Wycombe high school guild survey 2018 result

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Wycombe High School Guild Survey 2018 Results Methodology We surveyed 1,338 Guild members from 1930 to 2017 representing 168 members of staff and 1,338 former students. We did not include current students and staff. Every former student and staff in the Guild database received a hard copy of the survey. After the mailing was posted, we created an online version of the survey. We received a selection of online, email and post replies. Survey Cohort 1,338 Members Surveyed (Former Students and Staff)  We had no addresses for 97 former students and 6 staff.  Emails Sent (652 Current Students and 116 Staff) pointing them to the online survey.  Post Responses – 141 responses - 11% response Rate  Online Survey Responses - 21 - 2% response Rate  Email Responses - 4 - .02%  Overall Response Rate - 12% Former Students - Form on Leaving  No Form Listed – 113  Sixth Form – 32  Lower Sixth - 3  Year 5 - 16  Year 4 - 1  Year 3 – 1 Former Students - Form on Leaving

Post Held at WHS  Mathematics  PE  Head French  Head of LVHS  Head of Drama  Head of RE  Deputy Head  Chemistry/Physics

Events and Activities Are you interested in reunions?  Yes 101  No 44  No response 21

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Physics Spanish/French German Facilities Manager Head of Y8 Trainee Teacher Support Staff Music

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Wycombe High School Guild Survey 2018 Results Continued

Events and Activities Continued At what intervals should they occur?  No response 62  Annually 50  Every 5 years 12  Every 10 years 2  Every 20 years 6  Every 2/3 years 34 Who would you like to attend the reunions?  No response 63  Range of ages and leavers 39  Students form year group only 24  Students from a decade 14  Students from tutor group only 1  Don’t Mind 9 What time of the year should reunions be held?  Summer 64  Spring 30  Autumn 11  Don’t mind 65 Where would you like reunions to be held?  At School 100  In your local area/region 7  Don’t mind 58 What would you like to see at Reunions?  Afternoon Tea 80  Art and Technology Exhibitions 43  Lunch 60  BBQ 15  Picnic 18  Performances by students 37  Talk by current Headteacher 57  Talk by former student 39  Tours of the school 68  Other o Business AGM o Group meetings o A list of attendees. o Low-key event annually and a big event every 5 years o Update from staff o Something to show how the school has evolved What other activities / events would you like to be invited to in school?  Plays 24  Guild Lecture Series 23  Musicals 18  Concerts/Musical Festivals 33  Art and Technology Exhibitions 16  Dance Festivals 11  Other:Too Far Away 25

Wycombe High School Guild Survey 2018 Results Continued Future Developments Would you be interested in? Networking events by region Supporting school with careers & higher education advice Networking events by profession Joining the Guild Committee Volunteering in School Other: Tours at reunions Communications What is the best way of contacting you?  Email 113  Post 46  Facebook 7  LinkedIn 1 How often would you like to receive information about The Guild and Wycombe High School?  Annually 65  Bi-Annual 31  Half Termly 6  Monthly 4  Termly 32  Other: As often as necessary 1 What communications would you like to receive?  Guild Newsletter 109  Magazine 103  E High Flyer 37  Special Promotions/Events 25  Sports Update 1 Resignations    

Too Far Away No Reason Given Age/Health Not Interested

Other Outcomes Captured email addresses. Updated contact information. Group leader volunteer. Notifications of deceased members.

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