December 22, 2018

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Volume 30 Number 34 • December 22, 2018


The Weekly News Source for Wyoming’s Ranchers, Farmers and AgriBusiness Community •

A Look Inside Soil microbes provide benefits to human populations. . .Page 2 Wyoming Stock Growers Association members passed new resolutions at their latest meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 Rib and tenderloin prices have stayed strong through the fourth quarter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 Dick Perue draws on the work of a famous poet to remember Christmas. . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6

Quick Bits Christmas The Wyoming Livestock Roundup wishes all of its readers and everyone in the agriculture industry a very Merry Christmas. We hope your stocking are filled with good prices, enough moisture and blessings for your families. To celebrate the holiday, our offices will be closed Dec. 24-28.

Poultry The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) confirmed the presence of virulent Newcastle disease in a commercial chicken flock in California on Dec. 15. This finding is part of an outbreak in southern California that began in May 2018 in backyard birds. This is the first case in commercial poultry since 2003.

WGA Meeting During the annual Western Governors’ Association (WGA) meeting, held in Hawaii this year, western governors formally approved four policy resolutions on the final day of the event titled Foreign Visitor Preclearance, Cybersecurity, Compensatory Mitigation and Healthcare in Western States. Read the resolutions at

Shed Hunting The seasonal winter closure for shed antler and horn hunting begins on Jan. 1 for many sections of public land, state land and Wyoming Game and Fish Commission wildlife habitat management areas throughout Wyoming. The closures help protect wintering big game by limiting stress so they can better survive the coldest and snowiest months.

New WOTUS rule alleviates challenges for farmers and ranchers On Dec. 11, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of the Army proposed a revised definition of waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) that strives to clarify federal authority as it relates to the Clean Water Act.

Bobbie Frank, Wyoming Association of Conservation Districts executive director, quotes the pre-publication version of the rule, saying, “A statement on page 162 of the pre-publication version of the rule says, ‘Today’s proposal more appropriately

reflects the scope of the agencies’ authority under the statute, the Constitution, the vital role of the states and Tribes in managing their land and water resources,and the need of the public for predictable, easily implementable regulations.’ I think this sums it up

well.” She continues, “The rule does not incorporate everything we suggested in our comments on the 2015 WOTUS Rule, but where it deviates, the rule also provides a very thorough explaPlease see WOTUS on page 11

WOMEN’S MARCH AT THE SHEEP CORRAL They worked without whistles. They ran without rattles. They ran without yelling, bamboozles or paddles. They flew down the alley like eight tiny reindeer, And I, in the back, all I could do was to cheer! With Kate in her kerchief, and I in my cap, The dog in the back holding up the riprap. Janet working the middle, me filling the chute, No one a’shouting – you’d thought we were mute. “You really need four. Five would be even better.” But weather was looming, we needed to get’er Done all in that day, or dang cold it would turn.

Sheep put in their pastures, a warm pickup to earn. The three of us went, knowing it could be bad, The sheep wouldn’t run, we’d all end up mad. I’ve been there before, when the ewes just don’t run And you are defeated, you know they have won. It all went like clockwork. We were lucky that day. If you’ve read this so far, I just have this to say. The job turned out well, more so than this verse. As you all know with livestock, it could have been worse! - Lynn Harlan, Kaycee


From the Wyoming Livestock Roundup

Saige Albert photo

Finding inspiration Farm life inspires Hickman to make gifts Bushnell, Neb. – Melissa Hickman learned to knit and crochet when she was just seven years old. Little did she know that a skill she learned at such a young age would turn into a small business for her one day. “My mom handed me a crochet hook and some yarn with instructions to ‘learn.’ She wasn’t able to teach me her own methods because she was lefthanded, and I am righthanded, but I worked it out and have crocheted ever since,” Hickman said. Raised on the farm The Bushnell, Neb. crafter lives on a small dairy goat and fiber animal farm, which inspires her creations in some way. “The biggest challenge for me is finding enough time to make all the things I want to make,” she said. “I have tons of ideas but never enough time.” Hickman started her home-based crafting business in 2006 so she could home school her children and take care of one of her Please see GIFTS on page 12

Plant flourishes under ESA Due to the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) conservation actions, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has determined that the Fremont County rockcress, a highelevation perennial herb found only in the southern foothills of the Wind River Range in Wyoming, is not warranted for listing under the Endangered Species Act. First collected in 1981, there is only one known population of this unique plant found on 160 acres of federal land. Prior to making this determination, FWS used the best available science to complete an in-depth Species Status Assessment for this unique plant species. The assessment evaluated current conditions and potential threats to the plant such as recreation, invasive plants and energy development. The analysis determined there are no immediate threats to the plant, largely due to the conservation actions implemented by BLM, which manages the land on which the Fremont County rockcress lives, and due to a Secretarial Public Land Order removing this species’ habitat from settlement, sale, location or entry under general land laws. As a result, the assessment concluded the plant is not in danger of becoming extinct now or in the foreseeable future. “Thanks to BLM’s ongoing public land management and conservation actions, the rare Fremont County rockcress will continue to thrive,” said Mountain-Prairie Regional Director Noreen Walsh. Fremont County rockcress has been a candidate for listing since 2011. To learn more, a detailed discussion about the basis for this finding can be found in the Fremont County rockcress Species Assessment and Listing Priority Assignment Form and report at es/plants.php.

Farm bill addresses hemp The version of the 2018 Farm Bill passed by the House of Representatives and Senate was signed by Pres. Donald Trump on Dec. 20, and the bill removes restrictions on hemp In the bill, hemp is removed from the Controlled Substances Act list of Schedule I substances, where it has been for many years. “With the passage and signing of the farm bill, hemp is no longer treated the same as marijuana,” explains Wyoming Department of Agriculture Deputy Director Stacia Berry. “Now that the farm bill is signed, hemp will not have the restrictions it has today as far as interstate commerce. The farm bill fundamentally changes how hemp will be handled going forward.

Next steps Berry says, “We already have a state law that legalizes hemp, passed by Wyoming’s Legislature two years ago.” “Even if states don’t have laws on the books authorizing hemp growth, the farm bill allows for a federal licensing program that will allow producers in all states to utilize that program and grow hemp,” she adds. Many of the hurdles hemp was facing when the state statute was passed were alleviated when the farm bill is signed, but Berry notes there are still several steps to take before farmers can grow the crop. Regulations The farm bill also lays out a set of stip-



Please see HEMP on page 5


Wyoming Livestock Roundup • Volume 30 No. 34 • December 22, 2018

Prayer Comes Easy in a Barn by Paul Kern When sunlight bathes the winter morn, All creation is reborn. The horses watered, fed and warm, Prayer comes easy in a barn. From the Publisher Dennis Sun

When Mary’s babe his eyes did open, He saw the sheep, the goats and oxen. In a feeder filled with fresh cut hay, He first began His earthly stay. It was cold without, but the warmth within, Came from the love of his Next-of-kin. He was not kept from the noble beast; Nor from the shuffle of its cloven feet.

Simple folk there went, and in awe they stood, Unbathed, unschooled, unread, but good. To welcome in this newborn king, Amid the livestock and the steam. The sounds and smells of earthy creatures Caressed the child as gentle fingers. Mary his mother gave birth that day, To a shepherd for all who’ve lost their way. It all began in a humble barn, With the animals, our King was born. There’s something special that I find, With the hay and beasts – a peace of mind. When sunlight bathes the winter morn, All creation is reborn. The horses watered, fed and warm, Prayer comes easy in a barn. From all of us at the Roundup, we wish you and your families a merry and blessed Christmas.

Wyoming Livestock Roundup Reporting the News by the Code of the West

Wyoming Livestock Roundup (USPS # 005-774) is published weekly by Maverick Press, Inc. P.O. Box 850 • Casper, WY 82602 Periodicals postage paid in Casper, WY Fax: 307-472-1781 • Email:

Phone: 307-234-2700 800-967-1647 •

DENNIS SUN, Publisher • Cell: 307-262-6132 email: SAIGE ALBERT, Managing Editor • BEAU PITT, Production Coordinator • JODY MICHELENA, Advertising Director • CURT COX, Director of Livestock Field Services • 307-630-4604 • CODY NEGRI, Livestock Field Services Representative • 208-697-1093 • ANDREA ZINK, Circulation/Accounting Manager • DENISE OLSON, Classified Sales Manager • 307-685-8213 •

Subscription Rates: 1 year: $50; 2 years: $75; 3 years: $110 Postmaster: Send address changes to: Wyoming Livestock Roundup • P.O. Box 850 • Casper, WY 82602 Member: Wyoming Stock Growers Association Wyoming Wool Growers Association • Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation Wyoming CattleWomen • Wyoming Horse Council Livestock Publications Council • United States Cattlemen’s Association National Cattlemen’s Beef Association • Fremont County Cattlemen's Association Green River Valley Cattlemen's Association • Wyoming Angus Association Converse County Stock Growers Association • Carbon County Stock Growers Association

This publication is © 2018 by Maverick Press, Inc.


By USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Wyoming Many people don’t realize that soil, especially healthy soil, is full of life. Millions of species and billions of organisms make up a complex and diverse mix of microscopic and macroscopic life that represents the greatest concentration of biomass anywhere on the planet. Bacteria, algae, microscopic insects, earth-

worms, beetles, ants, mites and fungi are among them. Altogether, their value has been estimated at $1.5 trillion a year worldwide. Like other living creatures, the organisms in the soil also need food and shelter. Some feed on dead organic matter, and some eat other microbes. As a group, they cycle nutrients, build the soil and give

it structure. The healthiest soils are those with a diversity and abundance of life. Farmers with the healthiest soils nurture that life by creating a diversity of plant life above the soil surface, with year-round ground cover, no tillage and judicious pesticide use. Understanding that the soil is full of life is a game-

changer for farmers who are farming with healthy soils in mind. For those producers, farming centers around feeding the organisms that build healthy soils. To learn more about soil health, and to meet some of the farmers who are “Unlocking the Secrets in the Soil,” visit nrcs.

Wyoming Stock Growers Approve New Policies By Wyoming Stock Growers Association

Casper – During their Winter Roundup Convention and Trade Show, Wyoming Stock Growers Association (WSGA) members passed three resolutions and rescinded one previously passed resolution, directing WSGA Executive Vice President Jim Magagna in the work of the association. The newly passed resolutions are listed below. Brand Resolution #1 Whereas the Wyoming Livestock Board is currently considering which fees to increase to cover revenue shortfalls in the brand program; and Whereas the fees charged by the Wyoming Livestock Board brand inspection program should be based on the concept of charging for the cost of a specific service, such as performing a brand inspection or issuing permits; and Whereas, for simplicity, the current charges are presumed to be proportionately correct; Therefore, be it resolved; Wyoming Stock Growers Association recommends, when the Wyoming Livestock Board raises fees, that all fees for inspections and movement permits should be raised by an equal

percentage. Resolution #2 WSGA strongly supports the appropriation of funds to the Wyoming Livestock Board to be utilized to incentivize and recognize efforts of county sheriff departments in enforcing Wyoming brand laws and investigation livestock theft reports. Rescinded ̶ Livestock Movement Permits Whereas the current system of issuance of InState Range Permits by the Wyoming Livestock Board allows the movement of livestock across long distances within the state without any brand inspection; and Whereas the movement of large volumes of livestock under permits at minimal expense places an undue proportion of the cost of the Brand Program on those livestock that are fully inspected; and Whereas this discrepancy will continue to necessitate significant increases in brand inspection fees; Therefore, be it resolved that WSGA urges the Wyoming Livestock Board to propose changes to the permit program that would include: Establishing the pasture

livestock movement permit fee on a per head of livestock basis of 50 percent of the rate for a full inspection; Requiring a minimum 48-hour notice prior to any movement under a permit to be given either to a brand inspector in the home county or entered onto a website database as provided by the Wyoming Livestock Board; Establishing the inspection fee under and Out of State Range Permit at 50 percent of the rate for a full inspection; and Establishing a separate permit with a single permit fee for the movement of livestock to another country of a contiguous state for veterinary care. Marketing, Transportation and Labor Resolution #1 Whereas CenturyLink and its corporate predecessors has continuously failed or refused to meet its obligation as the provider of last resort of reliable telephone service throughout its service area; and Whereas this lack of reliable telephone service has resulted in significant financial loss and serious risk to life and property for underserved and unserved resident of CenturyLink’s rural exchanges; and

Whereas CenturyLink persuaded parties to the investigations and complaints to allow CenturyLink “buy out” of its universal service obligation by offering alternative wireless services that are less reliable than wireline service and in many places unavailable; and Whereas the above is contained in a proposal stipulation that also prohibits the parties, including the most knowledgeable and effective potential opponents, from opposing any future attempts by CenturyLink to escape regulation; Therefore, be it resolved the Wyoming Stock Growers Association requests that the Wyoming Public Service Commission reject the proposed stipulation. For WSGA’s complete policy book, visit wysga. org.

Wyoming Livestock Roundup • Volume 30 No. 34 • December 22, 2018

NEWS BRIEFS WGFD hires coordinator The Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD) welcomes Embere Hall as the new wildlife coordinator for the Laramie Region. Hall replaces Corey Class, who transferred to Cody. Hall was born in Cicero, Ind. and attended Hamilton Heights High School. Her love of the outdoors led her into wildlife work. “I’ve always been curious about the natural world, and why things are the way they are,” Hall said. “Wildlife biology let me marry my interest in science with the place where I’m happiest outside.”

Santa, APHIS partner on gifts

Australia trims wool forecast Australia, on Dec. 11, trimmed its forecast for wool production by nearly five percent as dry weather across the world’s largest producer of the fiber squeezes production to at least a 21-year low – the worst on record. Wool production during the 2018-19 season will total 385,000 tons, the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences said, down from an estimate in September of 404,000 tons. That forecast would mean the smallest amount of wool produced since before 1997. Australia does not keep official records on wool production before this date. With Australia’s east coast, home to the majority of the country’s livestock industry, seeing less than 40 percent of the rains it would normally receive in the last six months, farmers have been forced to cull sheep after pastures wilted.

ELD waiver maintained

The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service announced that representatives from the North Pole were among the visitors checking out the agency’s new traveler information web page. The site, launched in September 2018, provides important information about which agricultural items are safe to enter the United States and which ones are best left behind. This helps protect the health of our country’s plants, animals and natural resources, ensuring many happy holidays to come. “As we are in the overall season of family, feasting and gift-giving, we are thrilled to hear directly from Santa’s elves that the big man himself was comparing his gift list to our requirements,” said U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue. “We thank Santa for setting a great example of thoughtful and responsible gift giving. We know he always does his part by getting a movement permit for his reindeer to enter the U.S., but this year he’s going above and beyond to help protect our farmers, ranchers and citizens.” Visit the site at

Drivers hauling livestock and insects can continue to run on paper logs and without an electronic logging device (ELD) “until further notice,” the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) said on Dec. 14 in an update on its website. FMCSA also noted on its website that livestock transporters do not need to carry documentation about this exemption. The move by the agency seems intended to remove at least temporary uncertainty surrounding whether livestock haulers need to adopt an ELD or not. Congress, as part of a budget package for the 2018 Fiscal Year, exempted drivers hauling livestock and insects from ELD compliance through Sept. 30. They then extended that through Dec. 7 with a short-term, stopgap spending measure meant to ward off a government shutdown. The deadline was then moved again, to Dec. 21, when lawmakers pushed through another brief spending bill. There’s uncertainty over whether Congress and President Trump can agree to a deal to fund the government for the 2019 fiscal year that will include an extension of the ELD waiver for livestock and insect haulers. – Northern Ag Network

El Niño odds increase

Zinke to leave Interior

Government forecasters on Dec. 13 increased the odds El Niño will develop this winter and last into spring. The Climate Prediction Center of the National Weather Service raised the odds for El Niño during November through January to 96 percent, up from 84 percent last month. While surface sea temperatures in the Pacific Ocean met the threshold for El Niño in November, forecasters said other factors kept the official reading neutral. By definition, El Niño must be present for three consecutive months.

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, who is facing federal investigations into his travel, political activity and potential conflicts of interest, will leave the administration at year’s end, President Donald Trump said on Dec. 15. Trump, in tweeting Zinke’s departure, said the former Montana congressman “accomplished much during his tenure” and that a replacement would be announced next week. The cabinet post requires Senate confirmation. Zinke is leaving weeks before Democrats take control of the House, a shift in power that promised to intensify probes into his conduct. His departure comes amid a staff shake-up as Trump heads into his third year in office.

Best Buys in Used Equipment TRACTORS/LOADERS Case IH MXM190, MFD, cab & air, front weights, low hrs,1 owner ................ ...........................................................................................................$95,000 Case IH 7140..................................................................................... $34,500 Case IH 2096, w/ cab, air .................................................................. $19,500 Case IH MX170, MFD, w/ ldr, grpl ..................................................... $69,500 JD 420 Dozer, antique ......................................................................... $7,500 JD 4240 w/ duals ................................................................ $24,500; $20,000 Case 580K Backhoe .......................................................................... $24,900 Hesston 880-5, low hours .................................................................. $14,500 MX120, 2 WD, w/ ldr.......................................................................... $49,500

HAYING & FORAGE New Holland 220 Speedrower, 16’ disc head, low hours .................$123,500 Hesston 4790 3x4 Baler w/ accumulator .............................$49,500; $35,000 New Holland 855 Round Baler .............................................................$4,900 2011 MF 2190 4x4 Baler w/ accumulator ........................$129,500; $119,500 Case 8465 Baler ...................................................................................$9,500 International 445 Baler .........................................................................$3,500 Hesston 4910 Baler w/ accumulator ...................................................$39,500 Hesston 4910 Baler w/ accumulator ...................................................$24,500 Hesston 4900 4x4 Baler w/ accumulator ............................................$24,500 Hesston 4655 Small Square Baler .....................................................$12,500 Case RS 561 Round Baler .................................................................$19,500 New Holland Self Propelled 1047 Bale Wagon ....................................$7,500 Case IH 8870 Swather, 16’ head, 1 owner .........................................$43,500 Case IH 8840 Swather, 16’ head ........................................................$32,500 Hesston 6650 Swather .........................................................................$9,500 New Holland 1118 Windrower, 16’ head .............................................$19,500 New Holland Side Delivery Rake..........................................................$1,950 Kuhn GA4101 Tedder Rake..................................................................$5,900

MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 6 Bale EZ Ration Pull-Type Feeder ........................................ Call for Pricing 500T Supreme Vertical Feeder.......................................... $27,500; $24,500 Kingman Round Bale Feeder ............................................................. $5,900 Leon 808 Loader, bucket & grpl.......................................................... $7,900 Case IH 710 Loader ........................................................................... $4,900 International 2001 Loader................................................................... $2,900 International 3 Bottom Plow................................................................ $1,450 14’ Chisel Plow ................................................................................... $3,900 New Artsway 2400 Land Plane......................................................... $22,500 Aerway 15’ Aerator, pull type ............................................................ $19,900 International 510 Grain Drill, double disc with alfalfa seeder.............. $7,900 Case IH 955 12 Row Planter ................................................$11,000; $6,000 6”x32’ Grain Auger, PTO driven ............................................................. $950 Cube Elevator ..................................................................................... $1,000 NEW 2016 20’ Duralite Stock Trailer ...................................... Call for Pricing

1967 Highway Enclosed Live Floor Trailer ......................................... $5,900 Dragon Water Trailer, 135 barrel ...................................................... $29,000 Arrow Portable Loading Chute ........................................................... $3,600 JD 8300 Grain Drill ................................................................ $4,250; $2,500 9 Shank V Ripper ............................................................................... $4,900 4 Wheel Wagon Running Gear .............................................................. $950 Ford Dump Truck ................................................................................ $9,500 Ford 700 Truck w/ stack retriever ....................................................... $9,500 Dynamo DP-7100 Generator .............................................................. $4,950 Set of IH Duals 18.4 x 38 w/ clamps...................................................... $750 1 1/4” 6 Rail 20’ Continuous Fence Panels ...................................$115/each 1 1/2” 6 Rail 20’ Continuous Fence Panels ...................................$142/each

CARLSON EQUIPMENT 77 Zuber Road • Riverton, WY 82501 • (307) 856-8123

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Farm Bill opens hemp doors The U.S. hemp industry is expecting business to expand and investors to beckon after Congress on Dec. 12 passed farm legislation that included a provision to legalize and regulate the plant under the Department of Agriculture. “This is a monumental bill for hemp farming,” said Lauren Stansbury of the Hemp Industries Association. The bill opens the door to state-by-state regulation, removes hemp, which is part of the cannabis plant family, from the federal enforcement of outlaw drugs and gives hemp farmers access to banking, crop insurance and federal grants, experts said.

Pulse popularity grows Grocery shoppers may not realize, but some of their favorite foods are actually made from pulse crops grown in the Northern Plains, and growing consumer demand for pulses has both farmers and grocery stores excited. Farmers in Montana and North Dakota produce more than 85 percent of the United States pulse crops, which include dry peas, lentils and chickpeas. Brian Gion, marketing director for the Northern Pulse Growers Association, said they’re working with grocery stores on educating consumers about available products containing pulses that can fit into their everyday menus. “We have people who are gluten intolerant, so there’s products like that,” said Gion. “We also have products that contain extra plant-based protein. We have pasta that has durum in it but also has pea, chickpea and lentil flour in there. It’s a little better for us, tastes good and is pretty exciting.” – Northern Ag Network

Western Land Sales would like to thank all of our clients and customers for trusting our company to help them in Selling and Buying their Wyoming Farms and Ranches.

Merry Christmas and wishing you a happy and prosperous 2019.

White House Farm 159 + acre farm located on 8th Street in Riverton, Wyoming. Water on the LeClair and Riverton Irrigation District close to the city limits. Home, shop, feedlot, corrals, and everything necessary for a great livestock base. Flying Horseshoe 73 + acre farm on the Midvale Irrigation District in Fremont County. A move in ready property with top notch improvements. South Riverton 396 + acre farm on the edge of Riverton, Western Land Sales represented Buyer. Tanner Farm in Riverton is 68 + acre farm just off 8th Street in Riverton adjacent to Sacajawea Meadows subdivision. Grass Creek A large 80 + acre high mountain pasture located in the Shoshone National Forest with a nice cabin and spectacular views. Big Horn Meadows Ranch 393 + acre farm just south of Ten Sleep, Western Land Sales represented the Buyer. South Thermopolis 60 + acre pasture located at the south edge of town with municipal water and power on site. Lost Cabin Pasture 480 + acre pasture with excellent water on the slope of the Big Horns, good access and game. Cowboy Mine Farm 27 + acre irrigated farm near Thermopolis with fantastic improvements, Western Land Sales represented the Buyer. Baird Peak 1925 + acre pasture on the eastern Absaroka Front in Hot Springs and Park Counties, exceptional summer pasture and big game. REDUCED! Jones Summer Pasture - Hot Springs County: 1280 acre State of Wyoming Grazing Lease with 80 deeded acres fenced into a 1360 + acre grass pasture on the slope of the Bridger Mountains. Creek, reservoirs, springs and well. Buy this and quit worrying about pasture next year. $215,000 Wood River Cutthroat Ranch- Meeteetse: Over 900 acres with 611+ deeded including 375 acres of irrigated meadows with adjoining private lease. Nearly 1 mile of the Wood River and Lower Sunshine Reservoir Shoreline. Spectacular water with great fishing on both ends of the ranch. $2,650,000 South Pasture- Thermopolis: 69 + acre grass pasture located on the edge of town with power and city water, great location. $120,000 Lysite Winter Pasture: 610 + acres with 497+ acres of water rights bordering the town of Lysite. Includes B.L.M. and State permits with built in annual revenue streams from S.U.A. and Commercial Lease. Great winter unit with a lot of potential for improvement. $600,000 Sybille Creek-Albany County: 160 + acre pasture on Sybille Creek adjacent to Highway 34. Located in a great hunting area with fishing in the creek, excellent homestead potential. $320,000 789 Farm- Riverton: 208 + acre very productive farm located on the north edge of the city. Hay, beans, corn, beets, and alfalfa with super ease of access and potential for future development. $995,000 Visit for more information and many more listings


Office: 307-234-2211

Roy Ready Broker • 307-921-0170


Wyoming Livestock Roundup • Volume 30 No. 34 • December 22, 2018

Shipwheel Cattle Company 10th Annual Bull Sale

SALE REPORTS Bowman Cattle Second Annual Angus Bull Sale

H.D. Dunn and Son Angus Ranch Sale

Reported By: Curt Cox, WYLR Field Editor Dec. 14, 2018 Platte Valley Livestock, Gering, Neb. Auctioneer: Kyle Schow 47 Coming-Two-Year-Old Bulls Avg. $5,431 Top Sellers Lot 9 – Bowman Ten Speed 710 – Price: $10,250 DOB:1/17/17 Sire: S A V Ten Speed 3022 Dam’s Sire: Vision Unanimous 1418 EPDs: BW: +0.7, WW: +74, YW: +130 and Milk: +19 Buyer: Childs Ranch, Cheyenne Lot 45 – Bowman Top Shelf 71 – Price: $8,250 DOB:1/17/17 Sire: Ellingson Top Shelf 5050 Dam’s Sire: Bruin Uproar 0070 EPDs: BW: +1.6, WW: +66, YW: +127 and Milk: +21 Buyer: Dave Lukassen, Kimball, Neb. Lot 24 – Bowman Ten Speed 706 – Price: $7,750 DOB:1/21/17 Sire: S A V Ten Speed 3022 Dam’s Sire:

Reported By: Curt Cox, WLR Field Editor Nov. 16, 2018 H.D. Dunn and Son Angus Ranch, Tetonia, Idaho Auctioneer: Joe Goggins 120 Coming Two-Year Old Bulls Avg. $3,804

Vision Unanimous 1418 EPDs: BW: +3.4, WW: +68, YW: +128 and Milk: +18 Buyer: Jim Downer, Mitchell, Neb. Lot 1 – Bowman Cash Bar 621 – Price: $8,000 DOB:1/28/16 Sire: Barstow Cash Bar A58 Dam’s Sire: Connealy Final Product EPDs: BW: +1.5, WW: +74, YW: +133 and Milk: +29 Buyer: Mark Childs, Cheyenne Lot 17 – Bowman Payweight 735 – Price: $7,500 DOB:2/15/17 Sire: Basin Payweight 1682 Dam’s Sire: Connealy Direct Deposit EPDs: BW: +2.2, WW: +65, YW: +118 and Milk: +28 Buyer: Dave Bowman, Burns

Torrington Livestock Markets PO Box 1097 • Torrington, WY 82240 307.532.3333 Fax: 307.532.2040

Top Sellers Lot 3 – HD Dunn Absolute 7051 – Price: $9,500 DOB: 3/7/17 Sire: KCF Bennett Absolute Dam’s Sire: GDAR Game Day 449 EPDs: BW: +1.3, WW: +68, YW: +123 and Milk: +28 Buyer: Fischer and Sons, Bassett, Neb. Lot 10 – HD Dunn Charlo 7039 – Price: $8,250 DOB: 3/7/17 Sire: Coleman Charlo 0256 Dam’s Sire: TC Thunder 805 EPDs: BW: +1.5, WW: +65, YW: +105 and Milk: +20 Buyer: Hopkins Hamilton Ranch, Lander Lot 37 – HD Dunn Absolute 7103 – Price: Lex Madden: 307-532-1580 Michael Schmitt: 307-532-1776 Chuck Petersen 307-575-4015

Merry Christmas from the Staff at Torrington Livestock Thank You for Your Business SALE RESULTS - MONDAY, DEC 17TH - 1606 HEAD

Roy & Kathleen Jarrard Jodie Booth Falls Ranch LP Kelly & Amy Artery Marty Yorges JP Werner & Sons Inc T-K Ranch Michael & Heidi Romsa Mike Steele Haythorn Land & Cattle Co Haythorn Land & Cattle Co Jodie Booth Michael & Heidi Romsa Michael & Heidi Romsa Falls Ranch LP Byron Juma Warren & Judith Manning Falls Ranch LP Jodie Booth Bryce Purkey Bob & Bev Yeik Stephen Moore Dunmire Ranch Mike Steele Mike Steele JP Werner & Sons Inc LMC Cattle Co LMC Cattle Co Michael & Heidi Romsa John Nino Falls Ranch LP Roy & Kathleen Jarrard LMC Cattle Co

5 Black Cow 1017 1 Black Cow 1190 1 Black Cow 1280 1 Black Cow 1370 2 Mixed Cow 1502 5 Red Cow 1135 5 Black Heiferette 1106 2 Black Heiferette 1045 3 Red Heiferette 923 69 Black Bred Cow-3yr/March 1074 22 Black Bred Cow-3yr/March 991 10 Black Bred Cow-3yr/March-April 1065 46 Black Bred Cow-3yr/Feb-April 1189 30 Black Bred Cow-3yr/Feb-April 1084 12 Black Bred Cow-SM/May 1237 23 Black Bred Cow-3yr/March-April 1043 28 Black Bd Cow-4yr-SM/Mar-April 1356 26 Black Bred Cow-SM/March-April 1218 9 Black Bred Cow-SM/March-April 1280 12 Black Bred Cow-SM/March-May 1307 14 Black Bred Cow-SS/March-April 1396 27 Black Bred Cow-ST/April 1222 15 Black Bred Cow-SS-ST/May 1148 46 Red Bred Cow-3yr/Feb-April 923 18 Red Bred Cow-3yr/April-May 881 15 Red Bred Cow-ST/April 1311 25 Black Bred Heifer-March-April 1032 29 Black Bred Heifer-April 1035 27 Black Bred Heifer-Feb-April 1080 56 Black Bred Heifer-Feb-March 999 22 Black Bred Heifer-March-April 960 40 Black Bred Heifer-Feb 764 23 BWF Bred Heifer-March 1038

65.00C 64.00C 61.00C 58.00C 68.50C 59.50C 107.00C 88.00C 104.00C 1850.00H 1750.00H 1675.00H 1675.00H 1575.00H 1500.00H 1500.00H 1435.00H 1360.00H 1350.00H 1350.00H 925.00H 785.00H 675.00H 1460.00H 1325.00H 785.00H 1625.00H 1500.00H 1450.00H 1360.00H 1225.00H 1000.00H 1600.00H


Shana Bunker UW College Rocking LR Ronald Eisele Bremer Land & Cattle Ryker Hyche Falls Ranch Falls Ranch Ryker Hyche Albus Partnership Mike Steele Iberlin Ranch HD Livestock Iberlin Ranch Rodgers Ranch Whitetail Ranch HD Livestock Johns & Sons Jim Licking Scissors Ranch Co Iberlin Ranch Bremer Land & Cattle Romios Ranch T-K Ranch Lex Burghduff Lex Burgduff Whitetail Ranch Pipestone Ranch Iberlin Ranch Rodgers Ranch Iberlin Ranch T-K Ranch Troy Cochran HD Livestock Lex Burghduff T-K Ranch T-K Ranch Lee Iberlin

74 Blk Strs 51 Blk Strs 2 Blk Strs 34 Blk/Red Strs 39 Blk/Red Strs 28 Blk Hfrs 8 Blk Hfrs 6 Blk Hfrs 40 Blk/Red Hfrs 5 Blk/Red Hfrs 1 Red Hfr 19 Blk Str Cf 23 Blk Str Cf 57 Blk Str Cf 10 Blk Str Cf 50 Blk Str Cf 26 Blk Str Cf 12 Blk Str Cf 10 Blk Str Cf 43 Blk Str Cf 67 Blk Str Cf 18 Blk Str Cf 7 Blk/Red Str Cf 9 Blk/Red Str Cf 10 Blk/Red Str Cf 33 Blk/Red Str Cf 14 Mxd Str Cf 22 Mxd Str Cf 14 Blk Hfr Cf 26 Blk Hfr Cf 31 Blk Hfr Cf 26 Blk Hfr Cf 6 Blk Hfr Cf 13 Blk Hfr Cf 34 Blk Hfr Cf 5 Blk Hfr Cf 2 Blk/Red Hfr Cf 8 Red Hfr Cf

815 645 912 642 711 631 925 842 736 951 915 381 401 427 406 501 474 602 528 597 636 622 374 400 474 567 466 760 308 430 466 439 510 456 546 356 347 448

158.75C 158.50C 142.00C 156.50C 150.50C 143.50C 135.00C 130.00C 145.00C 131.00C 128.00C 209.00C 206.00C 202.00C 196.00C 184.50C 182.00C 166.50C 162.50C 181.00C 160.00C 158.00C 211.00C 204.00C 197.00C 170.50C 175.00C 144.50C 205.00C 177.00C 172.00C 165.00C 160.00C 159.00C 154.00C 188.00C 180.00C 157.00C


HAY FOR SALE ROUND OR SQUARE BALES High Plains Hay Exchange in conjunction with Torrington Live TORRINGTON LIVESTOCK AREA REPS Cody Thompson - Lusk, WY 307-334-3388 or 307-340-0150 Ty Thompson – Lusk, WY 307-340-0770 Zach Johnson Lingle, WY 307-575-2171 Jeff Ward – Laramie, WY 307-399-9863 Tam Staman – Crawford, NE 308-631-8513 Artie Johnson - Lusk, WY 307-216-0117 Lander Nicodemus Cheyenne, WY 307-421-8141 Danny Nicodemus Cheyenne, WY 307-632-4325 Chris Williams - Greybull, WY 307-272-4567 Nolan Brott - Lusk, WY 307-216-0033

(307) 532-3333

$7,750 DOB: 4/20/17 Sire: KCF Bennett Absolute Dam’s Sire: O C C Magnitude 805M EPDs: BW: +0.8, WW: +58, YW: +103 and Milk: +11 Buyer: Three Forks Ranch, Baggs Lot 6 – HD Dunn Final Answer 7186 – Price: $7,500 DOB: 4/28/17 Sire: HD Dunn Final Answer 4083 Dam’s Sire: Sitz Rainmaker 8276 EPDs: BW: +3.1, WW: +57, YW: +97 and Milk: +13 Buyer: Hi-Allen Ranch, Medicine Bow Lot 1 – HD Dunn Pioneer 7215 – Price: $7,500 DOB: 4/29/17 Sire: S A V Pioneer 7301 Dam’s Sire: HD Dunn Bushwaker 7353 EPDs: BW: +1.2, WW: +55, YW: +92 and Milk: +20 Buyer: Antelope Springs Ranch, Midwest

Reported By: Curt Cox, WLR Field Editor Dec. 12, 2018 Clear Creek Ranch, Chinook, Mont. Auctioneer: Kyle Shobe 96 Two-Year-Old Angus Bulls Avg. $6,479 74 Commercial Bred Heifers Avg. $1,414 26 10-Year-Old Commercial Bred Cows Avg. $985 Top Sellers Lot 10 – Shipwheel BLS Keystone 7550 – Price: $22,500 DOB: 4/2/16 Sire: Myers Keystone M263 Dam’s Sire: Shipwheel Montana 2600 EPDs: BW: +1.0, WW: +70, YW: +116 and Milk: +20 Buyer: Hillltop Angus, Denton, Mont. Lot 4 – Shipwheel Chisum 7601 – Price: $18,000 DOB: 3/15/17 Sire: S Chisum 255 Dam’s Sire: S A V Resource 1441 EPDs: BW: +1.6, WW: +66, YW: +110 and Milk: +22 Buyer: Griffen Land and Livestock, Billings, Mont. Lot 22 – Shipwheel Keystone 7543 – Price: $18,000 DOB: 3/19/17 Sire: Myers Keystone M263 Dam’s Sire: CCAR Uncommon Z317 EPDs: BW: +1.2, WW: +77, YW: +129 and Milk: +30 Buyer: Apex Angus, Valier, Mont. Lot 5 – Shipwheel Paycheck 7570 – Price: $13,000 DOB: 4/4/17 Sire: Basin Paycheck 5249 Dam’s

Sire: S Chisum 6175 EPDs: BW: +4.1, WW: +79, YW: +144 and Milk: +25 Buyer: Griffen Land and Livestock, Billings, Mont. Lot 6 – Shipwheel Paycheck 7524 – Price: $10,000 DOB: 4/7/17 Sire: Basin Paycheck 5249 Dam’s Sire: S Chisum 6175 EPDs: BW: +1.0, WW: +62, YW: +110 and Milk: +22 Buyer: 9 Bar F, Martinsdale, Mont. Lot 47 – Shipwheel Packer 7615 – Price: $10,000 DOB: 4/13/17 Sire: Shipwheel Packer 5553 Dam’s Sire: S Chisum 255 EPDs: BW: +2.7, WW: +71, YW: +131 and Milk: +28 Buyer: Robert Ebeling, Geyser, Mont. Lot 2 – Shipwheel Resource 7557 – Price: $10,000 DOB: 4/8/17 Sire: S A V Resource 1441 Dam’s Sire: Connealy Capitalist 028 EPDs: BW: +2.7, WW: +63, YW: +121 and Milk: +13 Buyer: Gaugler Angus, Garneill, Mont.

Ribeye, tenderloin prices stay strong The last quarter of 2018 brought strong values for ribeye and tenderloins, a trend that has extended through the entire latter half of the year. The Daily Livestock Report (DLR) called prices “impressive,” noting they held above year-ago levels since August. “Rib demand was not limited to Choice grading, either,” DLR commented in a Dec. 14 report. “The primal value hit new monthly record highs for the months of September, October and November in Select- and Choice-graded carcasses.” Branded beef rib primal values also set records in October and November. “Tenderloins were also a bright spot through the back half of 2018 and have rallied stronger than usual this holiday season,” DLR

explained, noting, however, that other loin cuts didn’t fare as well. “Still, the comprehensive loin primal value gained between two and seven percent in August and September over 2017.” Cutout values also responded accordingly. Typically, the chuck and round dominate in the third quarter, but in 2018, prices were below year-ago levels, facing competition in the meat case from larger supplies of cow beef, according to DLR. “Strong consumer demand for middle meats carried the cutout uncharacteristically during this timeframe,” DLR explained. The fourth quarter does not typically support middle meats, meaning prices will likely carry through to the new year. “Consumer demand

for these products does not appear to be waning after a strong third quarter, but we would expect to see rib and tenderloin values fall in the first quarter,” the organization comments. Further, strong rib and tenderloin values appear to be related to the holiday season, as beef gains favor as the feature on holiday menus this year. “One figure to watch is holiday sales and if retailers sold as much product as anticipated in December,” DLR commented. “The rib and tenderloin wholesale prices usually fall in late December after the conclusion of holiday buying.” Saige Albert summarized the Dec. 14 edition of the Daily Livestock Report in the article above. Send comments on this article to

Wyoming Livestock Roundup • Volume 30 No. 34 • December 22, 2018

HEMP continued from page 1 ulations that must be followed in growing hemp. “As it comes off the Controlled Substances Act Schedule I list, USDA is tasked with starting a federal hemp program. Hemp farming will have to be done within the provisions the agency sets,” Berry explains. Among those provisions, states can opt to apply for primacy, or primary regulatory authority, and run their own hemp program. However, state programs must be approved by the Secretary of Agriculture at USDA. “State plans for primary regulatory authority must be submitted through the state Department of Agriculture in consultation with the Governor and the state’s chief law enforcement officer,” Berry explains. “The plans must include information on the land where hemp is grown, procedures for testing, procedures for disposing of plants grown in violation of the law, enforcement of the plan, random sampling procedures, certification that the state has resources and personnel to carry out the program and procedures to submit data to the federal government.” THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the compound responsible for the psychological effects of marijuana, and by law, THC concentration in hemp must be less than 0.3 percent. Additional state-specific procedures can be included in state plans. After announcing they are prepared to accept state plans, USDA has 60 days from receipt of a state plan to work with states and approve plans, and over time, USDA also audits state programs. “It will require involvement from a number of key stakeholders to get a plan together,” Berry commented. “In Wyoming, we’ll be working with the Legislature and the new administration, and we’ll have a lot of conversations to put the pieces together for our next steps.” State, federal programs At the federal level, USDA will begin working to develop rules and regulations to govern hemp farming. “USDA still has to stand up a program, which will take some time,” Berry explains. “We do have a state program on the books, but it hasn’t moved forward because of a lack of funding.” Additionally, Berry emphasizes, “There are still violation provisions in our statutes that say, if producers grow hemp without a license, it will cost a $750 fine and possibly result in a misdemeanor. We have a program in place, and we’re in a holding pattern right

now.” While she also knows that those producers interested in growing hemp are anxious to get started, Berry encourages Wyoming farmers to stay in tune with listening sessions, public comments sessions and other activities to provide input and stay abreast of new devel-

opments. Berry reminds producers, “Here in Wyoming, this spring, we’ll learn a lot as we have conversations with the Gov.-elect Gordon and the Legislature about the future of growing hemp in Wyoming.” Saige Albert is managing editor of the Wyoming Livestock Roundup. Send comments on this article to


Sage grouse changes praised by Mead Changes in regulations that will affect millions of acres of federal sage grouse habitat across the West are being praised by Western governors, including Wyoming’s Gov. Matt Mead. The new proposal from the Trump administration also triggered immediate disapproval by many conservation organizations. “Having better alignment between state and federal management for the

bird is important to the species and the people of Wyoming,” Mead said in a statement after the Bureau of Land Management announced the plan. Mead praised Department of the Interior ̶ both at the local and national level ̶ for their partnership, commenting, “I thank the Department of the Interior for working with Wyoming throughout this plan amendment process.”

Special offer now through Jan-21-2019: Free 4 year 2500 hour PowerGard protection on any State DOT tractor.

CASPER STORE 352 Blackmore Road, Evansville, WY 82636

RIVERTON STORE 10801 Hwy. 789, Riverton, WY 82501

John Hornecker 307-247-0574 Zac Long 307-267-1091 Jeddidiah Wilson 307 258-2635 Store 307-265-1870 800-359-0250

Dick McConnaughey 307-247-1568 Jon Keel 307-855-5219 Jake Taylor 307-855-5105 Store 307-856-4831 800-359-0229


Wyoming Livestock Roundup • Volume 30 No. 34 • December 22, 2018


Feb. 9 Feb. 12

Submit your events to: Editor, Wyoming Livestock Roundup, P.O. Box 850, Casper, WY, 82602, or e-mail to

EVENTS Dec. 24 – Jan. 1 Dec. 25 Jan. 1 Jan. 11-16 Jan. 12-27 Jan. 19 Jan. 22 Jan. 22-24 Jan. 23 Jan. 23-26 Jan. 28 – Feb. 2 Jan. 30 – Feb. 1 Feb. 2-6 Feb. 10-14 Feb. 12-13 March 3-5

Feb. 14

Wyoming Livestock Roundup offices closed for the holidays. E-mail for immediate concerns. Merry Christmas from the Wyoming Livestock Roundup. Happy New Year from the Wyoming Livestock Roundup. American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Convention and IDEAg Trade Show, New Orleans, La. For more information, visit National Western Stock Show, Denver, Colo. Visit for more information. Sandhills Cattle Association Ranch Tour, Stapleton, Neb. Pre-register or learn more by calling 402-376-2310. Respirator Fit Testing, Casper, Ramkota Hotel and Convention Center. Contact University of Wyoming Extension at 307-837-2956 for more information. Pesticide Applicator Training, Casper, Ramkota Hotel and Convention Center. For more information or to register, visit CattleFax Trends+ Cow/Calf Webinar, 5:30 p.m. Register for the free workshop at American Sheep Industry Annual Convention, New Orleans, La. For more information, visit 35th National Cowboy Poetry Gathering, Elko, Nev. Visit National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Cattle Industry Convention, New Orleans, La. For more information, visit National Association of Conservation Districts 73rd Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas. Visit for more information or to register. 2019 Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, Technical Training and Trade Show, Minneapolis, Minn. For more information, visit WESTI Ag Days, Worland. For more information, contact the Washakie County Extension Office. National Farmers Union 117th Annual Convention, Bellevue, Wash. For more information, visit

SALES Dec. 27-29 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 28 Jan. 28 Jan. 31 Feb. 1 Feb. 8

Annual Holiday Cow Classic “America’s Premier Bred Female Sale,” Burwell Livestock Market, Burwell, Neb., 308-346-4257, Rafter T Angus Annual Bull Sale, Buffalo Livestock Auction, Buffalo, 307-736-2415, 307-299-4569, Redland Angus Annual Production Sale, Buffalo Livestock Auction, Buffalo, 307-347-2270, 307-250-1548, Van Newkirk Herefords Bull and Female Sale, at the ranch, Oshkosh, Neb., 308-778-6049, 308-778-6230, Ken Haas Angus 38th Annual Right Combination Bull Sale, at the ranch, LaGrange, 307-834-2356, Marcy Cattle Company and Marcy Livestock 58th Annual Angus Bull Sale, Gordon Livestock Auction, Gordon, Neb., 308-430-2005, 308-638-7587, Little Goose Ranch Second Annual Production Sale, Buffalo Livestock Auction, Buffalo, 307-751-2472, 307-751-1535, 307-7516737, Bobcat Angus 14th Annual Production Sale, Western Livestock Auction, Great Falls, Mont., 406-937-5858, 406-698-4159, APEX Cattle Annual Heterosis Headquarters "Age Advantaged" Bull and Bred Heifer Sale, at the ranch, Dannebrog, Neb., 308750-0200, 308-226-2576, Bullis Creek Ranch “Generation of Predictability 19” Spring Production Bull Sale, Burwell Livestock Market, Burwell, Neb., 402-376-4465, K2 Red Angus Winter Bull and Female Sale, K2 sale facility, Wheatland, 307-331-2917, McConnell Angus Annual Bull and Female Sale, at the ranch, Dix, Neb., 308-235-5187, 308-230-0430, 970-215-3204, Powder River Angus Annual Bull Sale, Buffalo Livestock Auction,


December 20, 2018 - 108 Head BULLS Foss Family Trust - Buffalo 1 Blk Bull, 2230# ....................................$6500 Pitch Fork Ranch LLC - Meeteetse 1 Blk Bull, 1650# ....................................$5450 COWS Flitner, Greg - Greybull 5 Blk Cows, avg. 1085# .........................$6300 2 Blk Cows, avg. 1084# .........................$6300 3 Blk Cows, avg. 1188# .........................$5950 4 Blk Cows, avg. 1394# .........................$4700 Thompson Cattle Co. - Billings, MT 1 Blk Cow, 1490# ...................................$5500 2 Blk Cows, avg. 1548# .........................$5200 Vigil, Payton Daniel - Worland 1 Blk Cow, 1980# ..................................$5400

Feb. 14

Worland, WY

Sale Barn: 307-347-9201 Danny Vigil: 307-388-0781

Feb. 18 Feb. 19 Feb. 25 Feb. 25 March 2 March 2 March 5 March 9

Buffalo, 307-736-2260, 307-680-7359, Amdahl Angus and Hereford Bull and Female Sale, at the ranch, Rapid City, S.D., 605-929-3717, 605-999-6487, G Bar H Genetics Angus Bull Sale, Torrington Livestock Market, Torrington, 307-837-2540, 307-837-2925, 307-837-2279 Booth’s Cherry Creek Angus Annual “Progress Through Performance” Bull Sale, at the ranch, Veteran, 307-534-5865, 307-5321830, 307-532-1532, Neiman Cattle Company Annual Bull Sale, Belle Fourche Livestock Auction, Belle Fourche, S.D., 307-290-0791, Weaver Ranch 34th Annual Production Sale, at the ranch, Ft. Collins, Colo., 970-568-3898 Douglas Booth Family Angus 27th Annual Bull Sale, Torrington Livestock Market, Torrington, 307-532-5830, 307-532-6207, Reyes/Russell 27th Annual Sale, at the ranch, Wheatland, 307-3221530, 307-322-4848, 970-587-2534, Circle L Angus Annual Production Sale, Beaverhead Livestock Auction, Dillon, Mont., 406-832-3535, 406-491-7363, circlelangus. com Lucky 7 Angus Annual Bull Sale, Riverton Livestock Auction, Riverton, 307-850-2053, Sega Gelbvieh Bull Sale, at the ranch, Pierce, S.D., 970-590-4862, 970-381-0600, Ipsen Cattle Company Sixth Annual Internet Bull Sale, 208-6814794, 208-681-4793, ZumBrunnen Angus Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Lusk, 307-3342265, 307-216-0198,

Shepherds of the Range By Omar Barker

The lights shore gay that Christmas Eve. The dance had just begun, With cowboys come from miles around, all fixed to have some fun. The fiddler’s foot was pattin’ fast, the caller’s voice sung out: “Now swing your partners, skin the coon, and turn him wrong side out.” Twas music and ‘twas laughter in the schoolhouse on the hill, When from the bitter night outside a wailing shout rose shrill. Quick stepped a cowboy to the door and swung it open wide. In ragged clothing, white with snow, a Chico stepped inside – A Spanish kid with frightened face, his eyebrows rimmed with frost. “May God have mercy, friends!” he cried. “My Tio Juan is lost On Mallpai Mesa with his sheep – the blizzard made them stray. The cliffs along the rim are steep.” They let him have his say. And though he spoke

in Spanish, there were some that understood: The kid had come to get their help, though feared ’twould do no good. “Sheepherder lost?” one cowboy shrugged. “That don’t spell me no woe! Get on with the dance, it’s Christmas Eve!” But another said: “Let’s go.” They rode aslant the driving storm with quip and joke and jest, To where a craggy mesa loomed some five miles to the west. Some dammed the whole sheepherder tribe with many a hand-cussed name. Some claimed ’twould be good riddance – but they rode on just the same. They rode out in the bitter night, the warm lights left behind. ‘Twas midnight when, with freezing feet, at last they made their find. They found old Tio Juan alive and packed him to thaw. They rounded up what sheep they could to shelter in a draw. “Well, durn sheepherders, anyhow! He spoilt our

Black, Vernon - Riverton 1 Red Cow, 1350# .................................$4100 HEIFERS Gerstner, John - Ten Sleep 3 Blk Hfrs, avg. 865# .............................$8000

• Upcoming Sales • Dec. 27 - No Sale, Merry Christmas! Jan. 3 - All Class Cattle Jan. 10 - Feeders Only Jan. 17 - Bred Cow Special w/ All Class Cattle, Sheep & Goat Jan. 24 - Feeder Special w/ All Class Cattle Jan. 31 - All Class Cattle Feb. 7 - Replacement Special Feb. 14 - Bred Cow Special w/ Weigh-Up Special

Jan. 10 Consignments Russel Land & Livestock - 65 all black calves, 650-675#, branded and shots. Brewster Ranch - 220 mixed calves, 625-725#, weaned in September, 2 rounds of shots, green and fancy. Triple R - 30 head of black heifers, 600-625#, weaned. Jan. 17 Consignments Alan Paxton - 55 bred heifers, AI’d, fancy, fancy. Ervin Bader - 17 bred heifers, home raised, CF March.

Cold winters – In John 10:14 the Bible proclaims, “I am the good shepherd; and I know mine, and mine know me.” This sheepherder enjoys the company of his dog and horses during the Christmas season at his sheep wagon home located in the mountains near Saratoga in the 1920s. Photo from Walker family photo album in Bob Martin/Dick Perue collection, Historical Reproductions by Perue

Christmas Eve. We’ll get back to the party, boys, just when it’s time to leave!” Thus grumbled one young cowhand, but the fiddler cut him short: “I’ll fiddle plumb to daylight if the women think I ort. And as for cussin shepherds, son, if I remember right, Seems like it’s in the Bible how they watched their flocks by night, And when the Star of Bethlehem brung Christmas long ago, The fellers first to see – they was herdin’ sheep, y’know!” A faithful reader of many years gave me the above poem with the charge to pass it along to everyone to enjoy. We hope Mr. Barker won’t mind us “borrowing” this inspirational piece to share. On my computer I discovered that, “S. Omar Barker (18941985), an oft-recited cowboy poet, was born in a log cabin in New Mexico where he lived his entire life as a rancher, teacher and writer. He published many books, hundreds of short stories, novelettes, factual articles and poems. The work probably best known to the general public was his poem, "A Cowboy’s Christmas Prayer," which has been printed more than 100 times, recorded by Tennessee Ernie Ford and Jimmy Dean and plagiarized more than once. He won the Western Writers of America (WWA) Spur Award twice and was the 1967 recipient of the Levi Strauss Saddleman Award for bringing honor and dignity to the Western legend. In 1975, he was named an honorary president of WWA, of which he was one of the founding fathers and an early president. In 1978, he was the first living author to be inducted into the Hall of Fame of Great Westerner Writers in the National Cowboy Hall of Fame, Oklahoma City.”

Wyoming Livestock Roundup • Volume 30 No. 34 • December 22, 2018





Compiled from USDA Market News Service information and other sources

Location Volume PAYS 12-19


Centennial 12-20

UnUnder 400



Steers Heifers



Over 800

Sltr Bull Sltr Cows

Stock Cows Pairs

200 173-179

155-202.50 140-180

143-177 132-161

137-165 122-138

137.75-144 122-139.50

112-150.75 129-130

51-65 35-55


161-165 135-139

153--161 134



170-189 150-154

118-146 128.50

57-101 41-72

$825-$1275 $1125-$1235

132.50 18-124

140-142 121

56.50-105 40-47


158.75 130-135

80-83 64-69


62.50-87 58.50-78


121-133 80

54.50-65 41-63


No Report

Riverton 12-18 658

180-185.50 150

166-189 146-153.50

159-179 140.50

Torrington 12-19 5536

205-224 178-205

164-204 145-177

149-186 142-162.50

182-189 155-166.50

166-177 145.50-156

St. Onge 12-14

150-166 143.50-150.50 136.50-143.50 137.50-145 150-160 134.50

Big Horn Basin 12-20 108 Billings 12-17 1025

174-211 160-165

167-188 152-159

142-163 124-143.50

143-147 124-132

Belle Fourche 12-20

218 175.50

173-205 158-168.50

166.50-173 148.50-166

147.50-159 136-142.50

123 155.50 138.50-141

55-63 41-63


61.50-64.50 55-62


Slaughter Lambs

Slaughter Ewes













Slaughter Bucks

Mountain Area and Western U.S. Direct Sheep Report (CO, WY, MT, NE, SD, ND, UT, NV, ID, WA, OR, AZ and CA) Receipts: 0 Last Week: 0 Last Year: 0 Compared to a week ago: There were no confirmed trades reported this week. Feeder lambs sell FOB with an overnight stand or equivalent 3-4 percent shrink unless otherwise noted. The state identified is the state of origin. Prices quoted per cwt. Current delivery unless otherwise noted. **This report will be unavailable for the next two weeks due to the Christmas and New Year holidays. The next release will be January 11, 2019** Source: USDA- CO Dept of Ag Market News Service, Greeley, CO

Week Prev

This Week

147.98 145.93 146.50 146.50 149.95

147.43 145.45 145.90 145.98 149.85


Change -0.55 -0.48 -0.60 -0.52 -0.10



Week Prev

This Week

5.36 5.42 5.47 5.54

5.23 5.31 5.38 5.46


Change -0.13 -0.11 -0.09 -0.08


National Wool Review **This report will not be available over the Christmas and New Years holidays. The next release will be January 11, 2019** Domestic wool trading on a clean basis was inactive this week. There were no confirmed trades reported. Prices reflect trades FOB warehouse in original bag or square pack, bellies out, some graded, and 76 mm or longer. No allowance made for coring, freight or handling fees at the warehouse level to reflect net grower prices (*) indicates new prices this week. (NA) represents microns not normally available in this region. Wools shorter than 75 mm typically discounted .10-.20 clean. Classed and skirted wools usually trade at a .10-.20 premium to original bag prices. Domestic wool trading on a greasy basis was at a standstill this week. There were no confirmed trades reported. All trades reported on a weighted average. Domestic wool tags are delivered to buyer and reported on a greasy basis: Number 1 tags: .60-.70, Number 2 tags: .50-.60, Number 3 tags:.40-.50. **Australia is currently on their annual three-week winter recess. The next available data will be January 11, 2019.** Source: USDA- CO Dept of Ag Market News Service, Greeley, CO Wyoming Hay Summary Compared to last week large square bales sold steady with small squares trading steady to 5.00 higher. Alfalfa hay cubes and suncured pellets sold steady. Demand was moderate to good for all reported hay. All prices are dollars per ton FOB the field or hay barn unless otherwise noted. Eastern Wyoming Alfalfa: Supreme large squares 200.00; Good large squares 140.00150.00. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets 15 percent protein 240.00. Central and Western Wyoming Alfalfa: Premium large squares 150.00; Fair large squares 130.00150.00. Premium small squares 215.00-225.00; Good small squares 165.00. Alfalfa/Orchard Grass: Premium large squares 150.00190.00; Premium small squares 225.00. Orchard grass: Good large squares 140.00; Premium small squares 200.00-225.00. Certified weed seed free alfalfa cubes bulk 230.00-240.00, bagged 280.00. Source: USDA WY Dept of Ag Market News Service, Torrington, WY Nebraska Hay Summary Compared to last week alfalfa sold unevenly steady. Grass hay and cornstalks sold steady. Dehy pellets in the East sold 30.00 higher. In the Platte Valley dehy pellets sold steady to 10.00 higher and suncured pellets sold 10.00 higher. Demand has slowed a tick for baled hay as manyareas of the state has had snow melt off grazing fields and producers have cut back on supplementation. There are still several reports that if and when the ground dries or freezes there will be balers going through to gather up cornstalks. Demand for alfalfa pellets has picked up in the last week with most suppliers running short on product. All sales are dollars per ton FOB the field or hay barn, unless otherwise noted. Eastern/Central Nebraska Alfalfa: Good large squares 160.00-180.00; Good large rounds 90.00105.00 and 125.00-140.00 delivered. Grass Hay: Premium large rounds 100.00-105.00; Good large rounds 85.00-90.00; Fair large rounds 65.00-75.00. Premium small square bales 160.00-170.00. Cornstalk bales 60.00-65.00. Soybean stubble bales 50.00. Dehy Alfalfa pellets 17 percent protein 260.00-270.00. Platte Valley area of Nebraska Alfalfa: Good round bales 95.00-110.00. Cornstalk bales 60.00-65.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa 140.00-145.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa-stubble mix 130.00-135.00. Ground and delivered cornstalks 95.00-110.00. Dehy Alfalfa pellets 17 percent protein 215.00-230.00. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets 15 percent protein 210.00. Western Nebraska Alfalfa: Premium large squares 175.00-180.00; Good large squares 150.00-160.00; Fair large squares 135.00-140.00. Good large rounds 130.00-145.00. Alfalfa/Orchard Grass: Good to Premium large squares 180.00-200.00. Straw in large square bales 90.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa 150.00-155.00. Source: USDA NE Dept of Ag Market News Service, Kearney, NE South Dakota Weekly Hay Summary All prices per ton, unless noted, FOB the stack. Compared to last week: Alfalfa steady to instances of 25.00 higher. Too few reported sales of grass to compare. Very good demand for high feed value hay suitable for dairies as supplies of that quality are

Week Prev

This Week

3.84 3.92 3.98 4.00

3.75 3.83 3.90 3.92


Change -0.09 -0.09 -0.08 -0.08



No Report

WEEKLY NATIONAL GRAIN MARKET REVIEW Compared to last week, cash bids for wheat, corn and sorghum were lower, soybeans were higher. Ethanol production for last week totalled 1.046 million barrels per day, steady when compared to the week prior. USDA said last week’s export sales and shipments of corn totaled 77.7 million and 38.4 million bushels, respectively, a neutral showing that has total shipments up 76% from a year ago. Last week’s export sales and shipments of soybeans totaled 104.2 million and 49.2 million bushels, respectively, a new marketing year high. Last week’s export sales and shipments of wheat totaled 11.5 million and 49.2 million bushels, respectively. Wheat was from 5 cents lower to 45 1/4 cents lower. Corn was from 3 1/2 to 10 cents lower. Sorghum was 15 to 16 cents lower. Soybeans were 18 1/2 cents lower to 8 1/2 cents higher. WHEAT: Kansas City US No 1 Hard Red Winter, ordinary protein rail bid was 20 1/2 cents lower from 6.19 1/2-6.34 1/2 per bushel. Kansas City US No 2 Soft Red winter rail bid was not quoted. St. Louis truck US No 2 Soft Red Winter terminal bid was 5 cents lower at 5.56 per bushel. Minneapolis and Duluth US No 1 Dark Northern Spring, 14.0 to 14.5 percent protein rail, was 25 1/4 to 45 1/4 cents lower from 6.38-6.83 per bushel. Portland US Soft White wheat rail was steady from 6.15-6.30 per bushel. CORN: Kansas City US No 2 rail White Corn was 3 1/2 to 7 3/4 cents lower from 3.75-3.82 3/4 per bushel. Kansas City US No 2 truck Yellow Corn was 9 cents lower from 3.65 1/4-3.67 1/4 per bushel. Omaha US No 2 Yellow Corn was 5 to 7 cents lower at 3.55 per bushel. Chicago US No 2 Yellow Corn was 10 cents lower to 6 cents higher from 3.29 1/4-3.55 1/4 per bushel. Toledo US No 2 rail Yellow corn was 9 cents lower from 3.60 1/4-3.61 1/4 per bushel. Minneapolis US No 2 Yellow corn rail was 8 cents lower at 3.19 1/4 per bushel. OATS AND BARLEY: US 2 or Better oats, rail bid to arrive at Minneapolis 20 day was 15 1/4 cents lower to 2 3/4 cents higher from 3.11 1/4-3.38 1/4 per bushel. US No 3 or better rail malting Barley, 70 percent or better plump out of Minneapolis was not quoted. Portland US 2 Barley, unit trains and Barges-export was not quoted. SORGHUM: US No 2 yellow truck, Kansas City was 16 cents lower at 5.9 per cwt. Texas High Plains US No 2 yellow sorghum (prices paid or bid to the farmer, fob elevator) was 15 to 16 cents lower from 6.17-6.70 per cwt. OILSEEDS: Minneapolis Yellow truck soybeans were has no comparison at 8.16 1/2 per bushel. Illinois Processors US No 1 Yellow truck soybeans were 8 1/2 cents lower to 6 1/2 cents higher from 8.63 1/2-8.83 1/2 per bushel. Kansas City US No 2 Yellow truck soybeans were 13 1/2 to 18 1/2 cents lower at 8.58 1/2 per bushel. Illinois 48 percent soybean meal, processor rail bid was 0.80points lower from 307.70-311.70 per bushel. Central Illinois Crude Soybean oil processor bid was 0.63 points lower from 28.0528.20 per cwt. Source: USDA-MO Dept of Ag Market News Service, St Joseph, MO

+0.78 -0.50 -0.22 -0.32 -0.37



Feeder Lambs

Dry Edible Beans Daily Grower Bids - ND/MN and NE CO/WY/W NE ***Next report will be December 26, 2018 due to Holiday*** Beans Region Bids Change Pinto ND/MN 21.00-22.00 Steady NE CO/WY/W NE 21.00 Steady Black ND/MN 26.00 Steady Great Northern NE CO/WY/W NE 21.00 Steady Navy ND/MN 21.00-22.00 Steady Light Red Kidneys ND/MN 34.00-35.00 Steady NE CO/WY/W NE 35.00 Steady Grower: Delivered elevator thresher run in 100 lb bags. Source: USDA-CO Dept of Ag Market News Service, Greeley, CO

120.23 122.35 124.58 116.08 113.48



St. Onge

Stock Ewes

119.45 122.85 124.80 116.40 113.85




This Week



Week Prev

Week Prev

This Week

2.93 2.95 2.92 2.78

2.78 2.81 2.81 2.71


Change -0.15 -0.14 -0.11 -0.07



Week Prev

This Week

9.07 9.20 9.33 9.45

8.93 9.06 9.19 9.31


Change -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14

CUTOUT VALUES CUTOUT VALUES Primal Rib Primal Chuck Primal Round Primal Loin

This Week

Prior Week

Last Year

208.12 372.19 166.83 163.60 266.23

209.57 386.71 164.65 161.32 271.17

199.17 353.57 159.33 163.80 261.38

5 AREA WEEKLY WEIGHTED CATTLE PRICE Live Steer Live Heifer Dressed Steer Dressed Heifer

This Week

Prior Week

Last Year

118.14 118.57 187.62 187.67

118.11 117.84 185.99 186.19

119.71 119.74 188.92 189.80

much more limited. Large Squares are hard to come by as the wet summer made for poor curing conditions, producers had to put the hay up in a round bale, in order for it to keep. Good demand remains for stalks andstraw as the wet weather this fall has greatly increased the need for bedding. With the moisture received the past few weeks the window forbaling corn stalks has closed. Beef cows are out grazing corn stalks in areas that missed the heavier snows, which is helping them to lessenthe need for forage supplementation. Warmer than average weather in theforecast for the weekend through next week. All hay and straw sold bythe ton FOB, unless otherwise noted. East River: Alfalfa: Supreme: Small Squares, 6.50-7.50 per bale; Large Squares, 230.00. Premium: Large Squares, 200.00. Good: Large Squares, 180.00; Large Rounds, 140.00. Fair: Large Squares, 150.00. Utility: Large Rounds, 100.00. Sun-cured Alfalfa pellets: 15 pct 185.00; 17 pct 190.00. Alfalfa Meal: 17 pct 195.00. Grass: Good: Large Squares, 150.00. Alfalfa/Grass Mix: Good: Large Rounds, 140.00, 155.00 del. Straw: Large Squares, 120.00, 135.00 del. Cornstalks: No Reported Sales. West River: Alfalfa: No Reported Sales. Alfalfa/Grass Mix: No Reported Sales. Grass: No Reported Sales. Straw: No Reported Sales. Source: USDA-SD Dept of Ag Market News, Sioux Falls, SD

The latest markets data can be found by visiting USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service at


Wyoming Livestock Roundup • Volume 30 No. 34 • December 22, 2018



307-234-2700 • 1-800-967-1647 • Fax: 307-472-1781 • E-mail: or Website: Weekly Deadline: Wednesday, 12:00 p.m.

Notices NOTICE: Publication in this newspaper does not guarantee the legitimacy of any offer or solicitation. Take reasonable steps to evaluate an offer before you send money or provide personal/financial information to an advertiser. If you have questions or believe you have been the victim of fraud, contact the Wyoming Attorney General’s Office, Consumer Protection Unit, 123 Capitol Building, Cheyenne, WY 82002, 800-438-5799, 307-7777874..................................TFN

Events THE SANDHILLS CATTLE ASSOCIATION WILL HOST THIS YEAR’S RANCH TOUR ON SAT., JAN. 19 IN THE STAPLETON, NE AREA: We will be visiting Berger Herdmaster Genetics, Lincoln County Feedyard (where the EP&C cattle are being fed) and we will end the day at Starr Ranch. Contact the SCA to pre-register 402-3762310..................................1/12


Torrington Livestock Markets 307-532-3333 Services



BATTERIES PLUS BULBS!! Over 7,500 types of batteries and bulbs including car, watch, home, ATV and much more. Any type of bulb, battery and outside LED lights. ALSO, have great stocking stuffers for Christmas!! 10% off when mention this ad!! We fix cell phones. Call 307-3334420, located at 4801 E. 2nd St. Suite 105, Casper, WY 82609 ......................... 12/22

REGISTERED OLD 1873 WYOMING BRAND: LRC, LSS, RSH, also registered earmarks. Three sets of 2 irons included. Renewed to Jan. 2019. $10,000 OBO. For more information call 307-5755572 (cell) or 307-837-0179 (home), if no answer please leave message .............. 12/22

Going, Going, Gone

Solar Water Pumping Systems Water Well Services • Well & Pipeline Design Submersible Pump Specialist Scott Blakeley, Owner

(307) 436-8513 • Cell: (307) 267-1022

Help Wanted WIGGINS FEEDYARD, LLC HIRING FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE: Some experience required. Call Sue Wiggins, 308-2621140 or 308-279-0924, e-mail sswiggins@wigginsfeedyard. com, 10077 US 385, Bridgeport, NE 69336, references with phone numbers ......1/12 RANCH HAND NEEDED NEAR HORSE CREEK, WY ON LARGE COW/CALF OPERATION: Competitive pay and housing provided. Mail resume to 1255 Road 228, Cheyenne, WY 82009 .......................12/29 H&H ELECTRIC, LOCATED IN DOUGLAS, WY, IS HIRING FOR JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIANS: H&H Electric offers competitive wages and benefits. Please e-mail resumes and questions to: Visit our website for company information ...12/22 FULL-TIME HELP WANTED, GREAT BENEFITS. FRENCHMAN VALLEY COOP IS LOOKING FOR A FUEL/PROPANE DELIVERY DRIVER FOR THE CHEYENNE/LARAMIE, WY AREA: This is a full-time position with GREAT BENEFITS including health insurance and paid time off. Class A CDL is required, we will train and certify for HAZMAT endorsement. For more information, contact Energy Operations Manager Al Roscigno, 308-8823230. EOE ..........................12/29

Situation Wanted LOOKING FOR RANCH POSITION: 20+ years experience. All locations considered. Calving and yearling experience. References on request. Will consider any western states. Available immediately. Call 307-2505518, leave message .....12/22




PRIVATE LANDOWNERS. We have the experience to take your vision and make it reality; from due diligence to construction, management, and permitting ultimately ownership transition. We work with all types of properties including production agriculture, farms, cattle ranches, equestrian estates, ranchettes and sporting ranches.


Visit us online at for more information and to learn how we can help make your next project a reality.

Request A Quote: 307-215-7430 |

Celebrating 25 Years of Servicing Wyoming Farmers & Ranchers Thank you for your business! Water Resources Irrigation - - Infrastructure Water Rights Abstracts

Ag & Civil Engineering Land Surveying Water Rights Services

We’ll help you identify, develop and protect your property rights!!! See our full line of services at or call us at (307) 347-8329


DESIGN-BUILD SOLUTIONS. Expanding on our years of experience in natural resource and agriculture engineering, WURX is a quality focused construction company. Our expertise and creative approach provide solutions for your construction needs.


Request A Quote: 307-877-7570 |


Burwell Livestock Market

Annual Holiday Cow Classic “America’s Premier Bred Female Sale”

December 27, 28, 29, 2018, BURWELL, NE Over 5,000 head of top quality Sandhills-raised females offered for sale Thursday, December 27, 2:00 p.m. - Cull Cows. Friday, December 28, 9:00 a.m. - 2,500+ Bred 1st Calf Heifers Including Black Angus, Red Angus, F1 & Hereford Saturday, December 29, 9:00 a.m. - 2,500+ head Complete Dispersions/2nd-3rd, Solid & Short-Term Cows

View consignments at View and bid online at DV Auction or Cattle USA

Burwell Livestock Market 308-346-4257 Todd Eberle 308-870-1783 • Lin Gumb 308-214-0250 Brett Gumb 308-214-0251

Financial Services AGRI-ONE FINANCIAL: Farm/ ranch and all commercial loans. RATES AS LOW AS 3.5%. We have been helping with all aspects of agricultural, commercial financing and management for years. LET US HELP YOU on a consulting level with management to increase profitability, deal with and fix credit problems and on all your financing needs. WE CARE AND HAVE WORKING PROGRAMS designed for the farmer/rancher and not the banker. Please call Steve 303-7733545 or check out our website: I will come to you and get the job done!!.........................12/22


REGISTERED WYOMING BRAND: LRC and LSH. Current through Jan. 2023. Christmas special $1,000 OBO. Contact Gene at 307-3311049................................12/22 REGISTERED WYOMING BRAND: LRC and LTH. Current through Jan. 2023. Christmas special $1,000 OBO. Contact Gene at 307-331-1049 .................12/22 REGISTERED WYOMING BRAND: LRC, BS and LTH. Current through Jan. 2025. Christmas special $1,000 OBO. Contact Gene at 307-331-1049 .............12/22 REGISTERED WYOMING BRAND: LRC, LSS and LHH. Current through Jan. 2025. Christmas special $1,000 OBO. Contact Gene at 307-3311049................................12/22 REGISTERED WYOMING BRAND: LRC and RHH. Current through Jan. 2025. Christmas special $1,000 OBO. Contact Gene at 307331-1049 ........................12/22 ONE IRON BRAND: RRC, BS and LJH. Current through Jan. 2025. Christmas special $1,000 OBO. Contact Gene at 307-3311049................................12/22 WYOMING BRAND FOR SALE: LSC, $800. Call 307-7453083 ........................... 12/29 WYOMING BRAND FOR SALE: RSC, $500. Call 307-7453083 .............................12/29 WYOMING BRAND FOR SALE: LSC renewed to Dec. 2028. $1,500. Call evenings 307-532-3282 (Blake) or 307575-6772 (B.W.) ...............12/22

LAB AKC PUPPIES: All colors available, whites, blacks, yellows, lite reds and lite chocolates. Excellent hunters, family companions. Full AKC registration. Shots, wormed, dewclaws removed. All puppies are cute, but it’s what they grow into that counts. Not all Labs are the same. Proud to own!! Been raising quality AKC Labradors for over 20-plus years. Look at the rest but buy the best. Both parents on site for viewing. Will sell quickly!! $200 deposit, picking order is when the deposit is received. Doug Altman, Mitchell, S.D. Call/ text 605-999-7149, click the our lab tab on the website for pictures ........ 12/22 FOR SALE ALL WHITE CHRISTMAS PUPPIES LOVABLE PYRENEES/LAB CROSS PUPPIES. Ready now for their forever family. Call to discuss delivery options. Located near Bassett, NE. $400. 402-382-7501. To view photos go to in the classifieds ...............12/22 BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES FOR SALE: Out of good working parents. Call Chris Limmer, 307-472-0504 or 307262-6956....................... 12/22 FOR SALE REGISTERED RED BONE COON DOGS: Ready now for their forever homes. Delivery options may be available. $500. 605-478-0186. To view photos go to in the classifieds .........................12/22

Cattle 35 SHORT-TERM BRED COWS: Bred to Charolais bulls, April and May calvers. $900. 307-380-7446........ 1/5


Ken Haas Angus

FOR SALE 70 Registered & Commercial Angus Heifer Calves Born Feb - April 40 Registered Bred Heifers AI to Angus Bulls Calve Feb and March 40 Mixed Aged Registered Angus Cows Bred Angus Calve April and May

Annual Bull Sale January 22nd at the Ranch

Contact Ken Haas 307-834-2356 LaGrange, WY Cattle

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON from:


ANGUS & HEREFORD At the ranch Rapid City, S.D.

Dogs PUREBRED ENGLISH SHEPHERD PUPPIES: Born Sept. 14, 2018. Out of working farm dogs. Up to date on shots and wormed. Great family and working dogs. $400. Call Lucita Davidson, 520-345-4105......1/12 FOUR BORDER COLLIE/ BLUE HEELER PUPS: Over 90% Border Collie, born Sept. 30, 2018, no shots, $150/males and $200/females. Rawlins, WY, 307-321-1444 ..........12/29 AKC PUREBRED PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI PUPPIES FOR SALE: First shots and wormed. Red/white and black tri colors. Males $750 and females $1,000. Ready to go for Christmas!! For more information, call Daniel or Ella 307-467-5343, please leave a message. To view photos go to in the classifieds .............................. 12/22 ASCA REGISTERED BLUE MERLES AND BLACK TRI AUSSIES: Out of working dogs used daily. Las Rocosa bloodlines. Gentle, kid friendly, ranch raised. Vaccinated with first shots, ready to go Dec. 19. Prices start at $400. For information, call Shiloh 970 638-1031. To view photos go to www.wylr. net in the classifieds .......12/29 FOR SALE GREAT PYRENEES PUPPIES: Ready middle of December. Delivery options may be available. $500. 402382-8383. To view photos go to in the classifieds ........................................12/22

Bull & Female Sale February 9, 2019 REPUTATION HERD: SELLING ALL SHORT, SOLID MOUTH COWS. No culls in the bunch. 45 head bred to Tuelle,1/4 - 1/2 blood SimAngus bulls. Calves averaged 580 lbs. Oct. 10. Due to start calving March 10. ALSO, can show bulls and replacement heifers upon request. Call 307851-9379 ......................12/29 LOOKING FOR GOOD SHORT-TERM COWS that calve in March or April. Call 307-709-2375 ...............12/29 FOR SALE: 200 head 4-yearold Black Angus cows. Few baldies and a few reds. ALSO, 100 head 3-year-old Black Angus cows. Few baldies and a few reds. All bred to black bulls. Will sell in 50 head lots. Located in Riverton, WY. Call Cliff Henderson, 970-260-0892 ...12/22

Angus 250 BLACK ANGUS BRED HEIFERS: South Dakota origin, OCVD, exposed to proven LBW Black Angus bulls for 45 days. Start calving Feb. 1, 2019. References available. Please call 785-394-1955 (cell), 785-394-2374 (home) or 785-731-5067 ......... 12/22

Angus FOR SALE: 280 registered and commercial Black Angus BRED heifers for sale. Due to start calving after March 1. Bred to Connealy In Focus 4925 sons with “sleep all night” low birthweights. Available first come, first serve. Delivery and volume discounts available!! MILLER ANGUS FARMS, Estelline, S.D. Call Kody, 605-690-1997............1/26 SOUTHWESTERN MONTANA RETIREMENT DISPERSION: 200 HEAD of registered Angus females for sale. 125 HEAD of bred cows, 8 years and under. AI’d to Bubs Southern Charm, S Chisum, Baldridge Bronc. Start calving Feb. 25, 2019. 15 HEAD of fancy AI bred heifers. AI’d to MCR Horizon. Start calving Feb. 14, 2019. 30 HEAD of 2018 replacement heifer calves. 30 HEAD of aged bred females. On a complete vaccination program. Call 406-7452782 or 970-396-7302 .........1/12 107 PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS, bred, coming 2-year-old heifers. AI and bull bred, to start calving March 20. AI’d to Sure Fire. ALSO, 48 head 5- to 6-year-old bred cows, to start calving April 1. Located in Terry, MT. Call 406-974-1831.... 12/22


Wyoming Livestock Roundup • Volume 30 No. 34 • December 22, 2018



Second Annual Production Sale

January 26, 2019 • 1 p.m.

Buffalo Livestock Auction

Sires include: SAV Platinum 0010, SAV Renown 3439 Coleman Charlo 3212, Coleman Doc 2261, SAV Seedstock 4838 Coleman Maverick 5322, SAV West River 2066, SAV Deep Cut 6851 For more information contact: Ed Meredith 307-751-2472 • Chad Bradshaw 307-751-1535 Justin McKenzie 307-751-6737 • Shop 307-673-0049 • Jake Townsend 307-751-5793 228 Little Goose Canyon Road, County Road 77, Big Horn, WY 82833

Clay Creek Angus Jim & Lori French 3334 Rd 14 Greybull, WY 82426 307-762-3541 •

Registered Yearling and Two-Year-Old Bulls by Popular Sires: S A V Bismarck, Rito 707, S A V Resource, Connealy Spur, Connealy Countdown and Coleman Charlo Along with: Registered Replacement Yearling & Bred Heifers 100 HEAD YOUNG BLACK ANGUS COWS: One brand, Wyoming cows. Start calving April 1. Winter cornstalks are available. $1,600/head. Trucking is available. Call 308-6410636 or 307-258-6290 ....12/22 30 3-YEAR-OLD REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS COWS: Black Granite and True Grit breeding, bred back to Hilltop Catalyst. ALSO, 11 bred heifers by Koupel Advance bred to TH Prime Cut, sells with or without papers. Wards Flying W, 406-580-4488 ............................................1/5

Red Angus WE WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK ALL THE BUYERS who purchased our bulls and cows over the last year. You are very important to our program and look forward to serving you in the future. Thanks again from CLR Red Angus, Dan & Deb Robertson, 307-431-1013...........12/22


2-year-old registered Limousin Bulls

Herefords HEREFORD BULLS FOR SALE: Are your weaning weights at Could you use a shot of hybrid vigor Come and chec out our high quality Hereford bulls. We use some of the top genetics in the country in our intense AI program. So put a white face on those babies and let the magic of heterosis work for you. You will realize 30-40 lbs. bigger weaning weights and those baldy heifer calves will be golden in the sale barn, on video or at the ranch. No better cow in the world than that baldy cow. You can save some big bucks buying private treaty from us too. Gene Stillahn, Sticks & Stones Ranch, 307421-1592 ...........................12/22

Custom Feeding


with Calving Cows / Heifers as an option November - April Pasture & Lots Used Southwest of Hayes, SD (17mi. N. Midland)

CUSTOM CATTLE FEEDING AVAILABLE IN THE RIVERTON, WY AREA: Looking for large numbers of cows to feed for the winter. Price based on a dry matter basis. All feed is tested. Call for details, 307-7092375................................12/29

Pasture Wanted PASTURE WANTED FOR 200 PAIRS: Starting June 2019. Central or eastern Wyoming. Call 307-334-3627 ............1/12

WAGYU: Japanese word for profit in beef production. Calving ease, improved carcass quality, maximum heterosis. BULLS FOR SALE, CSC LIVESTOCK, 307-655-9395 ...................1/12

Email your ad to

Ranch Lease Wanted DO YOU WANT TO RETIRE, HAVE A STEADY INCOME AND KNOW YOUR LAND IS IN GOOD HANDS? My wife and I are young, quality Wyoming natives and ranchers. We live near Lusk, WY and believe we have the skills to ranch anywhere in the state. We are looking for a winter ranch in or near Wyoming to lease. We have summer range, livestock, equipment and quality experience. We have good references and are interested in honest business relationships only, where we can wor together to find the best situation for mutual benefit. e are believers in top-notch range management and livestock stewardship. WSGA members, Ranching for rofit alumni, lifelong ranchers. Even if you aren’t sure, please give us a call and we would be happy to see if we can help you!! Please call Sage and Faith Askin, 307351-4875 ..........................3/16

Horses HORSES - BUY, SELL, TRADE: Will pick up. Call Dennis Black, 307-690-0916 .................. 12/22 TEAM OF 7- AND 8-YEAROLD REGISTERED SORREL BELGIAN MARES: Full sisters. ALSO, team of 8-year-old black Percheron geldings. These horses are broke well and have been used in all phases of farming. Call 406-374-2287 or 406374-2517, Moore MT ......12/29

Saddles & Tack COWBOY SANTA SHOPS HERE!!! 5 Star wool saddle pads, Montana Silversmith jewelry, belt buckles, money clips etc. Large selection of purses, belts and wallets. Dutton, Tom Balding, Reinsman bits. Harness leather, reins and headstalls. 20% off Hondo and Boulet boots. Sale prices on Twisted X shoes and boots. SHOP MOSS SADDLES BOOTS AND TACK, 4648 WEST YELLOWSTONE HWY., CASPER, WY, 307- 4721872................................12/22 SADDLES, TACK, HATS AND ROPES: ALSO, Wrangler jeans and shirts - Twisted X driving mocs - Kenetrek boots - Canyon sporting goods. Friend us on Facebook. White Horse Country Store, Thermopolis, WY, 877-864-3047 ............TFN


Call or Message Robert at 605-685-5141



YEARLING PASTURE WANTED for 2,500 head steers/ spayed heifers for the 2019 summer grazing season. Take all or part, smaller places okay. Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska preferred. Will pay top dollar!! Call or text Jon, 831-240-5795 ............................................1/5

Ranch Lease Wanted YOUNG, HARD WORKING FAMILY SEEKING LEASE OPPORTUNITY IN MONTANA OR WYOMING FOR 300-500 COW/CALF PAIRS: We own cattle and are interested in establishing a longterm agreement with the right individual. Please call 406600-0245 for more information ................................... 12/22

Excellent winter supplement. Grinding available. Semi load delivery available (approximately 25 tons). 5 ton minimum for pickup. RG Ranch, Burlington, WY Call Erik 307-272-8357

Hay & Feed

Hay & Feed

LARGE SQUARE BALES ALFALFA HAY: 72 premium second cutting, no rain. 90 third cutting. Jim McDonald, 307856-1802, Riverton, WY .. 1/12

HAY FOR SALE: Alfalfa, Willow Creek, triticale, hay/barley/oats/ peas forage mix, CRP grass, alfalfa/grass mix. Big round bales, Available quantities vary, located in Broadview, MT. Contact Travis, 406-670-3054 .........3/2

BMR SUDAN, MILLET STRAW IN ROUNDS. Low nitrates. Priced per ton. Feed test available. Located in southern Nebraska Panhandle. 308-2500601....................................1/5

Equipment EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Submersible pumps 20-40 HP ranging in GPM, complete generators, trailer mounted trash pumps, 3” and 4” polyline, trucks and various other equipment. For more information and pricing on any items, please call 307-2739591, Farson, WY............12/22

CUBES OR CAKE 30% dry, shell peas in 70% alfalfa. Delivery available. Tri-State Alfalfa Cubes “The best cake in town.” $215/ton FOB the plant. For more information, call Les and Donna Hirsch, 406-4215424 or 877-222-0600........1/5 STRAW: Small bales, large round bales, big square bales. ALSO, horse hay, small bales, large round bales, big square bales. Call 406-656-6896 or 406-698-7290, west end Billings, MT ..............................1/5 CERTIFIED BARLEY STRAW: 3x4s. Trucking available. Cody, WY, 307-899-1952 ..............1/5 300 TONS second cutting alfalfa, $140/ton; 200 TONS second cutting alfalfa, $125/ton; 150 TONS irrigated alfalfa/grass 50/50 mix, $130/ton; 150 TONS grass mix, 40% alfalfa, $120/ ton. All hay no rain, baled on dew, net wrap, 1,400-1,500 lbs. 120 miles north of Gillette, WY. Call or text 406-672-4809 or call 406-554-3037 .....................1/5 1,000 TONS STRAIGHT DRYLAND ALFALFA: 3x4x8 square bales. Good green hay, no rain. Trucking available. Montana Hay Company, 406-672-7558 or 406-670-6551.............12/29 GREAT 2018 HAY: First and second cutting alfalfa, grass/alfalfa mix, millet and oat hay. Delivery available. Call for pricing, 701-690-8116 .................12/29 125 TONS mature orchard/ brome grass mix, $80/ton, 4x4 large square bales. No delivery, will load. Powell, WY. Leave message, 307-754-5420 or 307202-1785 ........................12/29 1,500 TONS ALFALFA MIX HAY: First, second and third cutting. 4x4x8 and 3x4x8 squares delivered. Call 307-267-6833 ....12/29 1,000 TONS GRASS/ALFALFA 50/50 MIX: Net-wrapped round bales. Good green hay, no rain. Trucking available. Montana Hay Company, 406-672-7558 or 406-670-6551.............12/29 700 TONS HAY: 4x4x8 big squares, mixed hay $125/ton; premium hay $145/ton. Since 1987. Trucking available, semi load lots. Call Ivan, 307-7563222................................12/29 CUSTOM HAY HAULING: Using trains. Call for quote. Montana Hay Company, 406-6727558 or 406-670-6551....12/29 ALFALFA FOR SALE: First cutting RFV 160, protein 20.45%, second cutting RFV 160, protein 19.33%, third cutting RFV 189, protein 21.5%. ALSO, Willow Creek forage wheat and two row barley forage. Large round bales, net wrap. Delivery available. Call 605-456-3438 ...................12/29

FOR SALE: 1954 International 350 utility tractor with loader, grapple fork and blade. $4,750. ALSO, 1959 JI Case Model 411B tractor with loader and torque converter. $3,750. Call 605-3812445 .................................... 1/12 8N FORD TRACTOR with Dual loader, 3 pt., blade included, plug in heater, tires great, solid tractor, $4,250; 1953 MASSEY HARRIS 44 TRACTOR, wide front, new paint, great condition, $4,000; AW JOHN DEERE TRACTOR, 3 pt., needs arms, runs and drives great, rubber is good, has duckbill front end, electric start, $3,250; MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE G, nice older tractor. Has rebuilt mag, new front tires, sounds and drives great. Carburetor was just rebuilt, electric start, new battery and cables, good rear tires, $3,750; OLDER DITCHWITCH atbed trailer, 20’ deck, 4’ dove tail with ramps, $3,800; NEW HYDRAULIC 8’ 3 pt. blade, quick hitch ready, heavy duty for 50 HP or bigger tractor, $3,250; NEW 8’ OFFSET DISC, heavy duty, $5,500; IH 145 PLOW field ready, bottom in the furrow, many new wear parts and ready to work, $6,250. Trades welcome. Call Brad, 307-921-1825. To view photos, go to in the classifieds .................................. 1/5

FOR SALE: John Deere 714A and John Deere 716A chuckwagons with John Deere running gears and bunk feeding extensions, been shedded, excellent condition; H&S 7+4 16' chuckwagon with tandem running gear; John Deere 444C pay loader; 1981 International tandem grain truck, 466 diesel engine, 5+ 2 speed, 18’ Rugby box and scissor hoist, runs great; Demco 325 bushel gravity wagon with 12 ton gear; Vermeer BP7000 bale processor with Highline 7 bale carrier; Rust 15'x29' 8 rail stack mover, tandem axles; Krause 34.5' roc ex disc with bar mulcher C 00 field cultivator with bar mulcher. All in very nice condition!! Call 605-999-5482 .. 1/12 EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: FlexiCoil 5000 air drill 3450 Cart 39’ 12” paired row, double shoot rubber packers, $20,000 • FlexiCoil 5000 air drill 2340 Cart 39’ 12” paired row, double shoot steel packers, $19,000 • FlexiCoil 67XL sprayer, 100’, $2,500 • 1999 John Deere 9610 combine, 2,807 threshing hours, big topper, 300-bushel, dual tires, $35,000 • 1993 John Deere 9600 combine, 3,016 threshing hours, 4,241 engine hours, dual tires, $30,000, comes with 30’ auger header • John Deere 936D draper header, $15,000 • Notch 10-12 bale carrier, $2,750 • John Deere 24’ disc, $2,500 • Sitrex MK V rake 14-wheel, $6,000 • International swather, pull type 30’, pick up guards, excellent shape, $6,250. Call 605-580-5886 ...........12/29

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Krone Big M windrower; CIH MX285 tractor; John Deere 4840 tractor; John Deere 893 corn head; Wishek 842 disk; John Deere 930 sun ower header ilson stepdeck trailer; Load King bellydump trailer; Wilson livestock trailer; Kenworth T600 grain truck; Two Pete 379 sleeper trucks; Ford fuel truck; Commercial bellydump trailer. Call 406-254-1254 ..... 1/5

LONG-TERM EQUIPMENT FINANCING: All types, private lenders, family-owned, 0 year old firm. C.H. Brown Co., Wheatland, WY, 800-9877814 ................................ TFN

Livestock Equipment

Livestock Equipment

WINDBREAK-SHADE SCREEN-VISUAL BARRIERON WORKING CORRALS AND ARENAS: Save feed $$$!! Less work, less stress! Use on panels in fields, working facilities, round pens, hay barns, kennels, patio or garden. Call Sutherland Industries, 800-753-8277 or visit www.sutherlandindustries. com .............................. 3/16

LIMITED TIME OFFER 13’ TIRE TANKS!!! Was $500/each Now $400/each; SIX RAIL CONTINUOUS FENCE PANELS, $113/ each; FIVE RAIL CONTINUOUS FENCE PANELS, $100/ each; HEAVY DUTY 2» gates, price varies. FENCE BRACES, heavy and light, price varies. GUARDRAIL also available. We now take credit cards. Call Bob toll free, 855-853-0117.......................12/22

HAY FOR SALE BY DELIVERY ONLY!! ALFALFA, GRASS AND MILLET HAY, round bales. ALSO, alfalfa in large square bales. Call for delivered price in Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, Colorado, Nebraska areas and more! 307-575-1008 ....................12/22

PREMIUM BEEF CATTLE HAY FOR SALE: Net wrapped, large rounds, good green hay. 150 tons first cutting, protein. ALSO, 100 tons second cutting, 18% protein. Lab test reports available. Price negotiable on market. Will participate in transportation costs, one way, maximum 150 miles. Scale on premises. Johnson County, Buffalo, WY. Contact 307-217-0386 ..................... 1/12

BRIGHT CERTIFIED barley straw. ALSO, barley, grass/alfalfa blend hay, 300 tons, 3x3 bales, Farson, WY. Call 307350-0350 ........................12/22

CLEAN BRIGHT STRAW: Small squares, $3/bale. ALSO, excellent quality OATS AND WHEAT. Greybull, WY area. Call 307-7623878, leave a message ...... 1/12

APPROXIMATELY 300 TONS OF CERTIFIED WEED-FREE ALFALFA HAY: 3x4x8 bales, $150/ton. Call 307-754-2304, leave message ...............12/22

ALFALFA/GRASS FIRST AND SECOND CUTTING (100+ tons), Willow Creek (200+ tons), in large, net-wrapped round bales, $90/ton. Rapelje, MT area. For more information, call 701-541-6280 or 406-6632191 ................................ 1/12

VALLEY VIDEO HAY MARKETS, LLC: Wyoming and western Nebraska hay available. Call Barry McRea, 888935-3633. .........................12/22

MEADOW HAY: Round bales, excellent condition, $150/ton. Call 307-640-6269 or 307-630-0949, LaGrange, WY .................... 1/12


GRASS, ALFALFA/GRASS MIX AND STRAIGHT ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE: Big round bales. ALSO, sudangrass hay. Will deliver in semi loads. Larry Shavlik, 605-830-8023 ...................12/22



Wyoming Livestock Roundup • Volume 30 No. 34 • December 22, 2018

Livestock Equipment

Vehicles & Trailers

Vehicles & Trailers



1991 KENWORTH T600 60 series with 1987 BEALL 40’ belly dump trailer. Very good condition, ready to work. 1978 CHEVROLET TITAN, Cummins, 10 speed, in very good shape. Call 406-8605448 ....................................12/22

Call now for pricing. 30 & 40 Ton Bins Available Can Customize Drive-Thru

Take Advantage of the 179 Tax Incentive Before Jan. 1, 2019

out! Blow 879 $19,

2018 Exiss 20’ Aluminum Stock Combo 4’ tack, center gate, 2-way rear gate, full 7’ tall/ 7’ wide 7 Year Warranty! $23,990


out! Blow 375 $20,

Hay Equipment 2005 KRONE BP 1290 BALER: 3x4, roller chute. $15,000 in recent repairs/new bearings, pickup other parts, 50,000 bales, $27,000. ALLEN LMC 8794 RAKE, 18 wheels, needs new teeth, similar to DARF, $5,500. IH 966 with Koyker loader, $9,500 or best offer. Call 307315-8054, Casper, WY .......1/5

Heating Equipment COSTS: Clean, safe and efficient wood heat. Central Boiler Classic and E-Classic Outdoor Wood Furnace; heats multiple buildings with only 1 furnace, 25-year warranty available. Heat with wood, no splitting! Available in dual fuel ready models. WE ALSO HAVE whole house pellet/corn/biomass furnaces. Load once per month with hopper. A-1 Heating Systems. Instant rebates may apply! Call today! 307-742-4442. To view photos, go to in the classifieds ..................................TFN


2018 Exiss 24’ Aluminum Stock Combo 4’ tack, center gate, 2-way rear gate, full 7’ tall/ 7’ wide 10 Year Warranty! $24,730

out! Blow 075 0 2 $ ,

2018 Merritt 24’ Aluminum Stock Trailer 15,000# GVW, 2-center gates, 14 ply tires, all riveted side panels 5-Year Warranty! $24,530

out! Blow 975 0 1 $ ,

2018 GR 18’ Stock Combo front tack, saddle rack, center gate, mats, brush fenders $11,995

out! Blow 725 1 1 $ ,

2018 GR 20’ Stock Trailer 7K axles, center gate, 2-way rear gate, brush fenders $12,995

Lumber ROUGH CUT LUMBER AND SAWMILL SERVICES: Custom cut pine, $0.95 per board foot. Sawmill services, $75 set up and $0.45 per board foot. Call 970-698-2055 or e-mail for more information ............1/12

Pipe 2 3/8 heavy wall, 2 7/8 reg and heavy wall, 3/4, 7/8 and 1� rods, 4� drill pipe, 4 1/2 casing, 7� casing and guardrail. ALSO have 50,000’ of PVC water line pipe. Can ship to most locations. Please call Ron at 406425-3100 ............................12/22 RPJ Enterprises, Inc. Used for fencing, cattle guards, etc. ALL SIZES!! Quantity discounts and delivery available. Pierce, CO 80650. Call 970-3244580, e-mail rpjenergy@gmail. com......................................... 1/5

ON Merritt, Wilson, Travalong, Exiss, Jackson and GR Trailers!!! Call Prime Rate Motors at 307-674-6677 or visit us online at www.primeratemotors. com for information or a free quote!!!.............................12/22 2001 GMC C6500: 3126 Caterpillar engine, auto transmission, spring suspension, ’ atbed with Harsh hydraulic tilt, 109,679 miles. Nice truck. $15,000. Call for more details, 307-262-8930. To view photos go to in the classifieds ...........................12/22

Property for Sale HISTORIC 3 BEDROOM 1,900 . . 23 ACRES: Seven miles east of Broadus, MT with rental of 900 sq. ft. Includes outbuildings, 20’x32’ shop and garage. $275,000 OBO. Call 406-672-7230 or e-mail To view photos, go to in the classifieds ...........................12/29 140 acre farm near Pavilion, WY. Great winter pasture, live water in all 3 pastures. New seeding of alfalfa and grass/ alfalfa. Put up 400 tons in the 2018 crop. Reasonably priced. Call or text 307-727-8132 or 307-7276142 ....................................12/29

GUARDRAIL, 13.5’ and 26’, delivered in Wyoming. 423-7914771, 712-726-3562 or 620546-3507 ........................12/22 LODGEPOLE PRODUCTS 307-742-6992 SERVING AGRIBUSINESSES SINCE 1975!! Treated posts, corral poles, buck-and-rail, western rail, fence stays, rough-sawn lumber, bedding. SEE US at www. and clic o r ic ing ence Post� tab to see why folks choose our posts!! .........TFN

NEW SKID STEER ATTACHMENTS: Buckets, 78� $1,000, 84� $1,200 and 96� $1,300, made in America. 72� brush grapple, dual cylinder, heavy duty, $2,800. 66� brush grapple, single cylinder, heavy duty, $2,500. Hydraulic clamp tree/fence post puller, single cylinder, heavy duty, $950; NEW HEAVY DUTY snow blades, 7’ $1,300, 9’ $1,400 and 10’ $1,500; day cab, 400 Cummins, 9 speed tranny, 428,000 miles, second owner truck, $10,500; NEW NORSTAR standard dually atbed with ED lights, 5th wheel ball and receiver hitch, $2,300; 2007 CHEVY, 4x4, 4.8 V8, 143,000 miles, crew cab, short box, new Toyo tires, AC, tilt, cruise, power windows, power locks, $8,500. Trades welcome. Call Brad, 307-921-1825. To view photos, go to in the classifieds ...........................12/29

out! Blow 990 9 $1 ,

2019 Wilson 20’ Aluminum Ranch Hand Stock 16,000# GVW, 14 ply tires, center gate, all riveted side panels 7-Year Warranty! $22,790

PRIME RATE MOTORS, INC. 2305 Coffeen Ave. Sheridan, WY 82801


All Trades Welcome Financing Available Like us on Facebook!

VETERAN, WY 518 ACRES TOTAL: 118 acres deeded plus 400 acres Wyoming State Grazing lease. 2004 Zimmatic 7 tower pivot. Excellent combination of subirrigated grass, hard grass, irrigated grass and tall brush for calf protection. $405,000 Reduced! Now $370,000. IRRIGATED HAY MEADOWS and impressive improvements on this balanced 360 acre property located near Veteran, WY. Nice home, shop, machine shed, livestock barn, Quonset, grain storage and corrals. Ideal for a purebred livestock operation. 120 acres deeded plus 240 acres state lease. $766,615 Reduced! Now $699,000. Casey Essert at Empire Realty at 307-534-2222 or 1-888-340. ore li ing a ailable at .............................................TFN 28,000+ ACRE ARIZONA RANCH: 40 deeded acres plus State BLM and private grazing leases, 28 acre State Ag lease with irrigation rights, small feed yard, well-watered ranch runs 150+ cows year-round or up to 1,000 steers in winter $900,000. 250 HEAD RANCH: Very nice headquarters, good water, State and adverse grazing, $1,000,000. Call Harley Hendricks Realty toll free, 877-3492565, e-mail HarleyHendricks@ 1/5 2,520 CONTIGUOUS ACRE located in Weld County, CO. Eight miles north of Briggsdale, CO. 2,362 NCRP, 156 acres in pasture grass, 40x140 Quonset with concrete oor, air tubes. hree upright grain bins, one is 12,000 bushels. Old house with well and electricity. Formerly a wheat farm. $800/acre, annual CRP payment $75,648. Call Ron Lousberg, 303-530-1611, or Jerry Lousberg, 303-7757143 .............................12/29

Property for Sale

Property for Sale

Thanks to all our neighbors and friends who have blessed us with a successful 2018! Fred and Magen See listings at


“The man who stops advertising to save money is like the man who stops the clock to save time.�

Fred Nelson, Broker/Owner Magen McNutt, Sales Associate 307.840.0593 255 Shetland Road • Riverton, WY 82501 email:

509 RIATA ROAD, TULAROSA, NM: Four bedroom, 2 bathroom home on 70 acres with detached garage, barn, 13 acres in pistachios. $640,000. 295 PINE HILL Two bedroom, 3 bathroom log home on 60+ acres with corral, outbuildings and well. $320,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. ...........................12/22 NEW LISTING!! 160 acres, 100 farmed and leased for $32/acre. Nice 4 bedroom, 1 bath home. Barn, corrals, numerous outbuildings. $525,000. Additional land available for purchase. Located on Molt Rd. north of Billings, MT; RANCH: 200 acres, 60 acres irrigated. Highway location. $1,100,000; SPRINGWATER RANCH: This 267+ acre ranch is located in a year-round trout stream with beautiful views of the Beartooth Mountains. 160+ acres hay meadows with 60+ acres irrigated. A spacious 2,600 sq. ft. home with a second plus shop and barn. Price reduced to $900,000!!! Located between Red Lodge and Roscoe, MT. Sidwell Land & Cattle Co., Richard Sidwell, 406-861-4426, 406-3224425 or e-mail ................................ 2/2 : Top producing silt loam soils. 236 acres total. 173 acre pivot and 25 acre gravity. Ditch and well water. Amazing yields. Live winter water for livestock. Cash lease. $725,000. 10 ACRE PROPERTY: Great value with 100’x225’ indoor arena pus a lovely 4 bedroom, 3 bath home. Only 1 mile south of Torrington, WY on Hwy. 85. Fantastic opportunity for private or commercial equestrian clinics, ropings, self boarding with indoor and outdoor riding. Includes pasture paddocks with shelters. $555,000 Reduced! Now $535,500. Casey Essert at Empire Realty at 307-534-2222 or 1-888-340. ore li ing a ailable at ..........................................TFN



AG LAND LOANS As Low As 4.5% OPWKCAP 4.5% INTEREST RATES AS LOW AS 4.5% Payments Scheduled on 25 Years oe

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Mobile Homes NEED A GUEST HOUSE? 2014 newly remodeled Friendship Home of Minnesota/northern advantage package 16x80, $49,500. Must be moved. Four bedroom, 3 bath, includes appliances, new carpet and new paint. ALSO, 2012 Friendship Home of Minnesota/northern advantage package 16x80, $45,000. Five bedroom, 2 bath, appliances, new carpet and some new vinyl. Located in Chugwater, WY. Call 307-331-8949, 307331-8781 or 307-422-3502 leave message ........... 12/29


Irrigation Systems The choice is simple. Good time management is essential to farming success. That’s why more farmers are turning to T-L center pivot irrigation systems. Hydrostatically powered, T-L’s simple design gives you the low maintenance time, cost, safety and reliability to let you manage your farm instead of calling electricians or replacing gearboxes. Simplify your complex world and make irrigation easier on you.

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Roof Coatings

TANK COATINGS ROOF COATINGS Available for METAL, composition shingles or tar roofs. Long lasting and easy to apply. We also manufacture tank coatings for concrete, rock, steel, galvanized or mobile tanks.

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Mineral Rights


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Mineral Rights

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Wyoming Livestock Roundup • Volume 30 No. 34 • December 22, 2018

WOTUS continued from page 1 nation for why.” Basis in judicial decision Frank notes EPA worked deliberately to make changes that were in line with decisions made by the Supreme Court and supported in analysis. “The elements of this rule are not cherry-picked from one Justice’s opinion or another. They were responsive to the various opinions present,” she comments. Frank adds, “This is the most comprehensive analysis I’ve seen from EPA in terms of justifying what are and are not waters of the U.S. and tying it back to Supreme Court decisions. This rule is founded in what the courts said and what makes sense hydrologically.” Inside the rule Within the rule, Frank notes, generally, federal government jurisdiction over waters will include perennial waters as navigable waters. “Not all interstate waters are going to be automatically

jurisdictional, and the rule has an extensive exclusionary list to help provide clarity,” she explains. “Intermittent waters will be jurisdictional, assuming they connect to a jurisdictional water.” Further, some ditches and canals are under federal jurisdiction in certain circumstances, and Frank notes that those decisions make sense with the discussion provided. She explains, “In the West, it’s easy to say that ditches and canals shouldn’t be included, but if we look at waters that are channelized and put in canals in highly populated urban areas, it starts to make sense why they would be included in the rule.” “Ephemeral waters are jurisdictional only if they clearly connect to a jurisdictional water,” she says, adding that wetlands are also waters of the U.S. if they abut a jurisdictional water. “The presence of water seems to be a primary component of this rule, which

is a welcome change.” Overall, Frank notes the decisions made in the rule are explained in depth to give the reader an understanding of why water bodies were classified in the way they were. Wyoming perspectives Overall, Frank says the rule is better for Wyoming, though there will likely still be concern with what is and is not included. Importantly, the rule includes a recognition that, with available technology, maps could be developed to make determining jurisdiction easier. “With today’s technology, EPA discussed there shouldn’t be any reason why we can’t discuss eventually developing maps so landowners can look at a map and determine if they are going to need a 404 permit or not,” Frank explains. “EPA asked for comments on this section because there would be involvement required from states.” Final rule After the rule is pub-

OBITUARIES We welcome obituaries. Obituaries are printed free of charge and can be sent to

May Paulena Chabot May 3, 1927 – Dec. 13, 2018 May Paulena Chabot, a 91-year-old Kaycee resident, passed away Johnson County Memorial Hospital in Buffalo. May was born May 3, 1927 to Leon and Louise Chabot in Buffalo. She was raised on the family ranch east of Kaycee. Along with her sisters Marie, Vivian and Julia and brother August, they helped run the ranch. She attended a country school near the ranch. After completing two years of high school, she returned to the ranch and lived on and worked the ranch with her siblings August and Julia.

Julia and August died in the early 2000s, leaving May to run the ranch alone until just a few days prior to her death. May loved working outdoors with her Hereford cattle. She loved the outdoor life, gardening and hosting hunters. Visiting with her family and friends brought her joy. May is survived by nieces and nephews Kathleen (Ed) Rucki, Felecie (Marion) Dressler, John (Kathy) Urruty, Jean (Dianne) Urruty, Jim (Jane) Urruty, Joe (Joyce) Reculusa and Mike Reculusa; and many great-nieces and

A Cowman’s Best Friend at Calving Time! Available with a digital scale!

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For local dealers or to order, call 877-505-0914 today! DEALER INQUIRY INVITED

nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents and siblings. A private family graveside service was held Dec. 19 at Willow Grove Cemetery in Buffalo, with Bob Ruby officiating. Donations in May’s memory may be made to the Hoof Prints of the Past Museum in Kaycee, in care of the Harness Funeral Home, at 351 N. Adams in Buffalo. Online condolences may be made at


lished in the Federal Register, a 60-day comment period will be held to solicit feedback from interested parties. “It’s important that everyone comments, whether they have concerns or support the rule,” Frank says.

“I think the important part for Wyoming people to recognize this isn’t about water protection. This is about federal jurisdiction of waters,” she comments. “Wyoming has jurisdiction over everything that is sur-

face water, so surface water is not going to go unprotected.” Saige Albert is managing editor of the Wyoming Livestock Roundup. Send comments on this article to


Wyoming Livestock Roundup • Volume 30 No. 34 • December 22, 2018

GIFTS continued from page 1

Egg aprons -- Melissa Hickman’s unique designs, including this egg apron, are sold through Facebook and her Etsy shop. She started selling crocheted items to help support the family, since her daughter has a rare medical condition. Courtesy photo

daughters, who has a medical condition. “My daughter has a very rare cranial condition, so I couldn’t work outside the home due to her surgeries and regular doctor visits. Having my Etsy shop allows me to make a little extra income for our family, while still being able to take care of her medical needs,” she explained. Melissa has faced her own challenges since recovering from a stroke eight years ago. “I had to take a break from making and selling on Etsy to recover. I had to relearn to do pretty much everything in my daily life – and that included relearning how to crochet, but I persevered and eventually got back on track,” she proudly admitted. Creative outlet Hickman liked the creativity crocheting provides her. “There are so many things I can make with yarn and so many beauti-

ful colors to choose from. I love watching as something comes to life in my hands. I find inspiration for my projects in many places, including my family, our goats, pets, nature and everyday life,” she said. “We have a small dairy goat and fiber animal farm we started in 2006. We have Nubians, Nigerian Dwarf goats, alpacas, llamas, sheep, turkeys, geese, chickens, miniature pigs and a small pony,” she continued. These animals have all spurred Hickman’s creativity through lifelike plush farm toys, animal hats for both animals and humans, farm animal Christmas stockings and a unique egg apron. Hickman makes the egg apron for children through adults and even makes a smaller version to fit dolls. “I love making anything farm or animal related. Right now, I’m really into making chicken items,” she said.

“I have a passion for creating crocheted items for the outdoors and farming lifestyle.” – Melissa Hickman Finding her passion “I have a passion for creating crocheted items for the outdoors and farming lifestyle,” she continued. “People will find specialty farm items like crocheted egg collecting aprons, goat ear warmers and chicken sweaters in my shop, in addition to more traditional types of crocheted crafts like baby blankets and boot cuffs.” “I also write my own crochet patterns,” she added. Hickman markets her creations through Facebook, an Etsy site and by word of mouth. She also donates items to charities and fundraisers when she has a chance.

“There are so many rewards to my business,” she explained. “I love making crocheted items for people. Seeing someone so excited about something I made for them is very rewarding.” “There is no better feeling than making something by hand for someone who really appreciates and loves that item. I also enjoy the new friends I make and having the opportunity to teach people about crocheting,” Hickman added. Gayle Smith is a correspondent for the Wyoming Livestock Roundup. Send comments on this article to roundup@wylr. net.

For more information about Hickman, find her at uniquelymore.

RIVERTON LIVESTOCK AUCTION Market Report for December 14 & 18, 2018 •1,238 Head Sold Representative Sales COWS BIG PINEY 2 Cow, 1102# ..................................$69.00 FARSON 3 Cow, 1138# ..................................$66.00 RIVERTON 6 Cow, 1104# ............. $65.00 EVANSTON 2 Cow, 1072# .................................$65.00 BIG PINEY 1 Cow, 1165# ..................................$56.00 RIVERTON 6 Cow, 1182# ..................................$52.50 2 Cow, 1302# .................................$51.50 1 Cow, 1505# .................................$51.00 2 Cow, 1357# .................................$50.00 14 Cow, 1127# ..................................$49.25 CASPER 2 Cow, 1405# .................................$48.50 LANDER 4 Cow, 1423# .................................$47.50 LABARGE 5 Cow, 1305# .................................$47.50 RIVERTON 20 Cow, 1122# ..................................$45.00 SHOSHONI 2 Cow, 1425# .................................$45.00 DIXON 2 Cow, 1392# .................................$42.00 RIVERTON 2 Cow, 1177# ..................................$39.50 BULLS RAWLINS 1 Bull, 1765# ..................................$65.00 RIVERTON 2 Bull, 1715# ..................................$62.50 EVANSTON 1 Bull, 1740# ..................................$59.00 RIVERTON 2 Bull, 1915# ..................................$57.00 THERMOPOLIS 1 Bull, 1995# ..................................$54.00 HEIFERETTES THERMOPOLIS 18 Heiferette, 866# .........................$107.00 EVANSTON 2 Heiferette, 930# ...........................$87.00 BIG PINEY 2 Heiferette, 1047# .........................$71.00 7 Heiferette, 1006# .........................$66.00 STEERS HUNSTVILLE, UT 11 Steer, 425# ................................$189.00 46 Steer, 532# ................................$179.00 PAVILLION 22 Steer, 478# ................................$175.00 ROCK SPRINGS 5 Steer, 516# ................................$170.00 PAVILLION 6 Steer, 493# ................................$166.00 HUNSTVILLE 8 Steer, 513# ................................$160.00 PAVILLION 13 Steer, 567# ................................$159.00 EVANSTON 3 Steer, 570# ................................$151.00 HUNSTVILLE, UT 3 Steer, 616# ................................$147.00 POWELL 11 Steer, 700# ................................$142.00

5 Steer, 745# ................................$140.00 HEIFERS HUNSTVILLE, UT 6 Heifer, 428# ...............................$153.50 47 Heifer, 477# ...............................$150.75 FARSON 18 Heifer, 488# ...............................$146.00 HUNSTVILLE, UT 10 Heifer, 529# ...............................$140.50

FRIDAY, JANUARY 4 COW SALE • START TIME 8:00 AM Jordan Land & Livestock - 80 weigh cows Chrisman Ranch - 1 load of weigh cows

TUESDAY, JANUARY 8 WEANED CALF FEEDER SPECIAL START TIME 8:00 AM LOAD LOTS @ 10:00 AM EXPECTING 4,000 HEAD Carlson Farms - 500 Blk Ang & AngX Strs 450650#. Rec Pyramid 5, 7-way w/ Somnus & Spur, Respishield HM @ Branding & Precon 10/1. Knife cut. Weaned 10/15. Poured w/ Ivomec. Bunk broke. 100% Blk Ang sired. All natural, one brand, fancy! Flying Triangle Ranch - 400 Blk Ang & AngX Strs 550-650#. Rec 7-way & Multimin @ Birth; 7-way, Vista Once w/ Pasteurella, Multimin & wormed & poured @ Branding; 7-way, Vista Once w/ Pasteurella, Multimin, Nasalgen & wormed & poured @ Weaning (Oct 19th). Weaned on Long stem hay & silage. Sired by Broken Bow Blk Ang bulls. All natural. Fancy, high elevation calves! Horton Farms - 220 Blk Ang & AngX Strs (BWF F1) 650-700# 120 Blk Ang & AngX Hfrs (BWF F1) 600650#. Rec Vista Once SQ, 7-way w/ Somnus @ Branding & Weaning (9/25). Poured w/ Ivomec @ Weaning. Blk Angus sired. Reputation, powerful calves! Armada Ranch - 320 Blk Ang & AngX Strs & Hfrs 475-575#. Rec Vista Once SQ & 8-way @ Branding; Vista Once SQ, 8-way w/ Somnus & Nasalgen @ Weaning 11/10. (On meadow strictly hay fed). 100% sired by Blk Ang bulls (Connealy genetics). Fancy, high desert. Reputation quality calves. Steve Mines - 120 Blk Ang & AngX Strs 575625# 80 Blk Ang & AngX Hfrs 525-575#. Rec Vista 5 & 8-way @ Branding & Precon (10/20). Poured w/ Ivomec. Weaned 11/1. Hay fed. Reputation, high desert calves! Lyman Ranch - 180 Blk Ang Strs 650#. Rec Bovishield Gold Plus, 7-way & Poured. Over 75 days weaned Sired by performance tested high gaining Connealy & Schaff Blk Ang bulls. Reputation, proven high elevation performers.

Early Consignments Sarah Faith Ranch - 150 Blk/BWF Strs & Hfrs 450-500#. Comp vacc @ Branding & Precon. 60 day wean. High elevation. CKZ Livestock - 140 Blk Ang & AngX Strs & Hfrs 600-650#. Rec Vista Once SQ, Vision 8 w/ Somnus @ Branding & Precon & again 12/1. Rec Safeguard & Pour on. 120 day weaned on Alfalfa stubble. Green & fancy! Ray & Janet Foxworthy - 130 Blk Ang & AngX Strs & Hfrs 650#. Rec 7-way @ Birth; 7-way @ Branding; & Bovishield Gold & 7-way @ Weaning (Nov 1st). Also Rec Safeguard & Cleanup @ Weaning. Hfrs are Bangs vacc. Calves are running out on pasture w/ some hay. High desert, green calves! Frank Ranch - 40 Blk Ang Strs 625# 60 Blk Ang Hfrs 575-625#. Rec Pyramid 5, 7-way w/ Somnus, Safeguard & Cleanup @ Weaning (10/15). Sired by SO Cattle Co Blk Ang bulls. High elevation, fancy! Steers Ranch - 95 Blk Ang & AngX Strs & Hfrs 550-650#. Comp vacc @ Branding & Boostered this Fall. 90 day wean. High elevation. Huxtable/McKee - 85 Blk Ang & AngX Strs & Hfrs 500-550#. Rec 7-way w/ Somnus & Vista Once @ Branding & Precon; Poured & Rec Nasalgen @ Weaning. 45 day wean. Bunk broke. Mitch Benson - 70 Blk Ang & AngX Strs & Hfrs 550-650#. Red Vision 7 w/ Somnus & Vista 5 SQ @ Branding. Knife cut. 100% sired by Blk Ang bulls. Weaned 75 days on Grass/Alfalfa & Beardless Barley hay & supplemented w/ SmartLic Stresslic tubs. One brand, high desert calves. Scot & Teffany Fegler - 50 Blk Ang Strs & Hfrs 650-750#. Rec Vision C & D, Express 5, Vision 7 & 2 rounds of Once PMH-IN & Cattlactive @ Birth & Branding; Titanium 5 PMH, Vision 8 w/ Somnus, Cattlactive & poured w/ Ivomec @ Precon. Over 90 days weaned. Sired by Hoos Cow Angus bulls. Fancy! Ray & LaDonna Good - 42 Blk Ang & AngX Strs 600-700#. Rec Vista 5, 7-way & Nasalgen @ Branding; Vista 5, 7-way w/ Somnus, Nasalgen, Safeguard & Cleanup @ Weaning 10/22. Reputation, choice steers! Neal & Becky Anderson - 34 Blk Ang & AngX Strs & Hfrs 750-850#. Rec Vista Once & Vision 7 @ Branding; Vista Once, Vision 7 w/ Somnus & poured this Fall. 90+ day wean. Bunk broke, running out on pasture & hay. Fancy! Jac & KayLee Klaahsen - 20 Blk Ang Strs & Hfrs 650-750#. Rec Vision C & D, Express 5, Vision 7 & 2 rounds of Once PMH-IN & Cattlactive @ Birth & Branding; Titanium 5 PMH, Vision 8 w/ Somnus, Cattlactive & poured w/ Ivomec @ Precon. Over 90 days weaned. Sired by Hoos Cow Angus bulls. Fancy!


TUESDAY, JANUARY 15 BRED COW SALE • START TIME 8:00 AM W/ WEIGH UPS, BREDS @ NOON Fleur de Lis Cattle Co - 100 Blk Ang & AngX Bred Hfrs 1,000-1,100#. Bred to Reyes LBW Blk Ang bulls to start calving 3/1 for 45 days (Pulled bulls). Rec Virashield 6 VL5, Multimin, wormed & poured. Big stout fancy Bred Heifers. Bred to reputation bulls! Alan Paxton - 45 Blk Ang & AngX Bred Hfrs. AI Bred to KM Broken Bow (5/19) & cleaned up with sons of Hoover Dam to start calving 2/24 for 45 days (Pulled bulls). Rec Pinkeye Shield XT4, Vista Once SQ & poured w/ Ivermectin this Spring; Scours Bovine Pillshield Plus C & poured @ Preg test. Fancy Bred heifers! Ruby Ranch - 25 Blk Ang & AngX Bred Hfrs 9501,000#. Bred to LBW Lucky 7 Blk Ang bulls to calve March-April. Run over 8,000 ft. Fancy heifers! Frank Ranch - 18 Blk Ang 3-6 Yr old Bred cows. Bred to SO Cattle Co bulls to calve April-May. Run @ elevation. Fancy!

TUESDAY, JANUARY 22 CALF SPECIAL • START TIME 8:00 AM HD Ranch - 400 Blk Ang & AngX Strs & Hfrs 425475#. Rec Bovishield Gold 5 & 7-way @ Branding & Weaning (10/15). Knife cut. High elevation. Paintrock Blk Ang sired. Hay fed, green, fancy! Tim Tolton - 150 Blk Ang & AngX Strs & Hfrs 525625#. Rec Virashield 6 & 8-way (Spring & Fall). Hfrs are Bangs vacc. Long time weaned. Hay fed, high elevation, choice calves! Stan Horton & Sons - 79 Blk Ang & AngX Strs 650# 60 Blk Ang & AngX Hfrs 600#. Rec Pyramid 5 & Vision 7 w/ Somnus @ Branding & Weaning (No implants). Hfrs are Bangs vacc. Choice, long time weaned calves! 100% Blk Ang sired.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 29 ALL CATTLE CLASSES W/ SHEEP & HORSES START TIME 8:00 AM W/ SHEEP Fleur de Lis Cattle Co - 60 Blk Ang & AngX Bred Hfrs 1,000-1,100#. Bred to Reyes LBW Blk Ang bulls to start calving 3/1 for 45 days (Pulled bulls). Rec Virashield 6 VL5, Multimin, wormed & poured. Big stout fancy Bred Heifers. Bred to reputation bulls!


TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 ALL CATTLE CLASSES W/ JENSEN ANGUS BULL SALE START TIME 8:00 AM Jensen Angus - 70 Blk Ang 2 Yr Old Bulls. PAP, Fertility & Trich tested. High quality, high mountain Blk Angus bulls.

Contact: Riverton Livestock Auction (307) 856-2209 • Jeff Brown (307) 850-4193 • Tom Linn (307) 728-8519 • Mark Winter (580) 747-9436 • • Also watch our live cattle auction at

1490 South 8th Street East • Riverton, WY 82501 • (307) 856-2209

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