Welcome to the second edition of our annual Alumni Newsletter: Alumni Connection
It is my sincere hope that within these pages you will find encouragement and inspiration as you read about the good work and ministry Wycliffe Alumni are engaged in across Canada and around the world.
Recently, the Alumni Association underwent a period of reflection as we reconvened post pandemic to contemplate ways of enhancing our community connections. Eager to reconnect and share stories of how you are pursuing your vocational callings, we want to create a platform for communal support.
In the following pages, you will hear from the Principal at Wycliffe, Bishop Stephen Andrews, read stories of the remarkable work your fellow alumni are engaged in, learn about the benefits and opportunities you are eligible for as well as new and exciting ways to get involved. And we hope you do!
The Executive Committee and I hope that the Alumni Association can serve as a catalyst and foster opportunities where we can meet (virtually
or in person), learn alongside one another, share experiences, pray together, and find encouragement in our respective ministries as we collectively serve the greater mission of the church. Should you wish to join us in this endeavour, please reach out to me or any member of the executive committee.
Every blessing to each of you wherever and however you find yourself ministering and serving in the name of Christ!
Aidan + The Rev. Aidan Armstrong President, Alumni Association Executive Committee
A Time for Renewal
BY THE RT REV. DR STEPHEN ANDREWSThis time next year I hope to enter retirement. God willing, June 2025 will mark the end of both my ninth year as principal, and my time at Wycliffe College. And while there is a certain sadness at the thought of leaving this institution that I love so much, and which has played such a significant part in my life, 2025 will also mark my 40th year of ordained ministry and my 70th year of life. It is time for me to devote what remains of my strength and attentions more fully to my wife, Fawna, and to our family.
My years in the role as Wycliffe College’s 10th principal have been eventful ones. There was the pandemic, of course, with all the changes imposed and responded to during that difficult time. But Wycliffe’s leadership team also devised a new mission statement, and created, worked through and completed a seven-year Strategic Plan that foresaw the need for faculty and staff renewal. That and more has been accomplished, thanks be to God!
These years have also been a time of sweeping change in institutions of higher education, in the church, and in the broader culture—changes we have all seen and felt. War, political polarization, growing economic inequalities and challenges, climate catastrophes, mental illness, ethical dilemmas— these are the issues that dominate our headlines and remind us of the enduring truth that ours is a world desperate for the message and hope of the Gospel.
There is never a perfect time to leave a job. Because of the importance of the College in the mission of the Church, and how fulfilling it has been for me to provide

“I believe God wants to renew His church, and I trust that Wycliffe is, and will continue to be, a significant catalyst in that renewal.”
leadership in and for this community, it is tempting to stay longer. But I believe that Wycliffe has reached the point where we need, and deserve, new leadership.
It is time to chart a course for the College that is sustainable, strategic, and faithful. I believe God wants to renew His church, and I trust that Wycliffe is and will continue to be a significant catalyst in that renewal.

The Rt Rev. Dr Stephen Andrews Principal and Helliwell Professor of Biblical Interpretation
All about Alumni
The Rev. Aidan Armstrong – President, W16
Mrs. Amy Dow, W13
The Rt Rev. Chris Harper, W05
Mr. Graham Hynds, W22
The Rev. Pamela Rayment, W13
The Rev. Philip Stonhouse, W16
The Rev. John Sundara, W16
The Rev. Amber Tremblett, W21
The Rev. Jonathan Turtle, W12

The Archdeacon Harry St. Clair Hilchey Award for Distinguished Service 2024 has been awarded to The Rev. Canon Clifford Dee who graduated from Wycliffe College with a Master of Divinity in 1984. Cliff is now retired and lives in Waswanipi. Cliff has been involved in training in the Moosonee School of Ministry and has represented the School for many years on the Ontario Provincial Commission on Theological Education. A 1984 graduate, he has spent nearly the whole of his career in the north where he learned the Cree language.

The 2024 designation of Honorary Alumnus has been granted to Cindy Derrenbacker, the former librarian of Wycliffe College. She is currently the librarian at Whitley College in Victoria, Australia. Cindy has worked for several theological colleges in Canada, the American Theological Library Association, and also undertaken theological study at Wheaton and Regent’s College. She participated closely in the planning, design and administration of an award-winning new library facility for the School of Architecture at Laurentian University. Her husband Bob is currently the Dean of Trinity Theological College in Victoria.

Enjoy the many benefits that come with being a graduate of Wycliffe College:
1. 50% discount on auditing courses at the College *some exclusions apply
2. Inclusion in the Wycliffe College Cycle of Prayer.
3. Regular Alumni mailings including Insight magazine and Alumni Connection .
4. Invitations to events, conferences and mentoring opportunities.
5. Private Facebook Group to stay informed and post your events and updates: Wycliffe College Alumni Association.
6. Access to the Graham Library and theological journal articles through ATLASerials (ATLAS) online collection as well as a document delivery service for ordained alumni called TWYCE (Trinity Wycliffe Church Express) which can be accessed at www.trinity.utoronto.ca/libraryservices/for-alumni/twyce.
7. University of Toronto Career Resource Library.

8. Option to cohost and attend an informal Alumni event in your area with visiting Faculty.
Visit www.wycliffecollege.ca/alumni for more details and how to access these benefits.
Alumni News and Happenings
Jonathan Tysick, W23, is an assistant pastor at Church at the Mission, a branch of Yonge Street Mission (YSM). He serves alongside fellow Wycliffe alumnus, the Rev. Matthew Parker, WC 2005 as well as the Rev. Arleen Gomez and the Rev. Jan Rothenburger (all pictured). Jonathan also serves as a teacher’s assistant in Tyndale University’s Biblical Studies and Theology department.

Graham Hynds, W02, works as the Director of Young Adult Ministries at Grace Toronto Church. Graham and his family have spent the past 8 months living in Honduras completing the inter-country adoption of their new daughter, Lucia; a joyful 4-year-old whose presence has blessed the family. Although some of the hardest times for the family; with government delays, illnesses, a boating accident, and weeks where the temperature never dipped below 40C, they were sustained by their local Honduran church “which truly was the family of God towards us.”

The Rev. Dr David A. Reed, AA and Professor Emeritus, has contributed chapters to two books published this past year; Oneness Pentecostalism: Race, Gender, and Culture, and Karl Barth and Pentecostal Theology: A Convergence of the Word and the Spirit. David also read a paper at the Society for Pentecostal Studies proposing a shift in Christian apologetics from atheism to the New Age movement and addressed paranormal phenomena. David, now in his 16th year as part-time Associate at Christ Memorial Church, Oshawa, is active in global research, writing, and teaching as well as serving graduate students and thesis supervision. Amongst David’s varied experiences is his research on serpent handling churches in Appalachia and getting up close with a poisonous snake following a worship service.

The Ven. Blair Peever, W02, started in the Parish of Kente (Prince Edward County, ON) as Deacon in Charge and after his ordination in 2002 became Incumbent. During that time Blair+ and his wife, Kassy, welcomed their third child Alora, joining Samantha and Matthew (who was born while at Wycliffe). In January of 2007 Blair+ became Incumbent of Christ Church Cataraqui in Kingston, ON and in 2016, was made a Canon of St. George’s Cathedral overseeing the Diocesan Clergy Mentoring Program. In August 2021, Blair+ moved to the Parishes of Lakes and Locks and Central Frontenac (Westport, Newboro and Sharbot Lake ON) where he still serves and was Collated as Archdeacon of the St. Lawrence in the fall 2023.
Janet Kaye, W16, sought to serve God as He saw fit. Inspired by her son’s experience at Wycliffe, she pursued an MTS, and embarked on a journey enriching her understanding of serving God.

In June 2019, six Anglican churches in St. Catharine’s realized that God’s love is served in many ways and formed Anglicans in Action, a volunteer group of Janet and one other and has now grown to over fifty. The mission: assembling Meal Bags for wanderers and struggling families. The family bags contain a recipe and the food needed while the single bags feed people who are without utensils or cooking devices. Distributed through Community Care, these provisions have nourished over 175,500 souls since June 2020. Volunteers have formed a community that not only sustains bodies but radiates God’s love. Supported by grants, donations, and the diocese, this organization is a testament to churches working together to share God’s love.
The Rev. Orvin Lao, W17, is currently an Associate Priest at Little Trinity Church, entering his sixth year of ministry there. Orvin and his wife have a 2 year

old daughter and welcomed a son in December 2023.
2024 and then began his appointment as Assistant Curate of the Cathedral Church of St. James.

Archbishop and Primate Linda Nicholls, W86, W02, Hon 08, has announced that she will step down from her role on September 15, 2024. “The greatest joy has been to share in the relationship between God and God’s people through pastoral care, preaching, teaching and sacramental ministries and advocate for justice and compassion for all,” Archbishop Nicholls writes in her retirement announcement. “To see God at work bringing healing and hope in the midst of the sorrows, pain and joy of daily life for individuals, families, communities and our wider world is a privilege that cannot be measured.” Read full article at www.anglican.ca/news/
The Rev. Wilson Akinwale, W21, was ordained in 2022 and appointed Rector at St Thomas Anglican Church. As a new priest, he participated in their Takeout Meal Program, serving 400 meals weekly and learning a deeper understanding of the church’s role in the world.

Currently the Rector/Priest-Incumbent at St Bartholomew’s and St George’s Anglican Church Winnipeg, Wilson is dedicated to advocating for the black community. As Chair of the Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Committee, he aims to enhance inclusion, participation and representation of black Anglicans throughout the Diocese.
Recently elected National President/Board Chair of Black Anglicans of Canada and appointed Anglican Representative on the board of AntiRacism Task Force with ELCIC, Wilson promotes racial justice, equity and equality in the church.
The Rev. Matthew Waterman, W20, spent last summer in Houston TX, as part of the Summer Seminarian Fellows program at St. John the Divine, under the leadership of the Rev. Dr. R. Leigh Spruill (WC 2018). Matthew was recently ordained as transitional deacon in the Diocese of Toronto in May

Dr Kira Moolman, W17, W24, has successfully defended her dissertation and began a new ministry at St. John the Divine Episcopal Church in Houston, TX, as the director of adult education alongside her husband, Trent Pettit WC 2000.

The Rev. Trent Pettit, W20, W24, joined the Most Rev. Josiah Fearon in Kondoa, Tanzania where they went to begin a Communion Partnership between St John the Divine and the Diocese of Kondoa. Trent is seen in this picture seated next to the Rt Rev. Given Gaula of Kondoa. Trent is also an associate priest at St John the Divine Episcopal Church in Houston TX where he lives with his wife Kira Moolman WC 2020.

The Rev. Dr Cole Hartin, W19, published his first monograph, Anglican Biblical Interpretation in the Nineteenth Century: A Critical Evaluation (Brill, 2024) as well as a book of poems, What Has Been Left Behind (Resource, 2024). Additionally, his essays appeared in Commonweal, Faith Today, The Living Church, and Comment Magazine. Cole is an Associate Rector at Christ Church Episcopal in Tyler, Texas, where he lives with his wife and four sons.
Dr Michael Reardon, W18, has co-authored a book Transformed into the Same Image, which will be coming out in the Fall.
Anyone attending the 2024 ETS, should receive a free copy, courtesy of IVP Academic!
Tracy Chui-fan Yip, W12, W22, is working at the Catholic Family Services of Toronto offering counselling services to couples and individuals who are

navigating mental health, marital, and family issues. She is grateful to provide care to Christian families, integrating spirituality and Biblical understanding of the family. Occasionally, Tracy serves as a preacher in Chinese- speaking Anglican Churches in Toronto, working six days a week for God’s calling. Tracy plans to become a certified Emotion-Focused Therapist through York University’s EFT program.
Terence, W06, and Jasmine Chandra, W06, co-lead Stone Church in Saint John NB and also run a community outreach organization called “Pennies and Sparrows”. They work and live in the downtown area where homelessness, mental health and addictions issues have been steadily on the rise. Through Pennies and Sparrows, the church has become a community hub offering free laundry, community drop-ins, English language classes, cooking classes, nursing care, counselling, and housing support. Terence and Jasmine often

feel challenged and stretched in this work, but also see so many signs of God’s grace and provision.
Vanessa Rottner, W05, has always loved the way God can work in our lives especially in the pastoral sense of word and embodies this as a volunteer prayer leader. Working with clergy and administrative staff, Vanessa fields prayer requests, ensuring they are fulfilled appropriately. “The need for prayer can come anytime 24/7, so it is always best to be ‘ready, willing, able.’”
The Rev. Pam Trondson, W11, is the Priest-in-Charge of Holy Trinity, Trinity Square and welcomes anyone to please drop in and say Hi if you are near Eaton Centre.
The Rev. Carol Shih, W23, was ordained to the Sacred Order of the Priesthood in Christ’s Holy Catholic Church on April 20, 2024 at St. Timothy, North Toronto where she will continue her curacy.

Wycliffe Events
Wycliffe College is excited to host, Michael Bird, Australian Anglican Priest, Theologian, and New Testament Scholar, September 22 to 24, 2024.

The following events are planned so far:
• Sunday, September 22
7:00 p.m. Public Lecture “Building for the Kingdom of God”
• Monday, September 23
6:00 p.m. Principal’s Dinner “Church and State between Romans 13 and Revelation 13”
• Tuesday, September 24
8:00 a.m. Pastor’s Breakfast “A Funny Thing Happened on the Road to Damascus”
“The Nature of Doctrine” will be held on Friday, October 18, 2024 features:
Joe Mangina, David Ney (TSM), Brad East (Abilene Christian University), Annette Brownlee, Ephraim Radner and Chris Seitz.

Details will be posted as they become available at www.wycliffecollege.ca /scriptureandtheology
To stay connected and informed about ongoing events throughout the year, visit www.wycliffecollege.ca/get-involved

In Memoriam
MAY 1, 2023 TO APRIL 30, 2024
We give thanks to God for the lives and faithful service of the following Alumni who we have lost this past year:
The Most Rev. Michael Peers Hon 87, Toronto ON (July 2023)
The Rev. Canon Trevor Denny W72, Newcastle ON (August 2023)
The Rev. Glenn Coates W79, Magog QC (August 2023)
The Rev. Paul Kett
W80, Kitchener ON (October 2023)
Mr. Kevin Love W17, Hamilton, ON (January 2024)
The Rev. John Armstrong W75, Edmonton, AB (January 2024)
Mr. Stuart Bennet W00, Waterloo, ON (February 2024)
The Rev. Canon William Kibblewhite W72, Mississauga, ON (March 2024)
The Rev. David Burrows AA, Barrie, ON (March 2024)
Ms. Kathleen Wilkinson W58, Parry Sound, ON (March 2024)
The Rev. Robert Hartley W63, Orangeville, ON (March 2024)
Wycliffe Alumnus announced as the new Chaplain
Principal Andrews is pleased to announce the appointment of the Very Rev. Chris Dow as Wycliffe College Chaplain. It is a twoyear appointment, beginning August 1st, 2024. Dean Dow has a BA in History and Political Studies from Queen’s, and an MDiv (Honours) from Wycliffe College. He graduated in 2012 and his wife, Amy, whom he met while a student at the College, graduated with an MDiv the following year.

Chris has served as the Rector of St Jude’s Cathedral, Iqaluit, and Dean of the Diocese of the Arctic since 2021. There, his responsibilities included pastoring three congregations (two of which are Inuktitut), coordinating a staff of eleven, teaching in the Arthur Turner Training School, and regular ministry in the local correctional facility. Before answering his call to the Arctic, Chris was for three years the Incumbent of St James’ Church in Caledon in the Diocese of Toronto, where he also served as Regional Dean. Prior to this, Chris spent five years as the Rector of the Parish of Birch Hills, Kinistino and Muskoday in the Diocese of Saskatchewan. He was a member of the 2016 General Synod. As a member of the Prayer Book Society he was instrumental in the composition and eventual General Synod endorsement of the prayer ’For Reconciliation with the Jews’ as a replacement for the Anglican Church’s prayer ‘For the Conversion of the Jews’. Chris’s ministry has involved ecumenical partnerships and the learning of Cree and Inuktitut languages.
As Wycliffe’s Chaplain, Chris will be responsible for the cultivation of a vibrant community life at the College that includes pastoral care for domestic, international and remote students and their families. Giving oversight to our daily chapel services and to our field education program, Chris will also coordinate fellowship groups and extra-curricular activities designed to broaden student experience and learning.
Be Informed and Inspired
Explore the Vestigia Dei , or “traces of God” through blog posts written by Faculty, Alumni, Students and guests. You can find the blog on the website at wycliffecollege.ca/blog and check social media.
We are delighted to share that informal Alumni events are happening across Canada and in the US. Over the past few years Alumni have had the opportunity to gather at local restaurants in Halifax, Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver and Austin, Texas. If you are interested in attending one of these gathering or organizing an event in your area, please email us (email below)

There are times throughout the school year we would like to spread a little encouragement to our students, especially at exam time and thought a great source of this encouragement is Wycliffe Alumni. Who better than those who have already walked this path to share prayers, Scripture verses, and other words of encouragement for us to collect and email to each student on the last day of class. If you are interested in sharing a short prayer or words of encouragement, please email us and we will collect them throughout the year.
Did you know that people in the Wycliffe community pray for you every day? In addition to the broader Alumni community, Faculty and Staff at the College are praying for you too. If you would like to share a specific prayer request — or just ask for a prayer in general — please email us.

This newsletter is for and about you and your contributions make it great.
We know that God is working through your personal and vocational ministries, and we want to encourage others by sharing your stories.
Your input is invaluable and we appreciate you sharing both your stories as well as feedback about this newsletter.
What did you enjoy most? How can we make it better? What would you like to see more of, or perhaps there are areas we could scale back on?
We genuinely want to hear from you! Please email us at alumni@wycliffe.utoronto.ca