Design Sheets : Potrero Hill Library

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Potrero Hill Library


Library project atop Potrero Hill in San Francisco. A place for recollection & learning & thematic structure based on topography. This classic studio project was more unique in the opportunity of being able to visit the site in San Francisco. Due to the topography of the area a theme of changing perspectives, and meditative moments were sought out in this project.

Li ke Lui s Kh a n ’s S a l k I n s t i t ute a n d t h e P ac i f i c , t h e us e o f f i g ure g ro un d i s p ut i n p l ace to f ra m e a v i ew o f t h e c i t y. T h e d e s i g n t a ke s


t h i s i d e a o n e s te p f urt h e r by o f f -s e t t i n g t h e

Pot rero Hill is located ab out 10

f i g ure s to c re ate a d y n a m i c sys te m o f d e s i g n .

minutes from d owntown San Francisco. It ’s home to a new,

Moment I Reference

hig her class tenant , aid ing t he g ent rificat ion of t he area. M ost not ab ly ab out t his area is it ’s views.

LANDMARKS & TO P O G R A P H Y Ai de d by th e n atur a l to po gr a phy o f th e a re a , l a n dma r k s o f Sa n Fr a n ci s co be co me re fe re n ce poi n ts : de ta i l s wi th i n th e ur ba n fa br i c th at prov i de s s e l f awa re n e s s , a s we l l a s a h o l i s ti c fe e l i n g. Hol i s ti c fe e l i n g: th e goa l of th i s l i br a r y.




Th e i n i ti a l design was based of f

Symmetry became too similar in

refl ecti on due to the “m irror”

terms of program. Creating an

i mage provi ded by topography.

offset of plan brought a group of

Th e desi gn then becam e

new opportu nities.

symmetr i ca l .


PROGRAM Parking Lot Entrance General Public Computer Stations Book Shelving DVD Shelving

Lower Level Two

Private Community Meeting Rooms

General Public Computer Stations Book Shelving DVD Shelving

Reference Area

Lobby/Reception Private Reading Rooms

Children’s Area

Lower Level One

Private Community Meeting Rooms

Ground Floor

First Floor

Private Community Meeting Rooms

Private Private Reading Rooms

General Public

General Public

General Public

Computer Stations

Computer Stations

Computer Stations

Book Shelving

Book Shelving

Book Shelving

DVD Shelving

DVD Shelving

DVD Shelving

Second Floor

Young Adults Area Accessible from LL1


Accessible from LL2


Community Meeting Rooms

Administrative Offices “The View” Lobby/Reception

A place for reflection

Book Display

Patio Space

Patio Space Street Entrance



M O M E N T I I - M I S A L I G N E D WA L L S

Misaligning of the walls served two purposes. One; have light filter in through small openings. & Two; all ow for immediate c hange in perspective with just t h e slight change of a corner. Observe what a slight move to the left does above.

THE CANYON A s the structure serves to p roject v i ewers to d i f ferent p ersp ecti ves and v i ews of the ci ty, the p ub l i c can f i nd ref ug e i n the op en canyon l i ke area where natural el em ents are i n p l ace to hel p sooth and rel ax.

C I R C U L AT I O N Lower Level Two

Lower Level One

Ground Floor

First Floor

Second Floor

Lower Level Two



M e t hod ica l re sult s in a long er rou te

Destinatio ns fo r those lo o king to get

t h roug h the lib ra ry. This is not a bad

in and get are much closer to main

t h i n g , b ut rathe r the intent ion.

entrances & circulatio n. Ultimately resulting in lesser travel time (right).

Lower Level One

Ground Floor

First Floor

Second Floor

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