Sixth Form Prospectus

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Come broaden your horizons An introduction to life at Wycombe High School Sixth Form

Pursue your full potential

As one of England’s leading grammar schools, we offer our Sixth Form students the chance to come and discover who they are becoming.

Enjoy an expansive curriculum

Discover a diverse world

Experience care for the whole ‘you’

Dear Future Sixth Former,

Find new freedoms

At Wycombe High School, it’s no secret that our A level results are among the best in the country. Why? Because we are unrelenting in helping our students reach their academic potential and discover a love of learning, one that stays with them well beyond their Sixth Form years. We are passionate about single sex education and the extraordinary benefits it brings our students. We are proud of the excellent teaching, care and guidance that we offer, along with a wide range of opportunities in and beyond the classroom. When our students leave our school, they each leave academically extremely well qualified, culturally and globally aware, and truly prepared to contribute wherever they go next. If you can, please come and visit us. We would be delighted to welcome you and let you see first-hand why we are so proud of our school and our students – and let you catch a glimpse of the Sixth Former you could become here.

Prepare for the next adventure

Mrs Sharon Cromie Headteacher

Wycombe High School

The subjects on offer for 2020 are as follows:

Discover… an expansive curriculum

There’s no better time to discover who you are – your passions, interests and talents – than in your Sixth Form years. That’s why we offer an extensive range of A levels, along with a breadth of extra-curricular activities for you to embark on a journey of discovery. All Year 12 students study 3 or 4 A levels depending on the points from their best 8 GCSEs.





Business Studies

Government & Politics



Classical Civilisation





D & T: Product Design


Drama & Theatre Studies

Philosophy & Ethics of Religion


Physical Education

English Literature




Further Maths


These subjects are taught at partner schools. Please see our website for full details of each subject we offer. *

Entry Requirements You will need the following points from your best 8 full-course GCSEs to gain entry into Wycombe High School Sixth Form. For 3 A levels = 48-67 points. For 3 or 4 A levels = 68+ points.


I like the fact that you have such a range of subjects to choose from. I’ve been able to choose a real mix of A levels that has kept it interesting for me. Tino

Wycombe High School

Students must meet the following subject entry requirements in their chosen A levels: A student must gain GCSE Grade 5 - 9 in Maths and English Language to qualify for the WHS Sixth Form. To study two or more Science subjects at A level or Mathematics and one or more Science subjects the student must have 56 points or more from their best 8 full-course GCSEs.


Grade 6 in Maths and Grade 6 in English Language

Maths, Further (AS or A level)

Grade 8 in Maths, must take Maths A level

Drama and Theatre Studies

If taken for GCSE; Grade 6 in Drama. If not taken for GCSE; Active participation in school productions and amateur dramatics, and Grade 6 in English Literature

Maths, core

Grade 6 in Maths



Grade 6 in English Language and Grade 7 in Maths

If taken for GCSE; Grade 6 in Music. If not taken for GCSE; Grade 6 Practical and Grade 5 Theory and active participation in ensembles in school

English Literature

Grade 6 in English Literature

Philosophy & Ethics of Religion

If taken for GCSE; Grade 6 in Religious Studies. If not taken for GCSE; Grade 6 in English Language or English Literature


Grade 7 in Physics or at least 77 in Double Award, must take Maths A level and Physics

Product Design

Grade 6 in DT Graphics


Grade 6s in English Language and Maths


Grade 6 in Spanish

Sport Studies (PE)

If taken for GCSE; Grade 6 in PE GCSE. If not taken for GCSE; Grade 6 in Biology


Grade 6 or above in Art


Grade 7 in Biology or at least 77 in Double Award


Grade 6 in French


Grade 6 in Geography

Business Studies

If taken for GCSE; Grade 6 in Business Studies. If not taken for GCSE; Grade 6s in Maths and English Language

Government & Politics

Grade 6 in English Language and/or Grade 6 in History


If taken for GCSE; Grade 6 in History. If not taken for GCSE; Grade 6s in English Language and English Literature


Grade 7 in Chemistry or at least 77 in Double Award

Classical Civilisation

If taken for GCSE; Grade 6 in Classical Civilisation. If not taken for GCSE; Grade 6 in English Literature


Grade 6 in Latin


Grade 7 in Maths


Enrichment Programme Students studying 3 A levels must also select an option from the Enrichment Programme (students studying 4 A levels may opt to): • Arts Award Gold • Core Maths – Level 3 qualification • Duke of Edinburgh Gold • Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) • Further Maths AS • Step/Advanced extension award in Maths (for Year 13) • Young Enterprise As well as providing additional UCAS points, our Enrichment Programme allows students to broaden their life experiences and be more prepared for the next stages in their adventure.

Wycombe High School

Discover‌ diverse extra-curricular opportunities

Sixth Form is about pursuing more than just the academic. Each of our Year 12 students participate in the following extra-curricular programme:

The CASE Based on the idea behind the International Baccalaureate, students complete approximately 50 hours in each of the four categories: Creativity Examples include taking part in music ensembles, drama productions, choir, creative writing. Action Including but not limited to a wide variety of sports, dance and Duke of Edinburgh treks.

Service Incorporates the very wide selection of Student Leadership roles and taking part in any voluntary work in local primary schools, hospitals and care homes along with helping out in any of the varied activities on offer at Wycombe High School. Employability Work experience and shadowing, UCAS conferences, Oxbridge essay competitions, public lectures and taster courses in engineering or subject-based masterclasses, will all fit into this category.


Alternatively, you could opt to cycle 100 miles for charity with a few friends and thus combine Action and Service elements of your CASE. Physical Exercise One PE lesson per week (options include hockey, netball, badminton, handball, gym, dance, yoga, Ultimate Frisbee, football, rugby or use of the Fitness Studio). PSHEE Days Three PSHEE days each year cover “relationships”, “Living in the Wider

World” (Careers) and “Health and Wellbeing” Clubs and Societies Sports clubs, dance, drama and music groups, theatre and musical productions. All are open and available for Sixth Formers to get involved in and explore their talents. When it comes to societies, many of these are initiated and run by Sixth Formers, such as MedSoc, Politics Society, Drama Club, Islamic Union, Christian Union, History and Classics Society, Debate Society and the Jazz band.

I’m a huge fan of music and am in a bunch of ensembles. I’ve found the variety is really wide, there is something for everybody. Anna

Wycombe High School

Discover‌ chances to lead and serve Voluntary Service As part of your CASE Service, we provide opportunities to volunteer in local primary schools, in hospitals or care homes. Our students find that helping others through voluntary work is not just rewarding but also helps to develop life skills, improve confidence and provide future opportunities for employment. In addition, Wycombe High School runs outreach programmes to help primary schools improve outcomes in Maths and literacy, where Wycombe High School Sixth Form students visit local primary schools to support pupils who would benefit from additional Mathematics and English tuition.

Leadership Opportunities A major part of being in a Sixth Form is that you are a senior member of a wider community, with a number of opportunities to develop in leadership: Student Leadership Team (SLT) A team of sixteen Year 13 students who, following a series of activities and tasks, are voted in and are given the opportunity of becoming: • Head Girl, • Deputy Head Girl (x2) House Captains and Deputy House Captains Responsibilities include organising house competitions, fundraising for charity and leading assemblies Senior Prefects 20 Year 12 students become Senior Prefects who play an important role in school events and support the SLT

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Student Ambassadors Assist on reception and help the Headteacher with evening functions and charitable events Development Ambassadors Help to promote fundraising events at the school Subject Captains Represent views of students to relevant subject teachers and Head of Sixth Form Sports, Dance and Gym Captains Represent views of students to relevant subject leads and Head of Sixth Form The Head of News Crew Responsible for leading a team of students to produce the E-High Flyer and Wycombe High School annual magazine

I always aspired to be on the Student Leadership Team and to be someone that younger students can look up to. Sophie

Wycombe High School

Discover… new-found freedoms

At 16, the world truly is your oyster. We are here to help you take hold of new-found freedoms and learn how to be more independent and selfdirected as a student and young adult.

For Sixth Formers, there is no uniform We do not have a uniform in the Sixth Form because we want students to prepare for university, apprenticeships or the world of work by being able to learn how to express their own style and individuality in a safe environment. For Sixth Formers, there are dedicated spaces Our Sixth Form Centre is located in the Miller Block, a dedicated building for Sixth Form students that includes classrooms, offices, a kitchen, study area, lecture theatre and café – all exclusively for Sixth Form use.

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Discover… long-lasting friendships The word “community” may be somewhat overused, but for us it best describes the environment for our Sixth Formers.

The culture we have created is one marked by comradery and inclusion, where the words “I’ve found friends for life” is a common refrain. Here is what some of our students say about the friendships they have forged here.

I was surprised at how welcoming everyone was to me as a transfer student. There were no cliques or friendship groups that were hard to break into.

When I get older, I think I’ll look back and remember the bonds of friendship I’ve made and that they’ve lasted.

Wycombe High School

Discover… care for the whole you As a single-sex school, we have a deep understanding of the challenges facing students in today’s world – and we are adept at helping our students to navigate them. I’ve had one on one support for my university applications, which I haven’t heard of at any other Sixth Form. Kate

We know that our duty of care extends far beyond their academic learning. We take that charge seriously, providing dedicated pastoral support for each of our students, giving them a chance to discuss whatever they need to with someone who truly cares. Support via the Tutor Group System Tutor groups are small and organised on a vertical basis with students

from Year 7 to 13. Each tutor group forms part of one of six Houses and meets every day to share in a variety of tutor and student-led activities. Each student has the opportunity to meet with their tutor once every half term and is supported by a Head of House, Sixth Form Student Manager or School Counsellor if needed.

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Discover‌ help for next steps

We pride ourselves on ensuring each student who leaves our Sixth Form is prepared for the next step. For this reason, we run a comprehensive programme of careers advice and support to help our students choose their next adventure, be it university, apprenticeship or employment. For those choosing university, we are very experienced at mentoring students through UCAS: through examination guidance, supporting on how to fill out the UCAS form and running mock interviews. For those choosing apprenticeship or employment, we have a comprehensive Higher Education and Careers Library and our in-house Careers Advisor and Development Director organise a wide variety of careers presentations every year involving many of our own former students.

Wycombe High School Further Education

Discovering… where this will lead

Bath University Economics; Psychology Birmingham City University Psychology & Criminology Birmingham University Educational Sociology; Chemical Engineering; Computer Science with Digital Technology; Criminology; English; English Literature; Geography; Maths/Physics; Chemical Engineering; Music; Physiotherapy; Psychology Bournemouth University Media Production Brighton University Primary School Teaching Bristol University Geography Brunel University Economics; Marketing; Psychology BUCB Health & Social Care Bucks New University Art Foundation Cambridge University Classics; Philosophy Cardiff University Biomedicine; Media & Communications; Optometry

If you are wondering: ‘Where will all of this lead?’ – ‘What happens after Wycombe High School Sixth Form?’ To answer that, here is a glimpse of where the students in our Sixth Form during the past few years have ended up after leaving our school:

City, University of London Accounting & Finance; Law De Montfort University Product Design Durham University Anthropology & Archaeology; Biological Science; English Literature; Geography; Physics; Social Sciences & History Edinburgh University French & Russian Exeter University Business Management; Drama; Maths; Medical Science; Philosophy & Politics Glasgow University Geology Hertfordshire University Animation; Pharmacy Imperial College London Medicine Iowa University Physical Therapy Keele University Biomedical Science Kent University Marketing with year in Industry King’s College London Biomedical Engineering

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Sussex University Politics & International Relations

Leicester University Chemistry with Forensics

Swansea University Marine Biology

Liverpool University Computer Science; Veterinary Medicine London South Bank University Radiography

UCL Ancient Worlds; Applied Medical Science; Classics; English; French & Portuguese; Medicine

Loughborough University Industrial Design

University of Gloucestershire Computer & Cyber Forensics

LSE Accounting & Finance; Maths With Economics; Politics & Economics

University of Hertfordshire Psychology

Manchester University Management with Marketing; Politics & International Relations

University of South Wales Master of Chiropractic Foundation Year

Newcastle University English

University of the West of England History

Nottingham Trent University Interior Architecture

University of Westminster, London Biomedical Sciences

Nottingham University Criminology & Social Policy; Geography; Medicine; Modern Languages; Physics; Physics & Astrophysics

Warwick University English; International Studies & Politics; Law; Maths & Physics; Politics, International Studies, Global Sustainable Development

Oxford Brookes University Computing Foundation; Art Foundation; Business & Management

York University English Language & Literature

Oxford University History; Maths Paris College of Art Fine Art

University of Toronto Maths & Physics

Apprenticeship, Employment or Gap Year

Plymouth University Film & TV Production Portsmouth University Business & Management; Business & Supply Chain Management; Sociology with Psychology Queen Mary’s University Biology; Comparative Literature Reading University Accountancy; Accounting & Business; Business Management; Ethics Values & Philosophy; History & Politics; Pharmacy; Philosophy; Modern History & International Relations Royal Holloway University History


NatWest; Adelmen; Atkins, Level 4 Project Management; BDO; Henkel Ltd; Software Development; Thames Valley Police (PCDA); Year In Industry (EDT)



Gap Year

Charity Work; Charity Work & Part-Time Job; Part-Time Job; Part-Time Job & Travelling; Tennis Coaching

Royal Veterinary College Applied Bioveterinary Research Salford University Physics Sheffield University Politics; Robotics SOAS University of London Economics; Humanities Southampton University Biology; Law; Medicine; Music; Philosophy & Politics Surrey University Psychology; Tonmeister (Music & Sound Recording)

Gap Year then deferred University place Gap Year then employment

Wycombe High School

Next steps

For internal applicants Sixth Form Exploration Evening 5.00 – 7.00 pm Tuesday 22 October 2019 Applications to be received by WHS Thursday 16 January 2020 • Subject and Enrichment preferences checked against viable Year 12 timetable options • Subject suitability checked with subject teachers All applicants are required to attend our Access Days on Wednesday 24 June 2020 GCSE Results Day Thursday 20 August 2020 If results match entry criteria - welcome to the Sixth Form. If not, you will need to see the Head of Sixth Form Induction Day for all Year 12 students Early September 2020 (date TBC)

For anyone wishing to apply for a place at Wycombe High School Sixth Form – whether internally from within the school or as an external applicant transferring from another school – the following are the next steps and key dates:

For transfer applicants Sixth Form Exploration Evening 5.00 – 7.00 pm Tuesday 22 October 2019 Applications to be received by WHS Thursday 30 January 2020 • Subject and Enrichment preferences checked against viable Year 12 timetable options • GCSE predictions requested from present school teachers • Letter to applicants with conditional offer/Letter to applicants with concerns that entry requirements will not be met All applicants are required to attend our Access Days on Wednesday 24 June 2020 GCSE Results Day Thursday 20 August 2020 If results match entry criteria - present GCSE results to WHS at 9.00am in the Forum. Induction Day for all Year 12 students Early September 2020 (date TBC)

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We are delighted to receive applications from students who are not currently at Wycombe High School and who achieve the entry requirements of a minimum of 48 points from their best 8 GCSEs.

Transfer applicants are requested to complete the application form and return it to the Head of Sixth Form by Thursday 30 January 2020. Applications received after this date will be considered but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your choices. Please include with your application form: • A letter outlining your reasons for wanting to study your chosen subjects and making it clear what

it is about these subjects that interests you. You should also give details of how you have contributed to your local school community whilst studying for your GCSEs and outline what you feel you would contribute to the Sixth Form at Wycombe High School. • A copy of your latest school report or Record of Achievement including your predicted GCSE Grades.

Wycombe High School, Marlow Road, High Wycombe, Bucks HP11 1TB 01494 523961

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