October newsletter 2014

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NEWSLETTER Also available on our website : www.wynghs.co.za

Dear Parents October is a month of celebra ons! We started the term recognising the achievements of the Grade 12 learners at their Prizegiving and we have no fewer than 11 staff members who celebrate birthdays in October! I, as you probably know, celebrated one of those “big” birthdays and what a wonderful day it was to celebrate with my Wynberg family at a picnic in the Wellington Quad! This was followed by a fantas c whole weekend with family – a rare treat with no schoolwork done! Thank you to the many parents and girls who went out of their way to send me good wishes. All these celebra ons have made me reflect on people in my life (few can admit to having 943 daughters!) and the people in the lives of all those who have been part of their own celebra ons this month. We all live lives which are too fast-paced to enjoy the rela onships we have and, I believe we are all poorer for this. These special people so o en are the ones who buoy us up when we are a li le down, they correct us when we are wrong, they support us uncondi onally – yet so o en they are pushed to one side in our personal pursuit of work deadlines, social engagements and other events which get in the way of me for others. I have been fortunate to enjoy family me, and me with special friends and my Wynberg family this month. I hope that you will also be able to put aside some good hours to develop these cri cal rela onships which keep you emo onally posi ve. Life at school takes us into the final part of the year where we hope to see the pay-off for the hard work your daughters have put into their studies this year. As parents, we can only support, keep home life as ‘normal’ as possible, and encourage healthy ea ng and enough sleep. Clinics and academic support will take place un l the start of exams and learners must con nue to a end these. Less me on social media and more me studying will also help your daughters achieve their poten al! We certainly hope that your daughters realise the importance of con nued hard work during this term and that they will face the exams with the knowledge that they have done their best. Best wishes for this last quarter of 2014! Regards Shirley Harding PRINCIPAL



MATRIC PRIZE-GIVING & VALEDICTORY The matriculants, their parents and family members, were seated in the main hall one last me. The occasion brought with it the sense of pride and tradi on that Wynberg Girls’ High School has always embodied. Guest speaker, Ms Debbie Schäfer, Minister of Educa on for the Western Cape, gave a moving and entertaining speech which Ms Debbie Schäfer included “ ps for with Mrs Harding success” and anecdotes from her own experiences. During the prize-giving ceremony each prizewinner felt the pride and support from her classmates and the rest of audience as she stepped forward. A er a vote of thanks by RCL Chair, Yeukai Chamba, the school choir gave a lovely performance of Just the Way You Are/Just a Dream. Head of School, Georgia Bailey, then gave her farewell speech. She captured the essence of being part of this year's matric class and gave examples of the many ways in which #wynbergpride had been brought to life. This was followed by the handing in of badges by the members of the 2014 School Council, symbolising the end of their term of leadership. A er Mrs Harding’s speech, ‘Lessons from Namaqualand’, the matrics sang their farewell song, Home by Phillip Phillips. It was evident from the teary eyes and shaky voices that each of them meant it when they sang “Wynberg is our home”. They sang the school song for the last me and as the words filled the hall, the finality of the past five years sank in. The day was a fi ng end to the Class of 2014's school career. The friendships which have grown and the lessons which have been learnt will never be forgo en. It was a truly memorable ceremony to match the memorable years at Wynberg. It could not have been said any be er: Wynberg is, and always will be, their home.


ANJALI KOOVERJEE 3rd in Grade 12

Phillips Prize: Dux student Margaretha van der Spuy Prize: 1st in Prelims Annie Rees Bursary for further study. Abdurahman Cup: Excellence in the Sciences PriceWaterhouseCoopers Prize: Accounting & Maths Hawkins Prize: Accounting Silberbauer Prize: Life Sciences Blumenfeld Prize: Mathematics Currie Prize: Physical Science


ELSA NEL & MRS NEL 2nd in Grade 12 Wynberg Old Boys’ Union Centenary Trophy: All-round Achievement Pfeiffer-Ruperti Bursary: for further study Trofeo Flautista: Excellence in Flute Afrikaans Creative Writing Rose Davidowitz Prize: Afrikaans 1st Additional Language Alfred Friedlander Memorial Prize: History Life Orientation LISA ABRAHAMS

THAAKIYAH RYKLIEF EB Lyon Prize: Awarded to a bilingual, broad-minded South African, noted for both her erudition & her love of and sympathy with fellow students. Arderne Memorial Prize: English Home Language

YEUKAI CHAMBA Copenhagen Cup: Sportsmanship Illse Davids Trophy: Most Outstanding Sportswoman 1987 Auxiliaries Trophy: Paricipation & Enthusiasm Flint-Cresswell Trophy: Best Senior Netball player GEORGIA BAILEY


Suttle Trophy: Service to the Cultural Pillar Judd Memorial Prize: Music Irish Cup: Style in Piano

Helen Slater Trophy: Best Clarinetist Sforzando Trophy: Overall contribution to and participation in the Music Department. Gladys Lazarus Memorial Prize: Awarded to a girl whose careful speech and courteous ways make her a credit to the school.

Wynberg Old Girls’ Union Prize: Service & Fellowship Harewood Cup: Service WGHS Cup: Debating


Gail Astwood Literary Award Shelley Memorial Prize: English Creative Writing Arderne Memorial Prize: English Home Language Dawe-Emary Prize: Visual Arts

Courtney Clarke Cup: Courtesy & Deportment Past Pupils’ Prize Picton Prize: Service as Head of School Suretha Bouwer Trophy: Most Promising Vocalist Norris Cup: Music Performance MIKAYLA ISAACS

VEGA DE VRIES Rotary Good Fellowship Award: Awarded to the student who, in an unobtrusive manner, serves the school best; promoting goodwill, harmony and fair play.

Carol Shapiro-Dodds Trophy: Outstanding achievement in Dance McIntosh Trophy: Excellence in Dance



Congratula ons to the recipients of the Pillar Awards at the end of term 3.

A er winning a gold medal at Cape Town's Eskom Science Expo, Nicole Wentzel flew to Johannesburg during the holidays to a end its interna onal equivalent- the Interna onal Science Fair 2014. Sponsored primarily by Eskom, the expo hosted delega ons from all over South Africa, plus from some other countries, such as Mexico. With over 600 par cipants, it provided the perfect chance to meet people from around the country, from a huge range of backgrounds. In between the judging sessions, where par cipants were interviewed about their projects, par cipants mingled and cha ed. Both the Deputy Minister of Educa on and the Minister of Science and Technology a ended the expo during the course of the four days. On their second evening, the finalists were treated to a mind-boggling laser show, complete with a violinist performing with a laser bow! At the third evening's special awards prize-giving, a speech was given by the inspira onal Siyabulela Xuza, the young man who invented safer and cheaper rocket fuel, and who, once upon a me, won a gold medal at ISF. His story, which started with him experimen ng in his mother's kitchen and developed to the point where he had a planet named a er him, sent a strong message to all the young scien sts to reach for their dreams. Congratula ons go to Nicole who received a bronze medal for her project. The four days provided an absolutely amazing opportunity to learn, make new friends, and dream big.

Back: Lauren McDonald - Culture, Azrah Ismail - Academics Front: Yeukai Chamba - Sport, Vega de Vries - Service

WELL DONE, CONSTANTIA! Huge congratula ons to Constan a House winners of the House Cup at the end of term 3 AND overall cup winners for 2014!

TYGERBERG EISTEDDFOD PRESTIGE CONCERT The annual Tygerberg Pres ge Concert is an event for all prize-winners of the Tygerberg Interna onal Eisteddfod. Including special performances by selected prize-winners, this event is both highly pres gious and enjoyable. Of the many dis nc ons received at the Eisteddfod, there were also prizes awarded for the winners of each category. The following Wynberg girls were invited to the concert to receive their trophies as Top: Emma Martin, Natalie Winter, winners of their respec ve categories: Samantha Martin Natalie Winter: Best soloist 15 years; Bottom: Georgia Bailey, Robyn Georgia Bailey, Robyn Burrows & Rachel Burrows, Rachel Suttle Su le: Best trio 17 years; WGHS Vocal Ensemble: Best Vocal Ensemble; Marié We are extremely proud of our Schoeman award: Samantha & Emma girls and their achievements. Mar n: Best duet 14 years.

Constantia Heads: Mr J Saayman & Storm Homan with THE CUP !

DRAMA EXAMS A group of extra-drama girls took their South African Drama College Interpre ve exam recently. Mrs Karlien Reynecke was one of the examiners. Back: RESULTS Savannah Steyn, Mrs Karlien Reynecke, HONOURS Leandre Kleynhans, Grade 12: Leandre Kleynhans 95% Emily Danielz Grade 11: Stefanie Simon, Jenna Front: Marinus, Sara Bell, Sinae Collins Jenna Marinus, MERIT Sara Bell, Grade 11: Emily Danielz Stefanie Simon, Grade 10: Savannah Steyn Sinae Collins




Front: Tyler Warrin, Kristen van Harten, Astin le Roux, Cayleigh Brown Back: Davita Ramjee, Georgia Bailey, Aqeelah Soeker Back: Taryn Petersen, Cailin Rice, Imaan Dolley, Rachel Suttle, Cindi Janari Front: Elsa Nel, Azrah Ismail, Thaakiyah Ryklief, Anjali Kooverjee



Ashleigh Dreyer, Beth Petersen, Layla Omar DANCE COLOURS

Front: Natalie Winter, Carla Stokes, Robyn Burrows, Simone Daniels Back: Nadine Eddy, Elsa Nel, Rachel Suttle, Georgia Bailey, Hye-In Kim, Lauren McDonald


Lisa Abrahams (Full Colours), Thandeka Njobe (Half Colours), Jordan King (Half Colours), Thaakiyah Ryklief (Full Colours)

Mikayla Isaacs & Zhenya Pietersen DRAMA COLOURS

Emily Danielz (Half Colours), Stefanie Simon (Full Colours), Sinae Collins (Full Colours)

Dr Lauren Watson


On 2 October, teachers and girls, dressed in their finest, assembled at Simon's at Groot Constan a for the annual Achievers' Dinner. The girls, the top achievers of WGHS, are invited on the basis of their achievements. A er marvelling at the stunningly dressed girls and elegant teachers, the special night began! We were treated to a speech by Dr Lauren Watson (Hartmann), a dis nguished former Wynberg girl, who has received numerous awards for her research in the fields of stem cells and neurodegenera ve disease. Her speech focused on the fact that you are not the same person now as the one you will be. She showed, in an entertaining way, how all your experiences build on each other to make you who you are, and thus, why the school's mo o, “Honour before honours”, is so melessly important. A er the delectable dinner, it was me for the most an cipated event of the evening: the awarding of the 125th Yeukai Chamba (Sport), Dr Lauren Watson, Azrah Ismail (Academics), Anniversary Pillar Trophies. These awards are open to Grade Rachel Suttle (Culture) & Lisa Abrahams (Service) 11s and 12s, and prior to the evening, girls who wished to be considered had submi ed their various achievements in their most ac ve pillar. Excitement filled the restaurant as Mrs Harding announced the winners' names. Azrah Ismail, Rachel Su le, Lisa Abrahams and Yeukai Chamba won the Academic, Cultural, Service and Sport trophies respec vely. The evening ended with decadent chocolate brownies and ice-cream. As the girls departed, their glowing faces told of the enjoyment of the evening. Thanks go to everyone who made the evening a success, in par cular, chief organiser, Mrs S Harding, Sinae Collins, Ms P Orpen, Ms Orpen. Natalie Winter & Roxanne Douglas


HAPPY 60TH, MRS HARDING ! Wynberg Principal, Mrs Shirley Harding, turned 60 on Saturday, and the school was determined to celebrate this event. For Mrs Harding, the day began with a rousing “Happy Birthday” from the staff and a group of Silverlea minstrels. Then it seemed that the day was going to be a quiet one, par cularly as there was no electricity at school all day. This was not to be, however, as Mr Burrell set his cunning plan in mo on. Firstly the whole school snuck into the hall by the most roundabout and devious routes so that Mrs Harding would be unaware of what was happening. Then, using equally devious methods, Mrs Harding was persuaded to come to the hall and all the staff and girls were there to sing to her and begin the real celebra ons. The Vocal Ensemble sang “You needed me” - the same song the 1989 Vocal Ensemble had sung at her wedding 25 years before. Then everyone gathered on the sacred grass in the Wellington Quad for a wonderful birthday picnic!


SACEE LANGUAGE CHALLENGE The Language Challenges started in 1991 as an ini a ve to provide an English Language bench-marking service to schools. Over the past 24 years they have expanded into a na onal ini a ve serving schools throughout South Africa. Congratula ons to two Grade 9s: Jennifer Ely (le ) and Jessica Stephens (right) who both scored 92%, coming joint 2nd out of 2,509 learners. They will each receive a R200 book voucher.

Hayley Knol, Mr M Fernandez & Rebekah Nathan WGHS took part in the semi-finals and finals of the Na onal Schools Moot Court Compe on. Our team consisted of Hayley Knol and Rebekah Nathan. In the semifinals first round, our girls presented the Applicant's case in an appeal to the Cons tu onal Court on the right to freedom of expression, which they won convincingly. The second round was very close. We had to argue the Respondent's case against Grenville High in Rustenburg. When the results of the semi-finals were announced, Grenville had been placed 2nd overall and Wynberg 10th (out of a total of 40 schools from all over the country). The next day, Grenville took part in the finals at the Cons tu onal Court itself, before five judges. On the day, Grenville narrowly beat Gibson Pillay High from Lenasia, thus winning the compe on outright. And yet we had almost held our own against Grenville in the previous round. That's how close it was! On balance, the whole event was a truly wonderful experience for the girls, who also visited the Old Fort Prison and Freedom Park and had the opportunity to hear the inspira onal judge and author, Edwin Cameron, speaking to all par cipants at the Cons tu onal Court, as well as the renowned South African ar st, Judith Mason.Wynberg’s placing was a wonderful achievement at the first me of entry into such a fiercely contested na onal compe on. We have learnt a lot and will, no doubt, be back!

WOGU CAREERS EVENING At a Careers evening hosted by a number of past pupils from the Wynberg Old Girls’ Union, numerous career op ons were explored. The aim was to aid decision-making for our current Grade 10s and 11s. The relaxed setup allowed casual conversa on and ques ons and answers, so that students were able to learn more about the fields that interested them. Each group was led by at least one past pupil either currently studying in this field or prac sing in this career. Not only did these past pupils have plenty to offer in terms of advice, knowledge and experience, but they also provided networking opportuni es for girls with an interest in a par cular field. While the choice of career paths remains a challenge, the difficulty of decisions when considering poten al career paths was definitely helped by the opportunity to hear from those currently experiencing the reali es of the rela ve fields.


When black bags cover the glass diningroom doors, then you know a special occasion is in the offing. When this is combined with the sound of the hostel girls searching for and borrowing clothing and make-up from one another in order to piece together that perfect formal ou it, then you know what the occasion is - The Hostel Matric Farewell Dinner. Time for the Grade 11s to put the finishing touches to their special, long-planned-for event and give the matrics an evening to remember. The theme of the dinner was ‘Take it back Tuesday’, and the diningroom was filled with old photographs of the matrics, the transformed matrics themselves, in their matric dance dresses, and music that was even older than the matrics! The sense of sisterhood that evening was tangible! A wonderful meal had been prepared by Ms Pumza and some of the Grade 10s and the night ended with everyone singing the hostel song, ‘Lean on Me’. What an enjoyable evening! We are going to miss our 2014 matric sisters and we wish them all the best for their exams and beyond!

NATIONAL SCHOOL SCIENCE ESSAY COMPETITION Once again, our scien sts have done us proud: four Wynberg girls received awards in the Na onal School Science Essay Compe on. Azrah Ismail and Elsa Nel responded to the topic “Discuss why so many diseasecausing bacteria are resistant to an bio cs and what can the medical profession in South Africa do about it?”. Azrah Ismail was awarded 1st prize, R2000, and her essay has been selected for publica on in the Transac ons of the Royal Society of SA. Elsa was awarded a merit. Natashia Young and Cayleigh Brown addressed the topic “Is renewable energy an economically viable op on for South Africa?” Natasha was placed 2nd in this category, and received a cash prize of R250, while Cayleigh Brown received a merit cer ficate. Wynberg is the only school amongst those who entered which received more than one award, so the fact that two of our girls were ranked 1st and 2nd, and a further two other papers were viewed as meritorious is extraordinary. We congratulate these girls and the Science Department

Elsa Nel, Asrah Ismail, Natashia Young, Cayleigh Brown


CONGRATULATIONS Kristen Williams represented South Africa at the 2014 FISAF Senior & Junior World Fitness Sport Aerobics Championships held in October in Prague. Kristen will be awarded full SA Protea colours a er the 2014 FISAF World Championships. Tasha Ainsworth has been dancing in the Artscape produc on of the ballet, Thumbelina.

Sibongokuhle Matu in Grade 8 par cipated in the SAMCA DrumMajore es Na onal Championships na onals. Over the past year, the matrics of 2014 have been experiencing many “lasts”. Their last first day of school, their last sports day, their last Maths lesson … and so it goes. 16 October marked one of the biggest ones they have experienced yet: their last official school day. It is the day that the matrics have been anxiously awai ng since the beginning of the year and it is generally received with mixed emo ons: pride, nostalgia, happiness and sadness. The day began with the informal valedictory, with the matrics in an array of costumes, first in the Wellington Quad and then in the main hall for the Informal Valedictory Assembly. The long-awaited memories video was played, encapsula ng and highligh ng everything significant over the past five years. The matrics sang their farewell song to the school, The Best Day of My Life with words suitably changed to say 'these have been the best days of our lives'. A er being sung to by the Grade 11s and the staff, few matrics were le dry-eyed.


Brittany & Cayleigh

Congratula ons to the following girls on their selec on to Western Province Waterpolo teams: Demi Steenkamp & Erin Slater have both made the U16B team; Bri any Gutuza has made the U15B team; and Cayleigh Hanekom has made the U14B team. Well done, girls!

TENNIS The 1st team was rewarded for their excellent results last season and are back in the 1st league a er an absence of many years. They scored a convincing 5-1 victory over the Springfield 2nd team. Dana Arries, Katherine Nicholls, Savannah Wiegand and Isobel Evans played solid tennis, par cularly in their singles matches. It was a great start to our return to 1st league.

PINELANDS MATCHES 1sts: Wynberg won 9-6 This U19A friendly against Pinelands was a very intense game with the score changing con nually. In the second half, Wynberg started to play as a team and eventually won with a score of 9-6. A special men on goes to Demi Steenkamp for her excellent goalkeeping. U16A: Wynberg won 12-1 The U16A team were not put off by Pinelands’ good reputa on and did a great job by working together. In the first chukka we were already 5-1 up and by the end, the score was a well deserved 12-1. The team played really well - special men on to Olivia in Grade 8, who scored many goals. U16B: Wynberg lost 1-3 This was a tough match. The final score was 3-1 to Pinelands. The Wynberg goal was scored by Rachel Issa.

Savannah Wiegand, Dana Arries, Katherine Nichollls & Isobel Evans The 2nd team played St Cyprians on the 21 October on the Wynberg courts. Wynberg won all their matches: the final score was 12 - 0. What a great start to the season! On 28 October, the 2nds played against Bergvliet High. All the girls played with fierce determina on and very few games were lost. The girls red out the opposi on as they ran down every ball. Both teams showed really good sportsmanship and overall it was an enjoyable, successful a ernoon with quality tennis on show . The final score was 8-4 to Wynberg.

SWIMMING Fish Hoek hosted the first gala of the season - Fish Hoek, Sans Souci, St Cyprians and Wynberg girls swam against each other in a number of relay events. Although the wind was cold and strong, the girls took to the pool with enthusiasm and good spirits, especially on learning that the 50m events had been reduced to 25m. In spite of having very li le training this season, the girls nevertheless kept in conten on - the U16s coming 2nd in the freestyle relay. This was a good start for a young team - we look forward to a great season with our new coach, Chris Donelly.

Coach, Alan Footman, at a Waterpolo practice session

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