Welcome to the first of our Digital Learning Newsletters for 2012. These will be released twice per term to help spread the word about some fantastic resources available in the digital world. We would love to respond to the needs of staff, so feel free to email us with ideas for future issues. - Digital Learning Department
Contents: St Margaret’s Senior School Newsletter Page 2 – Links and Shortcuts - Web of the Issue: GCF computer Tutorials Page 3 – Tutorial : How to set up a mail diversion rule in Outlook Berwick Grammar School Newsletter Page 4 – Links and Shortcuts - Web of the Issue: Think U Know Page 5 – Tutorial: How to use Format Factory to convert video and audio files Junior School Newsletter
Page 6 – Links and Shortcuts - Web of the Issue: Scribble Maps Page 7 – Tutorial: How to use Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check from CrickWeb
Interesting Blog Post:
On the Video Feed:
Social Bookmarking:
April 2012 Issue 1 Website of the Issue Title- GCF Computer Tutorials Link: http://www.gcflearnfree.org/computers This issue we’re spotlighting the GCF computer tutorial site. This is a free site offering short, easy to understand tutorials on common computer applications. They are all free and include lessons, interactive content and resources to guide you along the way. This may be a great way to learn that program you’ve always wanted to but have been too embarrassed to ask for help with.
More Useful Links:
Keyboard Shortcuts:
Location: http://visual.ly This is a great free site to create infographics and data visualizations to display information. A great example of ones created on the sites can be found at the this blog - http://blog.visual.ly/20-great-visualizations-of-2011/
For this shortcut you hold the control key while sliding your finger up or down the scroll area on the right side of the mouse touch pad. This will ZOOM in or out on any document or website.
MIT OpenCourseWare – Free Online Uni Content Location: http://ocw.mit.edu/high-school/ This links to the MIT free course content which has been highlighted as useful fro high schools. It contains lectures, notes, lessons, and resources from 1000s of MIT uni courses.
Alt+Tab For this shortcut hold the alt key and press the tab key. This allows you to quickly SWITCH BETWEEN your open windows or programs. Keep holding alt and pressing tab to skip through several windows.
QWiki the Information Experience Location: http://www.qwiki.com/ A really fun way to find out information. Type in almost anything and it creates a short narrated video/slide show about your topic. Most of the information is distilled to basic facts but it is a fun way to find QWik information.
Noodle Tools – 21st Century Literacies Location: http://www.noodletools.com/debbie/literacies/ This site has a great collection of resources for teaching 21st Century Literacies. Broken into the categories – Basic Language Literacy, Visual Literacy, Spatial Literacy, Cultural Literacy, Information Literacy, Political and News Media Literacy, Scientific Literacy and Mathematical Literacy. While much of the content is ‘Americanised’ it provides great tips for teaching these literacies.
PD News: Various 1-on-1 and small group PD sessions have been taking place around the campus relating to software applications and the school’s E-Learning hardware. These will be taking place throughout the year and if you would like to be included in future sessions please email Chris Wyatt.
©2012 Digital Learning Committee (Chris Wyatt Head of Digital Learning) Please let us know if there are any tutorials you would like us to add to the next issue or PD/Workshop ideas for us to share next time. wyattc@stmargarets.vic.edu.au
A step-by-step guide to setting up a rule in Outlook to divert e-mail. This is particularly useful when diverting student emails to personal folders to keep the Mailbox size warning away! Step 1: Select Rules on the ribbon and click on Manage Rules and Alerts. Step 2: Click on New Rule… to start the Wizard!
Step 3: Select the type of rule you would like to set up. Usually the top one, which moves emails from specified people to a specified folder.
Step 5: Click next until you see this option at the top and uncheck it.
Step 6: Click next until you see this screen. Specify a name for the rule and select run rule on messages in “Inbox”. Then click Finish.
Please feel free to contact us at any stage if you have any queries, concerns or suggestions. We’d love to hear from you!
Step 4: Click on the links in the Step 2 box to set the specific people and folders that this rule will apply to. This can come from your contacts or the global mailing list. It can also be individuals or a group/list. The folder you divert to can be one on the server or in personal folders.
April 2012 Issue 1 Website of the Issue Title- ThinkUKnow
Link: http://www.thinkuknow.org.au ThinkUKnow (TUK) is an Internet safety program offering interactive presentations to parents, carers and teachers via primary and secondary schools across Australia, using a network of trained volunteers from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Microsoft Australia. Topics cover cyberbullying, social networking, mobile technologies and gaming.
More Useful Links:
Keyboard Shortcuts:
Smart Copying
Function + F5 OR Windows + P
Location: http://www.smartcopying.edu.au/scw/go This is the official guide to copyright issues for schools. Information on the Smart copying website has been updated to include educational resources on copyright issues in the web 2.0 environment.
Use this key combination to change your display mode when connected to a projector.
ACLU: Facebook Privacy Guide Location: http://www.aclu.org/technology-and-liberty/facebook-privacy-guide An online discussion focusing on recent Facebook privacy concerns and ways in which you can better safeguard your online privacy when using social media.
Alt + F4 This key combination helps exits the program that was open at the time the button combination was pressed.
Cybersmart Teens Location: http://www.smartcopying.edu.au/scw/go A joint initiative of the Australian federal government and the ACMA, the cybersmart initiative aims to empower young people to deal effectively with cyber bullying. The website also provides ideas and resources for a range of age groups.
Bulling, No Way! Location: http://www.bullyingnoway.gov.au/ This website provides learning opportunities and access to information and resources to help school leaders and teachers implement effective measures to meet the needs of their individual school communities.
PD News: Andrew and Scott will be conducting PD sessions in groups as well as on an individual basis over the course of next term. These PDs are in response to the digital learning survey completed earlier in the year. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about any other available resources.
Š2012 BGS Digital Learning Assistant Heads of Department (Andrew Lardner and Scott Chittenden) Please let us know if there are any tutorials you would like us to add to the next newsletter or you have any PD/Workshop ideas for us to conduct. lardnera@berwickgrammar.vic.edu.au ; chittendens@berwickgrammar.vic.edu.au
FormatFactory A step-by-step guide to using FormatFactory to convert picture, video and audio files to a different format. The school image also includes software called Freemake which will do a similar job. If you would like to know how to use Freemake email Chris Wyatt. Visit www.formatoz.com. Download and install the FormatFactory program.
Step 1: Open FormatFactory and select the desired output file type.
Step 2: Click “Add File” or “Add Folder” and select the files to be converted. Click on “Open” when completed.
Step 3: Add other files from a different location or click “OK”.
Step 4: Click on “Start” to begin the conversion. Take note of the output folder. This is where your converted files will be saved. You can open the folder directly by clicking on “Output Folder” in then navigation bar.
Step 5: let us future guides like!
Email us to know what “How To” you would
Please feel free to contact us at any stage if you have any queries, concerns or suggestions. We’d love to hear from you!
April 2012 Issue 1 Website of the Issue Title- ScribbleMaps
Link: www.scribblemaps.com A website that allows you to draw on, add pictures, place text and markers to Google Earth. Lots of different tools, easy to draw a map from home to school, or to track a much longer route.
More Useful Links:
Keyboard Shortcuts:
Text 2 Mindmap Location: http://www.text2mindmap.com/
Control + P
Online mind mapping software. Easy and intuitive to use, works at school quickly and easily.
For this shortcut you can bring up the print menu without needing to use your mouse. This works in any program on a windows computer.
Storynory Location: http://storynory.com/
Ctrl + A
A collection of stories read out by different actors. Some good choices of fairy tales, original stories and tales by classical authors.
This is a handy shortcut that will allow you to quickly select all text and images in a document or webpage to copy or cut and paste.
Edistorm Location: http://www.edistorm.com/ Edistorm allows our people to easily input, collaborate and vet ideas, from one location or multiple locations, in real time, while also sharing relevant images, videos and links within the Edistorm.
PD News: Tiki-Toki Location: http://www.tiki-toki.com/ Tiki Toki is a great way to create and present interactive timelines on the web. Multitude of uses when looking at Yearbooks, Where We Are in Time and Place and many other things.
Gavin and Pete will be conducting PD sessions in groups as well as on an individual basis over the course of next term. These PDs are in response to the digital learning survey completed earlier in the year. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about any other available resources.
Š2012 SMS Junior School Assistant Heads of Department (Gavin Smith – Pill and Peter Robertson) Please let us know if there are any tutorials you would like us to add to the next newsletter or you have any PD/Workshop ideas for us to conduct. robertsonp@stmargarets.vic.edu.au ; smithg@stmargarets.vic.edu.au
In keeping with our spelling theme, this tutorial will run through the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check program on the CrickWeb site. Navigate to www.crickweb.co.uk. Click on Key Stage 2 – Literacy Click on “Spelling Checker”
Step 1: Click on Input Spellings
Step 2: Input 10 different spelling words. Then click on “M” Note: you must have 10 words. Repetition is fine
Step 3: Use the different options on the main menu. 1. – Look and say. Gives interactive flash cards. 2. Cover and Check – allows the students to complete the cover and typing at their own pace. 3. Print Flash Cards 4. Review and Assess – note. The word only pops up for approx. 1- 2 seconds.
Please feel free to contact us at any stage if you have any queries, concerns or suggestions. We’d love to hear from you!