WHS Guild Survey Results 2012-2013

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Wy ycombe e High School S Guild G S Survey 2012-2013 3 Resultts Surrvey Coho ort 1542 Memberss Surveyed 570 Em mails Sent (4 44 Current Students) S - 91 Respon nses– 16% Response R R Rate 972 Hard Copies Sent S - 158 Responses R – 16% Res sponse Rate e Overall Response Rate – 16% % Currrent Studen nts– 44 Targ geted – 12 Responsess – 27% Res sponse Ratte Year 7 – 4 Year 8 – 2 Year 9 – 4 Year 10 – 2 Form mer Studen nts - Form on o Leaving No Form m Listed – 8 Upper S Sixth – 10 Sixth – 2 5B – 2 13.1 -1 Form mer Studen nts – Year of o Leaving

P Percenttage of D Decade Groupss Co ompletin ng Survvey 1950 ‐ 43 ‐ 23 3% 1960 ‐ 36 ‐ 19 9% 1940 ‐24 ‐ 13% 1990 ‐ 22 ‐12% 1970 ‐ 21 ‐11% 0% 2010 ‐ 19 ‐ 10 1980 ‐ 16 ‐ 9% % 1930 ‐ 2 ‐ 1%

Pos st Held at W WHS Maths T Teacher PE Tea acher Head off 6th Form Senior Mistress Head off Classics Head off RE Science e Teacher Head off Physics Senior T Teacher Head off Music Head off Y9 English Teacher Lab Tecchnician Assistant Music & French

4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Wycombe High School Guild Survey 2012-2013 Results Continued Events and Activities Are you interested in reunions? Yes 157 No 85 No response 3 At what intervals should they occur? No response 84 Annually 62 Every 5 years 60 Every 10 years 14 Every 20 years 3 Every 2 years 8 Every 2/3 years 3 Who would you like to attend the reunions? No response 98 Range of ages and leavers 82 Students form year group only 36 Students from a decade 25 Students from tutor group only 3 Year group and U6/L6 1 Staff 1 My year, year above and year below 1 Students from year and tutor group 1 What time of the year should reunions be held? Summer 96 Spring 76 Autumn 22 Late Spring 1 Sept/Oct 1 Where would you like reunions to be held? At School 142 In your local area/region 10 Other - Community Centre 1 Other - Pub 1 Other - Jamaica 1 What other activities / events would you like to be invited to in school? Plays 64 Guild Lecture Series 53 Musicals 52 Concerts/Musical Festivals 38 Art and Technology Exhibitions 34 Dance Festivals 30 Other:Too Far Away 12 Other: Special Anniversary/Event 4 Other: Fayres/Fundraising 1 Other: Talent Show 1 Other: Not in evening 1 Other: Open Day 1

Wycombe High School Guild Survey 2012-2013 Results Continued Communications What is the best way of contacting you? Email 150 Post 68 Facebook 5 Other: Moodle 3 Friends Re-united 2 Twitter 2 Linked In 1 Other: MSN 1 Other: Skype 1 How often would you like to receive information about The Guild and Wycombe High School? Annually 138 Bi-Annual 42 Half Termly 22 Monthly 6 Termly 2 Other: As often as necessary 1 Other: Contact regularly on-line-my choice 1

What communications would you like to receive? Guild Newsletter Magazine High Flyer Special Promotions/Events

88 84 13 12

Future Developments Would you be interested in? Networking events by region Supporting school with careers & higher education advice Networking events by profession Joining the Guild Committee Volunteering in School Other: Tours at reunions Other: Year group meetings at interesting locations e.g. Hughenden Manor Other: Listing of members websites

Resignations 16 members resigned. Too Far Away No Reason Given Age Health Not Interested PT Teacher/Unlikely to attend events

Other Outcomes Captured email addresses. Targeted potential legacy candidates.

4 5 2 2 2 1

28 26 19 0 0 1 1 1

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