to get to one’s destination. To take these photographs, I went to bus stops around Admiralty, a variety of train stations mainly on the East West line and Tampines bus interchange at 7a.m. and 6p.m. respectively as that’s the start of the peak period. Capturing the peak period rush is no easy feat when photography isn’t allowed in Singapore’s train stations but I hope these photos show you the essence of commuting in such a busy country as Singapore.
Special thanks to my class, my parents, my friends, my lecturer & everyone else involved. Thank you for letting me capture your commuting experience.