2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide Your source for events and information
A joint publication of the Wyoming Livestock
2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
2011 Wyoming State Fair Schedule FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 6:00 P.M. — Antique Tractor Show 7:00 P.M. — Antique Tractor Show and Pull (Grandstand Arena) SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 5:00 P.M. — CRABTREE CARNIVAL OPENS 7:30 A.M. — Quarter Horse Show (1 & 2) (Horse Arenas) 8:30 A.M. — Sheep Dog Trial (Grandstand Arena) 9:00 A.M. — ABGA Boer Goat Show (Sheep/Goat Arenas) 10:00 A.M. — Kidz and Kars Fair Parade: Downtown Douglas 6:00 P.M. — DEMOLITION DERBY (Grandstand Arena) SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 5:00 P.M. — CRABTREE CARNIVAL OPENS 7:30 A.M. — Quarter Horse Show (3) (Horse Arenas) 8:00 A.M. — WSF Dairy Goat Show and WDGA Dairy Goat Show (Sheep/Goat Arenas) 9:30 A.M. — Wyoming Stock Dog Cattle Trials (Grandstand Arena) 10:00 A.M. — Cowboy Church (North Stage) IBGA Boer Goat Show (Sheep/Goat Arenas) ARBA Rabbit Show (Event Tent) 3:00 P.M. — Ranch Rodeo (Grandstand Arena) 10:30 P.M. — 4-H/FFA Curfew MONDAY, AUGUST 15 5:00 P.M. — CRABTREE CARNIVAL OPENS 7:00 A.M. to — 6:00 P.M. Complimentary Guest Admission 9:00 A.M. — 4-H Dog Shows and Showmanship Contest (Horse Arenas) Youth Rabbit Showmanship followed by Youth Rabbit Show (Event Tent) 10:00 A.M. — OPENING CEREMONIES-(Main Entrance) Commercial Vendors/Buildings Open Youth Horse Show Showmanship, Youth Horse Show Halter Classes, Youth Horse Show Programmed Ride (Horse Arenas) Youth Horse Show Trail Classes (Trail Arena) 12 NOON — Exhibit Buildings Open 6:00 P.M. — Fed Beef Contest and WBCIA Fed Beef Live Evaluation Contest (Longhorn Show Ring) 7:00 P.M. — MONSTER TRUCK NIGHT (Grandstand Arena) 10:30 P.M. — 4-H/FFA Curfew TUESDAY, AUGUST 16 5:00 P.M. — CRABTREE CARNIVAL OPENS 7:30 A.M. — Youth Horse Show Performance Classes (Horse Arenas) 9:00 A.M. –Youth Meat Goat Showmanship followed by Youth Breeding Meat Goat show followed by Youth Market Goat show (Goat Show Arena) FFA Ag Mechanics judging (Ft. Laramie) Hay Show judging (Ag & NR Center) 10:00 A.M. — Commercial Vendors Buildings Open Youth Poultry Showmanship followed by YouthPoultry Show (Event Tent)
2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
12 NOON — Exhibit Buildings Open 12 NOON — Youth Exhibit Buildings Open (Youth Exhibit Buildings have limited access to guests due to judging) Youth Pocket Pet Show (Event Tent) 1:30 P.M. — Performance Lamb Evaluation Contest (Livestock Pavilion) 3:00 P.M. — Youth Beef Fitting Contest (Beef Arena) 3:30 P.M. — Performance Pork Evaluation Contest (Swine Show Arena) 7:00 P.M. — PIG ‘N MUD WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP(Grandstand Arena) 8:30-10:00 P.M. WREA Sponsored 4-H/FFA Exhibitors Dance (Cafeteria Commons) 9:00 P.M. — Exhibit Buildings Close 10:30 P.M. — 4-H/FFA Curfew WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17 ARMED FORCES DAY CATTLE INDUSTRY DAY 11 A.M. — CRABTREE CARNIVAL OPENS YOUTH DAY 7:30 A.M. — 4-H Livestock Judging Contest (Sheep/Goat Arenas) 8:00 A.M. — 4-H and FFA Dairy Goat Showmanship Contest followed by Youth Dairy Goat Show (Goat Arenas) 9:00-NOON — Wyoming Livestock Board meeting (Cafeteria, East Wing) 9:00 A.M. — 4-H Cat Show and Showmanship Contest (Event Tent) 10:00 A.M. — Commercial Vendors Buildings Open Commercial Heifer Show (Longhorn Pens) Wyoming Ropefest 2011 (Silver Arena) 12 NOON — Open and Youth Exhibit Buildings Open 12:30 P.M. — 4-H Livestock Judging Reasons (Ft. Steele) 1:00 P.M. — All Other Breeds Cattle (AOB) Show followed by Wyoming Maine-Anjou Market Beef Show followed by Murray Grey Show (Beef Arenas) WLR Wyoming Cattlemen’s Conference 3:00-5:00 P.M. — Miss Rodeo Wyoming Horsemanship (Equine Arena) 3:00 P.M. — Shorthorn Cattle Show followed by Shorthorn Steer Show (Beef Arenas) 4-H Livestock Judging Awards (Ft. Reno Stage) 4:00 P.M. — 4-H Swine Showmanship followed by Youth Breeding Swine Show followed by Champion of Champions Market Swine Show followed by Pen of 5 Market Swine (Swine Arena) Champion of Champions Market Lamb Challenge followed by Pen of 5 Market Lambs followed by WVATA Youth Jackpot Market Lamb Show (Sheep/Goat Arenas) 5:30 P.M. — Wyoming Agriculture Hall of Fame Picnic 7:00 P.M. — Darryl Worley Concert 9:00 P.M. — Exhibit Buildings Close 10:30 P.M. — 4-H/FFA Curfew 5
THURSDAY, AUGUST 18 WYOMING PIONEER DAY 1:00 P.M. — CRABTREE CARNIVAL OPENS 8:00 A.M. — Ranch Sorting (Silver Arena) 4-H Breeding Sheep Showmanship followed by Youth Breeding Sheep Show (Sheep/Goat Arenas) 9:00 A.M. — 4-H Fashion Revue judging-Douglas High School WVATA Youth Jackpot Market Goat Show followed by Champion of Champions Market Goat Show (Goat Arenas) 10:00 A.M. — Commercial Exhibits Open 10:00 A.M. — Hereford Cattle Show (Beef Arenas) followed by Pen of 3 Bulls and Wyoming Hereford Steer Show 10:00 A.M. — Wyoming Pioneer Assn. Meeting (Cafeteria) 12 NOON — Open and Youth Exhibit Buildings Open Wy. Pioneer Assn. Luncheon (Cafeteria) 1:00 P.M. — PRCA Slack 2:00 P.M. — Angus Cattle Show followed by Wyoming Angus Steer Show and WJAA Heifer Show (Beef Arena) 3:00 P.M. — FFA Swine Showmanship followed by Youth Market Swine Show (Swine Arena) 5:00 P.M. — Champion of Champions Market Beef Show followed by WVATA Youth Jackpot Beef Show (Beef Arenas) Supreme Champion Beef Bull and Female Selection (following Angus Show) 6:00 P.M. — Performance Pork Awards (Swine Center) MRW Autograph signing (North Stage) 7:00 P.M. — PRCA Extreme Bull Riding (Grandstand Arena) PRCA Steer Roping (Grandstand) 9:00 P.M. — Exhibit Buildings Close Commercial Exhibits Close 10:30 P.M. — 4-H/FFA Curfew FRIDAY, AUGUST 19 1:00 P.M. — CRABTREE CARNIVAL OPENS 7:30 A.M. — Miss Rodeo Wyoming Horsemanship (Horse Arenas) 7:30 A.M. — FFA Sheep Showmanship and 4-H Market Lamb Showmanship followed by Youth Market Lamb Show (Sheep/Goat Arenas) 8:00 A.M. — Ranch Horse Competition (Silver Arena) 8:30 A.M. — Wyoming Mustang Days In Hand and Performance (Horse Arenas) 9:00 A.M. — 4-H Beef Showmanship Contest followed by Youth Breeding Beef Show followed Youth Pen of 5 Breeding Heifer Show followed by N.I.L.E. Merit Heifer Showcase, followed by Open Prospect Calf Show (Beef Arenas) 10:00 A.M. — Commercial Vendors/Exhibit Buildings Open 11:00 A.M. — Exhibit Buildings Open Texas Longhorn Cattle Show (Longhorn Ring) 1:00 P.M. — PRCA Steer Roping (Grandstand Arena) 1:30 P.M. — “A Living Legacy” Tree Program dedication (Ag Hall) 6
Wy. Market Steer Futurity (Beef Show Arena) 3:00 P.M. — Sheep Lead Contest (Event Tent) 4:00 P.M. — WDA Awards Reception (Ag & Nat’l Resource Ctr) 6:00 P.M. — Youth Sheep Fitting Contest (Sheep/ Goat Arenas) 6:30 P.M. — WVATA Youth Jackpot Market Swine Show (Swine Show Center) WYOMING AGRICULTURE AWARDS RECOGNITION (Grandstand Stage) 7:00 P.M. — PRCA RODEO (Grandstand Arena) 4-H Fashion Revue - (Douglas High School) 8:30-10:00 P.M.—WREA Sponsored 4-H/FFA Exhibitors Dance (Cafeteria Commons) 9:00 P.M. — Exhibit Buildings Close 10:00 P.M. — Commercial Exhibits Close 10:30 P.M. — 4-H/FFA Curfew SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 STATE FAIR PARADE DAY 11 A.M. — CRABTREE CARNIVAL OPENS 7:30 A.M. — Appaloosa Show (Horse Arenas) 8:00 A.M. — FFA Beef Showmanship followed by Youth Market Beef Show followed by Pen of 5 Market Beef Show, followed by Bred, Fed and Owned show (Beef Arenas) Open Class Sheep Show and Natural Colored Sheep Show (Sheep/Goat Arenas) 10:00 A.M. — WYOMING STATE FAIR PARADE Downtown Douglas Commercial Vendor Buildings Open 11:00 A.M. — Exhibit Buildings Open Wyoming Farmers’ Market (Event Tent) Lamb Evaluation Contest Awards (Sheep/ Goat Arenas) Fed Beef Contest Awards Presentations held during Youth Mkt. Beef Show (Beef Arenas) 1:30 P.M. — Sheep Shearing Demonstrations (Wool Pavilion) 2:00 P.M. — Rubber Chicken Race/Stick Horse Rodeo (Grandstand Arena) Bonsai Demonstration (Lower Ft. Reno) Wyoming Mustang Days Activities (Horse Arenas) 3:00 P.M. — FFA Round Robin Showmanship followed by 4-H Round Robin Showmanship followed by Over the Hill Showmanship (Sheep/ Goat Arenas) Championship Arm Wrestling Contest (North Stage) 5:00 P.M. — All Breed Sheep Sale (Sheep Barn) 7:00 P.M. — PRCA RODEO (Grandstand Arena) CROWNING OF MISS RODEO WYOMING 2012 (Grandstand Platform) 9:00 P.M. — Exhibit Buildings Close 10:00 P.M. — Commercial Exhibits Close 10:30 P.M. — 4-H/FFA Curfew 12 MIDNIGHT Carnival Closes SUNDAY, AUGUST 21 5:30 A.M. — McKibben Cafeteria Open for Breakfast 6:00 A.M. — Livestock Exhibits Released 7:00 A.M. — Release of Home Arts Exhibits to 1:00 P.M. 7:30 A.M. — Appaloosa Show (Equine Center) 10:00 A.M. — Dormitories Close
State Fair
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Enjoy the 2011 Wyoming State Fair!
Good Luck to all of this year’s participants! -John and Bobbi Barrasso
Paid for by Friends of John Barrasso
Art show
celebrates 20 years Douglas Invitational Art Show & Sale Friday, Aug. 12 – Sunday, Aug. 14 Wyoming Pioneer Museum
The Wyoming State Fair will show off its Opening artistic side again this year at the Douglas InviWeeken tational Art Show. The d show will be located in its usual place in the Wyoming Pioneer Museum, and will run from Aug. 12-14. This year the art show is commemorating it’s 20th year, and it continues to successfully draw attention to local artists and to the museum itself. This year 26 artists will be brought in to showcase their work, with a majority of them from Wyoming. The show will start Friday evening with an opening reception and silent auction over hors d’ oeuvres. Tickets are $25 each and can be obtained by calling the Wyoming Pioneer Museum at 307-358-9288. On Saturday, Aug. 13 the art show will continue from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The final day of the show will be held on Sunday, Aug. 14 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information on the art show, contact the Wyoming Pioneer Museum at 307-3589288. – WYLR
Bashor Horse Sale Saturday, September 17, 2011 at the Bashor Ranch near Grover, Colo.
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Selling broke geldings, colorful and correct; brood mares with foals at their side; a few 2011 foals.
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In a hurry? No problem! Phone Inn your order and we'll have it ready at our pick up window! Douglas, WY location only. Please allow 10 minutes after placing your order
2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
See our website at Bashor.com
With all the lights, noises and sounds, the g n i Crabtree Carnival is one n e p O d attraction at the Wyoming Weeken State Fair to keep an eye out for. The carnival runs from Aug. 13–20, and a “Mega Pass” costs between $50 and $60, depending on the day. The carnival is in its 11th year at the State Fair and will feature more than 45 rides. This veteran carnival outfit knows what it takes to put on a good midway, and it shows – with impressive thrill rides and family-friendly kiddy rides, Crabtree delivers the classic state fair carnival experience. Prices and times are subject to change. For more information visit wystatefair.com. – DB
Crabtree Carnival brings fun to fair
Crabtree Carnival hours: • Aug. 13 – 5-11 p.m. • Aug. 14 – 5-10 p.m. • Aug. 15 – 5-10 p.m. • Aug. 16 – 5-11 p.m. • Aug. 17– 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. (Youth Day) • Aug. 18 – 1-11 p.m. • Aug. 19 – 1-11 p.m. • Aug. 20 – 11 a.m. - midnight
Mountain Plains Agricultural Service Serving the livestock production industry in the H-2A Alien Labor Certification process, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/ Citizenship and Immigration Service when it has been certified that there is a shortage of qualified U.S. Workers. Organized in 1987, the association incorporated in 1988 and started with about 40 members from Wyoming and Colorado. As the ranching industry’s need for alien workers increased, the association’s membership grew to over 250 members in 16 states. For complete information, contact:
Mountain Plains Agricultural Service 811 North Glenn Rd, Casper 82601 P.O. Box 3777, Casper, WY 82602 Telephone: (307) 472-2105 Fax: (307) 235-1075 eMail: MPAS@alluretech.net 12
“ Good Luck at at the the "Good Luck Wyoming State Fair!” Wyoming State Fair!
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Demo derby to thrill fair goers
Break out that welding torch and get that old junker in the backyard ready for the 2011 Demolition Derby at 6 p.m. Aug. 13 in the Grandstand Arena. Tickets are $10 for adults and $3 for children. Drivers have a chance to win anywhere from $500 to several thousand in prize money. The Douglas Volunteer Fire Department organizes the event, and spectators should arrive early to claim their seat and to be eligible for prize giveaways. Registration forms are available at the Wyoming State Fairgrounds or by contacting the Douglas Volunteer Fire Department. Last year’s winner was Tony Long in his 11th year of competition in the derby. He outlasted Gillette’s Don Harter and Casper’s Tim Janssen in front of a packed crowd of more than 3,500 people. Long also won in 2007. “It feels awesome,” Long said afterward. “That first one was a lot of dumb luck. This one, I felt like I had to work a lot harder for. There were a lot of hardhitting cars out there. It seemed like there was stiffer competition this year.”
Demolition Derby Saturday, Aug. 13, 6 p.m. Grandstand Arena Adults: $10 ~ Kids: $3
Long drove a 1983 Lincoln and said the Opening tougher build of the car helped it hold up in the Weeken d final heat. He purchased the Lincoln to drive to and from work, but after he couldn’t get a title for it he decided it would make a great derby entry. In 2009, a muddy arena slowed down cars and prevented a lot of big collisions. That problem did not repeat itself in 2010. “It was so boggy (in 2009) that you could hardly move,” said Long. “This year, they had a little moisture to keep the dirt down, but it was very dry and very fast. It was very easy to maneuver in.” Thirty-five cars and drivers signed up for last year’s contest with five cars split between seven rounds. The top three from each round advance to the finals, while the other 15 cars had the option of a buyback round with the top three from that going on to the finals. Eighteen cars competed in the final round, with 12 of them being from Douglas. This year Sheriff Clint Becker of Douglas will enter his Ford Thunderbird – car number 13 – in the derby, so don’t miss the opportunity to take your shot at the sheriff! – DB
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
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Trials demonstrate dogs’ skill
Ranchers have long relied on dogs to assist with moving animals where they need to be. Most say they couldn’t do it without them. These canines know how to work. Don’t miss this demonstration of intelligence, skill and agility as the dogs and their handlers show what it takes to move livestock. Watch how quickly they gain the cooperation of the animals, and what they do when one shows a mind of its own. The sheep dog trials, are open to any breed and any handler, and each handler/dog team gets one run with up to five minutes
Sheep Dog Arena Trial Saturday, Aug. 13, 8:30 a.m. Grandstand Arena Stock Dog Cattle Trial Sunday, Aug. 14, 9:30 a.m. Grandstand Arena
Opening to complete it. The top team wins the champiWeeken onship buckle. d The stock dog trials are comprised of teams that qualified at a series of trials around the state throughout the summer in cooperation with the Wyoming Stock Dog Association. Handlers and dogs complete two runs, for which points are awarded to determine the winner. The top 10 dogs receive ribbons, while the overall winner is awarded the championship buckle. – DB
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
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Openingd Weeken
Kids, cars and crazy fun Come one, come all, especially if you’re small! The annual kids-only Kidz and Karz Parade will be held at the Wyoming State Fair on Aug. 13 at 10 a.m. The parade will march from the Converse County Courthouse, on Center Street and 5th Street, to 2nd Street, finishing at the fire station. Following the parade, the top three entries will be selected and awarded cash prizes. All participants will enjoy free popsicles at the firehouse, courtesy of the Lions Club. The line-up will begin at 9 a.m. at the courthouse and will feature five different categories for kids to enter: animal walk, where contestants escort their favorite pet through town, float decoration, bicycle decoration, group entries and individual entry. So bring the kids and help them strut their stuff – it’s sure to be a day worth remembering! – DB
ite Wolf Saloon h W FEATURING Beers Pizza 0 4 1 r e v O Hamburgers
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Kidz and Karz Parade Saturday, Aug. 13, 10 a.m. Downtown Douglas
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Store Hours: Mon—Sat 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Closed on Sunday
Wolski Farm PP 3065: This farm has been one of the better flood irrigated farms in our area. There is a total of 360 deeded acres with 292 acres of Goshen Irrigation District water rights. There is a 1,782 sf home, a smaller, well kept 872 sf home, a 2,880 sf steel machine shed and various other storage sheds and barns. This farm tenant farmer in place APRhas FOR an excellent Round Balers raising beans and corn. This property has the distinct possibility of being split into smaller units. The Wolski Farm is listed at $725,000.
0% 48
Family That Makes Hay Together… Wright Hay Farm PP3079: MONTHS The Wright Hay Farm is located in Sioux County, NE approximately 8 miles
north together. of Henry,Now, NE.during This Deere 90 acres farm has 74 acres of Pathfinder water, a well kept frame home, numer* …saves ous outbuildings, corrals and two side roll sprinklers which are used to irrigate approximately 65 Season, you can chooseset 0% of financing acres of wellorestablished Alfalfa. There are an abundance of mature tree rows and dry land pastures for for 48 months big cash discounts livestock. Real Estate Taxes are $1,155. on the John Deere family of pull-type The Wright Hay Farm is listed at $225,000. PRICE REDUCED hay tools, including: Snyder Farm PP3092: This 80 acre tract of land with 74.9 acres enrolled in the CRP is located approxin 8 Series Round Balers mately 6 miles south of Torrington, WY onBalers Hwy 85 to County Rd 58 then one mile west to the property. Round Pull-Type Forage Harvesters The sf all steel building n 6003,050 Series Side-Pull and 800 & 900 with a reinforced concrete floor was built in 1998. The all metal building has twoMid-Pivot 18 x 24Mower-Conditioners overhead doors with electric openers. An insulated and heated 20 x 20 efficiency apartSeries ment is located in one corner of this building. Propane, electricity, well and septic onsite. n Square BalersFarm is listed at $198,500. The Snyder n Pull-Type ForageNow, Harvesters …saves during Deere ASA together. Property PP3041: This property is located approximately 3 miles NE of Henry, NE at 110 S-5 Rd. Season, you can choose 0% financing The property is just north the North Platte Valley and adjoins the vast grazing lands of Sioux County, NE. Come meet the family today andofwe’ll for 48 months big cash discounts There isyou a 2toorbdrm ranch style home that has been completely remodeled and is in good condition. A deck introduce some great savings. on the John Deere family of pull-type that runs the full length of But don’t wait… these deals arethe onlyhome affords great views and a relaxed setting for evenings. There is a 30 x 40 hay including: redtools, metal poleAugust barn, 1, 152011. x 40 lean-to for livestock, and a small set of corrals with an alley and working chute. available through Mower-Conditioners ASA Property is listed at $185,000. n 8 Series Round Balers
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n Pull-Type ForageEQUIPMENT, Harvesters GREENLINE L.L.C. GREENLINE EQUIPMENT, L.L.C. SaleSmen’S numberS 4920 LATHROP ROAD 801 WEST MAINTerry Hunt (Riv) (307) 247-3153 Come meet the family today and we’ll introduce you WY to some great savings. CASPER, 82601 RIVERTON, WYKent 82501 Lathrop (Cspr) (307) 235-8917 But don’t wait… these deals are only (307) 265-1870 (307) 856-4831 Gary Lathrop (Cspr/Riv) (307) 265-6737 available through August 1, 2011. Mower-ConditionersJohn Hornecker (Cspr) (307) 247-0574
Greg Becker (Cspr) (307) 261-1091 JohnDeere.com/Ag Dick McConnaughey (Riv) (307) 247-1568
Casper Store:
*Offer ends August 1, 2011. Offer applies only to new John Deere hay tools. Offer excludes John Deere disc mowers and Frontier-branded hay tools. Valid in the United States only. Valid at participating dealers only. 0% finance offer subject to approved credit on John Deere Credit Installment Plan. Some restrictions apply; see your dealer for details and other financing options.
GREENLINE EQUIPMENT, L.L.C. GREENLINE EQUIPMENT, L.L.C. (800) 359-0250 4920 LATHROP ROAD 801 WEST MAIN (307) 265-1870 Staff, New WY Company CASPER, WY 82601 Same Friendly RIVERTON, 82501 (307) 265-1870 (307) 856-4831 Summer Hours: Monday-Friday: 4920 Lathrop Road • Casper, WY 7:30 82605 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
After a successful run last year, the Wyoming g State Fair (WSF) Ranch n i n Ope Finals are back for d Rodeo a second year at the 2011 Weeken State Fair. “Last year was the first year of state finals, and it went really well,” says WSF Ranch Rodeo Finals Coordinator Larry Bentley. Ten teams from around the state qualified and competed at the first finals last August. From there, the top two teams, Bootheel 7 Ranch of Lusk and Sorenson Ranch of Arvada, competed at the Northern International Livestock Exposition in Billings, Mont. with teams from Idaho, Montana and North Dakota. Bootheel 7 Ranch finished third overall in the competition. “We were well represented at the NILE, and I think everyone enjoyed the rodeo and had a good time,” says Bentley. The top two teams this year will again qualify to compete at the NILE Ranch Rodeo on Oct. 19. According to Bentley, Wyoming’s Ranch Rodeo State Finals are expected to expand this year. “We have several new ranches that are interested
Ranch rodeo returns for state finals in participating, so we may have as many as 15 teams qualify this year, which means we will have to have a qualifying rodeo prior to the main rodeo, where only 10 to 12 teams will compete,” says Bentley. The ranch rodeo is an exciting competition featuring five events: ranch bronc riding, wild cow milking, team doctoring, team branding and trailer loading. The events are reminiscent of ranch work and are completed by four- to five-member teams. Each event is constrained by a time limit and scored using a time limit or point system. While each event doesn’t include all team members, it’s a fun event for everyone involved. “There is also some talk of having a chuck wagon cook-off attached to the rodeo this year,” says Bentley. “There may even be a dance or family fun night.” - WYLR
Wyoming State Fair Ranch Rodeo State Finals Sunday, Aug. 14, 3 p.m. Grandstand Arena
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The bustling activity of the Wyoming State Fair youth horse shows MONDAY reflects the competitive spirit of the hundreds of people involved. Horse shows are a big part of the Wyoming State Fair and are highly attended every year. According to Wyoming State Fair Director James Goodrich, several hundred competitors brought their horses to State Fair last year after qualifying at county fairs. “Contestants have to qualify at the county level, so there is a finite number of competitors,” says Goodrich. However, because competitors may qualify in multiple events, the number present at State Fair is highly variable. Across the state, however, Goodrich indicates there is a lot of interest in the horse program, but variation is seen based on program resources available in each county. Regardless of the number of competitors, the compe-
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State Fair horse shows draw statewide entries
tition is stiff, but accompanied by a friendly atmosphere. Available classes offer diverse options for competitors in a variety of areas. Halter classes look at the conformation of each horse without a rider. Horses are judged on the degree to which they meet breed characteristics. There are nine breeds specifically recognized, including Appaloosa, Arabian, Miniature, Morgan, Paint or Pinto, Palomino, pony breeds, Quarter Horse and Thoroughbred, as well as a class for other recognized breeds and mules. The diverse nature of the show allows a wide range of competitors. Performance classes span a wide scope of areas, with a total of 12 classes available. These classes are offered at three different levels to facilitate the experience of youth involved. Classes range from English to Western, including English hunt seat, reining and Western equitation. Showmanship classes test each competitor’s ability to present their horse to a judge, by maneuvering their horse as directed, as well as preparing the horse for show. Additionally, the demeanor of the showman is considered. Four levels of showmanship include FFA, 4-H Senior, 4-H Intermediate and 4-H Junior, offering youth the chance to compete at their own skill level. – WYLR
Youth Horse Show Showmanship Youth Horse Show Halter Classes Youth Horse Show Programmed Ride Youth Horse Show Trail Classes Monday, Aug. 15, 10 a.m. Horse Arenas Youth Horse Show Performance Classes Tuesday, Aug. 16, 7:30 a.m. Horse Arenas
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Top Wyoming hay travels to Douglas
Another great year looks to be in store for this year’s hay contest, which is held every year at the Wyoming State Fair. “We want to encourage producers to take advantage of their local county shows and then also to be active in the state show here at the Wyoming State Fair,” says Wyoming Business Council (WBC) member Donn Randall, who organizes the show. The hay show allows producers from across the state to bring their finest cuttings to compete for top honors. Not only is it a great way to compare hay quality and differences from across the state, but potentially across the country as well. “From the state level, producers have the opportunity to continue on with two options at the national level, the first of which happens to be the World Dairy Expo, which takes place in Madison, Wisc. in the fall. The other hay show that we participate in is the World Ag Trade Show, which occurs in California in February and is relatively new,” explains Randall. Each year the WBC sponsors the top five finalists in the World Dairy Expo, paying for their entry and shipping fees. “Wyoming has historically done very well at the World Dairy Expo. In fact, last year Wyoming sent five entries, and they all placed in the top six and a young lady from Powell won the whole thing,” notes Randall. With the added moisture and temperamental weather, this season many farmers are getting a late start cutting and putting up hay. “It’s hard to say whether or not this year’s moisture and late growing season will really affect the number of entries in the state show. Most of the entries, especially the quality entries, will be third or even fourth cuttings from last fall. Most of these samples should have been saved from last fall. I’m not say-
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ing that a first cutting from this year won’t be of quality, but, traTUESDAY ditionally speaking, the first cuttings are a little coarser and don’t have the nutrient value found in the later cuttings,” explains Randall. Contestants in the hay show wait for their last cutting in the fall before choosing best selection for their hay show entries the next year. “We do not foresee a big affect on this year’s entries. If anything, the later growing season will just affect the volume of hay that some counties are used to producing,” says Randall. Randall says the national shows are great opportunities to market Wyoming’s hay to foreign markets such as China and Japan. The Wyoming State Fair Hay Show is located in the old dairy barn at the end of the midway. Stop in to look at different entries from across the state and to ask questions of local hay producers and WBC staff. – WYLR
Premier Wyoming Hay Show Judging: Tuesday, Aug. 16, 9 a.m. Wyoming Agriculture and Natural Resources Pavillion
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
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Grab some teammates and try to grab some pork at the slipperiest competition the Tuesda fair has to offer – the annual Pig ‘n’ Mud y Wrestling Championship! This fan-favorite event, set for Tuesday, Aug. 16 at 7 p.m. is good, not-so-clean fun for participants, and just plain fun for spectators, as team members chase a rowdy squealer through a pit of mud in an attempt to capture it and deposit it into a barrel in under a minute. Entry fee is $50 per four-member team. Just want to watch the wet and wild action? Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for kids. – DB
Pig ‘n’ Mud Wrestling Championship Tuesday, Aug. 16, 7 p.m. Grandstand Arena
2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
Douglas Rotary feeds the fair Every year at the Wyoming State Fair, members of the Douglas Rotary Club can be seen from 5 a.m. until after midnight working to prepare delicious meals for fair-goers. Since 1981, committee chairman Rick Hollon and his crew have worked hard to provide a variety of food options for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the first year of Douglas Rotary’s existence, the club was searching for a fundraising idea and decided to start a food booth at the State Fair. “Initially, we were one of the booths underneath the grandstands and only open during the shows in the evenings,” remembers Hollon. But, for the last 25 years, the Rotary booth has been in its current location at the end of the Midway. The move allows them to stay open longer and serve a wider crowd. Hollon and his crew serve a variety of items through the day, including their famous strawberry pancakes and nachos.
Douglas Rotary Food Booth Open from 6:30 a.m. to about 10 p.m. daily End of Midway
Get ready for the feel of
“Our breakfast is huge,” says Hollon. “The strawberry pancakes are a big hit. We’ve even started selling just strawberries and whipped cream in the morning.” Strawberry pancakes are one He also of the best-selling items at the emphasizes, “We Rotary Club food booth. have world-famous nachos. We even make the nacho cheese sauce ourselves. But, to get the most for your money, the taco salad is pretty hard to beat.” The food booth features a variety of food products beyond pancakes, nachos and taco salad. Hollon says the club works hard to improve the quality of the booth from year to year. “I think we’ve improved the quality of our hamburger in the last several years, and people really like it,” Hollon says. Another benefit of the Rotary Food Booth is their durable cold drink mugs and coffee cups that allow fair-goers to get a reduced price on drinks throughout fair week. Hollon says his committee starts meeting the first week of June and meets every week until State Fair, putting in hundreds of hours of preparation, and the work isn’t over until after the week of hard work. “The breakfast crew shows up between 5 and 5:30 a.m., and the cleanup crew doesn’t leave until after midnight,” says Hollon. Despite the hard work, Hollon enjoys helping put the booth together each year. “One thing that is really fun is that we see a lot of the same people year after year,” comments Hollon, particularly mentioning the 4-H and FFA members that frequent the booth. The booth is the primary fundraiser for the club, funding their service work throughout the year. Rotary is a service-based organization, and the funds raised during State Fair provide scholarships to college students, support a high school foreign exchange for students in Douglas, provide funds for a student-of-the-month program and allow the club to purchase gifts and stocking stuffers for the Douglas Christmas giving project, as well as additional community-service projects. Be sure to stop by the Douglas Rotary Club food booth at any time of day to enjoy your favorite meal at State Fair! - WYLR
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The Rotary lunch crew annually feeds many mouths during State Fair week. Courtesy photo
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
In addition to a performance by country artist Darryl Worley, enterY A D S E tainment at the 2011 N WED Wyoming State Fair will include free acts from Aug. 16- 20. The Darryl Worley show, which will be opened by Chancey Williams and the Younger Brothers Band, will take place Wednesday, Aug. 17 at 7 p.m. Advance tickets are $10, while the
Darryl Worley stops at 2011 WSF
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Darryl Worley Concert Wednesday, Aug. 17, 7 p.m. WSF Grandstand day of the concert they will cost $15. Though a schedule is not set, the free acts typically rotate on stage starting at 10 a.m. everyday until 10 p.m. Free concerts throughout the week include Chancey Williams and the Younger Brothers Band, Marty Davis, Washboard Willy and the Michael Mezmer Yampa Valley Boys. This year’s free entertainment includes the Great American Petting Zoo, which contains a wide variety of animals including llamas, Fallow Deer, Bennett’s Wallabies, African pygmy goats, assorted exotic and domestic goats and sheep, Vietnamese potbellied pigs, bantam chickens, miniature Sicilian donkeys, miniature Call Ducks and other young animals. The free events also include hypnotist Michael Mezmer who runs a comedy hypnosis show known for its public and critical acclaim, and Mezmer has toured throughout the United
States and the Orient performing before millions with standing-room-only crowds at major fairs, amusement parks, festivals, corporate events, universities, night clubs, casinos and at other special events. The free Doggies of the Wild West show features dogs rescued from animal shelters around the country and trained by Gary Noel. Jillybean, a master storyteller, will also be featured throughout the week, featuring ventriloquism, puppetry and illusions as part of the Gospel message. Lanky the Clown and Pippi the Clown will also be present on the fairgrounds throughout the week. – DB
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
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Harriet Hageman fights for Wyoming, U.S. agriculture In her nomination for the 2011 Wyoming Agriculture Hall of Fame, Harriet Hageman’s list of accomplishments on behalf of agriculture include such notable court cases as Nebraska v. Wyoming, State of Wyoming v. USDA and USES and Anderson v. Two Dot Ranch. Hageman was born the fifth of six biological children to Jim and Marion Hageman of Fort Laramie, where she spent her childhood and adolescence working with her family on their ranch. During high school she was active in FFA, and following graduation she attended Casper College on a livestock judging scholarship. Following her time there, she attended UW, receiving a bachelor’s degree in 1986 and a law degree in 1989. Since then, Hageman has been the lead attorney for the state of Wyoming in protecting its share of the North Platte River, and she also fought the USDA to protect Wyoming’s access to national forest lands during the Roadless Lawsuit, which resulted in a nationwide injunction. She has also successfully defended Wyoming’s Open Range Law before the Wyoming Supreme Court, in addition to representing numerous ranchers, irrigation districts and grazing permittees. It’s her tenacity in protecting both Wyoming and U.S. agriculture that has earned her a place in the Wyoming Agriculture Hall of Fame. “I’ve had a varied practice over time, but I’ve been very fortunate to come back to Wyoming and be able to work in the agriculture industry from a legal standpoint,” says Hageman of her experience. “After working with her on a daily basis for more than 14 years, I can affirmatively state that no one works harder or cares more for Wyoming agriculture,” says Kara Brighton, who partners
with Hageman in the Hageman and Brighton Law Office in Cheyenne. “I consider Harriet a true role model for young people in agriculture,” says UW graduate Stacia Berry. “She helped me to realize that someone has to fight agriculture’s fight for land, water and other natural resources that can be easily stripped away. She is a zealous advocate for producer and landowner’s rights; she works incredibly hard to protect them. Watching her in action is a privilege and an inspiration.” “Role models like Harriet are rare. Her work did not put agriculture on the map – it is more important, because right now she is keeping agriculture on the map,” continues Berry. “Harriet’s love and commitment to Wyoming water rights, private property and protecting open range is honorable,” say Rick and Klodette Stroh of Stroh Farms. “Harriet utilizes her God-given common sense, and has prevailed at protecting people’s rights.” Wyoming State Engineer Pat Tyrrell says he’s watched Hageman’s tireless work on behalf of Wyoming agriculture for the last two decades. “Whether the issue be wolves, roads, federal land management or water rights, she is there fighting for the rights of the agriculture community,” says Tyrrell. “Harriet comes at her passion not from the position of an attorney with particular talents in an area she exploits to make a good living – rather, her focused energy comes from her very real love of agriculture, having grown up in the business, and her fervent desire to protect a way of life that, at times, seems attacked from every corner.” Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation Executive Vice President Ken Hamilton says, “We are for-
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tunate that we have someone who has the agriculture background and the legal tenacity to take on some of these problems with which we’re presented in the ag community.” “Natural resource management is as much a part of today’s agriculture industry as animals science, noxious weed control or agricultural economics,” says UW College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Dean Frank Galey. “A graduate of the University of Wyoming College of Law, Harriet Hageman has been actively involved in water and natural resource legal issues affecting the agriculture industry for more than 15 years.” Hageman’s parents, Jim and Marion Hageman, were inducted into the Wyoming Agriculture Hall of Fame in 2001, and Galey says that, like her father, Harriet is committed to education and is always willing to share her knowledge with producers, students and the public. A few of her educational efforts include The ABCs of Water, Wyoming Water Law 101 for Landowners, the Wyoming Association of Rural Water Systems and small acreage workshops. In 2004, Hageman and Brighton formed the Wyoming Conservation Alliance in effort to increase public participation at both the state and federal regulatory levels. Hageman has also delivered talks to livestock producer groups, has spoken at the Wyoming Water Commissioner’s School and has lectured at local conservation district meetings. – WYLR
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Credited with continuously challenging gova Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurernment agencies’ policies and collaborating to ances program for sage grouse, which includes find practical solutions, this summer Rawlins-area working with the BLM, the U.S. Fish and Wildrancher Niels Hansen joins the Wyoming Agrilife Service, the Wyoming Game and Fish Departculture Hall of Fame as a 2011 ment, the Wyoming State Grazing inductee. Board and oil and gas developers. Hansen is also known for “Niels Hansen has commitworking with the energy industry ted for more than 20 years to a on issues including reclamation, cooperative monitoring program noxious weed control, dust conwith the BLM and UW Cooperatrol and roads. tive Extension Service, which has Hansen’s sister and ranch resulted in a permanent 25 perpartner Anna Helm says Hansen cent increase in AUMs on one of is, indeed, the leader of the operahis allotments,” says Magagna. tion and the mainstay of the fam Of the cooperative monitoring ily’s agricultural family history. program, Madigan says, “This “We are the third generation monitoring involvement takes on the land, but the first generaa considerable amount of time, tion American-born,” says Helm. as well as monetary investment, “Our great uncle started the ranch but Niels strongly believes it is in the 1890s, and our father joined important to his operation’s viahim in 1927. Niels took over in bility.” Niels Hansen 1974, and we were pleased to be holds dedication In addition to the monitoring, joined by the fourth generation on Madigan says Hansen is always and respect for the ranch in 2007.” willing to participate in experifamily’s ranch “As our ranch manager, Niels mental trials concerning range land has instilled a dedication and monitoring improvements, such respect of the land he loves in the entire family,” as a recent reclamation study looking at the use of continues Helm. “As my children lost their father animal trampling and manure to improve vegetaat the ages of seven and three, he has guided his tion recovery. and my children through many years of protecting Hansen also builds partnerships and opens the land and livestock under our care. My daughter lines of communication with fellow ranchers and calls him ‘The Captain.’” government agencies by hosting tours on his pub According to Wyoming Stock Growers Assolic allotments. ciation Executive Vice President Jim Magagna, “While Niels is respected for many accomHansen is dedicated to making the public-private plishments in his community, the ranching industry partnership successful on the checkerboard lands and in livestock organizations, he is most highly where he operates. recognized for his relentless efforts to maintain “Niels has particularly dedicated himself to sustainable public land ranching,” says Magagna. making the public-private partnership successful “It is not a stretch of reality to call Niels the public on checkerboard lands where he operates, and he land ranching leader of Wyoming.” has done this through a commitment to steward Wyoming State Grazing Board Rangeland ship that does not discriminate by land ownership,” Consultant Dick Loper agrees, saying, “The Wyosays Magagna. “This commitment has won Niels ming agriculture community should be very glad several awards, but, more importantly, it’s made that Niels’ mom did not heed the advice of Willie him a trusted advisor to federal land managers who Nelson to not let your sons grow up to be cowboys. are addressing similar issues elsewhere.” Niels should be considered the poster man for the Members of the BLM Rawlins Field Office ‘Code of the West.’ His work ethic, his dedication (RFO) range staff praise their working relationship to family values and the livestock industry and his with Hansen. science-based approach to the stewardship of the “The RFO staff works cooperatively manland is a role model for how to manage for healthy aging 250,000 acres of predominately ‘checkerrangelands under the concept of multiple use that board’ lands within the RFO area. Intensive liveincludes livestock grazing. Niels is a great example stock grazing management, implementation of preof how to be a patriarch for a viable family ranchscribed burns, chemical applications of tebuthiuron ing operation on native rangelands in Wyoming.” and development of numerous range improve “Niels spends many hours in meetings across ments with a landscape perspective regardless of the state and nation and on the phone with indusland ownership has resulted in maintaining and try participants,” says Helm. “Many ranchers improving all rangelands of PH Livestock Comhave come to depend upon his insightful wisdom, pany,” says RFO Field Manager Patrick Madigan understanding of the issues and willing leadership of working with Hansen on his ranch lands. to help them through difficult times of their own.” Hansen is also a state leader on working to craft – WYLR 34
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Conference, picnic highlight Wyo agriculture Again this year the Wyoming Livestock Roundup and Double S Feeders of Wheatland will partner for the 2011 Cattlemen’s Conference, held annually at the State Fair. This year’s conference will be held at the Clarion Inn in Douglas and will begin at 1 p.m. Topics to be addressed will include using ultrasound to evaluate replacement heifers, the shortand long-term effects of winter decisions on cows, calves and yearlings and an update on Wyoming Agriculture in the Classroom’s plan moving into the future. UW Extension Beef Specialist Steve Paisley
2011 Cattlemen’s Conference Wednesday, Aug. 17, 1 – 4:30 p.m. Clarion Inn, Douglas 2011 Wyoming Agriculture Hall of Fame Picnic Wednesday, Aug. 17, 5:30 P.M. Riverside Park, north of fairgrounds will speak at the conference, in addition to Mantha Phillips and Jessie Berry of Wyoming Ag in the Classroom. Governor Mead, UW College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Dean Frank Galey and UW President Tom Buchanan have been invited to attend and share their thoughts on Wyoming agriculture, brucellosis and UW issues, respectively. Following the Cattlemen’s Conference, at 5:30 p.m. the Wyoming Livestock Roundup, Farm Credit Services of America and EnCana Oil and Gas will host the annual Agriculture Hall of Fame Picnic at Riverside Park in Douglas, just north of the fairgrounds. At the picnic the Roundup will induct Rawlins area rancher and public lands grazing advocate Niels Hansen and Wyoming agriculture attorney Harriet Hageman into the Wyoming Agriculture Hall of Fame, honoring and recognizing their outstanding contributions to Wyoming’s ag industry. Each year, readers of the Roundup nominate the individuals for the Hall of Fame, who are then chosen by a panel of three judges. Members of Wyoming’s Congressional delegation and Governor Matt Mead have been invited to recognize the 2011 inductees. Wyoming Agriculture in the Classroom will recognize their 2011 Educator of the Year, Beth Marlatt of Hulett, a fourth-grade teacher at the Hulett elementary school. Susan Thomas, wife of the late Senator Craig Thomas, will present the Craig and Susan Thomas Foundation Leadership Award. – WYLR
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1213 Teton Way Douglas, WY 82633 (307) 358-2449 2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
Ranchway feed
Extreme Bulls visit WSF
Thursda y
If you’re looking for some excitement, you’ve come to the right place. Extreme Bull Riding is back in the grandstands and ready for another stellar year of competition as the PRCA Heartland Pro Rodeo Series rolls into town Thursday, Aug. 18. Along with the PRCA Rodeo performances on Friday and Saturday nights at 7 p.m. in the Grandstand, Extreme Bull Riding features Cervi Championship Rodeo stock and is sure to keep you entertained with plenty of high-flying, rough-riding rodeo action. Bulls start at 7 p.m. at the Wyoming State Fair Grandstands. – DB
PRCA Extreme Bull Riding Thursday, Aug. 18, 7 p.m. Grandstand Arena LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR SCRAP IRON! CLEANUP: A Northwest Tradition Built on Trust
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For the 2011 Wyoming State Fair, the Wyoming Pioneer Association has y a d once again planned a s Thur day filled with fun, food and reminiscing about days gone by. The pioneer meetings are a tradition that predates the 20th century. Starting in 1884, the first-ever pioneer meetings were held and were open to residents who were from or were doing business in the Wyoming Territory. Starting in 1905, the Wyoming Pioneer Association began
Wyoming Pioneers carry tradition holding its meetings in Douglas at the Wyoming State Fair. The Wyoming Pioneer Association holds its roots deep in Wyoming’s history, as the pioneers were a pivotal force behind obtaining statehood. The association was incorporated on Jan. 8, 1926, and 85 years later it serves as an advisory board to the Wyoming Pioneer Memorial Museum and has members both statewide and nationally. This year’s events will take place on Thursday, Aug. 18 with entertainment throughout the day, including the presentation of winning stories from fourth graders from around the state. For more information about the Wyoming Pioneer Association or this year’s meeting, contact Mary Engebresten at 307-334-229. – WYLR
Pioneer Day Thursday, Aug. 18 Wyoming Pioneer Memorial Museum Fairgrounds admission free for individuals 62 years and older
RANCHES FOR SALE CARLAT RANCH – Johnson County, Wyoming 4,718± acres total of which 4,638± acres deeded, 80± acres BLM lease. Located 24 miles south of Buffalo. Owner-rated at 250 animal units year around. Depending on the year, fertilizer program and management practices, the ranch can produce 850-1000 tons of hay annually, which allows for hay to be sold. 209± acres irrigated under 2 pivot sprinkler systems, 40± acres flood irrigated, 64± acres irrigated by gated pipe, and 159± acres dryland hay land. Two creeks traverse through the ranch, two large reservoirs and large stock water storage tank piped to stock tanks. Fenced into seven pastures. The ranch has first priority adjudicated water rights out of Beaver Creek. Improvements consist of newer modular residence with attached 2-car garage, older log home, double-wide mobile home, large shop/ machine building, calving shed, barns, corrals, new set of pipe corrals. Good fishing and hunting. Price: $4,525,000. The GEORGE R. MITCHELL RANCH -- Wheatland, Wyoming 3515± acres total of which 2463± acres deeded, 972± acres State lease and 80± acres BLM lease. Estimated carrying capacity is 150-175 Animal Units year around. Excellent adjudicated water rights for 371± acres from North Laramie River. Flood irrigated meadows. Two old residences, shop, barn, corrals. The North Laramie River traverses through the deeded portion of the ranch for 2½ miles providing excellent livestock water availability and wildlife habitat. Price Reduced to: $2,438,370.
For more information, contact
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John D. Pearson, Broker/Owner Theo B. Hirshfeld, Assoc. Broker John Gammon III, Assoc. Broker Jerry Kaufmann, Sales Assoc. Robert Turnbull, Sales Assoc. Bill Welles, Sales Assoc. Cheryl Summer, Sales Assoc. Jerry Cundall, Sales Assoc.
With what’s described as an “exploding” sport with 11,000 members across the U.S., this year, for the first time, a Ranch Sorting National Championships (RSNC) event will be held at the Wyoming State Fair. “We just finished our fourth nationals in Oklahoma, and we had 4,093 teams compete,” says RSNC President Dave Wolfe of Wellington, Colo. Wyoming boasts 700 of its own members. Although RSNC has only been in existence for four years, ranch sorting competitions have been a part of Cheyenne Frontier Days for 11 years. Wolfe says that, in 2010, there were 1,400 teams at the Cheyenne event. “We do have a substantial number of contestants in Wyoming, and we’re excited to bring this event to the state fair,” says Wolfe. Of what to expect when attending an RSNC event, Wolfe says it’s a family-friendly competition that takes a routine ranch task – that of separating steers from heifers or cows from calves – and turns it into a game. “We sort cattle in numerical order from one
Ranch sorting event makes first appearance at State Fair
pen to another, and the team that sorts the most cattle in the fastest time Thursda wins,” he explains. y The competition is open to any member from anywhere, and Wolfe says new members can join at the event and compete that day. All contestants are required to enter a draw at least once, so that new contestants without partners, who can enter the draw up to five times, have the chance to compete. All classes are jackpotted, meaning a percentage of the entry fee is paid back to the contestants. Also, there will be Wyoming State Fair belt buckles awarded to the winning teams. “We’d love for anyone to visit our website and find out more about the sport, and maybe join us and bring a horse to the state fair,” says Wolfe. For more information visit ranchsorting.com. – WYLR
Ranch Sorting Thursday, Aug. 18 – 8 a.m. Silver Arena
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
Cynthia M Lummis Cynthia’s values and work ethic are rooted in Wyoming’s rich agricultural heritage.
As a former 4-H and Wyoming State Fair exhibitor, Cynthia knows, �irst- hand, the role 4H and FFA play in building tomorrow’s leaders, today! Cynthia, a 4th generation Wyoming rancher, �ights for Wyoming’s farmers and ranchers every day on the House Agriculture Committee, the �irst member of Congress from Wyoming to serve on that committee in over 70 years. Not Printed at Government’s Expense Paid for and authorized by Lummis for Congress
Bruce Sabers - 605-431-6261, Rapid City, SD • Jesse Holzemer - 307-752-1568, Sheridan, WY Gary Hutzel - 308-631-6912, Scottsbluff, NE • Todd Zurcher - 308-631-7380, Scottsbluff, NE Steve Case - 660-885-5759, Boise, ID
FREMONT COUNTY LAND AVAILABLE Fremont County has had excellent moisture this spring and things are greening up. Now is a great time to check out these listings! NORTH MUDDY FARM: Located in the Pavilion area, this 540 acre farm has 320 irrigated acres, with two Zimmatic pivots covering 190 acres, with the balance flood irrigated. The farm includes a 500 hd feedlot, garage, machine shed, good home and numerous other outbuildings. Live water year-round. Located in an area which gets very little snowfall and typically mild winters. Great wintering unit. No mineral activity on this property and water is good. Owners wish to pursue other business interests. Priced right at $695,000. BROKEN ARROW RANCH: This is an excellent hay base and wintering unit for a cow-calf operation. Located NE of Pavilion, this is a low overhead operation, with several sources of live water year-round, plus an artesian well. There is mineral activity on the property, with lease payments sufficient to pay the water and taxes. The domestic water on this farm, and the neighboring farms, is good. There are 632 total acres, all deeded, with 438 irrigated. One center pivot, balance underground and gated pipe. Very nice home on the property. Owner wishes to retire, and will finance the property on competitive terms. Machinery also available under separate treaty. Priced where it should be at $885,000. RP RANCH: Located east of Pavilion, 83 acres with 61 irrigated by gated pipe. Fenced into three pastures. Nice sloping ground with view of Ocean Lake and Wind River Mtns. Power adjacent. $125,000. ARROW RANCH: West Pavilion Road frontage. Consisting of 87 acres with 80 irrigated in alfalfa. Gated pipe. Live water year-round and new well on property. Almost half of the irrigated ground is Class 1&2 land. Asking $180,000 Owner financing available.
RANGE REALTY, LLC Fred Nelson, Broker/Owner Kevin Blankenship, Sales Associate 307.840.0593 • 307.857.4449 11519 Highway 26 • P.O. Box 372 • Kinnear, Wy 82516 email: kinnear@wyoming.com •
On Friday, Aug. 19 and Saturday, Aug. 20, enjoy a full day of activities at the second annual BLM Mustang Days, an event that Wyoming State Fair Director James Goodrich says has been thriving since its start three years ago. “Although we haven’t seen the crowd that we had three years ago when the Mustang Heritage Foundation was involved in the initial event, we have seen the grassroots participation grow,” says Goodrich, adding that he sees a lot of interest in what he refers to as a “good, solid competition.” The Mustang Horse Show is an open/amateur event, and features wild horses, whether freshly broke or well seasoned, and their owners. This year the show has been expanded to include team sorting and more freestyle competition in both the
Wild horses show off at Mustang Days Second Annual Wyoming Mustang Days Aug. 19-20 Horse Arenas BLM Mustang Horse Show Friday, Aug. 19, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Halter, lead line, team sorting and riding classes Horse Arenas Trainer Competition Showcase and Wild Horse Adoption Saturday, Aug. 20, 2-5 p.m. Competition of 10 saddle-started wild horses, which are available for adoption at 4:30 p.m. Horse Arenas 2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
youth and adult categories. The team sorting competition will feature randomly drawn teams, while the adult and youth freestyle contests will feature routines set to musical selections. On Saturday, the Trainer Competition Showcase and Wild Horse Adoption will take place from 2 -5 p.m. Showcase horses have been trained by the Wyoming Honor Farm in Riverton and the Mantle Wild Horse Training Facility near Wheatland, and the trainer competition involves 10 Wyoming trainers, each with a saddlestarted wild horse. The trainers’ competition horses will be available for adoption at 4:30 p.m., and a portion of the proceeds will benefit Wyoming Agriculture in the Classroom. Wild horse yearlings will be available for adoption Aug. 16-18 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the BLM pens on the Midway. – WYLR
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Challenger Gooseneck Livestock Trailer 6’6” Inside Height Torsion Axles 6 Bolt Hubs Electric Brakes on all 4 Wheels Outside Uprights on 24” Centers Fold Down Calf Gate in Nose Spring Loaded Drop Leg Jack Adjustable 2-5/16” Coupler ...and more!
It’s that time of PRCA Rodeo year again – the PRCA Pro Rodeo is back in Friday, Aug. 19, 7 p.m. the grandstands at the Saturday, Aug. 20, 7 p.m. Wyoming State Fair for another exciting Grandstand Arena year. This year’s PRCA rodeo will begin at 7 p.m. on Aug.19-20 in the Grandstand Arena. As always, you will see some of the best ropers, wranglers, wrestlers and riders around at this year’s rodeo as contestants compete for titles and bragging rights. Miss Rodeo Wyoming will also be crowned during the performance Saturday night. Tickets are $10 or $3 for kids ages three to 12. Call the Wyoming State Fair office at 307-358-2398 for ticket sales or more information. – DB
PRCA rodeo finishes out State Fair
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Ranch horse competition kicks off on a new day The Wyoming State Fair ranch horse competition offers the chance for farmers and ranchers to challenge their horsemanship and cattle working skills in the ranch horse competition. Ranch Horse Competition Superintendent Tim Ettlemen says, “You don’t have to have a finished show horse. You can just bring your ranch horse.” “We try to emulate a typical ranch day,” says Ettlemen of the competition. As contestants enter the arena, they are required to complete four elements: trail, reining, cow handling and roping. The trail portion of the course involves navigating obstacles such as crossing a bridge, opening a gate or pulling a log. A short reining pattern exemplifies horsemanship of contestants. The cow work accommodates competitors at different levels, including a combination of boxing a cow, moving it down the fence, roping, and stopping the cow. Ettlemen points out that the competition is on a different day this year, and in a different arena, to accommodate more contestants. Previously, use
of the Grandstand Arena necessitated a cap on the number of competitors allowed to adhere to the strict arena schedule. This year, the competition won’t be subject to time constraints. “I expect that we’ll have 75 to 80 entries this year,” says Ettlemen. – WYLR
Ranch Horse Competition Friday, Aug. 19, 8 a.m. Silver Arena
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
In 2012 the Wyoming State Fair will celebrate its 100th year, and the 100th Wyoming State Fair Celebration Committee has been meeting since 2010 to plan the 2012 event and is excited for the events to be featured. Wyoming State Fair Director James Goodrich says it’s not the 100th consecutive state fair, because a few years were missed during the Great Depression and World War II, but it will be a big celebration. “There is a lot of discussion to see what the activities will be. We haven’t set the events in concrete yet, though,” says committee co-chairman and Wyoming Senator Jim Anderson, who highlights fundraising efforts as one of the committee’s current objectives. “I ran a bill in the past legislature that enables the state to match funds we raise starting at $100,000 up to $250,000,” he says. A fundraising goal of $100,000 was set, and major fundraising efforts began in July. Goodrich says a commemorative book compiled by committee member Jennifer Womack, as well as other commemorative items, will be associated with the fundraising effort. Fundraising brochures became available at the end of July. The ambitious fundraising endeavor will fund a number of events not seen at the Wyoming State Fair before. “Special attractions and additional enter-
State Fair will celebrate 100 years in 2012
tainment are in the works,” says Goodrich. “We have a number of events that are in progress, but they aren’t finalized yet.” He continues, “The over-riding theme is ‘Wyoming’s 100th State Fair.’” The general committee selected a tagline and logo in late-July, and Goodrich says there were a couple of good candidates. The committee has also decided to include a display featuring each county in the state. “County displays were a prominent factor in early state fairs,” says Goodrich, “We are making an effort to get participation from every county.” The 100th year celebration will also feature two parades. Along with a modern parade, the second parade is described by Goodrich as an “old-time” parade, reminiscent of those from early state fair years. Be on the lookout for the 100-year celebration display at the 2011 Wyoming State Fair to get the latest information on Wyoming’s 100th State Fair. For more information on Wyoming’s 100th State Fair Celebration, contact the State Fair Office at 307-357-2398 or wsf.100years@ wyo.gov. - WYLR
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The Indian Dance was a feature at the 1908 Wyoming State Fair.
Doc Carver's Diving Horses filled the grandstands at the 1916 Wyoming State Fair.
Flex with the best
Championship Arm Wrestling Contest Saturday, Aug. 20, 3 p.m. North Stage
Get ready Saturda y to flex with the best in the 11th annual arm wrestling competition at the Wyoming State Fair. Men and women of all ages are invited to sign up, but children under 18 must have a guardian’s signature. Competitions for both left and right hands will take place. Weigh-ins will be from 12-2 p.m. Aug. 20 and contestants will sign up then. The competition will start at 3 p.m. on the North Stage on the Midway. In previous years, awards have been given to the top three winners in each class. The competition is free to watch upon paying admission to the fairgrounds. For more information, contact the US Armwrestling Association at 406-254-7305. – DB
Enhanced tax incentives for farmers & ranchers for conservation easements donated in 2010 & 2011
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307.772.8751 info@wsgalt.org www.wsgalt.org 2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
The Wyoming Centennial Farm and Ranch Program annually honors famy a d ilies who have owned and Satur operated the same farm or ranch for 100 years or more, and in its past five years the program has honored 144 ranches, including 21 families who will be recognized at the 2011 ceremony. According to the State Historic Preservation Office, they offer the recognition to Wyoming’s longstanding ag operations because the state’s ranch and farm lands are disappearing at an alarming rate. “Farmers and ranchers have withstood development pressure, drought and mining threats, and yet they have managed to preserve these important pieces of Wyoming’s rural heritage. Agriculture pro-
Wyoming honors hundredyear farms and ranches
Wyoming Centennial Farm and Ranch Ceremony Saturday, Aug. 20, 11:30 a.m. Douglas Intermediate School, Douglas duces more than food; it also maintains open spaces, contributes to the state’s economy and supports family businesses,” says the office. “These ranches and farms are not just history, but remain vital today and highlight the importance of agriculture to Wyoming.” “This program honors Wyoming agriculture and the tradition of Wyoming agriculture,” says Centennial Farm and Ranch Coordinator Nancy Weidel. “It honors families who have managed to hold onto the land for 100 years, which is really a remarkable feat.” Along with the 2011 ceremony, the State Historic Preservation Office anticipates the release of the 2008/2009 yearbook, which includes in-depth features on the honorees in those years. Following the ceremony a barbecue picnic will be held for the families who live on the ranches. – WYLR
Covolo Auto-Farm Service 80 Rees Rd • Mountain View, WY Phone: 307-786-2277 • Toll Free: 800-635-2475 52
Behind the scenes: keeping the beef barn running He’s known for his many side job talents, and in real life he is the manager of the Thorbardin Ranch outside of Laramie. But here at the Wyoming State Fair, Cody Talbott is the superintendent of the Junior Beef Show. Whether you are looking for a class sheet or need some clarifications on rules of the barn, Cody Talbott is the man to find, as he’s known for his trustworthy judgments and ability to keep everything in the beef barn running smoothly. The beef barn holds row upon row of cattle, and there are beef shows almost every day of the week. Members look to Talbott for guidance with their projects, and if he has time he is always willing to give some advice. He makes sure that exhibitors keep the barn clean and their projects content, while ensuring that everyone one is being honest when it comes to show time. As a Wyoming native, the third-generation cattleman is more than qualified for the job. Tal-
bott grew up outside of Saturda Laramie and has been y active in many different aspects of the cattle industry, including the club calf and feedlot industries. He also serves on the Albany County Fair Board and is active with many different activities at the county level. For an opportunity to see quality cattle from across the state be sure to stop by the beef barn, which is open to the public, during State Fair. The Junior Beef Show will be held Saturday, Aug. 20, starting at 8 a.m. in the beef ring. – WYLR
Junior Beef Show Saturday, Aug. 20, 8 a.m. Beef Ring
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
A Great Decision! 53
Oct. 14-16, LCCC Arena
See more than 400 competitors from 14 rodeo programs in the Central Rocky Mountain Region of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association
lccc.wy.edu • 307.778.LCCC Profits from the rodeo are put toward a scholarship fund in memory of former LCCC rodeo team member Shawn Dubie, who died from injuries he sustained while competing in saddle bronc riding at the Greeley Independence Stampede. 54
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Encana is proud to partner with FFA, 4-H and Ag in the Classroom to teach youth the importance of agriculture. We are also partners with the Wyoming Stock Growers Association and the Wyoming Stock Growers Agricultural Land Trust to preserve and strengthen agriculture for the future.
2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
Whether you show up for the famous raspberries, fresh vegetables or to try and sweeten your day with a stop by the honey booth, the farmers’ market at the Wyoming State Fair has something for everyone. y a d The farmers’ market vendors are all based out of Wyoming, giving shoppers Satur a unique opportunity to support the Wyoming economy. Many local favorite vendors will return in 2011, including fresh produce from Torrington and the infamous raspberries from Raspberry DeLight Farms near Riverton. Along with the usual vendors will be a few new faces, which include everything from baked goods such as biscotti to hand-crafted gifts and a healthy-snack booth based out of Cody. The Farmers’ Market is located under the big white tent at the bottom of the midway, and will be open Saturday, Aug. 20 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. A word from the wise – if you want some raspberries, you had better get there early! – WYLR
Farmers’ market a fan favorite
Wyoming Farmers’ Market Saturday, Aug. 20, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Event Tent
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Wyoming State Fair Parade Saturday, Aug. 20, 10 a.m. Downtown Douglas
Annual parade offers prizes Join hundreds of local residents this year as they take to the streets for the annual Douglas Lions Club State Fair Parade Aug. 21 at 10 a.m. This year’s theme is Country Nights, Carnival Lights and will travel from south 4th Street to downtown Douglas. Cash prizes are up for grabs, with $200 going
2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
to Best in Parade. Prizes will also be given to youth Saturda categories for floats, y equestrian, entertainment and high school and college bands. Adult awards include service, independent, equestrian, wagon, entertainment, commercial vehicles and collector vehicles. Adult participants must be at least 20 years old or older and drive the parade route under their own power. Participants should check in at 9 a.m. at 5th and Hamilton streets. For more information, contact the Wyoming State Fair office at 307-3582398. – DB
Their Fut Their Future Their Future
Their Futu
Fieldgrove Family Conservation Rancher
2011 2011 Leopold Conservation Award Winners
Photo courtesy of Sand County Foundation Co
Leopold leopoldconservationaward. org
Fieldgrove Family Conservation Rancher
Photo courtesy of Sand County Foundation leopoldconservationaward. org
2011 Leopold Fieldgrove Conservation Award Winners Family
dgrove Family Conservation Rancher courtesy of Sand Co Photo courtesy Family ofPhoto Sand County Foundation Fieldgrove vation2011 Rancher Leopold Conservation Award Winners Conservation leopoldconservationaward.org Rancher leopoldconservationawar www.wy.nrcs.usda.gov nservation Award Winners 2011 Leopold Conservation Award www.wy.nrcs.usda.gov
www.wy.nrcs.usda.gov 58
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
Brittany Richards ~ Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2011 Every girl has a dream, and on Aug. 21, 2010 Brittany Richards’s dream came true – the jade and gold crown of Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2011 was placed upon her white cowboy hat. The dream and desire for being Miss Rodeo Wyoming has never been far from Richards’s heart. She has devoted many years to making her dream come true, and is excited to start her journey on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The Snowy Range and rolling plains of sagebrush are the setting for the life story of Brittany, who grew up in the golden prairie grass and white-capped mountains and found herself experiencing Wyoming’s true beauty through its changing landscape and history. She has clinched the ideals of the land, and lives as strong as the wind blows. She always strives to do her best and experiences life with a passion that extends to everyone she meets. Growing up in Laramie with her supporting brother Dusty and loving parents Loren and
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Christine, Richards’s childhood activities laid the foundation for her current hobbies. She plays the piano, hunts elk and antelope and enjoys taking walks with her chocolate Labrador. Richards has been sitting in a saddle from a young age. Her grandparents are responsible for providing the opportunity to form her love of horses by giving Richards her first pony and saddle. She became a member of 4-H, showing horses and participating in numerous gymkhanas. In high school she showed her school spirit as a cheerleader and diver at the Laramie High School, and she participated in the German American Partnership Program and was able to attend a month of high school in southern Germany, along with backpacking through various European countries with her family. Richards then went on to graduate from the University of Wyoming in May 2010 with a degree in business administration. Richards spends September and October every year preparing and presenting the Haunted Ghost Tours of Laramie City with the Wyoming Territorial Prison. She has also served as an intern at the Northern International Livestock Exposition in Billings, Mont. for two year, producing the Little Stick Horse Stampede for kids and as secretary for the American Quarter Horse Association horse events and ranch rodeo. While Richards travels as Miss Rodeo Wyoming, she will continue teaching children about horse safety with her T.A.C.K. program, which focuses on the history of the horse, the physical and mental attributes of a horse and the proper way to act around horses at rodeos, fairs and, more importantly, at parades. Richards feels that awareness is the best way to prevent accidents, and she is eager to expand the reach of her program to a national level. Preparing for the duties of Miss Rodeo Wyoming, Richards has learned the value of honesty and hard work. The encouragement from her friends and family has given her the strength to continue to work on making her dream come true. Les Brown once said, “If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.” Richards has taken pride in her accomplishments and her growth over the years, and she is excited to help other girls accomplish their dreams while being true to who they are. – Courtesy Miss Rodeo Wyoming Pageant
Wyoming rodeo queens compete for 2012 Miss Rodeo Wyoming title The 57th Annual Miss Rodeo Wyoming pageant will be held in Douglas during the Wyoming State Fair from Aug. 16-20. The pageant, which challenges competitors in horsemanship, appearance and personality, will culminate with the crowning of the 2012 Miss Rodeo Wyoming during Saturday evening’s rodeo performance on Aug. 20. This year Brittney Richards of Laramie, the 2011 Miss Rodeo Wyoming, will pass down her crown at the end of the pageant. She will travel to Las Vegas, Nev. in December to compete for the title of Miss Rodeo America at the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. Additionally, 2011 marks the second year of the Little Miss Rodeo Wyoming Pageant for girls ages five to 12 years old.
Bailie Allshouse Miss Cody Stampede 2011 As a second generation Cody native, Miss Cody Stampede 2011 Bailie Allshouse is the perfect model of the Western way of life and the sport of rodeo. Growing up in Cody, the Rodeo Capitol of the World offers all young cowgirls the opportunity of a lifetime. Bailie started competing in the Cody Nite Rodeo at the young age of five years old and has been an active part of the rodeo scene since. Bailie is a vital part of the Mo Betta Rodeo Company and the Sankey Pro Rodeo Company flag barriers and grand entries, and she has held the honor of Stampede royalty starting with Junior Princess in 2006 and Senior Princess in 2008. Bailie is attending Northwest College where she is a member of the Northwest Trapper Rodeo team and plans to continue her education in the field of ag business at the University of Wyoming. Bailie’s future will always consist of breaking and training young horses, with the ultimate goal of competing on a professional level. She also enjoys piano, dance, softball, swimming, basketball and volleyball. Bailie’s platform is “Stay on Track and Shake Off the Dust” and she believes that “Focusing on the things that go right, professionalism, and having an attitude of gratitude, appreciation and humility are keys to staying on track and shaking off the dust.” She hopes to spread insight, inspiration and appreciation for the sport of rodeo.
2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
Desiree Bridges
Miss Teton County Fair and Rodeo 2011 Desiree is not a Wyoming cowgirl by birth, but by choice. Born a California girl and raised between there and Venezuela, she grew up with her dad’s tales of riding bulls with Gary Leffew and her mother’s stories of childhood trips to Jackson. Her heart belonged to the horses and Wyoming. At age nine, her dream came true and she moved to Jackson with her mom and brother. From Horse Warriors to working for Terry and Randy at the Puzzleface Ranch, the wonderful people of Teton County pointed Desiree toward her dream. Finally, she had horses of her own, Lil Jet, Fancy Pants and Dulce, and a stepfather, a roper, who loved horses as much as she did. Along the way, Desiree has found time to particiContinued on next page
Wednesday, Aug. 17 1:30-2 p.m. – Rotary Luncheon, Rotary Club fairgrounds booth 3 p.m. – First Round Horsemanship, indoor arena 5:15-7 p.m. – Wyoming Ag Hall of Fame picnic and silent auction, Riverside Park Thursday, Aug. 18 11 a.m. – Luncheon and auction, including speeches, media interviews, modeling and Little Miss Rodeo Wyoming Pageant, Clarion Inn 6-6:30 p.m. – Appearance, including impromptu questions and dance routines, North Stage 7 p.m. – Grand entry for Extreme Bulls, help with mutton bustin’, Grandstand Arena 8-9 p.m. – Sell programs and sign autographs, Midway Friday, Aug. 19 7:30 a.m. – Second round horsemanship, indoor arena 7-9 p.m. – Tentative, Tough Enough to Wear Pink Night grand entry, sell programs, Grandstand Arena Saturday, Aug. 20 10 a.m. – Wyo State Fair Parade, downtown Douglas 5-6 p.m. – Sell programs at Grandstand 7-9 p.m. – Rodeo grand entry and crowning of Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2012, Grandstand Arena 61
Continued from previous page pate in other activities. She excelled in drama, utilized her bilingual gift in assorted jobs and stood out in her studies. Desiree also competed in alpine ski racing and was proud to be named the 2009 High School All-State Girls Champion. Desiree is now a junior at the University of Wyoming, where she competes on the Equestrian Team in Western riding. Her focus now is on representing Teton County in a way that will demonstrate her love and pride for her home and validate the faith so many have put in her hands. As Miss Teton County Fair and Rodeo, Desiree hopes to be a positive role model for children, as she follows the motto: “When the odds are one in a million, be that one!”
Holly Kennedy Miss Laramie Jubilee Days 2011 Growing up on Wyoming’s windswept plains, Holly Kennedy learned at a young age that with hard work, dedication and active engagement she could achieve anything she dreamed. Whether it was in the one room schoolhouse she attended in her youth or at the University of Wyoming, Holly has been an active participant in promoting agriculture. Celebrating the past, present and future of agriculture, Holly is active in 4-H, FFA, Collegiate Horsemen, Collegiate CattleWomen and the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation’s Young Farmers and Ranchers. She was honored in 2010 to represent Wyoming at the
American Farm Bureau National Collegiate Discussion Meet, where she finished in the “Sweet Sixteen.” As varied as the terrain of the isolated ranch where she was raised, Holly’s interests include hunting, fishing, snowboarding, photography, sewing, horse judging, showing sheep, riding mules and horses. She is an old hand of the rodeo arena, participating in pole bending, barrel racing, breakaway roping and team roping. She credits her parents, Kelly and Alexa Kennedy, for instilling in her the confidence to always stand up for what she believes in; stand out to make herself and her issue known; and speak up about her beliefs. Holly encourages everyone to stand up, stand out and speak up about what is important to them.
Kimberly Kuhn Miss Sheridan-WYO Rodeo 2011 Proud to represent the Sheridan-WYO Rodeo, Kimberly Alexis Kuhn, a fifth-generation ranch owner in Johnson and Sheridan counties and the Big Horn Mountains, has been blessed to have been raised a Wyoming cowgirl. Kim achieved her bachelor of science from the
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University of Wyoming in agriculture business with a minor in finance. While at UW, she was a member of Delta Delta Delta Sorority, SPURS Honorary, Ag Ambassadors, UW Rodeo Team and recipient of the National Western Stock Show Scholarship. Kim is a member of Wyoming Rodeo Association, MileHi Barrel Racing Association, Cowgirls of the West and Big Horn Basque Club. She was honored to serve Cheyenne Frontier Days as Miss Frontier 2009, and as a leader of the CFD Dandies. Kim has earned her Gold Congressional Award and was commencement speaker at her high school graduation. She worked as a student page for the 59th Legislative Session and earned the Y.E.S. Award. Kim held many leadership positions in FFA, DECA and was a varsity member of the golf and dance teams. She was also awarded the FFA Area Star in Agricultural Placement Award, and enjoys breakaway roping, running barrels, singing, golfing and spending time with her family. Kim is full of life, always offering a warm hug, and a friendly smile; she believes a stranger is a friend she has not yet met. Kim cannot wait to continue promoting the sport of rodeo for the state of Wyoming with class, integrity, beauty and grace. – Courtesy Miss Rodeo Wyoming Pageant
2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
Nothing moves faster than rodeo action. Be a part of the thrills at the
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8:30-9:30 a.m. ~ Registration at the Center Street entrance 10 a.m. ~ Annual Meeting 1:00 p.m. ~ Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Ruthe James William Memorial Addition Group Photo at Pioneer Cabin Entertainment by Marty Davis Cabin will be open from Wed. to Sat for members to meet friends and visit. All events at the Pioneer Cabin bership WPA Mem ually nn A 5 $1 e $50 Lifetim
Stick horse races History Lessons Wool Spinning with Rhonda Dilts Crafts Clown visits Historic Trails Trunk Coming to the Sweetwater Events Complex Museum nearby! Old buildings tour! in 2012 & 2013Food eating contests Three-legged races Hula hoop contest Bean spitting contest Tortilla throwing Rock, paper, Scissors contest Wyoming Ag in the Classroom will be in the School House Children’s midway parade 4:00 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday
The Most Fun Ever on Dirt
Don’t miss the 26+ artists at this year’s 20th annual art show! Friday, Aug. 12 ~ Reception at 7:00 p.m. auction over hors d¹ oeuvres. Tickets are $25 each and can be obtained by calling 307-358-9288.
SEC_2RodeoAd_BHNs.indd 1 Saturday, Aug. ~ 13 Art show from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug .14 ~ Art show from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
Mantha Phillips
• JR & Jonee Crozier
Appaloosas make appearance
Returning to Douglas this year, Appaloosa horses will once again be featured in a show at the Wyoming State Fair. Held the last weekend of fair and hosted by the Big Wyoming Appaloosa Horse Club, on Saturday, Aug. 20 and Sunday, Aug. 21 Appaloosa enthusiasts will show off their horses in a number of classes, ranging from cowhorse events like calf roping, working cow horse and heading and heeling to speed events like the keyhole race and performance classes including Western riding and reining. The club has been holding its show in Cheyenne and then Torrington, but event co-superintendent Patty Hales says the opportunity to return to the State Fair has cut their show costs. The event is double-judged, giving contestants two sets of points, and, being at a state fair, those points are doubled, which results in
Appaloosa Show Saturday, Aug. 20, 7:30 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 21, 7:30 a.m. Equine Center
four sets of points to help competitors qualify for the World Championship Appaloosa Show. “Usually we draw from Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Utah and Colorado,” says Hales of the horses that will compete this summer. Because qualification for the world show ends in August, she adds that sometimes the Wyoming show draws entries from even farther distances. “This is the only Appaloosa show left in Wyoming, and we’ve been working really hard to keep it alive,” says Hales, noting that there used to be seven or eight shows for the breed in the state. “The show this year is bringing us home to the State Fair.” The Wyoming State Fair’s management decision to drop the Equine Extravaganza this year has opened the door for expansion into more diverse equine events, such as ranch sorting and the Appaloosa show, as well as an expansion of the Wyoming Mustang Days events earlier in the week. Although the Wyoming State Fair officially ends Aug. 20, Wyoming State Fair Director James Goodrich says the Appaloosa Show will continue into Sunday with their halter, showmanship and English classes. Hales encourages fair-goers to check out the show and to take in the colors and unique look of the Appaloosa horse, as well as to see their versatility. – WYLR
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
Now under the responsibility of the Wyoming Assoutive Director Bobbie Frank of the new strategy. “It will ciation of Conservation Districts (WACD), this summer help level out the tie-outs, and from a livestock perspecthe Pathway to Water Quality on the Wyoming State tive it will be a lot less boggy than usual.” Fairgrounds in Douglas has completed Phase 1 and 2 of Because compacted areas have low infiltration, the project. increased runoff or puddles and Phase 1 of the project includes decreased vegetation cover, the tiethe “Permeable Patio,” which is outs have been underlain with a spelocated in front of the Agriculture cialized grid material that can easand Natural Resources Building at ily hold and distribute the weight of the end of the Midway. The patio people, livestock and vehicles. The has been designed with the purgrid is filled with permeable gravel pose of reducing runoff, because and sits over a permeable gravel pad. most hard surfaces collect and con While the Pathway to Water Qualcentrate precipitation, causing eroity project is funding the implemension. tation of the patio, tie-outs and their The patio area is composed of technology, along with interpretive a grid of interwoven concrete and Construction and engineering firms installed signs to accompany them, the Wyovoid space, with the voids filled new technology under the livestock tie-outs ming State Fair is providing tables with sand, soil or grass, which on the Wyoming State Fairgrounds in Sum- and landscaping in the patio area. gives runoff the opportunity to fil- mer 2011 to reduce compaction and runoff, In conjunction with the pathincreasing water infiltration and drainage. ter down to a layer of gravel hidden way project, WACD will be presunderneath. ent on the fairgrounds from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday Phase 2 is located near the livestock tie-outs and through Friday of State Fair week, and watershed coorbarns. dinators will conduct water quality demonstrations at “The construction and engineering firms with which 20- to 30-minute increments. The demonstrations will we’ve contracted have installed innovative technology include topics like water quality and septic systems and that will serve to capture the runoff and filter it down, so erosion’s impact on water quality. – WYLR it doesn’t just run across the ground,” says WACD Exec-
Water quality project advances
Water Quality Demonstrations Monday-Friday, Aug. 15-19, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ag and Natural Resources Building
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
STATE FAIR ACTIVITIES Hay contest judging and awards Tuesday afternoon.
Monday, Aug. 15: All forage samples due in place at Natural Resource Center. Tuesday, Aug. 16: Forage judging begins at 9 a.m. in the Natural Resource Center.
For more information, contact Donn Randall at 307.777.6578 or donn.randall@wyo.gov.
WYOMING MERCANTILE New Location on the Midway, next to the wool barn. Tasty foods, jewelry, unique gifts, fiber products and much more!
Get back to your roots at the State Fair Farmers Market. Shop fresh, local food products brought in from all around the state.
August 15-20: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. . Saturday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Saturday, Aug. 20: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Located at the bottom of the Midway.
For more information, contact Kim Porter at 307.777.6319 or kim.porter@wyo.gov.
For more information, contact Kim Porter at 307.777.6319 or kim.porter@wyo.gov.
We are happy to announce the 4th Annual Ag Photo Contest
Contact Terri Barr at 307.777.2807 or terri.barr@wyo.gov with contest questions or to request an application.
Be Sure to Stop by the WBC Booth Stop by the Ag and Natural Resource Center for a visit or to pick up your copy of the Farm and Ranch Directory, Agtivities newsletter, Agriculture Statistics book or other ag program information.
Growing Wyoming Agriculture • www.wyomingbusiness.org AGRIBUSINESS STAFF
Cindy Garretson Weibel, Director 307.777.6589, cindy.weibel@wyo.gov
Kim Porter, Farmers Market & Education 307.777.6319, kim.porter@wyo.gov
Scott Keith, Livestock Genetics 307.259.3274, scott.keith@wyo.gov
Terri Barr, Marketing Information 307.777.2807, terri.barr@wyo.gov
John Henn, Livestock/Meat Marketing 307.777.2847, john.henn@wyo.gov
Donn Randall, Crop & Forage 307.777.6578, donn.randall@wyo.gov
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2011 Wyoming State Fair Program Guide
Wyoming Mercantile moves to the midway The Wyoming Mercantile will make its debut this year on the Midway at the Wyoming State Fair. Formerly the Wyoming Products Pavilion, the Wyoming Mercantile will upgrade its location from Fort Fetterman to a new building on the Midway. The Wyoming Mercantile will feature the Wyoming-made products of over 55 vendors throughout the state. Products range from foods and crafts to skin care products and jewelry, among other items. The Wyoming Mercantile is run by the Wyo-
The Wyoming Mercantile’s new facility under construction next to the wool barn on the Wyoming State Fairgrounds. Courtesy photo
ming Business Council (WBC), which will publish a catalog highlighting the products of each business. The new facility also allows the WBC to stage products in new ways and, among the benefits of the new facility, the move has increased visibility of Wyomingmade products, as well as the WBC. “We will be in the heart of where our true audience is,” says WBC Farmers Market and Education Project Coordinator Kim Porter. Be sure to stop by the new location during State Fair week, and be on the lookout for announcements about the special grand opening that will include gifts for those who make purchases and a ribbon cutting ceremony. For more information on Wyoming Mercantile, contact the Wyoming Business Council Agribusiness Division at 307-777-6319. – WYLR
Wyoming Mercantile Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Next to the Wool Barn
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Aug. 16 - 18, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Adopt a Yearling at BLM on Midway Aug. 19, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. BLM Mustang Horse Show Halter, Lead Line, Team Sorting and Riding Classes for all ages.
Aug. 20, 2 - 5 p.m. Trainer Competition Showcase & Wild Horse Adoption Competition of 10 saddle-started wild horses by WY Trainers*. Competition Horses will be available for adoption at 4:30 p.m.
All events are open to the public and are free. Sponsors for the event are the Bureau of Land Management and Encana Oil & Gas of Wyoming. A portion of the adoption proceeds will go to the WY Agriculture in the Classroom. *Showcase horses trained by Wyoming Honor Farm in Riverton, WY, and Mantle Wild Horse Training Facility in Wheatland, WY.
866-4MUSTANGS (866-468-7826) blm.gov • facebook.com/BLMWildHorseAndBurro 74
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