1 minute read
warranTTi and inTernaTionalizaTion
from Wykyzine 1/2023
by Wykyzine
Hello my dear Warranttilaiset! My name is Dariush Rahim and I am the Vice Chair of the Board at Warrantti ry and also Educational Affairs manager this year. I lead the supervision of the interests division and co-lead the master’s division.
It is really busy during spring. All the courses have begun and there are multiple deadlines. I sincerely hope that you take the necessary time to relax and do things that make you happy and relaxed. Personally, I love hanging out with my friends and listening to some great music (for example, Taylor Swift :D)
In this academic year, it has been a privilege to come back to the campus and to get back to the “normal” as known as “life before the pandemic”. First semester of the academic year is over and we are almost halfway through the second semester. On the educatio- nal side, for example, the new rector has started their term now. It has also been wonderful to cooperate with deans.
University of Vaasa is becoming more international, which Warrantti loves! For example, Warrantti has changed the main communication language, which is English nowadays! <3 Warrantti organizes Warrantti-info for new students every autumn.
Wishing you a year full of happiness and wellbeing, Chair of the board 2023, Noora Heinonen
It has been an honor to get to know you and to talk with you, my fellow Warrantti students. I hope that this year will bring us even closer! You can contact me via phone, email or you can find me either on W-room or somewhere in the campus! :)
I wish you all a very successful year <3
Your Vice Chair of the Board, Dariush Rahim