Introducin... Wycliffe Alumni Newsletter
Rev. Aidan Armstrong, Alumni Associa on Execu ve Commi ee President
Dear friends,
For those of you who don’t know me I am the Rev’d Aidan Armstrong, incoming President of the Wycliffe College Alumni Associa on. In this first edi on of our brand-new Alumni newsle er, I’d like to introduce myself.
A lifelong Anglican, I was born and raised in London, Ontario. London is in the Diocese of Huron where I serve as Rector of St. George’s Anglican Church.
I first felt a call to ordained ministry during my undergraduate studies at Western University. In 2013 I began my MDiv at Wycliffe College. My me at Wycliffe was one of the most exci ng and fulfilling mes in my life. Not only did I complete my studies, but I found lifelong friends, community, and even my wife, Sarah!
On comple on of my studies in 2016 I was ordained in the Diocese of Algoma. While in the Diocese of Algoma I served the Anglican Parishes of Manitoulin Island and the Church of the Ascension in Sudbury. In 2021 Sarah and I returned to London with our three small sons.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the d Jonathan Turtle for his faithful service as Alumni Associa on Execu ve Commi ee President over the last number of years. I look forward to working with all of you to build up and extend the mission of the College in the years to
In Christ,
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Inside Story 2 Inside Story 2 Inside Story 3 Inside Story 3 Inside Story 4 Inside Story 4 Inside Story 4 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST · Briefly highlight your point of interest here. · Briefly highlight your point of interest here. · Briefly highlight your point of interest here. · Briefly highlight your point of interest here.
Alumni Updates
Rev. Michael Caines (W08)
The Rev'd Michael Caines has been appointed as the 5th Canadian Division Deputy Senior Chaplain in the Canadian Armed Forces Reserves. This is in addi on to his full- me parish ministry in the Diocese of Fredericton.
Philip Stonhouse (W16)
Rev. Philip Stonhouse & Mary Anne Stonhouse had their first baby boy Ma eo James Stonhouse on Dec 27th, 2022.
Kira Moolman (W17; PhD cand.) & the Rev. Trent Pe t (W21; MA in progress)
Kira Moolman and Trent Pe t were joyfully married on September 2nd, 2022, at St. Ma hew's Riverdale. Kira and Trent were grateful for the opportunity to hold their recep on at Wycliffe College where they had met in 2020.
David Reed (Honorary Alumnus 2013)
David’s work was published in the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Recep on, and in Oneness Pentecostalism: Race, Gender, and Culture (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2023). He read two papers at the 2023 annual mee ng of the Society for Pentecostal Studies. He con nues working with Wycliffe students, and at Christ Memorial Church, Oshawa.
Rev. Dr Grayhame Bowco (W20)
Effec ve Ash Wednesday, the Bishop of Huron appointed The Rev. Dr. Grayhame Bowco as a Canon Catechist of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's, London, Ontario, and in service to the diocese. Gray con nues to serve in a cross appointed posi on as the Rector of St. George's, The Blue Mountains and as the Program Director of the Licen ate in Theology diploma program at Huron University College, London.
Vanessa Ro ner (W05)
Vanessa has been ac ve in pastoral care, assis ng a parish priest in Denver, Colorado suppor ng shut-ins, and providing encouragement and support through telephone, email, and handwri en cards. She par cipated in online personal development courses and forums, and acted as officiant for Morning Prayer via Zoom.
B ur t en u you update fo th nex editio!
New Professor
Chagall Exhibit at Wycliffe
A er an interna onal search, undertaken by a commi ee represen ng students, faculty, the Wycliffe Board, the Toronto School of Theology and the University of Toronto, we are pleased to welcome The Rev. Dr Boram Lee as Professor of Pastoral Care and Prac ce. Dr Lee and her family and will come to Toronto before her appointment begins in August 2023.
Online Speed Mentoring Event
The Alumni Association hosted its first Online Speed Mentoring event for Wycliffe students in March. Five Alumni mentors representing vocations in church ministry, parachurch ministry, and academia told nearly 20 students about their lives’ journeys from Wycliffe to their current positions. The feedback from both the students and mentors was enthusiastic and we look forward to hosting this event over Zoom again next year. If you are interested in serving as a mentor, please email us with a short paragraph about your vocational path.
Wycliffe College Sunday
Wycliffe College, in partnership with IMAGO, is delighted to bring to Toronto a fascina ng exhibi on of Marc Chagall and the Bible. The exhibion – running from May to October, 2023 –showcases over 55 etchings and lithographs by the legendary ar st Marc Chagall (1887-1985).
Regional Gatherings
This year, we enjoyed fellowship across the country at four informal Alumni gatherings that took place in local restaurants in Halifax, Saskatoon, Calgary, and Edmonton. We hope to do more this year! If you are interested in joining such a gathering, or organizing one yourself, please email us at and let us know your closest major city.
How Can We Pray For You?
Did you know that people in the Wycliffe community pray for you every day? In addition to the broader Alumni community, Faculty and Staff at the College are praying for you too. If you would like to share a specific prayer request or just ask for prayer in general please contact us.
Are there future seminarians in your church? Are there people in the pews who are concerned about the future of the church? Would you like to show off your alma-mater? We are considering reviving an old tradition of partnering with churches to hold Wycliffe College Sunday. If this is something your church would consider doing, please reach out to to see how we can help to tailor an event to fit your congregation’s needs.
We Want Your Stories!
Looking for Regional Representa ves
We hope to support and resource our Alumni, wherever God has placed them! Regional Representatives from across the country and into the U.S. will help us do that. In addition to sharing thoughts on resourcing Alumni, Representatives will periodically connect with Alumni in their region, provide insight to the College for effective ways to expand reach in their area, promote events happening in the region, and be an active participant on the Alumni Facebook page. If you would like to serve your fellow Alumni in this way, please contact us.
Be Inspired & Challenged
Explore the Ves gia Dei , or “traces of God” through blogs wri en by Faculty, Alumni, Students, and guests at
We know that God is working through your personal and voca onal ministries and we want to encourage others by sharing your stories. If you have something you would like to share please reach out to You can email us the details, or you can share it over the phone. We look forward to hearing about what God is doing in your corner of the vineyard.
What’s In A Name?
We hope you enjoy this first edition of the Alumni Newsletter and invite you to help us name it. The person who submits the winning entry will receive a $50 Amazon Gift card. Email
Membership Has Its Privileges
Did you know that as an Alumnus of Wycliffe College, you are en tled to:
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Free full-text access to more than 150 theological journals available through the ATLASerials (ATLAS) online collec on A 50% discount on audi ng fees for most basic degree courses
Be included in the Wycliffe College Cycle of Prayer
Invita ons and Alumni discounts to select events and conferences
Membership in the Alumni Facebook group
What Do You Think?
This is our first edition of the Wycliffe Alumni Newsletter, and we want to know your thoughts! What do you love? How can we make it better?